When to use the word at in english grammar

Prepositions in and at with words beginning, middle, end: usage rules

когда употребляется at on in

Often in English, a single preposition completely changes the meaning of an entire phrase. What are the prepositions to use to say in English «at the beginning», «at the end» and «in the middle»? In or at? I have prepared an article in which we will analyze in detail in what cases and according to what rules they are used.


I. Use of the prepositions in and at with the word beginning
II. Using the prepositions in and at with the word end
III. How to say «in the middle» in english
IV. Usage table in, at before beginning, middle, end

Using the Prepositions in and at
with the word beginning

We use in when we are talking about the beginning of something, while the «beginning» lasts in time. Sentences with the preposition in:

He was a student in the beginning of the 1970s.
He was a student in the early 70s (that is, from 1970 to 1975).

In the beginning of our relationship he was so quiet, but now he’s very active.
At the beginning of our relationship, he was so quiet, but now he is very active (he has been quiet for a while).

The at preposition is used when we point to a specific point in time. Examples with the preposition at:

At the beginning of the party I offered to play Twister.
At the beginning of the party, I suggested playing Twister (at the moment the party started).

At the beginning of the movie we could hear a shout.
At the beginning of the film, we hear a shot (at the very beginning, at the very first moment).

Note that both expressions used with the preposition of.

At the beginning was The Word (Bible)

Using the prepositions in and at with the word end

In the end is a phrase that means «in the end.» It is used when we talk about the end result of any action or situation and emphasize the duration and complexity of achieving the result. Examples of using in:

In the end, she chose the University of Oxford.
In the end, she chose Oxford University.

He had a lot of problems with this job, so he gave up in the end.
He had a lot of problems with this assignment, in the end he gave up.

At the end translates as «at the end of something», this phrase is always followed by the preposition of. Suggestions with at:

At the end of the long day we finally had a rest.
At the end of this long day, we finally got some rest.

My favorite store is at the end of this street.
My favorite store is at the end of this street.

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone (“Life begins where it ends
your comfort zone «, Neil Donald Walsh)

How to say «in the middle» in english

If we want to point to the middle of something, we should use in the middle + of:

In the middle of our living room there is a table.
There is a table in the middle of our living room.

In the middle of the 90s I bought a small flat.
In the mid-90s, I bought a small apartment.

With the preposition at the word middle not used.

Puzzling over pretexts?
Download a selection of articles on prepositions in English
and find the answers to your questions!

Usage table in, at
before beginning, middle, end

To better remember where at is used and where in is used, I have prepared a convenient table for you. Save yourself to return to it when needed.

Please note that the article the is always placed before beginning, middle, end.

The Beginning If the beginning lasted in time He was a student in the beginning of the 1970s. If the beginning is a specific moment in time At the beginning of the movie we could hear a shout.
the middle AlwaysIn the middle of 90s I bought a small flat. Never
the end When We Mean In the end, she chose the University of Oxford. When we mean «at the end of something» At the end of the long day we finally had a rest.

The meaning of what is said depends on the correct use of prepositions in English. In order not to «stumble» over prepositions, it is important to remember the rules of their spelling.

There are so many such nuances, how can you learn them all and not get confused? If you have decided by all means to confidently speak the language, come to my Marathon «Speak in English in 1 month». And let this article be the beginning of your decisive movement towards the goal!

Your Polina Chervova,
founder of the WillSpeak school

Source: https://willspeak.ru/blog/predlogi-in-at/

Prepositions of place IN, ON, AT

когда употребляется at on in

The eternal problem is pretexts. Obeying the logic of our native language, we continue to translate literally all words, even prepositions. And if things are better with the prepositions IN and ON, because they are often translated in the same way as in Russian, then the situation with the preposition of the place AT is complicated, it has no analogue in Russian, and it is translated differently each time.

Today we will look at the three main prepositions of place: IN, ON, AT, we will analyze the exceptions and contradictory use cases.

Preposition IN — in, inside

IN indicates position within large or small spaces. Spaces may not have visible boundaries:

in the room — in the room in the house — in the house in the north of the country — in the north of the country in the garden — in the garden in the bag — in the bag

in an office — in the office

The preposition ON — on, on the surface

ON indicates a position on the surface of something, or if one object is attached or adjacent to another:

on a wall — on the wall on the ceiling — on the ceiling on a table — on the table on the floor — on the floor on a finger — on the finger

on my head — on my head

The preposition AT — y, near, in, on

AT always denotes proximity to something in space, a point in space. As already mentioned, the preposition AT has no direct analogue in Russian, therefore it can be translated in completely different ways. Nevertheless, in all phrases AT stands for the same thing, it just sounds unnatural in Russian:

at the door — at the door (near the door) at the desk — at the table (at the table) at the traffic lights — at the traffic lights (at the traffic lights) at the bus stop — at the bus stop (at the bus stop)

at the end of the street — at the end of the street (at the end of the street)

IN preposition:

in bed — on the bed in a street — on the street in the sky — in the sky in the world — in the world in a book — in a book in a picture — in a picture in a photograph — in a photograph in the middle — in the middle, in the middle in a row — in a row in a queue — in the queue

In a mirror — in the mirror

More expressions with IN can be found here.

Preposition ON:

Source: https://enginform.com/article/predlogi-mesta-in-at-on

Prepositions of time and place At, In, On — rules of use

когда употребляется at on in

The most ancient and popular prepositions in English are in at on. Over the course of many centuries, due to repeated use, these service parts of speech have acquired various functions and semantic meanings. There are many nuances in the use of these words, so they should be taken very seriously, since their misuse, both orally and in writing, can create an awkward situation or question the literacy of the speaker.

The use of the prepositions IN, AT, ON in the meaning of time

The preposition IN is used with months, with the names of the seasons, with the years, with long periods of time (in the 16th century). Examples:

  • I’m going on holiday in August. — I’m going on vacation in August.
  • Kate left school in 1998. — Katya graduated from school in 1998
  • The garden is magic in winter. — In winter, the garden is magical.
  • This castle was built in the 13th century. — The fortress was built in the 13th century.

Remember! If a date is specified, then the preposition on is used, not in.

The preposition AT is used to denote the time when it is spoken of hours (at 2 o’clock, at 6 o’clock), certain moments of the day (at lunchtime, at midnight, at noon, at night), weekends / holidays (at Easter, at Christmas). Examples:

  • We will meet at 9 o’clock. — We’ll meet at nine o’clock.
  • I’ll come back at midday. — I’ll be back at noon.
  • People gives presents each other at the New Year. — People give each other gifts on New Years.
  • It rains at night. — It rains at night.

Remember! If you mean a specific night, you can also use the time preposition in:

  • Christmas is coming. All the dreams come true in the night. — Christmas is coming. All dreams come true on this night.

Remember! American English is spoken on the weekend, not at the weekend.

Also, the preposition AT in English is used in fixed expressions that need to be memorized:

  • at the moment — at the moment
  • at present — currently
  • at the same time — at the same time
  • at that / the time — at that / specific time
  • at the age of — at the age of years

Example: He is sleeping at the moment. He is currently asleep.

The preposition ON is used before dates (September 5, May 16), days of the week (Wednesday, Saturday, Friday), and special dates (birthday, wedding, etc.). Example:

  • He was born on March 10. — Born on March 10.
  • Call me on Saturday. — Call me on Saturday.
  • Who will come on your birthday? — Who will come to your birthday?

All of the above can be summarized in one table, into which, when performing reinforcement exercises, you can (at first) peep.

In addition, you need to remember the following rules:

Time prepositions are never used with all, this, one, some, that, each, any, last, next, every!


  • He is coming back next Monday. — He’ll be back next Monday.
  • I went to Greece last year. — I went to Greece last year.

Time prepositions are never used with the words tomorrow, yesterday, tonight, today.


  • Ann saw them yesterday morning.
  • Anna saw them yesterday morning.

Use of prepositions IN, AT, ON in the meaning of place

The preposition IN is used in speech to indicate the position of an object within something: a larger object, a building, a territory — in one word, a closed space.


  • We will go for a walk in the park. — We will take a walk in the park.
  • My coins are in my purse. — My coins are in my wallet.

The preposition IN is also used when designating a place of work, but with one amendment.


  • He works at Tate. “He works at the Tate.
  • He works in a shop — He works in a shop.

While the proposals refer to one location, the former refers to the company itself, while the latter refers specifically to the place of work.

Remember! These phrases need to be memorized:

  • work on a farm — to work on a farm, BUT work in a factory — to work in a factory.

The preposition IN should be used when specifying the location of an object inside a building:


  • It was rainning, so I decided to shelter in the cafe. — It was raining, so I decided to hide in a cafe.

Both the preposition in and on are used before the names of the roads.


  • The Petrol Station is on / in Wood Road. — The gas station is on Wood Road.

The preposition IN is used before the names of cities and countries: in Greece, in Russia, in London.

The preposition ON in the meaning of a place must be used when designating an object that is on a flat surface or in contact with it (on the celling — on the ceiling; on the wall — on the wall; on the floor — on the floor, etc.)


  • John built the cottage on the lake. — John built a cottage on the lake.
  • I saw a big stone on the road. — I saw a large stone on the road.

As for moving around by transport, here they use both the preposition in and on, depending on the meaning. Let’s look at some examples:

  • He is going to come on a train. — He’s going to come by train.
  • Alice was in the train when I’ve come to meet her. — Alice was on the train when I came to meet her.

In the first case, the use of a certain type of transport is implied, and in the second, the fact of being inside the vehicle itself. An exception is the phrase «in a car» — «in the car». The preposition in is always used here.

The preposition AT is usually used when referring to a specific place or point, rather than an area or unlimited abstract territory.


  • There were a lot of directors at a festival. — There were many directors at the festival.
  • I met her at Mary’s Birthday. — I met her at Mary’s birthday.

As you can see, in the phrases at a festival and at Mary’s Birthday, the preposition indicates a specific place.

The preposition AT is also used before the names of cities, implying institutions located there or large-scale events taking place there.


  • There were a lot of well-known people at London Theater Festival. — Many famous people attended the festival in London.
  • Many well-known people live in London. — Many famous people live in London.

The difference is understandable even for those who do not yet have deep knowledge of English or those who know little about the theatrical life in London. London in the first case is part of the name of the event (London Theater Festival), and in the second it means the city itself.

The preposition AT is used before the names of educational institutions, shortening and hiding their full name.


  • I study at Moscow (The University of Moscow). — I study at the University of Moscow.


  • I study in Moscow. — I study in Moscow (meaning the city itself).

You can use the preposition AT when talking about various organizations:


  • She works at L’Oréal. “She works at L’Oreal.

The preposition AT is used before the name of buildings and structures when they act as specific points or landmarks: at school, at the dentist’s, at the supermarket, at the shop etc.

It is also recommended to use the preposition AT, when it is not the building itself that is meant, but the action taking place in it:


  • Tom was at the planetarium yesterday. “Tom was at the planetarium yesterday.
  • Robbie eats at McD on Friday. — Roby eats at McDonald’s on Fridays.

The preposition AT precedes the digits when specifying the address.


  • Their house is at 36 Park Avenue. “Their home is on 36th Park Avenue.

The preposition AT is placed before the name of a street when an institution is indicated on it.


  • The presidents were meeting today at Downing Street. — Today the Presidents met in Downing Street.

In this case, we mean the residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, located at this address, and not the street itself.

