Инженеры найти пути решения проблем, которые
важны для общества. Они контролируют и предотвращения
загрязнения окружающей среды, разрабатывать новые лекарства, создавать передовые
технологии и помогают исследовать новые миры.
Они делают мир чище, безопаснее, здоровее
место, изобретая, строя и улучшая все
виды вещей от микрочипов до бытовой
техники, от небоскребов до космических аппаратов
Интересно, что инженер слово не приходит
от слова двигателя. На самом деле это происходит от
латинского слова ingeniosus означает специалистам. Инженер действительно умный, практичный решать проблемы. Хотя областях техники и науки
связаны, есть и различия. В
то время как ученый спросит , почему проблема происходит, инженер захочет знать , как решить эту проблему. Как сказал один писатель однажды сказал: ученые строят для того , чтобы узнать, в то время как инженеры учатся, чтобы построить.
Есть все виды возможностей в различных областях техники , таких как аэрокосмическая, биомедицинские, гражданской, механической и компьютерной техники. Инженеры работают в одиночку или в составе групп, а также во всех
видах местах , таких как офисы, заводы,
научно — исследовательские лаборатории, на открытом воздухе, и даже космическое пространство!
Engineering часто рассматривается как мужской профессии. Например, только 9 процентов американских инженеров составляют женщины, в то время как в Великобритании она составляет чуть более
8 процентов. Тем не менее, нет никаких оснований для этого: инженеры просто талантливые люди. На самом деле исследования показывают , что женщины делают лучшие решать возникающие проблемы. Так что сейчас самое время для женщин , чтобы спроектировать будущее. Сломать стереотип. Построить карьеру. Зарегистрируйтесь сегодня!
Когда вы
слышите слово инженер, вы думаете о ком — то , кто а) мужчина ?, б) скучно? или
с) загрязнен? Или все три? Что ж,
пора подумать еще раз. Инженеры являются люди , которые делают нашу повседневную жизнь проще. Сколько из величайших современного мира технических достижений вы будете использовать сегодня? Автомобиль, компьютер, телефон?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Здесь даны упражнения на чтение отрывков текстов. Данное задание предназначено, в первую очередь, для тех, кто сдает огэ по английскому языку и желает подготовится к успешному прохождению устной части.
Задание 1 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
A British family has recently celebrated the birth of their 18th child. It was a girl and her brothers and sisters have welcomed their new sister. Her eldest brother is 26 and the parents already have two grandchildren. The family announced the birth of the child on their family website. They described the girl as “beautiful”. The family owns a bakery and hopes the children will take over the family business. It looks as if the era when the average British family would have only two or three children is over. In Britain there are more families with four children than anywhere else in Europe. Social scientists say that this is the result of immigration into the country of families from Asia and Africa.
Задание 2 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
Everybody knows that our appearance matters in what people think about us. Appearance is important not only in a romantic relationship but also in politics. Appearance is not all about beauty. The moment we see a person our mind starts evaluating their personality according to their looks. What especially matters is the persons face. This means that the impression somebody’s face makes on others can cost the person his or her political career. When we vote for a candidate we think that we are weighing his or her personal qualities. In fact, we are examining their face. Research has shown that if a candidate’s appearance displays competence, power and leadership, but not beauty or good looks, it can cause a political victory or defeat. These findings are really important.
Задание 3 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
There are some very rare occupations that may seem strange to somebody while in reality they are interesting and even tasty. One such profession is a chocolate engineer. When you hear the word “engineer” what comes up in your mind is perhaps heavy machinery. A chocolate engineer does not have anything to do with either machinery or the heavy equipment industry. Chocolate engineers design chocolates. This profession is chosen by those who love designing things, have a good imagination and a good sense of taste. The job of a chocolate engineer is to create an assortment of delicious chocolate recipes. They taste their products first. Another tasty occupation is a tea taster. Such specialists are very important in the tea industry because tea must be examined for quality.
Задание 4 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
Small children can understand money. They get the idea that in order to buy something you have to pay for it. Also, they know that in order to have money you have to earn it. Of course, kids can’t earn their own money yet and that is why parents start giving pocket money to their children at a certain age. Apart from fun, pocket money can be a great tool for teaching children the art of budgeting, saving money and setting goals. Besides, children can be taught how to donate small sums to charity. In other words, pocket money can be used to teach small children decision-making but children should not be paid for obeying their parents or for helping them about the house.
Задание 5 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
Mobile phones have become very popular and texting is taking the lead. In many situations sending text messages called SMS via the telephone is more preferable than emailing somebody. Unlike emails, SMS texts are delivered alerting the telephone owner to the arrival of a new message. Not many of us check their email on a regular basis while SMS texts have a sense of urgency and we must answer them at once. Besides, texting is used for personal contacts while emails are often the channel of business communication. A great advantage of SMS texts is that they can be sent from any location thanks to the mobile device in your pocket. You do not have to sit in front of a computer or carry a heavy laptop with you.
Задание 6 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
One of the oldest schools in the world is a school in China. It was organized in the year 143 BC and it was the first Chinese public school. Soon after that the building of the school was destroyed in a fire but the school was rebuilt a couple of years later. This was not the end for the tests of life for this school. The school was destroyed by wars many times and only ruins remained but each time it was rebuilt again and again. It survived hurricanes and earthquakes, blizzards and storms. In the twentieth century it was called a model for secondary schools nationwide. For many Chinese students it is a great honour to study at that school. Would you like to study in such a school?
Задание 7 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
The teaching profession has proved to be one of the most popular careers among school graduates in the UK. The choice was made out of 40 different professions on the list. About a third of the participants were interested in teaching. Other professions that generated interest included those of engineer, psychologist and artist. The medical profession was not as popular as last year and only 10% of those questioned expressed interest in being a doctor. Instead, journalism, police work and social service have risen in popularity. The girls’ preferences were teaching, psychology and social work while boys were more inclined to choose a technical walk of life. The majority of school leavers want to continue their studies in some way while some 10% will work.
Задание 8 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
Traditional Russian souvenirs are popular all over the globe. The matryoshka is the best known gift from Russia. It is a set of painted wooden dolls of different sizes that are hidden one inside the other. In some rare cases there can be 50 dolls and even more. Traditionally these dolls are painted dressed in a Russian peasant dress with a headscarf. Khokhloma is another traditional Russian craft which originated in the 17th century near the city of Nizhny Novgorod. It is a style of painting on wooden dishes and on furniture. This beautiful and unique style can be recognized for its red and gold flowers on a dark background. Gzhel is yet another style of painting dishes and cups, clocks and lamps in blue and white.
