Had has have when to use. The verbs to have and have got
The verb to have in English, along with the verbs to be and to do, plays one of the key roles in the construction of phrases and sentences for all tenses used. Depending on the context in which the semantic turnover is applied, and the meaning it can have completely different.
The verb to have: basic meaning
As for the main use of this verb, so to speak, in its pure form, it is most often translated or defined as «to have» or «to have.»
In the simplest case, when a phrase is constructed in the singular or plural of the first and third person, it is used in its basic form. For example, I (we, they, you) have a dog — «I (we, they, you) have a dog.» However, for the third person singular and for constructing sentences indicating the past (accomplished) event, other forms are used.
In order to fully understand the specifics of the application, the verb has (had) as a derivative of the basic indefinite form to have should be considered precisely in the context of conjugation with the use of persons and tenses. The meaning invested in any phrase will depend on this.
The forms of the verb have (or more correctly — to have) look like this.
Note that in relation to the pronoun you, the verb is used in the same form, but sometimes in English the pronoun itself can have a context of both “you” and “you” references. In the American language, everything is simpler in this respect. The fact is that it always uses the reference to «you», and even in the sense of using the verb to be (in this case, its form are).
For example, Are you sure? Can be translated as “Are you sure?” And as “Are you sure (sure)?”. It’s the same with the verb to have.
The verb has (had): usage difference
Based on the above conjugation system of the main verb, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the use of some of its forms. As already clear, the English verbs has refer to the present tense of the third person (he, she, it), and the form had is a derivative for constructing sentences of the past tense for any person and number (this will be discussed separately).
Using the verb in the present tense
As already mentioned, the main form to have and its derivative (the English verb has in particular) in the present tense denote the possession of something (as shown in the example above).
The form changes from have to has only when the face and number change. That is, has is used exclusively in cases where he, she, or it (third person singular) are used as the main pronoun. For example, She has a dog — «She has a dog.» With this, everything is simple. However, the regular form of the verb has is the main verb to have (indefinite form).
Using a verb in the past tense
Things are not so simple with the past tense. The point here is that phrases can not be limited only by the use of the special form had, and therefore the sentence can have different meanings in terms of the period of time when a certain action took place.
To make it clearer, let’s look at two examples. For the first case, let’s take the phrase I had a pen. It can be translated as “I had a pen” (once upon a time). But if you use two forms of the main verb in the sentence I have had a pen, the meaning changes dramatically. This expression can also be interpreted as “I had a pen”, but the action has just ended. Roughly speaking, the pen was a few moments ago, but now it is not.
In addition, the verb to have can be used with other verbs, but together they indicate different time intervals of actions and their completeness. So, the phrase I have visited an exhibition can be translated as “I have visited (visited) the exhibition” (just now).
But when the sentence I have been visiting an exhibition is applied (or with the abbreviation I’ve been — the forms of the verb have can also look like the abbreviated versions to be in affirmative, interrogative or negative sentences), the interpretation implies that visiting an exhibition as continuing action took place at the very moment in question.
If the sentence also contains the past tense verb, the meaning changes accordingly (I’ve been visited — «I was visited (by someone)», «I was visited / visited»).
But participles can also be present, for example, I’ve been crying — «I cried / cried» at the very moment in question (literally — «I was / was crying / crying»).
By the way, often among Americans you can find the addition of the verb to get when constructing phrases of the past tense. In this case, the phrase I’ve got .. is practically equivalent to the usual sentence of the past tense, although it can be literally translated as “I received / received”, “Became / became an owner”, etc.
Building sentences in the future tense
The conjugation of the verb has, I hope, is already clear, although by and large this is an absolutely incorrect statement of the question, since it is not the verb has that is conjugated, but its basic form to have. But let’s move on to constructing sentences in the future tense.
There are many interesting things here too. As a rule, to describe actions in the near future, that is, if something needs to be done just about, the verb to have can also be used, but in this case it means some kind of obligation.
True, in the Russian language there is no pure analogue of such phrases. Let us explain with an example.
The phrase I have to go can be literally translated into Russian as “I have to go”. Brad, isn’t it? For adjustments in terms of the described obligation, the translation “I must leave” is used, which is more clearly described by the English phrase I must go.
But a complete analogy in translation can be found in the same Ukrainian language, which in this regard is somewhat closer to European. In a literal version, the above phrase can be translated as “I may it”, which means “I must (must) leave”.
In this case, the meaning is embedded in an action that needs to be performed now or in some period of time after voicing the intention.
Inconsistencies between English and American: interrogative sentences
Let’s leave the has (had) verb aside for now and look at some of the nuances that can be found in pure English and the unified American languages. From the point of view of constructing interrogative sentences, in English they must begin with the main verb denoting a certain action.
In other words, to ask the interlocutor about whether he has a dog, you could use the phrase Have you a dog ?. This is correct from an English point of view. But Americans often add the action verb to do to the seemingly main verb to have, which plays the main role.
So the question about a dog in the American version looks like this: Do you have a dog?
In addition, very often you can find phrases like You have a dog?, And it is in the interrogative form. If translated, this phrase can mean surprise «Oh, do you have a dog?» The emphasis is on either the word «is» or the word «dog».
In other words, the question implies the usual surprise of a certain fact.
By the way, the Americans simply ignore the classical rules for constructing sentences of any time or any level of complexity, in contrast to the inhabitants of an old woman in England with her well-established traditions.
As you can see from the above, the verb has (had) is just one of the forms of the main verb to have. And its use, depending on the type of situation, can be completely different.
But, I think, the main aspects on the simplest examples are already clear to most readers.
By and large, the American language is easier for residents of non-English-speaking countries, and English, not to mention the Scottish or Irish dialect, is simply impossible to learn without living in the UK with everyday communication.
One of the basic verbs in English is the verb to have .
To have is an amazing verb: it can be semantic, auxiliary and modal. There are many fixed expressions, idioms with the verb to have.
In general, you will not go wrong if you start learning English with the verb to have.
Let’s try to study all the uses of the to have verb:
I.To have as a semantic verb
Vi. To have got
Vii. Phrasal verbs
I. To have as a semantic verb
Translated as:
* to have, to have
I have a big house in Moscow.
* include, include, contain
December has 31 days (has — since 3rd person).
be capable of smth. (often translated into Russian in this case, how to know, understand)
You have only a little English.
In this case, to have is static, i.e. cannot be continuous(ending -ing). The auxiliary verbs do (not) and does (not) are used to form interrogative and negative forms.
I don’t have a big house in Moscow.
Do you have a big house in Moscow.
In the third person, the verb to have has the form — has.
Source: https://promess.ru/had-has-have-kogda-upotreblyat-glagoly-to-have-i-have-got.html
Have has rule, table, examples of use
Comprehending the basics of English grammar, beginners often complain about the difficulty of using the verb have. It would seem that there is nothing particularly complicated here, but it is difficult for beginners to determine when to put in English have, when has, and when had.
Therefore, today we will clarify this grammatical nuance, and a rule compiled on have has and a table with examples of sentences will help us to present the material for beginners in the most accessible form.
In addition, we will deal with the polysemy of the verb have and find out by what principle its forms are formed. Let’s get started!
Meaning and application of the verb to have in English
Before studying the have / has rule, you need to understand a few basic things. And to begin with, the verbs have and has in English are derived from the infinitive to have. In English, have is considered highly used: this verb is used a lot both in its own meaning and as an auxiliary element of grammatical combinations. Let’s study these nuances in more detail.
Have as an independent verb
First of all, the verb have is used to denote the presence of something, and in a similar situation the words have and has are translated into Russian by the verbs “to have”, “to possess”, “to possess”. For example:
- We have four houses. — We own four houses.
- She has a red blouse. — She has a red blouse.
- Had he a house? — Did he own the house?
As you can see, the meaning of the use of the verb to have in the above sentences is the same, but the grammatical design of the structures is different. This is because the grammar of sentences depends on when and with what pronouns have is used. But we will talk in detail about in which cases it is correct to write have, and in which has, a little later. Now let’s return to the polysemy of this popular verb.
The auxiliary role of have in the construction of English sentences
You can meet the verb to have in English in any of the perfect tenses. Here, this verb denotes the completeness of the main action. For example, We Have watched the film — we watched this film.
The main action here is expressed by the verb watch (what to do? — watch, observe), and have is essentially added to form a perfect look (what did you do? — looked, watched).
Accordingly, in this meaning, have is not translated into Russian, but it is he who makes it clear that the main verb needs to be translated by an analogue of the perfect form.
Note that the grammatical rules for have-has are almost the same here as for an independent verb. But again, we will turn to them a little later.
Modal verb have to
And also English have is used as a modal verb when it is necessary to indicate the constraint of an action, the influence of circumstances.
- I Had to go there. — I had to go there.
- He has to do it. — He has to do it.
As you can see, this revolution is used with the to particle, so that the modal color is always easy to distinguish from the basic have value or perfect time. Otherwise, the grammar of this construction is similar to the use of the verb have as an independent and auxiliary one. And finally, it’s time to find out in which cases have is written, and in which — has. Let’s move on to learning the rules.
Changing the forms of the English verb have
So, even using the verb have in different meanings, the English apply almost uniform grammatical rules to it. The differences in grammar lie in only a slight change in the forms of this verb. We propose to find out by what laws this shaping takes place.
As already noted, the use of have and has depends on the verb tense and the subject, most often expressed by the pronoun. Therefore, the rule when have is used, and when has, usually sounds like this: for the subject of the 3rd person singular, the form has is used, and in all other situations they write have. It is important to note that this wording applies only to Present Tense of English sentences (Present Simple Tense and Perfect).
Thus, the verb has is used with the pronouns it, he, she, and with the subject I, you and the plural have. Let’s look at some examples.
- I Have
Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/have-has-pravilo-tablitsa-s-primerami/
Have / Has rules of use
When you take your first steps in learning English, you will surely come across the verb to have [hæv]. This verb has several functions, is an integral part of a huge number of expressions, phrases and phrases.
