When to use the word understood

Asked by: Gudrun Batz

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Understood is the past tense and past participle of understand.

Is understood a real word?

simple past tense and past participle of understand.

Is it understand or understood?

Both understand and understood are grammatically correct. The one that you have to use depends on what you want to say. … If you are talking about something that you learn or know now, you can use understand. For the third person (he, she, it) you would need to add an -s to the end to make understands.

What does it mean when you say understood?

Understood means that you now know how to do something, or you know how something works. An example: Someone may say «can you fold your clothes like this instead in the future?» And you can respond «noted» to let them know that you will try to remember to do that in he future.

Can understood be used as an adjective?

Understood can be an adjective, a verb or an interjection.

33 related questions found

How do you use the word understood?

Understood Sentence Examples

  1. The girl understood and began to clear them.
  2. But my teacher had been with me several weeks before I understood that everything has a name.
  3. «I understood,» he replied with a smile.
  4. He stood at the back, and, though he had heard hardly anything, understood everything in his own way.

Is it rude to say understood?

But yes, you can use it.

Is it OK to reply understood?

You can simply say “OK” or “Understood.” By using these staccato statements, you are buying yourself time for contemplation and deliberation.

Is it correct to say I have understood?

As Aardvark says, I did understand is (simple) past tense; I have understood is present perfect. In the most general terms, the simple past says something about the past; the present perfect says something about the past and something about the present.

Is understood professional?

What’s wrong with «I understand.» or simply «Understood.»? These are perfectly professional but also not stuffy. Often the best way to indicate that you have understood is to summarize in one sentence what your understanding will lead you to do next.

Is it read and understand or understood?

Because in my opinion, «have read» means action took place in past, whereas «understand» means it is in present.

Can be easily understood or understand?

Clear: meaning easy to perceive, understand, or interpret. Evident. In your example: The manual should be precise and easily understandable.

Did not understand or understood?

1 Answer. He had not understood and he did not understand are both grammatical and both idiomatic. They have slightly different meanings, (but in many contexts will be interchangeable).

What can I say instead of understood?

You can do that by saying:

  • OK / Alright / Sure. …
  • Got it. …
  • OK, I get it now / That’s clear, thank you. …
  • Fair enough / I see where you’re coming from / I take your point / That makes sense. …
  • Of course / Absolutely. …
  • I appreciate why you think that, but… …
  • I hear what you’re saying, but… …
  • That’s totally fair / I don’t blame you.

Is understood past tense of understand?

Understood is the past tense and past participle of understand.

Is it realized or realized?

«I have realised» Implies you have realised something, recently. It also implies you completed your realisation. «I have come to realise» Implies you have recently been realising something. This realisation is on-going, not sudden but progressive.

Are we understood meaning?

This is a question that someone might ask to another. They are simply asking if the other understands what they just said. » I want the size 2, no bigger. Are we understood?»

Is understood to be meaning?

DEFINITIONS1. to be agreed without having to be discussed. be understood that: I thought it was understood that you were going to help.

How do you reply instead of noted?

How do you reply instead of noted?

  1. It is duly noted. Thank you.
  2. Yes, I have taken note of it. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for the reminder.
  4. I look forward to it.
  5. I have no issues with the matter.

Can you say I’m understanding?

As you know the verb «understand» isn’t used in continuous form. So instead of saying «I understand» you can say Yes, I do.

How do you politely say noted?

How do you say noted formally?

  1. It is duly noted. Thank you.
  2. Yes, I have taken note of it. Thanks.
  3. Thank you for the reminder. I will look into it and let you know the findings.
  4. I look forward to it. Thanks.
  5. I have no issues with the matter. Please proceed.

Is saying got it rude?

“. It can be used as a rude way to speak to someone, “you got it?” is a blunt way of saying “do you understand me?”. There are different situations where it may not be rude because much is connected with your tone of voice, or the emotion behind your words. For example,”got it” can be used in yet another way.

Is well noted polite?

1 Answer. It is a «yes». It is both acknowledgement and assurance. Someone might casually say, «Noted,» but to say, «Well noted,» or «Duly noted,» is to emphasize that they have read your message, understood it fully, and will act according to your wishes.

Was understood in a sentence?

Sentence examples for I was understood from inspiring English sources. At some level, I was understood, and her house felt like a sanctuary». I had to learn to speak clearly so that I was understood, and am doing well now.

