Last Update: Jan 03, 2023
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Asked by: Yasmeen Rohan Sr.
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How The Word ‘Scientist’ Came To Be In 1834, Cambridge University historian and philosopher of science William Whewell
William Whewell
He also organized thousands of volunteers internationally to study ocean tides, in what is now considered one of the first citizen science projects. He received the Royal Medal for this work in 1837. One of Whewell’s greatest gifts to science was his wordsmithing.
coined the term «scientist» to replace such terms as «cultivators of science.» Historian Howard Markel discusses how «scientist» came to be, and lists some possibilities that didn’t make the cut.
What were scientists originally called?
“Although, we do know that it was philosopher William Whewell who first coined the term ‘scientist. ‘ Prior to that, scientists were called ‘natural philosophers’.” Whewell coined the term in 1833, said my friend Debbie Lee. She’s a researcher and professor of English at WSU who wrote a book on the history of science.
When was the word science first used?
It originally came from the Latin word scientia which meant knowledge, a knowing, expertness, or experience. By the late 14th century, science meant, in English, collective knowledge.
What did they called scientists before the 1830s?
Until the late 19th or early 20th century, scientists were still referred to as «natural philosophers» or «men of science».
Why was the word scientist coined?
In a pinch, the well-known wordsmith coined the term “scientist” for Somerville. Whewell did not intend for this to be a gender-neutral term for “man of science;” rather, he made it in order to reflect the interdisciplinary nature of Somerville’s expertise.
17 related questions found
Who is known as father of science?
Albert Einstein called Galileo the “father of modern science.” Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564, in Pisa, Italy but lived in Florence, Italy for most of his childhood. His father was Vincenzo Galilei, an accomplished Florentine mathematician, and musician.
Who is the best scientist alive in the world?
Arguably the world’s most famous living scientist, Stephen Hawking is known for his landmark contributions to our understanding of the big bang, black holes, and relativity.
Who is the first woman scientist in the world?
When it comes to the topic of women in science, Marie Curie usually dominates the conversation. After all, she discovered two elements, was the first women to win a Nobel Prize, in 1903, and was the first person to win a second Nobel, in 1911.
Who is the best scientist in the world?
The 10 Greatest Scientists of All Time
- Albert Einstein (Credit: Mark Marturello)
- Marie Curie (Credit: Mark Marturello)
- Isaac Newton (Credit: Mark Marturello)
- Charles Darwin (Credit: Mark Marturello)
- Nikola Tesla (Credit: Mark Marturello)
- Galileo Galilei (Credit: Mark Marturello)
- Ada Lovelace (Credit: Mark Marturello)
Who was the first ever scientist?
But for his pioneering use of experiment, observation and maths to understand nature, the Italian genius Galileo Galilei arguably best fits the description of ‘first scientist’.
Who invented science first?
Aristotle is considered by many to be the first scientist, although the term postdates him by more than two millennia. In Greece in the fourth century BC, he pioneered the techniques of logic, observation, inquiry and demonstration.
What year did science begin?
The earliest roots of science can be traced to Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia in around 3000 to 1200 BCE.
Who is the king of science?
“Physics is the king of all sciences as it helps us understand the way nature works.
Do you call a scientist Doctor?
Scientists who are called «Doctor» are not medical doctors, like the ones who take care of you when you’re sick. Their title refers to the level of specialization and education that they have achieved in their field of study.
Which country has best scientist?
The top 10 countries for scientific research in 2018
- United States of America. The United States is the most prolific publisher of high-quality science in the world, but China is closing the gap with astonishing rapidity. …
- China. …
- Germany. …
- United Kingdom. …
- Japan. …
- France. …
- Canada. …
- Switzerland.
Who is the most famous female?
Here are the 12 women who changed the world
- Jane Austen (1775 – 1817) …
- Anne Frank (1929 – 1945) …
- Maya Angelou (1928 – 2014) …
- Queen Elizabeth I (1533 – 1603) …
- Catherine the Great (1729 – 1796) …
- Sojourner Truth (1797 – 1883) …
- Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005) …
- Malala Yousafzai (1997 — Present)
Who is the best female scientists in the world?
Meet 10 Women in Science Who Changed the World
- Ada Lovelace, Mathematician. Dec. …
- Marie Curie, Physicist and Chemist. Nov. …
- Janaki Ammal, Botanist. Nov. …
- Chien-Shiung Wu, Physicist. May 31, 1912-Feb. …
- Katherine Johnson, Mathematician. Aug. …
- Rosalind Franklin, Chemist. …
- Vera Rubin, Astronomer. …
- Gladys West, Mathematician.
Who is the richest scientist in the world?
1. James Watson, $20 Billion. According to Wealthy Gorilla, James Watson is the richest scientist in the world as he has a net worth of $20 billion. Watson is a biologist, geneticist, and zoologist who is best known for his work on the double helix structure of the DNA molecule.
Who is the best scientist in 2020?
- The Nature’s 10 list explores key developments in science this year and some of the people who played important parts in these milestones. …
- Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: Warning the world. …
- Verena Mohaupt: Polar patroller. …
- Gonzalo Moratorio: Coronavirus hunter. …
- Adi Utarini: Mosquito commander. …
- Kathrin Jansen: Vaccine leader.
Who is the greatest scientist of 21st century?
The Greatest Scientists of the 21st Century
- Andre Konstantin Geim. …
- Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov. …
- John Craig Venter. …
- Stephen William Hawking. …
- Michio Kaku. …
- Tiera Guinn Fletcher. …
- Jennifer Doudna.
Who is the famous scientists in the world?
Isaac Newton attended Cambridge University upon finishing school in 1661. He developed a variety of scientific methods and discoveries including those in optics and colors. 2. Albert Einstein — In his younger years, Albert Einstein had always shown a great interest in mathematics and science.
Who was one of 100 greatest scientists of all time?
- ISAAC NEWTON. (January 4, 1643 – March 31, 1727)
- LEONHARD EULER. (April 15, 1707 – September 18, 1783)
- GOTTFRIED von LEIBNIZ. (July 1, 1646 – November 14, 1716)
- CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS. (April 30, 1777 – February 23, 1855)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pierre Curie and Marie Curie demonstrating an apparatus that detects radioactivity. They received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics for their scientific research; Marie also received the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. |
Occupation | |
Names | Scientist |
Occupation type |
Profession |
Activity sectors |
Laboratory, field research |
Description | |
Competencies | Scientific research |
Education required |
Science |
Fields of |
Academia, industry, government, nonprofit |
Related jobs |
Engineers |
A scientist is a person who researches to advance knowledge in an area of the natural sciences.[1][2]
In classical antiquity, there was no real ancient analog of a modern scientist. Instead, philosophers engaged in the philosophical study of nature called natural philosophy, a precursor of natural science.[3] Though Thales (circa 624–545 BC) was arguably the first scientist for describing how cosmic events may be seen as natural, not necessarily caused by gods,[4][5][6][7][8][9] it was not until the 19th century that the term scientist came into regular use after it was coined by the theologian, philosopher, and historian of science William Whewell in 1833.[10][11]
«No one in the history of civilization has shaped our understanding of science and natural philosophy more than the great Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle (384-322 BC), who exerted a profound and pervasive influence for more than two thousand years» —Gary B. Ferngren[12]
Francesco Redi, referred to as the «father of modern parasitology», is the founder of experimental biology.
Physicist Albert Einstein developed the general theory of relativity and made many substantial contributions to physics.
Physicist Enrico Fermi is credited with the creation of the world’s first atomic bomb and nuclear reactor.
Atomic physicist Niels Bohr made fundamental contributions to understanding atomic structure and quantum theory.
The roles of «scientists», and their predecessors before the emergence of modern scientific disciplines, have evolved considerably over time. Scientists of different eras (and before them, natural philosophers, mathematicians, natural historians, natural theologians, engineers, and others who contributed to the development of science) have had widely different places in society, and the social norms, ethical values, and epistemic virtues associated with scientists—and expected of them—have changed over time as well. Accordingly, many different historical figures can be identified as early scientists, depending on which characteristics of modern science are taken to be essential.
