When to use the word babies



- ребенок, младенец; малютка; дитя
- детеныш (животного)
- отросток
- малыш, самый маленький (в семье и т. п.)
- крошка, детка (в обращении)


- детский, младенческий
- ребяческий, ребячливый; инфантильный
- маленький, малый, небольшой
- разг. небольшого размера, малых габаритов; малоформатный; маломощный


- обращаться (с кем-л.) как с ребенком; баловать
- обращаться с осторожностью

Мои примеры


babies’ breath — мягкий подмаренник; метельчатый кичим  
babies’-breath — перекати-поле  
babies hospital — детская больница  
kill some babies — мастурбировать  
babies’ slippers — рогатый лядвенец  
war babies — ценные бумаги компаний, занятых изготовлением оружия  
premature babies department — отделение для недоношенных детей  
for babies / infants — малышовый  
premature babies anemia — анемия недоношенных  
premature babies unit — отделение для недоношенных детей  

Примеры с переводом

She’s got a magic touch with babies.

Она волшебным образом умеет ладить с маленькими детьми. / У неё настоящий дар в том, что касается обращения с младенцами.

Babies have a natural fear of falling.

Младенцы обладают врождённым страхом падения.

Babies and young children need mothering.

Младенцы и маленькие дети нуждаются в материнской заботе.

Babies make her go all gooey.

Дети делают её очень сентиментальной.

Most babies need at least 12 hours of sleep a day.

Большинству младенцев нужно, как минимум, двенадцать часов сна в сутки.

How do babies learn to talk?

Как дети учатся говорить?

Most babies can digest a wide range of food easily.

Большинство младенцов легко могут переварить самую разнообразную пищу.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Dr Coleman has delivered hundreds of babies.

It is now possible to screen babies for diabetes.

Many babies with serious disabilities are miscarried.

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Grammar rules surrounding possessive forms might seem confusing at first glance. Once you’ve had a bit of practice with them, they tend to get a lot easier.

This article will explore the correct possessive forms associated with “baby.”

“Baby” is the singular form, leading to “babies” in the plural form. “Baby’s” is the singular possessive form, meaning that one “baby” owns an object. “Babies’” is the plural possessive form. It’s similar, but it refers to multiple “babies” owning the same object or group of objects.

Check this out for the easiest reminder of “baby” and all its forms:

Singular  Baby
Plural  Babies
Singular possessive  Baby’s
Plural possessive  Babies’

“Baby” isn’t a regular noun when it goes from singular to plural form. “Baby” ends with a “y,” meaning you have to change the ending to an “-ies” when referring to multiple “babies.” Other than that, the possessive forms follow standard rules.

The singular form adds an “‘s” to the end of “baby.” This is simple enough, meaning that “baby’s” shows one baby owning an object.

The plural forms add an apostrophe after the plural form “babies.” “Babies” already has an “s” at the end when it’s pluralized, meaning that a repeated “s” after the apostrophe would look out of place (think about it; “babies’s” does look strange).


“Babies” is the plural form of “baby.” Remember, you must turn a “y” into an “-ies” ending when going from the singular form to the plural form.

This is standard practice for most nouns ending with “Y.” For example, you would also say:

  • Lady and ladies
  • Worry and worries

“Babies” does not show possession in any way. It is only the plural form, meaning that you’re referring to more than one “baby” in your writing.

  • I’m not sure how many babies I want to have yet. I’m hoping I’ll figure that out as time goes on.
  • What about all the babies? Aren’t you worried that something will go wrong?


“Babies’” comes from the plural form but allows possession to occur. You should use “babies’” when multiple babies own items in the sentence you’re writing about. It’s common for such items to appear after “Babies’” (i.e. “the babies’ mothers”).

You’ll often find the owned noun in the plural form after “babies.” This shows that multiple different objects are owned in the same group.

  • Why can’t we see all the babies’ mothers yet? Why do we have to wait around for this?
  • The babies’ support group is very important to us. It helps us understand what our babies need.


