Разговаривая по-русски, мы легко оперируем глаголами «говорить», «сказать» и «рассказать», интуитивно чувствуем разницу между ними. Когда же речь заходит об английских verbs с таким же значением, многие впадают в ступор, пытаясь выбрать между tell и say. Прислушиваясь к английской речи, мы далеко не всегда можем самостоятельно сформулировать различия между этими двумя глаголами. Ведь, по сути, tell и say являются синонимами, и оба переводятся на русский как «говорить».
Разница между tell и say, в общих чертах, заключается в нюансах значений. Tell мы используем, когда хотим сообщить о том, что собеседник нам что-то рассказал (историю, анекдот, сказку), то есть передал большую информацию. Например,
I would like to tell you a story. — Мне бы хотелось рассказать тебе историю.
Глагол say, напротив, используется, когда нам нужно передать короткий message, сообщить какой-то факт. Например,
He says that I am a good person. — Он говорит, что я хороший человек.
Но если углубляться в проблему различий между tell и say, потребуется выучить базовое правило употребления этих глаголов, а также запомнить несколько устойчивых выражений.
Say or tell. Правило употребления
Глагол tell в английском используется, когда в нашем сообщении есть информация о лице, которому мы, собственно, что-то говорим. То есть этот глагол означает, что информация сообщается кому-то. Этот кто-то обычно выражается местоимением в объектном падеже (me, you, him, her, us, them). Например,
I often tell her one story. — Я часто рассказываю ей одну историю.
Глагол say, напротив, сообщает нам что-то, то есть с ним лицо не употребляется:
I want to say one thing. — Я хочу сказать одну вещь.
Однако, не стоит забывать, что глагол say все-таки можно использовать, когда мы сообщаем информацию кому-то. Но для того, чтобы это сделать, придется добавить частичку to. Например,
What did you say to him? — Что ты ему сказал?
Это главное правило, опираясь на которое говорящий решает, выбирать ли tell или say. Но существует еще несколько нюансов использования этих английских глаголов.
Разница между tell и say
Say и tell, разница между которыми далеко не всегда очевидна, отличаются еще некоторыми особенностями. Например, tell часто используют в приказах, просьбах:
Tell me please what’s the reason! — Скажи мне, пожалуйста, в чем причина!
Tell me about you. — Расскажи мне о себе.
Важно также отметить, что tell применяют тогда, когда нужно сообщить информацию, сказанную кем-то кому-то. При этом, как правило в таких высказывания присутствуют союзы:
- what,
- who,
- which,
- how,
- where,
- when.
Can he tell me when the performance starts? — Он может сказать мне, когда начнется спектакль?
С глаголом say можно не упоминать лицо, к которому обращается объект:
He didn’t say what they wanted to do. — Он не сказал, что они хотели делать.
Важно также помнить и правило употребления глагола say с союзом about. Просто так эти два слова не совместить. То есть нельзя сказать: say about, но можно — say something about (сказать что-то о чем-то). Например,
I want to say a few words about this trip. — Я хочу сказать несколько слов об этой поездке.
А вот список нескольких устойчивых выражений с глаголами say и tell, которые вам стоит запомнить:
- Say yes / no / hello / goodbye — Сказать да / нет / привет / пока
- Say my name — сказать мое имя
- Say what you think / want / mean / feel — Сказать, что ты думаешь / хочешь / имеешь в виду / чувствуешь
- Say a prayer — Произнести молитву
- Don’t even say a word — Не говори ни слова
- Tell a story — Рассказать историю
- Tell a joke — Рассказать анекдот
- Tell a lie — Солгать
- Tell a secret — Рассказать секрет
- Tell the difference — Отличать
Разница между told и said
В простом прошедшем времени глаголы tell и say принимают, соответственно, формы told и said. Said мы часто наблюдаем в прямой речи. Например,
He said, «I miss you» — Он сказал: «Я скучаю по тебе».
Глаголы say и tell, как в Present, так и в Past Simple, употребляются с союзом that при передаче косвенной речи. Только после tell и told в обязательном порядке должна идти информация о том, кому адресовано сообщение. Например:
- My friend said that he was sorry. — Мой друг сказал, что он сожалеет.
- She told me that she would be late — Она сказала мне, что опоздает.
Раздумывая, что лучше употребить — told или said, ориентируйтесь на правила, регламентирующие разницу между tell и say.
Вам совершенно не обязательно постоянно держать в голове все нюансы, связанные с употреблением tell and say. Постоянно практикуя английский, вы со временем начнете чувствовать разницу между этими глаголами на интуитивном уровне. В повседневной жизни мы постоянно передаем косвенную и прямую речь, а потому и к глаголам say и tell привыкаем достаточно быстро, благодаря, в том числе, и просмотру англоязычных сериалов и программ.
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• Differences between say/tell/speak/talk
• Common expressions
• Idioms with say, tell, speak or talk
• Practice exercises
Say, tell, speak or talk – what’s the difference?