However, when referring to the financial institution on Wall Street, they speak on Wall Street.

And one more nuance when using the preposition AT: according to the general rule, it always follows the verb “arrive” (to arrive).


  • We arrived at the station in time. — We arrived at the station on time.

But if we are talking about arriving in a large city / metropolis, then the preposition IN is used.

  • The airplane arrives in Chicago at 14.20. — The plane arrived in Chicago at 14.20.

Prepositions IN, AT, ON in stable expressions

Phrases and phrases formed in a certain period of history and not changing for a long time are called fixed expressions. There are no clear rules for using prepositions in such constructions, so they need to be memorized. Here are the most common ones:

  • in somebody’s opinion — in the opinion of someone;
  • in fact — in fact, in fact, in fact;
  • in case — in case;
  • on the radio / television — on radio / television;
  • on holiday / business / a trip / an cruise etc. — on vacation / on a business trip / on a trip / on an excursion / on a cruise, etc;
  • at last — finally.


  • Cafe is closed. The stuff is on holiday. — The cafe is closed. Staff on vacation.
  • In my opinion he is very clever boy. — In my opinion, he is a very smart boy.
  • The sky was cloudy and I took my umbrella just in case. — It was cloudy in the sky, and I decided to take my umbrella just in case.
  • I’ll hear her speech on the radio tomorrow. “I’ll hear her speech on the radio tomorrow.
  • At last, I read this book till the end. — Finally, I read this book to the end.

Reinforcement exercises

Insert suitable prepositions for the time.

  1. I’m busy the moment. 2. He will come back an hour. 3. We will go to New York next week. 4. They got married June. 5. Do you work Saturdays. 6. Let’s meet 7 pm tomorrow. 7. I call parents every Sunday. 8. The bus leaves ten minutes. 9. I’ll get my money the end of the month. 10. I go to the gym Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Answers: 1. at, 2. in 3. sentence is complete 4. in 5. on 6. at 7. sentence is complete 8. in 9. at 10. On

Translate the following sentences into English.

  1. He will go to work on Saturday. 2. We will arrive at 8 o’clock. 3. She was born in July. 4. The store opened in 2003. 5. They got married on September 12th. 6. We will go skiing this winter.

Complete the sentences with suitable prepositions.

  1. Do you sometimes watch TV ____ the mornings? 2. Are you usually at home ____ 7 o’clock ____ the evenings? 3. Do you sometimes work ___night? 4. What do you usually do ____ weekends? 5. Do you usually go shopping ____ Saturdays? 6. Do you go skiing ____ the winter? 7. Do you have a holiday ____ December? 8. Is there a holiday in your country ____ 6, January?

Answers: 1 in, 2 at / in, 3 at, 4 at (Br. E) or on (Am. E), 5 on, 6 in, 7 in, 8 on.

Source: https://englishfull.ru/grammatika/predlogi-vremeni-i-mesta-at-in-on.html

How to understand the prepositions of time and place in English?

Prepositions of time, place, and addition are found in almost every English sentence. Considering that even native speakers are sometimes confused in their use, it is not only important to understand this topic, but also interesting!

Prepositions for a specific moment in time

In English, various prepositions are used to indicate a specific moment in time. Consider the following rules:

When talking about days, the preposition should be used on:

  • We will see him on Saturday. — We will see him в Saturday.
  • my vacation begins on Monday. — My vacation will begin в Monday.

To indicate half day, midnight, night and hours of the day, use the preposition at:

  • Her train arrives at midnight. — Her train arrives в midnight.
  • We to walk at night. — We like to walk at night.
  • The concert finished at 10 pm — Concert is over в 10 pm.

With the rest of the day, months, seasons and years, use the preposition correctly in:

  • Small children usually sleep in the afternoon. — Small children usually sleep during the day.
  • The nights are long in January. — В January nights are long.
  • The birds leave in late autumn. — Birds fly away in late autumn.
  • The town was founded in 1825 — The city was founded в 1825 year.

Prepositions for a period of time

To designate a certain period or process in time in English, it is customary to use the following prepositions: since, for, by, from-to, from-until, During, (with)in… Let’s look at examples:

  • They are going to Rome for a week. — They’re going to Rome on a week.
  • He has been sick since yesterday. — He is sick with yesterday.
  • It often rains in London from February to May. — C February by May it rains a lot in London.
  • He will be on important business trip since July until the end of August. — He will be on an important business trip с July by end of August.
  • We are going to visit many countries During our vacations. — During the we are going to travel to many countries on vacation.
  • He was the first student to finish up the work Within an hour. — He was the first student to graduate for hours.

Prepositions for specifying a place

A number of prepositions are used to define a place in space in English.

If you need to report the presence of an object in any place or in another object, you should use the preposition in:

  • There is nobody in the room. — В the room is empty.
  • They live in Spain. — They live в Spain.

Pretext inside are used to communicate that an object is inside something that has clear boundaries:

  • There is a toy inside the box. — within the box is a toy.

If something is lying on some surface, here you need the preposition on:

  • She put the cake on the table. — She put the cake on table.

When talking about a specific location, the preposition is better. at:

  • He waited for us right at the bus stop. — He was waiting for us right on bus stop.

Prepositions for specifying the location of an object (above or below something)

In English, when defining an object that is above something or above something, prepositions are used over, above. For example:

  • There are clouds over the city. — Above city ​​of clouds.
  • There is a painting above the sofa. — Above sofa picture.

In order to describe an object located below or under another object in space, the prepositions should be used for, underneath, beneath, below:

  • The cat is hiding for the bed. — The cat is hiding under bed.
  • The temperature is 5 degrees below zero. — Temperature — 5 degrees below scratch.
  • My pencil was lying underneath the table. — My pencil was lying under table.

Prepositions indicating that the object is near

Prepositions should be used to describe an object that is in close proximity near, by, Next to, between, among

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/kak-razobratsya-v-predlogah-vremeni-i-mesta-v-anglijskom

The use of prepositions of time in English / at / — / on / — / in / — video lesson

specific time at 12:30, 3 pmnoon, midnight
day-date on Saturday, MondaysNew Year’s Day, Dec. 5-th
monthsseasonsyearsdecadesperiods in September the Summer 1995 the 1960s the Middle Ages

Today we will talk about an important element of English grammar — prepositions.

Students are very often confused in the use of one or another preposition, and this is mainly due to the fact that different prepositions are used in different languages ​​in the same cases.

If you also have difficulty using prepositions — don’t worry! Many other English as a foreign language students experience the same difficulties.

This does not mean that you are incapable of learning English.

In some cases there are rules, in others you need to memorize stable expressions, but if you study English regularly, then the correct use of prepositions will be remembered by itself.

Today I am going to tell you about three little words, three prepositions that occur most frequently in English.

These are prepositions: at, on, in.

They can be used as applied to time or place.

In this tutorial, we will look at how these prepositions are used with time.

The preposition ‘at’

This preposition is used in cases where we specify an exact, specific time.

For example:

at 12:30, at 5 o’clock, at 3:55

Those. we are talking about a specific time.

Pretext ‘at’ also used in expressions such as: at midnight, at noon.

The preposition ‘on’

Used when specifying a wider time period than in cases with ‘at’

For example: one day or event (date) — on Saturday, on Mondays

You can for example say:

My yoga class meets on Mondays.

Pretext ‘on’ also used in combination with holidays:

on New Year’s Day.

We’re going to meet on December 5th.

Preposition ‘in’

It is used when specifying the longest period of time from all the prepositions considered.

Sometimes, if you are not sure which preposition to use, you can use the preposition ‘in’, because it covers all periods of time, i.e. used in the broadest sense (in time).

But I advise you to still remember these not tricky rules and use the right prepositions.

So the preposition ‘in’ we use before months, seasons, years, decades or periods of time.

For example:

I was born in September.

I was born in the summer

I was born in 1995.

It happened in the Middle Ages.


Use of prepositions of place at — on — in

English Joke

«Why do you take baths in milk?»
«I can’t find a cow tall enough for a shower.»

Source: https://www.lovelylanguage.ru/grammar/video-lessons/107-time-and-prepositions-at-on-in

Time prepositions in English: at, in, on

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The subject of prepositions in English is simple and complex at the same time. It would seem that he remembered once and for all, where is the pretext, and there are no problems. But, as you probably already noticed, English is not only a language of rules, but also of exceptions. Today we will try to understand in more detail the prepositions of time, namely: at, in, on.

General rule for prepositions of tense

Why are we considering these three prepositions together? The fact is that when we use them, they are all translated into Russian in the same way — «in».

Hence the confusion, because in Russian “в Friday «is on Friday, «в 1999 «- in 1999, «в 8 in the morning» — at 8 am

Let’s first look at the general table with the rule for three prepositions, and then we will deal with each preposition separately.

To better remember this information, we suggest watching the following video.

The preposition at in English

And here are some rules for using the preposition at:

  1. With specific points in time: at 6 o’clock (6 o’clock), at midday (noon), at midnight (midnight), at the moment (now).
  2. I heard a strange noise at midnight. — At midnight I heard a strange sound.

    However, it is worth paying attention to the fact that in some cases we still use the preposition in when talking about the night:

    • With expression in the middle of
    • I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard my dog ​​barking. — I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard my dog ​​barking.

    • When it comes to any particular night.
    • I had a fever in the night and had to take medicine. — At night I had a fever, and I had to take medicine. (here we are talking about a specific night, and not about the time of day in general)

  3. When we talk about the beginning and end of a period: at the beginning (at the beginning), at the end (at the end).

Source: https://engblog.ru/prepositions-of-time

Prepositions of time in English — in, on, at (for beginners, part 1)

We have already studied the English prepositions of the place in, on, at and now it is time to find out that these same prepositions can be used when we talk about time. Here are the simple rules how to use prepositions of tense in, on, at in English. Their basic principle of use is shown in the table below. However, to remember how it works, you need to run exercises for prepositionswhich you will find in this tutorial. The answers are attached.

Prepositions of time in English in, on, at (for beginners)

I. Pretext in + [length of time]:

in the morning — in the afternoon — in the afternoon

in the evening — in the evening


1.on that morning — that morning 2.on Friday morning — Friday morning

3.on the morning of the 22d of June

II. Pretext at + exact time (time):

at 5 o’clock — at five o’clock


1.at night — at night 2.at the beginning of spring — early spring

3.at the end of autumn — at the end of autumn

III. Pretext on + day of the week:

  1. on Monday — on Monday
  2. on Tuesday — on Tuesday
  3. on Wednesday — Wednesday
  4. on Thursday — Thursday
  5. on Friday — on Friday
  6. on Saturday — on Saturday
  7. on Sunday — on Sunday

Exception: at (on) the weekends — at the weekend 

* * *

This is general rule for using prepositions of tense in, on, at in English. Based on it, we get the following:

Pretext in also used with months, seasons and years, centuries

  • in January — in January
  • in winter — in winter
  • in 2016 — in 2016
  • in 21st century — in the 21st century

Pretext on it is also used with holidays, birthdays and dates, since these are days:

  • On what day? — What day?
  • on the 15th of March (date) — March 15
  • on holiday — on holiday
  • on Christmas Day (New Year’s Day) — on Christmas day, on New Year’s
  • on my birthday — birthday
  • on a weekday — on a weekday
  • on working days — on working days
  • on a day off — on a weekend
  • on a winter day — on a winter day
  • on the appointed day — on the appointed day

Pretext at also used with the words:

  • at midnight (= 12 am)
  • at noon (= 12 noon)
  • at the moment — at the moment [/ orange]

* * *

Continue learn prepositions of time in English. Next, I suggest doing a few exercises.