“Baby’s” comes from the singular form. Again, possession comes into play when this form is used. “Baby’s” is the singular possessive form, meaning that a single “baby” owns an item or group of items.

As with the plural possessive form, the item is most commonly found after “baby’s” (for example, “baby’s crib”).

  • Do you have the baby’s medication? I need to give it to him before it’s too late.
  • The baby’s cot is in the corner. Please, place her down gently, so you don’t harm her.


“Babies” is the plural form and nothing more. Do not use it when you want to show possession.

To show possession, you have two options.

“Baby’s” shows that one “baby” owns an object. This is the singular possessive form.

“Babies’” shows that multiple “babies” own an object. This is the plural possessive form. Do not get the singular and plural possessive forms confused.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

babies — перевод на русский

Considering your age and having a natural abortion in the past, it would need a lot of effort on your part to keep the baby.

.. выносить ребенка будет чрезвычайно сложно.

A textbook heartbeat from a textbook baby.

Образцовое сердцебиение образцового ребёнка.

It doesn’t feel like a textbook baby when it’s practising its forward rolls at three in the morning.

Он не похож на образцового ребёнка, когда крутит сальто в три часа ночи.

It’s awful to have a baby, isn’t it?

Иметь ребенка — это просто кошмар, правда?

Think about a nice name for your baby.

Придумайте красивое имя для вашего ребенка.

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— Barry! — I’ll be back, baby,

Барри Я вернусь, детка

You coming back in, baby?

Ты идешь, детка? Я не могу.

— I was stuck in a basement doing paperwork, baby.

Детка, меня же задвинули в самый дальний угол. Марк Пенетти лично мне это поручил.

I need some dough, baby.

Мне нужно немного денег, детка.

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We got a new baby!

У нас есть малыш!

— I know, baby, I know.

Я знаю, малыш, знаю.

«Baby’s awake.»

«Малыш проснулся.»

«Hi, baby!

«Привет, малыш.

I’ve just heard that there’s a new baby here.

Я только что узнала, что у вас появился малыш.

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Well, you’re in luck, baby. You came to the right man.

Вам повезло, вы пришли по адресу, крошка.

Well, baby, what’s on your mind, if any?

Ну, крошка, что у тебя на уме?

Here, baby. Sweet.

Вот, крошка.

— Now, baby, it’s only a scratch.

— Эй, крошка, это лишь царапина.

Your guess is as good as mine, baby.

Ты соображаешь лучше меня, крошка.

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How are you doing now, baby?

Как идут дела, малышка?

It ain’t Baby Snooks!

Да уж не малышка Снукс!

Good night, Cleo, my little water baby.

Спокойной ночи, моя водяная малышка.

She’s my little water baby.

Это моя водяная малышка. Правда симпатичная?

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Your baby died…

Младенец умер…

You sleep like baby.

¬ы спать как младенец.

I’m not a baby.

Я не младенец.

I’m not a baby.’

Я не младенец.»

I told you, I’m not a baby anymore.

Я говорила тебе, я больше не младенец.

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That’s the guy. Baby Face. Sure.

Детское Личико несколько минут назад?

Read all about Baby Face Martin.

Детское Личико! Экстренный выпуск…

She had a baby face and a brain to match.

У нее было детское личико и такие же мозги.

Twenty-three pages of new advertisements, all baby food.

23 страницы новой рекламы, все детское питание.

You need a hat like that to suit your baby face.

Тебе нужна шляпка под твое милое детское личико.

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Happy New Year, baby.

С Новым годом, милая.

Baby, you’ve arrived.

Милая, ты добилась признания.

Baby, what are you saying?

Милая, что ты говоришь?

That ain’t chicken feed, baby.

Милая … всё продумано. Ну, ладно.

— You bet I’ll get out of here, baby.

Ещё бы, милая, конечно, я уберусь.

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— Anyone for a jelly baby?

— Кто-нибудь хочет мармеладку?

Have a jelly baby, Vira!

Возьми мармеладку, Вира.