Will I use ‘Understand?’ or ‘Understood’?

Both understand and understood are grammatically correct. The one that you have to use depends on what you want to say.

Understand is the present tense verb. If you are talking about something that you learn or know now, you can use understand. For the third person (he, she, it) you would need to add an -s to the end to make understands.

  • understand why I need to exercise if I want to lose weight.
  • She understands the reason that her brother is angry with her.

Understood is the past tense verb, the past participle, and the adjective. There are several instances that you would use this word. For example, if you are talking about something that you learned or knew in the past, you could say that someone understood it. If you use the present or past perfect tenses, you could say that “someone has or had understood.” In addition, if someone tells you something, you could reply that what they told you is understood. Take these examples:

  • When I told my sister about what to do in college, I thought that she understood.
  • At one time, I had understood that, but it is confusing for me once again.
  • Everybody shakes hands with each other when they first meet each other in the United States, so hand shaking is an understood method of communication.

Other Ways to Say “I know, I understand

Thank you for your Understanding or Thank you for your Comprehension?


24 Synonyms of Learn: Discover, Understand, Master,…

Глагол understand имеет всего две формы: understand и understood. Все из-за того, что он является одним из множества неправильных глаголов. Соответственно в первой форме это understand, а understood — во второй и третьей. Это следует просто запомнить, так как все формы неправильных глаголов особенные (в отличие от правильных, где вторая и третья формы всегда заканчиваются на -ed).

Описание трех форм глагола understood крупным шрифтом

Past Tense

Рассмотрим формы understand и understood во всех четырех прошлых временах.

Past Simple:

He understood the meaning of love. — Употребление в простом прошлом времени поменяло первую форму understand на understood во второй форме.

Past Continuous:

I was understanding him at that moment. — В прошлом продолжительном времени к первой форме understand добавилось окончание -ing и вспомогательный глагол was, что указывает на продолжительность действия в какой-то момент в прошлом.

Past Perfect:

Carla had already understood the teacher. — Преобразование understand в understood при Past Perfect происходит с добавлением вспомогательного глагола had, который указывает на то, что действие уже давно совершилось в прошлом. Заметьте, в данном случае understood стоит в третьей форме, хоть с виду и не отличается от второй.

Past Perfect Continuous:

Mike had been understanding her reasons until she made that fatal mistake. — Вспомогательный глагол had been и окончание -ing указывают на то, что действие некоторое время совершалось в прошлом и в прошлом же прекратилось.

Таблца с кратким описанием 12 времен в английской грамматике

Present Tense

Understand в настоящем времени грамматически немногим отличается от прошлого, только по смыслу.

Present Simple:

Lisa understands English. — В простом настоящем времени этот глагол обозначает постоянное действие или просто факт. Окончание -s у первой формы показывает принадлежность к третьему лицу.

Present Continuous:

Jane is not understanding you now. — Вспомогательный глагол is и окончание -ing показывают, что действие происходит прямо сейчас.

Present Perfect:

I have already understood the book. — Здесь хоть глагол и стоит в третьей форме, время все равно настоящее, а действие завершилось только что, на что указывает вспомогательный глагол have (или has при третьем лице).

Present Perfect Continuous:

He has been understanding the rule since it changed the last time. — Вспомогательный глагол has been и окончание -ing отличают это время от прошлого продолжительного совершенного тем, что действие все еще продолжается.

Future Tense

У будущего времени есть уже некоторые другие отличия от прошлого и настоящего времен, которые отражаются в изменении вспомогательных модальных глаголов.

Future Simple:

Ann promises she will understand him. — И вновь простая первая форма в простом будущем времени, добавился лишь модальный глагол will.

Future Continuous:

Maybe Kate will be understanding him next time he’ll be explaining it. — Старая схема со вспомогательным глаголом и окончанием -ing для обозначения продолжительного времени осталась, добавился лишь модальный глагол will, так как это будущее время.

Future Perfect:

Hope Jake will have understood Christa when she’ll end her story. — Это время уже сложнее, и для правильного его употребления рекомендуется наличие второго глагола в предложении. Will have и третья форма глагола показывают, что действие завершится к какому-то моменту в будущем.

