When your word has meaning

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How to Make Your Words Mean Something…

 Some say words are like dust in the wind. Some say that the power of words is one of the strongest forces on earth. So which is it? Personally, I believe that both are true. It is the WEIGHT of the words you say that determines their power. So how do we make our words mean something? Before you are a few beautiful thoughts on the subject…

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english words with multiple meanings

Last updated:

January 31, 2022

Once upon a time, there was a fair boy at the fair, and he was really fair!

There was also a bat flying around a bat, a friend of mine in a mine and a man with a bow bowing to an audience.

Welcome to the Polysemy (when a single word or phrase has multiple meanings) Fair where nothing is what it seems, and words get crazy different meanings just for the sake of fun.

But before you come in, you have to tell me what homophones, homographs and homonyms are.

If you do not know what they are (or even if you do!), you had better read this post before you enter the Fair unprepared and get lost forever!

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What Are Homophones, Homographs and Homonyms?

They may sound dangerous and creepy, but homophones, homographs and homonyms are part of our daily life, regardless of what your mother language is.

Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

When you say “I have only one eye,” however weird that sentence might sound, the words I and eye sound exactly the same, but they obviously have different meanings.

The same happens with words such as break and brake, here and hear or hour and our, just to give you a few examples.

On the other hand, homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations.

Take the verb read as an example.

The infinitive is pronounced /ri:d/ (with a long i), but the past tense and the past participle are pronounced /red/, as in the color red. They are written in the exact same way, but their pronunciations are different.

Finally, we have homonyms. They are words that either sound or are spelled identically but have different meanings.

Homonyms can be homophones, homographs or both, so to make things easy for you, we will be calling this post’s words homonyms unless stated otherwise.

Every language has homonyms, and language learners tend to have a rough time when trying to learn them.

Let’s have a look at the title of this post: The fair boy at the fair is really fair.

If it is the first time you have seen the word fair, you are probably having a language heart attack right now.

If you have seen this word before, though, you most likely know its meaning as a noun (funfair, carnival). But what about the other two? Keep reading!

There are several methods to learn the different meanings of words. You can look them up (search) in a dictionary, check an online translator or even ask a friend if they are around and able to help you.

From Fairs to Novels: 21 Everyday English Words with Multiple Meanings

The following 21 words are common English words that have different meanings and/or pronunciations. They can be a little tricky sometimes, but thanks to this post, you will be able to master them in no time. So, let the fun begin!

1. Fair

As you have already seen in the introduction, this word can have different meanings depending on whether it is a noun or an adjective. You know its meaning as a noun, and you probably also know one of its meanings as an adjective, but I am sure you would have never thought a carnival and a hair/skin color were spelled the same in English.

Meaning #1: a carnival; a public event where there are games, competitions, rides and entertainment

Also, in the United States, a fair is an event where farm products and animals are shown and judged.

The boy showed his horse and his two pigs at the state fair.

Meaning #2: treating someone right or in a way that does not favor other people

The boy at the fair is very fair with his siblings when they play games together.

Meaning #3: having light skin and/or hair

The fair boy at the fair is very fair with his siblings.

Since her skin is so fair, she has to be careful when she goes in the sun.

2. Saw

You probably know this word as the past tense of the verb to see, but did you know it can also be a tool and the infinitive of another verb?

Saw comes from the Old English word saga (to cut), but also from the Middle English word sawen (knife), hence its different meanings nowadays.

Meaning #1: a device or tool with sharp teeth, typically made of metal

He used a saw to cut the branch of the tree.

Meaning #2: to saw, to cut with a saw

He is going to saw the tree down with a saw.

Meaning #3: past tense of the verb to see.

I saw the saw he used to saw the tree down.

3. Fell

Now this one’s tricky.

A lot of my beginner students think this is the past tense of to feel, but actually it is the past tense of the verb to fall. What not many non-native speakers know is that it can also be the infinitive form of a different verb, and also a formal adjective!

Meaning 1: past tense of the verb to fall

The girl fell on the floor and started crying.

Meaning #2: to fell, to knock or cut down, to cause to fall

He used an ax to fell the tree.

Meaning #3: (formal) fierce, cruel, savage

He was imprisoned by his fell enemy.

4. Found

This word is another example of the past tense of a verb that is also the infinitive of a different verb.

Meaning #1: past tense and past participle of the verb to find (to come upon by chance, to locate)

I found a lot of old books in the attic yesterday.

Meaning #2: to found, to set up or establish, to base on, to provide a basis for

We want to found a new translation company.

5. Bow

Bow is a word that can have several different meanings. It is a homograph because the pronunciation is slightly different between the noun and verb form.  As a noun, for example, you can wear one around your neck or use one to attack someone. As a verb, you can use it to show respect.

Don’t you love English!

Meaning #1: to bow, to bend forward at the neck or waist in order to greet someone or show respect

We must all bow before the queen.

Meaning #2: a knot made by tying a ribbon into two or more loops, often referred to as bow tie

He is wearing a green bow tie.

Meaning #3: a weapon used for shooting arrows

The hunter had a bow and many arrows.

6. Crane

I still remember when I learned this word myself. I imagined a giant machine that transformed into a bird. I have never forgotten this word!

