When do you use which or that in a sentence for each word

Which vs that title

Many people use “which” and “that” interchangeably but the two words are not synonymous.

“Which” and “that” both refer to something previously mentioned when introducing another clause.

The difference between them is “which” introduces a non-essential clause and “that” introduces an essential one.

Read on to learn how to identify clauses and subsequently use the right word every single time.

The Trick for Remembering Which vs. That

There’s a simple trick to remember the difference:

If your sentence has a clause but does not need it, use “which”; if the sentence does need the clause, use “that.”

Before we look at when to use “that” or “which,” let’s quickly discuss what a clause is.

What Is a Clause?

A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate.

A subject is the thing that the clause is about. A predicate contains the verb and says something about the subject.

Examples of clauses are:

  • When I was running (dependent)
  • That went missing yesterday (dependent/adjective)
  • I ate pasta and apple crumble (independent)

There are two main types of clauses: independent and dependent.

Dependent clauses can be split further into noun and adjective clauses.

Within these categories, there are two types of noun clauses, restrictive and non-restrictive, which are essential to understand the difference between “which” and “that.”

Different types of clauses

Which vs. That: Let Us Explain

The clause that comes after the word “which” or “that” is the determining factor in deciding which one to use.

If the clause is essential to the meaning of the sentence, you use “that.”

If you could drop the clause and leave the meaning of the sentence intact, use “which.”

For example:

  • The school that burned down last week is still smoking.
  • The school, which burned down last week, is next to Mila’s restaurant.

In the first sentence, the clause “that burned down last week” is essential because it identifies the school that is still smoking. Without the clause, we could refer to any school. With an essential clause, use the word “that.”

In the second sentence, the clause “which burned down last week” is non-essential because it is unnecessary to identify the school. Without it, the sentence would still make sense. With a non-essential clause, use the word “which.”


How to Use Commas with Which vs. That

“Which” and “that” are relative pronouns that begin adjective clauses. Both tell us a little more about the noun they follow.

The clauses that start with “that” are called restrictive because they ONLY tell us about the noun being discussed and are not surrounded by commas.

The “which” clause is non-essential or non-restrictive and‌ is always set off from the rest of the sentence with commas.


Examples of When to Use Which vs. That

  • The old schoolhouse, which is one of my favorite historical sites to visit, is in dire need of renovation.

In this case, you could drop the clause “which is one of my favorite historical sites to visit” and the sentence would still make sense.

On the flip side, try this example:

  • The type of antibiotic that the doctor prescribed made me nauseous.

Clearly, it’s not just any antibiotic, but the one the doctor prescribed that made you sick to your stomach. The sentence without the clause doesn’t make sense.

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Extended Example of Which vs. That

In some sentences, both “which” and “that” are grammatically correct but provide slightly different meanings, like in the example below.

  • Our home, which has four bedrooms, is located in the Caribbean.
  • Our home that has four bedrooms is located in the Caribbean.

The first sentence discusses the location of your only home and it just so happens to have four bedrooms. Lucky you, it’s in the Caribbean.

The second sentence points out that the home you own with four bedrooms is located in the Caribbean, which means you have more than one home. “That has four bedrooms” is how you distinguish between your many homes.

Which vs. That: Quiz

Now that you know how to use “which” and “that,” are you ready for a quick test? I have omitted all commas because otherwise it would be too easy.

1) The lion __ I saw at the zoo scared me.

2) My summer chemistry project __ I handed in yesterday got an A!

3) My dress __ I wore last week has a hole in it.

4) My boat __ is at the summer house in Devon was repainted last week.

5) Jupiter __ is next to Saturn is the largest planet in our solar system.

Answers: 1) either 2) which 3) that 4) either 5) which

A big congratulations if you got all of them right because I was a little mean with sentences 1 and 4. Both the words “that” and “which” are grammatically correct depending on whether you have seen lions in the wild and how many boats the speaker has.

In sentence 4, if they have multiple boats then “that” is correct because it is necessary to identify which boat they are discussing. If they only have one boat then “which” is correct because we would already know where the boat is located and therefore the clause is not essential.

As a writer (me) once said:

“That which confuses you can only make you a better writer.”

Do you have any sentences like this that use both “which” and “that”? Share them in the comments.

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To understand when to use that and when to use which, it’s important to keep in mind the difference between restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. In formal American English, that is used in restrictive clauses, and which is used in nonrestrictive clauses. Not sure what that means? Let’s find out!

How to use that vs. which

A restrictive clause contains information that limits the meaning of a noun and is necessary in a sentence. For example, in the sentence Any book that you like must be good, the clause that you like is restrictive because it identifies which book: the one that you like.

Take a look at the meaning of the sentence if the clause is removed: any book must be good. Without the clause, the meaning of the sentence is altered, and therefore, the clause is needed.

Note that in restrictive clauses, sometimes that can be omitted. Any book you like must be good is also often used, especially in informal settings.

Examples sentences using that

In the following sentences, the precise meaning is altered if each restrictive clause is removed:

  • The song that you performed right before intermission is my favorite.
  • I think I finally caught a glimpse of the bird that is building a nest in the window.
  • Do you remember the name of the book that Carla recommended to us?

These grammar rules can really have a dizzying effect … or is it “affect”? Find out the difference, here.

A nonrestrictive clause, on the other hand, is used to supply additional information that is not essential to understanding the main point of the sentence. Consider this example: The book, which I found at a dusty used bookstore, was a real page-turner. The clause which I found at a dusty used bookstore is nonrestrictive because it adds extra information, almost like an aside. You could delete the details about the bookstore, and the sentence would still make sense. In this example, which is preceded by a comma; nonrestrictive clauses tend to follow punctuation like a comma, a dash, or parenthesis. Which is only used in restrictive clauses if it is preceded by a preposition.