Future Perfect Continuous:

They will have been understanding the meaning of life until they’ll disappoint in it. — Самое громоздкое время будущего совершенного продолжительного с тремя вспомогательными глаголами will have/has been и окончанием -ing тоже лучше употреблять с еще одной грамматической основой и глаголом в предложении для лучшего понимания.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The man understood everything at first glance.

Но вот ее муж с первого взгляда все понял.

He only understood this after he left.

Я это только понял после того, как ушел от них .

This was not because they understood the Scriptures.

Но это произошло ведь не из-за того, что они все эти тексты поняли.

Google’s secret weapon was simply that they understood search.

Секретное оружие Google было в том, что они просто поняли поиск.

We understood each other, Quinn.

В общем, мы поняли друг друга».



Summarize what you understood and how you understood.

Старайтесь уточнять то, что Вы поняли, и то, как поняли Вас.

I see that you properly understood Kafka, maybe even better than he understood himself.

Вижу, что вы правильно поняли Кафку; возможно, даже лучше, чем он сам понял себя.

And not in the HEAD — the body has UNDERSTOOD.

И не в голове — тело поняло.

XI FULLY UNDERSTOOD the threat that the new US policy posed for his leadership.

Си полностью понимает угрозу, которую новая политика США представляет для его руководства.

His sincere creative impulses WERE OFTEN NOT UNDERSTOOD in the official circles.

Его искренние творческие порывы ЧАСТО НЕ ПОНИМАЛИ в чиновничьей среде.

Notice how the demons UNDERSTOOD more then MOST so called believers?

Почему последователей шайтана больше, чем верующих?

PETER UNDERSTOOD THAT HE AND HIS READERS WERE LIVING IN THE LAST DAYS, the period of time between the Lord’s First and Second Advents.

Апостол сознавал, что он и его читатели живут в последние дни, т. е. в период между первым и вторым пришествиями Господа.


Доктрине Нового завета о спасении по вере активно учат и ее хорошо понимают в наше время


Единственными, кто понимал древнее Предание, были священники и они могли читать Писание.



I never understood how awful until this move.

Я никогда не понимаю, насколько это время ужасно, пока оно меня не настигает.

They and their community understood that.

И они, и члены их семей воспринимали это с пониманием.

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Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Beauty, fashion, and well-being have an understood synergy and work in tandem with one another.

Nerisha Penrose, ELLE, 4 Apr. 2023

But instant delivery is a very well understood market both in the U.S. and globally.

Fortune Editors, Fortune, 22 Mar. 2023

We will be stuck not only with the virus but also with a little-understood and harrowing legacy: Ten to 30 percent of the hundreds of millions infected may suffer from lingering and potentially debilitating symptoms.

Susan Goldberg, National Geographic, 9 Dec. 2021

While the processes that drive pole reversal are comparatively less understood, computer simulations of planetary dynamics show that the reversals arise spontaneously.

Chris Holt, Discover Magazine, 31 Aug. 2021

Two trophy skulls, recently discovered by archaeologists in the jungles of Belize, may help shed light on the little-understood collapse of the once powerful Classic Maya civilization.

Gabriel D. Wrobel, Discover Magazine, 14 June 2019

Baez’s Eleanor is infected with a little-understood disease that her father avoids acknowledging directly; its consequences include a nocturnal lifestyle and an appetite, exclusively, for blood.

Daniel D’addario, Variety, 6 Oct. 2022

Create the space so that AR can demonstrate the business impact just as equally as more understood disciplines like marketing and PR.

Regina Hoshimi, Forbes, 27 June 2022

Clients want to feel understood and feel comfortable explaining their issues, without feeling like they will be overlooked.

Ariyana Griffin, Forbes, 15 Aug. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘understood.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1605, in the meaning defined at sense 1

Time Traveler

The first known use of understood was
in 1605

Dictionary Entries Near understood

Cite this Entry

“Understood.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/understood. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on understood

Last Updated:
8 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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  • #1

Hello, this is the first time i’m here..so please tell if there’s any grammatical error i have made, thanks. there’s something that makes me a bit confusing.. Actually which one of the following is true?
1. …Yes,I understand.
2. …Yes,I understood.
And if someone asks whether I understand something or not, I should reply ‘understood’ or ‘understand’? because i think if i said ‘understood’, that means now i don’t understand already because it’s past tense word.
So please explain this for me..i’m blur now..