Some historians point to the Scientific Revolution that began in 16th century as the period when science in a recognizably modern form developed. It wasn’t until the 19th century that sufficient socioeconomic changes had occurred for scientists to emerge as a major profession.[13]
Classical antiquity[edit]
Knowledge about nature in classical antiquity was pursued by many kinds of scholars. Greek contributions to science—including works of geometry and mathematical astronomy, early accounts of biological processes and catalogs of plants and animals, and theories of knowledge and learning—were produced by philosophers and physicians, as well as practitioners of various trades. These roles, and their associations with scientific knowledge, spread with the Roman Empire and, with the spread of Christianity, became closely linked to religious institutions in most of European countries. Astrology and astronomy became an important area of knowledge, and the role of astronomer/astrologer developed with the support of political and religious patronage. By the time of the medieval university system, knowledge was divided into the trivium—philosophy, including natural philosophy—and the quadrivium—mathematics, including astronomy. Hence, the medieval analogs of scientists were often either philosophers or mathematicians. Knowledge of plants and animals was broadly the province of physicians.
Middle Ages[edit]
Science in medieval Islam generated some new modes of developing natural knowledge, although still within the bounds of existing social roles such as philosopher and mathematician. Many proto-scientists from the Islamic Golden Age are considered polymaths, in part because of the lack of anything corresponding to modern scientific disciplines. Many of these early polymaths were also religious priests and theologians: for example, Alhazen and al-Biruni were mutakallimiin; the physician Avicenna was a hafiz; the physician Ibn al-Nafis was a hafiz, muhaddith and ulema; the botanist Otto Brunfels was a theologian and historian of Protestantism; the astronomer and physician Nicolaus Copernicus was a priest. During the Italian Renaissance scientists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Galileo Galilei and Gerolamo Cardano have been considered as the most recognizable polymaths.
During the Renaissance, Italians made substantial contributions in science. Leonardo da Vinci made significant discoveries in paleontology and anatomy. The Father of modern Science,[14][15]
Galileo Galilei, made key improvements on the thermometer and telescope which allowed him to observe and clearly describe the solar system. Descartes was not only a pioneer of analytic geometry but formulated a theory of mechanics[16] and advanced ideas about the origins of animal movement and perception. Vision interested the physicists Young and Helmholtz, who also studied optics, hearing and music. Newton extended Descartes’s mathematics by inventing calculus (at the same time as Leibniz). He provided a comprehensive formulation of classical mechanics and investigated light and optics. Fourier founded a new branch of mathematics — infinite, periodic series — studied heat flow and infrared radiation, and discovered the greenhouse effect. Girolamo Cardano, Blaise Pascal Pierre de Fermat, Von Neumann, Turing, Khinchin, Markov and Wiener, all mathematicians, made major contributions to science and probability theory, including the ideas behind computers, and some of the foundations of statistical mechanics and quantum mechanics. Many mathematically inclined scientists, including Galileo, were also musicians.
There are many compelling stories in medicine and biology, such as the development of ideas about the circulation of blood from Galen to Harvey. Some scholars and historians attributes Christianity to having contributed to the rise of the Scientific Revolution.[17][18][19][20][21]
Age of Enlightenment[edit]
During the age of Enlightenment, Luigi Galvani, the pioneer of the bioelectromagnetics, discovered the animal electricity. He discovered that a charge applied to the spinal cord of a frog could generate muscular spasms throughout its body. Charges could make frog legs jump even if the legs were no longer attached to a frog. While cutting a frog leg, Galvani’s steel scalpel touched a brass hook that was holding the leg in place. The leg twitched. Further experiments confirmed this effect, and Galvani was convinced that he was seeing the effects of what he called animal electricity, the life force within the muscles of the frog. At the University of Pavia, Galvani’s colleague Alessandro Volta was able to reproduce the results, but was sceptical of Galvani’s explanation.[22]
Lazzaro Spallanzani is one of the most influential figures in experimental physiology and the natural sciences. His investigations have exerted a lasting influence on the medical sciences. He made important contributions to the experimental study of bodily functions and animal reproduction.[23]
Francesco Redi discovered that microorganisms can cause disease.
19th century[edit]
Until the late 19th or early 20th century, scientists were still referred to as «natural philosophers» or «men of science».[24][25][26][27]
English philosopher and historian of science William Whewell coined the term scientist in 1833, and it first appeared in print in Whewell’s anonymous 1834 review of Mary Somerville’s On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences published in the Quarterly Review.[28] Whewell wrote of «an increasing proclivity of separation and dismemberment» in the sciences; while highly specific terms proliferated—chemist, mathematician, naturalist—the broad term «philosopher» was no longer satisfactory to group together those who pursued science, without the caveats of «natural» or «experimental» philosopher. Whewell compared these increasing divisions with Somerville’s aim of «[rendering] a most important service to science» «by showing how detached branches have, in the history of science, united by the discovery of general principles.»[29] Whewell reported in his review that members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science had been complaining at recent meetings about the lack of a good term for «students of the knowledge of the material world collectively.» Alluding to himself, he noted that «some ingenious gentleman proposed that, by analogy with artist, they might form [the word] scientist, and added that there could be no scruple in making free with this term since we already have such words as economist, and atheist—but this was not generally palatable».[30]
Whewell proposed the word again more seriously (and not anonymously) in his 1840[31] The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences:
The terminations ize (rather than ise), ism, and ist, are applied to words of all origins: thus we have to pulverize, to colonize, Witticism, Heathenism, Journalist, Tobacconist. Hence we may make such words when they are wanted. As we cannot use physician for a cultivator of physics, I have called him a Physicist. We need very much a name to describe a cultivator of science in general. I should incline to call him a Scientist. Thus we might say, that as an Artist is a Musician, Painter, or Poet, a Scientist is a Mathematician, Physicist, or Naturalist.
He also proposed the term physicist at the same time, as a counterpart to the French word physicien. Neither term gained wide acceptance until decades later; scientist became a common term in the late 19th century in the United States and around the turn of the 20th century in Great Britain.[28][32][33] By the twentieth century, the modern notion of science as a special brand of information about the world, practiced by a distinct group and pursued through a unique method, was essentially in place.
20th century[edit]
Marie Curie became the first female to win the Nobel Prize and the first person to win it twice. Her efforts led to the development of nuclear energy and Radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer. In 1922, she was appointed a member of the International Commission on Intellectual Co-operation by the Council of the League of Nations. She campaigned for scientist’s right to patent their discoveries and inventions. She also campaigned for free access to international scientific literature and for internationally recognized scientific symbols.
As a profession, the scientist of today is widely recognized[citation needed]. However, there is no formal process to determine who is a scientist and who is not a scientist. Anyone can be a scientist in some sense. Some professions have legal requirements for their practice (e.g. licensure) and some scientists are independent scientists meaning that they practice science on their own, but to practice science there are no known licensure requirements.[34]
In modern times, many professional scientists are trained in an academic setting (e.g., universities and research institutes), mostly at the level of graduate schools. Upon completion, they would normally attain an academic degree, with the highest degree being a doctorate such as a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).[35] Although graduate education for scientists varies among institutions and countries, some common training requirements include specializing in an area of interest,[36] publishing research findings in peer-reviewed scientific journals[37] and presenting them at scientific conferences,[38] giving lectures or teaching,[38] and defending a thesis (or dissertation) during an oral examination.[35] To aid them in this endeavor, graduate students often work under the guidance of a mentor, usually a senior scientist, which may continue after the completion of their doctorates whereby they work as postdoctoral researchers.[39]
After the completion of their training, many scientists pursue careers in a variety of work settings and conditions.[40] In 2017, the British scientific journal Nature published the results of a large-scale survey of more than 5,700 doctoral students worldwide, asking them which sectors of the economy they would like to work in. A little over half of the respondents wanted to pursue a career in academia, with smaller proportions hoping to work in industry, government, and nonprofit environments.[41][42]
Other motivations are recognition by their peers and prestige. The Nobel Prize, a widely regarded prestigious award,[43] is awarded annually to those who have achieved scientific advances in the fields of medicine, physics, and chemistry.
Some scientists have a desire to apply scientific knowledge for the benefit of people’s health, the nations, the world, nature, or industries (academic scientist and industrial scientist). Scientists tend to be less motivated by direct financial reward for their work than other careers. As a result, scientific researchers often accept lower average salaries when compared with many other professions which require a similar amount of training and qualification.[citation needed]
Research interests[edit]
Scientists include experimentalists who mainly perform experiments to test hypotheses, and theoreticians who mainly develop models to explain existing data and predict new results. There is a continuum between two activities and the division between them is not clear-cut, with many scientists performing both tasks.