Would you like a Jelly Baby?

Хочешь мармеладку?

— Would you like a jelly baby?

— Хотите мармеладку?

Would you like a Jelly Baby?

Хотите мармеладку?

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This is our baby brother, Delamare.

Это наш маленький братик Дэламер.

— Did your baby fall asleep?

Маленький заснул?

Don’t be such a baby.

Не будь как маленький.

Little baby boy.

Маленький мальчик.

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Babe or baby. It would seem that these terms may, in fact, mean the same thing, but in truth, it would all depend on the connotation that you give it in a sentence or context. In essence, we may think that these terms are synonyms, but they are not quite that.

The word «babe» means baby or infant, but it is also a term of endearment. The word «baby» means a very young human, specifically from birth until they are about two years old or when walking has been fully mastered. Therefore, you should use each term under different circumstances.

Babe or baby, for some, it can be a real problem! But in fact, it can be as simple as understanding each term and deciding what you wish to say. Many couples use both words to name their significant other affectionately. For others, it is as straightforward as calling infants for what they are or an extraordinary project; and for a few, it may stand for a way to describe something or someone who acts in an immature way. No matter what the situation may be, you will find the answers you need to make a sound choice.

babe word in the dictionary


The word «babe» has three meanings: From a literary or poetic standpoint, «babe» means a young infant. From an affectionate point of view, it means darling or sweetheart; finally, from the slang perspective, it means a beautiful person, especially a woman.

On the other hand, the word «baby» has many different meanings. The primary use of it is when referring to a young human, especially from birth until walking is fully mastered. «Baby» has also been used to name a baby animal, especially vertebrates (even though some species have specific names for their young, like kittens or calves). «Baby» is also used to speak of unborn fetuses. Baby can also be used to call an immature person.

Some people use the word Baby to refer to a particular project or special responsibility they may be embarking on. It may also be the last born in a numerous family or something they value dearly.


It may surprise you that both words «babe» and «baby» share the same etymology. The reason for this is because «baby» comes from «babe» and are both derived from Old English (13th century) «baban,» which means young one, but is imitative for baby talk. However, in other languages, the word is a cognate that means «old woman,» like in Russian from babushka, which means «grandmother» or baba, which means «peasant woman.»

Grammatical Structure

Now let’s break this down into digestible grammatical parts. Let’s begin with the word «babe»; this word is a noun; it is its only known use. However, the word «baby» can be used as a noun, adjective, and verb. There are several ways you can use the word «baby,» and what will determine its use is the purpose by which you mean to put it to use. We must always keep in mind the context that we wish to convey to decide how and when to use it.


Synonyms of Babe

Darling, honey, sweetheart, sugar, dear, sweetums, sweetpea.

Synonyms of Baby (noun)

Newborn, infant, tot, little one, child, boo, beginner, newcomer.

Synonyms of Baby (adjective)

Small, petite, growing, miniature, mini, tiny.

Synonyms of Baby (verb)

Spoil, coddle, indulge, pamper, overparenting, cosset.


Antonyms for Babe

Old, senile, elder, oldster, old-timer.

Antonyms of Baby (noun)

Adult, grown-up, senior.

Antonyms of Baby (adjective)

Grand, giant, enormous

Antonyms Of Baby (verb)

Mistreat, harm, upset.

Examples Sentences With «Babe»

  1. John, my new boyfriend, is my babe.
  2. Babe, could you please pass me my glasses?
  3. It’s up to you, babe. I’ll do whatever you say.
  4. Babe slipped and fell yesterday while in the park.
  5. John’s a total babe; he’s a hottie!
  6. Stop worrying about Luna – she’s no babe in the wild anymore.
  7. Ron stared at the babe
  8. As soon as you can, babe.
  9. Just relax a little, babe.
  10. Oh, heck, babe, it was me.
  11. Babe, could you pick me up after work?
  12. He used to be my babe for years.
  13. That’s a hot babe

Example Sentences With «Baby»