Задание 9 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
People who travel through the thick Brazilian jungle may arrive at a shocking place — a small American-style town with streets, houses, a police station and even a golf course. The difference is that here in the middle of the rainforest there are no people. Only monkeys jumping on the rooftops. The town was built in the ’20s and its inhabitants abandoned it in the 1940s. The famous car maker Henry Ford bought this land and wanted to build a factory there to produce rubber for his cars. The workers were moved there from Michigan. The rules of life in the town were very strict and the workers did not like it. Besides, the rubber production was very slow and the project failed.
Задание 10 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
If you ask an adult about the most famous clown in the world, everyone will immediately remember their childhood and a circus arena with a comedian on it who can be both funny and sad. If you make a list of names then, perhaps, in the USA the entertainer called Bozo will be at the top of the list. One should know that more than one clown performed under that name. Many actors used to wear the same popular mask for their performance. There are popular clown names in different countries and the children admire their bright caps and baggy trousers, sense of humour, funny jokes, spectacular tricks and friendly personality. Nobody can imagine the circus without a clown making us laugh.
Задание 11 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
In the past, travelling was a very risky adventure. There were no roads. The transport was very primitive and slow. Many people travelled on foot and faced all sorts of dangers from wild beasts, bad weather and robbers. Only the bravest people dared to set out on a long journey They preferred to travel in groups. Later travellers learned how to train four-footed animals like the horse or the camel and travelling became a little more comfortable. These days people travel in comfort and nearly every country in the world has a network of railways and air connections. If your business is very urgent you can travel by air and arrive at your destination in no time.
Задание 12 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
It is true that many teenagers are carried away by taking selfies, listening to music, messaging or playing games. However, there are talented young people who create something useful and make life better for everyone. Thanks to the invention of a school student it is no longer necessary to wait for hours to charge ones cell phone. This device was considered the best at an international fair of young scientists. You will agree with this decision of the selection board if you know that with this gadget a telephone can be charged in 20 to 30 seconds. It contains a lot of energy in a very small space. Besides, it can be recharged 10,000 cycles compared with 1,000 cycles for ordinary batteries.
Задание 13 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
Over the last 50 years the human population has increased nearly three times and as a result we have been using a lot more water than before. Besides, industrial waste has polluted much of the fresh water resources. Agriculture demands its share of water as well. This means that the water supply is decreasing. Less fresh water on the planet means not only thirst but also hunger. The reason is that human beings depend upon fish and animals for food. If fish and wildlife become extinct, we may face extinction ourselves. A debate is now going on about what causes the shortage of water. Global warming is factor number one. People from different cultures have to work together or face mutual destruction.
Задание 14 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
The mass media has changed over the last decades. The internet has become available and today it brings us the information of our choice at a great speed. The internet is now a platform for news, music, films, talk shows, sports events, advertising, trading, playing games and even doing business. The internet has made the rhythm of our life much faster than before. We now spend much less time sitting down and give more energy to switching over, telephoning, messaging, emailing, contacting, booking, registering, checking in and out. Thanks to the new mass media we keep up to date with news of all kind twenty-four hours a day. When the long-awaited moment to relax comes, we make the most of it in front of the computer again. This is especially true for the younger generation.
Задание 15 на чтение отрывка
Play текст
Robots start to play an active role in the medical check-ups of patients. They can even do it at a distance if a patient is very far away from the hospital. Robotic technology is very important in telemedicine, but these days robots go one step further. They can now patrol hospital corridors and call on the rooms to check on patients’ health. After the examination of the patient, the robot can put all the results on record for the doctor to see and make further instructions to the medical staff. Medical robots look like a mobile cart with a video screen and medical monitoring equipment. The cart “knows” which way to go and which patients to monitor at a given time. This device frees the doctors’ time.
The mobile phone has become an important part of our everyday life. We can’t imagine our lives without it now. Thanks to the mobile phone we can keep in contact with our relatives and friends at any time. We use them to text and to send emails, to share photos and videos. We can use the Internet and listen to music and do lots of other things. However, according to surveys, mobile phone users mostly spend their time on games and social networking. Around 80 percent of the world’s population has a mobile phone. The mobile phone industry is the fastest growing industry in the world. From 1983 to 2016, worldwide mobile phone subscriptions grew to over seven billion.
Задание 1 на чтение отрывка
A British family has recently celebrated the birth of their 18th child. It was a girl and her brothers and sisters have welcomed their new sister. Her eldest brother is 26 and the parents already have two grandchildren. The family announced the birth of the child on their family website. They described the girl as “beautiful”. The family owns a bakery and hopes the children will take over the family business. It looks as if the era when the average British family would have only two or three children is over. In Britain there are more families with four children than anywhere else in Europe. Social scientists say that this is the result of immigration into the country of families from Asia and Africa.
Задание 2 на чтение отрывка
Задание 3 на чтение отрывка
There are some very rare occupations that may seem strange to somebody while in reality they are interesting and even tasty. One such profession is a chocolate engineer. When you hear the word “engineer” what comes up in your mind is perhaps heavy machinery. A chocolate engineer does not have anything to do with either machinery or the heavy equipment industry. Chocolate engineers design chocolates. This profession is chosen by those who love designing things, have a good imagination and a good sense of taste. The job of a chocolate engineer is to create an assortment of delicious chocolate recipes. They taste their products first. Another tasty occupation is a tea taster. Such specialists are very important in the tea industry because tea must be examined for quality.
Задание 4 на чтение отрывка
Small children can understand money. They get the idea that in order to buy something you have to pay for it. Also, they know that in order to have money you have to earn it. Of course, kids can’t earn their own money yet and that is why parents start giving pocket money to their children at a certain age. Apart from fun, pocket money can be a great tool for teaching children the art of budgeting, saving money and setting goals. Besides, children can be taught how to donate small sums to charity. In other words, pocket money can be used to teach small children decision-making but children should not be paid for obeying their parents or for helping them about the house.
Задание 5 на чтение отрывка
Mobile phones have become very popular and texting is taking the lead. In many situations sending text messages called SMS via the telephone is more preferable than emailing somebody. Unlike emails, SMS texts are delivered alerting the telephone owner to the arrival of a new message. Not many of us check their email on a regular basis while SMS texts have a sense of urgency and we must answer them at once. Besides, texting is used for personal contacts while emails are often the channel of business communication. A great advantage of SMS texts is that they can be sent from any location thanks to the mobile device in your pocket. You do not have to sit in front of a computer or carry a heavy laptop with you.