Those considering science as a career often look to the frontiers. These include cosmology and biology, especially molecular biology and the human genome project. Other areas of active research include the exploration of matter at the scale of elementary particles as described by high-energy physics, and materials science, which seeks to discover and design new materials. Others choose to study brain function and neurotransmitters, which is considered by many to be the «final frontier».[44][45][46] There are many important discoveries to make regarding the nature of the mind and human thought as much still remains unknown.
By specialization[edit]
Natural science[edit]
Physical science[edit]
Life science[edit]
Formal science[edit]
- Computer scientist
- Computational scientist
- Data scientist
- Mathematician[31]
- Algebraist
- Analyst
- Geometer
- Logician
- Probabilist
- Statistician
- Topologist
- Systems scientist
- Agriculturist
- Applied physics
- Health physicist
- Medical physicist
- Biomedical scientist
- Engineering scientist
- Environmental scientist
- Food scientist
- Kinesiologist
- Nutritionist
- Operations research and management analysts
- Physician scientist
- Materials scientist
- Mathematical biologist
- Mathematical chemist
- Mathematical economist
- Mathematical physicist
- Mathematical sociologist
By employer[edit]
- Academic
- Independent scientist
- Industrial/applied scientist
- Citizen scientist
- Government scientist
By country[edit]
The number of scientists is vastly different from country to country. For instance, there are only four full-time scientists per 10,000 workers in India, while this number is 79 for the United Kingdom, and 85 for the United States.[47]
United States[edit]
According to the National Science Foundation, 4.7 million people with science degrees worked in the United States in 2015, across all disciplines and employment sectors. The figure included twice as many men as women. Of that total, 17% worked in academia, that is, at universities and undergraduate institutions, and men held 53% of those positions. 5% of scientists worked for the federal government, and about 3.5% were self-employed. Of the latter two groups, two-thirds were men. 59% of scientists in the United States were employed in industry or business, and another 6% worked in non-profit positions.[48]
By gender[edit]
Scientist and engineering statistics are usually intertwined, but they indicate that women enter the field far less than men, though this gap is narrowing. The number of science and engineering doctorates awarded to women rose from a mere 7 percent in 1970 to 34 percent in 1985 and in engineering alone the numbers of bachelor’s degrees awarded to women rose from only 385 in 1975 to more than 11000 in 1985.[49][clarification needed]
See also[edit]
- Engineers
- Inventor
- Researcher
- Fields Medal
- Hippocratic Oath for Scientists
- History of science
- Intellectual
- Independent scientist
- Licensure
- Mad scientist
- Natural science
- Nobel Prize
- Protoscience
- Normative science
- Pseudoscience
- Scholar
- Science
- Social science
- Related lists
- List of engineers
- List of mathematicians
- List of Nobel laureates in Physics
- List of Nobel laureates in Chemistry
- List of Nobel laureates in Physiology or Medicine
- List of Russian scientists
- List of Roman Catholic cleric-scientists
- ^ «Eusocial climbers» (PDF). E.O. Wilson Foundation. Retrieved 3 September 2018.
But he’s not a scientist, he’s never done scientific research. My definition of a scientist is that you can complete the following sentence: ‘he or she has shown that…’,» Wilson says.
- ^ «Our definition of a scientist». Science Council. Retrieved 7 September 2018.
A scientist is someone who systematically gathers and uses research and evidence, making a hypothesis and testing it, to gain and share understanding and knowledge.
- ^ Lehoux, Daryn (2011). «2. Natural Knowledge in the Classical World». In Shank, Michael; Numbers, Ronald; Harrison, Peter (eds.). Wrestling with Nature : From Omens to Science. Chicago: University of Chicago, U.S.A. Press. p. 39. ISBN 978-0226317830.
- ^ Aristotle, Metaphysics Alpha, 983b18.
- ^
Smith, William, ed. (1870). «Thales». Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. p. 1016.
- ^ Michael Fowler, Early Greek Science: Thales to Plato, University of Virginia [Retrieved 2016-06-16]
- ^ Frank N. Magill, The Ancient World: Dictionary of World Biography, Volume 1, Routledge, 2003 ISBN 1135457395
- ^ Singer, C. (2008). A Short History of Science to the 19th century. Streeter Press. p. 35.
- ^ Needham, C. W. (1978). Cerebral Logic: Solving the Problem of Mind and Brain. Loose Leaf. p. 75. ISBN 978-0-398-03754-3.
- ^ Cahan, David, ed. (2003). From Natural Philosophy to the Sciences: Writing the History of Nineteenth-Century Science. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 0-226-08928-2.
- ^ Lightman, Bernard (2011). «Science and the Public». In Shank, Michael; Numbers, Ronald; Harrison, Peter (eds.). Wrestling with Nature : From Omens to Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. p. 367. ISBN 978-0226317830.
- ^ Gary B. Ferngren (2002). «Science and religion: a historical introduction Archived 2015-03-16 at the Wayback Machine«. JHU Press. p.33. ISBN 0-8018-7038-0
- ^ On the historical development of the character of scientists and the predecessors, see: Steven Shapin (2008). The Scientific Life: A Moral History of a Late Modern Vocation. Chicago: Chicago University Press. ISBN 0-226-75024-8
- ^ Einstein (1954, p. 271). «Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality. Because Galileo realised this, and particularly because he drummed it into the scientific world, he is the father of modern physics—indeed, of modern science altogether.»
- ^ Stephen Hawking, Galileo and the Birth of Modern Science Archived 2012-03-24 at the Wayback Machine, American Heritage’s Invention & Technology, Spring 2009, Vol. 24, No. 1, p. 36
- ^ Peter Damerow (2004). «Introduction». Exploring the Limits of Preclassical Mechanics: A Study of Conceptual Development in Early Modern Science: Free Fall and Compounded Motion in the Work of Descartes, Galileo and Beeckman. Springer Science & Business Media. p. 6.
- ^ Harrison, Peter (8 May 2012). «Christianity and the rise of western science». Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Retrieved 28 August 2014.
- ^ Noll, Mark, Science, Religion, and A.D. White: Seeking Peace in the «Warfare Between Science and Theology» (PDF), The Biologos Foundation, p. 4, archived from the original (PDF) on 22 March 2015, retrieved 14 January 2015
- ^ Lindberg, David C.; Numbers, Ronald L. (1986), «Introduction», God & Nature: Historical Essays on the Encounter Between Christianity and Science, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, pp. 5, 12, ISBN 978-0-520-05538-4
- ^ Gilley, Sheridan (2006). The Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 8, World Christianities C.1815-c.1914. Brian Stanley. Cambridge University Press. p. 164. ISBN 0-521-81456-1.
- ^ Lindberg, David. (1992) The Beginnings of Western Science University of Chicago Press. p. 204.
- ^ Robert Routledge (1881). A popular history of science (2nd ed.). G. Routledge and Sons. p. 553. ISBN 0-415-38381-1.
- ^ «Spallanzani — Uomo e scienziato» (in Italian). Il museo di Lazzaro Spallanzani. Archived from the original on 2010-06-03. Retrieved 2010-06-07.
- ^ Nineteenth-Century Attitudes: Men of Science. «Nineteenth-Century Attitudes: Men of Science». Archived from the original on 2008-03-09. Retrieved 2008-01-15.
- ^ Friedrich Ueberweg, History of Philosophy: From Thales to the Present Time. C. Scribner’s sons v.1, 1887
- ^ Steve Fuller, Kuhn VS. Popper: The Struggle For The Soul Of Science. Columbia University Press 2004. Page 43. ISBN 0-231-13428-2
- ^ Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1917. v.45 1917 Jan-Jun. Page 274 Archived 2017-03-02 at the Wayback Machine.
- ^ a b Ross, Sydney (1962). «Scientist: The story of a word». Annals of Science. 18 (2): 65–85. doi:10.1080/00033796200202722. To be exact, the person coined the term scientist was referred to in Whewell 1834 only as «some ingenious gentleman.» Ross added a comment that this «some ingenious gentleman» was Whewell himself, without giving the reason for the identification. Ross 1962, p.72.
- ^ Whewell, William. Murray, John (ed.). «On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences By Mrs. Sommerville». The Quarterly Review. LI (March & June 1834): 54–68.
- ^ Holmes, R (2008). The age of wonder: How the romantic generation discovered the beauty and terror of science. London: Harper Press. p. 449. ISBN 978-0-00-714953-7.
- ^ a b Whewell, William. The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences Volume 1. Cambridge. p. cxiii. or Whewell, William (1847). The Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences: Founded Upon Their History, Vol. 2. New York, Johnson Reprint Corp. p. 560.. In the 1847 second edition, moved to volume 2 page 560.