Say, tell, speak and talk are four very similar words that can be difficult to use correctly in English! Mistakes are common when there are no exact equivalents in your native language, or when rules on usage differ. Let’s look at the differences between say, tell, speak and talk by explaining how each word is used separately.
How to use SAY
I say – He/She/It says – We/They say
I will say – I am saying – I said – I have said
When we use ‘say’, we do not use an object (e.g. me/them/you) immediately after the verb. The verb ‘say’ is used when we quote people directly and also when we give instructions. For example:
- ‘Amelia said she would be back soon.’
- ‘The weatherman said it would rain today.’
- ‘I won’t say this again! – Will you please get ready for school now?’
Say can also be used to express an opinion or thought, as in: ‘I say we should give each person twenty tickets each to sell.’
How to use TELL
I tell – She/He/It tells – They/We tell
I will tell – I am telling – I told – I have told
When we use ‘tell’, we also include the object (e.g. you/her/us) immediately after the verb. The verb ‘tell’ is used when we say something to someone, and is commonly used when giving an order or instruction. For example:
- ‘I told my son to brush his teeth.’
- ‘The teacher told the class to do their homework.’
- ‘You forgot to tell me to bring my swimming costume!’
Sometimes ‘say’ and ‘tell’ can be used interchangeably to express the same meaning when information is being passed from one person to another. In this case, the construction would be: ‘tell’ + object or ‘say’ + ‘to’ + object. For example:
- ‘Laura told me that she would be late for work.’
- ‘Laura said to me that she would be late for work.’
Learners of English often make mistakes like ‘He said me…’ or ‘She said me that…’. This is incorrect. Remember to include ‘to’ between ‘said’ and the object! Just as you would ‘send a letter TO someone’, you would also ‘say something TO someone’. The preposition ‘to’ shows the direction in which the information is going.
How to use SPEAK
I speak – She/He/It speaks – They/We speak
I will speak – I am speaking – I spoke – I have spoken
We use the verb ‘speak’ (instead of ‘talk’) when we are in a more formal situation and wish to emphasise that something is important. When ‘speak’ is used as a noun (speech) it also takes on a more formal tone that when we use ‘talk’ – i.e. ‘Give a speech’ is more formal than ‘give a talk’. For example:
- ‘We need to speak about your attendance this term!’ (stricter than ‘talk about’)
- ‘John will be speaking at an international conference next month.’ (more prestigious than ‘give a talk on…’)
We can also use ‘speak’ to describe verbal fluency or knowledge of languages, as in: ‘He speaks three languages fluently – German, French and Spanish.’. In this context, ‘speak’ simply means that the person knows the languages. It doesn’t only refer to spoken ability.
How to use TALK
I talk – She/He/It talks – They/We talk
I will talk – I am talking – I talked – I have talked
We use the verb ‘talk’ when we are in a more relaxed setting or when we are among friends in a conversational situation. You can think of ‘talk’ as a slightly more formal word for ‘chat’. For example:
- ‘Sorry, who were you talking to before I interrupted?’
- ‘I was talking with my mum the other day and we decided that…’
- ‘I love chatting with my mates (friends) over a cuppa (cup of tea)!’ (very informal)
Often ‘speak’ and ‘talk’ can be used interchangeably to give the same meaning and there is no need to change the grammar of the sentence. For example:
- ‘I will speak/talk with you about this more on Monday.’
- ‘We can speak/talk about the new project next week.’
Say | Tell | Speak | Talk |
To speak about something , often reporting on what has been said. | To deliver information to someone. | To exchange information about something. (formal) | To exchange information about something. (informal) |
We do not include an object e.g. Rosie said she was free this afternoon. | We include an object e.g. Rosie told me she was free this afternoon. | Can be used to cover languages. E.g Georgie speaks three language fluently. | Cannot be used to cover languages. E.g. Georgie talks three languages fluently. |
Does not require a second person to engage with. | Does not require a second person to engage with. | Requires a second person to engage with. | Requires a second person to engage with. |
E.g. I said I wasn’t going swimming tonight. | E.g. I told you before that I am not interested in you in that way. | E.g. Let’s speak about the class rules again before we continue. | E.g. We can talk about it more when you feel less angry. |
Mostly interchangeable with tell. The grammatical structure must be altered. | Mostly interchangeable with say. The grammatical structure must be altered. | Mostly interchangeable with talk. The grammatical structure needn’t be altered. | Mostly interchangeable with speak. The grammatical structure needn’t be altered. |
E.g. Richard said (that) he would be late home tonight. | E.g. Richard told me (that) he would be late home tonight. | E.g. We will speak about the plans for our summer holiday when I next see you. | E.g. We will talk about the plans for our summer holiday when I next see you. |
Common English expressions with say, tell, speak or talk
Expressions with SAY
Say something (= Say something to someone)
‘You have to say something to Stuart about his poor work ethic!’
About to say (= to almost say something before you are stopped by something/someone)
‘I was about to say thank you, before you interrupted me.’
Nothing to say (= to not have anything to say about a topic or a person, can be used when there has been bad feeling around the topic.)