  1. The baby was born last Tuesday afternoon.
  2. He was like a baby in the crib when he first came to Nebraska.
  3. He slept like a baby and woke up just after dawn.
  4. This car is my new baby.
  5. My baby sister bothers me often.
  6. He outgrew his baby clothes.
  7. You baby him too much!
  8. Her baby is six weeks old.
  9. Don’t be such a baby!
  10. It’s for my baby. I’m going to take the job.
  11. My baby is my world.
  12. Although I worked with kids for years, I’m just a baby as far as teaching is concerned.
  13. Do you know the woman with a babe in her arms, the one with the black stroller?
  14. His baby is about six weeks old.
  15. The baby finally slept all night.
  16. My new business is my baby.
  17. These baby clothes are so cute!
  18. An infant is a baby.
  19. My mother is very excited to meet my brother’s new baby.
  20. The grandmother held the baby for the first time yesterday.
  21. His baby teeth are finally coming out.
  22. Baby carrots are delicious because they are very tender.
  23. When will your baby be born?
  24. My baby will be delivered via c-section in about four more weeks.
  25. My baby works from nine to five each weekday.
  26. I call my boyfriend baby when we are alone.
  27. My guy hates it when I call him baby in front of other people.

baby spelled on baby ABC blocks


Do you call your significant other babe or baby?

It is perfectly normal to call your significant other either «babe» or «baby.» It will be determined by your style and how you feel towards that particular person. Some people may find that «baby» is not something they feel comfortable with and prefer «babe.» Others don’t have a specific liking to either and feel perfectly fine with either term.

What does it mean when a guy calls you babe or baby?

When a guy calls you «babe,» he expresses that he thinks you are beautiful. It may also mean that he is emotionally invested in you. When a guy calls you «baby,» it may mean that he is in love with you, that he cherishes you and the relationship that you may be experiencing together.

When did couples start calling each other baby?

Oxford English Dictionary, says it was in the seventeenth century when couples first began using the word «baby» as a term of endearment. It has been used ever since and in every known language. It is a universal term not only for infants but also for showing affection to significant others.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right word to include in your speech or writing paper can be a tricky thing. Understanding simple words and slang language can sometimes get a bit confusing. It is always a wise idea to research the terms you intend to use and understand every use of them to produce the best outcome possible.

When you are careful using specific terms, you are encouraging yourself to go the extra mile and become more fluent in your language skills. It is also instrumental in understanding these terms if your significant other likes specific terms of endearment that may be unusual for you. You are on your way to becoming a better language user!

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.


Updated on

4 Jan 2020

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What is the difference between babies’ and baby’s ?Feel free to just provide example sentences.

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  • Hindi

toy of baby — baby’s toy
more the one baby

  • Hindi

Human gives birth to only one baby child in 9 months = baby = 1 child

Rat gives birth to many babies at once = more than one = babies

  • Urdu
    Near fluent

Babies… more than one 👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻👶🏻
Baby’s… the baby’s hair is black… pointing out one baby… her baby’s name is Anna
What is your baby’s name?

  • Spanish (Spain)

  • Catalan
    Near fluent

To express that something belongs to someone and the word ends «s» we omit the s after de ‘. Babies’ (to avoid repetition).

  • Hindi


  • Hindi

In Number of Noun we use «s» ,es , ies etc to make noun singular to plural

baby is original form of noun

to make its plural we delete -y from baby and +ies in baby so result babies

you can make more plural word if you find «y» letter in the last of any word

let see other example

fly = flies
cry= cries etc

  • English (UK)

  • English (US)


babies’ = something belonging to babies.
baby’s = something belonging to one baby.

  • English (UK)

  • Hindi

  • Urdu
    Near fluent

when the word end with an «s» and also, consequently, in the case of plurals, the apostrophe hangs after the s, so it’s the case of possession, plural in the first word, singular in the second.

