When they reply with one word

If a guy has been replying to your texts with one word then you might be wondering why and what it means about the way that he feels about you.

This post will show you a number of reasons why he might reply with one word and why other guys might do the same in the future.

So, what does it mean when a guy replies with one word? It might be a sign that he is not interested in you especially if he only does it with you and he shows signs of not being interested in person. He might also do it naturally in which case he still might be interested in you especially if he shows signs of attraction in person.

There are actually a number of reasons why a guy might reply with one word and there are a number of things that you can consider when trying to figure out why he does it.

Why a guy will reply with one word

Each of the different reasons why a guy will reply with one word will likely come with a number of clues in the way that he does it and the body language he shows in person.

Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy will reply with one word, the signs to look for and the things to consider.

He is not interested in you

The reason that he replies with one word could be that he is not interested in you.

This would be more likely if he only seems to text you with one word and not other people as well, he doesn’t ask or agree to hang out and if he doesn’t initiate the conversation.

If he is not interested in you then he might show distancing behaviors when he is around you such as:

  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Smiling only at the mouth
  • Facing away from you
  • Having tight lips around you
  • Squinting
  • Standing further away from you than he does with other people

He is seeing someone else

It could be a sign that he is seeing someone else.

This would be more likely if he used to text you more than one word in the past and if he used to show interest in you in person but he suddenly stopped. He would also be less likely to agree to hang out or to ask and he would be less likely to initiate any conversations.

He is busy

It could just be the case that he replies to your texts with one word because he is normally busy.

This would be more likely if he is not always unresponsive and if he also seems to do it with other people as well.

If he does do it because he gets busy a lot then it could still be the case that he is actually attracted to you.

If he is attracted to you then he might show signs of being attracted to you by doing things such as:

  • Hold prolonged eye contact with you
  • Adjust his appearance when he sees you
  • Glance at you a lot
  • Stand closer to you than he does with other people
  • Point his feet at you when he is around you (people point their feet at people that they are attracted to)
  • Get anxious when you are around other men
  • Have dilated pupils when looking at you

There are more signs of attraction that he might show you. If you are unsure then a good ebook that I would recommend that will teach you how to better read body language and how to spot signs of attraction would be this one.

He is annoyed with you

The reason that he has been replying to your messages with one word might be that he is annoyed with you.

This would be more likely if he used to text you more and if he suddenly started doing it after something happened that would cause him to be annoyed with you.

If he is annoyed with you then he might show signs of being annoyed with you when he is around you by doing things such as:

  • Squinting
  • Facing away from you
  • Having tight lips
  • Standing further away from you
  • Avoiding eye contact

He does it naturally

Many men do not like having conversations over text and it could be the case that he does it naturally.

This would be more likely if he also seems to do it with other people and if he shows similar body language around other people as he does with you.

If he does do it naturally then it could still be the case that he is attracted to you. If he is then it would be likely that he would show signs of being attracted to you when he is around you.

Consider how he reacts to seeing you

When trying to understand how he feels about you it would help to consider the way that he reacts to seeing you.

If he noticeably changes his body language, when he sees you, then it would be more likely that he has good or bad feelings about you.

If he reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:

  • Adjusting his appearance
  • Adjusting his posture
  • Facing towards you (especially with the feet)
  • Holding eye contact with you
  • Moving closer to you

Then it would be more likely that he is attracted to you.

Whereas, if he reacts to seeing you by doing things such as:

  • Squinting at you
  • Tightening his lips
  • Facing away from you
  • Standing further away from you

Then it would be more likely that he is either not interested in you or he is annoyed with you.

Consider how he interacts with other people

It would also help to compare the way that he interacts with you with how he interacts with other people.

If he shows the same body language around you as he does with other people then it would be more likely that he texts people with short replies naturally.

Whereas, if he shows different body language around you than he does with other people then it would be more likely that he has particularly good or bad feelings about you depending on how he changes it.

Consider what he does text you

It would also be useful to consider the types of things that he does text you.

If he often texts you more positive things, he asks you questions often through messaging you and he agrees to hang out with you then it would be more likely that he is interested in you.

Whereas, if he takes a long time to reply, he gives you negative replies a lot and he does not agree to hang out then it would be much more likely that he is not interested in you.