Its first meaning is “to have”, “to possess”, “to own”. But a word can change meaning when used in conjunction with other lexical items.
We will start with a simple one and consider two forms of the verb — have / has, the rule for their use and figure out how the verb to have and the verb have got differ from each other.
Lexical meaning of the verb to have
The main meaning of the word, as noted above, is “to have”, “to own”, however, when translating into Russian, the structure “(someone) has” is often used.
- I have a delicious cake — I have a delicious cake.
- He has a new car — he has a new car.
In this meaning, the verb can be replaced with an alternative construction have got with the same meaning.
- I have got a funny rabbit — I have a funny rabbit.
- He has got a small kitten — he has a small kitten.
Both the individual verb and the have got construction are used when it comes to possession of something, in particular about family ties and diseases.
In some stable expressions (have a look, have breakfast, have a rest, etc.) the word got is not used.
Also, the verb to have changes its semantic meaning when it acts as a modal verb.
- We have to see him right now — we need to see him right now.
- You have to add some sugar — you need to add some sugar.
Grammar forms of the verb to have
As you can see, in the examples above, the two shapes alternate. So when is it written and when is has?
The have form in English is used with the pronouns I, you, we, they (I, you, you, we, they), has — only with the pronouns he, she, it (he, she, it). But this rule does not apply in all tenses: in the future tense (Future Simple), after the auxiliary verb will, have is put in all persons.
Tables will help you better understand these rules.
Present Simple Tense
IYouWeThey | HAVE | to book |
He |
Source: https://englishfull.ru/grammatika/glagol-to-have.html
Is and has got in English. When are have and have got used?
English students often wonder what is the difference between have got and have… How and in what cases are these two expressions used? Use have or have got in a particular clause?
When we talk about owning something, family ties or relationships, diseases or characteristics of people or things, you can use both have and have got. That being said, have got is a more common informal form.
Have got has the same meaning as have, and both are used in present tense. It should be noted that have got is not the Present Perfect form of get.
The auxiliary verb do is usually used to form negative and interrogative forms. To build similar sentences with have got, have acts as an auxiliary verb.
Study the following examples, and notice that in informal conversation, one form often replaces the other.
— How many subsidiaries does your company have? (How many subsidiaries does your company have?)
— It has two. (Two.)
— How many sisters do you have? (How many sisters do you have?)
— I’ve got three (sisters). (I have three [sisters].)
— Do you all have your own bedrooms? (Do you all have separate bedrooms?)
— Sue’s got her own bedroom, but neither Debbie nor I have. We have to share. (Sue has a separate bedroom, but Debbie and I don’t. We have to share one for two.)
In the last sentence, have is used as an alternative to must, because sisters are supposed to share.
— Have you got a new car, Paul? (Do you have a new car, Paul?)
— Yes I have. I bought it last week. (Yes, I bought it last week.)
— Has it got air conditioning? (Is there an air conditioning system?)
— No it hasn’t. But it’s got a CD player. (No. But it has a CD player.)
— Do you have very many CDs? (Do you have many CDs?)
— I’ve got hundreds. (I have hundreds of them.)
Notice how short answers and interrogative qualifications are formed at the end of sentences using have got and have:
— Have you got a sore throat as well as a runny nose? (Do you have a sore throat and a runny nose?)
— No, I haven’t. (No.)
— But you’ve got a high temperature, haven’t you? (But you have a high fever, don’t you?)
— Yes, I have. (Yes it is.)
— Does this music school have enough pianos? (Does this music school have enough pianos?)
— No, it doesn’t. (No, not enough.)
— But you have enough opportunities to practice, don’t you? (But you have the opportunity to practice, right?)
— No, we don’t. (No, we do not have such a possibility.)
In all other cases have got cannot be used instead of Have (for example, when talking about experiences or actions):
Correctly: I usually have dinner at 18:00.
Wrong: I usually have got dinner at 18:00
Future tense form of the verb have
The have got form is usually used only in the present tense. In relation to the future, other forms of the verb have are used. Compare the following example sentences:
— Have you got tickets for the match on Saturday? (Do you have tickets for the match on Saturday?)
— No, I haven’t. Not yet. (No, not yet.)
— Will you have them by tomorrow? (Will you have them by tomorrow?)
— I hope so. (Hope.)
— Have you got any time to help me with my maths homework? (Do you have time to help me with my math homework?)
— Not now I haven’t. Sorry. (Not now. Sorry.)
— Are you going to have any time at the weekend, do you think? (You have time for the weekend, do you think?)
— Yes, I’ll probably have some time then. (Yes, I will probably have a little time.)
Past tense of have
Likewise, we use a different form of have rather than have got to form the past tense. Compare the following sentences:
— Have you still got a bad headache? (Do you still have a terrible headache?)
— Yes, I have. (Yes.)
— How long have you had it? (How long have you had it?)
— I’ve had it on and off since yesterday.
(She has been with me from time to time since yesterday.)
— Did you have it at the last concert night? (Did your head hurt last night at the concert?)
— Yes, I did. I couldn’t concentrate on the music properly. (Yes.
I couldn’t really concentrate on the music.)
If you regularly listen to music in English, watch videos on the Internet or read magazines, newspapers, news texts, then you must have come across such a construction as “I have got” (I’ve got) or “He has got” (He’s got ). At the same time, the interrogative form of this construction seems completely «atypical» for the English language: Have I got?
The question is, where did the auxiliary verbs “do” and “does” go, because “to have got” and “to has got” is used in cases like Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense. So not everything is so simple and there is a difference between the usual “to have”, “to has” and “to have got”, “to has got”.
Let’s see the difference between these verbs.
The verbs “to have” and “to has” are used in Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense. Their interrogative and negative forms are formed with the help of the auxiliary verbs “do” and “does”. At the same time, “does”, as it were, eats “s” from “has” and turns it into “have”.
The verbs “to have got” and “to has got” are also used in Present Simple (Indefinite) Tense, but with the following features:
- “To have got” and “to has got” — have a tinge of not typical action or are associated with the concept of “now”.
Eg (Usually) I have a cup of tea for breakfast in the morning, but I haven’t got a cup of tea for breakfast this morning.
NB !!! I’ve got something in my eye — in this example, using the usual “have” is incorrect, because you can’t always have a speck in your eye, so “to have got” is the best option.
Or another such example: He has got a toothache.
Remember this difference for the future, because when studying the verbs “to have” and “to have got” as modal verbs (meaning “to be due”) you will need it more than once.
Eg I’ve got to make a quick phone call (specific) and I have to wear a suit to work (general).
Source: https://dtsib.ru/testy/is-and-has-got-in-english-when-used-and-have-got/
Have / has / had rules of use in English
By Alina Skorokhodova Mar 6, 2019
In English text, you will often see the verb to have [hæv]. He needs to be given special attention, since he takes part in the formation of a large number of expressions, phrases and phrases. Most often it is translated into Russian as to have, to have. But the direct meaning can be changed depending on how the given verb is combined with other words.
The functional feature of the verb to have is that it can be presented as a full-valued semantic verb (expresses the meaning of an action or a state independently, has a full semantic load), an auxiliary (service, used in a sentence together with a semantic verb) or a modal verb (conveys an attitude to the action , used with semantic verbs).
To have as a full-valued verb
In this form, “to have” is translated into Russian as “to have”, “to possess”, “to possess”.
For example:
- I have a delicious chicken — I have a delicious cutlet (I have a delicious cutlet).
Consider the tense conjugation of the verb «to have».
An affirmative sentence is formed by using one of its two forms have [hæv] or has [hæz] instead of the verb to have. The second applies to the 3rd person singular in Present Simple.
I | Have | Я | I have, bark |
He | you | He | has, has |
She | It | ||
It | It | ||
We | Have | Мы | we have, we have |
you | You | have, have | |
They | They | have, have |
- I have a bright shawl — I have a bright scarf (I have a bright scarf, I have a bright scarf).
- She has a pen — it has a handle (it has a handle, it has a handle).
In British English, when using have as an independent verb, have got, has got is often used. This does not change the meaning.
- I have a country manor — I have a country mansion (I own a country mansion).
- I have got a country manor — I have a country mansion (I own a country mansion).
- He has a plastic ruler — he has a plastic ruler (he has a plastic ruler).
- He has got a plastic ruler — he has a plastic ruler (he has a plastic ruler).
Interrogative (interrogative form)
This type of sentence is formed using the auxiliary word do or does.
Do | I | Have |
Does | he | |
she | ||
it | ||
Do | we | |
you | ||
they |
- Does she have a ripe banana? — Does she have a ripe banana (does she have a ripe banana)?
- Do we have a leather wallet? — Do we have a leather wallet (do we have a leather wallet)?
A negative sentence is formed using the auxiliary word do or does and the negative particle not.
I | do not (don’t) | Have |
He | does not (doesn’t) | |
She | ||
It | ||
We | do not (don’t) | |
you | ||
They |
- She doesn’t have blue shoes — she doesn’t have blue shoes (she doesn’t have blue shoes).
Source: https://eng911.ru/rules/grammar/have-has-had-pravila.html
The verbs to have and have got
Verb «to have»(Own) in English is used in quite different situations and can be translated into Russian in different ways. In this article, you will learn the basic situations when this verb is used. You will also learn about the verb “have got«, Which also means» to own. «
The verb to have
- To have is the main verb used to indicate ownership (property) of something (not only material), the properties of something (or its characteristics), relationship or connection, for example, the quality of one thing in relation to another:
I Have a cat. → U Eat me cat.
I Have a lot of free time these days. → Now at Eat me) a lot of free time.
Dmitry has a sister in France. → At Dmitry Yes sister in France.
He has three books by Hemingway. → He It has/ Y he is three books by Hemingway.
She has fair hair. → She has blonde hair.