- ^ «William Whewell (1794-1866) gentleman of science». Archived from the original on 2007-06-25. Retrieved 2007-05-19.
- ^ Tamara Preaud, Derek E. Ostergard, The Sèvres Porcelain Manufactory. Yale University Press 1997. 416 pages. ISBN 0-300-07338-0 Page 36.
- ^ «Everyone is a Scientist – Scientific Scribbles».
- ^ a b Cyranoski, David; Gilbert, Natasha; Ledford, Heidi; Nayar, Anjali; Yahia, Mohammed (2011). «Education: The PhD factory». Nature. 472 (7343): 276–279. Bibcode:2011Natur.472..276C. doi:10.1038/472276a. PMID 21512548.
- ^ «STEM education: To build a scientist». Nature. 523 (7560): 371–373. 2015. doi:10.1038/nj7560-371a.
- ^ Gould, Julie (2016). «What’s the point of the PhD thesis?». Nature. 535 (7610): 26–28. Bibcode:2016Natur.535…26G. doi:10.1038/535026a. PMID 27383968.
- ^ a b Kruger, Philipp (2018). «Why it is not a ‘failure’ to leave academia». Nature. 560 (7716): 133–134. Bibcode:2018Natur.560..133K. doi:10.1038/d41586-018-05838-y. PMID 30065341.
- ^ Lee, Adrian; Dennis, Carina; Campbell, Phillip (2007). «Nature’s guide for mentors». Nature. 447 (7146): 791–797. Bibcode:2007Natur.447..791L. doi:10.1038/447791a. PMID 17568738.
- ^ Kwok, Roberta (2017). «Flexible working: Science in the gig economy». Nature. 550: 419–421. doi:10.1038/nj7677-549a.
- ^ Woolston, Chris (2007). Editorial (ed.). «Many junior scientists need to take a hard look at their job prospects». Nature. 550: 549–552. doi:10.1038/nj7677-549a.
- ^ Lee, Adrian; Dennis, Carina; Campbell, Phillip (2007). «Graduate survey: A love–hurt relationship». Nature. 550 (7677): 549–552. doi:10.1038/nj7677-549a.
- ^ Stockton, Nick (7 October 2014), «How did the Nobel Prize become the biggest award on Earth?», Wired, retrieved 3 September 2018
- ^ Foreword. National Academies Press (US). 1992.
- ^ «The Brain: The Final Frontier?». November 2014.
- ^ «The Last Frontier — Carnegie Mellon University | CMU».
- ^ a b van Noorden, Richard (2015). «India by the numbers». Nature. 521 (7551): 142–143. Bibcode:2015Natur.521..142V. doi:10.1038/521142a. PMID 25971491.
- ^ «Employment: Male majority». Nature. 542 (7642): 509. 2017-02-22. doi:10.1038/nj7642-509b. S2CID 256770781.
- ^ Margaret A. Eisenhart, Elizabeth Finkel (1998). Women’s Science: Learning and Succeeding from the Margins. University of Chicago Press. p. 18.
External articles[edit]
- Further reading
- Alison Gopnik, «Finding Our Inner Scientist», Daedalus, Winter 2004.
- Charles George Herbermann, The Catholic Encyclopedia. Science and the Church. The Encyclopedia press, 1913. v.13. Page 598.
- Thomas Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962.
- Arthur Jack Meadows. The Victorian Scientist: The Growth of a Profession, 2004. ISBN 0-7123-0894-6.
- Science, The Relation of Pure Science to Industrial Research. American Association for the Advancement of Science. Page 511 onwards.
- Websites
- For best results, add a little inspiration – The Telegraph about What Inspired You?, a survey of key thinkers in science, technology and medicine
- Peer Review Journal Science on amateur scientists
- The philosophy of the inductive sciences, founded upon their history (1847) – Complete Text
- Audio-Visual
- «The Scientist», BBC Radio 4 discussion with John Gribbin, Patricia Fara and Hugh Pennington (In Our Time, Oct. 24, 2002)
This week, something new. We call it Science Diction. It’s a little science history, the story of how a scientific word came to be. And what better place to start off our series of Science Diction with the word scientist. How did the word scientist come to be?
Joining us now to talk more about that is my guest Howard Markel. He’s professor of the history of medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He’s also director of the Center for the History of Medicine there. And he joins us from WUOM out there in Ann Arbor. Welcome back to SCIENCE FRIDAY.
Dr. HOWARD MARKEL (University of Michigan): Well, thanks for having me, Ira.
FLATOW: The history of the word scientist. Scientist is not that old a word, is it?
Dr. MARKEL: No. I was really amazed. It’s only about 176 years old, to be precise. It came around in 1834. And a Cambridge University historian and philosopher of science named William (technical difficulties) coined it.
FLATOW: William, again? We missed that name.
Dr. MARKEL: William Whewell. It’s spelled W-H-E-W-E-L-L. And he (technical difficulties) science, and it was an early point in science, at least experimental science, when a lot of the game rules were actually being developed. So he was really quite an umpire and was consulting with people like Darwin and Faraday and a lot of other prominent scientists that we idolize today.
FLATOW: Mm-hmm. And so how did they get around to using that word?
Dr. MARKEL: Well, no one really knew what to call a scientist. There was all these different names like cultivators of science and…
FLATOW: Wasn’t there a natural philosopher used?
Dr. MARKEL: Natural philosopher, yes. And so he thought — you know, there’s a lot of consilience. In other words, he came up with a lot of jumping together of all fields of science. And we ought to come up with a word that refers to all of them. And so he was actually writing in 1834. He came up with (technical difficulties) terms. The first he considered was savant, or men of learning. But he dismissed that for both being presumptuous and French. He was British, as you recall. He also considered the German term naturforscher, which is really naturalist. But he worried that some might make fun of that term, calling it nature-poker or nature-peeper. And as you just mentioned, natural philosopher was dismissed because it was simply too wide and too lofty a term.
But eventually he came up with, by analogy with artist, that they might (technical difficulties) word scientist. But he had a few qualms about that because it was close to a few other words that were not held in high regard. The first was economist. That may still be true to this day. And the other was atheist, which was a real problematic term back in those days. But he came back to it, nevertheless and he said, you know, I think this is a word, a cultivator of science in general ought to be called a scientist.
And a review of his work in Blackwell’s magazine later on that year, in 1840, described it even better. They said Leonardo da Vinci was mentally a seeker after truth. He was a scientist. Well, Correggio, who as you may recall like to play with lightness and (technical difficulties) so the size of body parts, was an asserter of truth. He was an artist.
FLATOW: Hmm. How did he get to be friends with all those famous people, Faraday, Darwin?
Dr. MARKEL: Well, he was the master of Trinity College at Cambridge, so he had a very good position. He was also a fairly good scientist in his own right. He was a mineralogist. He wrote about geology. He wrote about oceanic tides, mathematics. So he was around.
And he was actually writing a book that became very well known, «The Philosophy of the Inductive Science,» at this time, where he was trying to set up — how do you come up with a hypothesis? How do you prove it? Should it be universal? And you know, this all seems, you know, so basic to us today. But (technical difficulties) back in 1830s, 1840s, when real science, as we understand it, was just being laid out.
FLATOW: 1-800-989-8255 is our number, if you’d like to talk with Howard Markel about the origin of the word scientist.
Howard, how do you come up with this stuff?
(Soundbite of laughter)
Dr. MARKEL: Well, I’m afraid to tell you because it’s so easy. You may not ask me to come back. We want to look up a word, any word in English language. The best place to start is the Oxford English Dictionary because it not only gives you definitions of the word, but it tells you every point in English history where it first appeared.
Dr. MARKEL: (Technical difficulties) look it up. But that’s the fun of it because you never know what you’re going to find, and it’s always something good, and you find all these connections. And so finding out about that scientist was a relatively new word led to Whewell’s works and then it led to me finding about who his friends were and so on. I even learned that he died, unfortunately, falling off a horse at the age of 71. But it’s really just — you know, you start with that Oxford English Dictionary and you’re off to the races. And so, you know, it’s so much fun looking up things. So I hope the listeners want to do that as well.
FLATOW: You know, it seems like there was sort of an evolution. The first words that you mentioned were — ended in ER, nature-poker, nature-peeper, natural philosopher. And now it seems like you take the words and you put an ist, scientist, naturalist, you know, biologist.
Dr. MARKEL: Yeah — biologist, geologist.