Look for a number of body language signs

When considering what his body language might be showing it would help to look for a number of body language signs at the same time.

The reason for this is that a single body language sign can have many different meanings. This can make single body language signs unreliable on their own.

Whereas, if he shows multiple body language signs that all suggest the same thing then it would be more likely that he is showing them for that specific reason.

If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people’s true intentions.

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Have you ever gotten an awkward text and you didn’t know how to respond? Maybe whoever sent it made a typo, sent the text to the wrong person, or you just don’t know how to carry on the situation. Luckily, you can still save the conversation without making it even more awkward. Keep reading for advice and example texts you can send for whatever type of tricky texting scenario you’re in!

  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 1

    Humor helps break the tension so you can keep chatting. If the person didn’t say anything serious or upsetting, don’t be afraid to make light of it! Once your conversation gets a little awkward, just point it out and joke around about the situation. The person you’re texting might giggle and send a message that will get your convo back on track.

    • If a convo with your crush dies off: “You caught me on an off day cuz I’m usually a lot more exciting than this 😛 haha.”
    • If they mention the conversation is awkward: “I thought I told you I was an awkward person 😛 guess not though!”
    • If they accidentally texted the wrong person: “Well whoopsies 😅 are you sure that was meant for me??”
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  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 2

    You can ask about the meaning of their text if it confuses you. Texts can feel awkward if the person made a mistake typing it out or if you don’t know what they’re trying to say. If you’re having trouble deciphering their text, just ask so you don’t accidentally make a wrong assumption.

    • If you aren’t sure what they’re talking about: “Wait a sec, I’m a little confused. Can you explain that again to me?”
    • If there was a confusing typo in their message: “Uh oh, I think you spelled something wrong here. What were you trying to say?”
    • If they respond with a one-word answer: “I noticed that your replies have gotten short. Is everything okay right now?”
  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 3

    The other person will appreciate that you care about them during a tough time. It might feel a little awkward if there’s an issue bothering the person, but try to look at things from their perspective. Even if you aren’t really invested in the topic that the person is texting you about, show them that you care with an affirming message.

    • If they’re venting about a bad situation: “I totally see how that’s frustrating for you 😕 I’m sorry you’re going through that.”
    • If they mention relationship issues: “I completely get what you’re saying. Ugh, I know how tough it is to be in that situation.”
    • If they’re going through a lot of stress: “It really sounds like you’re going through a lot right now. It makes sense that you feel that way.”
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  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 4

    Express your gratitude if the person brings something to your attention. Even if you don’t agree with what the person had to say, it’s still respectful to thank them for opening up and trusting you. If they brought up a serious topic, you can ask them questions about how they’re doing to continue the conversation. Otherwise, move on to a different topic after you acknowledge what the person said.

    • If they make a complaint: “Thanks for letting me know about that! I’ll look into this ASAP. Is there anything I can do in the meantime?”
    • If they confess how they feel for you: “I appreciate all the kind words you had to say! It was very brave of you to open up.”
    • If they give you unwanted advice: “Thank you! I’m not sure if this will come up, but it may come in handy 🙂”
  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 5

    Pivoting to a new topic can help you avoid an awkward text. Switching to a new convo works best if you’re not talking about a heavy subject. Be sure to briefly acknowledge what the person texted you before you change to the new topic so it doesn’t sound like you completely ignored them. Try to think of something fun or more light-hearted to keep the conversation alive.[1]

    • If they bring up sad news: “I’m so sorry to hear that. I had no idea that even happened. How are you doing otherwise?”
    • If they make unwanted advances towards you: “I want to get to know you first before I make up my mind. I don’t even know what your favorite hobbies are yet hah”
    • If the other person goes on for too long about a topic: “That’s pretty cool! It reminds me of this thing that happened when I was younger. You won’t believe what happens in this story at all!”
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  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 6

    You can address an issue head-on by being honest with your feelings. Honesty is the best policy if you get caught in convos you’re not interested in. Be polite but direct when you mention your feelings to the other person. They’ll understand that you don’t want to have those types of conversations in the future.[2]