  • English (UK)

«babies» is the plural of baby
«the three babies were fast asleep»
«baby’s» means there is one baby and u are refer3to this baby’s belonging
» the baby’s rattle was broken»

hope this helps😁

  • English (UK)

Baby’s = a possession of the baby (For example : That’s the baby’s nappy or that’s the baby’s pushchair.)

Babies = multiple infants -to- toddlers (some people refer to children as old as 3 as babies) For example: Lets bring our babies together for a play date. Or I can’t eat with those two babies wailing.
I hope this helps.

  • English (UK)

Babies’ refers to an item that belongs to multiple babies. Baby’s refers to an item that belongs to one baby. It is to do with singular words and plural words.

It was time for the babies’ milk to be delivered to the nursery.

The rubber duck was the baby’s toy.

  • English (UK)

Something belonging to more than one baby.
«The babies’ giggles were adorable»

Something belonging to one baby.
«The baby’s giggle was adorable»

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What is the difference between babies' and baby's ?

  • What is the difference between baby and infant ?


    When you are born you are a baby. When you get a bit older, perhaps when you can walk, you are an infant.

  • What is the difference between infant and baby ?


    @katomico I would say a baby is less than 2 years old, an infant maybe less than 6.

    It’s not precise.

  • What is the difference between baby and infant ?



  • What is the difference between baby and babe ?


    Baby usually refers to infants but sometimes is used for a significant other, but babe is solely for a lover or to flirt.

  • What is the difference between baby and babe ?


    Baby is a new-born child, whereas «babe» is an informal term you would say to a family member very close to you

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  • Dictionary
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  • Babies


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [bey-bee]
    • /ˈbeɪ bi/
    • /ˈbeɪ.bi/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [bey-bee]
    • /ˈbeɪ bi/

Definitions of babies word

  • noun plural babies an infant or very young child. 1
  • noun plural babies a newborn or very young animal. 1
  • noun plural babies the youngest member of a family, group, etc. 1
  • noun plural babies an immature or childish person. 1
  • noun plural babies a human fetus. 1
  • noun plural babies Informal. Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive. a girl or woman, especially an attractive one. a person of whom one is deeply fond; sweetheart. (sometimes initial capital letter) an affectionate or familiar address (sometimes offensive when used to strangers, casual acquaintances, subordinates, etc., especially by a male to a female). a man or boy; chap; fellow: He’s a tough baby to have to deal with. an invention, creation, project, or the like that requires one’s special attention or expertise or of which one is especially proud. an object; thing: Is that car there your baby? 1

Information block about the term

Origin of babies

First appearance:

before 1350

One of the 20% oldest English words

Middle English word dating back to 1350-1400; See origin at babe, -y2

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Babies

babies popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 96% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for babies

noun babies

  • young — being in the first or early stage of life or growth; youthful; not old: a young woman.

Antonyms for babies

adjective babies

  • giants — (in folklore) a being with human form but superhuman size, strength, etc.

Top questions with babies

  • when does babies crawl?
  • when do babies crawl?
  • when does babies start teething?
  • when do babies start teething?
  • when do babies roll over?
  • when do babies start talking?
  • when does babies sit up?
  • when do babies sit up?
  • when do babies start crawling?
  • when do babies start crawl?
  • where do babies come from?
  • when does babies start crawling?
  • when do babies hold head up?
  • when do babies start walking?
  • when do babies smile?

See also

  • All definitions of babies
  • Synonyms for babies
  • Antonyms for babies
  • Related words to babies
  • Sentences with the word babies
  • Words that rhyme with babies
  • babies pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with b
  • Words starting with ba
  • Words starting with bab
  • Words starting with babi
  • Words starting with babie
  • Words starting with babies
  • Words ending with s
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  • Words containing babies


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word babies, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use babies in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «babies».

Babies in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word babies in a sentence.