‘After Jane ignored my opinion, I have nothing to say to her about future events.’
Want to say (= to feel you would like to say something to someone, but perhaps are unsure about doing so)
‘I want to say something to Fiona about her bad temper, but I’m a little afraid of her!’
Need to say (= to have to say something to someone, can be used to ensure the person is listening properly, can be used to convey urgency or importance before saying what you have to say)
‘Please listen carefully! I need to say something very important.’
Hate to say (= to give over information when it isn’t something that the speaker wants to say or that the listener wants to hear.)
‘I hate to say it, but James isn’t very good at managing our committee funds. We may need to look at recruiting a new treasurer.’
Fair to say (= to say something that is reasonable and measured on a topic)
‘It is fair to say that we are all very pleased with your work this month.’
Going to say (= to be about to say something before being beaten to it by another speaker)
– ‘Shall we go to a pub for lunch today as the weather is so nice?
– ‘Great idea! I was just going to say that myself.’
Anything to say (= to enquire as to whether the person you are talking with has something to say on the topic)
‘Now we have covered the entire training guide, does anyone have anything to say on what we have learnt so far?’
Say no more (= used when the speaker no longer wishes to talk about a topic, often used to put an end to a difficult conversation and move forward)
‘I’m sure you know how disappointed I am that you have not completed your homework again this week. Please finish your homework during break time and I will say no more about it.’
Say a few words (= a phrase used when you want to say something about someone/something, often used at the start of a short speech)
‘Before we sit down to enjoy the meal, I would like to say a few words about the bride and groom.’
Can say for sure/certain (= when the speaker is convinced that what they are saying is the truth)
‘I can say for sure that I saw Monica take money from the cash register and put it in her pocket’
Can’t say for sure/certain (= when the speaker is not convinced that what they are saying is the truth)
‘I can’t say for certain that Kieran helped Monica hide the money’
Might say (= when the speaker is not sure if they will say something or not in the future)
‘I might say something to my manager about the missing money, as I don’t want to be blamed for it.’
How can you say? (= when someone is in disbelief over something they have just heard)
‘How can you say such terrible things about your sister?’
People say (= to convey information about something which is commonly thought or said by a group of people, often used to spread rumours or untruths.)
‘People say if you break a mirror, you will get seven years of bad luck.’
Dare say (= to say something is probable or likely)
‘I dare say Lianna will be at the party as she has had a lot to do with organising it.’
Daren’t say (= to hold back on saying something in case the listener is unhappy with what has been said)
‘I daren’t say anything to Kiara about her dress being too small in case she gets upset.’
Allowed to say (= to be permitted to say something)
‘The great thing about our work meetings is that even the junior members are allowed to say what they think.’
Begin by saying (= to say something to start off, often used when addressing a crowd)
‘I will begin by saying that I am very proud of the pupils’ progress over the last ten weeks.’
Ought to say (= to think you should say something)
‘I ought to say to my neighbour that I can hear his shouting through the walls.’
Never say (= to state something that you would never say, often in case of causing offense or upsetting someone)
‘I would never say this to Amelia as she is so enthusiastic, but she really is a terrible singer!’
Rather not say (= to say what you would prefer to say instead of something else, hide the truth)
‘I’d rather not say Amelia is a poor singer because I don’t want to hurt her feelings.’
Expressions with TELL
Tell on someone (= to say to someone – usually in authority – something about one of their peers that would displease them)
‘I’m telling on you to the teacher for tripping Callum up!’ (informal)
Tell off (= to express unhappiness at someone’s actions, punish verbally)
‘I told Charlotte off for throwing her rubbish on the ground’
Tell about (= to share information about something that has happened or something that will happen in the future)
‘I need to tell you about what happened to me at the gym last night…’
Tell a story (= to read or relay a book/tale to someone)
‘Lie down and get ready for bed, and I’ll tell you a story.’
Tell a lie (= to say something that is not true)
‘I told a lie when I said I was working. I just didn’t want to go for a run with you!’
Tell the truth (= to say something that is true)
‘Of course you can trust me – I always tell the truth!’
Tell the future (= to explain what will happen at a later date)
‘No one can tell the future because we don’t know what will happen tomorrow.’
Tell the time (= to read the time on a clock/watch)
‘Could you tell me the time, please?’
Tell to do something (= to instruct someone to carry out an instruction)I told you to take the bins out.’
Tell how (= to instruct someone on the way they should carry out a task)
‘Nikki, please tell Cameron how to set up the cake display.’
I am telling you (= often used to capture the attention of the intended listener, can be used to reaffirm an instruction that has already been given)
‘I am telling you to make your bed before you start playing with your toys!’
Tell a secret (= to share something with someone that should be kept confidential)
‘Let me tell you a secret I heard about Ellie, but you mustn’t let anyone else know!’
Tell a joke (= to share a joke with someone)
‘I can tell you a joke if you want to hear one?’
Tell the difference (= to identify characteristics that differ between two or more things/people)
‘Can you tell the difference between the twins? Millie has blue eyes and Lilly has green eyes.’