Задание 6 на чтение отрывка
Tower bridge Plans
I Do contact@tonail.com
One of the oldest schools in the world is a school in China. It was organized in the year 143 BC and it was the first Chinese public school. Soon after that the building of the school was destroyed in a fire but the school was rebuilt a couple of years later. This was not the end for the tests of life for this school. The school was destroyed by wars many times and only ruins remained but each time it was rebuilt again and again. It survived hurricanes and earthquakes, blizzards and storms. In the twentieth century it was called a model for secondary schools nationwide. For many Chinese students it is a great honour to study at that school. Would you like to study in such a school?
Задание 7 на чтение отрывка
The teaching profession has proved to be one of the most popular careers among school graduates in the UK. The choice was made out of 40 different professions on the list. About a third of the participants were interested in teaching. Other professions that generated interest included those of engineer, psychologist and artist. The medical profession was not as popular as last year and only 10% of those questioned expressed interest in being a doctor. Instead, journalism, police work and social service have risen in popularity. The girls’ preferences were teaching, psychology and social work while boys were more inclined to choose a technical walk of life. The majority of school leavers want to continue their studies in some way while some 10% will work.
Задание 8 на чтение отрывка
Traditional Russian souvenirs are popular all over the globe. The matryoshka is the best known gift from Russia. It is a set of painted wooden dolls of different sizes that are hidden one inside the other. In some rare cases there can be 50 dolls and even more. Traditionally these dolls are painted dressed in a Russian peasant dress with a headscarf. Khokhloma is another traditional Russian craft which originated in the 17th century near the city of Nizhny Novgorod. It is a style of painting on wooden dishes and on furniture. This beautiful and unique style can be recognized for its red and gold flowers on a dark background. Gzhel is yet another style of painting dishes and cups, clocks and lamps in blue and white.
Задание 9 на чтение отрывка
People who travel through the thick Brazilian jungle may arrive at a shocking place — a small American-style town with streets, houses, a police station and even a golf course. The difference is that here in the middle of the rainforest there are no people. Only monkeys jumping on the rooftops. The town was built in the ’20s and its inhabitants abandoned it in the 1940s. The famous car maker Henry Ford bought this land and wanted to build a factory there to produce rubber for his cars. The workers were moved there from Michigan. The rules of life in the town were very strict and the workers did not like it. Besides, the rubber production was very slow and the project failed.
Задание 10 на чтение отрывка
If you ask an adult about the most famous clown in the world, everyone will immediately remember their childhood and a circus arena with a comedian on it who can be both funny and sad. If you make a list of names then, perhaps, in the USA the entertainer called Bozo will be at the top of the list. One should know that more than one clown performed under that name. Many actors used to wear the same popular mask for their performance. There are popular clown names in different countries and the children admire their bright caps and baggy trousers, sense of humour, funny jokes, spectacular tricks and friendly personality. Nobody can imagine the circus without a clown making us laugh.
Задание 11 на чтение отрывка
In the past, travelling was a very risky adventure. There were no roads. The transport was very primitive and slow. Many people travelled on foot and faced all sorts of dangers from wild beasts, bad weather and robbers. Only the bravest people dared to set out on a long journey They preferred to travel in groups. Later travellers learned how to train four-footed animals like the horse or the camel and travelling became a little more comfortable. These days people travel in comfort and nearly every country in the world has a network of railways and air connections. If your business is very urgent you can travel by air and arrive at your destination in no time.
Задание 12 на чтение отрывка
It is true that many teenagers are carried away by taking selfies, listening to music, messaging or playing games. However, there are talented young people who create something useful and make life better for everyone. Thanks to the invention of a school student it is no longer necessary to wait for hours to charge ones cell phone. This device was considered the best at an international fair of young scientists. You will agree with this decision of the selection board if you know that with this gadget a telephone can be charged in 20 to 30 seconds. It contains a lot of energy in a very small space. Besides, it can be recharged 10,000 cycles compared with 1,000 cycles for ordinary batteries.
Задание 13 на чтение отрывка
Over the last 50 years the human population has increased nearly three times and as a result we have been using a lot more water than before. Besides, industrial waste has polluted much of the fresh water resources. Agriculture demands its share of water as well. This means that the water supply is decreasing. Less fresh water on the planet means not only thirst but also hunger. The reason is that human beings depend upon fish and animals for food. If fish and wildlife become extinct, we may face extinction ourselves. A debate is now going on about what causes the shortage of water. Global warming is factor number one. People from different cultures have to work together or face mutual destruction.
Задание 14 на чтение отрывка
The mass media has changed over the last decades. The internet has become available and today it brings us the information of our choice at a great speed. The internet is now a platform for news, music, films, talk shows, sports events, advertising, trading, playing games and even doing business. The internet has made the rhythm of our life much faster than before. We now spend much less time sitting down and give more energy to switching over, telephoning, messaging, emailing, contacting, booking, registering, checking in and out. Thanks to the new mass media we keep up to date with news of all kind twenty-four hours a day. When the long-awaited moment to relax comes, we make the most of it in front of the computer again. This is especially true for the younger generation.
Задание 15 на чтение отрывка
Robots start to play an active role in the medical check-ups of patients. They can even do it at a distance if a patient is very far away from the hospital. Robotic technology is very important in telemedicine, but these days robots go one step further. They can now patrol hospital corridors and call on the rooms to check on patients’ health. After the examination of the patient, the robot can put all the results on record for the doctor to see and make further instructions to the medical staff. Medical robots look like a mobile cart with a video screen and medical monitoring equipment. The cart “knows” which way to go and which patients to monitor at a given time. This device frees the doctors’ time.
You are going to
read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text
silently, and then
Ье ready to read it
aloud. Remember that you will not have
more than 2
minutes for reading aloud.
А British family
has recently celebrated the Ьirth of their 18th child. It was а
girl and her
brothers and sisters have welcomed their new sister. Her eldest brother
is 26 and the
parents already have two grandchildren. The family announced the
Ьirth of the child
on their family website. They described the girl as ‘Ъeautiful».
family owns а bakery and hopes
the children will take over the family business. It
looks as if the
era when the average British family would have only two or three
children is over.
In Britain there are more families with four children than anywhere
else in Europe.
Social scientists say that this is the result of immigration into the
country of
families from Asia and Africa.
Everybody knows
that our appearance matters in what people think about us.
Appearance is
important not only in а romantic relationship but also in politics.
Appearance is not
all about beauty. The moment we see а person our mind starts
evaluating their
personality according to their looks. What especially matters is the
person’s face.
