When to use the word there in a sentence

The word there is a commonly used word that can be difficult to classify because of its various roles in a sentence. There can be used as an adverb, pronoun, adjective, and sometimes as an interjection. But in grammatical constructions like there is or there are, there is considered an expletive. This tiny word can create a lot of confusion because the context can be so varied.

Study the following guide to help you understand how to label and classify the various roles of the word there.

The chart can help, but also pay close attention to specific grammatical constructions when there is or there are start the sentence. In these contexts, the word there is classified as an expletive. An expletive is an “extra word” not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence. Mind you, starting a sentence with these constructions will lead to wordy sentence writing, and they’re usually too passive for most written compositions. This occurs because expletives are used to postpone the subject to build a little suspense for the reader. Authors like to use it like a bit of “seasoning” to keep readers tuned in. Here’s an example sentence demonstrating these structures:

There are explosives hidden under the railway bridge! (Delayed Subject — explosives)


Explosives are hidden under the railway bridge! (There is omitted to get to the point.)

You can tell the first example expresses more drama, right? Used sparingly, expletive constructions with there is or there are can be titillating. Just be careful!

Hint: If a sentence beginning with a there is or there are construction can be rewritten without the word there, you are working with the expletive form of the word.

In closing, there’s also the soothing phrase, “There, there…”, but we will save that for another time! Thanks for reading!

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The word there functions as the subject of a sentence to introduce a situation that exists. It is then called the existential there.


  • There’s an elephant in the garden.
  • There are three eggs left in the tray.
  • There is something I needed to tell you.
  • There were hundreds of daffodils dancing in the field.

What is existential there?

The word there can be used as a dummy subject to say that something happens or exists. When used as such, the pronoun there doesn’t refer to anything specific but merely introduces a situation that exists. It is therefore called the existential there or anticipatory there.


  • There is a cat in my hat.

    not “Is a cat in my hat”

  • There’s a storm coming.
  • There is no reason to worry.
  • There’s still hope and plenty of it.

A clause needs a subject, which tells us whom or what the sentence is about. When a subject isn’t available, there functions as the subject. Such usage is perfectly natural in both speech and writing.


  • Correct: There’s some ice-cream for you in the freezer
    Incorrect: Is some ice-cream for you in the freezer.
    Incorrect: Some ice-cream is for you in the freezer.


Apart from the word there, the empty it is also used as a dummy subject in English.


  • Correct: It’s Sunday morning.
    Incorrect: Is Sunday morning.

When is there used as subject?

There is used as a subject to talk about time and place, and quantity and number.

Existence of a situation

  • There’s always hope.

    Not “Is a storm coming.” We could say, “A storm is coming,” but that would sound unidiomatic.

  • There’s no such thing as a good lie.
  • There is something I wanted to check with you.

When or where

  • There is light at the end of this tunnel.

    Not “Light is there at the end of this tunnel.”

  • There is a full moon tonight.
  • There’s a strange spot on the wall.

Quantity and number

  • There are many ways to solve this problem.
  • There are only three apples left in the basket.
  • There is a lot of water in the ocean.


There is used not only to assert the existence of something but also to negate it.


  • There isn’t a cloud in the sky.

In general, use there to introduce a new topic, to quantify, and to assert the existence of something.


  • There is also the issue of credibility.
  • There are numerous ways to solve this problem.
  • There’s a path that leads down to the river.

Existential there + be verb

Since existential there as subject presents new information and describes the existence of something, it is usually followed by forms of the be verb— there is/are, there was/were, there will be.


  • There’s a mouse in the house.
  • There is something we need to talk about.
  • There isn’t any money left.
  • There are three questions you must answer.
  • There are many things that I would like to say to you.
  • There was no reason to panic.
  • There were seven ways out of the forest, but we didn’t know that.
  • There will be cake and ice-cream after dinner.

Only in formal and literary styles is existential there used with verbs other than the be verb.


  • The next morning, when Thomasin withdrew the curtains of her bedroom window, there stood the Maypole in the middle of the green, its top cutting into the sky.
  • In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
  • And then there came the pounding of another drum, as if another giant were coming yards behind him, and each giant, intent on his own drum, gave no notice to the rhythm of the other.

    — Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire (1976)

  • Once upon a time, there lived a boy and a girl.

Agreement with real subject

To check whether to use is or are after the existential there, find the real subject of the sentence. Remember that the word there is just a dummy subject used to introduce the real one. The verb used should agree with the real subject of a sentence.


  • There is an elephant in the garden.

    The real subject, “an elephant,” is singular. Use the singular verb “is.”

  • There are three elephants in the garden.

    Aside from the fact that this must be a pretty big garden, what we know is that the real subject is “three elephants.” Use the plural verb “are.”

  • There are an elephant and a giraffe in the garden.

    The real subject, “an elephant and a giraffe,” is a plural compound subject. Use “are.”

In informal communication, particularly in speech, there is or there’s is often used in both singular and plural constructions.


  • There’s a bus to George Town leaving every half hour from here.
  • There’s three buses going every day to George Town.
  • There’s a few almonds left, if you want one.

In formal writing, however, contractions like there’s are generally avoided, and the distinction between there is and there are is maintained.


  • But there is an exception to this rule.
  • But there are a few exceptions to this rule.

    The real subject of the sentence, “a few exceptions,” is plural.

With indefinite subject

Existential there is preferred in sentences with an indefinite subject (An indefinite subject is someone or something that is unknown). Using there to introduce such a subject places focus on it.


  • There’s someone I would like you to meet.

    Note how there wouldn’t work with a definite subject: “There’s Jenny I would like you to meet” sounds wrong, but there works perfectly to introduce an unknown “someone.”

  • There’s something I should tell you.
  • We looked out the window, and there was a man standing in our garden with a spade in his hand.
  • There are people who still believe in truth and justice.
  • There are stories in every life, if we only listen.

In passive constructions

There may be used as a dummy subject when the speaker or writer wants to distance themselves from a statement. It can also be used in passive constructions where the doer or agent is relatively unimportant.


  • Impersonal: There is no evidence of fraud in this case.
    More personal: We found no evidence of fraud in this case.
  • Impersonal: There are three steps to remember in the process.
    More personal: You should remember three steps in the process.
  • Impersonal: There have been protest marches across universities.
    More personal: Students have held protest marches across universities.


There as subject introduces an objective or impersonal assertion. This can sound evasive in certain situations.


  • Impersonal (evasive): There may be reason to believe that the president’s statement is false.
    More personal (less evasive): We have reason to believe that the president’s statement is false.


Unfortunately, the word there is easily overused as the subject of a sentence. A dummy subject like there is not required in sentences that describe an action rather than a state and where the performer of the action can be clearly identified. When you have a clear and direct agent, using there can make a sentence unnecessarily wordy and vague.

Before you start a sentence with there, check whether you can provide a more specific subject instead. This will help you convey a clearer picture to the reader.


  • Poor: There are three hypotheses that we tested.
    Better: We tested three hypotheses.
  • Poor: There have been many theories.
    Better: Researchers have advanced many theories.
  • Poor: There were two jobs I worked while in college.
    Better: I worked two jobs while in college.

Many sentences starting with existential there can be rewritten to provide more specific details. This is especially true of sentences where the real verb isn’t the be verb but another verb.


  • Poor: There are many who believe
    Better: Many analysts believe

    The verb here is believe rather than are.

  • Poor: There are studies that have been conducted
    Better: Studies have been conducted
  • Poor: There is a need
    Better: We see a need
  • Poor: There are issues to consider
    Better: We should consider certain issues

Examples from literature

In the following sentences from famous novels, examine how there is used as subject to introduce the existence of a situation or an indefinite subject.


  • There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.
  • The studio was filled with the rich of roses, and when the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac, or the more delicate perfume of the pink-flowering thorn.

    — Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890)

  • In the town, there were two mutes and they were always together.
  • There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it.

    — C. S. Lewis, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1952)

  • This time there would be no witnesses.

    — Douglas Adams, Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (1987)

  • There was even a bit of sullen thunder now, not the outgoing sort that cracks the sky but the other sort, which hangs around the horizons and gossips nastily with other storms.
  • Once upon a time, there was a woman who discovered she had turned into the wrong person.

    — Anne Tyler, Back When We Were Grownups (2001)

The word “there” have multiple functions. In verbal and written English, the word can be used as an adverb, a pronoun, a noun, an interjection, or an adjective.

  1. Adverb

This word is classified as an adverb if it is used to modify a verb in the sentence. For example, in the sentence below:

They went there only to find out that it was postponed.

The word “there” is considered as an adverb because it describes the verb “went.”


a. in or at that place

  • Example:
  • We went on to London and stayed there two weeks.

b. at that point or stage

  • Example:
  • Stop right there before you say something you’ll regret.
  1. Pronoun

Sometimes, the word “there” is categorized under pronouns, if it is used to replace a noun in the sentence. For instance, in the sample sentence below:

Hello there!