Tell someone’s name (= to let someone know what a person is called)
‘Could you tell the class your name and where you are from?’
Tell someone’s fortune (= to predict what will happen in someone’s life, often using tarot cards of palm reading)
‘Show me the palm of your hand and I will tell you your fortune!’
Should tell (= to know it is best that you tell someone something)
‘You should tell the teacher that you struggled to understand the last lesson. Maybe she can go over the grammar rules again with you.’
Need to tell (= to have to say something to someone, can be used to ensure the person is listening properly, can be used to convey urgency or importance before stating what you have to say)
‘I need to tell you what happened last night and I need you to listen very carefully.’
Never tell (= to promise not to say anything about something that has happened)
‘I promise that I will never tell anyone your secret. It’s safe with me!’
About to tell (= to almost say something before you are stopped by something/someone)
‘I was about to tell you what happened, before you took that phone call.’
Tell tales (= to pass on information to get another person into trouble, not always true stories)
‘Stop telling tales on your little brother! I know it wasn’t him who broke the door.’
Expressions with SPEAK
Speak up (= to have to say something louder in order to be heard)
‘You need to speak up so your great grandma can hear you. She’s a bit deaf!’
Speak out (= to voice a fact or view even though it may cause trouble, raise issues)
‘We have to speak out about the unsafe conditions at work before someone gets hurt.’
Speak down to (= to say something to someone in a manner which is condescending)
‘I think she speaks down to me because I’m just a shop assistant and she’s a manager.’
Speak on (= to say something about a topic or subject, often in a formal setting)
‘I would like to speak on the topic of personal hygiene in class today.’
Speak about (= to say something on a topic or subject with someone, often in a more relaxed setting than ‘speak on’)
‘I’d like to speak about our fundraising efforts at the next committee meeting.’
Speak in (= can be used to define what language is being spoken)
‘Multilingual people can speak in many languages.’
Speak to (= to verbally communicate with someone, quite formal)
‘I’d like to speak to you about your plans to continue as company treasurer next year.’
Speak of (= an expression used when you don’t want to talk about an issue or topic again)
‘You’ve been punished enough for taking my car without asking. We won’t speak of it again.’
Speak for (= an expression used when someone is saying something on another’s behalf)
‘I speak for all of us when I say your performance must improve over the next term.’
Speak out of turn (= to offer your opinion when it is not needed, welcome, or deemed appropriate)
‘Forgive me for speaking out of turn, as I know I am only here to take notes on the meeting, but wouldn’t it be a good idea to run a larger focus group before taking the product to market?’
Speak with (= to talk to someone about a topic, consult or get advice)
‘I’ll need to speak with my senior advisor before I can authorise a payment for such a large sum.’
Speaking terms (= in communication, being amicable, communicating but in a minimal way due to dislike or following an argument)
‘They haven’t been on speaking terms since John went for dinner with his ex-wife.’
So to speak (= used when quoting a figure of speech or describing something in an abstract way)
‘In John’s relationship with his wife she wears the trousers, so to speak.’
Speak the same language (= used when talking about two or more people or countries speaking the same language, have a good understanding or rapport)
‘People speak the same language in Portugal and Brazil, but with slight differences.’
‘When it comes to shopping, Jane and I speak the same language!’
Speak openly (= to talk about something without fear of what others may think, can often be on sensitive topics)
‘Liz speaks openly about her experiences as a single parent in the hope that she can inspire others.’
Speak one’s mind (= to say what you are thinking about, even if others may not want to hear it)
‘I know something has been troubling you. If you speak your mind, maybe I can help.’
Be spoken for (= to describe something/someone that has already been claimed by someone else)
‘Unfortunately, most of the flats in the new building have already been spoken for.’
Speak well of (= to have pleasant things to say about someone or something)
‘Your new supervisor speaks well of you.’
Speak ill of (= to have unpleasant things to say about someone or something)
‘You always speak ill of your father. Why is that?’
Speak up for (= to say something on someone’s behalf who may not have the authority to speak themselves or may feel afraid or shy to do so)
‘Henry is such a kind boy; he always speaks up for his classmate John, who has trouble with bullies.’
Speak volumes (= used to emphasise the importance of ones actions/inactions or words/lack of words)
‘The fact that the boss refuses to address the smoking policy speaks volumes about his lack of leadership.’
Speak highly of someone/something (= used when someone says very good things about someone or something)
‘The head teacher speaks highly of the work you have done as a volunteer at the school.
Expressions with TALK
Talk up (= used when someone praises someone/something, perhaps to promote)
‘I can’t talk up this new course book enough! It’s really interesting and has lots of great examples.’
Talk down (= used when someone is diminishing something they or someone else has done in fear of looking like they are showing off)
‘Don’t talk down the efforts you put into your essay. You should be very proud of the hard work you have put it.’
Talk out of (= used when you are trying to convince someone to change their mind about a bad idea they have)
‘I have tried to talk him out of skydiving, but he insists he wants to do it!’
Talk back (= to reply in a rude manner, often to voice opposition or question an order)
‘Don’t talk back to your mother! She has already told you to clean your room.’