This means that the impression somebody’s face makes on others can
cost the person
his or her political career. When we vote for а candidate we
that we are weighing
his or her personal qualities. In fact, we are examining their
face. Research has
shown that if а candidate’s
appearance displays competence,
power and
leadership, but not beauty or good looks, it can cause а political victory
or defeat. These
findings are really important.
There are some
very rare occupations that may seem strange to somebody while
in reality they
are interesting and even tasty. One such profession is а chocolate
engineer. When you
hear the word «engineer» what comes up in your mind is
perhaps heavy
machinery. А chocolate
engineer does not have anything to do with
either machinery
or the heavy equipment industry. Chocolate engineers design
chocolates. This
profession is chosen Ьу those who love designing things, have а
good imagination
and а good sense of
taste. The job of а chocolate engineer is to
create an
assortment of delicious chocolate recipes. They taste their products first.
Another tasty
occupation is а tea taster. Such
specialists are very important in the
tea industry
because tea must Ье examined for
Small childreп сап uпderstaпd mопеу. They get the
idea that iп order to buy
somethiпg you have to рау for it. Also,
they know that iп order to have mопеу
you have to earn
it. Of course, kids сап t earn their оwп mопеу yet апd that is why
pareпts start giviпg pocket mопеу to their childreп at а certaiп age. Apart from
fuп, pocket mопеу сап Ье а great tool for
teachiпg childreп the art of
saviпg mопеу апd settiпg goals. Besides,
childreп сап Ье taught how to doпate small
sums to charity. Iп other words,
pocket mопеу сап Ье used to teach
small childreп
decisioп-makiпg but childreп should поt Ье paid for obeyiпg their pareпts or for
helpiпg them about the
Moblle phones have become very popular and texting is
taking the lead. In many
situations sending text messages called SMS via the
telephone is more preferaЬle
emailing somebody. Unlike emails, SMS texts are
delivered alerting the telephone
owner to the arrival of а
new message. Not many of us check their email on а
basis while SMS texts have а
sense of urgency and we must answer them at once.
Besides, texting is used for personal contacts while
emails are often the channel of
business communication. А
great advantage of SMS texts is that they сап
from any location thanks to the moblle device in your
pocket. You do not have to
sit in front of а
computer or сапу а
heavy laptop with you.
One of the oldest
schools in the world is а school in China. It was organized
in the year 143 ВС and it was the
first Chinese puЬlic school. Soon
after that the
building of the
school was destroyed in а fire but the school was rebuilt а couple of
years later. This
was not the end for the tests of life for this school. The school was
destroyed Ьу wars таnу times and only
ruins remained. but each time it was rebuilt
again and again.
It survived hurricanes and earthquakes, Ьlizzards and storms. In
the twentieth
century it was called а model for secondary schools nationwide. For
many Chinese
students it is а great honour to
study at that school. Would you like
to study in such а school?
The teaching
profession has proved to Ье one of the most popular careers among
school graduates
in the UК. The choice was
made out of 40 different professions
on the list. About
а third of the
participants were interested in teaching. Other
professions that
generated interest included those of engineer, psychologist and
artist. The
medical profession was not as popular as last year and only 10% of those
expressed interest in being а doctor. Instead, journalism, police work
and social service
have risen in popularity. The girls’ preferences were teaching,
psychology and
social work while boys were more inclined to choose а technical
walk of life. The
majority of schoolleavers want to continue their studies in some
way while some 10%
will work.
Russian souvenirs are popular all over the globe. The matryoshka is
the best known
gift from Russia. lt is а set of painted wooden dolls of
different sizes
that are hidden
one inside the other. In some rare cases there can Ье 50 dolls and
even more.
Traditionally these dolls are painted dressed in а Russian peasant
with а headscarf.
Khokhloma is another traditional Russian craft which originated
in the 17th
century near the city of Nizhny Novgorod. It is а style of painting
wooden dishes and
on furniture. This beautiful and unique style can Ье recognized
for its red and
gold flowers on а dark background. Gzhel
is yet another style of
painting dishes
and cups, clocks and lamps in Ьlue and white.
People who travel
through the thick Brazilian jungle may arrive at а shocking
place- а small
American-style town with streets, houses, а police station
and even
а golf course. The
difference is that here in the middle of the rainforest there are
no people. Only
monkeys jumping on the rooftops. The town was built in the ’20s
and its
inhabltants abandoned it in the 1940s. The famous car maker Henry Ford
bought this land
and wanted to build а factory there to produce rubber for his cars.
The workers were
moved there from Michigan. The rules of life in the town were
very strict and
the workers did not like it. Besides, the rubber production was very
slow and the
project failed.
If you ask an
adult about the most famous clown in the world, everyone will
remember their childhood and а circus arena with а comedian on it
who can Ье both funny and
sad. If you make а list of names
then, perhaps, in the
USA the
entertainer called Боzо will Ье at the top of the
list. One should know
that more than one
clown performed under that name. Many actors used to wear
the same popular
mask for their performance. There are popular clown names in
countries and the children admire their bright caps and baggy trousers,
sense of humour,
funny jokes, spectacular tricks and friendly personality. Nobody
can imagine the
circus without а clown making us
In the past,
travelling was а very risky
adventure. There were no roads. The
transport was very
primitive and slow. Many people travelled on foot and faced
all sorts of
dangers from wild beasts, bad weather and robbers. Only the bravest
people dared to
set out on а long.journey.
They preferred to travel in groups. Later
travellers learned
how to train four-footed animals like the horse or the camel and
travelling became а little more
comfortaЬle. These days
people travel in comfort and
nearly every
country in the world has а network of railways and air connections.
If your business
is very urgent you can travel Ьу air and arrive at your destination
in no time .
It is true that many teenagers are carried away Ьу
taking selfies, listening to
music, messaging or playing games. However, there are
talented young people who
create something useful and make life better for
everyone. Thanks to the invention
of а
school student it is no longer necessary to wait for hours to charge one’s cell
phone. This device was considered the best at an
international fair of young scientists.
You will agree with this decision of the selection
board if you know that with this
gadget а
telephone can Ье charged in 20 to 30
seconds. It contains а lot of energy
in а
very small space. Besides, it can Ье
recharged 10,000 cycles compared with
1,000 cycles for ordinary batteries.
Over the last 50 years the human population has
increased nearly three times
and as а
result we have been using а
lot more water than before. Besides, industrial
waste has polluted much of the fresh water resources.