- Verb «to have«Is also used to denote a large number of actions, here are some of them (the main thing is to understand the meaning, not to be scared and think» how to translate this «):
have a bath, wash, shower, etc → take a bath (lie in it), wash, take a shower (under running water), etc.
have breakfast, lunch, dinner → have breakfast, lunch, dinner.
have fun → have a good time, have fun.
have time available → have time for something.
have questions → have a question.
have a party → have a party.
have a walk, hike, ride, etc. → go for a walk, hike, ride a horse, etc.
have a discussion, fight, argument etc. → discuss, fight, assert
I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock. → Usually, I having breakfast at seven o’clock.
Anna is having a bath at the moment (Present Continuous time). → Anna now taking a bath.
- Used as a modal verb. It can be easily identified by the construction “have to«. Here he expresses a requirement to perform (s) some routine action (but not always). It is often used by native speakers as an action that carries a responsibility, a duty.
This form «Have«Also has a similar meaning to the modal verb»must«- when talking about responsibilities, native speakers prefer to use it (for example: I must talk to Peter. It’s important). «
Verb «must»Is used when they want to talk about very serious (or if they are considered to be) responsibilities for the speaker (for example: I must feed my family).
A few examples:
They have to work hard on Saturdays (routine for them). → On Saturdays they have Hard to work.
I have to return books to the school library. → I should return books to the school library.
I must be rich (very important for the speaker). → I should to be rich.
I must to defend my homeland. → I should defend your homeland.
Have got
- The verb «have got» is more typical of British English. It also serves to indicate the ownership (property) of something (not only material), the property of something (or its characteristics), relationship or connection. For example:
He has got some friends in London. → He has a few friends in London
Annahas got three sisters. → Anna has three sisters.
I have got a new car. → I have new car.
Americans also sometimes use “have got«But more often»air» or simply «(to) have«(Think of it as an analogue / synonym — it’s easier this way).
- The essential difference between the verb «have got» and the simple «to have» is the time when they are used. «Oh my God, again some kind of problem» now you probably thought. But everything is simple here, «have got«Is used only in Present simple tense, and»Have»Can be used in all temporary forms. For example:
Source: http://english-da.ru/grammatika/have-and-havegot
The verb to have and features of its use in English
One of the most common and important verbs in the English language is the verb to Have… This is due to the variety of its functions and applications. So, it can play the role of a semantic verb with the meaning of possession, an auxiliary verb for a number of tense forms, a modal verb with a to particle, and also occurs in a large number of stable expressions.
Meaning of the verb to have
The main meaning of this verb is “to have, to own, to have”, however, for translation into Russian, a more typical formulation is often the structure “(someone) has”, for example:
I Have a small kitten. | I have a little kitten (or literally «I have a little kitten»). |
In this sense, the verb to Have is often replaced with an alternative construct with the same meaning — have got:
I have got a funny puppy. | I have a funny puppy (or literally «I have a funny puppy»). |
The verb have (has) in English: rules of use, forms, conjugation
The have verb in English has quite a few different functions. It is the structural unit that is used in a wide variety of speech patterns and structures.
It can be part of a temporary form, can act as an independent semantic verb, and also be part of idioms and fixed expressions.
The use of have has some peculiarities that are important to know, since this structure is not always used in a standard way, and in many of its forms there is a difference from the standard grammar rules. Therefore, it is worth talking about all these details in more detail in order to avoid problems in the future.
The main features
The main translation, which has the verb to have — «to have». However, this word does not always carry such a meaning, especially when it is not an independent action, but is included in some construction. It is worth noting that the option “to have” also has a variable education formula, but first you should give possible examples of the original translation:
I have a strong feeling of satisfaction — I have a strong feeling of satisfaction
All the people have equal rights — All people have equal rights
Specifically from these two examples, it is clear that the direct translation «to have» is not always relevant and is not used in any sentences. In the Russian interpretation, another variant of a similar meaning is often used — «is», which means to have something. But in reality, they are practically the same, and the meaning is identical.
Verb forms in sentences of different types
The use in sentences of different types determines what the forms of this verb will be. You need to know them, since this unit has several conjugations.
Interrogative sentences
The use of this verb in questions is in many ways similar to the standard principle of the formation of this type of sentences. However, it is important to remember that depending on what function our verb performs in the text, interrogative sentences can be constructed in different ways.
If this verb is used in the previously described meaning of “to have”, then the situation will be standard: at the beginning of the sentence there will be a corresponding auxiliary verb of the required tense (do, does, did, etc.), then the subject will follow, followed by the first form of the verb “to have «(Without the ending -s) as a predicate, and then all the remaining members of the sentence. For example:
· Do you have this book? — Do you have this book?
Did they have money when they were there? — Did they have money when they were there?
Source: https://mcenglish.ru/grammar/glagol-have
Auxiliary verb in English
An auxiliary verb in English is used together with a semantic (main) verb in order to give grammatical information and thereby reveal additional meaning in a sentence that is not revealed by the main verb. In a sentence by themselves, they do not have any lexical meaning.
Be (to be), Do (to do) and Have (to have) are the main auxiliary verbs. They are irregular verbs and can also act as basic verbs.
In addition, modal verbs are also classified as auxiliary verbs, but they will be considered separately. The modal verbs are: could, can, might, may, shall, must, will, should and would.
Verb to be
Be is the most common verb in English. It can be used both as an auxiliary and as a semantic verb. Depending on time, person and number, it also has a large number of other common forms.
Forms in the present tense — am / is / are
Past tense forms — was / were
Using is, am and are in different sentences:
Interrogative form (question -?) | Affirmative form (affirmation — yes) | Negative form (negation — no) |
Singular | ||
am I? | I am (or I’m) | I am not (or I’m not) |
are you? | you are (or you’re) | you are not (or you’re not or you aren’t) |
Is he / is she / is it? | he is / she is / it is (or he’s / she’s / it’s) | He is not / she is not / it is not (or he isn’t / she isn’t / it isn’t or he’s not / she’s not / it’s not) |
Plural | ||
are we? | we are (or we’re) | we are not (or we aren’t or we`re not) |
are you? | you are (or you’re) | you are not (or you aren’t or you’re not) |
are they? | they are (or they’re) | they are not (or they aren’t or they’re not) |
Am / Are | Is | |
Interrogative form (question -?) | Am I talking about you? (Am I talking about you?) | Is this your ball? (Is this your ball?) |
Affirmative form (affirmation — yes) | Yes, you are (Yes, say) | Yes, it is (Yes, mine) |
Negative form (negation — no) | No, you are not | No, it is not |
The auxiliary be can precede semantic verbs with the endings –ed and –ing.
Verb to do
Do is one of the most common verbs in English. It can be both auxiliary and semantic. Usually do is used in interrogative sentences.
Using do / does in various sentences:
Interrogative form (question -?) | Affirmative form (affirmation — yes) | Negative form (negation — no) |
Singular | ||
do I? | I do | I do not (or I don’t) |
to you? | you do | you do not (or you don`t) |
does he / does she / does it? | he does/she does/it does | he does not / she does not / it does not or he doesn’t / she doesn’t / it doesn’t) |
Plural | ||
do we? | in to | we do not (or we don’t) |
to you? | you do | you do not (or you don’t) |
do they? | they do | they do not (or they don’t) |
Do | Does | |
Interrogative form (question -?) | Do you watch news on TV? (Do you watch the news on TV?) | Does he every day play football? (Does he play football every day?) |
Affirmative form (affirmation — yes) | Yes, I do (Yes, I look) | Yes, he does |
Negative form (negation — no) | No, I do not | No, he does not |
It should be noted that when do performs the functions of an auxiliary verb, it always precedes semantic verbs in an indefinite form (infinitives).
The verb to have
The verb have is one of the most widely used verbs in English and is used in many ways.
The use of have / has in various sentences:
Interrogative form (question -?) | Affirmative form (affirmation — yes) | Negative form (negation — no) |
Singular | ||
have I? | I have (or I’ve) | I have not (or I haven’t or I’ve not) |
have you? | you have (or you’ve) | you have not (or you haven’t or you’ve not) |
has he/has she/has it? | he has/she has/it has | he has not / she has not / it has not (or he hasn’t / she hasn’t / it hasn’t) |
Plural | ||
have we? | we have | we have not (or we haven`t or we’ve not) |
have you? | you have or you’ve | you have not (or you haven’t or you’ve not) |
have they? | they have or they’ve | they have not (or they haven’t or they’ve not) |
The verb have is usually used to indicate possession of something (using the phrase I have or the phrase I have got).
Have | have got | |
Interrogative form (question -?) | Do you have a computer? or Have you a computer? (Do you have a computer?) | Have you got a computer? (Do you have a computer? Or did you get a computer?) |
Affirmative form (affirmation — yes) | Yes, I have a computer | Yes, I have got a computer |
Negative form (negation — no) | No, I do not have a computer | No, I haven’t got a computer |
Auxiliary verbs in English have can also be used to express the need for something (using the phrase I have to or the phrase I have got to).
Have to | Have got to |
Interrogative form (question -?) |
Source: http://www.the-world.ru/glagol/124-vspomogatelnyj-glagol
The verb to have and the turnover have (has) got. Difference have from have got
Have got phrases often used in English? When can you use have and have got? In this article, we will answer all the questions that relate to this topic. But we want to say one thing that the have got rule will be simple.
The verb have got in English
In colloquial speech in the present tense with the meaning to have, to have, the have (has) got construction is used. And, of course, you know for sure that we will translate this phrase into Russian in this way: I have it. and so with every pronoun. We would like to warn you that the abbreviated form of this construction is as follows: I’ve got and etc.
- Read sentences with have got
— She’s got an interesting magazine — She has an interesting magazine.
— Jane has got a pink T-shirt — Jane has a pink T-shirt.
— I have got new jacket — I have a new jacket.
— We have got a lot of Italian clothes — We have a lot of Italian clothes.
You guessed it, these examples are in affirmative form. All you have to do is change. verb have with the appropriate persons.
- Have got questions are formed by asking the verb have before the subject:
— Have you got a question — Do you have a question?
— Has Mark got a new bag? — Does Mark have a new bag?
— Have they got a swimming pool? — Do they have a pool?
- In negative sentences, we put the well-known particle not after Have or has… In addition, the abbreviation is often used, which we will see in the examples:
— We haven’t got a swimming pool — We don’t have a swimming pool.