Talk over (= to interrupt or speak when someone else is talking)
‘Please don’t talk over me! You’ll get your chance to speak next.’
Talk about (= to say something about something/someone)
‘We can talk about that in person at the next meeting’
Talk down to (= to say something to someone in a manner which is condescending)
‘She talks down to me because she thinks I don’t understand English very well.’
Talk to (= to say something to someone)
‘I will talk to you after class, but just now I am listening to the teacher.’
Talk on (= to talk about a certain subject or topic)
‘After my speech about sustainability, Arthur will talk on the ways we can achieve this in our daily lives.’
Talk with (= to have a conversation with someone about something/someone)
‘I need to talk with you about our latest essay. Are you finding it as difficult as I am?’
Talk around (= to indirectly talk about an issue that may be sensitive without addressing it directly)
‘At the meeting they talked around the issue of missing finances, but nothing was resolved.’
Idioms with SAY
Wouldn’t say boo to a goose (= used to describe someone who is very shy or timid)
‘Anne is very reserved and keeps to herself. She wouldn’t say boo to a goose!’
Do as I say, not as I do (= when someone has inconsistencies with their words and actions pointed out, often said by someone in authority)
‘It doesn’t matter if I went backpacking when I was your age. You’re not going! You will do as I say, not as I do.’
Does what it says on the tin (= used to imply that the information given on a product or situation is exactly as it seems)
‘This radiator paint does exactly what it says on the tin.’
Can’t say fairer than that (= used when a solution to a disagreement has been found that should suit both parties)
‘If you are going to take three cigarette breaks a day, then I expect you to arrive at work fifteen minutes early. You can’t say fairer than that.’
Idioms with TELL
Time will tell (= used when the outcome of an issue will not be known for a period of time)
‘Who knows if Sarah will be happier with Steve? Only time will tell!’
Tell someone where to get off (= angrily dismiss or rebuke someone)
‘If Rob cancels your next date, you should tell him where to get off!’
Tell it how it is (= to state something directly or bluntly)
‘Susan is very passionate about human rights issues. She always tells it how it is.’
Live to tell the tale (= used when recounting a dangerous story that all turned out well in the end)
‘My dad spent the war in a concentration camp, but lived to tell the tale.’
You can’t tell a book by its cover (= used to express the idea that it isn’t possible to judge someone or something just based on superficial features or initial impressions)
‘I was surprised that Edward was so laid back at the party because he always looks so formal. Just goes to show you can’t tell a book by its cover!’
Idioms with SPEAK
Speak of the devil (= the shorter, more commonly used form of the idiom ‘speak of the devil and he shall appear’, used when someone unexpectedly appears when or shortly after people have been talking about them)
‘Hi Kirsty! Speak of the devil! Mary and I were just talking about you.’
Actions speak louder than words (= used to when you don’t entirely believe what a person is saying and are waiting for further evidence through actions)
‘He’s promised not to be back late after work tonight, but he’s said that plenty of times before and hasn’t. I think actions speak louder than words!’
Don’t speak too soon (= used when someone promises something prematurely that may not then happen)
‘Our team have almost won the league with three games to go, but don’t speak too soon!’
Speak a mile a minute (= used to describe when someone speaks very fast, often so fast it is difficult to understand)
‘June was so excited to tell us her news that she was speaking a mile a minute.’
Idioms with TALK
Talk in riddles (= to speak in a confusing manner, sometimes intentionally so you don’t understand the meaning)
‘Cassie often talks in riddles and I walk away without really understanding what has been said.’
All talk and no trousers (= a phrase used to describe when someone talks a lot about doing something but doesn’t take any or as much action as they say they would)
‘Craig spoke for a long time about his plans to go backpacking, yet he is still here two years later! I get the impression he is all talk and no trousers.’
Talk the hind legs off a donkey (= used to describe someone who talks a lot about a topic, can be about boring chatterbox or windbag)
‘Let’s cross the street before Betty sees us! We have to get to the train station on time and she’ll make us late. She really can talk the hind legs off a donkey!’
Money talks (= used to describe the influence money can have over someone’s decision-making process and achieve a desirable outcome for the person with the most money)
‘I know our business plan is better than theirs, but our budget is much smaller, and we all know money talks.’
Sweet talk (= describes a way of using flattery to convince someone to do something your way)
‘Melissa can usually sweet talk Mike into getting her own way. He finds it difficult to say no to someone he likes.’
Practice exercises: differences between say, tell, speak and talk
Exercise A
Insert the words say/tell/speak/talk into the blank spaces in the sentences below. Remember to use the correct form of the verb to match the context.
- Can you remember what I ________ to you about chewing gum in class?
- Let me ________ you again in case you didn’t hear the first time.
- John, I’d like to ______ with you tomorrow about the upcoming presentation.
- It’ll be very formal and you’ll be __________ in front of 2,000 people.
- Could you ______ Lisa that I need to see her in my office please?
- What did you ______ to Lisa? She seemed rather embarrassed.