The word “there” is considered as a pronoun because it substitutes the name of the person, in this case, You.


a. used as an indefinite substitute for a name

  • Example:
  • Hi there!
  1. Noun

There are also some cases wherein the word “there” is considered as a noun, which refers to a particular point or place. Take for example, the sentence below:

There is no there and no here in pure space.

The word “there” is used as a noun, which refers to a location.


a. that place; that point

  • Example:
  • You take it from there.
  1. Interjection

Other times, the word “there” is categorized as an interjection, when it is used to exclaim or emphasize something. In the sample sentence below:

There, it’s finished!

The word “there” is used for emphasis or to draw attention to a particular thing.


a. used to focus attention on something and express satisfaction or annoyance at it

  • Example:
  • There, I told you my parents wouldn’t mind!
  1. Adjective

In some cases, the word “there” is considered as an adjective when it is used to modify a noun or a pronoun, as seen in the sample sentence below:

She is there to answer any questions you might have.

The word “there” modifies the pronoun “she” and is therefore considered as an adjective.


a. capable of being relied on for support or help

  • Example:
    is always there for her.

b. used for emphasis, especially after a demonstrative pronoun or a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective

  • Example:
  • Those guys there can tell you.

Examples of how to use the word “there” in a sentence. How to connect “there” with other words to make correct English sentences.

there (adv): (to, at, or in) that place

Use “there” in a sentence

There‘s nothing suspicious about that.
There are a few technical problems.
Is there anything interesting on television tonight?
There are growing tensions between the U.S. and China.
There are a number of different theories about the cause of the disease.
There is no evidence to support such a theory.
I hope we get there in time.
They have lived there for 10 years.
We’re almost there.
There is no use protesting. I will not change my mind.
There is nothing to be proud of.
There is a pub in front of her house.
How many pupils are there in the school?
There are 15 pupils in the kindergarten class.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

когда употребляется there is there are

Having opened any English textbook for the Elementary level, after reading its content, you will definitely find the topic There is (there are). This construction is considered at the very beginning of the study, but from the experience of working with students I can say that it is not learned as it should. As a result, we have people with an Intermediate level and above who construct sentences incorrectly based on the logic of their native language.

This article is useful not only for beginners, but also for everyone who feels that they have not fully understood this topic. If you cannot formulate what is the semantic difference between the sentences: There is a book on the table and The book is on the table, then you have come to the address, and after studying this material, the difference will become clear to you.


The adverb there is translated as “there”, and the translation of a sentence with it largely depends on the context, because in real life we ​​use the word there (there, there), meaning a certain place known or understood by our interlocutor:

Put your bag there. — Put your bag in there. May I sit there? — Can I sit there?

I opened the door to see who was there. — I opened the door to see who was there.

Although you and I are not in the context of these situations, we can guess exactly which places the speaker means by there.

But in addition to its usual meaning, the adverb there can be located at the beginning of a sentence, «representing», introducing the subject into the sentence. And here, exactly we are dealing with the construction there is / are.

It is believed that the main problem with the construction there is (there are) is that it is not translated into Ukrainian and Russian. This is not entirely true, you can translate it, but it will sound, of course, not very familiar to our ears.

For those who have just started learning English, let me remind you that the word there is combined with the verb to be: is for the singular, and are for the plural. The verb to be can be translated as «is» or «is»:

There is — There is / There is (about one subject)
There are — There are / There are (several items)

There is a man in the room. — There is / There is a person in the room. There is a car in the garage. — There are trees in the park. — There are / There are trees in the park.

There are animals in the zoo. — There are / There are animals in the zoo.

«I wouldn’t say that!» Some of you thought. Yes, the translation sounds unusual, but in order to understand the logic of a foreign language, it is important to draw parallels with the language we are already familiar with. As you can see, the construction can be literally translated into Russian.

There are also no problems with building a sentence according to a model — everyone who learns English can successfully complete the exercises and choose the correct answer.

The main problem, in fact, is that many do not understand what is the meaning of the turnover there is / are, why is this construction needed at all?if it is possible to construct a «normal sentence». Let’s figure it out.

Let’s look at two similar sentences that can be said in the same situation:

The book is on the table.
There is a book on the table.

Although the sentences are similar, they answer different questions.

The book is on the table.The book is on the table. There is a book on the table.(There is) a book on the table.
Where is the book?The book is on the table. … What’s on the table?There is a book on the table.
What is this proposal about? About a book or a table?About the book, its location is described What is this proposal about? About a table or a book?About the table, because it describes what exactly is on the table

One more example:

The flowers are on the book.Flowers on the book. There are flowers on the book.(There are) flowers on the book.
Where are the flowers?Flowers on the book. What’s on the book? There are flowers on the book.
What is this proposal about?About flowers. The sentence describes their location. What is this proposal about?About the book. Describes what lies on this book.

So, we see that there is / are is used to describe the place: in the first example — tables, in the second — books. And «normal sentences», where the subject immediately begins, serves to describe the subject (subject).

So, first ruleto remember:
The construction there is / are is used to describe the existence or location of something in any (specific) place.

Please note: when we translate sentences from there is into Russian, we do not use the word «there», we usually start the translation right from the place. In Russian, the word order is not fixed, so to emphasize the importance place, we just start a sentence with it, or we can highlight this part intonationally.

In English, the word order is fixed, affirmative sentences must begin with a subject (unless Inversion in English is used), and a sentence cannot be started from a «place», therefore this «introductory» subject is taken there (in theory, it is called a dummy subject or empty subject) :

There is a man in the room. — There is a man in the room. (There is a car in the garage.) — There’s a car in the garage. (There is a car in the garage) There are trees in the park. — There are trees in the park. (There are trees in the park) There are animals in the zoo. — There are animals in the zoo. (There are animals in the zoo) There is a book on the table. “There’s a book on the table. (There’s a book on the table)

There are flowers on the book. — There are flowers on the book. (There are flowers on the book)

By the way, the word it can also be such an «empty subject». I have already covered many of its applications in detail on the blog pages and I recommend that you study the material Empty subject it.

Now that we understand the essence of the construction, and you know how sentences with it differ from a regular sentence, we need to figure out how to use it. I propose to highlight three use cases:

  1. Description of a specific place
  2. Description of the fact of the existence of something (somewhere)
  3. At the beginning of the stories

1. Description of a specific place

As I said above, often the construction there is / are is presented at the initial stages of study and is associated with the topic Prepositions of place, which I consider to be a very logical solution.

For example, we are describing our room. At the same time, we are interested in the filling of the room: what is there, in this particular room?

What is there in the room? There is a table in the middle of the room. There is a sofa next to the table.

There are some chairs in the room.

By the same principle, you can describe any place: the contents of your bag, the filling of the refrigerator, the interior of the house, your city, country.

Notice how your thought goes in your native language when you formulate a sentence: if “place” is in the first place in your sentence, then you need the there is / are construction.

2. Description of the fact of existence

Consider another use case for a turnover with there. We often use sentences like:

There are many good writers out there. There are many English textbooks.

There is one problem.

As you can see, in these sentences no specific location is indicated, but is implied. We can add “in the world”, “in our country”, “in my life” and so on, but this will be inappropriate, unnecessary, because the interlocutors already understand what is at stake.

To translate such sentences into English, in order to preserve their meaning, you simply cannot do without the construction there is (there are):

There are many good writers. — There are many good writers. There are many English textbooks. — There are many English textbooks.

There is a problem. — There is one problem.

The second rule:
There is (there are) is used when you want to indicate that something exists in general, in a certain situation, but without specifying a specific place in space.

This does not mean that to indicate the place strictly prohibited, if necessary or desired, you can add the required information.

3. To start a story or fairy tale

Sometimes there can be found at the beginning of a fictional narration, for example, a children’s fairy tale or story, and such a turn can be translated as «lived-were»:

There (once) was a woman who had three daughters. — Once there was a woman and she had three daughters.

Now that we have cleared up the use of turnover, let’s talk about forms. The construction there is / are, in addition to the affirmative, has a negative and interrogative form:

Full singular there is There is not Is there?
Abbreviated singular There’s / ðeəz / / ðəz / There isn’t
Full plural There are There are not Are there?
Abbreviated plural There aren’t / ðeərɑː (r) nt /

Source: https://enginform.com/article/there-is-there-are

There is / are construction

когда употребляется there is there are

The grammatical construction proposed for study in this article is one of the basic lexical and grammatical phenomena of the English language, which is found quite often both in oral and written speech and will certainly come in handy in practice. But ignorance of this construction will be able to confuse a person studying English literally in the most elementary situations.