    • If they made you feel uncomfortable: “I’m here for you, but that sort of topic makes me feel really uneasy. I’m probably not the best person to discuss this with.”
    • If they confess their feelings for you and you’re not interested: “I appreciate everything you said, but I’m just not looking for anything like that right now. I hope you find someone special for you!”
    • If they talk about a friend behind their back: “I don’t like talking about someone without them here. I think you should chat with them about it instead.”
  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 7

    It’s okay to say no if your texting partner asks you to do something you don’t want to. If the person makes unwanted advances in your messages but you want to stay courteous, then tell them that you’re not interested right away. That lets the person know that you’re not going to respond to that type of message and that you won’t respond if they try talking to you that way again.[3]

    • If they ask you out: “I really do appreciate it, but I don’t see myself as being anything other than friends with you.”
    • If they want you to do something you don’t want to: “No thank you, that’s not something I’d be interested in.”
    • If they overstep a personal boundary: “I’m sorry, this is where I have to draw the line. I’d rather you didn’t ask me again.”
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  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 8

    Say you’re sorry if the person gets confused or upset. If you said something that put a damper on the convo or made it awkward, then acknowledge what you did. Tell the person why you’re sorry and ask them what you can do to help them. They’ll appreciate that you handled the situation maturely so you can move past it to a new topic.

    • If they were confused by what you said: “I’m sorry, I realize that was tough to read. Let me try explaining it again.”
    • If they call you out on a mistake: “You’re right. I’m sorry that I did that. I’ll be more careful going forward, but is there anything I can do to help out right now?”
    • If you made them angry: “I’m sorry for what I did and you have every right to be upset at me. What can I do better to work through this?”
  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 9

    Say what you want from the convo if the person doesn’t give a full answer. If the person responds to your text but you wish they’d say more, don’t be afraid to tell them. You deserve to have a balanced conversation no matter who you’re chatting with. Talk about the way it makes you feel when they’re not communicating and clearly tell them how you expect them to respond.

    • If they reply with a one-word answer: “It’s hard for me to know what you mean when your responses are short, so I’d appreciate it if you could give me a little more to work with.”
    • If they won’t say how they’re feeling: “I noticed that you haven’t said how you felt about this yet. I’d really like it if you could tell me so I know if it’s a sore spot for you.”
    • If they avoid the topic you’re discussing: “I’ve tried to bring this up a few times, and I feel like I’m being ignored. Could you tell me if a topic makes you uncomfortable instead?”
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  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 10

    You’ll read emotions better when you chat about serious topics face-to-face. It’s hard to read how someone is feeling just through text since you can’t see their body language or hear their tone. Let them know that you’re still interested in having the conversation, but it would be better if you could find time to get together. Even if you can’t talk face-to-face, you should still try to hop on a phone call.[4]

    • If they mention that they’re upset: “I understand you’re frustrated, but we should probably sit down and talk through this. When’s a good time for you?”
    • If they want to talk about your relationship: “I’d rather that we talk about this face-to-face just so we don’t get confused. Can we chat about this when we’re home from work?”
    • If they accuse you of something: “This sounds really serious. Can we put a pin in this and talk when I can see you in person?”
  1. Image titled Reply to Awkward Texts Step 11

    Mentioning you can’t chat keeps the interaction brief. You can try this out if you’re just starting a conversation or trying to get out or a long convo that turns awkward. Give the person a reason why you aren’t able to be a part of the conversation so they won’t be as upset if you don’t respond to them. You can always text them later if you want to stay in contact with them when you have more time to think of how to respond.[5]

    • If they want to chat and you don’t: “Hey, I’m just about to head out for the day, so I only have a few minutes to catch up.”
    • If you’re caught up in small talk: “Well this has been a good conversation, but I should probably get to bed. I’ll talk to you later!”
    • If they ask for tough advice: “Hey sorry, I’m at work. This sounds important, so I’d ask someone who can help out sooner than me.”
    • You don’t have to respond to unwanted awkward texts from people that you don’t want to be in contact with.
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    What do I do if someone doesn’t respond to my text?

    Imad Jbara

    Imad Jbara is a Dating Coach for NYC Wingwoman LLC, a relationship coaching service based in New York City. ‘NYC Wingwoman’ offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Imad services 100+ clients, men and women, to improve their dating lives through authentic communication skills. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.