- If you’re upset, you can _______ to me (about your problems) anytime.
- Paolo ________ to the group – first in English, then in Italian.
- We have both tried to ______ Derek out of quitting his job, but he insists he’s doing the right thing.
- Could you please _______ me the deadline for my visa application?
Exercise B
Use a suitable idiom with ‘tell’ in each of the blank spaces below.
- My neighbour got bitten by a shark while on holiday, but he __________.
- I don’t think their relationship will last, but I guess __________.
- You __________! Steve may look stupid, but he’d got a PhD in Astro Physics!
- You need to be honest with your boss about the problems at work. Just __________!
- John said I had ugly legs, so I __________!
Check your answers:
Exercise A: 1. Said, 2. Tell, 3. Speak/Talk, 4. Speaking, 5.Tell, 6. Say, 7. Talk, 8. Spoke, 9. Talk 10. Tell.
Exercise B: 1. lived to tell the tale, 2. time will tell, 3. can’t tell a book by its cover, 4. tell it how it is, 5. told him where to get off.
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Katie C.
— Staff Writer.
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В этой статье расскажем о правилах употребления глаголов to say, to tell, to speak и to talk, а также объясним, в чем между ними разница.
На английский язык глагол «говорить» можно перевести несколькими способами: to speak, to say, to tell и to talk. Чтобы понять, какое слово и в какой ситуации уместно употреблять, нужно знать разницу между этими глаголами. Для этого мы приведем значения каждого из них и примеры употребления, а в конце дадим небольшой тест для закрепления материала.
Глагол to say
Глагол to say переводится как «говорить», «произносить».
He said that you were the best candidate for this position. — Он сказал, что ты лучший кандидат на эту должность.
Eric was shocked and couldn’t say a word. — Эрик был шокирован и не мог произнести ни слова.
She wanted to say something on that matter but she was interrupted. — Она хотела сказать что-то по этому вопросу, но ее перебили.
Чаще всего после to say не употребляется объект, к которому обращается говорящий. Но если его необходимо указать, то нужно использовать частицу to.
I’m going to say to all of them that they are wrong. — Я собираюсь сказать им всем, что они неправы.
В неформальной беседе to say используется для указаний сделать что-то. В таком случае после to say употребляется глагол в инфинитивной форме (to + начальная форма глагола).
Mom said to sweep the floor and to tidy up my room. — Мама сказала подмести пол и прибрать комнату.
Также to say используют, чтобы указать на какую-то информацию или дать приказ.
The rules say that students are not allowed to leave the dormitory after 11 p.m. — Правила гласят, что студентам нельзя покидать общежитие после 11 вечера.
Глагол to tell
Глагол to tell переводится как «сообщить», «информировать», «рассказывать». Когда мы говорим что-то кому-то, то после to tell не ставится частица to.
Tell me what’s on your mind. — Расскажи мне, что у тебя на уме.
Please, tell me when you are going to get married. — Пожалуйста, скажите мне, когда вы собираетесь пожениться.
Don’t trust him. He always tells lies. — Не доверяй ему. Он всегда говорит неправду.
To tell не употребляется со словами a word (слово), a name (имя), a sentence (предложение) и a phrase (фраза).
Don’t you dare to tell say a word. — Не смей произносить ни слова.
To tell используют в приказах и указаниях.
I told him to sit quietly but he never obeys. — Я велела ему сидеть тихо, но он никогда не слушается.
Когда вы даете оценку каким-то событиям на основании своих знаний, опыта или фактов, также употребляйте глагол to tell.
I can tell that he’s nervous. He is looking aside and sweating a lot. — Могу с уверенностью сказать, что он нервничает. Он смотрит в сторону и сильно потеет.
Малоизвестное значение глагола tell — это «различать».
While talking to these triplets it’s hard to tell one from the other. — В разговоре с этими тройняшками сложно отличить одного от другого.
В таблице привели популярные устойчивые словосочетания с этими глаголами.
Say | Tell |
to say hello — поздороваться to say goodbye — попрощаться to say nothing — промолчать to say something — сказать что-то to say a prayer — произнести молитву to say yes — согласиться to say no — отказаться Say no more! — Понятно!, Ни слова больше! |
to tell a joke — рассказать шутку to tell a lie — соврать to tell a story — рассказать историю to tell the truth — сказать правду to tell the future — предсказать будущее to tell the difference — отличать, различать to tell the time — сказать, который сейчас час |
Глагол to speak
To speak переводится как «разговаривать», «говорить», чаще используется в формальных ситуациях. При обращении к кому-то, после глагола to speak ставьте предлог to или союз with. Если используете глагол в значении «говорить о чем-то», то после него употребляйте предлог of или about.
I want to speak to the manager of the restaurant. — Я хочу поговорить с менеджером ресторана.
Would you like to speak to the psychologist about your deepest fears? — Хотел бы ты поговорить с психологом о своих самых глубоких страхах?
To speak также употребляется в значении «издавать звук», «использовать голос».
Valory spoke so quietly I could hardly make it out. — Вэлори говорила так тихо, что я с трудом мог разобрать ее речь.