The meaning of the construction there is / are and translation into Russian

This combination of words should not be translated literally, but so that you do not have a desire to climb into the dictionary for the translation of individual elements, we will still give it. The adverb there corresponds to the Russian adverb “there, there”. Now let’s look at a few examples proving the inappropriateness of this adverb in Russian sentences equivalent to English ones containing the construction there is / are:

There is a vase with daisies on the table. There is a vase of daisies on the table.
There is a man on the roof of that building. There is a man on the roof of that building.
There are seven days in a week. There are seven days in a week.
There is a flight to New York at 11.30 am At 11.30 am the plane leaves for New York.

Thus, we see that in each of the sentences the construction there is / are is translated differently, but all these sentences are united by one thing — «somewhere (or sometime) something is (passes)», which is the overall meaning of this design.

And in order to translate a sentence with the construction there is / are into Russian, it is enough to find the circumstance of place (or time) — most often it is at the end of the sentence, less often at the very beginning; start the Russian sentence with it, and then the meaning of the object named after the construction there is / are will tell you how to continue the Russian sentence.

Often, the translation will include location verbs — «lie», «stand», «hang», «be», etc. — and sometimes the verb will be absent altogether in the Russian sentence, for example:

There is a picture on the wall. There is a painting on the wall.
In the box there are some pencils and a flashlight. The box contains several pencils and a flashlight.
There are eleven players in a football team. There are eleven players on the football team.
There’s a good old film on TV tonight. There’s a good old movie on TV tonight.

There is / are sentence structure

As you can see from the second example in the above group, the sentence does not necessarily start with the there is / are construct itself. Quite often, it begins with the circumstance of the place (or time), but the word order in the affirmative sentence remains direct, that is, after the circumstance, the formal subject there is put, then the required form of the verb to be and what is actually referred to is the semantic subject, which determines the form of the predicate.

Choosing a verb form

There is / are — this is only one temporary form from among those in which this construction is used, namely the Present Simple form — the present simple tense. But already at this initial stage, it is important to correctly determine the desired form of the verb to be. So, is (often in the form of abbreviation ‘s) is used when it comes to one object (phenomenon). The form are (‘re) is used when dealing with plural items, for example:

singular plural
There is a new supermarket near my house. There are two churches near my house.
There is a new supermarket near my house. There are two churches near my house.
There’s a train to London at 10.30 am There’re three trains to London in the morning.
At 10.30 am the train leaves for London. In the morning, three trains leave for London.

In such sentences, it is the adverb there that is the formal (desemantized, that is, it does not have its own meaning) subject, while a little further, after the required form of the verb to be, there is a semantic subject that has its own meaning. The agreement of the personal form of the verb is carried out with the semantic subject, while the direct or reverse word order is determined by the position of the formal subject.

Interestingly, if after the construction there is / are there is an enumeration of objects, then the choice of the verb form of the singular or plural comes from the number of the first of the enumerated objects, for example:

There is a pen, two pencils and five copy-books on the table. On the table are a pen, two pencils and five notebooks.

It is possible to use the construction there is / are in other temporary forms. And although the very meaning of this construction, implying a state, location, and not a dynamic process, imposes restrictions on the number of temporal forms in which its use is permissible, the tenses of the Simple and Perfect groups are quite common for this construction. Temporary forms Continuous and Perfect Continuous are unacceptable for this design.

time design diagram example translation of an example
Present simple there is / are There is a book of poetry on the shelf. There is a book with poetry on the shelf.

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/konstrukciya-there-isare.html

Construction There is / There are

когда употребляется there is there are

Design There is / There are is used to inform about the presence of something or someone in a certain place. It is translated is, is, is, or is not translated in any way.

 there is  used when it comes to the subject in the singular, There are — if plural. If a sentence lists several homogeneous members — subjects, they look at the number of the first (closest to the beginning of the sentence of the subject), and put there is if it is in the singular, and there are if it is in the plural:

  • There is a table and some chairs in the room. — There is a table and several chairs in the room.
  • There are some chairs and a table in the room. — There are several chairs and a table in the room.

Design There is / There are is placed at the beginning of a sentence. Immediately after it comes the subject, followed by the rest of the sentence, for example, the circumstances of place and time. (Note that in similar Russian sentences, the circumstances of place and time come first.) For example:

  • There is a telephone in the hall. “There’s a telephone in the hallway.
  • There are newspapers are on the table. — Newspapers on the table.

Design There is / There are can be used in the present, past and future tenses, while the form of the verb to be changes:


There is a lamp on the table. — There is a lamp on the table.

In an interrogative sentence, the verb to be (is, are) is placed before there:

  • -Is there a lamp on the table? «Is there a lamp on the table?»
  • -Yes, there is. — Yes there is.
  • -No, there isn’t. (No, there is not) — No.
  • -Are there books on the shelf? «Are there books on the shelf?»
  • -Yes, there are. — Yes there is.
  • -No, there aren’t. (No, there are not.) — No.

In negative sentences, after the verb to be, the negative particle not (not + any in the plural) or the negative pronoun no is used

  • There are no books on the shelf. — There are no books on the shelf.
  • There is not a lamp on the table. — There is no lamp on the table.
  • There are not any flowers in the vase. — There are no flowers in the vase.

 There is not = There isn’t

There are not = There aren’t


If a question is posed to the subject, for example, What is on the table?, Then the interrogative pronoun is used What or Who, which is the subject:

  • What is there in your room? — What’s in your room?
  • Who is there in your room? — Who is in your room?

In special questions with question words how much / how much (How many?) , What (What?) These words are placed before the subject:

  • How many students are there in the auditorium? — How many students are there in the classroom?
  • How much water is there in the swimming pool? — How much water is in the pool?
  • What pictures were in his room? — What pictures were in his room? (in such questions it is optional to put there).
  • There were old and new pictures — Old and new pictures.

Special use cases There is / There are

In sentences with the construction There is / There are, the word There (there) is not translated. If it is needed in a sentence, add there at the end of the sentence:

  • Our park is nice. There is a good playground there. — Our park is beautiful. There is a nice playground there.

Source: http://kid-mama.ru/grammatika-anglijskogo-yazyka/konstrukciya-there-is-there-are/

Lesson 9. There is / There are

Revolutions there is / there are (or more generally there + to be at the appropriate time) are used when we want to emphasize the presence (or absence) of something in a particular place.

To make it clearer why these turns are needed, consider two expressions:

  • Book on the table
  • There is a book on the table

Think carefully about these expressions. Try to feel the difference.

In the first case book on the table we mean that the book (already known to us, perhaps we were asked about it) is on the table.

In the second case on the table (there is) a book we emphasize that there is exactly a book on the table. Not a specific book, but a book in general, as a representative of a class. (Perhaps we were asked: What’s on the table?)

It is in this case that on the table (there is) a book and the expression is used there is:

  • there is a book on the table.

Pay attention to the articles!

The subject we are talking about, i.e. book, this is not a specific book (for example, «War and Peace»), but simply Any book. Therefore, the indefinite article is placed in front of it a.

The place in which the item is located is quite certain a place. Those. this book is not on any table, but on this specific table. Therefore, the definite article is placed in front of the table. the.


If we are talking about one subject, we use the expression there is:

  • there is a ball under the chair.

If we talk about more objects, we use the expression there are:

  • There are balls under the table.

Moreover, the indefinite article a in front of things that are spoken about, not used! Because no indefinite article is placed before plural nouns.

If we want to emphasize the presence / absence of an item in a given place in past or future, you just need to put after there verb to be at the appropriate time. Look Lesson 3

Past tense

If we are talking about one subject, we use the expression there was:

  • There was a ball under the chair.

If we talk about more objects, we use the expression there were:

  • There were balls under the table.

Future time

In the future tense, regardless of whether we are talking about one or more objects, it is used there will be:

  • there will be a ball under the chair.
  • there will be balls under the table.

Negative sentences

Everything is simple here, after the verb to be add a particle Note, thereby emphasizing the absence of an object in a certain place. Look Lesson 3.

  • There is not (isn’t) a ball under the chair.
  • There were not (weren’t) balls under the table.
  • There will not be (won’t be) a ball under the chair.

Interrogative sentences

When we want to inquire about the presence of an item in a particular place, we just need to swap there with verb to be.

  • is there a ball under the chair?
  • Were there balls under the table?
  • Will there be a ball under the chair?

Why do we need to know this?

Now comes the most important thing. Why do we need these expressions at all?

Firstly, in order to more accurately express your thoughts or, conversely, to better understand what is at stake. Think of «a book on the table» and «a book on the table.»

Secondly, these expressions allow in these cases not to translate into English such verbs as «stands», «lies», «hangs», «is», «exists», etc.


The following prepositions are used in this lesson:

on — means on a surface, words with this preposition most often answer the question where?on the table — on tablein — means inside, words with this preposition answer the question where?in the room — в room under — underunder the table — under tablenear — near / near / nearnear the house — about homebehind — behind / behindbehind the sofa — behind sofa for — forfor me — for me

Source: https://polyglotmobile.ru/polyglot-english-base/lesson-9/

Usage rules. There is and there are in English sentences. Usage rules How to translate there isn ta

This grammar topic teaches you how to work with the popular English construction there is / there are… Or, in other words, how to say: there is something, there is not something.