  1. A scene in which the babies lock Ms.

  2. We treat them like babies who cannot speak.

  3. Of course the babies are very badly protected ..

  4. The babies think of a plan to find Chuckie a new mother.

  5. We were just a boyfriend and girlfriend having babies.».

  6. In 1851, 136 babies in every 1,000 died in their first year.

  7. The babies would then be given to the mother or dropped down the chimney.

  8. Her portraits of the first Hackett babies were charming studies of childhood.

  9. During the US Navy voyages, 54 people died on board, and 111 babies were born.

  10. The old sow hog, the old slut dog, once a year, one moment, that’s for her babies.

  11. Lemurs are also thought to impart their qualities, good or bad, onto human babies.

  12. The numbers of women with SCI giving birth and having healthy babies are increasing.

  13. Production relied on stock footage for the brief scene of a bird feeding its babies.

  14. Nocturnal primates, such as the night monkeys and bush babies, are often monochromatic.

  15. Some hospitals were left without power, forcing the delivery of six babies by candlelight.

  16. Maggie and the other babies later engage in an attempt to retrieve their pacifiers, but Ms.

  17. According to European folklore, the stork is responsible for bringing babies to new parents.

  18. Usually drums were beating or babies cried but that night there was absolutely not a sound.».

  19. Muriel was pregnant with twins, but miscarried one of the babies and gave birth only to Mark.

  20. They also use the cowpea paste as a supplement in infant formula when weaning babies off milk.

  21. Lindala later said, «[t]he little babies kept tearing their hair off, we kept gluing it back on».

  22. The WHO estimated in 2006 that an additional 10–20 babies die per 1,000 deliveries as a result of FGM.

  23. While the babies console Chuckie, he realizes that his dad meets all the requirements of a good mother.

  24. The Queen hated being pregnant, viewed breast-feeding with disgust, and thought newborn babies were ugly.

  25. These poor, unprotected mothers and their babies I am sure were potent factors in my education as a militant.

  26. The earliest records of burn treatment describe burn dressings that use the milk from mothers of male babies.

  27. A dog or any other animals, once a year, and that for her babies; not for sexual pleasure, but for her babies.

  28. But to satisfy convention, Gilbert creates an obvious absurdity: the captain and Ralph were switched as babies.

  29. Triplet babies portrayed Sam in the episode’s teaser, and production found it difficult to get them to cry on cue.

  30. As a broodmare, Chicado V gave birth to nine foals, or babies, between 1955 and 1968, seven stallions and two mares.

  31. On Chanukah, Grandma Minka reads a book about the meaning of the holiday to the babies Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil.

  32. Birth certificates of babies born in Los Alamos during the war listed their place of birth as PO Box 1663 in Santa Fe.

  33. The grain is a rich source of folic acid, an important vitamin that helps prevent neural tube defects in unborn babies.

  34. Native chiefs would also dip the umbilical cords of newborn babies in its water, to give them the strength of the mountain.

  35. The blood of newborn babies is very different from that of older children, which is different again from the blood of adults.

  36. Tommy hands Shlomo the Chanukah story book Minka read to the babies earlier; Boris convinces Shlomo to read it to the children.

  37. The babies find out about Shlomo and form the impression that he truly is the Greek king, whom they dub the «Meanie of Chanukah».

  38. Many videos featuring babies of different ages, imitating the dance choreography of «Single Ladies», have been uploaded on YouTube.

  39. Though Green stressed to police that she wanted to be the one to «tell my husband our babies are dead,» her request was not granted.

  40. To make amends for almost killing her son, Steven, Heather lies to the judge and prosecutors about Todd’s role in switching the babies.

  41. The press billed the match as England versus Wales, and noted that among the Welsh fans were many women, including mothers with babies.

  42. According to Oppy, these could be one-month-old babies, humans with severe traumatic brain injuries, or patients with advanced dementia.

  43. Many years ago, when she «practised baby-farming», she had cared for two babies, one «of low condition», the other «a regular patrician».

  44. He also studied the first games that babies and children play, and wrote a more mathematical section «On the rebounding of tennis balls».

  45. With assistance from her fellow babies, following a complicated plan, she succeeds and wildly distributes pacifiers to all the small children.