Meaning #1: a big machine with a long arm used by builders to lift or move big objects

I think we are going to need a crane to lift that statue.

Meaning #2: a tall bird that has a long neck and long legs; it lives near water

It is impossible to observe (see) a crane here. There is no water around.

7. Date

This is an easy one.

If you are a romantic person, this word will probably make you think of special occasions with a partner. If time is important for you, you will see a date as a day on a calendar. Both options are correct, but there is more!

Meaning #1: a specific day of a month or year

What is the date today?

Meaning #2: a situation where two people who have or want to have a romantic relationship do some activity together

I would love to go on a date with you.

Meaning #3: the person you go on a date with

Mary is my date for tonight.

Meaning #4: to date someone, to do some kind of activity with a person you have or want to have a romantic relationship with.

Mary and I are dating.

Meaning #5: to date something, to write the date on something

Please, do not forget to sign and date your exam.

8. Minute

Here we have a homograph. Minute is pronounced /minit/ when it refers to time. It can also refer to size, in which case it is pronounced /mai’niut/.

Meaning #1: a unit of time equal to 60 seconds

We have been waiting for 20 minutes.

Meaning #2: always in the plural (minutes), the official record of everything that is said and done during a meeting

Ms. Roche will be taking the minutes during the meeting.

Meaning #3: an adjective meaning tiny, very small

With this new device, we are able to see even the most minute particles.

9. Second

If you are interested in etymology (study of words), you will like this word!

Second has two main meanings, one referring to time and one referring to something or someone coming after first. I was surprised to find out both these meanings come from the same Latin word secundus (following, next in time or order).

Apart from being a noun, second can also be a verb.

In this case, the origin of the word is from the Latin word secundare (to assist, to make favorable).

Meaning #1: occupies the second position in a series, importance or rank

Soup is my second choice.

Meaning #2: (always plural) another serving of food taken after you have finished the first one

Do you want seconds?

Meaning #3: a unit of time equal to 1/60 of a minute

It took him 35 seconds to open the box.

Meaning #4: to second, to approve something, to agree with somebody

I am tired. Let’s go home.

I will second that.

10. Type

They say that everyone has a type, but what exactly does that mean?

You can type in different kinds of types, enjoy different types of food and have different types in reference to people. It all depends on the meaning of type you are referring to.

Meaning #1: a particular kind of thing or person

I do not like this type of food. It is too greasy.

Meaning #2: the kind of person someone likes

Bea is totally my type.

Meaning #3: the different kinds of printed letters

Please, do not use the italic type. Use bold.

Meaning #4: to type, to write with a typewriter or a computer keyboard

I can type 200 words per minute.

11. Nail

Every time I hear the word nail, I think about the program “Nailed it!,” which I really recommend you watch if you love cooking and comedy, and you want to listen to some American English to improve your language skills.

Meaning #1: a piece of metal that is sharp at one end and flat at the other, usually used to attach things to wood

I used the biggest nail I had to hang the picture frame.

Meaning #2: the hard covering at the end of our fingers and toes

Sarah gets her nails painted every Tuesday.

Meaning #3: to nail, to attach something with a nail

We need to nail those boards.

Meaning #4: (slang) to nail, to do something perfectly or in an impressive way

I nailed the final test. I am so proud of myself!

12. Bark

What do dogs and trees have in common? Dogs bark and trees have bark!

I find it very interesting that a tree’s bark and to bark come from different origin words.

The hard covering of plants probably comes from the Old Norse word börkr (bark, likely related to the word birch). The sound dogs make comes from the Old English word beorcan (to bark, to utter an abrupt, explosive cry).

Meaning #1: the outer covering of a tree

Some types of bark are very beautiful.

Meaning #2: the loud sound made by a dog

His dog gave a very loud bark.

Meaning #3: to bark (from a dog or a person), to make a short loud sound

If her dog does not stop barking, I will call the police.

Stop barking at me and try to calm down.

13. Mine

If I tell you I like to mine in this mine because it is mine, you may or may not understand what I am saying, but you will after you have a look at the following meanings of the word mine.

Meaning #1: that which belongs to me

I like to mine in this mine because it is mine.

The blue bike is mine.

Meaning #2: a tunnel from which minerals are taken

I like to mine in this mine because it is mine.

He works in a gold mine.

Meaning #3: to mine, to dig a mine or to take away from a mine

I like to mine in this mine because it is mine.

She likes to mine for crystals.

14. Season

Even though the two main meanings of the word season do not seem to be related, they have an almost common ancestor, and once you understand its origin, it totally makes sense.

Season comes from the Old French word seison (a period of the year, proper time).

To season comes from the Old French word assaisoner (to ripen, to improve the flavor of).

These two Old French words are related. When the time was right (seison), fruits and vegetables grew ripe (assaisoner), which made them more palatable (tasty). Neat!

Meaning #1: one of the four periods into which the year is divided; a particular period of time during the year.

My favorite season is winter.

It is flu season.

Meaning #2: to season, to add salt, pepper or other spices to give something more flavor

Season to taste and serve hot.

15. Bat

Did you know that Batman got his name from an animal? Have you ever seen Batman use a bat to bat someone? No, not the animal, the stick!