FLATOW: Yeah. They just decide, well, we’re going to go with that kind of ending. We’ll take the same things — the discipline that these people do, put an ist on it instead.
Dr. MARKEL: Well, what’s really neat is that it all comes from the word artist. And you know, often there’s great art in great science, just as there often is great science in great art. I think it’s a really neat coming together (technical difficulties)…
FLATOW: Mm-hmm. Is there another source that’s just as good, besides the OED, maybe other sources? I mean, there’s the Internet. The Internet must serve now as a great source to find the history of all these words.
Dr. MARKEL: Well, the Internet is wonderful because once you find (technical difficulties) then you can do this on Internet, you know, services as well, then you can find the books without even, God forbid, going to the library at all. You could actually find the books on the Internet. And that’s really quite easy too. So you can do it really from your home.
FLATOW: Yeah. And of course you always have to — as everything on the Internet, you have to watch out for the source, right?
Dr. MARKEL: Absolutely. You don’t want to go to Bob’s really cool word site as opposed to the Oxford English Dictionary. So you want to weigh your sources just as you would between bound covers. You can’t necessarily judge a book by its cover, and you can’t judge an Internet source by its Web page.
FLATOW: What other juicy words are you investigating?
Dr. MARKEL: We’re working on a few. X-ray is really a fun term. You know, we talk about it, but where did that come from? But what would really be great is if the listeners try to come up with their own words of what they want to find out, and I’ll be happy to look them up for you.
But there’s so many terms in science that we can find out together, also in medicine as well. You know, the sky is really the limit. But we can find out -also fields about — for example, orthopedics, the bone doctors, you know, doctors of broken bones. That comes from bent bone, which (technical difficulties) born with birth defects.
FLATOW: We’re talking — let me…
Dr. MARKEL: But one thing leads to another.
(Soundbite of laughter)
FLATOW: We’re talking with Howard Markel this hour in SCIENCE FRIDAY from NPR. There’s nothing wrong with your radio. If you hear little dropouts, that’s because we’re in the digital age and digital lines are sometimes a little finicky as they try to get all those packets to go through the same place at the same time and put themselves back together. So if you hear a little dropout, please hang in there with us.
And I guess new scientific terms, Howard, are always — are now being born all the time as we have new disciplines coming up.
Dr. MARKEL: Yeah. You know, the technical term for that is neologism, where you combine two different (technical difficulties) to come up with a new meaning. It also, as I recall from my medical school days, is a sign or symptom of schizophrenia, so you have to be careful about the new words that you invent. But, you know, we’re doing this all the time when we come up with, you know, blog, Weblog or…
FLATOW: Right.
Dr. MARKEL: …website or all these kinds of things and…
FLATOW: Tweet, tweeting, twittering.
Dr. MARKEL: Yeah. Yeah.
FLATOW: But even new disciplines that were not around years ago, like nanotechnology.
Dr. MARKEL: Sure, yeah. I mean, that’s what’s so great. I mean, linguists always talk about how language changes with each time period, but I (technical difficulties) anywhere more true anywhere than in the world of science and medicine, yes.
FLATOW: Are there words that are just no longer used anymore, science words that were in the common vernacular that you never hear anymore?
Dr. MARKEL: Well, you brought up naturalist, for example…
FLATOW: Right.
Dr. MARKEL: …which was a very popular word. I remember the first time I saw that was reading Dr. Doolittle books. I don’t think…
(Soundbite of laughter)
FLATOW: (Unintelligible)
(Soundbite of laughter)
Dr. MARKEL: You may recall.
FLATOW: That’s right.
Dr. MARKEL: (Technical difficulties) a naturalist. And there’s all sorts of medical terms as well or spellings of terms, like surgeon, chirurgal(ph) (technical difficulties) with a C-H-I was the older term for surgical. Physic…
FLATOW: Oh, that’s right. That’s right.
Dr. MARKEL: But it (technical difficulties) internist (technical difficulties) specialist. You deal with the internal part of the body.
FLATOW: Mm-hmm. And even the spelling of things, right? Just the spelling…
Dr. MARKEL: Yeah. They change too.
FLATOW: And so what’s the biggest challenge then for someone who wants to follow words, for a historian? Is there — is it finding resources to find out who was first first? Because I know in science, one of the hardest things in science is when you discover who you think was the first, there’s always someone who is firster before that one.
Dr. MARKEL: And I’ve learned (technical difficulties) historian never to say anyone was first, because I automatically get a call or an email or a letter saying no (technical difficulties) but you can get an approximation. What the Oxford English Dictionary does in terms of firsts is that they use the first time it appeared in print.
FLATOW: Yeah. Well, given the state of our phone line, I don’t want people to keep filling in the blanks, Howard. I want to thank you…
Dr. MARKEL: Oh, I’m sorry.
FLATOW: It’s okay. Thank you very much. We’re going to — we’ll continue with our series of Science Diction — in fact, if you have an idea, a word you’d like to hear in Science Diction, leave a comment on our Science Diction page at We’ll give them — we’ll shoot them over to Howard, and Howard can help us find some words for you. So thanks for being with us today, Howard.
Dr. MARKEL: Oh, thanks so much, Ira.
FLATOW: You’re welcome. Howard Markel is professor of the history of medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. He’s also a director of the Center for the History of Medicine there. And he joins us from WUOM in Ann Arbor.
That’s about all the time we have for today. Surf over to our website if you want to leave us a Science Diction word while you’re there. You can also look at our Video Pick of the Week. Flora’s Video Pick of the Week, the red-eyed tree frog, great little frog that’s shaking up the branches out there.
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Have a great weekend. We’ll see you next week. I’m Ira Flatow in New York.
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As a scientist, I found Prof. Laura Snyder’s TED talk fascinating. I suspect her narrative on the history of science will have wide appeal, which is why Im sharing it here as a blog post rather than tweet.
Prof. Laura Synder is a Fulbright Scholar and Professor of Philosophy at St. John’s University. In her talk, she illuminates to me and I suspect to you as well that the word «scientist» was shockingly first used in 1833, not that long ago! We owe its origins to a poet’s inquisitiveness. Ultimately, it was the scientist William Whewell who coined the term scientist in response to the poet’s plea that «natural philosophers» upgrade the name of their profession. How could it be that the word scientist was invented so recently?
She gives flesh to four Cambridge University students who in 1812 formed the «Philosophical Breakfast Club» to talk about the state of science in Britain and the world. In ushering in a new scientific revolution that even reached to Charles Darwin, the Philosophical Breakfast Club rapturously changed science. She also reminds us loud and clear that «science is not just for scientists». These six words spoken at the end of her talk resonate boldly with me. They are an anthem for science communication and outreach and for social media platforms like Twitter and Blogging that build bridges between scientists and those interested in science.
And for those that prefer reading over watching, here is Laura Snyder’s TED talk transposed to text. Ive highlighted in blue some key sections that stand out to me.
«I’d like you
to come back with me for a moment to the 19th century, specifically to June 24,
1833. The British Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its
third meeting at the University of Cambridge. It’s the first night of the
meeting, and a confrontation is about to take place that will change science
An elderly,
white-haired man stands up. The members of the Association are shocked to
realize that it’s the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who hadn’t even left his
house in years until that day. They’re even more shocked by what he says.
«You must
stop calling yourselves natural philosophers.»
Coleridge felt
that true philosophers like himself pondered the cosmos from their armchairs.
They were not mucking around in the fossil pits or conducting messy experiments
with electrical piles like the members of the British Association.
The crowd grew
angry and began to complain loudly. A young Cambridge scholar named William
Whewell stood up and quieted the audience. He politely agreed that an appropriate
name for the members of the association did not exist.
‘philosophers’ is taken to be too wide and lofty a term,» he said,
«then, by analogy with ‘artist,’ we may form ‘scientist.'» This was
the first time the word scientist was uttered in public, only 179 years ago.
I first found
out about this confrontation when I was in graduate school, and it kind of blew
me away. I mean, how could the word scientist not have existed until 1833? What
were scientists called before? What had changed to make a new name necessary
precisely at that moment? Prior to this meeting, those who studied the natural
world were talented amateurs. Think of the country clergyman or squire
collecting his beetles or fossils, like Charles Darwin, for example, or, the
hired help of a nobleman, like Joseph Priestley, who was the literary companion
to the Marquis of Lansdowne when he discovered oxygen. After this, they were
scientists, professionals with a particular scientific method, goals, societies
and funding.