Agriculture demands its share
of water as well. This means that the water supply is
decreasing. Less fresh water on
the planet means not only thirst but also hunger. The
reason is that human beings
depend upon fish and animals for food. If fish and
wildlife become extinct, we may
face extinction ourselves. А
debate is now going on about what causes the shortage
of water. Global warming is factor number one. People
from different cultures have
to work together or face mutual destruction.
The mass media has changed over the last decades. The
internet has become
and today it brings us the information of our choice at а
great speed.
The internet is now а
platform for news, music, Шms,
talk shows, sports events,
advertising, trading, playing games and even doing
business. The internet has made
the rhythm of our life much faster than before. We now
spend much less time sitting
down and give more energy to switching over,
telephoning, messaging, emailing,
contacting, booking, registering, checking in and out.
Thanks to the new mass
media we keep up to date with news of all kind
twenty-four hours а day. When
the long-awaited moment to relax comes, we make the
most of it in front of the
computer again. This is especially true for the
younger generation.
Robots start to play an active role in the medical
check-ups of patients. They
can even do it at а
distance if а patient is very far away
from the hospital. Robotic
technology is very important in telemedicine, but
these days robots go one step
further. They can now patrol hospital corridors and
call on the rooms to check on
patients’ health. After the examination of the
patient, the robot can put all the results
on record for the doctor to see and make further
instructions to the medical staff.
Medical robots look like а
moblle cart with а video screen and medical
equipment. The cart «knows» which way to go
and which patients to monitor at а
given time. This device frees the doctors’ time.
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What are the first two words you think of when you hear the word “engineer”? PowerPoint Presentation
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What are the first two words you think of when you hear the word “engineer”?
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — E N D — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Presentation Transcript
What are the first two words you think of when you hear the word “engineer”?
Are they… math and science building men really smart cars problem-solving complex engines design trains bridges nerdy too difficult boring science machines Dilbert hard boys don’t know
What if I told you… Engineers are changing the world all of the time. They dream up creative, practical solutions and work with other smart, inspiring people to invent, design, and create things that matter.
What if I told you… Engineers are changing the world all of the time. They dream up creative, practical solutions and work with other smart, inspiring people to invent, design, and create things that matter.
What if I told you… Engineers are changing the world all of the time. They dream up creative, practical solutions and work with other smart, inspiring people to invent, design, and create things that matter.
Making A Difference
Ten reasons … Love your work, AND live your life too! Be creative. Work with great people. Design things that matter. Never be bored. Make a big salary. Enjoy job flexibility. Travel. Make a difference. Change the world.
Is engineering a good career choice? • Engineering was named one of Best Careers 2008 • by U.S. News & World Reports • Career starts with a • four year bachelor’s • degree • Average starting salary • $47,960-$60,718
What engineers like about their careers • “I enjoy the travel and interacting with an amazing array of people.” — Daniele Lantagne • “I feel pretty lucky to have such a creative and interesting job. I’m surrounded by brilliant people. It doesn’t seem like work. It’s just plain fun!” — Judy Lee • “It’s never boring. I feel that I can make a difference in • society by working on new technologies to improve • people’s lives.” — Mona Masghati • “Engineering is such a versatile field. It is practical, applicable, and always in demand.” — Molly Lebowitz
Question Is this what engineering looks like to high school girls? Yes No
Do you believe that girls aren’t choose engineering because…. • they aren’t interested • they can’t do math and • science as well as boys • they are opting out of careers that utilize ‘hard science’
What if I told you it’s because …. they don’t know what engineering is?
What do high school girls think? • • Engineering is for people who • LOVE both math and science • Don’t know what engineering is • Aren’t interested in the field nor do they think it is “for them” “Someone who excels in math and science…. Someone who is motivated, dedicated, and who doesn’t mind sitting in a cubicle all day.” Findings from Extraordinary Women Engineers Report
What do high school girls think? What are the first two words that come to mind when you hear “engineer”? math and science building men really smart cars problem-solving complex engines design trains bridges nerdy too difficult boring science machines Dilbert hard boys don’t know Findings from Extraordinary Women Engineers Report
What Do Counselors Think? • It is not popular or well-understood. • Appropriate only for unique students. • Students who have been identified as potential engineers are shocked—they don’t think of themselves as nerds. • Engineering is a limiting choice—they want their students to be able to do lots of things over their career.
What engineers tell young people • Engineering is stressful and challenging • They stress the importance of SUPERIOR math and science abilities “It’s not easy—but if you’re the type who when faced with a problem some would call impossible is even more driven to move mountains to find a solution, then you might have it in you to be an engineer.” Findings from Extraordinary Women Engineers Report
What high school girls want Enjoyable “How happy I will be—what’s the point of doing anything you don’t like?” Good working environment “If I can’t interact with people…I will probably drop the job.” To make a difference “That I would make a difference in some way, you know, make my mark on the world.” Income “As shallow as it sounds, money is the one thing I have to consider when I’m choosing a job. I’m not going to do something that I know can’t help me pay bills.” Flexibility “My career can’t consume all of my time…I need free time to do a lot of other things…before I die.” Findings from Extraordinary Women Engineers Report
So the basic problem is that kids don’t know what engineering is …. How can we show them what it’s all about?
Identifying potential students There is no one “type” of person who becomes an engineer. If you know kids who: * are creative * like collaborating with others * are curious and persistent * want to make a difference * like solving problems or improving a process Are B+ students and above On college track = on engineering track
Take engineering for a test drive • Explore engineeryourlife.org • Take engineering courses in school • Attend a summer or after-school program • Watch Design Squad • Talk to engineers • Consider an internship or summer job “Try as many things as possible. Find internships in different areas, experiment, and make sure that you see all that engineering can offer.” — Rachel Fine, Mechanical Engineer
Recommended high school coursework • Math (4 years) • Science (4 years) • Language Arts (4 years) • Foreign Languages (3 years) “It’s important to take a rich variety of classes and learn everything you can because you never know. Life changes. Getting a full education will benefit you later on in ways you can’t imagine now.” — Tara Teich, Computer Engineer
Researching engineering schools • Do a search • Make contact • Look for interesting opportunities • Consider your options • Talk to your parents “Follow your passions … find out what really captures your interest and then determine the path to get there.” — Daniele Lantagne, Environmental Engineer
Scholarships and financial aid • Online • U.S. Department of Education • Local opportunities • Colleges/Universities • Higher Education Resource Centers • Engineering Societies and Associations “If I knew then what I know now, I could have applied for plenty more scholarships. There are a lot of opportunities out there.” — Melissa Reeves, Electrical Engineering Student
So what about the math and science? • “Math is the basis of engineering, but you don’t have to love it. You just have to be able to do it.” • Judy Lee, Mechanical Engineer
Before After
EYL in your school • Tell your students and their parents about the site • Share EYL with your fellow teachers and counselors • Show short video clips to students and parents (class, open house, morning announcement, career day, Engineering Week, PTA meeting, School Fair) • Distribute free brochures and postcards • Tell your students about EYL’s Facebook Quiz
Special thanks to: • Major funding for Engineer Your Life provided by: • The National Science Foundation • Northrop Grumman Foundation • Additional funding provided by: • Stephen D. Bechtel, Jr. • United Engineering Foundation
Задание на четверг 4 апреля
Повторить все фразовые глаголы в учебнике, включая глаголы из модуля 10
Задание на пятницу 5 мая
Уметь развернуто отвечать на вопросы электронного ассистента
You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each question.