  46. Children of African American slaves were sometimes told that white babies were brought by storks, while black babies were born from buzzard eggs.

  47. This conspicuous species has given rise to many legends across its range, of which the best-known is the story of babies being brought by storks.

  48. German folklore held that storks found babies in caves or marshes and brought them to households in a basket on their backs or held in their beaks.

  49. In the wake of the bombing, the national media focused on the fact that 19 of the victims had been babies and children, many in the day-care center.

  50. The blood is usually taken from a vein, but when this is difficult it may be collected from capillaries by a fingerstick, or by a heelprick in babies.

General information about «babies» example sentences

The example sentences for the word babies that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «babies» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «babies».

You are exactly the same.

Except now I grow skin for babies

The nurses have shut me down.

Ты ничуть не изменился.

Ну, теперь я выращиваю кожу для младенцев… как бог.

А сестры меня отшили.

It’s for your own good.

Babies earn double.

She said she doesn’t want her.

Это для твоего же блага.

Младенцы приносят вдвое больше.

Она сказала, что не хочет её брать.

Fire hazard.

Packed with… beautiful babies!



Полно… симпатичных крошек!



more stickers you sell, the more profit, fancy word for money, you have to buy PlayStations and Beanie Babies



Чем больше наклеек вы продаете тем больше «прибыль» … Причудливое слово — значит «деньги». Вам придется покупать PlayStation, игрушки-погремушки..

… и продукты!

Okay, we’re cool!

Elliot, you’re always talking to everyone else about marriage and having babies, but you’ve never seriously

I love you, okay?

Ок, мы крутые!

Эллиот, ты всегда трепишься с кем-попало о браке и детях, но никогда не говорила об этом со мной!

Я люблю тебя, ясно?

What’s the upside?

I overcome my nausea, fall deeply in love, babies, normalcy, no more self-loathing.


Какие преимущества?

Я преодолеваю отвращение, влюбленность, дети, нормальность, я больше не ненавижу себя.

Слабые стороны,

How do you make his costume stick so close this muscles?

Moore, will you sign my DVD of Watchmen Babies?

Which of the babies is your favorite?

А как у вас получается, чтобы его костюм так здорово обтягивал мускулы?

Мистер Мур, вы подпишите ДВД Малышей-Часовых? «В значит веселье»

А какой малыш ваш самый любимый?

No, rabies.

Babies would be a good idea.

Can I put you down for a dime?

Нет. На бешенство.

На беженцев и впрямь было бы лучше.

Подписать вас на 10 центов?

Come on, don’t you want a… little baby ?

Why babies all of a sudden?

Don’t know, a new start and all that.

Ну ты что, разве не хочешь… ребёнка?

С чего так внезапно?

Ну не знаю, жизнь с чистого листа и прочее.

But,… you know I’ve been thinking about russian roulette?

The babies.

Did you mean what you said this morning.

Но… помнишь мои мысли о русской рулетке?


Ты имеешь в виду утренний разговор?

Ain’t that right? Do you wanna come live…

Elliot wasn’t the only one trying to steal babies from the hospital.

Hey, don’t steal those babies.

И они там все спят, правда?

Ну-ка расскажи мне… Эллиот был не единственной, кто пытался выкрасть детку из клиники.

Эй! Не воруй моих деток!

Can I have one of these babies?

Why do you call them babies?

Don’t know. Always have.

Я возьму себе одну детку?

— Почему ты называешь их детками?

— Да не знаю, всегда так называла.

You’re a total fuckin’ pro.

You’ve raised more babies than Old Mother Hubbard.

Yeah, but I need help with this one.

Ты же, блядь, настоящий профи.

Ты вырастила больше детей, чем Старая Мамаша Хаббард. (героиня старого детского стишка)

Да, но мне нужна помощь с этим.

— Yeah.

Yeah, I thought my husband and I were going to just make peace on Earth and babies and love and stay

and that didn’t quite work out that way.

— Да.