Much of this
revolution can be traced to four men who met at Cambridge University in 1812:
Charles Babbage, John Herschel, Richard Jones and William Whewell. These were
brilliant, driven men who accomplished amazing things. Charles Babbage, I think
known to most TEDsters, invented the first mechanical calculator and the first
prototype of a modern computer. John Herschel mapped the stars of the southern
hemisphere, and, in his spare time, co-invented photography. I’m sure we could
all be that productive without Facebook or Twitter to take up our time. Richard
Jones became an important economist who later influenced Karl Marx. And Whewell
not only coined the term scientist, as well as the words anode, cathode and
ion, but spearheaded international big science with his global research on the
tides. In the Cambridge winter of 1812 and 1813, the four met for what they
called philosophical breakfasts. They talked about science and the need for a
new scientific revolution. They felt science had stagnated since the days of the
scientific revolution that had happened in the 17th century. It was time for a
new revolution, which they pledged to bring about, and what’s so amazing about
these guys is, not only did they have these grandiose undergraduate dreams, but
they actually carried them out, even beyond their wildest dreams. And I’m going
to tell you today about four major changes to science these men made.
About 200
years before, Francis Bacon and then, later, Isaac Newton, had proposed an
inductive scientific method. Now that’s a method that starts from observations
and experiments and moves to generalizations about nature called natural laws,
which are always subject to revision or rejection should new evidence arise.
However, in 1809, David Ricardo muddied the waters by arguing that the science
of economics should use a different, deductive method. The problem was that an
influential group at Oxford began arguing that because it worked so well in
economics, this deductive method ought to be applied to the natural sciences too.
The members of the philosophical breakfast club disagreed. They wrote books and
articles promoting inductive method in all the sciences that were widely read
by natural philosophers, university students and members of the public. Reading
one of Herschel’s books was such a watershed moment for Charles Darwin that he
would later say, «Scarcely anything in my life made so deep an impression
on me. It made me wish to add my might to the accumulated store of natural
knowledge.» It also shaped Darwin’s scientific method, as well as that
used by his peers. [Science for the public good]
Previously, it
was believed that scientific knowledge ought to be used for the good of the
king or queen, or for one’s own personal gain. For example, ship captains
needed to know information about the tides in order to safely dock at ports.
Harbormasters would gather this knowledge and sell it to the ship captains. The
philosophical breakfast club changed that, working together. Whewell’s
worldwide study of the tides resulted in public tide tables and tidal maps that
freely provided the harbormasters’ knowledge to all ship captains. Herschel
helped by making tidal observations off the coast of South Africa, and, as he
complained to Whewell, he was knocked off the docks during a violent high tide
for his trouble. The four men really helped each other in every way. They also
relentlessly lobbied the British government for the money to build Babbage’s
engines because they believed these engines would have a huge practical impact
on society. In the days before pocket calculators, the numbers that most
professionals needed — bankers, insurance agents, ship captains, engineers —
were to be found in lookup books like this, filled with tables of figures.
These tables were calculated using a fixed procedure over and over by part-time
workers known as — and this is amazing — computers, but these calculations
were really difficult. I mean, this nautical almanac published the lunar
differences for every month of the year. Each month required 1,365
calculations, so these tables were filled with mistakes. Babbage’s difference
engine was the first mechanical calculator devised to accurately compute any of
these tables. Two models of his engine were built in the last 20 years by a
team from the Science Museum of London using his own plans. This is the one now
at the Computer History Museum in California, and it calculates accurately. It
actually works. Later, Babbage’s analytical engine was the first mechanical
computer in the modern sense. It had a separate memory and central processor.
It was capable of iteration, conditional branching and parallel processing, and
it was programmable using punched cards, an idea Babbage took from Jacquard’s
loom. Tragically, Babbage’s engines never were built in his day because most
people thought that non-human computers would have no usefulness for the
public. [New scientific institutions]
Founded in
Bacon’s time, the Royal Society of London was the foremost scientific society
in England and even in the rest of the world. By the 19th century, it had
become a kind of gentleman’s club populated mainly by antiquarians, literary
men and the nobility. The members of the philosophical breakfast club helped
form a number of new scientific societies, including the British Association.
These new societies required that members be active researchers publishing
their results. They reinstated the tradition of the Q&A after scientific
papers were read, which had been discontinued by the Royal Society as being
ungentlemanly. And for the first time, they gave women a foot in the door of
science. Members were encouraged to bring their wives, daughters and sisters to
the meetings of the British Association, and while the women were expected to
attend only the public lectures and the social events like this one, they began
to infiltrate the scientific sessions as well. The British Association would
later be the first of the major national science organizations in the world to
admit women as full members. [External funding for science]
Up to the 19th
century, natural philosophers were expected to pay for their own equipment and
supplies. Occasionally, there were prizes, such as that given to John Harrison
in the 18th century, for solving the so-called longitude problem, but prizes
were only given after the fact, when they were given at all. On the advice of
the philosophical breakfast club, the British Association began to use the
extra money generated by its meetings to give grants for research in astronomy,
the tides, fossil fish, shipbuilding, and many other areas. These grants not
only allowed less wealthy men to conduct research, but they also encouraged
thinking outside the box, rather than just trying to solve one pre-set
question. Eventually, the Royal Society and the scientific societies of other
countries followed suit, and this has become — fortunately it’s become — a
major part of the scientific landscape today.
So the
philosophical breakfast club helped invent the modern scientist. That’s the
heroic part of their story. There’s a flip side as well. They did not foresee
at least one consequence of their revolution. They would have been deeply
dismayed by today’s disjunction between science and the rest of culture. It’s
shocking to realize that only 28 percent of American adults have even a very
basic level of science literacy, and this was tested by asking simple questions
like, «Did humans and dinosaurs inhabit the Earth at the same time?»
and «What proportion of the Earth is covered in water?» Once scientists
became members of a professional group, they were slowly walled off from the
rest of us. This is the unintended consequence of the revolution that started
with our four friends.
Charles Darwin
said, «I sometimes think that general and popular treatises are almost as
important for the progress of science as original work.» In fact,
«Origin of Species» was written for a general and popular audience,
and was widely read when it first appeared. Darwin knew what we seem to have
forgotten, that science is not only for scientists.»
Thank you.
Only 179 Years Ago? Watch Prof. Laura Snyder’s fascinating TED talk which will enlighten you!
Learn the origin of the word scientist! Be one of the few in the know!
Scientist, by any other name…
History of science is, unfortunately, not among the mandatory classes required for earning a diploma that allows oneself to be called a scientist. Worrisomely, nor is Logic as a formal class. All the more the pity because in the Middle Ages, when the word science entered the English language, to have scientific knowledge meant you have arrived at it by following the Aristotelian way of logical reasoning (a.k.a deductions and inductions). To be fair, the word existed already in Romance languages with the same meaning: new knowledge obtained by applying the rules of Aristotelian syllogisms. By the way, Aristotle is also the guy to whom we owe the basis of the scientific method, but that’s a story for another day.
Although words like scientific or science were altogether frequently used with regards of the scholarly endeavors of the ladies and gentlemen of the early 19th Century (yes, there were ladies too that dabbled into the sciences, even if sometimes it was only to write about the spectacular discoveries and controversies of their time), the term scientist has been officially coined in 1834 by William Whewell. A man truly blessed in the art of words, being credited with coining a lot of other famous words like anode and physicist, he proposed the word in a review of a science popularization book written by one Mrs. Somerville. The circumstance of how this came to be is masterly imparted to us by Sydney Ross in a superb historical account of the word scientist, published in 1962.
For the rounded scientist or for the merely curious, I truly recommend the lecture of the referenced papers. They’re delightful!
Reference 1. [Whewell W] (1834). Art. III. [Review of] On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences. By Mrs. Somerville. The Quarterly Review, 51: 58-61. FULLTEXT PDF at GoogleBooks
Reference 2. Ross S (1962). Scientist: The story of a word, Annals of Science, 18:2, 65-85, DOI: 10.1080/00033796200202722. FREE FULLTEXT PDF
P.S. I checked and Wikipedia is correct with the following statement:
“To be exact, the person coined the term scientist was referred to in Whewell 1834 only as “some ingenious gentleman.” Ross added a comment that this “some ingenious gentleman” was Whewell himself, without giving the reason for the identification. Ross 1962, p.72.”
Even if, by some very slim chance, the “ingenious gentleman” was not Whewell himself, Whewell did propose the term scientist in a more formal manner six years later in 1840 bringing more than just linguistic justifications, like the diversity of those engaged in scientific endeavors and how they don’t call themselves natural philosophers anymore.