Prepositions of time in English in, on, at (for beginners). Exercises

Exercise 1: Insert Time Prepositions in, on, at

* * *

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

10:31 noon, midnight, night, morning, that morning, afternoon, December, Monday, December 2012, Wednesday, Wednesday morning, 7, Tuesday, summer, 26:23, May , June XNUMX, Sunday evening, on vacation, at the moment, on a summer day, on a day off, on a birthday (XNUMX).

* * *

With words this — this, next — next and last — past no prepositions are used.

  • this Monday — this Monday
  • last week — last week
  • next month — next month

Exception: at this moment

* * *

Exercise 3. Translate into English in writing.

1. At 5 o’clock, in the fall, on a hot day, at midnight, at night, in April, August 3, on weekends, on Fridays, on his birthday, in winter, last winter, on April 1, at 6 o’clock, in 1212, in summer , this summer, in the morning, in the morning, this morning, next night, at half past nine, last year, in the evening, last night (25).

2. June, winter day, spring, this spring, weekend, Wednesday, evening, 5 o’clock, noon, afternoon, 2000, Mondays, Monday night, August 2nd, last night, next year , next fall, this night, August, cold winter day, Monday, Tuesday morning, October, weekend, Thursday morning, last week, Sunday afternoon, tomorrow morning, evening. (30 )

* * *

Exercise 4. Translate into English using prepositions at, on, in, to.

To complete this exercise, you need to know simple tenses in English:

1. Last month my aunt didn’t go to work. She got up at ten o’clock and went to bed at midnight. She often went to the theater and to the cinema.

2. But this month she gets up at sunrise because she goes to work again. She works at our university. The academic year at the university begins in September and ends in May. In January and June, students take exams.

Aunt goes to university on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. She always works in the library on Monday. She usually drives out of town on Friday. She gets up at seven and goes to the station.

She spends the whole day outside the city and returns to the city at sunset.

3. Next week my aunt will travel to London and next year to New York.

* * *


Answers are available only to users who have assisted the site.

Source: http://englishinn.ru/predlogi-vremeni-v-angliyskom-yazyike-in-on-at-dlya-nachinayushhih.html

English grammar: the prepositions In and At in the meaning of place

The use of prepositions in English is a topic that has driven generations of students and even teachers crazy. Especially when it comes to prepositions with similar meanings such as in and at.

Native speakers themselves often cannot explain why in some cases it is correct to speak inand in others at, but we have tried to collect a few basic rules here.

Using a preposition in

1. Before titles countries and cities, as well as with the very words «country» and «city».

i arrived in Russia last winter, but never stayed in Moscow
I arrived in Russia last winter but never stayed in Moscow

In my town, it was very boring
It was very boring in my city

! With the constructions I have (not) been used the preposition to: I’ve never been to Paris but always dreamt of going there — I’ve never been to Paris, but always dreamed of going there

2. Before premises, buildings and capacitiesthat contain someone or something:

My father is in the basement, my mother is in the kitchen, and I am in the bathroom
My father is in the basement, my mother is in the kitchen, and I’m in the bathroom.

I keep my socks in a yellow box
I keep my socks in a yellow box

There are old coins in that jar
There are old coins in that jug

In all examples, you can test yourself by replacing «in» with «inside» in translation, and then it becomes clearer.

! A room or capacity is not only something that is closed (has a roof). Park, garden, forest, parking — all these words will be used with the pretext inwhen it comes to something that is within a given territory.

3. After verbs of motion and state:

Jane enjoys running in the park
Jane enjoys jogging in the park

I am sick and I will stay in bed today
I’m sick and will stay in bed tonight

4. In idioms (just remember): to be in church, to be in court — in the meaning of «visit», while being directly inside is not necessary.

Using the preposition at

1. In the meaning of place it is used when it comes to a room (location) without specifying where a person or object is located.

I was sick yesterday and had to stay at home
I was sick yesterday and had to stay at home

We talk at home means «home», because there is no clarification about which particular room we are talking about. You can even be not in the room, but in the garden, on the balcony or on the roof. You can go down to the entrance to the mailbox or go out into the courtyard, but if at this time you call and ask «where are you?», You will say «I’m at home.»

John is at work, he is in his office
John is at work, he’s in his office

The first part of the sentence says “John is at work,” but does not say where exactly. This information is specified in the second part of the proposal.

2. In value «y»: I am at the entrance (I’m at the entrance)

3.With the names of open locations: at the crossroads, at the top of the hill

This preposition does not have a clearly expressed meaning inside, the name of the location can be used in a broad sense (including the territory around it).

Let’s meet at the library & Let’s meet in the library
Let’s meet у libraries & let’s meet в library

It can be concluded that when translated into Russian, the preposition in most often corresponds to the preposition «in», and at — other spatial prepositions (y, na, k). But don’t rely on this because:

We’ve arrived at the airport three hours before the flight
We arrived в airport three hours before the flight

! It is always used after arrive at, except for the names of cities and countries.

At school & in school

It happens that the same noun can use both prepositions, depending on what you want to say.

School is the name of a location with many rooms inside, so you need to say at school, if we are talking about staying there (or about some event taking place at the school):

We went to see a Christmas play at school
We went to see a Christmas play at school

But — if we use the word «school» in the meaning of «study» at school, college or university, then we need to choose the preposition in (again idiomatic usage):

He is already 30 and he is still in school!
He is already 30, and he is still studying!

That being said, there are slight differences between American and British English. UK residents are unlikely to say he is in school about a university student, and at school can be used in both meanings — to be directly at school, and to be a student in general.


In this article, of course, we are not giving an absolutely complete explanation of the use of the two prepositions. The assimilation of such linguistic nuances ensures constant practice, study abroad, communication with native speakers, and reading texts in the original.

The next time you watch a movie or read an article in English, pay attention to the use of these prepositions and try to explain why the choice was made. in or at.

Source: https://www.ef.ru/blog/language/anglijskaja-grammatika-at-i-in/

Prepositions of time in English

The topic of prepositions in English is very important and, in general, one of the least difficult topics. Among the English prepositions there is a separate group of service words of this category that are used to express temporary relationships. However, it should be emphasized that not all prepositions included in this group are used solely to indicate a certain tense.

The preposition «AT «

The English preposition «AT» is used in speech to indicate certain points in time on the clock, at points in time intended for eating, at certain time points during the day, as well as at the time of any holidays. This preposition is also used if an indication is given to the end or the beginning of something, or if the phrase contains the word «time». Examples include the following uses of this preposition:

    • at five o`clock am — at five o’clock in the morning
    • at ten o`clock pm — at ten o’clock in the evening
    • at midnight — at midnight
    • at weekends — on weekends
    • at dawn — at dawn
    • at supper — at supper
    • at nooning — for an afternoon snack
    • at Easter — on the Easter holiday
    • at Christmas — on the holiday of Christmas
    • at a party — at a holiday, at a party
    • at the end — at the end
    • at the beginning — at the beginning
    • at that dangerous time — at that terrible time
    • at present — currently
    • at the moment — at the present (given) moment in time

From the examples of phrases given with the preposition «AT» it is clearly seen that this official word is used in such cases when an indication is given to a certain (specific) time, a special (for example, a holiday) day, any completely specific moment in time …

The preposition «ON «

The specified preposition is used in situations where a specific day (for example, a week or a month), a specific date, or the time of day of a specific day is called.

    • on Saturdays — on Saturdays
    • on April 14th = on the 14th of April — the fourteenth of April
    • on her birthday — on her birthday
    • on Flower Day — on Flower Day
    • on Monday afternoon — Monday afternoon
    • on that afternoon — in the afternoon of that (specific) day

The preposition «IN «

If it is necessary to indicate an indefinite, any, non-specific and not distinguished in any way from the other day or another moment in time (as opposed to the situation with the use of the preposition «ON»), the service word «IN» is used. Examples include the following suggestions:

    • Intheevening the pupils of the 1st form have to go to bed at 21.00 o`clock. — In the evenings, first grade students (first graders) must go to bed at 21.00.
    • His house was built in 1978… — His house was built in 1978.
    • Ray has already visited this planet in the 24st century… — Ray was already on this planet in the 24th century.
    • My family will move about in the summer… — My family will move in the summer.
    • In a few seconds my child disappeared. “After a few seconds, my child disappeared.

The preposition «IN» is also used in such cases when some event, action or phenomenon will take place after some time (after some time), for example:

  • In four days our companies will conclude the contract. — In four days, our companies will conclude an agreement.

The preposition «IN» is also used in situations when it is about events, actions, etc. that take a certain period of time (but it is not meant that they were continuous), for example:

    • InThatmonth John sold a lot of goods. — That month (during that month) John sold a lot of goods.

The preposition «FOR»

If some action continued continuously for a specific period of time, exactly fit into its framework, the preposition «FOR» will be used, for example:

    • Mary has been waiting forthreeminutes… — Mary waited three minutes (was in a continuous process of waiting).

The preposition «SINCE»

If some action or process began at a specified moment in time and occurred for some time later, then the preposition «SINCE» is used, for example:

    • It is three years ago since he began to study Spain. — It’s been three years since he started learning Spanish.

Prepositions «DURING» and «WHILE»

In cases where events or actions take place at the same time when another action is performed and do not go beyond it, the English preposition «DURING» is used. At the same time, it is necessary to clarify that this preposition is used only in combination with a noun (in other words, when the period is described by any noun). If the specified description is made using a subordinate clause, then another preposition is used — «WHILE», for example:

    • During ng-conf in May XNUMX, the Angular team announced that they would be changing how Angular works under-the-hood: Ivy. Ivy is their new internal view rendering engine. It is the engine that uses your components and templates, and in the end, turns all the logic into instructions that run in the browser when you ship your finished Angular application. These instructions update the DOM, update the page, and so on.thelastLesson the pupils learned a new important rule. — During (during) the last lesson, the students learned a new important rule (here the conjunction is part of the prepositional group of a noun).
    • Mark kept on waiting for his wife while she was gathering mushrooms with their children. — Mark continued to wait for his wife while (while) she was picking mushrooms with their children (here the union introduces a subordinate tense).

The preposition «BY»

In situations where it is necessary to make an indication of the fact that some event, phenomenon or action will occur earlier than the specified time or another event, action or phenomenon, the preposition «BY» is used. Consider the following examples:

    • The children are expected to be back by 5 o`clock pm — Children are expected by five o’clock in the afternoon (here, using a preposition, an indication of a specific time is transmitted).
    • By the time John had answered all the questions, his wife was far away from the conference room already. — At the time when John answered all the questions, his wife was already far from the conference room (here a temporary instruction is given for a specific event).

The preposition «UNTIL»

This preposition is used in situations where it is necessary to emphasize that some action or some process will last in time until a specifically named moment or until another event occurs, for example:

    • Jeff will stay there until his doctor comes back from the hospital. “Jeff will stay there until his doctor returns from the hospital.