  • #2

Hello, this is the first time I’m here..so please tell me if there’s any grammatical error I have made, thanks. There’s something that makes me a bit confused. Which one of the following is correct?

1. …Yes, I understand.
2. …Yes, I understood.

If someone asks whether I understand something or not, should I reply ‘understood’ or ‘understand’? Because I think if I said ‘understood’, that means now I don’t understand already because it’s the past tense.

So please explain this for me..I’m blur now..

Both are correct.

The question itself might be «Did you understand that?» «Yes, I understand it.» [present and continual]


«Have you understood what I said?» «Yes, I understood you, but I don’t understand why you said it.» [past]

- past и p. p. от understand

the understood provisos of a custody agreement — негласные условия договора ответственного хранения  
is not clearly understood — недостаточно исследован; полностью не изучен  
it was understood we were to meet at dinner — было условлено, что мы встретимся за обедом  
it will be easily understood — легко понять  
verb may be either expressed or understood — глагол может быть указан или подразумеваться  
is poorly understood — плохо изучен  
not properly understood — непонятый  
the pupils understood the teacher’s reasoning — ученики поняли объяснения учителя  
an understood thing — решённое дело  
be understood — подразумеваться; восприниматься; восприняться  
make oneself understood — уметь объясниться; выражаться ясно; объясняться  

I understood little in his speech.

Я мало что понял в его речи.

The problem is well understood.

Эта проблема хорошо понятна.

He winked and said that he understood.

Он подмигнул и сказал, что он все понял.

I hope I made myself understood.

Надеюсь, я ясно выразился.

An allusion will readily be understood.

Намёк будет легко понят.

How the drug works isn’t fully understood.

Как этот препарат действует — понятно не до конца.

The law had been understood in broad terms.

До этого данный закон понимался в широком смысле.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Elizabeth understood her husband’s loyalty to his sister.

His lawyers are understood to be negotiating a settlement.

In this document, ‘children’ is understood to mean people under 14.

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ˌʌndəˈstud past и past p. от understand
past и p. p. от understand
understood past & p. p. от understand

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «understood» в других словарях:

  • Understood — Un der*stood , imp. & p. p. of {Understand}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • understood — index assumed (inferred), clear (apparent), cognizable, coherent (clear), consensual, constr …   Law dictionary

  • understood — the past tense and past participle of understand …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • understood — [adj] assumed, implicit accepted, appreciated, axiomatic, down pat*, implied, inferential, inferred, known, on to*, pat, presumed, roger*, tacit, taken for granted, undeclared, unexpressed, unsaid, unspoken, unstated, wise to, wordless; concept… …   New thesaurus

  • understood — [un΄dər stood′] vt., vi. pt. & pp. of UNDERSTAND adj. 1. known; comprehended 2. agreed upon 3. implied but not expressed …   English World dictionary

  • Understood — Understand Un der*stand ([u^]n d[ e]r*st[a^]nd ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Understood} (([u^]n d[ e]r*st[oo^]d ),), and Archaic {Understanded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Understanding}.] [OE. understanden, AS. understandan, literally, to stand under; cf. AS.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • understood — adj. understood that + clause (it was understood that everyone would help) * * * understood that + clause (it was understood that everyone would help) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • understood — /un deuhr stood /, v. 1. pt. and pp. of understand. adj. 2. agreed upon; known in advance; assented to: It is the understood policy of this establishment to limit credit. 3. implied but not stated; left unexpressed: The understood meaning of a… …   Universalium

  • understood — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)st ʊd[/t]] Understood is the past tense and past participle of understand …   English dictionary

  • understood — un•der•stood [[t]ˌʌn dərˈstʊd[/t]] v. 1) pt. and pp. of understand 2) agreed upon by all parties 3) implied but not stated: The understood meaning of a danger sign is “Keep away.”[/ex] …   From formal English to slang

  • understood — The phrase it is understood, when employed as a word of contract in a written agreement, has the same general force as the words it is agreed …   Black’s law dictionary

understood — перевод на русский

I don’t understand how they could pull it off.

Я не понимаю как они могли это сделать.

I have all these marks on my body, and my shirt is broken, and I don’t remember. I don’t understand.

Я не понимаю.

I understand that every citizen is worried.

Я понимаю опасения жителей.

Because I don’t understand these things, in the future, if the official positions in the United States government have a standing, call me again to let me know.