By Neuronicus, 9 August 2016
I looked in the Oxford English Dictionary (subscription required) for English usages.
physics used in the medical sense, I do not report on.
physics used for «natural science» in general: The oldest instance they have is from 1487.
J. Skelton tr. Diodorus Siculus Bibliotheca Historica iii. 174 Among the Grekes, as it is many tymes seen, it is long or they can atteigne vnto thentellective of the phisikes [L. philosophiam, Gk. ϕιλοσοϕίας] by-cause they long perseuere not therin, but geve theym vnto lucrative science.
He uses «phisikes» to translate Latin «philosophiam» and Greek «ϕιλοσοϕίας».
physics used in the more modern sense: The oldest instance they have is from 1715.
tr. D. Gregory Elements Astron. I. Pref. ii The Celestial Physics, or Physical Astronomy [L. Astronomia Physica], is not only the first in dignity of all inquiries into Nature whatever.
He uses «Celestial Physics» to translate the Latin «Astronomia Physica».
science Various obsolete, archaic, and rare usages I do not report on.
science paired or contrasted with art: The oldest instance they have is from 1387.
J. Trevisa tr. R. Higden Polychron. (St. John’s Cambr.) (1879) VII. 69 (MED) He..fliȝ into..Spayne, forto lerne curious and sotil artes and sciens þere.
science in a more modern sense: there is this definition from 1600
W. Vaughan Golden-groue i. lxv. sig. Mv The name of science is taken more strictly for a habit gotten by demonstration separated from wisedome; in which last signification Naturall philosophy, & the Mathematickes are called Sciences.
So: what had formerly been called «Naturall philosophy» and «Mathematickes» are now called «Sciences».
: a person learned in science and especially natural science : a scientific investigator
Example Sentences
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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘scientist.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
Word History
scient- (in Latin scientia «knowledge, science» or in scientific) + -ist entry 1
The word scientist was apparently first introduced by the English polymath William Whewell (1794-1866). The coinage is referred to in an unsigned book review authored by Whewell in The Quarterly Review, vol. 51 (March & June, 1834), pp. 58-59: «The tendency of the sciences has long been an increasing proclivity to separation and dismemberment …The mathematician turns away from the chemist; the chemist from the naturalist; the mathematician, left to himself, divides himself into a pure mathematician and a mixed mathematician, who soon part company; the chemist is perhaps a chemist of electro-chemistry; if so, he leaves common chemical analysis to others; between the mathematician and the chemist is to be interpolated a ‘physicien‘ (we have no English name for him), who studies heat, moisture, and the like. And thus science, even mere physical science, loses all traces of unity. A curious illustration of this result may be observed in the want of any name by which we can designate the students of the knowledge of the material world collectively. We are informed that this difficulty was felt very oppresively by the members of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, in their meetings at York, Oxford, and Cambridge, in the last three summers. There was no general term by which these gentlemen could describe themselves with reference to their pursuits. Philosophers was felt to be too wide and too lofty a term, and was very properly forbidden them by Mr. [Samuel Taylor] Coleridge, both in his capacity of philologer [philologist] and metaphysician; savans was rather assuming, besides being French instead of English; some ingenious gentleman [apparently William Whewell himself] proposed that, by analogy with artist, they might form scientist, and added that there could be no scruple in making free with this termination when we have such words as sciolist, economist and atheist—but this was not generally palatable ….» As Whewell indicates, his coinage was not a success, though, undeterred, he reintroduced it in 1840, and the word seems to have been produced independently of Whewell in the following two decades in both Britain and the United States (where it was more readily accepted). For documentation and details, see Sydney Ross, «Scientist: the story of a word,» Annals of Science, vol. 18, no. 2 (June, 1962), pp. 65-85.
First Known Use
1834, in the meaning defined at sense 1
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The first known use of scientist was
in 1834
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“Scientist.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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The Latin word scientia, which means “knowing” or “being skilled,” is the source of the English word science. It has become common, especially in school curricula, to restrict the usage of the word science to the study of the physical, earth, space, and life sciences—for example, physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, biology, and anatomy.
The branches of study that are now called sciences once fell under the heading of philosophy, an umbrella term that suggested the pursuit of knowledge. As recently as the early 19th century, physicists and chemists were still called philosophers. Adam Smith, who originated the modern study of economics, was known as a moral philosopher rather than as an economist. The word scientist was invented in 1840 by an English writer, William Whewell. It came gradually to refer to practitioners of a specialized field of knowledge. The prestige of the natural sciences at the time lent its weight to them, in contrast to other branches of study that were not considered to use the scientific method.
The scientific method today is not limited to the methods used in specific branches of science. Every area of study has its own specific goals and its own methods for reaching them. For example, most chemistry research takes place in a lab, while botanical studies may be conducted in greenhouses or in the field. However, the overarching process of the scientific method—forming a hypothesis based on observations of phenomena and using a rigorous approach to investigating that hypothesis—is the foundation of modern research in all areas of science. The goals and methods of research in physics are not the same as those of botany or geology, yet all follow a standard approach to study questions of interest. Other fields of study—economics, sociology, archaeology, or psychology—may also be called sciences because they pursue knowledge by suitable methods.
No science is ever a fixed body of knowledge. This is indicated by the word scientific, which means science making—an ongoing process of searching for new information. When the process of making knowledge ceases, what is left is a tradition to be passed from one generation to another. Science does not exclude its tradition but continues developing it. In a letter to physicist Robert Hooke, Isaac Newton paid tribute to science makers who preceded him: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”
There are no distinct boundaries separating the various fields. A relationship exists between all of them. Each field uses its own information and methods as well as those of others. The entire field of science is too large to be studied as a whole, so it is divided into different fields based on commonalities. The sciences can be broadly divided into two main areas: the natural sciences and the social sciences. The natural sciences consist of the physical sciences, earth and space sciences, and life (biological) sciences. The social sciences comprise fields that study social and cultural elements of human behavior, such as economics and sociology. Each of these categories includes many specialized fields. Some fields, such as biochemistry and physical archaeology, combine two or more of the others.
The Physical Sciences
Physical science deals with nonliving things—from the tiny particles that make up an atom to the universe itself. It can be divided broadly into three main subject areas: physics, chemistry, and mathematics.
The field of physics studies forms of energy such as heat, sound, and light. Concerned with the nature and sources of energy, it also explores how one form of energy is changed to another. Its study encompasses not only the behavior of objects under the action of given forces but also the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields.
Electronics concerns the study and control of electrons, especially in relation to computers and to transistors. Some physicists observe the nature of substances at extremely low (cryogenic) or high temperatures. Thermodynamics is the study of heat as it is produced by the motion of molecules.
Light physics deals with the physical characteristics of radiant energy as they affect sight. This field also includes forms of radiant energy that are not part of the visible spectrum. Optics is the study of all phenomena of electromagnetic waves of wavelengths less than those of microwaves yet greater than those of X-rays. Sound is the subject of a number of fields in physics, including acoustics and ultrasonics.
Nuclear physics involves the study of particles found in the nuclei of atoms together with the energy effects produced when the nuclear particles are disturbed by external forces. Solid state physics deals with the properties and structures of solid materials, including crystals.
Mechanics is a broad field that investigates the effects of forces on bodies in motion or at rest. It embraces the fields of dynamics, the study of forces that produce or change motion, and statics, the study of balanced forces or bodies at rest. Aerodynamics is the study of fluid mechanics as it is related to motion between a fluid (air) and a solid. Hydrodynamics is concerned with liquids in motion. Kinematics is the study of motion apart from its effects upon bodies. Kinetics deals with the changes in motion as they are caused by forces not in equilibrium.
Engineering is the application of scientific principles used in converting natural resources into structures, machines, products, and processes for the benefit of mankind. There are traditionally four basic engineering disciplines: civil, mechanical, electrical, and chemical engineering. Other engineering disciplines are concerned with mining, nuclear technology, and environmental control.
Chemistry is the study of the properties, composition, and structure of substances, which are defined as elements and compounds. It seeks to explain the transformations that these substances undergo and the energy that is released or absorbed during these processes.
The science of chemistry embraces many other subfields, including analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, colloid chemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, and chemical engineering. Biochemistry and organic chemistry, which deal with the chemistry of living things, are examples of how the physical sciences and biological sciences are linked to one another.
