When question word or time word

English Grammar : «WH» Question Word ‘When’

'wh' question word 'When' in English Grammar

«WH» Question Word : ‘When’

‘When’ is used to ask about time, period and date.

  • • When is your meeting?
  • • When do you study at home?
  • • When is the birthday party?
  • • When is your wedding anniversary?

Uses of Question Word : ‘When’ (Questions with ‘when’)

  • When is your annual examination?
  • • When is your birthday?
  • • When is your flight / train?
  • • When will your father return from USA?
  • • When is your sister coming from Africa?
  • • When will you leave for Canada?
  • • When did you pass your Graduation?
  • • When did you meet Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam?
  • • When will you come to our house?
  • • When do you go to the library?
  • • When will you get your degree?
  • • When did we meet last?
  • • When does/did/will Radha cook?
  • • When will you finish your studies?
  • • When will I get job?
  • • When will you return my money?
  • When will he return from school?
  • • When did they go to Goa?
  • • When will you go to Goa?
  • • When did they come back from America?
  • • When did you start your business?
  • • When are you sending the money?
  • • When will you post your invoice?
  • • When does your father return home?
  • • When do you study?
  • • When will you go abroad?
  • • When do you go to see a movie?
  • • When did you come back from class?
  • • When will you buy a new car?
  • • When will you return after your holidays?
  • • When do you plan to get married?
  • • When did you start working here?

English Grammar : Pronoun

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What is the difference between «when» used as a question word and «when» used as a time word? I found it with rules about «will». Why e.g. in a sentence » I don’t know when Helen will be back» when is described as a question word? We are asking about time as well, aren’t we? Could anyone explain me that and give more examples?

  • agisenglish
  •   answer


When will Helen be back? (direct question)
I don’t know when Helen will be back. (indirect question)

Both whens above are question words meaning at what time.

  • RandomGuy
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Aspara Gus:

1) When will Helen be back? (direct question)
2) I don’t know when Helen will be back. (indirect question) It could be an in direct question, but it also could be a statement.
‘Why are you asking me? I don’t know when Helen will be back.’

Both whens above are question words meaning at what time. «When» (sentence1) is clearly a question word. But to me, «when» (sentence 2) is a «time word», not a (real) question word.
And this brings us to the difference between the two. A true question word usually starts a question sentence and is therefore capitalized. The time word «when» comes later in the sentence and is not capitalized.

  • canadian45
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  • RandomGuy
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Aspara Guscanadian45′

Why are you asking me? I don’t know when Helen will be back.’
Grammatically speaking, that is

still considered an indirect question, and when is a question word.

All I can say is that makes

absolutely no sense at all


  • canadian45
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canadian45All I can say is that makes absolutely no sense at all.

I see what you mean, but there are no alternative terms that I’m aware of.

  • RandomGuy
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Aspara Guscanadian45All I can say is that makes absolutely no sense at all.I see what you mean, but there are no alternative terms that I’m aware of.

a couple more comments…
1) don’t know if «time word» is a recognized term. Do you know? Regardless of that, see 2).

2) ‘I don’t know if Helen will be back.’ I have never heard of «if» being a question word.

  • canadian45
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canadian451) don’t know if «time word» is a recognized term. Do you know?

I don’t think so.

canadian452) ‘I don’t know if Helen will be back.’ I have never heard of «if» being a question word.

That’s because it can’t be used to form direct questions (*If will Helen be back?).

  • RandomGuy
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Aspara Guscanadian451) don’t know if «time word» is a recognized term. Do you know?I don’t think so.canadian452) ‘I don’t know if Helen will be back.’ I have never heard of «if» being a question word.That’s because it can’t be used to form direct questions (*If will Helen be back?).

Thanks for your further comments. I guess my response is that just because ‘when’ can be a question word, that doesn’t mean that it is always a question word.


you find out, let me know.’ Whether


is called a ‘time word’ or not, it doesn’t seem to be a question word in that sentence.

  • canadian45
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Answer this Question

Master the Interrogative Words in English

Why are you learning English? When did you start? What is your English level

These three question words, also known as interrogative pronouns, are used when forming questions in English. They are especially useful when we want to find out information.

Question words are very important in a number of contexts in any language. We use them for introductions, to ask for instructions when lost, to ask for things in shops, and so much more. This article is here to clear up any doubts you may have about the questions words in English and how they are used. 

Asking Questions in English Conversation

Where should we start with question words? The best thing would be to go over the basic rules. As you probably learned in your in-person or online English course, the easiest questions are made using the verb “to be”. 