— Hasn’t she got a bike? — Doesn’t she have a bicycle?
— Has Rob got brown hair? — Does Rob have brown hair?
- 1. Got is not used in responses.
— Have you got a knife? No, I haven’t
CAN’T ANSWER THIS: No, I haven’t got
- 2. Do not forget that have got is not used in the past tense, this structure is used only in Present Simple. In such cases, we must use HAD.
— I had a busy day yesterday — I had a busy day yesterday.
But not like that: I had got.
- 1. Things we own
— They have a house in Canada — They have a house in Canada.
— I haven’t got any parents — I have no parents.
— I have got enough money — I have enough money.
— She hasn’t got any children, and she is happy — She has no children and is happy.
— I’ve got a new job — I have a new job.
- 3. Physical features
— We’ve got blue eyes — We’ve got blue eyes.
— Lucy hasn’t got blonde hair — Lucy doesn’t have blonde hair.
- 4. Illness or when you feel unwell
— I’ve got a splitting headache.
— Have they got the flu? — Do they have the flu?
As easy as pie! There is nothing difficult in this structure. And we hope you agree with that. Let’s go further!
Let’s look at the conjugation of the verb have got in the form of a table, in the same place you will see when to use has got or have got:
Watch the video and listen to the dialogue with the verb to have got. Listen to the dialogue three times.
The verb to have in English
The verb to have is translated into Russian to have, to own, that is, just like The verb to have got.
Sentences with the verb to have:
— Felix always has a lot of work to do — Felix always has a lot of work.
— My neighbors have three large dogs — My neighbors have three large dogs.
— My friend’s sister has two babies — My friend’s sister has two children.
Remember that the verb to have in English is a regular verb. Use the present auxiliaries «do» and «does» to ask questions, «don’t» and «doesn’t» to deny something. Use «did» in the past tense to ask questions and «didn’t» for negative sentences.
— Sorry, but I don’t have time to discuss that question — Sorry, but I don’t have time to discuss this question.
— Does your coach have a fencing bag? — Does your coach have a cover?
— When I was a kid I didn’t have toys — When I was a child, I didn’t have toys.
It will not be difficult to learn the conjugation of the verb to have in English, since it has only two forms. Examine the table and pay attention to the forms of the verb to have.
Table of the verb to have in English
Save the spreadsheet to yourself so you don’t forget.
Difference between to have and to have got
We will answer the most frequent question right away. There is no difference. Have and have got mean the same thing (to have). Only now have got is used in colloquial speech, so to speak, in an informal style. Let’s look at examples:
— You have got an apple -> You have an apple — You have an apple.
— I’ve got a terrible pain in my leg -> I have a terrible pain in my leg — I have a terrible pain in my leg.
— He has got a parrot and three cats -> He has a parrot and three cats — He has a parrot and three cats.
As you can see from the examples, there is no difference. All examples with g or without, has the same meaning.
Even the British argue that have got is used more in British English than in American English, but Americans honestly say they also use have got in their speech.
And yet, how does have differ from have got? Let’s find out!
We must first learn how with the verb to have form interrogative and negative sentences? You need to add an auxiliary verb to do… This form with verb to do used in the American version. But that doesn’t mean the British don’t say that.
— Does she have much time for her trainings? — Does she have a lot of time for training? (generally).
— Do you have time to go shopping before the movie starts? Do you have time to go shopping before the movie starts?
— Do they have a sauna? — Do they have a sauna?
— Do you have change for 50 dollars? — Do you have change with $ 50?
Auxiliary to do is not used in negative and interrogative sentences in the British version.
Source: https://englishmix.ru/grammatika/glagoly/glagol-to-have-i-have-got
All about the verb HAVE in English
Pauline Updated January 4, 2019
The verb have is very widely used in English; it can be both semantic and purely grammatical. So, having understood the meanings of this verb, you will immediately learn a huge layer of grammar and vocabulary.
As a semantic
The most basic meaning of the verb have as the semantic «to have»… Since it is semantic, it means that it is weak. This means that to construct interrogative sentences and negations, he needs an auxiliary verb depending on the tense.
Affirmative Sentence Negative Interrogative
Currently, | ||
I have a car. He has a computer. | I don’t have a car.He doesn’t have a computer. | Do you have a car? Does he have a computer? |
Past tense | ||
I had a car. | I didn’t have a car. | Did you have a car? |
The option I’m having a computer is IMPOSSIBLE, since the verb in this meaning is STATIC, which means it cannot last. We cannot have in the process. This is not an action, but a state. When I say that I have a computer, I don’t do anything with it.
have got
In the same meaning of possession, one can find such a form — have got “to have”, which is more characteristic of British English. The difference is now that the verb becomes strong, that is, it does not need auxiliary verbs to build questions and negations.
Notethat have got is being used CURRENTLY. Again, it is STATIC.
+ -?
I got a car. He has got a computer. | I haven’t got a car. | Have you got a car? Has he got a computer? |
As part of set expressions
The verb have has a lot of other meanings when it is part of set expressions:
- have breakfast, lunch, dinner — have breakfast, lunch, dinner
- have a bath — take a bath
- have a coffee — drink a cup of coffee
- have a drink — to drink
- have a meal — to eat
- have a snack — have a snack
- have a good time — have a good time
- have a lesson — to conduct or attend a lesson
- have a nice day — have a nice day
- have an appointment — make an appointment
- have fun — have fun
- have an interview — have an interview
- have a clue — to have a concept, an idea
- have second thoughts — change your mind, change your mind
- have cold feet — to chicken out
- have a cold — to catch a cold
- have a lie-in — lie down, lie in bed
- have a nap — take a nap
- have a rest — to have a rest
- have a ride — ride, ride
As you can see, the verb have takes on completely different meanings, not “have”, but “wash”, “drink”, “eat”, “rest”, etc. These verbs are dynamic, respectively, in these meanings the verb have is also DYNAMIC and can be used in extended tenses:
I’m having a shower now. — I’m taking a shower now.
When you called me, I was having lunch. — When you called me, I was having lunch.
As a modal verb
The have verb is also used as a modal verb.
Not to be confused with must. Their meanings are somewhat similar, but there are nuances. Read more in the article «Difference between modal verbs have to and must»
Here he is also weak, he needs auxiliary verbs.
+ -?
I have to go. I have to go. | I don’t have to go. I don’t have to go. | Do you have to go? You have to go? |
She has to go. She must go. | She doesn’t have to go. She doesn’t have to go | Does she have to go? Should she go? |
I had to go. I had to go. | I didn’t have to go. I didn’t have to go. | Did you have to go? You were supposed to go? |
There is also an option Have got to do something.
I’ve got to do it. — I have to do it.
I’ve got to go = I gotta go
As an auxiliary verb
The verb can be auxiliary in perfect tenses and perform a purely grammatical function, it is not translated in any way (although one can draw an analogy as “have something done”, since a perfect implies some kind of result).
Source: https://4lang.ru/english/grammar/about-verb-have
The verb to have in English
Verb to have — one of the main verbs of the English language, which can be both semantic and auxiliary. As a semantic verb have conveys its lexical meaning «to have, to have, to own.» As an auxiliary, it is part of various temporary forms, while it loses its meaning.
In the sentence given below, have is a semantic verb, that is, it conveys its meaning «to have»:
I Have two children. — I have two children (I have two children).
In the next sentence, have is an auxiliary verb, since it is part of the Present Perfect tense and does not convey its lexical meaning:
I have read the book. — I read the book.
Consider to have as a semantic verb with the meaning «to have, to have, to own.»
Forms of the verb to have in the present simple tense (in Present Simple)
In the present simple tense, to have has 2 forms: Have / has
Have — used with all persons, except for 3 liters. units h
has — only used with persons of 3 y. units h. (he, she, it)
Affirmative forms
I have — I have
we have — we have
You have — you have (you have)
They have — they have
He has — he has
She has — she has
It has — it has
He has a big house in London. — He has a big house in London (He has a big house in London).
They Have a nice flat. — They have a good apartment (They have a good apartment).
When we talk about owning something, in addition to have / has, the construction can be used have got / has got, which is most commonly used in colloquial speech and means the same as have / has. Got in this case does not matter, it just adjoins have / has. Please note that the design have got / has got is used only in present tense.I have got — I have
We have got — we have
You have got — you have (you have)
They have got — they have
He has got — he has
She has got — she has
It has got — it has
I have got a new car. — I have a new car (I have a new car).
He has got two children. — He has two children (He has two children).
Negative and interrogative forms
Negative and interrogative sentences are formed using an auxiliary verb do / does (for 3 liter units — he, she, it). To form a negation, you need to put the particle not after the auxiliary verb do / does. In negation, short forms are often used:
do not have = don’t have
does not-have = doesn’t have [dʌznt]
To form questions, do / does is placed at the beginning of the sentence, that is, it is placed before the subject. Please note that has is not used in negatives, as well as in questions, since 3 l. units h passed using does.
I don’t have / Do I have? — Yes, I do / No, I don’t.
We don’t have / Do we have? — Yes, we do / No, we don’t.
you don’t have / Do you have? — Yes, you do / No, you don’t.
They don’t have / Do they have? — Yes, they do / No, they don’t.
He doesn’t have / Does he have? — Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.
She doesn’t have / Does she have? — Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.
It doesn’t have / Does it have? — Yes, it does / No, it doesn’t.
Interrogative and negative sentences with have got
If turnover is used have got / has got, then no auxiliary verbs are required for questions and negations. Denial is formed according to the following formula, while more often it is still used in a short form:
Have + Note + g = haven’t got (short form)
has + Note + g = hasn’t got (short form)
For the formation of questions, have or has are brought forward, that is, they are put before the subject.
I haven’t got / Have I g? — Yes, I have / No, I haven’t.
We haven’t got / Have we g? — Yes, we have / No, we haven’t.
you haven’t got / Have you g? — Yes, you have / No, you haven’t.
They haven’t got / Have they g? — Yes, they have / No, they haven’t.