Notice how, similarly to nail with a nail, you can say to bat with a bat. Do you see a pattern already?

Meaning #1: a long rounded stick used to hit a ball

Mendoza gave me his baseball bat.

Meaning #2: to hit with a bat

I want to bat next.

Meaning #3: an animal with wings and a furry body

I am afraid of bats.

16. Row

The main meaning of this word is a line of people or things that are next to each other.

Additionally, row can also be a verb that means to move a boat through the water with the use of oars.

Meaning #1: a straight line of people or things that are next to each other; a row of seats (in a theater or stadium).

We are going to arrange the desks in five rows of six desks each.

Meaning #2: to row, to move a boat through water by using oars

I like to row my boat in the calm lake.

17. Water

I love looking at my students’ faces when I tell them that water can be a verb.

Indeed, as it happens with many words in English, nouns can be used as verbs. In this case, the noun water, which we all know, can be used to mean to pour water on something, as on a plant, for example.

Meaning #1: a clear liquid with no color, smell or taste that falls from clouds in the form of rain, forms seas and lakes and is used for drinking, bathing, washing, etc.

I love drinking water in the morning.

Meaning #2: to water, to pour water on something; to give an animal water to drink

Please, water my plants while I am in Spain.

18. Boot

Some of us know the verb to boot means to start a computer.

British people call the trunk of a car a boot, and Americans often use this word when talking about cowboy boots.

But there is more you can learn about this word.

Meaning #1: a covering for the foot normally made of leather or rubber

I cannot find my winter boots anywhere.

Meaning #2: the trunk of a car

They found the missing money in the boot of his car.

Meaning #3: to boot, to force to leave a place; to fire

They booted James yesterday!

Meaning #4: to boot, to lock a Denver boot onto the wheel of a car so that it cannot move.

The parking attendant booted my car.

19. Club

Club has several meanings, ranging from a group of people who participate in a specific activity to a place where you can listen to music, eat some food and drink alcohol.

Other meanings include a metal stick used in golf, a wooden stick used as a weapon and even a suit in a deck of cards! That is polysemy at its finest!

Meaning #1: a group of people who meet to participate in an activity

The chess club has 200 members already.

Meaning #2: the place where members of a club meet

I will meet you in front of the chess club at 7 p.m.

Meaning #3: a business that provides entertainment, music, food, drinks, etc.

They are opening a new dance club near your house next weekend.

Meaning #4: a metal stick used for hitting a golf ball

My daughter is using my golf clubs. Can I borrow yours?

Meaning #5: a heavy wooden stick that is used as a weapon

One of the attackers hit me with a club.

Meaning #6: (plural) one of the suits in a deck of playing cards

I got the ten of clubs.

Meaning #7: to club, to hit a person or an animal with a stick or object

He clubbed the poisonous snake in his bedroom.

20. Key

What if I told you that the main definition of the word key is just one of over a dozen?

Do not panic, I will not make you learn all the different meanings of key, but it would be awesome if you learned the main ones.

Meaning #1: a device you use to open a lock or start a car

I think I have lost my keys.

Meaning #2: something that is necessary to do or achieve something

The key to learning English is practicing every day.

Meaning #3: any of the buttons of a typewriter or computer

I love typing without looking at the keys.

Meaning #4: used as an adjective to mean extremely important

He is a key worker in our company.

Meaning #5: (informal) to key, to have the most important part in something

Marcus keyed the victory for the Eagles.

21. Novel

We normally think of books when we hear the word novel, but novel can also be used as an adjective to mean that something is new and different.

Meaning #1: a long written story, normally dealing with imaginary people and events

I have published five novels so far.

Meaning #2: new and different from what has been known before

His novel approach to the problem helped us find a solution.

Phew! There you have it, 21 everyday English words with multiple meanings!

My advice is that you learn all the different meanings of a word at once when you are acquiring (learning) new vocabulary (or expanding your word bank).

If a word is very polysemic, at least learn its main meanings. This will save you time when you come across that word again in the future.

As you have been able to see in this post, by learning just one of the meanings of a word you are leaving a lot of information behind. In order to avoid that, one of the best solutions is to spend a little more time with each word you learn.

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Word Meaning Lecture # 6 Grigoryeva M.

Word Meaning Lecture # 6 Grigoryeva M.

Word Meaning Approaches to word meaning Meaning and Notion (понятие) Types of word meaning

Word Meaning Approaches to word meaning Meaning and Notion (понятие) Types of word meaning Types of morpheme meaning Motivation

Each word has two aspects: the outer aspect ( its sound form) cat the

Each word has two aspects: the outer aspect ( its sound form) cat the inner aspect (its meaning) long-legged, fury animal with sharp teeth and claws

Sound and meaning do not always constitute a constant unit even in the same

Sound and meaning do not always constitute a constant unit even in the same language EX a temple a part of a human head a large church

Semantics (Semasiology) Is a branch of lexicology which studies the meaning of words and

Semantics (Semasiology) Is a branch of lexicology which studies the meaning of words and word equivalents

Approaches to Word Meaning The Referential (analytical) approach The Functional (contextual) approach Operational (information-oriented)