For these, you simply have to invert the order of the subject and verb, then add a question mark at the end. For example, “She is hungry.” becomes “Is she hungry?”

For other verbs, you need to add a helping verb, either an auxiliary or modal, before the subject. 

My brother called. → Has my brother called?

You want to see a movie. → Do you want to see a movie?

We can go to Paris next summer. → Can we go to Paris next summer?

Now that interrogative sentences are a bit clearer, shall we go on to question words? Question words are added to the front of a question to clarify the type of information you are looking for

There are a number of interrogatives in English. Today, we will look at who, what, when, where, why, and how. We will look at how they are used and when along with some examples.

Asking Who

Let’s start with the question word “who”. It is used to ask about people.

  • Who are you?
  • Who is at the door?
  • Who is the person you admire most?
  • Who was your favourite teacher in primary school?

With question words that begin with who, the “who” comes at the beginning of the interrogative, before the verb.

For example:

  • Who did you have dinner with last night?
    • I had dinner with my friend Sean.
  • Who made that sculpture?
    • Michelangelo did.

Next up is the word “what”. What is used to ask for something specific, like an item or object.

  • What time is it?
  • What is that sound?
  • What film are you going to see?
  • What did you eat for breakfast today?

As with who, the word what comes at the beginning of the sentence, followed by the verb.

For example:

  • What happened?
    • I tripped and fell down.
  • What are we going to do tomorrow?
    • We’re going to the beach. The weather looks perfect!

Question Word of Time: When

Now, let’s learn about the question word “when” and how to use it correctly.

When is used when we want to find out the time of an event or action. There is no other interrogative word which indicates that we want to know the time something happened or will happen. Look at the following examples:

  • When are you going to study for your exam?
    • Tomorrow evening.
  • When do you want to come to my house?
    • I’ll come at 11 am.
  • When is your birthday?
    • It’s in August.

Question Word of Place: Where

The word “where” is used to discover the location, place, or position of something.

  • Where do you live?
  • Where are you from?
  • Where is the nearest café?
  • Where did your parents go on holiday this year?

The answer to where questions always comes with the location in the answer. This question word is very helpful when you are travelling and need to know where to find something!

For example:

  • Where are my keys?
    • I think I saw them on your nightstand.
  • Can you tell me where an ATM is?
    • Yes, there is one just around the corner.

English Question Words: Why

Now we have come to the word “why”. It is used to ask for reasons or explanations.

  • Why do you play tennis?
  • Why do you like vegetables?
  • Why are you late?
  • Why did you start learning English?

All of the why questions are asked in order to find out information. We usually respond with the conjunction because.

For example:

  • Why are you late?
    • Because I missed the train!
  • Why did you leave the party?
    • Because I wasn’t enjoying myself

English Question Words: How

Finally, we have come to the word “how”. This is used to ask for the manner, way, or form

  • How do you go to work?
    • I take the bus.
  • How old are you?
    • I am 34 years old.

“How many” and “how much” are used with nouns to ask about quantity. “How often” is used to ask about frequency.

  • How many apples should I buy? (Used with countable nouns.)
    • 5 apples should be enough.
  • How much bread do you want? (Used with uncountable nouns.)
    • 2 loaves of bread, please.
  • How often do you go to the gym?
    • I go to the gym three times a week.

That was easy, right? Now that you have the basics of question words down, would you like to continue improving your English? We invite you to try the ABA English method. You can get the most out of your studies with our free video classes and short films that use everyday English to teach you what you need to know while keeping it interesting. 

Our online teachers will be there to answer any questions you may have. Continue to live your life and do your favourite activities without worrying about meeting a fixed schedule or going to immovable classes.

I’ve spent the last few months talking about how I teach WH questions in therapy.  Teaching when questions is a little more tricky to teach because they are more abstract.  When questions are generally answered by a time word or a reason. Ex. When do you go to bed?  (7 pm or when I am tired).  

teaching when questions

I usually start practicing WHEN questions related to daily routines and general times of the day.  Day and night are two easy ways to teach this skill.  I usually start by working on day and night.  It’s an easy way to start and most of my clients understand that night is “dark” and day is “light” so it is easy to target this skill with a variety of pictures that I already have.  Using magazine pictures I might ask, “When was the girl swinging?” and then prompt my client to state in the day.