He hasn’t got / you he g? — Yes, he has / No, he hasn’t.
She hasn’t got / you she g? — Yes, she has / No, she hasn’t.
It hasn’t got / you it g? — Yes, it has / No, it hasn’t.
I don’t have a car. = I haven’t got a car. — I don’t have a car (I don’t have a car).
She doesn’t have a car. = She hasn’t got a car. — She doesn’t have a car (She doesn’t have a car).
Do you Have a car? = Have you g a car? — Do you have a car? (Do you have a car?)
Does she Have a car? = you she g a car? — Does she have a car? (Does she have a car?)
It should also be noted that the use of the do / does auxiliary verbs is typical of American English. In British, the phrase have got / has got is more often used, but you can also hear: Have you a car? I haven’t a car. This is also true, but it is used extremely rarely and sounds a little old-fashioned.
In the past and future tenses, to have is used as an ordinary semantic verb. As a reminder, the have got / has got turnover is used only in the present tense.
Still have questions on the topic? Ask them in the comments.
Source: https://myefe.ru/reference/verbs/verb-to-have
Use have has in English with examples!
Details Karina Galchenko Category: BEGINNER — ELEMENTARY
: 22 January 2016
: 4/5
If you immediately deal with the forms of this verb, then usage of have has in English seems very simple. Remember at least the verb to be — it has three forms in the present tense. And to have has only two. This is already good news, isn’t it? And if you also correlate the rules of the simple present tense and the forms of the verb «to have», then in general everything falls into place!
The use of have has in English
So what’s special about shorthand have has in english? First, it’s important to pay attention to which subject is in your proposal. It depends on this moment which form of the verb you need to apply. According to grammatical rules, has is friends only with he, she, it; and have — with all other faces and numbers.
Secondly, do not forget that in addition to affirmations, there are also questions with negatives. Today, it is permissible in negation to simply add not to the corresponding form of the verb to have, but for a question to put out the same form in front of a subject who has something in your sentence. You can also ask do and does for help. For negations with he, she, it doesn’t do, and for everyone else — don’t. In the question, place do or does (for he, she, it) in front of the subject.
In other words, the use of have has in English is practically no different from other verbs in the present tense. It is only important to remember about the has form.
The use of have in English with examples
Like all the other rules use of have in English better to remember with examples. This is what we will do right now!
example |
translation |
capacitor positive (+) lead We Have two cars in the garage. |
We have two cars in the garage. |
negative (-) lead We haven’t two cars in the garage. We don’t have two cars in the garage. |
We don’t have two cars in the garage. |
(?)Have you a car in the garage? Do you Have a car in the garage? |
Do you have a car in the garage? |
capacitor positive (+) lead He has five dogs at home. |
He has five dogs at home. |
negative (-) lead He hasn’t dogs at home. He doesn’t have dogs at home. |
He has no dogs at home. |
(?)you he a pet at home? Does he Have a pet? |
Does he have a pet? |
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Source: http://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/388-upotreblenie-have-has-v-anglijskom-yazyke-s-primerami.html
Особенности употребления глагола to have и его форм has и had
В английском тексте вам будет часто встречаться глагол to have [hæv]. Ему нужно уделить особенное внимание, так как он берет участие в формировании большого количества выражений, оборотов и словосочетаний. Чаще всего на русский язык его переводят как иметь, обладать. Но прямой смысл может быть изменен в зависимости от того, как данный глагол сочетается с прочими словами.
Функциональной особенностью глагола to have является то, что его можно представить в качестве полнозначного смыслового (выражает смысл действия либо состояния самостоятельно, владеет полной смысловой нагрузкой), вспомогательного (служебный, применяется в предложении вместе со смысловым глаголом) либо модального глагола (передает отношение к действию, используется со смысловыми глаголами).
To have как полнозначный глагол
В этой форме «to have» переводят на русский как «иметь», «владеть», «обладать».
- I have a delicious chicken – у меня есть вкусная котлета (я имею вкусную котлету).
Рассмотрим формы спряжения глагола «to have» во времени.
Present Simple (настоящее простое время)
Affirmative (утверждение)
Утвердительное предложение образовывают, используя вместо глагола to have одну из двух его форм have [hæv] или has [hæz]. Вторая применяется к 3-му лицу единственного числа в Present Simple.
I | Have | Я | имею, облаю |
He | Has | Он | имеет, обладает |
She | Она | ||
It | Оно | ||
We | Have | Мы | имеем, обладаем |
You | Вы | имеете, обладаете | |
They | Они | имеют, обладают |
- I have a bright shawl – у меня есть яркий платок (я имею яркий платок, я обладаю ярким платком).
- She has a pen – у нее есть ручка (она имеет ручку, она обладает ручкой).
В британском варианте английского языка при употреблении have в качестве самостоятельного глагола часто применяется have got, has got. При этом смысл не меняется.
I have a country manor – у меня есть загородный особняк (я обладаю загородным особняком).
- I have got a country manor – у меня есть загородный особняк (я обладаю загородным особняком).
- He has a plastic ruler – у него есть пластмассовая линейка (он обладает пластмассовой линейкой).
- He has got a plastic ruler – у него есть пластмассовая линейка (он обладает пластмассовой линейкой).
Interrogative (вопросительная форма)
Такой тип предложений образовывают с помощью вспомогательного слова do или does.
Do | I | Have |
Does | he | |
she | ||
it | ||
Do | we | |
You | ||
they |
- Does she have a ripe banana? – Есть ли у нее спелый банан (имеет ли она спелый банан)?
- Do we have а leather wallet? – Есть ли у нас кожаный кошелек (обладаем ли мы кожаным кошельком)?
Negative (отрицание)
Отрицательное предложение образовывается с помощью вспомогательного слова do или does и отрицательной частицы not.
I | do not (don’t) | have |
He | does not (doesn’t) | |
She | ||
It | ||
We | do not (don’t) | |
You | ||
They |
- She does not have blue shoes – у нее нет синей обуви (она не имеет синей обуви).
- They don’t have an international passport – у них нет заграничного паспорта (они не обладают заграничным паспортом).
Past Simple (прошедшее время)
Affirmative (утверждение)
При образовании утвердительного предложения в Past Simple употребляется had [hæd] вместо to have, который размещают после подлежащего.
I | had | Я | имел, обладал |
He | Он | имел, обладал | |
She | Она | имела, обладала | |
It | Оно | имело, обладало | |
We | Мы | имели, обладали | |
You | Вы | ||
They | Они |
- I had coloured felt-tip pens. – У меня были цветные фломастеры (я обладал цветными фломастерами).
- She had a beautiful doll. – У нее была красивая кукла (она обладала красивой куклой).
Interrogative (вопросительная форма)
При образовании данного типа предложения употребляется вспомогательное слово did.
Did | I | Have |
he | ||
she | ||
it | ||
we | ||
You | ||
they |
- Did he have a black hat? – Была ли у него черная шляпа (он обладал черной шляпой)?
- Did they have glasses? – Были ли у них очки (они обладали очками)?
Negative (отрицание)
Отрицательное предложение образовывается с помощью вспомогательного слова did и отрицательной частицы not.
I | did not (didn’t) | have |
He | ||
She | ||
It | ||
We | ||
You | ||
They |
- She did not have a market tent – у нее не было рыночной палатки (она не имела рыночной палатки).
- We didn’t have credit cards – у нас не было кредитных карт (мы не обладали кредитными картами).
Future Simple (будущее время)
Affirmative (утверждение)
При образовании утвердительного предложения в Future Simple применяют вспомогательное слово will.
I | have | Я | буду иметь, обладать | |
He | will | Он | будет иметь, обладать | |
She | Она | |||
It | Оно | |||
We | Мы | будем иметь, обладать | ||
You | will | Вы | будете иметь, обладать | |
They | Они | будут иметь, обладать |
I will have a goldfish – у меня будет золотая рыбка (я буду обладать золотой рыбкой).
- She will have a soft toy – у нее будет мягкая игрушка (она будет обладать мягкой игрушкой).
Interrogative (вопросительная форма)
Вопросительные предложения образуются размещением will на первое место.
I | have | |
Will | he | |
she | ||
it | ||
we | ||
Will | you | |
they |
- Will I have a camera? – Будет ли у меня фотоаппарат (буду ли я обладать фотоаппаратом)?
- Will he have a ball or designer? – Будет ли у него мяч или конструктор (будет ли он обладать мячом или конструктором)?
Negative (отрицание)
Отрицательное предложение образовывается с помощью вспомогательного глагола will и отрицательной частицы not.
I | have | |
He | will not (won’t) | |
She | ||
It | ||
We | ||
You | will not (won’t) | |
They |
- She will not have glass beads – у нее не будет стеклянных бус (она не будет иметь стеклянных бус).
- We shan’t have wood floor – у нас не будет деревянного пола (мы не будем иметь деревянный пол).
To have как вспомогательный глагол
В данной форме to have используют при формировании форм совершенного времени со всеми глаголами, исключая модальные.
Его спряжение такое же, как и в полнозначной форме.
I have done it easily – легко это сделал.
To have как модальный глагол
Как модальный глагол to have применяется с полнозначным глаголом в неопределенной форме и употребляется в ситуациях, когда необходимо совершить действие, вызванное обстоятельствами, или имеет форму совета либо рекомендации. Его спряжение такое же, как и в полнозначной форме.
- We have to have a talk – нам необходимо поговорить.
- You have to add the flour – вам нужно добавить муку.
- We all learn English and use it in our day to day life. The most important part of the language is grammar. Without it, it’s impossible to imagine speaking in English correctly and fluently.
- Tenses are an important concept in grammar. We use them to speak about the time related incidences as the concept of tenses is based on time. Specific forms of the verbs are used to denote the various timelines when the event has occurred. They include past, present and future tense. But when it comes to using had, have and has we all get stuck.
Today, let’s learn when to use had, have and has.
Present tense:
In present tense, when there is I, you, we and they in a sentence, we use have.
I — have
you — have
we — have
they — haveExamples:
— I have a big car.