    Imad Jbara

    Dating Coach

    Expert Answer

    If someone isn’t responding, it’s best to just go about your day. Try to live your life and focus on what’s important to you. If the conversation is important to them, they’ll eventually respond. If not, you know it’s time to move on.

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A. Choose the correct answer.

1   Everyone said they had ………… themselves at the wedding.

        A enjoyed    B impressed

        C pleased     D excited

2   Mary seems to go out with a different ………… of friends almost every night.

        A group        B band

        C company  D collection

3   People can become very ………… when they are stuck in traffic for a long time.

        A nervous    B bad-tempered

        C stressful    D pressed

4   More and more people are living into ………… age and it’s a serious social problem.

        A high           B ancient

        C far              D old

5   Stephanie seems to be very ………… with her classmates.

        A likeable     B famous

        C known       D popular

6   Most ………… people have no idea what it’s like to be famous.

        A usual         B ordinary

        C typical       D medium

7   When my parents got divorced, my best friend was very ………… and listened to all my problems.

        A likeable     B amusing

        C sympathetic

        D enjoyable

8   Rita’s very ………… and easily gets upset when people criticise her.

        A level-headed

        B sensitive

        C sensible

        D open-minded

9   Police were called in when the ………… of people began to get violent.

        A crowd       B company

        C audience   D herd

10   My dad says he once met Robbie Williams when he was still ………… .

        A unknown  B hidden

        C infamous  D unrelated


1 A   2 A   2 B   4 D   5 D   6 B

7 C   8 B   9 A   10 A

B. Circle the correct word.

 These days, many parents find it difficult to assist / support a large family.

 Forgetting to thank us for dinner is usual / typical of George.

 My grandma doesn’t have any close / near family her own age left.

 In ancient / old times, people had a very different view of the world.

 Who was to blame / fault for the argument?

 Don’t you know it’s kind / polite to close your mouth when you are eating?

 Nathan’s parents were very enjoyed / pleased when they saw him in the school play.

 I have a very good connection / relationship with my mother.


1 support   2 typical   3 close   4 ancient

5 blame   6 polite   7 pleased   8 relationship

C. Complete using the words from the box. You need to use one word twice.

get • make • put • look • bring • fall • grow


Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to (1) ………………… down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others (2) ………………… up and forgive easily. As we (3) ………………… up, our personality develops and we find that we (4) ………………… on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who (5) ………………… us up. If we (6) ………………… up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to (7) ………………… us down all the time and we (8) ………………… out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.


1 look   2 make   3 grow   4 get

5 bring   6 look   7 put   8 fall

D. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

 The doctor said that the old woman had died ……………………… peacefully in her sleep.

 I always support ……………………… my brother when he gets into trouble.

 Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ……………………… Venessa.

 Mark is such a bully and treats badly ……………………… the younger boys at school.

 I was surprised ……………………… when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

 Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly ……………………… in Australia.