The absence of prepositions when indicating the time

If phrases are used in English that contain words such as «past», «previous» — «last»; «Future», next «-» next «; «This, that» — «this, that»; «Everyone is every» and some others, then such phrases are constructed in a non-sentence way (if they relate to time), that is, the prepositions «on», «at», «in» are omitted, for example:

    • Your neighbor agreed to visit us Nextweek… — Your neighbor agreed to visit us (pay us a visit) next week.
    • LastWednesday she decided to stay with her family in the country. — Last Wednesday, she decided to stay with her family out of town.

Source: https://online-teacher.ru/blog/predlogi-vremeni-english

Prepositions of place in, on, at in English

There are a lot of place prepositions in English, but the most multifunctional of them are in, on и at.

Use of the preposition «In»

in a room — in the room

in a box — in a box

There is an armchair in the corner. — Вa corner there is a chair.

  • in a city, country or continent:

in London — in London

in the USA — in the USA

in Europe — in Europe

in the street — on the street

in Oxford Street — to Oxford Street

  • in a pond (when we talk about swimming):

in a pool — in the pool

in a river — in the river

in the sea — at sea

What can you see in the picture? — What do you see on picture?

Who are these people in the photograph? — Who are these people on Photo?

I’ve read about the festival in this magazine. — I read about the festival в this magazine.

Peter is in bed. He is ill. — Peter в bed. He is sick.

  • By car / taxi: in a car / in to taxi
  • On the front / back seat of the car: in the front / in the back

I sat inthefront [of our car]. — I like to ride in the front seat [our car].

  • With the following expressions:

In hospital — in the hospital:

John has broken his leg, so he is in hospital. — John broke his leg, so he в hospital.

In prison — in prison:

Alan has robbed a bank and he is in prison now. — Alan robbed a bank, and now he’s in jail.

Use of the preposition «On»

on a table — on table

on a sofa — on couch

on the left — left

on the right — right

  • in public transport:

He goes to work on the train. — He commutes to work on train.

  • by radio / TV / Internet

I’ve seen him on TV. — I saw him on TV.

I read the news on the Internet. — I read news on the Internet.

My mother is listening to a program on the radio. — My mom listens to the program on the radio.

We live on the 5th floor. — We live on sixth floor (Britain). We live on fifth floor (America).

There is a picture on the wall. — On the a picture hangs on the wall.

I sat on the floor. — I sat down on sex.

There is a dirty mark on the ceiling. — On the the ceiling is a dirty stain.

London in on the Thames. — London is worth on Thames.

Portsmouth is on the south coast of England. — Portsmouth is located on south coast of England.

 I met him onmy way home. — I met him on the way to home.

Buy everything that is on the list… — Buy everything вlist of.

There are really good dishes on the menu. — Вmenu there are very good dishes.

  • On the front / back of letters, photographs, etc .: onthefront, ontheyou tested the restore function of your back

I wrote the date on the back of the photograph. — I wrote the date oninverseside Photo.

Use of the preposition «At»

  • near some place:

I met her at the bus stop… — I met her onbusstop.

Turn left onto at the traffic lights / at the round about… — Believe left ontraffic light / circularmovement.

Please leave your key at the reception desk… — Please leave the key onrackRegistration..

There is a small shop at the corner of a street. — On thea corner there is a small shop.

* You can also use the preposition here on.

Please write your name at the top

Source: https://www.start2study.ru/english-grammar/prepositions-of-place/

Rules for using the English prepositions IN, ON and AT

Are you having difficulty with English prepositions? Don’t know the rules for their use? Let’s fix this serious problem. I want to say that you can figure out the use of prepositions in 5 minutes (if, of course, you really want to).

The problem of using prepositions for many is the most intractable. But, if you take the right approach to learning, then you can quickly understand where to use, for example, in, and where on. Prepositions don’t have to be complicated for those who have English as a second language. If you read a few tips described in this article, and start looking at the question of English prepositions from a slightly different angle, then everything will be much easier than it seemed before.

Consider the cases of using the prepositions AT, ON and IN in temporary situations and when referring to a place of action. This formula will work in 90% of the rays. It is not perfect and does not impress with its results, but it will definitely allow you to learn the basics of the language, which will give you a big boost.
Let’s take a look at the picture. Try to understand the general idea and scope. You should remember that both place and time change from the general to the specific.

Prepositions IN, ON and AT

1. Top (green), which is the largest and expresses generalized information (preposition IN)
2. Middle (orange), which is smaller and more specific (preposition ON)
3. The lower part (yellow) — the smallest and most specific (preposition AT)

Let’s now take a closer look at this picture and try to understand what is specific and what is general.

Prepositions of time

The upper part of the pyramid reflects large periods of time: centuries, decades (5 years), years, months. In this case, the preposition is used IN.
Examples:in the 20th century, in the 1980’s, in March, in the third week of April, in the future
Exceptions: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

The middle of the pyramid describes smaller time periods that are more specific: days or time periods that are shorter than 3 days. In this case, the preposition is used ON.
Examples: on my birthday, on Saturday, on the weekend (Amer.), On June 8th
Exceptions: on my lunch break, on time

The lower part of the pyramid — the smallest and most specific periods of time. In this case, the preposition is used AT.
Examples: at 9:00 PM, at lunch, at dinner, at the start of the party, at sunrise, at the start of the movie, at the moment
Exceptions: at night, at the weekend (UK)

Prepositions of place

Source: https://english-bird.ru/prepositions-in-on-at/

In the house but not at home. Prepositions of place in English in vs. at

The prepositions of place and space (in / around / near / on) in English can confuse even an advanced student. Sometimes the use of one or another preposition depends on the rules and linguistic logic, and sometimes you have to start from the context.

So, for example, there is a rule according to which categories such as school, university, college, church are used with the pretext ~ at, and cities, countries, parts of the world with the preposition ~ in.

Below are two suggestions, both of which are correct:

I study in Oxford.
I study at Oxford.

Oxford is a city. The question arises: why is the use of the preposition ~ at still correct? The point is that, implying at Oxfordwe’re talking about the University of Ohford. In oxford — tells about the education of the city of Oxford. The proposals, in turn, will have the following translation:

I study in the city of Oxford.
I am studying at the University of Oxford.

Consider the classic use cases for prepositions in / around / around / on.

Preposition in

In English, the use is accepted preposition~ in in the following cases:

* being inside any space, object (that is, the object is literally surrounded on all sides):

in the park / in the wood / in the street / in the table / in the bagin the kitchen / in the arm-chair / in the mirror

in the office

(meaning “in the building / premises”, not “at work”) There are many flowers in the office.
in the car / boat / bus
in the picture / in the photo
(meaning “shown in the photograph”, since on the picture would mean “on the surface of a photograph” / There is a fly on the picture. — There is a fly in the photo).

* the combinations below are used without an article:

in bed — In the bed
hospital — in the hospital / She is in hospital.
in prison — in prison

* stay in a city / village / country / part of the world /

in London / in St. Petersburgin England / in the USAin the north / in the South of Australia

in the country

— outside the city (in the village)
in town / in the town — Are you in town? Let’s go for a walk.

The preposition at

For many, the problem is the use of preposition~ at… Nevertheless, there are a number of regularities, the study of which removes many questions. Let’s take a look at the classic categories.

* proximity of the object to the specified location:

at the wall / at the door / at the car — (to be) by the wall / by the door / by the car
at the corner / at the bus stop / at the table — at the corner / at the bus stop / at the table — Meet me at the corner of High Street. — Meet me at the corner of High Street.

at the top (of) / at the bottom (of) — on the top/ At the top of the world. — At the top of the world.

at the beginning (of) / at the end (of) — at the beginning of something / at the end of something / It is important to know that there is an option in the beginning / in the end, the translation of which has nothing to do with the location and means first / in the end.
In the end it doesn’t really matter. “In the end, it’s not very important.

* stay in any organization, place, at any event (here it is necessary to understand that we are not talking about staying in the building, but rather about the presence of any action):

at the swimming pool — in the pool (that is, I swim there)
at the theater / at the cinema / at the restaurant / at the museum / at the party / at the office / at the airport / at the hotel — in the theater (that is, I am at a play / at a movie show / have lunch in a restaurant / etc.)
at my friend’s house / at Paul’s (at Paul’s house / at Paul’s restaurant — depending on context)

* a category of words that means a state, occupation or action (used without an article):

at home / at school / at work / at church / at war / at table

* indication of the address with the house number

Come to my place at 132 Mulholland Dr. “Come to me at 132 Mulholland Drive.

We hope that now you will have no problem describing an object in space using these prepositions. Of course, there are many specific and contextual cases in English, but we will try to solve them together with you. We wish you success and interesting practice!

Victoria Tetkina

Source: http://begin-english.ru/article/in-the-house-but-not-at-home-predlogi-mesta-v-angliyskom-yazyke-in-vs-at/

Prepositions of place in English

This preposition in English can have the following meanings:

The at preposition is used to mark the place in the meaning: y, near, about.

She is standing at the window.
He stopped at the door

Before the names of small towns and sat down, answering the question «where?»

He was born (He was born: where?) At Klin (in Klin)

Remember the exception: the preposition “in«

Before the names of institutions and organizations, where any action or process takes place (answering the question: where?)

I’ll see him (I will live him: where?) At the theater (in the theater) to-night (tonight) He works (He works) at an office (in the office)

I’ll see him (I’ll see him: where?) At the lecture (at the lecture)

The at preposition is used to indicate time with the value «in» when specifying the point in time:

He left the house (He left the house) at noon (Noon)

Remember: in the English sentence the preposition at is used when specifying the moment of time and in those cases when the preposition «in» is absent in the corresponding Russian sentence.

I got up at nearly eight — I got up at about eight

The preposition in in English is used to denote a place with the meaning «in», answering the question «where?»

The pencil is in the box. Pencil in box
We live in Moscow. We live in Moscow

The preposition in is used:

  • with the names of cities and villages;

The Hermitage is in Saint Petersburg. The Hermitage is located in St. Petersburg.
The National Gallery is in London. The National Gallery is located in London.

The Taj Mahal is in India. Taj Mahal is located in India.
Las Vegas is in the USA. Las Vegas is located in the United States.

  • with the names of the continents;

The Pyramids are in Africa. The pyramids are in Africa.
The Niagara Falls are in North America. Niagara Falls are located in North America.

  • with the names of regions and states;

Nice is in Provence. Nice is located in Provence.
Dallas is in Texas. Dallas is located in Texas.

The preposition on

You are already familiar with the preposition on and its meaning for conveying time — on Sunday. It should be remembered that many prepositions in the English language have more than one meaning. The preposition on can also mean location — «on»:

Where’s my mobile phone? — It’s on the table.
Where is my cell phone. — On the table.

Where’s our room? — It’s on the fifteenth floor.
Where is our number? — On the fifteenth floor.

Where’s your bicycle? — On the balcony.
Where is your bike? — On the balcony.

There are some pictures on the wall.
There are paintings on the wall.

Look, there are a lot of birds on the trees.
Look, there are many birds in the trees.

Other prepositions of place

You are already familiar with the preposition of place on «on»: on the table «on the table», on the wall «on the wall.» Now remember the other prepositions of place.

  • near — about, at
  • next to — near, near
  • in the corner — in the corner
  • in the middle — in the middle
  • Against — y (leaning against something)
  • for — under
  • behind — per
  • in front of — on the contrary, before

The table is near the window.
The table is by the window.

Next to the table is a lamp.
At the table / next to the table is a lamp.

The armchair is in the corner.
Chair (standing) in the corner.