Approaches to Word Meaning The Referential (analytical) approach The Functional (contextual) approach Operational (information-oriented) approach

The Referential (analytical) approach formulates the essence of meaning by establishing the interdependence between

The Referential (analytical) approach formulates the essence of meaning by establishing the interdependence between words and things or concepts they denote distinguishes between three components closely connected with meaning: the sound-form of the linguistic sign, the concept the actual referent

Basic Triangle concept – flower concept (thought, reference) – the thought of the object

Basic Triangle concept – flower concept (thought, reference) – the thought of the object that singles out its essential features referent – object denoted by the word, part of reality sound-form (symbol, sign) – linguistic sign sound-form [rәuz] referent

In what way does meaning correlate with each element of the triangle ? •

In what way does meaning correlate with each element of the triangle ? • In what relation does meaning stand to each of them? •

Meaning and Sound-form are not identical different EX. dove - [dΛv] English [golub’] Russian

Meaning and Sound-form are not identical different EX. dove — [dΛv] English [golub’] Russian [taube] German sound-forms BUT the same meaning

Meaning and Sound-form nearly identical sound-forms have different meanings in different languages EX. [kot]

Meaning and Sound-form nearly identical sound-forms have different meanings in different languages EX. [kot] Russian – a male cat [kot] English – a small bed for a child identical sound-forms have different meanings (‘homonyms) EX. knight [nait]

Meaning and Sound-form even considerable changes in sound-form do not affect the meaning EX

Meaning and Sound-form even considerable changes in sound-form do not affect the meaning EX Old English lufian [luvian] – love [l Λ v]

Meaning and Concept concept is a category of human cognition concept is abstract and

Meaning and Concept concept is a category of human cognition concept is abstract and reflects the most common and typical features of different objects and phenomena in the world meanings of words are different in different languages

Meaning and Concept identical concepts may have different semantic structures in different languages EX.

Meaning and Concept identical concepts may have different semantic structures in different languages EX. concept “a building for human habitation” – English Russian HOUSE ДОМ + in Russian ДОМ “fixed residence of family or household” In English HOME

Meaning and Referent one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by more

Meaning and Referent one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by more than one word of a different meaning cat pussy animal tiger

Meaning is not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –

Meaning is not identical with any of the three points of the triangle – the sound form, the concept the referent BUT is closely connected with them.

Functional Approach studies the functions of a word in speech meaning of a word

Functional Approach studies the functions of a word in speech meaning of a word is studied through relations of it with other linguistic units EX. to move (we move, move a chair) movement (movement of smth, slow movement) The distriution ( the position of the word in relation to others) of the verb to move and a noun movement is different as they belong to different classes of words and their meanings are different

Operational approach is centered on defining meaning through its role in the process of

Operational approach is centered on defining meaning through its role in the process of communication EX John came at 6 Beside the direct meaning the sentence may imply that: He was late He failed to keep his promise He was punctual as usual He came but he didn’t want to The implication depends on the concrete situation

Lexical Meaning and Notion denotes the Lexical meaning is reflection in the realization of

Lexical Meaning and Notion denotes the Lexical meaning is reflection in the realization of a mind of real objects notion by means of a definite language system Notion is a unit of Word is a language thinking unit

Lexical Meaning and Notions are Meanings are internationally limited especially with the nations of

Lexical Meaning and Notions are Meanings are internationally limited especially with the nations of the same EX GO (E) —- ИДТИ(R) cultural level “To move” BUT !!! To GO by bus (E) ЕХАТЬ (R) EX Man -мужчина, человек Она – хороший человек (R) She is a good person (E)

Types of Meaning Types grammatical meaning of meaning lexico-grammatical meaning lexical meaning denotational connotational

Types of Meaning Types grammatical meaning of meaning lexico-grammatical meaning lexical meaning denotational connotational

Grammatical Meaning component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different

Grammatical Meaning component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words EX. girls, winters, toys, tables – grammatical meaning of plurality asked, thought, walked – meaning of past tense

Lexico-grammatical meaning (part –of- speech meaning) is revealed in the classification of lexical items

Lexico-grammatical meaning (part –of- speech meaning) is revealed in the classification of lexical items into: major word classes (N, V, Adj, Adv) minor ones (artc, prep, conj) words of one lexico-grammatical class have the same paradigm

Lexical Meaning is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its

Lexical Meaning is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributions EX. Go – goes — went lexical meaning – process of movement

PRACTICE Group the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical or part-of

PRACTICE Group the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical or part-of –speech meaning • • Boy’s, nearest, at, beautiful, think, man, drift, wrote, tremendous, ship’s, the most beautiful, table, near, for, went, friend’s, handsome, thinking, boy, nearer, thought, boys, lamp, go, during.