Other special fields of chemistry deal with its application in various industries. Metallurgy, for example, deals with the recovery of metals from their ores. A branch of metallurgy is concerned with the making of metal alloys for specific purposes. Petroleum chemistry is confined to the commercial manufacture of products from crude oil.
Mathematics is an ancient science that deals with logical reasoning and quantitative calculation—with numbers, shapes, and various ways of counting and measuring. Modern mathematics has evolved from a simple science to a very abstract field of theory. It is the language used by all the other sciences and is the basis for precision in many scientific fields.
Arithmetic is the science of computation by the use of numbers. Algebra is the study of relationships between numbers as they are represented by symbols. Geometry is a science that deals with the measurements and relationships of lines and angles. Calculus is the system of mathematics used to figure the rate of change of a function. There are two types of calculus: differential calculus, which deals with the rate of change of a variable, and integral calculus, which concerns the limiting values of differentials and is used to determine length, volume, or area. The assembling of information in numerical form, together with the processes of tabulation and interpretation, is the concern of statistics.
The Earth and Space Sciences
The Earth sciences seek to understand the features and phenomena of the Earth, its waters, and its atmosphere. The space sciences study stars, the planets, the solar system, and the universe.
Earth sciences
The Earth sciences in general aim to understand the present features and the past evolution of the Earth. This includes the many physical and chemical—and some biological—aspects of the Earth’s atmosphere, waters, surface, and internal structure. Particular phases of the Earth sciences include careful measurements of the Earth’s magnetism, gravity, size, and shape.
The Earth sciences include a number of specific disciplines. Perhaps the broadest of these is geology, the study of the history, structure, and composition of the Earth and the past and present processes that act on it. Among the many other basic Earth sciences are geomorphology, geophysics, seismology, geochemistry, meteorology, climatology, hydrology, and oceanography and marine science.
Some Earth sciences have great applications in society. Meteorology, for example, provides information regarding weather conditions for the purpose of providing forecasts. Climatology studies current and past patterns and trends in global climate. The understanding of earthquake patterns and behaviors is based largely on knowledge gleaned from seismology.
The science of astronomy deals with the origin, evolution, composition, distances, sizes, and movements of the bodies and matter within the universe. It includes astrophysics, which focuses on the physical properties and structure of all cosmic matter. In astrometry, the sizes, distances, and motions of heavenly bodies are measured. Astronautics is the science that enables humans to navigate in outer space.
Celestial mechanics, which investigates the motion of bodies in space and the way they are influenced by gravitational attraction, is used to determine the weight and speed of Earth satellites. Cosmology deals with the origin, structure, and evolution of the entire universe. In radio and radar astronomy, radio and radar signals are beamed from Earth to bodies relatively close to the Earth—meteor trails, the moon, nearby planets—to gain information about them by means of the echoes.
Other areas of astronomy involve monitoring the X-rays, gamma rays, ultraviolet rays, and infrared radiation emitted by celestial bodies. Celestial navigation is a way of determining one’s location on the Earth by measuring the positions of stars above. Archaeoastronomy relates archaeology, anthropology, and mythology with astronomy.
The Biological Sciences
Biological science deals with the relationships between all living things, their environments, and the need to maintain certain conditions to preserve life. Despite their apparent differences, all of the biological science fields are interrelated by basic principles. The sciences of zoology and botany, dealing respectively with animals and plants, have contributed greatly to the field of medicine.
Biology is the study of all living things—plants and animals—and their vital processes. The two main divisions of biology are zoology, the study of animals, and botany, the study of plants. Another biological discipline is physiology, the study of the functioning of organs and the chemical and physical processes in living things. Much of the current knowledge of physiology was obtained from studying the responses of cells and tissues to imposed environmental changes. New techniques have extended the boundaries of physiology. For example, radioactive isotopes are now used in the measurement of amounts and fluxes of substances present at low concentrations inside cells and in extracellular fluids. Cytology, the study of cells, is thus related to physiology. The structure, function, and classification of microorganisms, including protozoans, algae, molds, bacteria, and viruses, are concerns of microbiology.
The study of the size, shape, and structure of animals, plants, and microorganisms and the relationships of their internal parts is called morphology. The term morphology is sometimes confused with the term anatomy. Whereas anatomy describes the structure of organisms, by dissection and by other means, morphology is concerned with explaining the shapes and arrangement of the parts of organisms as they relate to evolution, function, and development.
Biophysics is concerned with the application of the principles and methods of the physical sciences to biological problems. Major areas deal with the influence of physical agents, such as electricity in nerves or mechanical force in muscles; the interaction of living organisms with physical agents such as light or sound; and interactions between living things and their environment, as in locomotion, navigation, and communication. Biochemistry is the study of the chemical substances that make up cells and play a key role in chemical reactions vital to life.
Genetics is the study of heredity in general and genes in particular. It has been applied to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of hereditary diseases; to the breeding of plants and animals; and to the development of industrial processes that use microorganisms.
Among the many other fields of biology are embryology, the study of fetal development; ecology, the study of organisms and their interactions with other organisms and with their environment; and taxonomy, the classification of plants and animals. The development, care, and cultivation of trees and forests are the focus of forestry.
Medical science
By definition an art as well as a science, the medical sciences are concerned with the maintenance of health and the prevention, alleviation, or cure of disease. While the field of medicine as it relates to human health is well known, the medical sciences comprise a wide number of specialties. Veterinary medicine deals specifically with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease in animals. Dentistry focuses on the treatment of teeth. Psychiatry is a branch of medicine that concerns the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders. Psychology, which is sometimes classed with the social sciences, is the study of behavior and behavioral manifestations of experience in humans and other animals.
The Social Sciences
Any discipline or branch of science that deals with the social and cultural aspects of human behavior can be called a social science. Among the disciplines comprising the social sciences are economics, sociology, geography, and political science. The term behavioral science is used to describe some social sciences, such as anthropology and linguistics, that deal with human behavior. Psychology is often classified as a social science.
The field of economics is concerned chiefly with the description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Microeconomics deals with the behavior of individual areas or units of activity, such as individual farmers, business firms, and traders. Macroeconomics is the study of whole systems, especially with regard to general levels of output and income and the interrelations between different sectors of the economy.
The scientific study of society, social institutions, and social relationships is called sociology. It involves the structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of people. A related field, social psychology, deals with the manner in which the personality, attitudes, motivations, and behavior of the individual are influenced by social groups.
With aspects of physical as well as social science, geography is the study of the features of the Earth’s surface and of their relationships to each other and to humankind. Physical geography incorporates some Earth sciences such as climatology as well as hydrography and the study of landforms known as geomorphology. Human geography involves the economic, political, and social activities of people in communities and cultures. The structure and dynamics of human populations, including age, sex, births, deaths, and migratory movements, are investigated in the field of demography.
Political science
Political science studies the origin, development, structure, powers, functions, underlying philosophy, and administration of the different forms of government. Political scientists investigate governments at all levels—local to international. Among its other areas of focus are business, labor, and legislative programs, natural resources, and regional planning. Although most historians regard history as one of the humanities, many consider it a science. Law, the discipline concerned with the customs and rules governing a community, is also sometimes regarded as a science, particularly comparative law.
Anthropology is sometimes called the science of humanity. It is broadly divided into four areas—cultural anthropology, linguistics, physical anthropology, and archaeology. Human culture, especially with respect to social structure, language, law, politics, religion, art, and technology, is the focus of cultural anthropology. It is particularly concerned with patterns in human behavior as a description of social and cultural phenomena. Since language is the critical factor that sets humans apart from the other animals, linguistics is a basic study in the social sciences. A further refinement of linguistics, semantics deals with the evolution and essential meanings of words. Physical anthropology is concerned with similarities and differences between humans and their human and nonhuman ancestors; it examines these relationships through comparisons of physical characteristics. Archaeology is the science that examines the cultures of earlier peoples and civilizations.
Additional Reading
Asimov, Isaac.
Isaac Asimov’s Wonderful Worldwide Science Bazaar (Houghton, 1986).
Barnes, Barry.
About Science (Blackwell, 1985).
Brooks, Culver.
Introduction to Science (Paladin House, 1986).
Gabel, Dorothy.
Introductory Science Skills (Waveland, 1982).
Maxwell, Nicholas.
From Knowledge to Wisdom (Blackwell, 1984).
Rensberger, Boyce.
How the World Works (Morrow, 1986).
Snow, C.P.
Two Cultures (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1969).
(See also bibliographies in articles on the fields of the sciences.)