The coffee table is in the middle.
The coffee table is in the middle.

The bookcase is against the wall.
The bookcase is against the wall.

The magazine is under the coffee table.
The magazine is under the table.

The plant is behind the arm chair.
Plant / indoor flower — behind the chair.

The sofa is in front of the door.
Sofa — opposite the door / in front of the door.

Source: http://www.grandars.ru/a/english/predlogi-mesta.html

Предлоги at, in, on – одни из самых употребительных в английском языке, они используются преимущественно, когда речь идет о месте или времени.

Разберем сначала основную разницу между at, in, on, когда речь идет о месте.

  • Предлог IN – предмет находится внутри чего-то, например, внутри здания, комнаты, помещения, некой большей территории.

There are no chairs in this room. – В этой комнате нет стульев.

I lost my phone somewhere in the library. – Я потерял свой телефон где-то в библиотеке.

  • Предлог ON – предмет находится на чем-то, на поверхности чего-то, поверх чего-то.

The newspapers are on the table. – Газеты на столе.

I am on the roof. – Я на крыше.

  • Предлог AT – мы говорим о месте, где находится предмет, о некой точке в пространстве, можно представить ее как маркер на карте.

Причем, когда мы говорим “at the library”, мы может подразумевать не только «внутри здания библиотеки», но и вообще где-то на его территории, возможно, рядом со зданием.

Значение предлога on довольно сильно отличается от at и in, но предлоги места at и in часто путают. Разберем подробнее разницу между ними, когда речь идет о месте. Сравните предложения:

Оба можно перевести на русский язык как «Я жду тебя на почте». Но в первом случае будет подразумеваться почта как локация, как точка на карте, во втором случае – как место, внутри которого я нахожусь. В конкретном разговоре выбор между in/at в данном случае может не играть никакой роли, быть несущественным.

Выше мы разобрали главное различие между тем, как эти предлоги используются, когда речь идет о месте. Однако есть и другие случаи употребления этих предлогов.

  • Со словами desk, table, computer, то есть когда мы сидим «за чем-то».

I am sitting at my desk. – Я сижу за своим столом.

Sit at the table, please. – Сядьте за стол, пожалуйста.

  • Со словами school, college, university (учебные заведения).

Если использовать артикль the, то мы говорим о самом месте. Если не использовать артикль, то мы говорим, скорее, о занятии («я был на учебе»), а не здании.

It’s so boring at school. – В школе так скучно (имеется в виду занятие, учеба).

Drop me off at the school, please. – Высадите меня у школы, пожалуйста (место).

  • С названиями компаний, места работы, когда мы говорим о компании не как о физическом месте, а как об организации, коллективе, возможно, даже бренде.

I know a guy who works at Google. – Я знаю парня, который работает в «Гугле».

Здесь имеется в виду компания, а не конкретное место. Если речь идет о месте, используется in, но об этом чуть ниже.

  • С адресом.

He lived at 221b, Baker Street. – Он жил в квартире 221б, на Бейкер стрит.

  • C местами, где предоставляются услуги, например, парикмахерская, кабинет/офис врача, также с магазинами, кафе.

I’ll text you later, I’m at the vet’s now. – Я напишу тебе позже, я сейчас у ветеринара.

I forgot my bag at the coffee shop. – Я забыл свою сумку в кофейне.

Предлог ON используется в таких случаях:

  • Предмет находится НА чем-то.

Уже упоминалось выше, но это главное значение этого предлога.

The phone is on the table. – Телефон на столе.

  • С номером этажа в здании.

I live on the second floor. – Я живу на втором этаже.

  • Со словами train, boat, ship, plane, когда подразумевается, что мы находимся в этом транспортном средстве.

I was on the plane, I didn’t get you text. – Я был в самолете, я не получил твое сообщение.

I can’t speak now, I’m on the train. – Я не могу сейчас говорить, я в поезде.

Напомню, что когда мы говорим о способе поездки, то есть говорим что, скажем, «едем поездом» или «путешествуем самолетом», используется предлог by:

We travel by train/plane/car. – Мы путешествуем на поезде/самолете/машине.

  • В выражении “on campus” – «в кампусе».

Мы говорим at school, но при этом on campus:

Most students live on campus. – Многие студенты живут в кампусе.

Есть даже прилагательное “on-campus” – находящийся на кампусе, например:

We need at least two on-campus medical facilities. – Нам нужно, как минимум, два медучреждения, находящихся в кампусе.

  • В выражении «on the Internet» или «on + название сайта».

Интернет – это не совсем место, но думаю, что это выражение тоже можно отнести к этой категории.

Look what I found on the Internet. – Смотри, что я нашел в Интернете.

You can find her on Instagram. – Ты можешь найти ее в Инстаграме.

Предлог IN используется в таких случаях:

  • Предмет находится внутри чего-то, например, в помещении, здании.

I’m in that tall building next to our office. – Я в этом высоком здании рядом с нашим офисом.

  • Когда мы говорим о компании, месте работы, при этом мы имеем в виду само физическое место, а не, скажем, «Майкрософт» как организацию

I work in a newly opened coffee shop. – Я работаю в недавно открывшейся кофейне.

Здесь имеется в виду определенное место.

  • В выражении in class – на уроке.

Запомните, что мы говорим at school – в школе, на учебе, но при этом in class – на уроке.

No phones in class! – Никаких телефонов на уроке!

You do well in class. – Ты хорошо справляешься на уроках.

Предлоги AT,  IN, ON – говорим о времени

В русском языке мы используем один и тот же предлог «в», говоря: «в 9 часов», «в понедельник», «в 2010 году». В английском языке в этих случаях используются разные предлоги: at, in и on. Давайте разберем, как их использовать.

Предлог времени AT

Начнем со случаев, когда используется предлог at

  • С точным временем.

То есть, когда мы говорим «во столько-то часов».

Let’s meet up at 5 o’clock. – Давайте встретимся в 5 часов.

The movie begins at 7.15. – Фильм начинается в 7.15.

Если хотите назвать приблизительное время, можно добавить about или around между предлогом и временем:

I’ll come back at about 8 p.m. – Я вернусь где-то в 8 вечера.

  • С периодом времени, например, временем суток: at night – ночью, at daytime – днем.

Периоды времени – это не только время суток, к ним можно также отнести время за обедом, праздник, но об этом ниже.

Don’t go out at night. – Не ходи никуда по ночам.

You can’t see some animals at daytime. – Некоторых животных нельзя увидеть в дневное время.

Примечание 1: мы можем сказать at night, at nighttime – ночью, но «днем» — это только at daytime. Выражение “at day” имеет другое значение.

“At day” значит в день такой-то, напрашивается продолжение в виде номера дня. Пример: “We are at day five of the experiment” – «Мы на пятом дне эксперимента».

Примечание 2: выражения at night, at nighttime, at daytime значат «ночью» или «днем» вообще, то есть не конкретно этой ночью, а просто по ночам или в дневное время. Говоря о сегодняшней ночи/дне, мы используем слова “tonight/today”.


I couldn’t sleep at night. – Я не мог спать по ночам (в ночное время).

I couldn’t sleep tonight. – Я не мог спать сегодня ночью (не спалось именно этой ночью).

Следующий случай тоже относится к периодам времени.

  • С названиями приемов пищи: breakfast, lunch, dinner.

Имеется в виду период времени, который проводится за приемом пищи. По-русски мы говорим «за завтраком/обедом/ужином».

We talked about the wedding at breakfast. – Мы поговорили о свадьбе за завтраком.

Don’t talk about your health at lunch. – Не говори о своем здоровье за обедом.

  • С названиями праздников, в выражении at weekends, at the weekend (в брит. англ.)

Данные случаи – это тоже периоды времени, относящиеся к праздникам, выходным. Обратите внимание, мы имеем в виду праздник как событие, мероприятие, явление, а не конкретный день на календаре. Если речь о конкретном дне, то используется “on” – об этом ниже.

What do you eat at Thanksgiving? – Что вы едите на День благодарения?

I will be working at the weekend. – Я буду работать на выходных.

Примечание 1: at weekends значит «по выходным», то есть речь не о конкретных выходных, а о выходных вообще, at the weekend – в конкретные выходные дни (скорее всего, в ближайшие).

Примечание 2: варианты at weekends, at the weekends характерны для британского английского, в американском английском чаще встречается on weekends, on the weekends.

Предлог времени ON

Предлог on используется в таких случаях.

  • Когда мы говорим о датах.

She was born on the 1st of September. – Она родилась 1-го сентября.

It happened on the 14th of March. – Это случилось 14-го марта.

  • С днями недели.

See you on Monday. – Увидимся в понедельник.

We play poker on Tuesdays. – Мы играем в покер по вторникам (т. е. каждый вторник).

  • С праздниками, если имеется в ввиду сам день, дата

К примеру, мы говорим at Christmas, имея в виду праздник как событие, но говорим on Christmas (on Christmas Day), если имеем в виду определенный день, дату (такое встречается намного реже).

We make lots of yummies at Christmas. – Мы готовим много вкусняшек на Рождество (имеется в виду праздник).

He was born on Christmas (Day). – Он родился в день Рождества (имеется в виду конкретная дата).

Еще раз подчеркну, случаи, когда под праздником подразумевается дата, а не сам праздник, бывают намного реже.

Предлог времени IN

Мы используем предлог in в следующих случаях.

  • С годами и веками.

I was born in 1985. – Я родился в 1985 году.

His grandmother was born in the nineteenth century. – Его бабушка родилась в девятнадцатом веке.

  • С месяцами и временами года

We met in August. – Мы встретились в августе.

Cats don’t go out in winter. – Кошки не выходят на улицу зимой.

Примечание: встречаются варианты “in winter” и “in the winter” (или другое время года). Между ними почти нет разницы. “In winter” значит зимой вообще, в зимнее время. “In the winter” может значить либо тоже в зимнее время, либо некой конкретной зимой.

  • В выражениях in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening (но при этом at night).

I don’t like running in the morning. – Я не люблю бегать по утрам.

I can’t work in the evening. — Я не могу работать по вечерам.

  • В значении «через такое-то время».

Например, через час, через 10 минут и так далее – очень частый случай употребления предлога in.

I will go to Africa in two days. – Я поеду в Африку через два дня.

See you in twenty minutes. – Увидимся через 20 минут.

  • В значении «за такое-то время».

Например, когда говорим, что сделали что-то за час, 5 минут и т. д.

В завершение замечу, что обошел стороной в этой статье выражения at the beginning (end) и in the beginning (end). Им посвящена отдельная статья.

Using prepositions can get complicated, sometimes. This is especially true when you’re trying to figure out which preposition to use with a date or time. Here, we’ll be discussing when to use the prepositions “in”, “at”, and “on” with date or time.

“In” is used when it’s followed by a month, year, season, or certain parts of the day (i.e., morning, afternoon, evening). “At” is used when there’s a specific time and at certain parts of the day (i.e., noon, night, midnight). “On” is used for dates and days of the week.

in at on date time

All three prepositions are used for different purposes when used with dates and times. These are not interchangeable with one another.

“In” is the preposition to use when the word that follows is any of the following: a month, a year, a season, a part of the day (i.e., morning, afternoon, evening).

On the other hand, the preposition “at” is used when it is followed by a specific time (e.g., 12:45), and on certain parts of the day (i.e., noon, night, midnight).