 • Grammatical 1. The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s 2. The degree

• Grammatical 1. The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s 2. The degree of comparison of adj: nearest, the most beautiful 3. The tense of verbs: wrote, went, thought • Lexical 1. Think, thinking, thought 2. Went, go 3. Boy’s, boys 4. Nearest, nearer 5. At, for, during (“time”) 6. Beautiful, the most beautiful • Part-of-speech Nouns—verbs—adj—-prep

Aspects of Lexical meaning The denotational aspect The connotational aspect The pragmatic aspect

Aspects of Lexical meaning The denotational aspect The connotational aspect The pragmatic aspect

Denotational Meaning “denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”

Denotational Meaning “denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for” establishes the correlation between the name and the object makes communication possible EX booklet “a small thin book that gives info about smth”

PRACTICE Explain denotational meaning • • A lion-hunter To have a heart like a

PRACTICE Explain denotational meaning • • A lion-hunter To have a heart like a lion To feel like a lion To roar like a lion To be thrown to the lions The lion’s share To put your head in lion’s mouth

PRACTICE • A lion-hunter A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests •

PRACTICE • A lion-hunter A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests • To have a heart like a lion To have great courage • To feel like a lion To be in the best of health • To roar like a lion To shout very loudly • To be thrown to the lions To be criticized strongly or treated badly • The lion’s share Much more than one’s share • To put your head in lion’s mouth

Connotational Meaning reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about it

Connotational Meaning reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about it is optional – a word either has it or not Connotation gives additional information and includes: The emotive charge EX Daddy (for father) Intensity EX to adore (for to love) Imagery EX to wade through a book “ to walk with an effort”

PRACTICE Give possible interpretation of the sentences • She failed to buy it and

PRACTICE Give possible interpretation of the sentences • She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang. • Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking! • He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man. • The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve. • He was longing to begin to be generous. • She was a woman with shiny red hands and workswollen finger knuckles.

PRACTICE Give possible interpretation of the sentences • She failed to buy it and

PRACTICE Give possible interpretation of the sentences • She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang. (pain—dissatisfaction that makes her suffer) • Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking! (make loud sharp sound—-the behavior that implies that the person is frightened) • He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man. (to go at slow speed—was suffering or was ill) • The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve. (to move smth towards oneself— to try to attract smb’s attention) • He was longing to begin to be generous. (to start doing— hadn’t been generous before) • She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles. (colour— a labourer involved into physical work , constant contact with water)

The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning the situation in which the word is uttered,

The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning the situation in which the word is uttered, the social circumstances (formal, informal, etc. ), social relationships between the interlocutors (polite, rough, etc. ), the type and purpose of communication (poetic, official, etc. ) EX horse (neutral) steed (poetic) nag (slang) gee-gee (baby language)

PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning • I heard what she said but

PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning • I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind. • You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that. • They seized on the idea. • Bill, chasing some skirt again? • I saw him dive into a small pub. • Why are you trying to pin the blame on me? • He only married her for her dough.

PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning • I heard what she said but

PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning • I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind. • (to understand completely) • You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that. (to behave humbly in order to win favour) • They seized on the idea. (to be eager to take and use) • Bill, chasing some skirt again? (a girl) • I saw him dive into a small pub. (to enter suddenly) • Why are you trying to pin the blame on me? (to blame smb unfairly) • He only married her for her dough. (money)

Types of Morpheme Meaning lexical differential functional distributional

Types of Morpheme Meaning lexical differential functional distributional

Lexical Meaning in Morphemes root-morphemes that are homonymous to words possess lexical meaning EX.

Lexical Meaning in Morphemes root-morphemes that are homonymous to words possess lexical meaning EX. boy – boyhood – boyish affixes have lexical meaning of a more generalized character EX. –er “agent, doer of an action”

Lexical Meaning in Morphemes has denotational and connotational components EX. –ly, -like, -ish –

Lexical Meaning in Morphemes has denotational and connotational components EX. –ly, -like, -ish – denotational meaning of similiarity womanly , womanish connotational component – -ly (positive evaluation), -ish (deragotary) женственный женоподобный

Differential Meaning a semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others

Differential Meaning a semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others containing identical morphemes EX. cranberry, blackberry, gooseberry

Functional Meaning found only in derivational affixes a semantic component which serves to refer

Functional Meaning found only in derivational affixes a semantic component which serves to refer the word to the certain part of speech EX. just, adj. – justice, n.

Distributional Meaning the meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphemes making up

Distributional Meaning the meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphemes making up the word found in words containing more than one morpheme different arrangement of the same morphemes would make the word meaningless EX. sing- + -er =singer, -er + sing- = ?

Motivation denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composition and structural pattern of

Motivation denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composition and structural pattern of the word on the one hand, and its meaning on the other can be phonetical morphological semantic

Phonetical Motivation when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up

Phonetical Motivation when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up the word and those produced by animals, objects, etc. EX. sizzle, boom, splash, cuckoo

Morphological Motivation when there is a direct connection between the structure of a word

Morphological Motivation when there is a direct connection between the structure of a word and its meaning EX. finger-ring – ring-finger, A direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes EX think –rethink “thinking again”

Semantic Motivation based on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of the same word

Semantic Motivation based on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of the same word EX a watchdog – ”a dog kept for watching property” a watchdog – “a watchful human guardian” (semantic motivation)



Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morphologically motivated

Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morphologically motivated b) semantically motivated • Driver • Leg • Horse • Wall • Hand-made • Careless • piggish

Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morphologically motivated

Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morphologically motivated b) semantically motivated • Driver Someone who drives a vehicle morphologically motivated • Leg The part of a piece of furniture such as a table semantically motivated • Horse A piece of equipment shaped like a box, used in gymnastics semantically motivated