Распространенное значение to speak — это «говорить на языке».
My daughter speaks Spanish and French fluently. — Моя дочь свободно говорит по-испански и по-французски.
При употреблении to speak в значении «высказываться против», «высказываться за» используйте предлоги against и in favor of.
The bravest employees spoke in favor of a pay rise. — Самые смелые сотрудники высказались за повышение зарплаты.
Разговаривая по телефону, используйте глагол to speak во времени Present Continuous.
Jane is speaking. — Джейн у телефона. / Говорит Джейн.
Глагол to talk
To talk переводится как «говорить», «вести диалог», «беседовать». Глагол похож по значению на to speak. Разница в том, что to talk используется в более неформальной обстановке.
Jeffry talks too much. He is a real chatterbox. — Джеффри слишком много говорит. Он настоящий болтун.
Let’s talk about you and me. — Давай поговорим о тебе и обо мне.
Одно из значений to talk — «обсуждать кого-либо», «обсуждать что-либо».
My dad loves to talk sports. — Мой отец любит говорить о спорте.
Talking of Brandon, he seems gloomy. Do you know what’s happening to him? — Кстати о Брендоне, он кажется мрачным. Ты знаешь, что с ним происходит?
Другое значение to talk — «предавать огласке», «выдавать секретную информацию».
He talks stuff, you know. We need to make him keep silent. — Он болтает всякое, знаешь. Нам нужно заставить его замолчать.
Следующее значение глагола to talk — «убеждать», «иметь влияние».
Money, power and connections talk. — Деньги, власть и связи действительно убеждают.
В таблице привели список распространенных выражений с глаголами to speak и to talk.
Speak | Talk |
to speak your mind — открыто выражать свои мысли to speak up — говорить громко и отчетливо to speak too soon — поторопиться с выводами to be not on speaking terms — не общаться to speak highly of smb — хорошо о ком-либо отзываться to speak ill of smb — плохо о ком-либо отзываться Can’t speak a word of Spanish. — Не могу ни слова сказать по-испански. |
to talk behind one’s back — говорить у кого-то за спиной to talk back — спорить, возражать to talk nonsense — нести чепуху to talk one out of smth — отговорить кого-либо от чего-то to talk one into smth — уговорить кого-либо на что-то to talk it over — обсудить, обговорить You talk sense. — Дело говоришь. |
Чтобы закрепить материал, пройдите небольшой тест на употребление to say, to tell, to speak и to talk.
Тест по теме «Разница между say, tell, speak, talk»
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Someone say me English vocabulary is difficult to master. Or did they tell me…? One of the trickiest English language lessons to master is the difference between say and tell. It might appear as a simple distinction, but it’s one I see get mixed up all the time, especially with ESL speakers. Thankfully, there are a few rules on how to use each properly. I’ll go over them.
Say vs. Tell
“Say” and “tell” have a difference in meaning but are both ways of reporting information or ideas that have been communicated verbally. The major difference is that when you use “say,” it is not necessary to specify with whom the thoughts or information were discussed. When you use “tell,” you must do so.
What Is the Meaning of Tell and Say?
The words “tell” and “say” have pretty similar meanings.
“Say” means using your voice to express something in words. “Tell” means you’re either writing or saying something to someone.
While they are words that have similar meanings, there are rules about when to use each.
What Is the Difference Between Say and Tell in Reported Speech?
The biggest difference in usage kicks in when using reported speech. In reported speech, we use “tell” to reproduce what a person said and not include the quote itself.
For example:
- Correct: She told me she wanted to visit her parents.
- Incorrect: She told me, “I want to visit my parents.”
“Say” is used in reported speech when we want to reproduce the exact quote, and the message receiver isn’t part of the sentence.
- I was there when she said, “You need to finish this essay by Friday.”
- “You can only pay cash. Our POS isn’t working”, said the cashier.
Where to Use Tell and Say
The easiest way to tell between these two words is to think of it this way:
- You say something.
- You tell someone something.
“Tell” is usually accompanied by a personal object. For example:
- Hannah told me she was in love.
- You keep telling me the same thing every day.
We could also use “say” in similar contexts, but it would need to be accompanied by “to” + someone. Examples:
- “I’m not feeling well today,” Jenna said to me.
- Remy said a lot of hurtful things to his mother.
There are certain English expressions where you always have to use “tell” and never “say”:
- To tell someone a story
- To tell the time
- To tell the future
- To tell someone the truth
Can Say and Tell Be Used Interchangeably?
While some people use these words interchangeably, this is not correct. The words tend to have different meanings, and with the examples given in the other sections, it should be clearer when the situation calls for one or the other.
How Do You Use Say in a Sentence?
Here are some examples I came up with of how to use “say”:
- You should say goodbye to your grandparents before you leave.
- I wouldn’t say this is the best lasagna I’ve ever had.
- Can you tell me exactly what he said?
- Tim didn’t say if he was happy with the new contract terms.
- They say you should avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach.
- You don’t know? Is that all you can say?