Finally, “On” is the preposition used for dates (e.g. June 5) and days of the week.

These prepositions can be used in the same sentence, as seen below:

  • In November, maybe on a Saturday, we should meet up at midnight to hook up.

When to Use “In”

When referring to a month, year, season, or certain parts of the day (i.e., morning, afternoon, evening), the preposition “in” should be used.

“In” is what you should use when you are referring to a month, whether at the start of the sentence or the end. Take a look at the sentences below:

  • Vincent will be turning ten in March.
  • In April, Cassidy will be moving to Australia.

You also use “in” when referring to seasons, as seen in the following sentences:

  • In the summer, we go visit our grandparents.
  • Her sister Beth passed away in the winter.
  • Tam last saw her in Autumn, when she left for the city.

The same is true when the season ends with “-time”:

  • Elise fell in love with Jonathan in the summertime.

Certain parts of the day can only be described using the preposition “in”: morning, afternoon, and evening. Examples can be found below:

  • My sister shouldn’t go out drinking tonight, she has a class in the morning.
  • Let’s meet up with Hannah in the afternoon.

The rule remains the same even if the words “morning”, “afternoon”, and “evening” are modified by an adjective:

  • He did not expect to be coming home in the early morning.

This also works for phrases such as “the middle of the day”:

  • Peter should not be drunk in the middle of the day.
  • What are you doing calling my husband in the middle of the night?

When to Use “At”

When referring to a specific time or certain parts of the day not described by “in” (i.e., noon, night, midnight), the preposition “at” should be used.

The preposition “at” should be used when referring to a specific time. This applies when the time is in number form, as seen below:

  • I woke up at 8:33 am this morning, so I was late for school.
  • At 12:45 pm, my boss called to find out where I was.

The same rule applies when the time is spelled out using words:

  • At seven in the morning, I woke up to my sister blasting her music at full volume.
  • I’ll be off work by five, so are you okay to meet up at eight-thirty?
  • My ex-girlfriend and I had dinner together at six o’clock last night.
  • Sarah left the apartment at half-past eight this morning, but she still hasn’t shown up to work.

When the time is modified by an adjective like “around”, “at” is still the preposition to use:

  • Mike and I will be there at around seven.

This also works if the time is in both numerical form and spelled out at the same time:

  • Don’t forget, Danielle has her ballet recital at 8 o’clock tomorrow.

Finally, the preposition “at” is also used when referring to certain parts of the day not already described by the preposition “in” (i.e., noon, night, midnight), Take a look at the examples below:

  • I wear this particular eyeshadow only at night because it’s too dark for the daytime.
  • At midnight, Mary left the party, which is why they’re calling her “Cinderella”.
  • If you eat your pizza now, you’ll have nothing to eat at noon.

When to Use “On”

When referring to dates and days of the week, the preposition to use is “on”.

You use the preposition “on” when you have a specific date to describe. The date should contain at least a month and a day. Take a look at the following examples:

  • On March 5, I took my driver’s test and finally got my license.
  • Kim had a date with Ray on April 11 and another one with his brother Troy a week later.
  • Tracy and Carl married on October 3.

The same rule applies when the date is written before the month, as in the sentence below:

  • On the 5th of March, I passed the medical boards.

When a date contains a month, a day, and a year, “on” is still the preposition to use:

  • I last saw my best friend on June 14, 2012.
  • On September 6, 2020, we passed our proposal for our dissertation.

This also works if you are describing a specific date with words, such as in the following sentences:

  • My family will be together on Christmas Eve, I just know it.
  • On her birthday, Lyra was given a puppy.
  • They always meet on the first Sunday of the month.

Last but not least, the preposition “on” is used when referring to days of the week:

  • On Wednesday, I had a cheeseburger.
  • She’ll be meeting with me on Friday.

Final Thoughts

When describing a month, year, season, or certain parts of the day (i.e., morning, afternoon, evening), “in” is used. “At” is used for specific times and certain parts of the day (i.e., noon, night, midnight). Finally, “on” is used for days of the week and specific dates.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

‘At’ is one of the most common prepositions in English. The preposition ‘at’ is also used in a number of set phrases. This page summarizes the preposition ‘at’ used for time and place using examples to illustrate usage. Important prepositional phrases with ‘an’ are used as discourse markers which help connect sentences.


At: Time

The preposition ‘at’ is used with specific times of the day. This includes any exact hours with ‘o’clock’ — at one o’clock, five o’clock, etc. For more specific times, use the numbers. Generally, we use the twelve-hour clock when speaking about everyday life. Schedules use the twenty-four clock.

The meeting begins at three o’clock. Don’t be late!
The store opens at nine o’clock during the week and on Saturdays. It opens at ten o’clock on Sundays.
The flight to Chicago leaves at 14:23.

The preposition ‘at’ is also used in the common phrase ‘at night’, and sunrise and sunset.

If you are careful you can see Venus on the horizon at sunrise.
Jeremy often goes to be late at night.

Use ‘in’ when referring to a period of time in the future.

We will be finished with the project in two weeks’ time.
I think I’m going to study Russian in three years.

«At» and «In»: Time Expressions

‘In’ is used with specific time expressions referring to the morning, afternoon or evening. NOTE: Use ‘at’ with ‘night’:

Let’s discuss this issue in the afternoon.
They usually have breakfast early in the morning.
BUT: I generally go to bed early at night.


The preposition ‘at’ is used to speak about specific locations in cities or the countryside.

We often have lunch at the docks.
He told me he would be at the bus stop at three o’clock.


The preposition ‘at’ is used when referring to buildings as locations in a city. This can be confused with the preposition ‘in’. Generally, ‘in’ is used with buildings to mean that something occurs inside the building. ‘At’, on the other hand, is used to express that something happens at the location.

Let’s meet at the bank on the corner of Smith and 14th ave.
Tom works at the hospital on the south side of town.

«At home»

The prepositional phrase ‘at home’ is only used when referring to something that is already there. In other words, if a motion is involved such as ‘go’ or ‘come’ no preposition is used.

Susan likes staying at home and watching TV on Saturdays.
Tom’s at home at the moment. Should I telephone him?


They drove home and went to bed.
I’m flying home on Friday.

Important Phrases With At

The preposition ‘in’ is also used to introduce and link ideas in English, as well as in popular idiomatic phrases.

«At all»

‘At all’ is placed at the end of a negative sentence to add emphasis to the statement.

I don’t like liver at all!
He has no desire to visit his parents on vacation at all.

«Not at all»

‘Not at all’ is often used in formal English when someone expresses thanks.

Thank you for your help. — Not at all.
Thank you for your advice. — Not at all.

«At any rate»

‘At any rate’ often begins an informal sentence to move the discussion from one topic to another, or to end a story. ‘At any rate’ can also finish a sentence.

At any rate, we finished the report on time.
You’ll be happy to get home after all this hard work, at any rate.

«At first»

‘At first’ is used to introduce something that changes over time.

At first, I didn’t enjoy living in New York.
At first, Mary Anne didn’t know anyone in town.

«At last»

‘At last’ is used to begin or end a sentence which expresses the final result.

At last, he was able to relax and have a good dinner with his friends.
He was very glad it was over at last.

«At least»

‘At least’ is a phrase that is used to express the positive side of a negative situation.

At least the teacher gave you some help with your homework.
At least we had the opportunity to visit our friends while we were there.

«At the end»

‘At the end’ is a time expression referring to the last part of an event. «At the end» can be used at the beginning or end of a sentence.

At the end of her presentation, Samantha asked participants if they had any questions.
Everyone applauded and complimented Paul on his hard work at the end of the evening.

«At a premium»

‘At a premium’ is a phrase used to express that something costs more than should be generally paid. ‘At a premium’ can be used in both a literal and figurative sense.

He was successful in all his business at a premium to his private life.
I’m sure you can buy one on e-bay, but it will come at a premium.

«At the last minute»

‘At the last minute’ is used to speak about something that just manages to happen.

We were able to book a flight to New York at the last minute.
Unfortunately, my son tends to do things at the last minute.

«At the outside»

‘At the outside’ is used to estimate the most something should cost, or time something should take.

At the outside, I’ll be finished with this report in two days.
I’d say it will cost you $400 at the outside.

«At sea»

‘At sea’ is used to express that someone is on a boat. It is often used in historical writing to refer to sailors. It is also used as an idiom to mean lost.

He was at sea for fifteen months.
Jack and I were at sea and didn’t know what to do.

«At half-mast»

‘At half-mast’ is specifically used with flags to indicate mourning.

The flag is at half-mast today. I wonder what happened.
If you see a flag at half-mast you know someone is sad.

«At loose ends»

‘At loose ends’ refers to something that isn’t organized. This can be used in a literal figurative manner.

All the records are at loose ends. We need to get organized!
I’m afraid I’m at loose ends lately. I just don’t know what to do.

«At this stage»

‘At this stage’ is used to refer to the development of a particular product or process.

At this stage, the metal is heated to 200 degrees Celsius.
Children begin to try to do tasks on their own at this stage.

In this grammar lesson tutorial for beginners’ learners would be able to Learn English Fast when to use Prepositions of Time IN ON and AT correct grammar and exercises. They would be able to define “Preposition” and tell the difference between each prepositions of time “in”, “on”, and “at” respectively. A preposition of time indicates when something happens. So, let’s get started.

Watch the video of Preposition of time in, an and at here and proceed to exercises.


What is a Preposition?

A preposition is a small word before a noun or a pronoun.

Examples:           in                after

                             on               to

                             at                with                     

 I am going to
Thailand in March.

The prepositions show the relationship
between a noun or pronoun and the other words in a

In this Grammar Lesson you will learn how to use the
following prepositions of time – “In,
On and At”

Preposition In

1. in + month

January, February, March, April, May, June

July, August, September, October, November, December

My parents spend vacation to Indonesia in November.

My birthday is in May.

2. in +

Spring, summer, autumn and winter       


Paul often goes skiing in
the winter.

I love going to the beach in
the summer.

3. in +

   She graduated in 2012.

   Sam Was born in

4. in +
part of the day

        in the monring

in the

in the

   We go to school in
the morning.

   My friends play
football in the afternoon.

Preposition On:

1. On + day
of the week

Sunday    Monday   Tuesday  Wednesday     Thursday

Friday      Saturday

If the event is a unique (one- time) event, the day of the
week is singular:

I have an appointment with my doctor on Saturday. (only next Saturday)

The post office is closed on
Tuesday. (only next Tuesday)

If the event is a regular
event, the day of the week is plural:


I have an appointment with my doctor on Saturdays. (every Saturday)

The post office is closed
on Tuesdays. (every Tuesday)

2. on
+ date

We use the preposition “on
before a specific date.

She graduated on August
30, 2012.

He was born on the
1st February.

  Our final exam is on June 28th.

3. on + special day

I had a party on
my graduation day.

I visited my grandparents on
New Year’s Day.

What are you doing on
Thanksgiving Day?

 The Preposition at:

1. at +
specific time on the clock

 Our English class
starts at 8 o’clock

The bank closes at
3:30 pm

The bus leaves at
7:30 in the morning.

2. at +
festival / special time of the year

I visited Thailand at Songkran.

I’m going to see my best friend at

But if we refer to a single specific day
during a festival, we use “on”.

I went to church on Christmas Day.

I ate a lot of beef steak on Easter Sunday.

3. at – others

                “at the

She is going to play tennis at
the weekend.