Electronic assistant: What professions do you find interesting?
Electronic assistant: What school subjects meet your own life interests?
Electronic assistant: What hobbies do your friends have?
Electronic assistant: What hobbies appeal to you most of all?
Electronic assistant: What is your own favourite hobby?
Electronic assistant: Why do you enjoy the hobby of your choice?
Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Задание на пятницу 28 апреля
Выполнить 1 и 2 задание на раздаточном листе (подготовка к ОГЭ)
1) читать
There are some
very rare occupations that may seem strange to somebody while in reality they
are interesting and even tasty. One such profession is a chocolate engineer.
When you hear the word “engineer” what comes up in your mind is perhaps heavy
machinery. A chocolate engineer does not have anything to do with either
machinery or the heavy equipment industry. Chocolate engineers design
chocolates. This profession is chosen by those who love designing things, have
a good imagination and a good sense of taste. The job of a chocolate engineer
is to create an assortment of delicious chocolate recipes. They taste their
products first. Another tasty occupation is a tea taster. Such specialists are
very important in the tea industry because tea must be examined for quality.
2)You are going to take part in a telephone survey. You
have to answer six questions. Give full answers to the questions.
Remember that you have 40 seconds to answer each
Audioscript for Task 3.2
Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the
electronic assistant of the Survey Centre. We kindly ask you to take part in
our survey. We need to find out popular hobbies among young people. Please
answer six questions. The survey is anonymous — you don’t have to give your
name. So, lets get started.
assistant: What professions do you find
assistant: What school subjects meet your own
life interests?
assistant: What hobbies do your friends have?
assistant: What hobbies appeal to you most of
assistant: What is your own favourite hobby?
assistant: Why do you enjoy the hobby of your
assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank
you very much for your cooperation.
Task 3.3
You are going to
give a talk about a hobby of one of your parents, relatives or a person you
know. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2
Remember to say:
whether this hobby is popular with people in
other countries
whether you would like to take up this hobby
and why
You have to talk continuously.
Ответ на третий вопрос первого варианта
is one of the most beautiful things. Friends inspire us, support us, help us to
grow, make us feel valued and loved
We choose
friends because we have many reasons Selection of a friend depends on the
nature of a person. Many people like to make a friend who has similar nature
while others choose a friend who has a different nature.. There can be a
situation where it is an accident
sometimes quarrel, because we are all
human beings that have their own minds and souls which are all different from
each another. 90 percent of all the problems arise due to misunderstandings We
may argue about certain things but that’s, in my opinion, good because you get
to know each other a lot deeper.
can be quite useful in a physically and mentally. Sometimes we may get
depressed pretty badly. This is where the power of friendship comes, friends
will help you feel better they will lead you out of the depression. Physically
we communicate to ask for certain informations such as asking homework or
sharing it with each other. Humans have feelings therefore, for sharing them we
all want a friend.
Задание на понедельник 17 апреля
стр 90 упр 3 — уметь читать текст по транскрипции и восстанавливать текст, написаный транскрипционными знаками. Продолжим работу по подготовке к ОГЭ — монолог на тему «дружба» будем записывать на микрофон в понедельник.
Оценки на 14 апреля выставлены за чтение и ответы на вопросы 2 части ОГЭ
- Keywords:
- engineering
Asked by anon-74893 on 22 Jun 2020.-
Rosina Simmons
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
‘Problem solving’.
Engineers are professional problem solvers. Either for fixing something that already exists, or creating something new to overcome a challenge.
April Redford
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
“Team working” as I very rarely will be working alone to delivery a project. I work as part of a highways team but also with many other teams to provide the best solutions/designs that we can.
Leah Edwards
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
Ooh, great question!
For me, engineering is all about making things. So I think about looking up from all of my engineering drawings and calculations and seeing the thing that they made possible. It’s a very proud feeling.
Steve Cottam
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
agree with the ‘problem solving’
another one is identifying what the ‘actual’ problem is!
Chris Bates
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
At a University open day (10 years ago now!) a lecturer gave a talk saying that we should think of Engineering as ‘Ingenuity’ – that is being clever, original and inventive. That has always stuck with me.
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
Many words come to mind: creative, innovative, problem-solving, teamwork, ingenuity, unique, world-leading, and many more.
Oana Lazar
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
“Surprising” – it never ceases to amaze me how even just at university, where we’re all being taught the same things and given the same task descriptions, we all bring completely different ideas and interpretations to the table, with every single project ending up being unique. It’s a field which changes so quickly, and where each problem and solution is so new and different, that you never know when something you learned many years ago and thought was completely random and irrelevant might suddenly be the perfect idea and revolutionise a field. It’s definitely exciting!
Juan Carlos Fallas-Chinchilla
answered on 22 Jun 2020:
Lots of things at once: passion, knowledge, creativity, silliness, ground breaking, safety, collaboration and definitely: hard work 🙂
Fidel Olaye
answered on 23 Jun 2020:
Identifying problems and fixing them using innovation when needed.
Nicola Grahamslaw
answered on 27 Jun 2020:
last edited 27 Jun 2020 12:44 pm
I think in English we have a problem because a lot of people who don’t know much about engineers think of engines! Did you know that in a lot of other languages the two words don’t sound similar at all?
The word “engineer” actually comes from the word “ingenuity” which is all about problem-solving.
Asha Panchal
answered on 3 Jul 2020:
Thinking outside the box.
Engineering is about identifying the problem, finding a solution, and then spending more time thinking about how to improve on that standard solution to be more innovative, economical, efficient, sustainable, time-saving… the list goes on! -
Katie Sparks
answered on 9 Jul 2020:
Making things happen
I studied physics at University and I really enjoyed finding out about how things work and what people thought may be how the world is, but I’m not a natural “explorer” of thoughts.