At the airport (there are) many rules. — There are a lot of rules at the airport.

There is no stadium in the town. — There isn’t a stadium in the town.

We use this construction when the sentence says that something is / not is somewhere. In other words, there is something somewhere or something is not there. To do this, in English, we use the construction there is / there are.

The word there in this construction will not change under any circumstances. Will change, according to the law of the genre, the verb to be in number and in tenses, we will talk below.

Here you need to be careful and not confuse the adverb there (there) and part of the construction there is / are… The difference will be visible in the context and translation: there, which is included in there is / are, will not even be translated, it just «is». For example:

There is only one restaurant there. — There (is) only one restaurant.

The second part of this construction is the already known verb «be» — to be in the form is and are (is for the singular, are for the plural).

There is a cake in the fridge. — There’s a cake in the fridge.

There’s a hole in my pocket. — There’s a hole in my pocket.

In the last sentence, we abbreviated there is to there’s, which is very common in spoken English.

There are two men in the room. “There are two men in the room.

There’re many mistakes in your test, you must do it over. — There are many mistakes in your test, you must redo it. (there are = there’re)

Often a student asks the question: why can’t I just say through a verb to be? For example:

Many mistakes are in your test.

Everything is very simple: such a sentence is grammatically correct, but the speaker will not say so, it will sound less natural to his ear. In addition, the design there is / are very popular with native speakers, so definitely not worth avoiding.

Interestingly, sentences with there is / are we translate from the end, the construction itself may not be translated at all, or it may be translated by the word «is».

There are many Italian foodstuffs in this shop. — There are many Italian products in this store.

There are seven days in a week. — There are seven days in a week.


It is a pleasure to work with this construction: to build negation, we

add a particle not or the word no after is / are

There is not an umbrella in the car. — There is no umbrella in the car.

There isn’t any cold water in the fridge. — There is no cold water in the refrigerator.

There is no lamp in my son’s room. — There is no lamp in my son’s room.

You noticed that after there is not there must be an article a or an; after there is no we do not put either the article or any.

There are not two but three kids in their family. — Their family has not two, but three children.

There aren’t problems with this child. — There are no problems with this child.

There are no guests at the party. — There are no guests at the party.


To build a question, you just need to rearrange the words in the construction itself. there is / are.

Is there a scarf in the wardrobe? — Is there a scarf in the closet?

Is there a dog in the car? «Is there a dog in the car?»

What is there on the table? — What (is) on the table?

Are there letters for me? — Are there any letters for me?

Are there students in the lecture hall? — Are there students in the classroom?

How many days are there in February? — How many days in February?

Very often the question arises in sentences where we need to list items in both the singular and the plural. What to do in these cases?
The choice of is or are will depend on the first noun immediately after the construction there is / are.

There is one bathroom and two bedrooms in my flat. — My apartment has two bedrooms and one bathroom.

As «bathroom» in the singular comes the first, we chose there is.

Source: https://icprime.ru/lgoty/pravila-upotrebleniya-konstrukcii-there-is-i-there-are-v-angliiskih-predlozheniyah/

There is / there are. Beginner rules

Site design there is (there are)  refers to the most common constructions of English grammar and you need to know it already at the basic level of learning English. In this lesson, you will learn the basic rules on there is (there are). Consider the English translation of a simple sentence from the example.

EXAMPLE. There is a cat in the box. — there is a cat in the box.

In English, this phrase has the following meaning:

В this the box sits some kind of cat. (that is, the box is specific (this, mine), and I see the cat for the first time

There is / there are. rules

RULE 1. Construction there is used when we want to say that some object is in a specific place; respectively there are used if there are several items, that is, in a plurality.


  • There is a cat in the box. — There is a cat in the box.
  • There are cats in the box. — There are cats in the box.

General view of the construction there is / there are in the present tense

Pay attention to the articles highlighted in blue:

articlemeans that this ITEM I have not seen before (some kind of cat)

article the means that this PLACE is familiar to me (this table, my table, etc.)

RULE 2 (see diagram above).

Before the subject always put article (a, zero), cardinal number (one, two, three), or other quantity indicators (many, much, some).

Before the place the article is always put — tea. Read more Prefix expressions with the article THE.


  1. there is an apple on the apple tree.
  2. There are three (many/some) apples on the apple tree.
  3. there is some (much) milk in the glass.

1. Translation of a sentence with there is (are)

RULES for translation there is / there are:

1.Construction there is (are) translated as is, is.

2. Verb is (are) in this construction, you can NOT translate or use in translation other verbs denoting a location, for example: sitting, hanging, lying, etc.

EXAMPLE. There is a cat in the tree. — Can be translated as In this tree is sitting cat.

3. In this construction, the word there has lost its original meaning there… DO NOT BEGIN the translation of a sentence with THERE.

EXAMPLE of incorrect translation. There is a cat in the tree. — THERE is a cat sitting in a tree.

4. Translation of a sentence with this construction must begin with the word that answers the question where? (usually it costs at the end of the sentence).EXAMPLE

Source: http://englishinn.ru/konstruktsiya-there-is-are-bazovyiy-uroven.html

There is / there are in English

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Even if you’ve just started learning English, you’ve probably come across a sentence that would start with the phrase there is or there are. From our experience, we know that even students with an intermediate level of knowledge have difficulty using there + be.

Not because this construction is difficult to understand, but because there is no direct equivalent to the phrase in Russian. This is why students often forget to use it. In the article we will talk about possible use cases for there + be, we will give examples and a small test at the end of the article.

What does there + be mean

So what does the phrase there is / there are mean in English and when should we use them? You know that the word there is translated as “there,” and the verb to be means to be. If you combine two words, you get «there is.» Hence the function of this construction follows: when we want to inform that something is somewhere, is located, then we use there + be.

There is a new shopping center in that village. “There is a new shopping center in that village.

There are many books in room 145. — There are many books in room 145.

Please note that there is / there are by themselves are not translated into Russian. Conventionally, they can be translated into Russian with the words “is”, “is”, “exists”, “is”. That is why we so want to start translating it exists, it there literally from Russian. But you can’t do that. And also sentences that begin with there + be, we start translating from the end, that is, first we tell the place where this something is.


We can use there + be in all times: present, past and future. Accordingly, for this we need to change the form of the verb be.

There is a bottle of milk in the fridge. — In fridge Yes bottle of milk. (now there is, therefore the present tense and the form of the verb to be “is”)

There was a bottle of milk in the fridge. — In fridge was bottle of milk. (it used to be, therefore the past tense and the form of the verb to be “was”)

There will be a bottle of milk in the fridge. — In fridge will bottle of milk. (will be in the future, so the future tense and the form of the verb to be «will be»)

To be is also unique in that it can be singular or plural. If there + be is followed by a singular noun, take is or was. And if it goes in the plural — are or were. And will be is universal and can be used with both singular and plural.

And now let’s give a plate in which everything is clearly depicted:

ThereBeWhat / who is where

There isarewaswerewill be something somewhere

Features of use there + be

  1. If we list items and the first word is in the singular, then we should take to be in the singular (is / was):
  2. There isa lamp and four tables in the room. — There is a lamp and 4 tables in the room.

  3. If we list items and start with the plural, then we should take the plural (there are):
  4. There are four tables and a lamp in the room. — There are four tables and a lamp in the room.

  5. It is important to pay special attention to countable and uncountable nouns.
  6. There is a lot of sugar in coffee. — There is a lot of sugar in coffee. (sugar is an uncountable noun, it has no plural form, so we use the verb is, despite the word “a lot” — a lot)

    There are a lot of oranges in the box. — There are many oranges in the box. (we can count the oranges, the word has a plural, so we use are)

As you can see, from the point of view of grammar, this construction is not difficult to use. It is important not to forget to do this. In the end, as always, we suggest you take the test and download our plate. This way you will always have access to this information.

↓ Download the table «Use of the construction there is / there are» (* .pdf, 182 Kb)


There is / there are

Source: https://engblog.ru/there-be

Turnover there is / there are: rules for using the structure, examples, tables — SPEAK ENGLISH

The turnover there is / there are is a speech construct that begins to be studied at the initial stage of teaching English.

If you need to tell about the location of an object or person, then you will need to apply this phrase. By itself, the phrase there is / there are in English means «there is, is located.»

But for a correct translation into Russian, you need to study some rules for handling this construction.

General concept

So, the phrase there is / there are in English is used quite often, since we constantly need to indicate the position of an object. And this phrase helps to do this in the best way possible. For example, you need to say that there are three doctors in a certain room.

With the help of turnover, we get the following proposal: There are three doctors in the room. At the same time, we draw your attention to the word order in the sentence.