— Don’t you have a bag?
— We’ll have ice cream after dinner.
— They have lots of money.Whereas when there is he, she, it, proper name and title in a sentence, we use has. He, she, it are singular so we use has.
He – has
she – has
it – has
Proper name – has
Title — hasExamples:
— He has a big car.
— She has a cat.
— It has got new features.
— Rahul has many friends.
— “Bheegi Bhilli”, a famous show, has attracted a lot of attention these days.Past tense (simple)
Past tense is used to describe a completed action. So when a sentence has I, you, we, they, he, she, it, proper name and title, we use had.
I – had
we – had
they – had
he – had
she – had
it – had
Proper name – had
Title – hadExamples:
— I had my food.
— You had lunch?
— They had their meal.
— He had a fantastic weekend.
— She had appeared for the exam.
— It had my favorite toppings.
— Vandana had a bad cold last week.
— Drishyam had a whimsical opening.The above enlightenments must have cleared your confusion. Check your knowledge with the below tests:
1. She doesn’t _____ to stand there, tell her to go away.
2. She ___ to stay there.
3. Sachin _____ to pay a parking fine yesterday.
4. Yesterday I didn’t have money I _____ to go to the bank.
5. He ____ to stay there.Answers: 1. Have 2. Has 3. Had 4. Had 5. Has
Had, have and has are used in our daily conversations so it is important to clear the basics. Using wrong tense can led to confusion so it’s better to join a Spoken English course and improve English communications.
About Eagetutor:
Сегодня мы поговорим о разных формах и функциях одного сильного английского глагола have (having). Правило образования и использования этого глагола достаточно обширное, но при этом простое.
Стоит один раз внимательно изучить информацию, и у вас больше не возникнет проблем с его применением. Вся суть глагола лежит в его многофункциональности.
Мы постараемся как можно доступнее рассмотреть каждую из функций.
Общая характеристика
Изучая английский язык, мы сталкиваемся с разными вариантами интересующего нас глагола: had, has, have, having. Правило применения каждой из этих форм достаточно точное, поэтому перепутать их сложно, если внимательно изучить всю информацию. Для начала отметим, что данный глагол может выполнять следующие функции:
- Смысловой глагол, который в переводе означает «иметь». He has a big house. Он имеет большой дом. При этом нужно добавить, что перевод на русский язык может отличаться, так как более литературно звучит вариант: У него есть большой дом.
- Вспомогательный глагол, который служит для образования разных временных форм. В данном случае он не переводится. She has done it already. Она уже сделала это. They are having dinner now. Мы сейчас обедаем.
- Модальный глагол, выражающий долженствование. He has to visit a doctor. Он вынужден сходить к врачу.
В зависимости от того, какую функцию выполняет глагол, определяется и форма глагола, и то, как он ведет себя при образовании вопросительных и отрицательных предложений.
Одним из самых простых вариантов использования данного глагола является его применение как смыслового. В данном случае мы будем иметь дело с формами have и has, have got и has got. Правило их применения достаточно простое:
- В британском варианте английского языка применяется простая форма «иметь» для выражения обладания каким-то предметом единоразово. He has a nice toy. У него есть красивая игрушка. Здесь имеется в виду, что у него в руках сейчас находится игрушка.
- При выражении обладания чем-то на постоянной основе в предложении будет применяться форма с got. He has got a nice toy. При этом перевод будет звучать без изменений: «У него есть красивая игрушка», но подразумевается, что данная вещь принадлежит ему постоянно.
Как мы видим, критически на перевод предложений вид формы не влияет, поэтому вы можете смело использовать любую из них. Главное при этом — не перепутать то, как образовать другие типы предложений с использованием этих форм. При образовании вопросительных предложений глаголы ведут себя следующим образом:
- В британском варианте данный глагол воспринимается как сильный, поэтому при постановке вопроса он не нуждается ни в какой помощи. Has he (got) a dog? У него есть собака?
- В американском варианте глагол используется в паре со вспомогательными глаголами do/does. Do you have a dog? У тебя есть собака?
Какой из вариантов вы выберете, зависит от вашего предпочтения и места проживания. Рекомендуется общаться на том диалекте языка, на котором говорят в данной местности.
Особенности форм в настоящем времени
Не важно, какую форму вы выберете: has или has got/have got, правило образования форм для разных лиц и чисел нужно в любом случае соблюдать. Так, в настоящем времени данный глагол имеет формы:
I, you, we, they | have | I, you, we, they | have got |
he, she, it | has | he, she, it | has got |
При этом при постановке вопросов в американском варианте языка участвуют такие вспомогательные глаголы:
have | |||
I | do | we | do |
you | you | ||
he, she, it | does | they |
Такие же формы применяются и для образования отрицательных предложений.
- He has not (hasn’t) any enemies.
- He does not (doesn’t) have any enemies.
Прошедшее время
Отдельно нужно отметить формы прошедшего времени для глагола have (having). Правило применения такое же, как и в настоящем времени, то есть возможно использование британского или американского стиля. В этом времени форма у глагола только одна — had, поэтому выбирать не нужно, но при образовании вопросов и отрицаний все-таки придется немного подумать. Например, предложение: He had a big pie. У него был большой пирог.
- Британский вариант: Had he a big pie? У него был большой пирог?
- Американский вариант: Did he have a big pie? У него был большой пирог?
Таким образом, вам просто нужно выбрать, в каком стиле вы собираетесь общаться, и придерживаться этого стиля на протяжении всего разговора.
Have/having: правило образования
Очень важной функцией, которую выполняет данный глагол, является образование разных временных форм. Имеется в виду формирование таких вариантов глагола, как have done/has done или have been, has been. Правило образования временных формул, в которых участвует наш глагол, такое:
Настоящее совершенное время | have/has + Причастие II | He has left the city.Он уехал из города. |
Прошедшее совершенное время | had + Причастие II | They had done it by that time.К тому времени они сделали это. |
Будущее совершенное время | will have + Причастие II | I will have finished the work by the end of the week.Я закончу работу к концу недели. |
Настоящее длительное совершенное время | have/has been + Причастие I | She has been working.Она работает. |
Прошедшее длительное совершенное время | had been + Причастие I | He had been reading.Он читал. |
Будущее длительное совершенное время | will have been + Причастие I | We will have been sitting.Мы будем сидеть. |
В настоящем и прошедшем времени глагол have воспринимается как сильный вспомогательный, используется для постановки вопросов и отрицаний к предложению.
- Has he left the city?
- They hadn’t done it yet.
- Have you been reading?
В будущем времени такую функцию берет на себя глагол will.
- Will you have finished the work by the end of the week?
- We will not have been sitting.
Модальный глагол have to
Правило использования данного глагола как модального говорит, что он применим в качестве выражения долженствования, причем субъект не сам осознает необходимость совершать действие, а это вызвано какими-то обстоятельствами. Вот этот оттенок вынужденности и сделал данную форму более употребляемой в последнее время. В переводе на русский язык такой глагол означает «необходимо, вынужден, должен, пришлось» и т. д.
- He has to do it at once. Он вынужден сделать это сразу.
Отличительной особенностью модальной формы является то, что при формировании предложения в паре с глаголом всегда идет частичка to, которая ставится перед инфинитивом основного смыслового глагола, выражающего само действие.
- She has to leave now. Она должна сейчас уйти.
Также при построении вопросительного или отрицательного предложения, всегда используется помощь глаголов do/does.
- Do they have to buy it? Должны ли они покупать это?
- You don’t have to read this book. Тебе не обязательно читать эту книгу.
Отметим, что формы модального глагола абсолютно идентичны формам простого смыслового «иметь».
have to |
he, she, it | has to |
В прошедшем и будущем времени применяются единые для всех лиц и чисел формы had to и will have to.
В конце хотелось бы напомнить о том, что в сочетании с некоторыми словами, наш глагол может потерять свое прямое значение и переводиться абсолютно иначе. Чаще всего в таких случаях при постановке вопросов и отрицаний используется вспомогательный глагол do/does/did.
- She has lunch at 1. Она обедает в 1.
- We had a talk after dinner. После ужина мы поговорили.
- Did you have a bath? Ты уже покупался?
- I didn’t have a smoke yet. Я еще не покурил.
Как видно из изложенной информации, применение и толкование глагола не вызовет затруднений, если тщательно изучить все правила. И, конечно, нельзя забывать о практической тренировке.
Have has had таблица — правило и употребление
Глагол to have помимо своей основной функции – показывать владение или обладание чем-либо – выполняет еще и другие задачи в английском языке.
Он может быть главным, вспомогательным или модальным, и в этих ролях принимает многочисленные формы: глагол have got, has, had, have to, haven’t. Чтобы вы не запутались в его многочисленных функциях, мы собрали и упорядочили всю информацию об этом глаголе, включая have has правило и перевод.
Употребление to have
Глагол to have может выполнять функцию как основного глагола (main verb), так и вспомогательного (auxiliary verb). В первом случае он выражает владение чем-либо, а во втором служит для образования временных форм группы Perfect.
To have в качестве самостоятельного глагола
Таблица употребления в Present Simple:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, we, you, they | I have a red car– У меня есть красная машина. | I don’t have a red car – У меня нет красной машины. | Do I have a red car? – У меня есть красная машина? |
he, she, it | She has a telephone – У нее есть телефон. | She doesn’t have a telephone – У нее нет телефона. | Does she have a telephone? – У нее есть телефон? |
В Past Simple:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, he, she, it, we, you, they | I had a book – У меня была книга. | I did not have a book – У меня не было книги. | Did I have a book? – У меня была книга? |
В Future Simple:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, he, she, it, we, you, they | I will have a ticket — У меня будет билет. | I will not have a ticket – У меня не будет билета. | Will I have a ticket? – У меня будет билет? |
Обратите внимание, что глагол to have в качестве самостоятельного глагола не употребляется во временах группы Continuous.