 • Wall Emotions or behavior preventing people from feeling close semantically motivated •

• Wall Emotions or behavior preventing people from feeling close semantically motivated • Hand-made Made by hand, not machine morphologically motivated • Careless Not taking enough care morphologically motivated • Piggish Selfish semantically motivated

what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind “do down to the

what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind “do down to the bottom” ‘to be accepted by mind” semantic motivation I heard Why are you trying to pin the blame on me? “fasten smth somewhere using a pin” – ”to blame smb” semantic motivation I was following the man when he dived into a pub. “jump into deep water” – ”to enter into suddenly” semantic motivation You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that “to move along on hands and knees close to the ground” – “to behave very humbly in order to win favor” semantic motivation

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Word MeaningLecture # 6Grigoryeva M.

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Word MeaningLecture # 6Grigoryeva M.

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    Word Meaning
    Lecture # 6
    Grigoryeva M.

  • Word MeaningApproaches to word meaning

Meaning and Notion (понятие)


    2 слайд

    Word Meaning

    Approaches to word meaning

    Meaning and Notion (понятие)

    Types of word meaning

    Types of morpheme meaning


  • Each word has two aspects:

the outer aspect 
( its sound form) 

the in...

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    Each word has two aspects:

    the outer aspect
    ( its sound form)

    the inner aspect
    (its meaning)
    long-legged, fury animal with sharp teeth
    and claws

  • Sound and meaning do not always constitute a constant unit even in the sa...

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    Sound and meaning do not always constitute a constant unit even in the same language

    EX a temple

    a part of a human head
    a large church

  • Semantics (Semasiology)Is a branch of lexicology which studies the 
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    Semantics (Semasiology)
    Is a branch of lexicology which studies the
    meaning of words and word equivalents

  • Approaches to Word MeaningThe Referential (analytical) approach

The Function...

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    The Referential (analytical) approach

    The Functional (contextual) approach

    Operational (information-oriented) approach

  • The Referential (analytical) approachformulates the essence of meaning by es...

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    The Referential (analytical) approach
    formulates the essence of meaning by establishing the interdependence between words and things or concepts they denote

    distinguishes between three components closely connected with meaning:
    the sound-form of the linguistic sign,
    the concept
    the actual referent

  • Basic Triangleconcept (thought, reference) – the thought of the object that s...

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    Basic Triangle
    concept (thought, reference) – the thought of the object that singles out its essential features
    referent – object denoted by the word, part of reality
    sound-form (symbol, sign) – linguistic sign
    concept – flower

    sound-form referent

  • In what way does meaning correlate with 
each element of the triangle ?


    9 слайд

    In what way does meaning correlate with
    each element of the triangle ?

    In what relation does meaning stand to
    each of them?

  • Meaning and Sound-formare not identical	
EX. dove - [dΛv]...

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    Meaning and Sound-form
    are not identical
    EX. dove — [dΛv] English sound-forms
    [golub’] Russian BUT
    [taube] German
    the same meaning

  • Meaning and Sound-formnearly identical sound-forms have different meanings in...

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    Meaning and Sound-form
    nearly identical sound-forms have different meanings in different languages
    EX. [kot] Russian – a male cat
    [kot] English – a small bed for a child

    identical sound-forms have different meanings (‘homonyms)
    EX. knight [nait]
    night [nait]

  • Meaning and Sound-formeven considerable changes in sound-form do not affect t...

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    Meaning and Sound-form
    even considerable changes in sound-form do not affect the meaning

    EX Old English lufian [luvian] – love [l Λ v]

  • Meaning and Conceptconcept is a category of human cognition

concept is abstr...

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    Meaning and Concept
    concept is a category of human cognition

    concept is abstract and reflects the most common and typical features of different objects and phenomena in the world

    meanings of words are different in different languages

  • Meaning and Conceptidentical concepts may have different semantic structures...

    14 слайд

    Meaning and Concept
    identical concepts may have different semantic structures in different languages

    EX. concept “a building for human habitation” –
    English Russian

    + in Russian ДОМ
    “fixed residence of family or household”
    In English HOME

  • Meaning and Referent
one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by mor...

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    Meaning and Referent

    one and the same object (referent) may be denoted by more than one word of a different meaning

  • Meaningis not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –
the so...

    16 слайд

    is not identical with any of the three points of the triangle –
    the sound form,
    the concept
    the referent

    is closely connected with them.

  • Functional Approachstudies the functions of a word in speech 
meaning of a wo...

    17 слайд

    Functional Approach
    studies the functions of a word in speech
    meaning of a word is studied through relations of it with other linguistic units
    EX. to move (we move, move a chair)
    movement (movement of smth, slow movement)

    The distriution ( the position of the word in relation to
    others) of the verb to move and a noun movement is
    different as they belong to different classes of words and
    their meanings are different

  • Operational approachis centered on defining meaning through its role in 

    18 слайд

    Operational approach
    is centered on defining meaning through its role in
    the process of communication

    EX John came at 6
    Beside the direct meaning the sentence may imply that:
    He was late
    He failed to keep his promise
    He was punctual as usual
    He came but he didn’t want to

    The implication depends on the concrete situation

  • Lexical Meaning and NotionNotion denotes the reflection in the mind of real o...