There is (thr is) There are (thr are) object location

We see that the phrase begins with a turnover, then the object is indicated, and only at the end is the place where this object (or person) is located.

Why does the turnover look like this? What is the difference between thr is and thr are? The answer is simple. The first option is used to describe one object or person, and the second is used to describe two or more objects.

  • Thr is a dog on the bed. — A dog is sitting on the bed.
  • Thr are dogs on the bed. — Dogs are sitting on the bed.

There is / there are: russian translation

It is important to understand that the sentence in which this phrase is used cannot be translated verbatim. The correct way to do this is to start at the end of the sentence. This will make you sound beautiful in your native language.

  • Thr is a book on the table. — There’s a book on the table.
  • Thr are dogs in the yard. — Dogs are running around in the yard.

I would like to note that the turnover there is / there are has several translation options. It all depends on the specific object and situation. When translating, the main thing is to observe correctness and believability, and also not to deviate from the norms of the literary language.

Temporary features

The next thing to say when discussing the turnover there is / there are are different forms of the verb «to be» when using the phrase in different tenses. As you know, the strong verb to be has many forms, so in our case, each time period has its own form.

Currently, is, are
Past tense was, were
Future time will be

All these forms can be part of this construction, since the turnover there is / there are can be applied both in the present tense and in the past or future.

  • Thr is a kitten in the corner. — A kitten is sitting in the corner.
  • Thr are students in the hall. — There are students in the hall.
  • Thr was a car near the shop. — There was a car near the store.
  • Thr were green trees in the center of the square. “There were green trees in the center of the square.
  • Thr will be a lot of pupils in the bus. — There will be many students on the bus.

We see from examples how the form of the verb changes and how the turnover changes. The style of translation is also clearly visible: we change the meaning of the verb depending on the specific situation.

Questions, answers and denials

The turnover there is / there are, the rules for the formation of which we are discussing here, can be applied not only in declarative sentences. We can also use it to pose questions, answer them and use it in negative constructions. Let’s take a look at all of these options in turn.

The question is constructed by simply rearranging the words. Depending on the type of question, the verb is placed in first or second place:

  • General question: Is thr a dog in the park? — Is there a dog in the park?
  • Special question: What is thr in the river? — What is there in the river?
  • Alternative question: Is thr a book or a pen in the bag? — Is there a book or a pen in your bag?
  • Separation question: Thr is a boy on the bench, is not there? — It’s the boy on the bench, isn’t it?

The answer to general or separative questions using this phrase will be Yes, there is or No, there isn’t (depending on the speaker’s intention) or Yes, there are / No, there aren’t, if the sentence used the plural form numbers.

Negative sentences can be built in two ways:

  • using a negative particle not,
  • application of the pronoun no.

If we choose the first option, then in addition to the negative particle, it is imperative to use the pronoun any, meaning the absence of something or someone.

  • Thr is not any dress in my room. — There are no dresses in my room.
  • Thr are not any houses in this place. — There are no houses in this place.

Applying the second option, we can do without unnecessary additional words, and the negative pronoun itself will relate more to a noun than to a verb:

  • Thr is no phone in my pocket. — There is no phone in my pocket.
  • Thr are no birds in this forest. — There are no birds in this forest.

Important points of use there is / there are

Translation into Russian of such a turnover is not the only feature that should be taken into account. There are a few more things to keep in mind when using this phrase.

There are variants of sentences when we need to indicate the location of not one object, but several, that is, apply an enumeration.

In this case, the following rule will apply: when listing several objects or people, you need to take into account the word that is located immediately after the turnover itself. The choice of the form of the verb will depend on him:

  • Thr is a book, 2 pens and a bag on the sofa. — On the couch is a book, two pens and a bag.
  • Thr are 2 pens, a book and a bag on the sofa. “There are two handles on the couch, a book and a bag.

It is easy to understand and remember, since in Russian this construction also looks different (lies, lies).

It is also worth remembering about nouns, which can be countable and uncountable. If the word cannot have a plural, then only the form suitable for the singular must be placed in front of it, despite the accompanying words:

  • Thr is a lot of water in this glass. — There is a lot of water in this glass (water has no plural).
  • Thr are a lot of glasses on the table. — There are many glasses on the table (glasses can be used in the plural).


In order to always write and speak correctly, you need to train to use the there is / there are turnover. Exercises for this topic are simple and aimed at developing automatic memorization, as well as training to quickly select the correct form. For example:

  • Put in the correct form of the verb. Thr a kite in the sky. — A kite is flying in the sky.
  • Add a question to the proposal. Thr are a lot of girls at the party. — There are a lot of girls at the party.
  • Translate the sentence. There is a computer on the table, a lot of books and notebooks.

There is there are in English, rules, examples of use, exercises

One of the most common constructions in English is there is there are. It locates an item or object. For example,

There is a cat on the couch. — There is a cat on the sofa.

Thus, we indicate where the cat is. There is there are always placed at the beginning of a sentence. If we are talking about one object or object, we use the turnover Тhere is, if about two or more — Тhere are.

For example, the sentences on there is there are:

There is a girl in the room. — The girl in the room.

There are beautiful flowers in the garden. — There are beautiful flowers in the garden.

If a person begins to learn a language for the first time, then it is better to translate such sentences literally into Russian.

In this case, the above examples can be translated as — There is a girl in the room or There are beautiful flowers in the garden. Usually, no one speaks like that, it is just important to understand the meaning of what is said.

Literal translation will help you correctly formulate phrases in English, and most importantly, begin to understand the logic of this phrase.

When you have worked out the correct construction of such sentences for yourself, then you can freely move on to a beautiful literary translation of the structures.

The first thing to start with the study of the turnover is the word order in the sentence:

Тhere (is / are) + item / items + location.

As you can see, in sentences with the construction there is / are, each word has its own definite place.

There is there are example sentences:

There is water in the bottle. — There is water in the bottle.

There is one mango on the table. — There is one mango on the table.

There are many people in the bus. — There are a lot of people on the bus.

There are four Chinese students in my class. — There are four Chinese students in my class.

Interrogative form and the turnover there is there are in English

The interrogative form with the use of this construction is created in this way: the verb to be is put in the first place before there.

Is there sugar on the table? — Is there sugar on the table?

Are there children on the playground? — Are there children in the playground?

The answers to such questions will look like this:

— with a positive answer — Yes, there is (Yes, there are.)

— if negative — No, there is not (No, there aren’t)

If modal or auxiliary verbs are used in a sentence, then they are put in the first place before the word there, and then the given verb to be will be after it.

Will there be magazines on the shelf tomorrow? — Will there be magazines on the shelf tomorrow?

Interrogative words such as what, which, why, how long, and when can be used with these phrases.

When composing a question, first we use these words, and then according to the standard scheme.

What is there in the box? — What’s in the box?

How many countries are there in Africa? — How many countries are there in Africa?

Source: https://ekaterina-alexeeva.ru/sovety/oborot-there-is-there-are-pravilo-upotrebleniya-konstruktsii-primery-tablitsy-2.html

There is / there are in English. There is / are sentences

It is difficult to overestimate the role that there is / there are in English. Before embarking on it, we advise you to memorize the prepositions of the place. We will talk about the arrangement of things in different rooms or parts of them, so we need words such as in, at, in front of, etc..

The special word order for the English language is preserved in these sentences. Let’s start with the affirmative form, since the word order in an English sentence is usually judged by it.

Usually, the actual construction there is (are) comes first, then the object, the location of which must be described. Completes the sentence, except in some cases, the circumstance of place. Less often, the circumstance of place is placed at the beginning of the sentence.

Here are some simple classic examples:

There is a bird in the cage.

Since a direct translation will look a little ridiculous (there is a bird in a cage), it is better to translate this sentence from the end. «There is a bird in the cage.» We also think up the word «sitting», and the sentence will sound completely in Russian.

There are birds in the cages.

«Birds are sitting in cages.» Most likely, we went to a pet store.

According to the rules, when in one sentence we describe several different objects or their groups, the setting of the there is / there are constructions depends on the number of the first mentioned objects. Examples:

There is a table, two chairs, and three armchairs in the room. The room has a table, two chairs and three armchairs.

There are two chairs, three armchairs, and a table. The room has two chairs, three armchairs and a table.


Making sentences with the construction there is are negative is as easy as shelling pears. It is necessary after one of the forms of the verb be (that is, is, are) to put the words no or not, which express negation.

Language learners sometimes worry about what to deliver to them. We hasten to reassure you: there is practically no difference, except that ‘No.‘makes the denial a little stronger. It stands out more in its voice. One nuance — after the word “No.»Article ‘at‘is not used. Examples:

There is not a brick house in the area. There is no brick house in the area. There is no brick house in the area.

There are not any brick houses in the area. There are no brick houses in the area. There are no brick houses in the area. In a sentence with not, the negative pronoun any is often used.