I like to think of science as “What is going on here?” and engineering as “How am I going to do that?”
- Keywords:
Kaya commented on 30 Jun 2020:
Working together towards solving problems of the modern day world to create a better society. Even though the term ‘engineers’ covers a wide range of sectors in which we all work, we are all aiming for a common goal of improving the world we live in today for the communities we are all apart of.
so when you call yourself an engineer in germany you have really a long and in most cases not so easy education behind you and in case of audio its really not for everyone . i think most here dont even touch this level and the most here which have really good knowledge and skills are like they called here tone-technicians — a tone engineer is way above a tone technician — so here comes the question :
why they are call themself’s engineers in english even if they poorest autodidact with questionable education an so on ? -
Rock Star- Joined:
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Because it comes from a latin word that means «ingenuity» or «wit», so as long as the person has the ability to solve problems, high education isn’t a requirement. Sure, when you hear the word engineer you think of lots of knowledge and hard work and to be fair it’s usually related, but that’s not really what it means.
Now technicians and engineers are not necessarily more or less educated or skilled than the other, even though formal education might tell you otherwise. When it comes to the word, they are just different roles.
I’d imagine the same reason as in the field of computing people are called «software engineer» or «systems engineer», even though formal training for these doesn’t exist really. I’ve had both as my title even though my education is «computer science» which also is odd since it’s an offshoot of mathematics, but like engineering it’s also applied mathematics. Nothing to do with science.
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Audiosexual- Joined:
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Even in I.T. in the earliest Certification exams for non-institutional certification for a major company like Cisco, Microsoft or Novell, you had a minimum of seven 1-3 hour exams. Many more now and the study books are substantially bigger. You had to pass all seven exams to become an engineer in that discipline.
So if you see someone with a CISSP, plus a full MCSE and a CNE, you know they have sat no less than 30 intensive exams over probably no less than four years. The exceptional ones who are also Team leaders or heads of a department also have a degree in either Computing Science or I.T management and at least a decade of real-life experience added to that. I have met a handful who sat them in under two years, but they had already been in I.T working the networks for many years prior.All of that stated, you could say the same thing about musicians. There are many who are exceptional that have no formal training and cannot read a note of music, Tommy Emmanuel for example, but they are the exceptions to the rule.
The point? — The quality of what comes out at the other end, the production output is what matters most not the pieces of paper associated with the person. The paper is a door opener and not much more really. It says you are supposed to know what you are doing, it does not mean the person is any better than someone else who can make something sound great without any training.
Exceptions to every rule. -
Audiosexual- Joined:
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you have to admit self appointed unaccredited job titles are pretty damn common in music. «thieves and gypsys» doesn’t look that great on a business card.
Kapellmeister- Joined:
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an engineer is per definitionem somebody with a formal training, isnt it? the hell would break loose if i call myself a doctor of medicine! but read some webpages about audio, and voila youre an audio engineer. its a pity, that engineer isnt a protected educational degree.
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Audiosexual- Joined:
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I see your point and you are basically right but there are qualified Audio engineers with proper training and degrees out there though.
There are schools of audio engineering everywhere and in Universities.Theoretically there two examples here that enabled people to do this misconception all society generated:
1. An engineer is a person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or structures, or who can skilfully arrange for (something) to occur. Theoretically it cannot be typecast because they changed the meaning from design and create only to incorporate operating. That was a mistake.
2. A doctor is someone who has a PhD or a Doctorate in their chosen field. Society has grown accustomed to calling physicians and surgeons Doctors. A vast majority of them have nothing more than a Bachelor’s degree and are General practitioners. Theoretically, the PhD’s who teach them how to become medical practitioners who are surgeons and physicians as well are the only real doctors. A PhD does around 5-10 years more study than most physicians. So in theory, most of the physicians people go to aren’t doctors at all, they and society just call themselves that.Last edited: May 19, 2021 -
Audiosexual- Joined:
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I would distinguish between Engineers and Technicians..
Audio/Sound Technician:
A guy that sets up the Stage, placing mics/speakers, wiring the stuff, and controlling the volumes in the mixer/booth etc.. this also exists in the Studio, and besides the installation, they could also help with the recording itself, do the Mixing/Mastering etc.Audio Engineer:
A guy that uses Science/Technology to create systems/tools for audio reproduction/recording, audio tools etc,
and it can be Hardware or Software based stuff. For instance Rupert Neve, Harry Nyquist, Ray Dolby etc..Or I guess also anyone who Programs a software tool/plug for audio manipulation.
However it’s not the same a Noob that makes a basic EQ following a tutorial,
(altough programming a simple VST like that is still VERY HARD)..
than a really Experienced guy who makes a new revolutionary tool that pushes the boundaries of Audio Software,
or who makes better more precise/useful tools than those already in existence..So yeah, there’s also a considerable difference between Hardware and Software Audio Engineers.
-But in any case there’s surely a big difference between Technician and Engineer.
Anyone could be considered, or called a Technician with just some basic knowledge,
and more/less empirical practice/experience in the field.But very few could really call themselves Audio Engineers, specially in Hardware,
because this requires massive amounts of Knowledge, resources and a very special focus/mentality/goal.Ofc you can make a «telephone» with two plastic cups and a string,
or you can make a recording device with just a horn, a needle and a ceramic disc..But to design and engineer a proper audio tool/device, like a Microphone/Speaker, a Mixer, an EQ, Comp or whatever,
one will need to mix electric/electronic engineering, with audio/acoustics knowledge and so on and so forth..So yeah, I don’t think anyone can easily call themselves Audio Engineer.
Also I wouldn’t call your pro Mixing and Mastering guy an Engineer,
but a very Experienced Technician and maybe Producer.Last edited: May 19, 2021 -
Audiosexual- Joined:
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As others have said technically an engineer means having a college title, but in several contexts like audio engineer I think is more of a common sense thing. Technician would be more correct, as @Ŧยχøя said.
In my native language (Spanish) doctor technically means only someone with a PhD (usually after a college title). So you have doctors in physics, maths, medicine, history and so on.
In practice we call health workers with some serious title doctor, although technically there’s another word for it («médico»).Edited: reading other fellows posts a college title would be a bachelor’s degree
Last edited: May 19, 2021 -
Member- Joined:
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Well, an Audio-Engineer could be someone with a degree in the Recording Arts, you do know how to do basic maintenance but not necessarily fix a piece of broken gear. Art is the important word here. There are other degrees like Electronic-Engineer and Sound-Technician aka Tape-Op related to the craft but not trained to hear and understand music the same way. That said, it is absolutely possible to acquire this knowledge on the street but it takes a long long time a fair degree of talent and dedication. If you carry a title or not is not as important as the fruits your work earns.