How Do You Use Tell in a Sentence?
Here are some ways to use “tell” in sentences:
- Don’t tell me you never did that!
- Who’s to tell whether I’m right or wrong?
- It’s time to come forward and tell the truth.
- Emily told everyone she wasn’t comfortable with how the negotiations went.
Bottom Line
The words “tell” and “say” have pretty similar meanings, but there are rules about when to use each. The biggest difference in usage kicks in when using reported speech. In reported speech, we use “tell” to reproduce what a person said and not include the quote itself. “Say” is used in reported speech when we want to reproduce the exact quote and the message receiver isn’t part of the sentence.
The words ‘say’ and ‘tell’ both are irregular verbs, as their past participle form, do not have a regular ‘ed’ ending, i.e. say becomes said and tell becomes told. While the word ‘say‘ is used to utter something verbally, ‘tell‘ can be used to give information, give evidence or orders to a person.
So, the first and foremost difference between these two is that we do not mention whom we are referring to, in the case of ‘say’, but we mention it in case of ‘tell’. Let’s take a look at the examples given below for better understanding:
- Maria says she has no siblings to talk with. I told her that she can talk to me.
- She said, “I will tell you the truth, at the right time.”
- Tell him to say what she feels.
- He was telling me that you were saying illness about me.
In the above examples, you might have observed that with say you express your thought, feelings etc. But with ‘tell’ you inform someone about something or to direct someone.
Content: Say Vs Tell
- Comparison Chart
- Definition
- Key Differences
- Examples
- How to remember the difference
Comparison Chart
Basis for Comparison | Say | Tell |
Meaning | Say means to utter words, in order to express opinion, feeling or give some information. | Tell means to provide information to a person either orally or in writing. |
Part of speech | Verb and Noun | Verb |
Receiver | When we use say we needn’t mention the receiver. | When we use tell we must mention the receiver. |
Usage | Exact quotes and questions. | Orders, advice and instruction. |
Example | I am not going to say anything on this matter. | I told her, to stay away from this matter. |
She said, «She wants to be alone.» | Kate told me that she is going to Mumbai. | |
What did she say? | The teacher told us to complete the project on time. |
Definition of Say
Whenever you are uttering a word or speaking something, you are actually saying it. It is used to express your opinion, suggestion, feelings, emotions, etc. and also to deliver some information. It can be used in the following ways:
As a verb:
- To state, i.e. to utter words:
- I said I don’t believe in ghosts.
- Don’t say anything.
- I would like to say something.
- Jack says he likes bananas.
- To provide information:
- Office policies say that employees should come to the office on time or else the salary for the concerned day would be deducted.
- The watch says it’s 2’O clock.
- To assume something:
- Let’s say we get interest @ of 10%, then what amount you will invest.
- To repeat something:
- Say cheese.
As an exclamation:
- To show a feeling of shock or surprise and also to seek attention concerning what you are going to speak:
- Say! do you really think I should request him for help?
As a noun:
- It indicates the right or opportunity to speak about something:
- Rishabh has no say in his family.
- The mediator has the final say in the argument.
Definition of Tell
The word ‘tell’ is used to narrate, communicate, discern, instruct or announce something to someone. So, the name of a person or an object pronoun must follow the verb ‘tell’. The uses of say are given as under:
- Tell is used to speak something about a person, in order to inform them:
- When I told him the truth, she was shocked.
- My mother tells me funny stories.
- You must not believe everything your colleagues tell you.
- To give orders, directions or instructions:
- Tell him to stay away from me.
- The teacher told me the process of completing the practical.
- My mom told me to wake up early in the morning.
- It can also be used to know something:
- Tell me about your future plans.
- Can you tell me, if this bus goes to Amritsar?
- To show, reveal or represent:
- This device tells you the exact GPS location of a person.
- The picture tells you the entire story.
- For providing some personal, private or confidential information, or secret:
- Please don’t tell it to anyone.
Key Differences Between Say and Tell
The differences between say and tell can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:
- The word ‘say’ is used to state something, specifically opinion, feelings, suggestions and so forth. On the other hand, tell is used to say something to a person, i.e. provide information or narrate something.
- While say can be used as a noun, verb and interjection, tell can only be used as a verb.
- When you use the word ‘say’, we needn’t use the name of the person to whom we refer. As against, to use the word ‘tell’ we need to use the name of the person or an object pronoun, i.e. him, her, them, us etc. to indicate the person, whom we refer.
- Basically, say is used with exact quotes and questions (in the direct speech), however, in case of indirect speech we use the word ‘asked’. Conversely, tell is mainly used when we give orders, instructions and advise.
- She wants to say something.
- I didn’t say anything to Paul.
- Would you like to say something?
- I told her to register online for the classes.
- Tell Robin I said hello.
- He told me to get the subject books.
How to remember the difference
While using these two words in your sentence, you should keep in mind that use you do not use object pronoun with ‘say’, as it is used only with ‘tell’. Further, when something in expressed in the exact words, use said and not tell, as tell is used with instructions and command.