Interrogative sentences differ in word order, and in them, as in negations, an indefinite pronoun is used Any Unlike some in affirmative sentences. Examples:

Is there petrol in the tank? Is there gas in the tank?

Are there any nails in the box? Are there any nails in the box?

Conversational forms

We have considered only the classic full forms of sentences with there is / are. It is very important to note that in spoken English, the use of abbreviated forms of affirmative or negative sentences is preferable. Examples:

There’s an apple in the vase. There is an apple in the vase.

There aren’t any apples in the vase. There are no apples in the vase.

There isn’t an apple in the vase. There’s no apple in the vase. There is no apple in the vase.


Now let’s work with the traditional table. We think that it will not be difficult to supplement it with your own examples. Use dictionaries more actively. Use an internet search. First, you can write down the suggestions given in this article into the table.

there is There are is there are there There isn’t There aren’t

Source: https://lim-english.com/pravila-anglijskogo-yazyka/konstrykciya-there-is-there-are-ytverditelnaya-voprositelnaya-otricatelnaya-formi/

Lesson 30. There is / there are in English

Sofia StalskayaHigher linguistic education. Work experience 5 years.

Before we move on to the descriptions of objects and premises, it is necessary to deal with one more grammatical phenomenon, which has no analogue in the Russian language. It’s about the turnover there is / there are.

Terms of use there is / there are

Study two examples carefully. Pay attention to the pronunciation:

there is a book on the table.

There are clouds in the sky.

As you can see, in both sentences we used the verb “to be « in the present tense and the word «there«, Which is not translated into Russian in this turnover — but we used this construction in order to tell about the location of objects: books and clouds.

So turnover there is / there are necessary when we talk about the presence or location of some objects or phenomena. The form of the verb «to be» agrees only with first a noun after it:

There is abook, two pens and a pencil on the table.

Such sentences are usually translated from the end:

On the table (lies) a book, two pens and a pencil.

The turnover there is / there are can be used in the past tense:

There was a vase on the table.

There were children in the room.

If you want to ask a question with this phrase, swap the verb «to be» and «there»:

Are there apples in the fridge?

Is there a dog in your flat?

And add a question word at the beginning if you are interested in something specific:

How many apples are there in the fridge?

What is there in your flat?

And if something is missing somewhere, use the «not» part:

There aren’t apples in the fridge.

There isn’t a dog in my flat.

Often, instead of an article in this construction, numerals or indefinite pronouns are used — some for positive sentences, any for negative ones:

There are two girls in the room.

There is some water in the bottle.

There isn’t any bread on the table.

Remember everything? Reinforce what has been learned by doing a few exercises.

Lesson assignments

Task 1. Complete the required form of the verb to be.1. There people in the street. 2. There a woman in the shop. 3. there anybody in the house? 4. There not sweets in the box. 5. There a chair in the room.

6.there children in the garden?

Task 2. Translate into English:1. There are two boys and one girl in the room. 2. There are no plates on the table. 3. You are holding keys. 4. There is a painting on the wall. 5. How many days in February? 6. Tonight there are two good movies on TV. 7. Is there a hotel nearby (near here)?

8. What’s in your pocket?

Reply 1.1. There are people in the street. 2. There is a woman in the shop. 3. Is there anybody in the house? 4. There are not sweets in the box. 5. There is a chair in the room.

6. Are there children in the garden?

Reply 2.1. There are two boys and a girl in the room. 2. There are not (any) plates on the table. 3. There are keys in your hands. 4. There is a picture on the wall. 5. How many days are there in February? 6. There are two good movies on TV tonight. 7. Is there a hotel near here?

8. What is there in your pocket?

Source: https://linguistpro.net/oborot-there-is-there-are-v-anglijskom-yazyke

English sentences with the turnover there is / there are

One of the first rules that all English learners become familiar with is the use of the phrase “there is / are«. The topic deserves a detailed analysis, since the order of words in an English sentence plays a huge role, and this construction is widely applicable both in everyday life and in specialized areas of life.

It will not be difficult to achieve an understanding of the structure and bring its use to automatism, having carefully studied the construction scheme and the method of translating such sentences.

There + to be (is / are) Is a speech turnover indicating the location, finding, presence (or absence) of persons and objects. In other words, we use this construction when we want to inform the interlocutor that someone / something (not) is in a certain place or moment in time.

There is a glass on the table. — There’s a glass on the table.
There aren’t plates on the table. — There are no plates on the table.

  • Order of words in a sentence — the turnover is always the beginning of a sentence, then the subject follows (if there are determinants to it, then in accordance with the rule, they stand before it), then the addition and at the end of the sentence a circumstance. Since the construction already contains a verb, no additional predicate is required.

There is a big jar of strawberry jam in the basement. — In the basement (there is) a large jar of strawberry jam.
There are four silver spoons in the drawer. — There are four silver spoons in the drawer.

  • Translation of a sentence — since the essence of this construction is in the emphasis on the presence or finding of an object somewhere, the translation begins with the circumstance of the place (end of the sentence), and the translation of the phrase itself is in most cases omitted, or replaced by any suitable verb.

There is a stain on my jacket. “There’s a stain on my jacket.
There are three women in the kitchen. — There are three women in the kitchen.

  •  Integrity of the structure — none of its parts is separated and is not considered independent. To indicate the location of an object using the adverb «there», «there»In the role of circumstance is used additionally.

There is only one car there. — There’s only one car.
There are so many apple-trees there. — There are so many apple trees.

  • Pronunciation of turnover — being a single whole, the turnover is pronounced as one, the stress falls on the subject, and the rest of the sentence remains unstressed.

There is a large bed in the room. — There is a large bed in the room.
There is a pearl necklace on her neck. “She has a pearl necklace around her neck.

There IS or there ARE

Selecting one of the verb forms to be in present time (Present simple) depends entirely on the number of persons or objects referred to. Accordingly, to indicate the location of one object, we use the verb to be in the singular — IS, and for more — ARE.

There is a cat on the lawn. — On the lawn (sitting) a cat.
There are several cats on the lawn. — There are several cats on the lawn.

As a rule, in sentences with several subjects, the verb from the turnover agrees in number with the first of them, that is, with the subject following the construction:

There is an apple, a peach and three pears on the plate. — On the plate (lie) an apple, a peach and three pears.
There are three pears, a peach and an apple on the plate. — On the plate (are) three pears, a peach and an apple.

To form such phrases with uncountable nouns ALWAYS used only there is:

There is no milk in the fridge. — There is no milk in the refrigerator.
There is a lot of pepper in this salad. — There is a lot of pepper in this salad.
There isn’t any butter in the porridge. — There is (no) oil in oatmeal. 
There is some money in his wallet. — There is some money in his wallet.

There + to be turnover in different times of the English language (there is / there are, there was / there were, there will be)

This construction, in addition to the considered simple present tense (Present simple), is applicable in other tenses of the English language. It is also often used with the past and future tense of the group. Simple (Indefinite), much less often with times Perfect-forms and never with Continuous (including Perfect Continuous).

To build a phrase in the past or future tense, you need to know the conjugation of the verb to be by tenses, as well as the corresponding auxiliary verbs:

  • Present simple — simple present tense — there is (units) /there are (plural)

There is a nice carpet in her bedroom. — There is a beautiful carpet in her bedroom.
There are naughty children in his class. — In his class (there are) naughty children.

Source: https://languagereal.ru/post/253

Turnover there is / are

The English speech construction there is / are is very unusual and interesting. It rarely causes difficulties in its use, but since there is no such equivalent in Russian, this speech turnover introduces some confusion into grammar.

This construction is unusual in that it always stands at the very beginning of a sentence, and has no translation. It is necessary in order to name the location of an object or person when something or someone is somewhere. It is very important to remember that this grammatical unit is placed at the beginning of a sentence.

The word “there” means “there”, the verb to be is translated “to be”. Together these two words give the expression «there is.» This is where the function of this grammatical construction comes from. Sentences where this phrase is used are always translated from the end, i.e. the beginning says the place in which something or someone is.

Using there is / are

The verb to be of which this turnover is composed has both singular and plural forms.

is — when it comes to one subject

are — when talking about two or more subjects

There is an apple on the table. — On the table is an apple.

There are two apples on the table. — There are two apples on the table.

Literally, the first sentence translates as: There is an apple on the table. But we don’t speak Russian like that, and in such a translation the sentence sounds ugly. But, at the very beginning of acquaintance with this grammatical moment, the main thing is to understand what we are talking about, the logic and the correct use of this phrase.

Correct word order in a sentence with there is / are

If you want to inform about the location of something, this design should be placed at the very beginning of the sentence. This will inform your interlocutor that it is about the location of something (someone) somewhere. Every word should have its place.

The turnover there is / are can be used in such times as, present, future, past. To do this, you should put the verb to be in the desired tense form.

There is a picture on the wall. “There’s a painting on the wall. (the picture is now, so the present tense is used and the verb to be is transformed into «is»).