Ad Heesive
Audiosexual- Joined:
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Many nice comments above…
because they do show ‘how people prefer to use words‘ (that’s good) and not ‘what words mean‘ (that’s almost pointless)Dictionaries don’t tell you ‘what words mean‘ (that idea’s crazy). Dictionaries tell you ‘how words get used‘ (and that evolves)
For example, «who engineered that coup against the government?»
Today, that’s a valid use of the word ‘engineering’ even if its not the use expected in this thread.
That softer (less technical) use of the word ‘engineering’ is used to mean ‘contriving or originating something’.Words are only there to help us identify ideas while communicating, and once they’ve identified the idea,
then they’ve done their job and don’t matter.e.g., What is an ‘audio engineer’? It’s an ambiguous question.
When we ask that, all we actually care about is the idea that we’re trying to identify…
i.e., are we talking about someone who ‘builds audio hardware’ or someone that ‘builds audio software’,
or someone that ‘builds audio’? Does it matter if they all use the same label ‘audio engineer’?
It’s tough luck if we think someone’s abusing the language because they will anyway.If we’re talking about someone that is ‘constructing audio’ (and not someone that’s constructing audio hardware/software)
then it’s optional whether that someone calls themself an audio engineer or a sound engineer or a producer,
or even a hyper-aural-wizard, (who cares?) You could even say a musician is an audio engineer — they do construct audio!Obviously, it doesn’t help to overload the same words with many meanings, that just adds confusion to conversations
(like I did here!)
but it also doesn’t make sense to believe that words have fixed meanings — they never have and never will.
Disciplines like science like to keep the ambiguities to a minimum. Other areas of culture enjoy doing the opposite. -
yep …if you not a half doctor in mathematics you will never made it to get a TON-INGENIUERthey are…a tone tech has half of the knowledgy of tone engineer — facts — in germany
a tone engineer has way more knowledge then just mix and mastering way way moreand yes its called
in germanyand this is not only in audio….a technician has big knowledge already but and Ingenieur has way way more — thats very simple facts in germany and i bet in the east and in france its the same
i think its thru english is global language and some sort of plain language in compare to many other languages
it seems a fact that a audio engineer is not to compare to the degree of tone-engineerand again a tone engineer is able to master much more tasks than mix mastering its an all over audio god
i think ethan winer is one
a god — lol — no a true tone engineerand again an audio tech is no audio engineer in germany , facts
thats official degrrees in germany and a tech has not as long and deep education as a ingenieur
and this stands for all , for construction ,audio,chemical area and what else notLast edited: May 19, 2021-
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Producer- Joined:
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sound manipulator
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I’m actually studying electrical and audio engineering in austria Graz (it’s called Elektrotechnik-Toningenieur). As far as I know it’s the only place in europe you can get a Bsc or Msc in audio engineering. It’s a combined study of the technical and musical university, the technical side is much more prominent though. While you are qualified to work in a studio afterwards you are actually much more likely to end up in software or hardware engineering or doing room acoustics. With that study program you have a unique skillset that basically guarantees you an interesting and well payed job.
so after comparing english and german wikipedia entry on that and its the same
i say its just the audacity of the clueless audio community to call everyone who can mix and or master an audio engineer which is a pure joke -
thanks for clarification and for bring up that you combine the two fields
yep i meant ppl like you which end up with massive knowledge not comparable to a just mix master guys-
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Platinum Record- Joined:
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In Germany, the title «engineer» (resp., «Ingenieur») is protected by law: https://www.howtogermany.com/pages/foreign-engineers.html
Usually, you would need at least a bachelor’s degree to call yourself an engineer. But it may not be the case in other countries. So I guess it also depends on where you’re from. -
Platinum Record- Joined:
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Same here. To call yourself an «engineer», you need to have a career related to engineering of some sort, which is 5+ years college education.
So around here if you know your way around audio but don’t have that kind of training you’re just a «sound tech».
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It comes from universities previously having a Department of Mathematics and Computational Science, which is what they were before they split into separate departments due to the rapid expansion of computer technology. The tools of the software engineer are all science based, so basically using computer science to solve problems. In fact, software engineer is just a job title.
Last edited: May 19, 2021-
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College of Engineering:
Engineers turn ideas (technical, scientific, mathematical) into reality. Tell us about an engineering idea you have or your interest in engineering. Explain how Cornell Engineering can help you further explore this idea or interest.
When I hear the word «engineer», I immediately picture a person wearing hard hat and holding a blueprint. As it turns out, many engineers are not the typical architecture engineers I picture. Some looks like scientists with their lab coats and weird color chemicals; some looks like farmers working in a field with shovels and hoes; some looks like average day people dressed in t-shirts and jeans ready to program some software. I belong to the latter description. I want to become a computer engineer.
I have always been interested in the «magical super calculator», even at an early age. At that time, the computer, in my ignorant little mind, is a machine that can calculate math problems really fast, play cool looking games, and type documents with a tolerance of errors (unlike the typewriter). To some extend what I thought were right, but computers’ abilities were far beyond my imagination. Until recently, I never wondered about computers’ hidden secrets. How does a letter appear when one types it on a keyboard? How does a character move on the screen when one presses the arrow keys? How does an email travel through the Internet when one clicks a button? Such seemingly simple tasks are found to be quite complex behind its programming and algorithm roots. I don’t know the answers to those questions. Like the quote, «The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing.» All I know is that the computer is even a deeper mystery than before.
The only way to dissolve ignorance is knowledge. Cornell University not only offers the top-notch education, it also has the state-of-the-art research centers, like the Center for Advanced Computing, which was one of the five original centers of the National Science Foundation’s Supercomputer Centers Program. And Cornell offers over a dozen of research areas for computer engineers, such as artificial intelligence, programming, systems and networking, and my most interested area — graphics. Like the Engineering Communications Program and the Kessler Fellows Program, Cornell is overflowing with opportunities waiting for engineer wannabe like me to experience.
With advancing technology, computers are becoming more and more complex each day. Without the proper education, I’m becoming more and more ignorant each day. Again, the only way to dissolve ignorance is knowledge. Cornell offers the knowledge. I have the willingness to learn the knowledge. Within four years, I will become a computer engineer. The once «wannabe» will change from «wanna» to «be».
What do everyone think about it? Any comments would be appreciated.
I have to admit, the conclusion is a bit… odd. But what do you think about it? Should I change it?