To have в качестве вспомогательного глагола
В Present Perfect:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, we, you, they | I have met Alex – Я встретил Алекса. | I haven’t met Alex – Я не встретил Алекса. | Have I met Alex? – Я встретил Алекса? |
he, she, it | She has sent a letter – Она отправила письмо. | She hasn’t sent a letter – Она не отправила письмо. | Has she sent a letter? – Она отправила письмо? |
В Past Perfect:
I, he, she, it, we, you, they | I had eaten the sandwich – Я съел сэндвич. | I hadn’t eaten the sandwich – Я не съел сэндвич. | Had I eaten the sandwich? – Я съел сэндвич? |
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
В Future Perfect:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, he, she, it, we, you, they | They will have asked Bob – Они попросят Боба. | They won’t have asked Bob – Они не попросят Боба. | Will they have asked Bob? – Они попросят Боба? |
To have в качестве вспомогательного и самостоятельного глагола
В некоторых временах группы Perfect бывают случаи, когда в одном предложении глагол to have может ставиться два раза подряд – и как вспомогательный, и как основной:
В Present Perfect:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, we, you, they | They have had a nice morning – Они хорошо провели утро. | They haven’t had a nice morning – Они плохо провели утро. | Have they had a nice morning – Они хорошо провели утро? |
he, she, it | John has had a nice time – Джон хорошо провел время. | John hasn’t had a nice time – Джон плохо провел время. | Has John had a nice time? – Джон хорошо провел время? |
В Past Perfect:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, he, she, it, we, you, they | They had had dinner – Они поужинали. | They hadn’t had dinner – Они не поужинали. | Had they had dinner? – Они поужинали? |
Have to в качестве модального глагола
Глагол have в связке с частицей to становится модальным. В этой роли он переводится на русский как «должен» и является более мягкой формой другого модального глагола – must, в этом же контексте он и будет ставиться.
Чтобы это проиллюстрировать мы подготовили таблицу:
Утвердительное предложение
Отрицательное предложение
Вопросительное предложение
I, we, you, they | I have to learn English – Я должен учить английский язык. | I don’t have to buy it – Я не должен покупать это. | Do you really have to pass this challenge? – Ты действительно должен пройти это испытание? |
he, she, it | His father has to give us 100$ — Его отец должен дать нам 100 долларов. | He doesn’t have to cry – Он не должен плакать. | Does she have to be calm? – Она должна быть спокойной? |
Когда используются формы has и had
Форма has употребляется только в Present Simple и Present Perfect, когда глагол используется в третьем лице и единственном числе, то есть, после местоимений he, she, it (в т.ч. существительных в единственном числе):
- She has a cat – У нее есть кошка.
- He has done his task – Он выполнил свою задачу.
- It has three types – У него есть три типа.
Had – это вторая и третья формы неправильного глагола have, соответственно had используется в прошедших временах и временах группы Perfect:
- She had a ball – У нее был мяч.
- I have had breakfast – Я позавтракал.
- He had written the message – Он написал сообщение.
Особенности формы have got
Have got, так же как и просто have, используется для выражения владения чем-либо. Эта форма встречается в разговорной и неформальной речи, причем больше распространена она в британской варианте английского языка.
Отличие have got от have проявляется при образовании отрицательных и вопросительных предложений.
Глагол have в этих случаях требует дополнительный вспомогательный глагол, а вот have got справляется самостоятельно:
- Do you have a pen? – У тебя есть ручка?
- Have you got a pen? – У тебя есть ручка?
- She doesn’t have an apple – У нее нет яблока.
- She hasn’t got an apple – У нее нет яблока.
- Но у have got есть два правила, ограничивающие его использование:
- Have got не употребляется, когда речь идет о получении опыта или совершении действий.
- Например, как в этом предложении:
- I usually have dinner at 18.00 – Обычно я ужинаю в 18:00.
Have got используется только в Present Simple. Так, например, вы можете сказать:
- I have got some milk – У меня есть молоко.
- I had some milk – У меня было молоко.
Источник: https://guruenglish.ru/to-have/
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Глагол have означает в английском языке “иметь”, но чаще всего он является неотъемлемым составляющим компонентом различных устойчивых выражений. В своем непосредственном значении have используется не во всех временных группах.
Чтобы научиться правильно употреблять это слово в речи, необходимо ознакомиться с его основными формами.
- В Настоящем Простом (Present Simple) времени в 1-м лице и во множественном числе используют have, а в 3-м has.
I have some questions about the accident. – У меня есть несколько вопросов по поводу происшествия.
We have a room of our own. – У нас есть своя собственная комната.
Jack has an old car. – У Джека есть старая машина.
- Во временах Continuous/Perfect Continuous(Длительном/Завершенном Длительном) have можно встретить только в составе устойчивых конструкций.
I am having dinner with my parents now. – Сейчас я обедаю вместе со своими родителями.
Глагол have является неправильным и имеет три формы: have-had-had. Для образования прошедшего времени используют вторую из них. Третья – причастие прошедшего времени – нужна для сложных грамматических конструкций.
- Во временах Past Simple/Past Perfect (Прошедшем Простом/Прошедшем Завершенном) со всеми лицами используют форму had.
They had a wonderful party last night. – У них была чудесная вечеринка прошлой ночью.
I had already had dinner by the time you came home. – Я уже поужинал к тому времени, как ты пришел домой.
- В Простом Будущем (Future Simple) времени используют have в сочетании с глаголом will.
I will have a country house in several years. – У меня будет деревенский домик через несколько лет.
To have может выполнять роль вспомогательного глагола в составе грамматической конструкции. В таком случае его форма определена временем, использованным в предложении.
We have just seen a new film by this director. – Мы только что видели новый фильм этого режиссера.
I had finished writing my essay by midnight. – Я закончила свое сочинение к полуночи.
Чтобы лучше понять правило спряжения have, можно воспользоваться таблицей с примерами.
Время | Утвердительное предложение | Отрицательное предложение | Вопрос |
Present Simple |
I have a dog. He/She/It has a dog. |
I have not a dog. He/She/It has not a dog. |
Have you a dog? Has he/she/it a dog? |
Past Simple | I had a dog. | I had not a dog. | Had you a dog? |
Future Simple | I will have a dog. | I will not have a dog. | Will you have a dog? |
Present Continuous |
Past Continuous |
I was having a lesson. We were having a lesson. |
I was not having a lesson. We were not having a lesson. |
Was I having a lesson? Were we having a lesson? |
Future Continuous | I will be having a lesson. | I will not be having a lesson. | Will you be having a lesson? |
Present Perfect | I have just had a coffee. | I have not had a coffee yet. | Have you just had a coffee? |
Past Perfect | I had had a coffee by 5. | I had not had a coffee by 5. | Had you had a coffee by 5? |
Future Perfect | I will have had a coffee by 5. | I will not have had a coffee by 5. | Will I have had a coffee by 5? |
Глагол have в английском языке употребляется самостоятельно, в качестве вспомогательного глагола или в составе устойчивых выражений. Форма have определяется тем временем, в котором этот глагол употреблен: в настоящем времени есть два варианта – have/has, в прошедшем – вторая форма have – had.
Чтобы попасть сюда — пройдите тест.
Средняя оценка: 4.6
Всего получено оценок: 512.
А какая ваша оценка?
Гость завершил
Тест на тему «Лишайники»с результатом 5/10
Гость завершил
Тест «Пропала совесть»с результатом 6/10
Гость завершил
Тест «Муму»с результатом 12/14
Гость завершил
Тест «Горе от ума»с результатом 12/15
Гость завершил
Тест на тему «Лишайники»с результатом 7/10
Гость завершил
Тест «Детство»с результатом 11/14
Гость завершил
Тест «Левша»с результатом 5/12
Гость завершил
Тест «Железная дорога»с результатом 8/10
Гость завершил
Тест «Ревизор»с результатом 9/17
Гость завершил
Тест на тему «Лишайники»с результатом 4/10
Гость завершил
Тест «Кавказский пленник»с результатом 11/11
Гость завершил
Тест «Шинель»с результатом 8/12
Не подошло? Напиши в х, чего не хватает!
Глаголы to be и to have во всех временах
В английском ‘have/be’, в русском ‘иметь/быть’, в немецком ‘haben/sein’. Не важно, на каком языке мы говорим, нам нужны глаголы to be и to have, чтобы сказать то, что у нас есть. Из этой статьи вы узнайте спряжение глаголов to be to have и их функции, а также разберете таблицы глаголов to be to have в английском языке. В конце пройдите обязательный тест, чтобы закрепить материал.
Функции to be и to have
Прежде чем изучать таблицы и если вы новичок в английском языке, то вам будет полезно знать, что эти глаголы могут быть вспомогательными или смысловыми.
Helping verbs их еще называют auxiliary verbs, то есть вспомогательные глаголы их невозможно перевести, в них нет никакого смысла. Они необходимы для грамматической структуры предложения.
Обычно мы используем вспомогательные глаголы с основными. Helping verbs «помогают» основному глаголу (который имеет реальное значение).
В английском языке всего 15 Helping verbs, но сегодня мы поговорим о двух.
мы используем его в качестве вспомогательного глагола в следующих пунктах:
- В длительных временах, таких как Present Continuous и так далее.
Например (example):
— I am reading an article about the last football match – Я читаю статью о последнем футбольном матче.
- В пассивных предложениях (Passive voice).
- Например (example):
- — Rich crops are being raised now in this place – Здесь сейчас выращивают богатый урожай.
- для образования перфектных времен, таких как Present Perfect, Past Perfect и так далее.
- Например (example):
— Whose teams have won in the international championship this year? — Чьи команды победили на международном чемпионате в этом году?
Как вы видите, эти глаголы не переводятся, они несут характер помощника. Но они могут быть и смысловыми глаголами или main verbs.
[qsm quiz=59]
Таблица Helping verbs и main verbs
В таблице ниже вы увидите примеры предложений с Helping verbs (вспомогательный) и main verbs (основной). Обратите внимание, что все эти предложения имеют основной глагол. Только у некоторых из них есть вспомогательный.