There was (were) a picture (s) on the wall. — There was (were) painting (s) on the wall. (the picture (s) was (s) before, so the past tense is used and the verb to be is replaced by «was / were»).

There will be a picture on the wall. — There will be a picture on the wall. (the picture will be in the future, so the future tense is used, the verb to be is presented as «will be»).

Turnover there is / there are in English, rules of use, translation, sentences with construction

The turnover there is there are in English is studied at the stage of the basic course. The Russian language has no such equivalents, so students have difficulty understanding, pronouncing and using the structure. In fact, the rule is simple and easy to master.

The essence and structure of turnover

The construction there is there are is used to describe the location of an object (refers to the present); and upcoming events (future tense).

Translation into Russian is done according to the following scheme:
the end of the sentence — then the beginning (where the turnover stands) — then the middle of the sentence

There is (sits) a parrot in the cage.

Structure: turnover + verb to be (to be), which has the following forms:

·       is / are — for the present;
·       was / were — for the past tense;

The auxiliary verb will is used to convey the meaning of future events.

Is is used when it comes to one object or event (the subject is the singular). Are is used when talking about the location of several objects, about upcoming events, events in the plural. There is / there are sentences can be positive or negative. Grammatically, the construction of the turnover can be displayed as follows:

Affirmative constructions

Here are examples of affirmative turnover sentences.

There is a TV set in my room. — There is a TV in my room;
· There is some salt in the cupboard. — There is some salt in the closet. Note: some is translated as a certain amount of something and is often placed before uncountable nouns (those that cannot be counted). Other examples of such nouns: milk, sugar, tea, coffee, porridge;

· There are some sweets in the vase. — There are several chocolates in the vase;
· There will be examinations at the end of the school year. — Exams will be (expected) at the end of the school year.

Note: if the sentence contains a listing of several items (that is, the plural), we must also use the plural. But if there is a singular noun immediately after it, you should start with there is.

· There is a table, four chairs, cupboards and two fridges in the dining-room. “The dining room has a table, four chairs, cupboards and two refrigerators.

Options for asking questions

There are four types of question:

1. When posing a general question, the verb to be goes to the first place — Is there a table in my room? Is there a table in my room?

2. The alternative question is constructed in a similar way. The interlocutor is asked to choose: Is there a table or wardrobe in my room? Is there a table or wardrobe in my room?

3. The dividing question is posed using the sentence itself + «tail»: There are books on the shelf, aren’t there? “There are books on the shelf, aren’t they?

4. A special question consists of a general question + an interrogative word is put in front of the meaning of the sentence: What is there on the table? — There is a book on the table.

In order to master the turnover there is there are, it is recommended to perform the exercises not only in English, but also to try to translate sentences from Russian into English. You should start training with singular sentences, then plural. Further, it is advisable to move on to negative expressions and posing questions.

Source: https://mcenglish.ru/grammar/oborot-there-is-there-are

The turnover there is / there are, its negative form. Indefinite pronouns

Turnover there is/there are literally translated as «There is.» Choice is or are depends on the number of nouns pointed to by the turnover.

The need to use this turnover, perhaps, is not very clear for beginners to learn English, since the analogies of turnover there is/there are in Russian, no. The skills of using this phrase will be useful in the future and will undoubtedly make the language more expressive and beautiful.

This turnover has a fairly wide range of applications. In this topic, we will analyze one such application, namely, an indication of the location of an object.

Compare two sentences:

There are two books on the table. — There are two books on the table (There are two books on the table) and

Two books are on the table. — Two books on the table.

In a non-revolving sentence, the emphasis is on the object (two books). The turnover shifts this emphasis to the location of the object — that makes all the difference. It all depends on what is paramount to you. The difference can be seen from the translation, which is better at first to be guided at first. Thus, if necessary, to say that something is somewhere or located, we use the phrase there is / there are.

Affirmative sentences

An affirmative sentence begins with a turnover, followed by a subject (noun), which can be preceded by a numeral, possessive pronoun and / or adjective. In the last place is the circumstance of place: 1) There is / there are 2) what (who) is 3) where is.

There is a nice-looking girl in that room.
There are five red apples in my bag.

Indefinite pronouns

When using the phrase there is / there are are actively used by indefinite pronouns. Most often these are pronouns some и Anythat represent a certain amount of an object.

some roughly translates to «somewhat / some»
Any — «any / any»

Approximately — because often these pronouns are NOT translated (in sentences) into Russian, and sometimes their translation is very important. You need to get used to the use of these pronouns, since there are no complete analogues of them in the Russian language. But there are certain rules that make it easier to use these indefinite pronouns.

Pronoun some, as a rule, is used only in affirmative suggestions. Pronoun Any usually used in sentences negative и interrogative.

И someand Any are equally used with countable and uncountable nouns.

There ARE some books on the table. Possible translations: There are several books on the table; There is (some) books on the table.

Possible translations: There is (is) some tea in the cup. There is some tea in the cup.

Source: https://www.study.ru/courses/elementary/oborot-there-isthere-are

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ thair; unstressed ther ]

/ ðɛər; unstressed ðər /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


in or at that place (opposed to here): She is there now.

at that point in an action, speech, etc.: He stopped there for applause.

in that matter, particular, or respect: His anger was justified there.

into or to that place; thither: We went there last year.

(used by way of calling attention to something or someone): There they go.

in or at that place where you are: Well, hi there.


(used to introduce a sentence or clause in which the verb comes before its subject or has no complement): There is no hope.

that place: He comes from there, too.


that state or condition: I’ll introduce you to her, but you’re on your own from there on.


(used for emphasis, especially after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective): Ask that man there.


(used to express satisfaction, relief, encouragement, approval, consolation, etc.): There! It’s done.




There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Idioms about there

    been there, done that, Informal. (used to say that you have experienced or are familiar with something and now think it is boring or of little worth): A big house in the suburbs? Been there, done that.

Origin of there

before 900; Middle English (adv.), Old English thǣr thēr, cognate with Dutch daar,Old High German dār; akin to Gothic, Old Norse thar;cf. that

grammar notes for there

7. The verb following there is singular or plural according to the number of the subject that follows the verb: There is a message for you. There are patients in the waiting room. With compound subjects in which all the coordinate words are singular, a singular verb often occurs, although the plural may also be used: There was (or were ) a horse and a cow in the pasture. When a compound subject contains both singular and plural words, the verb usually agrees with the subject closest to the verb, although a plural verb sometimes occurs regardless, especially if the compound has more than two elements: There were staff meetings and a press conference daily. There was (or were ) a glass, two plates, two cups, and a teapot on the shelf.

usage note for there

11. It is nonstandard usage to place there between a demonstrative adjective and the noun it modifies: that there car. The same is true of here : these here nails. Placed after the noun, both there and here are entirely standard: that car there; these nails here.

Words nearby there

therapy animal, Theravada, Theravadin, Raven, The, therblig, there, thereabout, thereabouts, thereafter, the real McCoy, There are plenty of fish in the sea

Other definitions for there (2 of 2)

a combining form meaning “wild animal, beast,” used in the formation of compound words, usually denoting extinct mammals, as adaptions of zoological taxa ending in -therium or -theria: baluchithere.

Origin of -there

<New Latin -therium (singular), -theria (plural) <Greek thēríon, derivative of thḗr beast of prey; akin to feral1, fierce

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What’s the difference between there, their, and they’re?

There is commonly used to introduce sentences or to indicate where something is, as in It’s over there, next to the window. Their is the possessive form of the personal pronoun they, essentially meaning belonging to or possessed by them, as in Is that their car, or ours? They’re is a contraction of they are.

There are many instances in which they’re confused because their pronunciations are exactly the same. (See what we did there?)

There are easy ways to remember which spelling is right, and they’re actually built into each word.

When it’s used to indicate location, there functions a lot like here (even though it can mean the opposite), and the word here is right inside of it.

You can remember that their is the one that’s used to show possession (like his and her) by remembering that it includes the word heir (a person who inherits possessions).

The apostrophe in they’re indicates that it’s a combination of two words and signals that it’s the one you want to use when you mean they are.

Here’s an example of there, their, and they’re used correctly in the same sentence.

Example: It’s hard to work as a team in that environment—when they’re in there, they’re their own worst enemies.

Want to learn more? Read the full breakdown of the difference between there, their, and they’re.

Quiz yourself on there vs. their vs. they’re!

In what order should there, their, and they’re be used in the following sentence?

_____ shoes are over _____, right next to where _____ sitting.

A. their, there, they’re
B. there, they’re, their
C. they’re, their, there
D. their, they’re, there

Words related to there

capable, effective, efficient, intelligent, keen, prepared, responsible, skilled, smart, accomplished, adroit, deft, proficient, skillful, versed, able, adept, adequate, competent, experienced

How to use there in a sentence

  • Is there/will there be plans to have Jamaica compete in the Winter Olympics again?