Я многого не понимаю. В будущем звоните мне только по поводу официальных дел США.

And I understand if this means you don’t want to work with me… Look, let me finish.

— И я понимаю, если это значит, что вы не хотите работать со мной.

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I don’t understand why I’m even staying.

Я не могу понять, почему до сих пор остаюсь.

I understand the precautions very well.

Могу понять ваше беспокойство.

In any relationship, there are no instances where one understands the other’s world completely.

что не можешь понять происходящего в мире другого.

I was able to understand my mother’s pain more clearly.

смог понять всю боль моей мамы.

Lest shipment of gold stolen bannot understand how bandits get their information.

Не можем понять, откуда бандиты берут информацию. Немедленно высылайте детектива.

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What I don’t understand is why one adopts a son from another family in Japan?

Мне не понятно, зачем понадобилось принимать сына из другой семьи?

Yes. And that’s why I understand his conflict.

Да, и поэтому мне понятно его смятение.

No one is to enter the palace under any circumstances, understand?

Вечером никто не должен входить во дворец. Понятно? Да, сэр!

— That’s not hard to understand.

— Оно и понятно.

Mr. Greenberg, I hired you as an actor, not as a writer. Understand?

Пан Гринберг, вы актёр, а не драматург, понятно?

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This show is off, understand?

Шоу закрывается, ясно?

Now I understand everything. -What? How it could happen.

Мне ясно, как это могло случиться.

-Of course! Or don’t you understand it yet?

Или тебе ещё не всё с этим ясно?

Now I understand a lot of things!

Теперь мне многое стало ясно.

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Listen, Carrot-top, the most important thing in a relationship is understanding, harmony.

Слушай, Рыжик, самое важное в отношениях это понимание, гармония.

Surely the qualities of mercy, understanding and sweet forgiveness…

Такие качества как милосердие,.. -…понимание и кроткое всепрощение.

It’s understanding.

Это понимание.

Love and understanding won’t make a good detective out of a recalcitrant poet.

Любовь и понимание не сделают поэта хорошим детективом.

That lack of pretense, that strange directness and understanding.

Я давно не встречала таких людей. Никаких претензий. Удивительная прямота и понимание.

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I don’t understand.

Не знаю…

— I understand it.


I can’t understand.

Сам не знаю.

Madame, I understand this was the rendezvous of the Musketeers.

Мадам, я знаю, что сюда приезжали мушкетеры.

I don’t understand these things.

Я и сама не знаю.

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Do you understand, Irma ?

Ты слышишь, Ирма?

Never, you understand?

Никогда — ты слышишь?

He’s no longer worth a damn, you understand?

Он ничтожество, ты слышишь?

Do you understand, Bel Ami?

Ты слышишь, Милый друг?

Egle, did you understand?

Эгле! Ты слышишь?

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We should go en masse and demand to speak to whoever’s in charge and make them understand they can’t just keep us here.

Мы должны подойти все вместе и потребовать того, кто здесь главный, чтобы объяснить, что они не могут нас здесь держать.

Bielecki couldn’t understand Nina’s absence and he started to feel overwhelming anxiety.

Белецкий не мог себе объяснить отсутствие Нины, и им овладело скрытое беспокойство.

It’s so hard to make you understand.

Мне трудно это все объяснить.

But I tell you I understand.

Я могу все объяснить.

How can I make you understand?

Как мне объяснить вам?

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— Ah, Temple, you’re so understanding.

— О, Темпл. Какой ты понимающий.

And no one with any true understanding would blame you for it.

И не один понимающий человек не посмеет вас за это винить.

You’ve been so understanding.

Вы такой понимающий

I know that you’re gentle and understanding, but…

Я знаю, что ты чуткая и понимающая, но…

Even if the lady is understanding, it’s cheap.

Даже если невеста понимающая, это несерьезно.

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Why a daughter of mine should fool around with a hotel clerk… when she has the opportunity of marrying one of the Boston Yates… is more than I can understand,

И почему моя дочь путается с гостиничным клерком… когда она может выйти замуж за одного из бостонских Йетсов? — Мне это совершенно непонятно.

Don’t you understand?

— Неужели непонятно?

Try to understand.

Неужели непонятно?

Didn’t you understand me?

Неужели непонятно?

Something’s happened I don’t understand.

Случилось нечто непонятное.

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