7   I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about ……………………… you.


1 passed away   2 stand up for   3 fallen for   4 picks on

5 taken aback   6 settled down   7 asked after

E. Write one word in each gap.

1   Could you ………………… me a favour and ask Oliver to see me in my office?

2   I don’t have many ambitions, but I’d like to graduate and then ………………… a family.

3   As we walked down the street, Helen ………………… pity on the beggar and gave him some money.

4   Nadia’s hair looked awful, but I didn’t ………………… the courage to tell her.

5   My dad can’t stand ………………… an argument and always has to have the last word.

6   The new law seemed to ………………… with everyone’s approval.

7   Can you ………………… care of your little sister for a minute while I go to the shop?

8   When you first ………………… in love, the whole world seems a beautiful place.

9   I don’t really ………………… friends very easily because I’m quite shy.

10   I didn’t recognise Ed when I saw him because he was ………………… disguise.

11   You’re in a very good ………………… . Why are you so happy?

12   If you keep ………………… your promises, people won’t trust you any more.

13   I ………………… a really strange dream last night about my best friend.


1 do   2 have/start   3 took   4 have

5 losing   6 meet   7 take   8 fall   9 make

10 in   11 mood   12 breaking   13 had

F. Choose the correct answer.

1   The government is trying to convince people ………… the need for higher taxes.

        A with           B of

        C that            D for

2   I believe that judges should be independent ………… the government.

        A to               B from

        C with           D on

3   Local residents object ………… the new power station in their area.

        A to have     B having

        C of having  D to having

4   Do you think they should ban people ………… smoking in public places?

        A from          B that

        C in                D of

5   The MP asked ………… the prime minister was aware of the growing social problem.

        A that           B him

        C if                 D what

6   Most people seem to agree ………… the newspapers’ criticism of the government.

        A on              B to

        C with           D that

7   I don’t think people should rely ………… the state, even if they are unemployed.

        A to               B with

        C on              D by

8   The mayor was attacked ………… public money.

        A for wasting

        B to waste

        C he waste

        D of wasting


1 B   2 B   3 D   4 A   5 C   6 C   7 C   8 A

G. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.

I had a really stupid (1) ………………… (ARGUE) with my best friends the other day. It all started because we were talking about (2) ………………… (MARRY) and having a family. I said that (3) ………………… (POLITE) is important when you are married and she said that she thought that was rubbish and that (4) ………………… (KIND) is much more important. Well, we were (5) ………………… (ABLE) to agree and, in the end, she left without saying goodbye. I do hope it doesn’t spoil our (6) ………………… (FRIEND).


1 argument

2 marriage/ marrying/ getting married

3 politeness   4 kindness   5 unable

6 friendship

H. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1   My best friend has a great ………………… (PERSON) and everyone likes her.

2   I have a good ………………… (RELATE) with my mum and I can talk to her about anything.

3   They’ve just published a book of George Bush’s ………………… (CORRESPOND) and it looks really interesting.

4   Jenny seemed ………………… (WILLING) to talk about her argument with Nancy but I eventually got the facts.

 As I waited for Kelly to arrive at the cinema, I bit my nails ………………… (NERVE).

 Ignore what Sharon says about you. It’s just ………………… (JEALOUS).

 In the past, children were expected to be very ………………… (OBEY).

 Brenda blames her ………………… (HAPPY) on being single, but I’m not so sure.

 Tom knew that being chosen as class president was a real ………………… (ACHIEVE).

10   Kevin’s so sensitive that you have to be very ………………… (CARE) what you say to him.


1 personality   2 relationship   3 correspondence

4 unwilling   5 nervously   6 jealousy   7 obedient

8 unhappiness   9 achievement   10 careful

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a. Complete the sentences with one word.

1. What were you and Sarah talking about?
2. You didn’t like the film, did you?
3. My father loves opera, and so does my mother.
4. A I’ve been to India twice.
B Have you? I’d love to go?
5. What have you been doing since I last saw you?

b. Circle the correct answer, a, b, or c.

1. Could you tell me what time the bus leaves?
2. How many people usually come to this class?
3. I’ve read at least three books so far this month.
4. That was the best film I’ve ever seen!
5. The sooner you start, the sooner you’ll finish.


a. Word groups. Underline the word that is different. Say why.

1 vain stubborn possessive wise
2. cheerful loyal insincere conscientious
3. flu blister cold asthma
4. GP A&E specialist doctor

b. Complete the sentences with a preposition.

1 Who were you talking to on the phone?
2. She’s very good at listening to people.
3. Sam is a real pain in the neck.
4. She’s allergic to milk.
5. What are you waiting for?

c. Complete the sentences with an adjective made from the word in bold.

1. Damien is very forgetful. He never remembers our anniversary.
2. I’m ambitious – I want to go far in my profession.
3. My brother is very reliable. I can always depend on him for anything.
4. Luke is very moody – happy one moment and sad the next.
5. Madeleine is very sensitive. It’s very easy to hurt her feelings.

d. Write words for the definitions.

1. bleed – when blood comes out of, for example, your finger
2. swollen – bigger than normal, especially because of an injury or infection
3. bandage – a piece of cloth used to tie round a part of the body that has been hurt
4. bad-tempered – (a person who) gets angry very easily
5. bossy – (a person who is) always telling other people what to do
6. arrogant – (a person who) thinks he/she is superior to other people


a. Underline the word with a different sound.

1. cheerful headache choking stitches
2. sociable unconscious pressure bossy
3. funny impulsive blood flu
4. cough open swollen throat
5. heart calm earache arm

b. Underline the stressed syllable.

arrogant immature injection allergic specialist

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