  • There are just as many covetable skirts and delicate silk tap shorts as there are thorn-cupped bras and barely-there g-strings.

  • She tends to go toward the Lady Gaga deconstruction, Alexander McQueen type of just out-there kind of costume.

  • Last Friday morning, reams of documents filled the room-there were more than 800 binders of them packed against one wall alone.

  • The there-and-back-again mission was a crucial steppingstone for the company on its path to sending a manned craft into the ether.

  • The door banged shut behind him and I heard him at the foot of the stairs roaring «Ho-ho-there-ho!»

  • We are introduced successively to the Palestinian, the Assimilator, and the Neither-here-nor-there.

  • Emendations on the here-a-little-there-a-little plan, while they do no harm, do little good.

  • Swinburne dismisses him in two lines: Maximilian is a good-natured, neither here-nor-there kind of youth.

  • There-about many small coffee growers are settled, and several hundred thousand bags of the beans pass through annually.

British Dictionary definitions for there


in, at, or to that place, point, case, or respectwe never go there; I’m afraid I disagree with you there


used as a grammatical subject with some verbs, esp be, when the true subject is an indefinite or mass noun phrase following the verb as complementthere is a girl in that office; there doesn’t seem to be any water left


(postpositive) who or which is in that place or positionthat boy there did it

all there (predicative) having his or her wits about him or her; of normal intelligence

so there an exclamation that usually follows a declaration of refusal or defianceyou can’t have any more, so there!

there and then or then and there on the spot; immediately; instantly

there it is that is the state of affairs

there you are

  1. an expression used when handing a person something requested or desired
  2. an exclamation of triumphthere you are, I knew that would happen!


that placenear there; from there


an expression of sympathy, as in consoling a child

Word Origin for there

Old English thǣr; related to Old Frisian thēr, Old Saxon, Old High German thār, Old Norse, Gothic thar

usage for there

In correct usage, the verb should agree with the number of the subject in such constructions as there is a man waiting and there are several people waiting. However, where the subject is compound, it is common in speech to use the singular as in there’s a police car and an ambulance outside

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with there

In addition to the idioms beginning with there

  • there but for the grace of God go I

also see:

  • all there
  • get there
  • hang in (there)
  • here and there
  • here, there, and everywhere
  • in there pitching
  • neither here nor there
  • no smoke without (where there’s smoke there’s) fire
  • nothing to it (there’s)
  • somebody up there loves me
  • take it from here (there)
  • then and there
  • where there’s a will
  • while there’s life there’s hope

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

While working with my brother on his grammar, I saw the sentence:

There were several good reasons for his mistake.

The question in his work was what part of speech is reasons (subject), but I am stumped as to what part of speech there is.

So, what part of speech is there in the above sentence?

Dan Bron's user avatar

Dan Bron

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asked Jan 13, 2017 at 17:43

Lydia's user avatar


From elsewhere on the we:

Wikipedia’s article “Syntactic expletive” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntactic_expletive) calls the word “there” a syntactic expletive, and like Bill J. and Hugh, it also talks about “dummy pronouns” and “place keepers.” But I’m not sure those can be considered parts of speech.

Dictionary.com suggests that the word “there” is sometimes a pronoun “(used to introduce a sentence or clause in which the verb comes before its subject or has no complement): There is no hope.” That seems right to me. The sentence «There is good reason» seems grammatically parallel to «It is no use,» where the word «It» seems obviously a pronoun.

answered Jan 13, 2017 at 18:58

Chaim's user avatar


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It is an adverb. If you isolate the sentence to «were several good reasons for his mistake», you see that you have to describe the verb «were». What were, where were, etc. In this case, it’s «there». And because «there» modifies the verb «were», it is an adverb.

answered Jan 13, 2017 at 17:48

Eddie Kim's user avatar


What does «there is/there are» mean?

We use the construction «there is / there are» to describe that something exists, is present, is situated, is lying or standing somewhere.

Study these examples

There are five men in the room. = Five men are present in the room.

There is a cup on the table. = A cup is standing on the table.

There are a few ways to make coffee. = People know a few ways to make coffee.

There is a good Italian restaurant nearby. = A good Italian restaurant is situated nearby.

There are a lot of trees in the park. = A lot of trees grow in the park.

There is, there are — how to form

To form this construction we use the word there and the verb to be.
«To be» changes depending on the tense and singular/plural form.

«There is/are» in the present simple:

Type of sentence Singular Plural
Positive There is … (= There’s) There are …
Negative There is not … (= There isn’t / There’s not) There are not … (= There aren’t)
Question Is there…? Are there…?

Examples of «there is»

There is a cat on the tree.

There’s some milk in the fridge.

There isn’t any news about the accident.

Is there a cash machine near here? No, there isn’t.

Is there any money in your account? Yes, there’s some.

Examples of «there are»

There are twelve months in a year.

There are a lot of sales in January.

There aren’t any skyscrapers in this city.

There aren’t any fresh T-shirts in the wardrobe.

Are there any roses in your garden?

How many cars are there in his garage?

There is/there are and quantifiers

We usually add an indication of quantity to «there is / there are»:

a lot of, many 

«Any» is used in negatives and questions with uncountable and plural nouns:


There isn’t any tea in the teapot.

Are there any ideas?

There aren’t any hotels in this district.

When to Use There, Their, and They’re

There, their, they’re. Words that sound the same when spoken can often cause headaches while writing. To assist you with determining which form of the word “there” is correct in your sentence, we have taken a look at each form and broken it down by its meaning, examples, and tricks to assist you in determining which form to use in your sentences.

Correct Usage of There

With this spelling, “there” is used to refer to a location, place, or existence of something. A way to test for the correct usage of this form would be to substitute the word here. Let’s look at some examples.

  • The dog is over there.
  • The dog is over here.

Both of these sentences are correct, so you can tell that you have used the proper form of this word.

  • There house is on the way.
  • Here house is on the way.

In this example, the second sentence doesn’t sound quite right, so can tell that you have used the incorrect form of “there.”

This form can also be used as a way to call attention to someone or something, such as “Hey there!” or “Look at the ducks over there”. With this form, imagine yourself accompanying your sentence with a pointing gesture. If you cannot imagine this gesture, or if the gesture does not feel right with your sentence, you have probably used there incorrectly.

Correct Usage of Their

This form of our word is used to show possession of an item. To check if you have used this form correctly, try replacing it with the word our in your sentence.

  • Let’s walk to their house.
  • Let’s walk to our house.

The second sentence in this example is correct, so you have used the correct form.

  • Please move the desk over their.
  • Please move the desk over our.

In this case, the second sentence does not make sense when you switch their with our, so you know that you have used the incorrect form.

Correct Usage of They’re

Finally, they’re is the contraction, or shortened form of writing, for they are. To test the usage of this form, replace the contraction with the full words they are.

  • They’re coming with us on our walk.
  • They are coming with us on our walk.

Both of these sentences are correct, so the contraction they’re is appropriate to use in this example.

  • The bird’s nest is in that tree over they’re.
  • The bird’s nest is in that tree over they are.

In this case, the full phrase they are does not make sense when it is substituted into the sentence. You would need to take another look at this and add the correct form of our word.

Choosing the Correct Form(s) in Complex Sentences

In each of our examples above, the sentences were fairly straightforward and only used one form of “there.” Let’s take a look at some more complicated examples, and see if we can use our tests from above to figure out which form is correct.

  • Let’s help them move they’re couch over their.
  • Let’s help them move they are couch over our.

You can see here that when we make our substitutions to test our sentence, it no longer makes sense, so we can tell that we have used the incorrect form. The correct sentence would be: “Let’s help them move their couch over there.”

  • There coming over with they’re dog.
  • Here coming over with they are dog.

Once again, our sentence does not make sense once we substitute our test words. We will need to fix these sentences in our writing. The correct sentence would be: “They’re coming over with their dog.”

  • They’re putting their bags on the cart over there.
  • They are putting our bags on the cart over here.

When we substitute our test words in this example, our sentence still makes sense. We have used each form of the word “there” correctly in this example.

Final Thoughts on There, Their, and They’re

To determine which of these forms you should use in your sentence, try completing the following tests:

  • Is your sentence referring to a specific location or thing? If so, try replacing there with here.
  • Is your sentence showing possession? Try replacing their with our.
  • Are you combining the words they and are? Try replacing your word with they are.

Some additional tips to help you remember which form is correct.

Take a look at the spelling of the words themselves. There refers to a location, and the word here is tucked into the word. Their is used to show possession, and the word heir is hidden inside the word. If you are an heir, you have taken possession of an item. They’re stands for they are, and is easy to test by adding in the full words.

If you are unsure of yourself with these words, allow eContent Pro to help. Our professionally trained editorial team will review your document and bring any uses of the incorrect form of “there” to your attention. Learn more about our copy editing and proofreading services.

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