Teaching When Questions during Daily Routines 

  • Morning/afternoon/night: Talk about the basic sequences of your day, having your child tell you when you complete it. (Ex. When do we eat breakfast? In the morning.)
  • Before/after: I use a schedule when I am working on time concepts and when questions.  We can talk about what we did before or what we will do after an activity.

Teaching When Questions using a Calendar

I stock up on calendars at the dollar store at the beginning of the year.  We put in specific events and then I can ask WHEN a specific event occurred.

  • Birthdays: Talk about birthdays in your family using a calendar. (Ex.  When is your birthday?)
  • Holidays/Seasons: Talk about when certain holidays or seasons occur. (Ex. When will it be Christmas?  When does fall start?) Have your child use the calendar to find the dates.
  • Special events: Write down special events/vacations you did on a calendar. Talk with your child about when you did the event, using words: yesterday, tomorrow, last week etc.

Using Fill in the blank to teach WHEN cause and effect questions

Some WHEN questions are answered more with a reason or cause/effect rather than a specific time.

  1. When do you eat (when you are hungry)
  2. When do you go to bed (when you are tired)
  3. When do your put on your jacket (when you are going outside.)
  4. When will you take a bath (when you are dirty/smelly)
  5. When do you need an umbrella?  (when it is raining)
  6. When do you put on boots?  (when it is snowy).
  7. When do you need a flashlight?  (when it is dark outside)
  8. When do you study (when you have a test)
  9. When do you go to the doctor (when you are sick)
  10. When do you get a haircut?  (when your hair is too long.)

Some of these questions can be answered in different ways.  I encourage my clients to think of several answers to facilitate flexible thinking.  Consider the following answers to the “When do you go to bed question?”

  • when you are tired
  • at night
  • when your parents tell you
  • at 8pm

If they struggle with answering WHEN questions I will start by creating a list and having them fill in the blank.  (For example, “When do you eat?  Tell me: “I eat when I’m _______.”  Overtime I can decrease my sentence lead ins until they are able to reply using a full sentence.

WHEN Question Activities

    1. Snacks or Craft Projects.   Simple snacks or 3-4 step craft projects are a quick way to practice WHEN questions related to sequencing.  Complete the activity and have your client write down the steps of the activity.  Talk about WHEN you did different steps.  (Ex. When did you pour in the milk?  after you cracked the egg.)  Looking for some more ideas?  Check out how I use WH questions within my snack activity products. 
    2. School/Classroom Calendar:  Post a school calendar or the weekly schedule in your speech room.  Talk about when they will have media center, when gym was or when a school release day will be.
    3. Play a game of Clue Junior.  You will need to figure out who ate the snack, what room they ate it in and WHEN they ate it.  After the game, you can talk about when the “crime” occurred.  You can check it out using my affiliate link by clicking on the page below.  (Affiliate links are one way bloggers can pay for the cost of running their site.  They pay a small amount of money for sales referred to them.)

This post wraps up my series on teaching WH questions in therapy.  In case you missed it, please check out some of my previous posts.

Troubleshooting WH questions

Teaching WHO questions

Teaching WHAT questions

Teaching WHERE questions

Teaching WHY questions

QUESTION:  When questions are tricky to teach.  What is your favorite go-to activity for teaching when questions?  I can’t wait to read about it!  


Вопросительное слово When может употребляться с различными временами. Обратите внимание, что в английском языке существует особый порядок слов в вопросительных предложениях.

Present Simple

When + present simple?

Present Continuous

When + present continuous?

Present Perfect

When + present perfect?

Past Simple

Важным является то, что такие вопросительные слова как When и его синоним How long ago, вместо Present Perfect берут после себя Past Simple.

How long ago did you go to Africa?
Как давно ты ездил в Африку?

When did you buy this car?
Когда ты купил эту машину?

Future Simple

When как вопросительное слово употребляется во Future Simple, когда мы интересуемся через сколько времени произойдет то или иное событие.

When will she come?
Когда она придет?

When will you buy a new jacket?
Когда ты купишь новый пиджак?

Союз времени

Обратите особое внимание на то, что слово when может быть не только вопросительным словом, но и союзом времени. В этом случае, когда мы говорим о будущем, мы не можем употреблять Future Simple, и должны применять правила Present Simple.

I think when she comes I will be sleeping.
Я думаю, когда она придет, я уже буду спать.



Упражнения на способы выражения будущего времени
Упражнения на Present Perfect и Past Simple


Упражнения на Present Perfect и Past Simple
Упражнения на специальный вопрос
Упражнения на времена


Упражнения на способы выражения будущего времени

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