    19 слайд

    Lexical Meaning and Notion
    Notion denotes the reflection in the mind of real objects

    Notion is a unit of thinking
    Lexical meaning is the realization of a notion by means of a definite language system
    Word is a language unit

  • Lexical Meaning and NotionNotions are international especially with the natio...

    20 слайд

    Lexical Meaning and Notion
    Notions are international especially with the nations of the same cultural level

    Meanings are nationally limited

    EX GO (E) —- ИДТИ(R)
    “To move”
    BUT !!!
    To GO by bus (E)
    ЕХАТЬ (R)

    EX Man -мужчина, человек
    Она – хороший человек (R)
    She is a good person (E)

  • Types of MeaningTypes     of    meaning


    21 слайд

    Types of Meaning
    Types of meaning


    lexical meaning

  • Grammatical Meaningcomponent of meaning recurrent in identical sets of indivi...

    22 слайд

    Grammatical Meaning
    component of meaning recurrent in identical sets of individual forms of different words

    EX. girls, winters, toys, tables –
    grammatical meaning of plurality

    asked, thought, walked –
    meaning of past tense

  • Lexico-grammatical meaning(part –of- speech meaning) is revealed in the cla...

    23 слайд

    Lexico-grammatical meaning
    (part –of- speech meaning)
    is revealed in the classification of lexical items into:
    major word classes (N, V, Adj, Adv)
    minor ones (artc, prep, conj)

    words of one lexico-grammatical class have the same paradigm

  • Lexical Meaning is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its...

    24 слайд

    Lexical Meaning
    is the meaning proper to the given linguistic unit in all its forms and distributions

    EX . Go – goes — went
    lexical meaning – process of movement

  • PRACTICEGroup the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical...

    25 слайд

    Group the words into 3 column according to the grammatical, lexical or part-of –speech meaning
    Boy’s, nearest, at, beautiful,
    think, man, drift, wrote,
    tremendous, ship’s, the most beautiful,
    table, near, for, went, friend’s,
    handsome, thinking, boy,
    nearer, thought, boys,
    lamp, go, during.

  • Grammatical
The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s
The degree of compari...

    26 слайд

    The case of nouns: boy’s, ship’s, friend’s
    The degree of comparison of adj: nearest, the most beautiful
    The tense of verbs: wrote, went, thought

    Think, thinking, thought
    Went, go
    Boy’s, boy, boys
    Nearest, near, nearer
    At, for, during (“time”)
    Beautiful, the most beautiful


  • Aspects of Lexical meaningThe denotational aspect

The connotational aspect...

    27 слайд

    Aspects of Lexical meaning
    The denotational aspect

    The connotational aspect

    The pragmatic aspect

  • Denotational Meaning“denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”


    28 слайд

    Denotational Meaning
    “denote” – to be a sign of, stand as a symbol for”

    establishes the correlation between the name and the object
    makes communication possible

    EX booklet
    “a small thin book that gives info about smth”

  • PRACTICEExplain denotational meaning 
A lion-hunter
To have a heart like a...

    29 слайд

    Explain denotational meaning

    A lion-hunter
    To have a heart like a lion
    To feel like a lion
    To roar like a lion
    To be thrown to the lions
    The lion’s share
    To put your head in lion’s mouth

  • PRACTICE A lion-hunter  
A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests...

    30 слайд


    A lion-hunter
    A host that seeks out celebrities to impress guests
    To have a heart like a lion
    To have great courage
    To feel like a lion
    To be in the best of health
    To roar like a lion
    To shout very loudly
    To be thrown to the lions
    To be criticized strongly or treated badly
    The lion’s share
    Much more than one’s share
    To put your head in lion’s mouth

  • Connotational Meaning reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he sp...

    31 слайд

    Connotational Meaning
    reflects the attitude of the speaker towards what he speaks about
    it is optional – a word either has it or not

    Connotation gives additional information and includes:
    The emotive charge EX Daddy (for father)
    Intensity EX to adore (for to love)
    Imagery EX to wade through a book
    “ to walk with an effort”

  • PRACTICEGive possible interpretation of the sentences
She failed to buy it a...

    32 слайд

    Give possible interpretation of the sentences

    She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
    Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
    He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
    The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
    He was longing to begin to be generous.
    She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles.

  • PRACTICEGive possible interpretation of the sentencesShe failed to buy it an...

    33 слайд

    Give possible interpretation of the sentences
    She failed to buy it and felt a strange pang.
    (pain—dissatisfaction that makes her suffer)
    Don’t be afraid of that woman! It’s just barking!
    (make loud sharp sound—-the behavior that implies that the person is frightened)
    He got up from his chair moving slowly, like an old man.
    (to go at slow speed—was suffering or was ill)
    The girl went to her father and pulled his sleeve.
    (to move smth towards oneself— to try to attract smb’s attention)
    He was longing to begin to be generous.
    (to start doing— hadn’t been generous before)
    She was a woman with shiny red hands and work-swollen finger knuckles.
    (colour— a labourer involved into physical work ,constant contact with water)

  • The pragmatic aspect of lexical  meaning
the situation in which the word is...