Helping verb (вспомогательный) |
Main verb (основной) |
Sam Сэм |
Lim по полочками: to have
Поговорим о глаголе to have. Несмотря на кажущуюся простоту и понятность, вопросов по нему возникает всегда много. Глагол этот появляется в поле зрения учеников практически сразу же после алфавита. Это и не удивительно. Значение «обладания» отлично сочетается с названиями обычных бытовых предметов в составе коротеньких простых предложений.
Школьники в этой ситуации находятся в более выгодном положении – заучивают выражение have got. Учатся составлять вопрос, вынося have на первое место, и отрицания, прибавляя к нему же частицу not.
Вопросы начинаются позже – когда приходит время для изучения действий in the Past (в прошедшем ) и группы Continuous (продолженные). У взрослых студентов, не связанных четко заданной программой обучения, вопросы возникают сразу.
Почему в одних источниках пишут have got, а в других просто have? Какая между ними разница? Почему вопросы с have где-то начинаются с Have, а где-то с Do? Как правильно? Почему на вопрос Do you have…? нельзя ответить Yes, I have…? И прочее, и прочее… Сегодня мы и попытаемся «разложить по полочкам» все нюансы употребления этого глагола в разных временах и формах.
- Итак, чтобы как-то структурировать информацию, давайте разделим ее на три части (разложим на три «полочки»):
- — Отличие have и have got.
- — Грамматические формы глагола have.
- — Значения глагола have.
I. Отличие:
- Самый частый вопрос, связанный с have на начальном этапе, связан с двумя его возможными формами в прямом значении – «иметь, обладать». Так как же правильно:
- I have got a laptop.
- или
- I have a laptop.
- ?
Ответ в этом случае прост – обе формы существуют наравне. Разница заключается лишь в том, что have got более характерно для British English, а одиночный have – для American English. Однако нельзя категорично утверждать, что британцы никогда не скажут have,а американцы – have got.
Вопрос только в частоте употребления. Не более того. В неформальном общении, выбрав “британский» have got, американцы могут просто сократить have, «урезав» правильную структуру до простого got – I got new sneakers. (У меня новые кроссовки).
То есть, если вы хотите сказать о том, что у вас есть в настоящем времени, можете выбрать любой из двух вариантов. В утвердительной форме строгих ограничений нет.
Ключевые моменты здесь – «в настоящем времени» и «в утвердительной форме. И отсюда переходим ко второй «полочке» —
II. Грамматические формы
Виды предложений с have и have got в настоящем времени
Как известно, английские предложения имеют свойство менять свою структуру в зависимости от вида. Утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные формы отличаются друг от друга. Если говорить о глаголе (структуре) «иметь», то have и have got , в разных видах предложений будут вести себя по-разному. Выбрав для себя, какому из вариантов вы отдаете предпочтение, будьте последовательны.
- Поясним на примерах:
- HAVE – в Present Simple ведет себя так же, как и любой другой основной глагол в рамках правила этого времени. То есть:
- Утверждение
They have similar tastes. (У них схожие вкусы.)
- Отрицание
- They don’t have similar tastes.
- Вопрос
Do they have similar tastes? – Yes, they do.
Как видите, никаких сюрпризов. Будь на месте have любой другой глагол, предложения составлялись бы аналогично. Учим правило Present Simple – и успешно его используем. HAVE GOT. Когда дело доходит до изучения Present Perfect, на структуру have got вдруг начинаешь смотреть «свежим взглядом».
На этом этапе можно понять, что в таком сочетании глагол have – вспомогательный, а got – основной. Именно в Present Perfect, по его правилам, на самом деле и образовано известное с начальной школы сочетание – вспомогательный глагол have+ 3 форма глагола get. По смыслу его можно трактовать как – «что-то уже получено и как результат имеется в наличии».
Осознав факт завершенного времени, легко понять логику построения отрицаний и вопросов с этим выражением.
- Утверждение
- They have got similar tastes.
- Отрицание
- They have not got similar tastes.
- Вопрос
Have they got similar tastes? – Yes, they have.
Сравнивая эти два набора (предложения с have и предложения с have got), обратите внимание – в первом варианте глагол have – основной, во втором – вспомогательный. Этим и определяется его место в предложении. Нельзя не напомнить, что в обоих вариантах have в 3 лице единственного числа примет форму has. Соответственно, вспомогательный глагол do (там, где он необходим) изменится на does.
He has a good taste. — He doesn’t have a good taste. – Does he have a good taste?
He has got a good taste. – He hasn’t got a good taste. – Has he got a good taste?
Существует еще и третий вариант. Он существовал в британском варианте английского. Правда, сейчас он относится к устаревшим, хотя в некоторых учебниках 90-х годов прошлого века преподносится как вполне себе «живой и настоящий». Речь идет об употреблении have в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях и без got, и без вспомогательного глагола. То есть:
- Утверждение
- They have similar tastes.
- Отрицание
- They have not similar tastes.
- Вопрос
Have they similar tastes? – Yes, they have.
Такой способ в современном английском не встречается, запомнить его нужно лишь с пометкой «как не надо делать». На этом сегодня остановимся. Формы Have и Have got в других временах, а так же «третья полочка» со значениями глагола have, будет ждать вас в следующей статье.
Вспомогательные глаголы в английском языке: be, do, have
Все слышали понятие «вспомогательный глагол». В английском языке без него никуда. Если вы не знаете что за роль он играет, кому он помогает и в чем, то самое время разобраться в этом. Итак, вспомогательные глаголы ждут нас!
Что такое вспомогательный глагол?
Вспомогательные глаголы – выполняют чисто грамматическую функцию и сами по себе никак не переводятся и ничего не значат, поэтому используются они вместе со смысловыми глаголами.
Зачем же они нужны? Вспомогательные глаголы указывают нам на время и действующие лица (одно или несколько).
Если сказать иначе, они помогают нам построить или перевести предложение в правильном лице, числе и времени.
Дело в том, что в английском языке, в отличии от русского, глаголы почти никак не изменяют своих окончаний. В русском языке один лишь глагол сам по себе несет в себе информацию о лице и числе. Возьмем глагол «спрошу».
Контекста нет, но вы понимаете, что это первое лицо, единственное число, будущее время (Я спрошу). Потому что в других лицах было бы другое окончание (мы спросим, она/он спросят, вы спросите, ты спросишь; я спросил, я спрашиваю).
В английском все немного иначе. Давайте посмотрим:
- I will ask – Я спрошу (здесь вспомогательный глагол will указывает нам на будущее время)
- I am asking – Я спрашиваю (глагол am — указывает на первое лицо, а в связке с основным глаголом с окончанием –ing он означает настоящее время).
- He is asking – Он спрашивает (вспомогательный глагол is – указывает на третье лицо).
Have you asked? – Ты спросил (вспомогательный глагол have – указывает нам на второе лицо и совершенное время — спросил).
При этом во всех этих предложениях основной смысловой глагол — это глагол ask (спрашивать). Он тоже может претерпевать некоторые изменения, но все возможные варианты это: ask(s), asked и asking. Этого не достаточно для выражения всех лиц, чисел и времен, поэтому — нужны вспомогательные глаголы.
Виды вспомогательных глаголов английского языка
Да, на первый взгляд кажется, в английском все очень сложно. Но на самом деле вспомогательных глаголов всего три: be, do, have. Просто у каждого есть несколько разновидностей в зависимости от времени и числа, так что если по-честному, то их больше. И все нужно знать:
- BE (am/is/are, was/were, been, will)
- DO (do/does, did)
- HAVE (have/has, had)
Чтобы было проще их выучить, давайте разберем каждый из них и сгруппируем все их формы по лицу и числу в таблице, чтобы проще было запомнить. Поехали!
Вспомогательный глагол be
Вспомогательный глагол BE используется для формирования времён группы Continuous, а также для формирования пассивного залога (be + третья форма глагола). Давайте составим табличку со всеми формами вспомогательного глагола be:
Местоимение | Настоящее время | Прошедшее время | Будущее время |
I | am | was | will be |
You, they, we | are | were | will be |
He, she, it | is | was | will be |
Как видите, в зависимости от лица, он имеет три формы в настоящем времени (am, is, are), две в прошедшем (was, were) и одну в будущем (will be). Глагол be еще имеет форму been (одинаковую для всех лиц и чисел), которая используется во временах группы perfect continuous в сочетании с глаголом have. Примеры предложений с вспомогательным глаголом be:
Kevin is painting now. — Кевин сейчас рисует.
My parents were cooking when we came. — Мои родители готовили, когда мы пришли.
I will be working when you leave. — Я буду работать когда ты уйдешь.
Вспомогательный глагол do
Глагол DO является вспомогательным во временах Present Simple и Past Simple, служит для формирования вопросов и отрицаний. Он имеет две формы в настоящем времени: do, does, и одну в прошедшем: did.
Местоимения | Настоящее время | Прошедшее время |
I | do | did |
You, they, we | do | did |
He, she, it | does | did |
Этот глагол обычно не вызывает проблем. Служит он в основном для образования вопросов и отрицаний. Давайте посмотрим примеры:
I don’t want to go with you. — Я не хочу идти с тобой.
Is there any rule specifying the usage of has, have and had?
Once you think you’ve got it, you can try this little quiz.
- She eaten her dinner.
- When will we another party?
- They a really good time, thanks!
- I have no luck.
- She finished her dinner.
- I two eggs.
- She many years of experience.
You didn’t give any specifics, but here is a set of very basic rules for using «has», «have» and «had».
Present tense
I, you, we, they =have
he, she, it, PROPER NAME OR TITLE =has
Past tense (simple)
I, you, we, they, he, she, it, PROPER NAME OR TITLE = had
There are also times when it is more correct to use «have had» or «has had», but those rules are a bit more complex
Future tense (simple)
I, you, we, they, he, she, it, PROPER NAME OR TITLE = will have
Have had follows I, you, we, and they.
I have had...
You have had...
We have had...
They have had...
Has had follows he, she and it.
He has had...
She has had...
It has had...
She has a problem with her family. (Now)
She had a problem with her family. (In the past)
She have a problem with her family. (Not correct)