                “at the beginning of”

At the
beginning of the conference, we talked about salary increase.

                “at the end

At the end of the show, we went out for lunch.

4. at night / in the night

.               “at

” refers to any night in general.

I enjoy walking in London street at night.

                “in the

I woke up in
the night.

She heard a loud cry in the

Practice At, In, On Preposition Exercises 1

Complete the following
sentences using preposition of time:

on and

1. The school reopens_____ Monday.

I invite my friends to dinner _____ Christmas eve.

3.  They are getting married _____ the tenth of August.

4.They are getting married _____ the spring.

5.  It
usually rains _____ the month of July.

6. My birthday is _____ May.

7. We go on a vacation _____
the summer.

8.I want to be a teacher
_____ some point.

Practice At, In, On Preposition Exercises 2

Fill in the correct prepositions of time– in, on
or at.

1. I work _____ Saturdays

2. We have a
meeting _____ 10 am.

3.It often snows _____

4. I have an exam _____

5. I am washing my car _____ the moment.

6. What are you doing _____ 20 May?

Related Article

  • Prepositions of Place: AT, IN, ON English Grammar Tutorial
  • When To Use “Do” and “Make” In English Grammar Lesson
  • How Much VS How many – Countable and Uncountable Nouns – Food
  • Past Simple Tense ‘TO BE’- Was/Were


If you have any questions or suggestions about this English Grammar Tutorial for Beginners: Prepositions of Time IN ON and AT, please feel free to leave a comment below.

В этой статье предлагаем разобрать основные предлоги времени в английском языке, а также правила и примеры их употребления.

Предлоги времени в английском языке — at, in, on, since, for

Предлогов времени в английском языке (prepositions of time) немало, а правил и исключений еще больше. Поэтому эта тема вызывает много вопросов и трудностей у студентов. В этой статье мы рассмотрим основные правила и дадим примеры, которые помогут вам разобраться с предлогами времени, а в конце представим тест.

Предлоги времени at, in, on

Для начала давайте разберем случаи употребления предлогов at, in, on в английском языке:

  • При указании точного времени: at one o’clock (в час), at 9 p.m. (в 9 вечера), at noon (в полдень)

    Can you please, pick me up tomorrow? I’ll be waiting for you at 9.30 a.m. — Можешь меня завтра забрать, пожалуйста? Я буду тебя ждать в 9:30.

  • Со словом time (время): at the same time (в одно и то же время), at bedtime (в ночное время), at breakfast time (во время завтрака), at lunch time (в обед), at dinner time (во время ужина).

    He is never at home at dinner time. — Во время ужина его никогда нет дома.

  • Для указания промежутка времени: in five minutes (через/за пять минут), in a week (через/за неделю), in a moment (через/за минуту), in a couple of hours (через/за пару часов), in 10 minutes (через/за 10 минут).

    I’ll be back in a minute. Please don’t go without me. — Я вернусь через минутку. Пожалуйста, не уходи без меня.
    They were back home in two hours. — Они добрались домой за два часа.
    She had her nails done in 30 minutes. — Ей сделали маникюр за 30 минут.

  • При указании времени суток: at night (ночью), in the morning (утром), in the afternoon (днем), in the evening (вечером).

    He is a police officer and often has to work at night. — Он полицейский и часто должен работать ночью.
    I am most productive in the morning so I try to wake up early and get all the hard work done first. — Я наиболее продуктивна по утрам, поэтому стараюсь просыпаться рано и делать всю сложную работу в первую очередь.

  • С днями недели: on Thursday (в четверг), on Friday (в пятницу), в словосочетании день недели + часть дня: on Tuesday morning (во вторник утром), on Friday night (в пятницу вечером).

    My sister is graduating on Friday and then she is going to take a gap year. — Моя сестра выпускается в пятницу, а затем возьмет перерыв на год.

    В разговорной речи предлог on перед днем недели часто опускается.

    I’ll see you Friday. = I’ll see you on Friday. — Увидимся в пятницу.
    They go to the gym Monday evening. = They go to the gym on Monday evening. — Они ходят в спортзал в понедельник вечером.

  • С датами: on the 1st of July (1 июля), on the 14th of March (14 марта).

    The construction of this skyscraper was finished on the 19th of August 2016. — Строительство этого небоскреба было завершено 19 августа 2016 года.

  • С месяцами: in January (в январе), in November (в ноябре).

    I have always wanted to visit Paris in April. It is the best time as flowers are everywhere and the weather is warm. — Я всегда хотела посетить Париж в апреле. Это лучшее время, так как повсюду цветы и погода теплая.

  • С временами года: in winter (зимой), in spring (весной).

    Our old house is cold even in summer. — В нашем старом доме холодно даже летом.

  • С годами: in 1955 (в 1955), in 2019 (в 2019).

    In 1970 life seemed to be much easier than now. — В 1970 жизнь казалась куда проще, чем сейчас.

  • Со столетиями: in the 19th century (в 19 столетии).

    In the 22nd century we will live on Mars. — В 22 веке мы будем жить на Марсе.

  • С названиями праздников: at Easter (на Пасху), at New Year (на Новый год), at Christmas (на Рождество).

    Students from other cities go home at Christmas. — Студенты из других городов едут домой на Рождество.

  • С праздничными днями: on Christmas Day (на Рождество, 25 декабря), on Christmas Eve (в канун Рождества, 24 декабря), on my birthday (в мой день рождения).

    What do you usually cook on Christmas Day? — Что ты обычно готовишь на Рождество?

  • Для указания возраста: at 18 (в 18 лет), at the age of 35 (в возрасте 35 лет).

    She was gullible and trusted strangers at 10. — В 10 лет она была наивна и доверяла незнакомцам.

  • С выражениями: BrE — at the weekend (на выходных), AmE — on the weekend (на выходных), at the moment (в данный момент), in the Middle Ages (в средние века), in the past (в прошлом), in the future (в будущем).

    I go to the lake at the weekend. — По выходным я хожу к озеру.
    In the past our ancestors used sticks and stones as a weapon. — В прошлом наши предки использовали палки и камни в качестве оружия.

Для того чтобы вам было легче запомнить, в каком случае какой предлог употреблять, повторим еще раз их основные функции. Предлог at употребляется, когда называем точное время (в котором часу произошло действие). Предлог on в английском языке употребляем, когда говорим о конкретном дне (день недели, дата, праздничный день). Предлог in в английском языке используется для больших временных промежутков (месяц, сезон, год и т. д.). Можно проследить закономерность от меньшего к большему. Но не забывайте и про устойчивые сочетания, которые могут быть исключениями.

Предлоги времени at, in, on не используем перед словами last (прошлый), this (этот), next (следующий), every (каждый).

I saw him last weekend and he looked like he had never got in that terrible car crash. — Я видела его на прошлых выходных, и он выглядел, как будто никогда и не попадал в ту ужасную аварию.
Kevin and I have separated and I am staying at my parents’ this month. — Кевин и я разошлись, и я живу у родителей в этом месяце.

Хотите потренироваться в употреблении предлогов at, in, on? Записывайтесь на курс практической грамматики.

Разница между on time и in time

On time — в заранее оговоренное время, по расписанию, не раньше и не позже. Противоположное значение — late (поздно). In time — заблаговременно, с запасом времени.

I like that Mr. Black is very punctual and all our classes always start on time — at 9 o’clock. — Мне нравится, что мистер Блэк очень пунктуальный и все наши занятия начинаются вовремя — в 9 часов. (занятия начинаются ровно в 9 часов, не раньше и не позже)
I’ll see you at 11.30. Be on time. I won’t wait for you. — Увидимся в 11:30. Будь вовремя. Я тебя ждать не буду. (будь ровно в 11:30)

I hope there won’t be any traffic and I’ll get to the airport in time. — Надеюсь, что пробок не будет и я приеду в аэропорт вовремя. (не обязательно в конкретное запланированное время, а заблаговременно, чтобы все успеть)
The conference starts at 10 a.m. Will you be in time? We need to fill in the registration forms. — Конференция начинается в 10. Ты будешь вовремя? Нам еще нужно заполнить регистрационную форму. (нужно прийти не ровно в 10, а заранее, чтобы успеть заполнить форму)

Еще одно полезное выражение — just in time (в самый последний момент, чуть не опоздать, как раз вовремя).

I managed to call the air company and cancel my tickets just in time. Otherwise I would have had to pay for them. — У меня получилось дозвониться в авиакомпанию и отменить билеты как раз вовремя. Иначе пришлось бы за них платить.
You’ve come just in time! We are about to start. — Ты чуть не опоздал. Мы как раз начинаем.

Разница между at the end и in the end

At the end переводится как «в конце». In the end — в итоге, в конечном счете, в результате, в конце концов.

He fell asleep at the end of the film and felt really embarrassed because it was a date. — Он уснул в конце фильма и чувствовал себя очень неловко, потому что это было свидание.
I have won Harvard scholarship and I am leaving at the end of August. — Я выиграл стипендию на обучение в Гарварде и уезжаю в конце августа.

We were arguing for such a long time that in the end we even forgot what the argument was about. — Мы так долго ссорились, что в конце концов даже забыли, о чем был спор.
In the end it doesn’t matter how big your salary was if you weren’t happy. — В конечном счете не важно, насколько большая у тебя была зарплата, если ты не был счастлив.

После at the end и at the beginning всегда можно добавить of: at the end of the concert (под конец концерта), at the beginning of the story (в начале истории). После in the end и in the beginning добавлять of нельзя.

He will come back at the beginning of the summer and we will go on holidays. — Он вернется в начале лета, и мы поедем в отпуск.
In the beginning she felt really shy, but in the end she made a lot of friends. — Поначалу она очень стеснялась, но в конце концов со многими подружилась.

Предлоги времени for, during и since

Предлог for в английском языке употребляется, чтобы уточнить, как долго длится действие: for an hour (час, длительностью в час), for a year (год, на протяжении года).

I’ve found a well-paid job in Alaska and I am going there for a year. — Я нашел хорошо оплачиваемую работу на Аляске и еду туда на год.
The company has been on the verge of bankruptcy for six months. — Компания находится на грани банкротства уже полгода.

Предлог during нужен, чтобы уточнить, когда происходит действие. During используем с существительными: during the film (во время фильма), during the day (в течение дня, в какой-то момент дня).

At work they have a room with board and video games so they usually have a lot of fun during their lunch breaks. — На работе у них есть комната с настольными играми и видеоиграми, поэтому они весело проводят время во время обеденного перерыва.
He kept so calm during the business meeting. — Он был таким спокойным во время бизнес-встречи.

Давайте сравним предлоги for и during. Предлог for обозначает, как долго происходит действие, а предлог during — когда оно происходит.

During my holiday in Brazil I fell in love with the country and its culture and made a decision to stay there for a while. — Во время моего отпуска в Бразилии я влюбилась в эту страну и ее культуру и приняла решение остаться там на какое-то время.
I have been travelling for many years but I have never been in Europe during the Christmas holidays. — Я путешествую уже много лет, но никогда не был в Европе во время рождественских праздников.

Предлог since (с, с тех пор как) нужен для обозначения начала какого-то действия.

I have known Michelle since our carefree childhood. — Я знаю Мишель со времен нашего беззаботного детства.
Children have been building this sandcastle since morning. It looks nice. — Дети строят этот песочный замок с самого утра. Выглядит хорошо.