    34 слайд

    The pragmatic aspect of lexical meaning

    the situation in which the word is uttered,
    the social circumstances (formal, informal, etc.),
    social relationships between the interlocutors (polite, rough, etc.),
    the type and purpose of communication (poetic, official, etc.)

    EX horse (neutral)
    steed (poetic)
    nag (slang)
    gee-gee (baby language)

  • PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning 

I heard what she said but...

    35 слайд

    State what image underline the meaning

    I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
    You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
    They seized on the idea.
    Bill, chasing some skirt again?
    I saw him dive into a small pub.
    Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
    He only married her for her dough.

  • PRACTICE State what image underline the meaning I heard what she said but it...

    36 слайд

    State what image underline the meaning
    I heard what she said but it didn’t sink into my mind.
    (to understand completely)
    You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that.
    (to behave humbly in order to win favour)
    They seized on the idea.
    (to be eager to take and use)
    Bill, chasing some skirt again?
    (a girl)
    I saw him dive into a small pub.
    (to enter suddenly)
    Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
    (to blame smb unfairly)
    He only married her for her dough.

  • Types of Morpheme Meaninglexical

    37 слайд

    Types of Morpheme Meaning

  • Lexical Meaning in Morphemesroot-morphemes that are homonymous to words posse...

    38 слайд

    Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
    root-morphemes that are homonymous to words possess lexical meaning
    EX. boy – boyhood – boyish

    affixes have lexical meaning of a more generalized character
    EX. –er “agent, doer of an action”

  • Lexical Meaning in Morphemeshas denotational and connotational components

    39 слайд

    Lexical Meaning in Morphemes
    has denotational and connotational components
    EX. –ly, -like, -ish –
    denotational meaning of similiarity
    womanly , womanish

    connotational component –
    -ly (positive evaluation), -ish (deragotary) женственный — женоподобный

  • Differential Meaninga semantic component that serves to distinguish one word...

    40 слайд

    Differential Meaning
    a semantic component that serves to distinguish one word from all others containing identical morphemes

    EX. cranberry, blackberry, gooseberry

  • Functional Meaningfound only in derivational affixes
a semantic component whi...

    41 слайд

    Functional Meaning
    found only in derivational affixes
    a semantic component which serves to
    refer the word to the certain part of speech

    EX. just, adj. – justice, n.

  • Distributional Meaningthe meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphem...

    42 слайд

    Distributional Meaning
    the meaning of the order and the arrangement of morphemes making up the word
    found in words containing more than one morpheme
    different arrangement of the same morphemes would make the word meaningless
    EX. sing- + -er =singer,
    -er + sing- = ?

  • Motivation denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composi...

    43 слайд

    denotes the relationship between the phonetic or morphemic composition and structural pattern of the word on the one hand, and its meaning on the other

    can be phonetical

  • Phonetical Motivationwhen there is a certain similarity between the sounds th...

    44 слайд

    Phonetical Motivation
    when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up the word and those produced by animals, objects, etc.

    EX. sizzle, boom, splash, cuckoo

  • Morphological Motivationwhen there is a direct connection between the structu...

    45 слайд

    Morphological Motivation
    when there is a direct connection between the structure of a word and its meaning
    EX. finger-ring – ring-finger,

    A direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes
    EX think –rethink “thinking again”

  • Semantic Motivationbased on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of...

    46 слайд

    Semantic Motivation
    based on co-existence of direct and figurative meanings of the same word

    EX a watchdog –
    ”a dog kept for watching property”

    a watchdog –
    “a watchful human guardian” (semantic motivation)


  • Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morpholo...

    48 слайд

    Analyze the meaning of the words.
    Define the type of motivation
    a) morphologically motivated
    b) semantically motivated


  • Analyze the meaning of the words. Define the type of motivation a) morpholo...

    49 слайд

    Analyze the meaning of the words.
    Define the type of motivation
    a) morphologically motivated
    b) semantically motivated
    Someone who drives a vehicle
    morphologically motivated
    The part of a piece of furniture such as a table
    semantically motivated
    A piece of equipment shaped like a box, used in gymnastics
    semantically motivated

  • Wall
Emotions or behavior  preventing people from feeling close

    50 слайд

    Emotions or behavior preventing people from feeling close
    semantically motivated
    Made by hand, not machine
    morphologically motivated
    Not taking enough care
    morphologically motivated
    semantically motivated

  • I heard what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind
“do down to the bottom”...

    51 слайд

    I heard what she said but it didn’t sink in my mind
    “do down to the bottom”
    ‘to be accepted by mind” semantic motivation

    Why are you trying to pin the blame on me?
    “fasten smth somewhere using a pin” –
    ”to blame smb” semantic motivation

    I was following the man when he dived into a pub.
    “jump into deep water” –
    ”to enter into suddenly” semantic motivation

    You should be ashamed of yourself, crawling to the director like that
    “to move along on hands and knees close to the ground” –
    “to behave very humbly in order to win favor” semantic motivation

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  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Осуществление и координация продаж»

  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Технический контроль и техническая подготовка сварочного процесса»

  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Управление качеством»

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