Да, я решила, что мой муж и я будем просто служить миру на Земле растить детей и любить и останемся вместе навсегда,

и ни что не собьёт нас с пути.

Did she poop in her pants?

It happens to everyone, not just babies.

It’ll happen to you too, someday.

Она наделала в штаны?

Такое со всеми бывает, не только с детьми.

Однажды и с тобой тоже случится.

Might come in handy one day.

Do you know anything about babies?

During the war we learned all sorts of thing, but not what really matters.

Может, когда-нибудь пригодится.

Вы знаете что-нибудь о детях?

Во время войны мы узнали все, Но не то, что действительно имеет значение.

Use the vernacular.

There was grandmas and babies and hairdos and coats. So I thought, «You know what?

I’ll make it.

Используйте диалект и пр.

Ну я и подумала, «Ну что же?

Так и сделаю.

So I go over… and do what?

Moms love it when you show an interest in their babies.

So go over there, say something nice, call her «Claire»… and give her this.

Так я подойду… И что дальше?

Мамы любят, когда проявляешь интерес к их детям.

Так что подойди, скажи что-нибудь приятное, зови её Клер. И дай вот это.

By me.

For some reason, the women here can’t have babies.

The mother’s body turns on the pregnancy, treats it as a foreign invader.

— Кто разработал?

— Я. По неясной причине, женщины здесь не могут родить.

Тело матери обращается против плода, относится к нему, как к инородному телу.

Journalists used to questions the reasons for war and expose abuse of power.

Now, like toothless babies, they suckle on the sugary teat of misinformation and poop it into the diaper

Demand more of your government.

Журналисты используют вопросы о причине войны но никогда о злоупотреблении власти.

И теперь они кормят нас грудью этой дезинформацией, как беззубых младенцев и укутывают в узорчатое покрывало, и мы ждём новостей в 6:00.

Требуйте большего от правительства.

Not a lot of call for them so far while I’m here.

Thanks David, but I have had babies before, you know.

Oh yeah, absolutely.

А то нечасто о них вспоминаю, сколько здесь нахожусь.

Спасибо, Дэвид, но у меня уже есть дети.

О, да, безусловно.


— Dancing babies!

— Dancing babies.


— Пляшущие малыши!

— Пляшущие малыши.

— Dancing babies!

— Dancing babies.

I love it!

— Пляшущие малыши!

— Пляшущие малыши.


— I saw it on a plane.

Can I have one of these babies?

Why do you call them babies?

— Да ладно, я в самолете видел.

Я возьму себе одну детку?

— Почему ты называешь их детками?

— You promised.

No babies.

— Things change.

— Ты обещал.

Никаких детей.

— Времена изменились

I didn’t know a lot of girls whohadboyfriends.

Babies, yes, but not boyfriends.

I don’t know. Maybe.

Я не знал много девушек, у которых были парни.

Дети да, но не парни.

Не знаю, может быть.

Mum’ll make you chuck half your stuff before the baby comes.

You don’t know what women are like with babies.

They’re mental.

Мама заставит тебя выбросить половину шмотья прежде чем ребёнок появится.

Ты не знаешь на что похожи женщины с младенцами.

Они ненормальные.

Tabitha’s hungry!

Melissa is eating her babies.

I’m like a fucking nut.

Табита хочет есть!

Мелисса жрет собственных детенышей.

Я, наверно, с ума схожу.

I thought it was on that ship.

The adults said that babies were brought by a stork.

I don’t know why, I thought they came on a ship… in the middle of the mist, from some unknown place.

И я думал, что именно на этом судне.

Взрослые уверяли, что детей приносят аисты.

Не знаю почему, но я считал, что они прибывают на пароходах. Из тумана. Неизвестно откуда.

Oh, so… well, we’re definitely not having any kids together. If you’re gonna be calling them «chalupas.»

Very beautiful babies.

You don’t think?

Да, у нас определенно не будет наших общих детей, если ты собираешься называть их «отпрысками».

О, я думаю, у нас бы получились очень красивые дети.

-Тебе так не кажется?

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