Предлоги времени by, until/till

Используем предлог until/till (до тех пор, пока, не раньше), когда говорим, до какого времени длится действие.

I am extremely swamped today. I won’t be able to talk to you until 6 p.m. — Я невероятно занята сегодня. У меня не получится с тобой поговорить до 6 часов.
I won’t be back till midnight. — Я не вернусь до 12 ночи.

Предлог by (к какому-то времени) употребляется, когда указываем, что действие произойдет к какому-то определенному моменту или раньше его, но не позже.

The parcel was supposed to come by Friday! — Посылка должна была прийти к пятнице!
I am sure I’ll lose five kilos by next month if I go on a diet. — Я уверена, что сброшу пять кило к следующему месяцу, если сяду на диету.

Давайте рассмотрим разницу между предлогами until/till и by. Используем until/till, когда указываем, как долго действие будет продолжаться до конкретного момента. Используем by, когда уточняем, к какому моменту произойдет действие. Сравните:

She will be in the office until evening. — Она будет в офисе до вечера. (весь день до вечера)
She will finish work by evening. — Она закончит работу к вечеру. (не позднее вечера или раньше)

The cake will be baking till 2 o’clock. — Торт будет выпекаться до 2 часов. (на протяжении всего времени до 2 часов)
I have to bake a cake by 2 o’clock. — Мне нужно испечь торт к 2 часам. (торт должен быть готов к 2 или раньше, но не позже)

Надеемся, вы разобрались в теме употребления предлогов времени в английском языке. Пройдите небольшой тест, чтобы проверить себя.

Тест по теме «Предлоги времени в английском языке — at, in, on, since, for»

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Предлоги в английском языке


Автор: Татьяна Пелых Раздел:   Грамматика, Части речи в английском Дата публикации: 05.09.2020  

Предлогами называются служебные слова, которые выражают отношение между словами в предложении. Предлоги играют очень важную роль, являясь одним из способов выражения падежных отношений между членами предложения. В русском языке 6 падежей, а в английском только два падежа:

  • общий (Common Case)  
  • притяжательный (Possesive Case)

В связи с отсутствием падежных окончаний в английском языке, функцию отношений между словами чаще всего выполняют предлоги. 

Сопоставление английских предлогов с русскими падежами

Предлог of в сочетании с существительным или местоимением соответствует русскому родительному падежу (кого? чего?)

The kitchen of their house is still being redecorated.

Кухня их дома все еще ремонтируется.

Look! My new office building is at the end of this street.

Смотрите! Мое новое офисное здание в конце этой улицы.

Предлог to в сочетании с местоимением или существительным соответствует русскому дательному падежу (кому? чему?)

He explained the grammar to the students again.

Он снова объяснил грамматику ученикам.

Предлог by соответствует русскому творительному падежу (кем? чем?). 

My son was praised by the principial for passing his Maths test.

Мой сын получил похвалу от директора за то, что он сдал экзамен по математике.

Предлог with также соответствует русскому творительному падежу (кем? чем?), обозначая предмет, которым производится действие. 

An old lady was hit with an umbrella in a bus.

Старушку ударили зонтиком в автобусе.

В рассмотренных выше примерах предлоги утрачивают свое лексическое значение и не переводятся на русский язык.

Рассмотрим наиболее часто употребляемые предлоги: in, at, on, to, from, into. Их вы могли изучать в школьной программе и часто можете встретить почти в любом английском тексте.

Эти предлоги, особенно in, at, on могут быть предлогами:

  • места (at home, at school)
  • времени (at 3 p.m, at midnight)
  • входить в состав устойчивых выражений (at the age of, at Christmas)
  • образовывать ряд сочетаний с существительными, прилагательными, глаголом, наречиями (be good at, be suprised at/by, in cash, on a diet, on foot, on holiday/on business)

Предлог in обычно переводится «в» и встречается в предложениях, отвечающих на вопрос где?

They are in London. He is in the garden. She is in the kitchen.

Они в Лондоне. Он в саду. Она на кухне.

Предлог at обычно переводится «в, у, на, при» и отвечает на вопрос «где?», но имеет более широкое значение чем in. Если предлог in обычно значит «в пределах чего-то, внутри», то at определяет местонахождение чего-либо и часто образует устойчивое сочетание с существительным или с глаголом. В разных примерах предлог at переводится на русский по разному.

Look, my daughter is at the computer table.

Смотри, моя дочь за компьютерным столом.

Children, please write down your names at the top of your lists.

Дети, пожалуйста, запишите свои имена вверху списков.

Father is at home, mother is at the cinema.

Отец дома, мать в кинотеатре.

Hey boys, look at the blackboard.

Эй, мальчики, посмотрите на доску.

Предлог on употребляется как предлог места и отвечает на вопрос «где? на чем?», чаще всего переводится «на», но также имеет и много других значений.

The English books are on the coffee table, the French books are on the shelf.

Английские книги на журнальном столике, французские — на полке.

Where are the clean plates? They are on the table in the kitchen.

Где чистые тарелки? Они на столе на кухне.

Предлог to часто передает направление движения и переводится «в», «к» или «на». 

Go to the blackboard.

Иди к доске.

We are going to move to a new house.

Мы собираемся переехать в новый дом.

Take these children to the lake.

Отведи этих детей на озеро.

My Grandparents are coming to our place tomorrow.

Мои бабушка с дедушкой приезжают к нам завтра.

Предлог to также может передавать отношения выражаемые в русском языке дательным падежом.

I should give my love to your parents.

Мне надо выразить свою признательность твоим родителям.

I can give some sound advice to your son if he wants to listen to me.

Я могу дать вашему сыну хороший совет, если он захочет меня выслушать.

Предлог from обычно переводится «от, из, с».

Peter comes from Russia.

Питер родом из России.

My father is travelling from Poland.

Мой отец едет из Польши.

I get this secret news from Marina.

Я получаю секретные новости от Марины.

Take away this dirty plates from my table.

Убери эти грязные тарелки со стола.

Предлог into обозначает движение внутрь (inside) чего-то и обычно переводится «в»; отвечает на вопрос «куда? во что?». 

Put your right hand into the liquid and wait for 3 min.

Положите правую руку в жидкость и подождите 3 минуты.

Look, it looks like rain. Go into the building.

Смотри, похоже на дождь. Иди в здание.

Ice turns into water at 0 degrees.

Лед превращается в воду при 0 градусах.

Translate it into Russian.

Переведи на русский.

This plan must be taken into account.

Этот план должен быть принят во внимание.

Внимание! При работе с текстом никогда не переводите предлоги механически.

Необходимо серьезно вдумываться в значение каждого английского предлога и стараться подобрать подходящий по смыслу перевод.

Особенно важно уметь употреблять разные части речи с устойчивыми предлогами:

  • need for (The noun)
  • part with (The verb)
  • according to (The preposition)
  • capable of (The adjective)
  • enter into (start) (The verb)
  • in the event of (групповой предлог) — «в случае если»

Полный список слов с устойчивыми предлогами необходимо изучать и практиковать довольно длительное время.


В этом уроке мы рассмотрели наиболее часто употребимые английские предлоги in, at, on, to, from, into. В английском языке всего два падежа (следовательно, у слов нет множества всевозможных окончаний (как в русском), которые помогают их увязывать одно с другим), поэтому предлоги в значительной степени берут на себя функцию передачи отношений между словами.

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Татьяна Пелых

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Предлоги времени в английском языке in, at, on: когда использовать и в чем разница

Предлоги времени in, at и on вызывают сложности у всех изучающих, так как они имеют одинаковый перевод «в». Поэтому очень часто их путают и используют неправильно.

В русском языке у нас все просто, мы говорим:

«Я приду в 7 часов. Он приедет в сентябре. Я сделаю это в понедельник».

В английском в этих трех предложениях будут использоваться разные предлоги.

Чтобы не совершать ошибки, нужно просто запомнить, когда какой предлог мы используем.

Из статьи вы узнаете, в каких случаях мы используем in, at, on, и я дам общую таблицу использования этих предлогов.

Из статьи вы узнаете:

  • Что такое предлоги времени
  • Использование in
  • Использование at
  • Использование on
  • Общая таблица

Что такое предлоги времени в английском языке?

Предлоги – это маленькие слова, которые служат для связи слов в предложении.

Предлоги времени нужны нам, чтобы указать время, когда что-то произошло/происходит/будет происходить.

В английском языке есть следующие предлоги времени:

at — в
in — в
on – в
from .. to — с какого-то времени до
for — в течение какого-то времени
since — с тех пор, от какого-то времени
during — в течение
(un)till — до тех пор
before — до
after — после
by — к какому-то моменту

Сегодня мы разберем использование предлогов at, in и on, так как они чаще всего вызывают трудности из-за одинакового перевода.

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Использование предлога времени in в английском языке

Предлог IN

Перевод: в

Транскрипция: [in] / [ин]

Предлог in мы используем:

1. С временем суток (утром, вечером)


They come in the evening.
Они приходят вечером.

We left in the morning.
Мы ушли утром.

2. С месяцами (в июле, в сентябре)


He returned in September.
Он вернулся в сентябре.

Her birthday is in November.
Ее день рождения в ноябре.

3. С годами (в 2015, в 1992)


The house was built in 1967.
Этот дом был построен в 1967.

We met in 2001.
Мы встретились в 2001.

4. С временами года (лето, зима)


The snow melts in spring.
Снег тает весной.

This happened in autumn.
Это случилось осенью.

5. С долгими периодами времени (в 18-ом веке)


This church was built in the 12th century.
Эта церковь была построена в 12 веке.

The town was established in the 18th century.
Город был основан в 18 веке.

Использование предлога времени at в английском языке

Предлог AT

Перевод: в

Транскрипция: [æt] / [эт]

Предлог at мы используем в следующих случаях:

1. Со временем, когда говорим о часах (в 3 часа, в 8 часов)


We will meet at 7 o’clock.
Мы встретимся в 7 часов.

They go to bed at 10 o’clock.
Они ложатся спать в 10.

2. С определенными моментами дня (полночь, полдень, в обед, ночью)


I’ll ring back at midday.
Я перезвоню в полдень.

He’ll come at noon.
Он придет в обед.

3. С выходными и праздниками (в Пасху, в Рождество)


We give presents each other at the New Year.
Мы дарим друг другу подарки в новый год.

What are you doing at the weekend?
Что ты делаешь на выходных?

4. В устойчивых выражениях:

at the moment – в данный момент
at present – в настоящее время
at the same time – в то же самое время
at that/the time – в то / определенное время
at the age of – в возрасте … лет


She is reading at the moment.
Она читает в данный момент.

He works here at present.
Он работает здесь в настоящее время.

Использование предлога времени on в английском языке

Предлог ON

Перевод: в

Произношение: [ɔn] / [он]

Предлог on мы используем в следующих случаях:

1. С датами (8 сентября, 15 мая)


He was born on October 10.
Он родился 10 октября.

We got married on August 20
Мы поженились 20 августа.

2. С днями недели (понедельник, среда, пятница)


Call me on Monday.
Позвони мне в понедельник.

See you on Friday.
Увидимся в пятницу.

3. Со специальными датами (на день рождения)


What will you do on your birthday?
Что ты будешь делать на день рождения?

Общая таблица использования предлогов времени at, in, on в английском языке

Давайте посмотрим на общую таблицу использования предлогов at, in, on. 

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