Example sentences using which

In these examples, the information provided by each nonrestrictive clause is not essential.

  • This sandwich, which has my favorite pickles, is delicious!
  • Juan’s birthday party, which was going to be held at the park, has been postponed.
  • These pairs of pants, which no longer fit me, should be given away.

How to remember whether to use that or which

Luckily there’s an easy way to remember whether to use that or which. If the relative clause contains information that is not essential to the meaning of the sentence, and is also preceded by a comma, a dash, or parenthesis, it’s probably nonrestrictive, so use which. If not, odds are it’s restrictive, so use that.

However, the above distinction is a rule of formal American English, and is not as strictly observed in British English or in informal English of any type.

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It can be hard to know when to use “which” and when to use “that” in a sentence, even if you are a native English speaker. Knowing the difference between a restrictive and non-restrictive clause and when and how to use them can help you learn how to use “which” and “that” correctly.

  1. Image titled Use "That" and "Which" Correctly Step 1


    Determine what a restrictive clause is. The key to knowing if you need to use “which” or “that” in a sentence is deciding if you need to create a restrictive or non-restrictive clause.

    • A restrictive clause is one that sets limits on the subject of the sentence. A restrictive clause also contributes to the meaning of the sentence – the sentence won’t make sense without the restrictive clause.
    • For example, the sentence “I like flowers that are purple” has a restrictive clause in it and removing it would change the meaning of the sentence. “That are purple” is the restrictive clause, because without it you would just be telling people that you like flowers in general.[1]
  2. Image titled Use "That" and "Which" Correctly Step 2


    Determine what a non-restrictive clause is. A non-restrictive clause adds information to the sentence, but removing it doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence. These are usually separated by commas before and after the clause. They may also be distinguished by dashes or parentheses.

    • For example, the sentence, “The car, which is red, was totaled in the accident,” has a non-restrictive clause in it because “which is red” can be removed without changing the sentence’s meaning. The car will still be totaled, whether we know its color or not. “Which is red” is the non-restrictive clause.[2]


  3. Image titled Use "That" and "Which" Correctly Step 3


    Determine if you’re using a restrictive or non-restrictive clause. When you’re trying to figure out if you’re using a restrictive or non-restrictive clause, ask yourself if the clause changes the meaning of the sentence or if it just adds information to it.

    • If taking out the clause changes the meaning of the sentence, you’re using a restrictive clause. In the sentence «Jimmy likes apples that are red» taking out «that are red» changes the meaning of the sentence; we might think Jimmy likes all apples and not just the red ones. «That are red» is, therefore, a restrictive clause.
    • If taking out the clause doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence, you’re using a non-restrictive clause.[3]
      In the sentence «Jimmy thinks apples, which grow on trees in his yard, are the best fruit,» taking out «which grow on trees in his yard» doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence. We still learn that apples are Jimmy’s favorite fruit, and therefore «which grow on trees in his yard» is a non-restrictive clause.
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  1. Image titled Use "That" and "Which" Correctly Step 4


    Use “that” for restrictive clauses. If you determine that omitting the clause changes the meaning of the sentence, you need to use “that” in your sentence.[4]

    • For example, in the sentence “I like dogs that are brown,” the clause “that are brown” is crucial to understanding the sentence; it limits what type of dogs you like.
  2. Image titled Use "That" and "Which" Correctly Step 5


    Use “which” for non-restrictive clauses. If omitting the clause only removes additional information from the sentence, you need to use “which” in your sentence.

    • For example, in the sentence “I took the firetruck, which is my niece’s favorite toy, to be fixed,” the clause “which is my niece’s favorite toy” only adds information to the sentence. You’re taking the firetruck to be fixed – the fact that the truck is your niece’s favorite doesn’t change the meaning of the sentence.[5]
  3. Image titled Use "That" and "Which" Correctly Step 6


    Determine where you should place commas. If you’re creating a non-restrictive clause and therefore using “which” in your sentence, the clause should usually be surrounded by commas. In some cases, though, you may also use dashes or parentheses to separate a non-restrictive clause.

    • For example, “I love lobster, which is expensive, because it reminds me of growing up by the ocean,” would still have the same meaning without “which is expensive.” Therefore, «which is expensive» is the phrase you should surround with commas.
    • If you know you have a non-restrictive clause and need to use “which,” but don’t know where to put the commas, test it. Your sentence should still make sense if you take out the words surrounded by commas.[6]
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    How is «which» used in a question?

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    «Which» is used in a question when you are referring choices or options. Some examples would be «Which flower do you like?» «Which song do you want to play?» «Which store are we going to?»

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    How do I use «should» and «must» correctly?

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    «Should» is a suggestion; «must» is an insistence, usually used when something is imperative.

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    «I was sorry that I could not to go to class.» Is this sentence correct?


    Almost. «…that I could not go to class.»

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Article SummaryX

To use “that” and “which” correctly, determine if the clause in question would change the meaning of the sentence if it were removed. If it does change the meaning of the sentence, use “that.” For example, in the sentence, “I like flowers that are red,” you’d use “that” because if you removed the phrase, “that are red,” the meaning of the sentence would change. Alternatively, if the phrase is just adding information to the sentence, as in, “That car, which is red, is mine,” you’d use “which” because removing the phrase, “which is red,” wouldn’t change the meaning. For tips on how to place commas around these types of phrases, read on!

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We use which to give non-essential information. This extra detail is placed inside commas or between a comma and a full stop. We can remove it without affecting the main meaning of the sentence. For example:

  • My house is quite big. (basic fact)
  • My house, which is on the other side of town, is quite big. (extra info)

If you can remove this extra information and the sentence still makes sense, then you are usually right to use which.

Examples of which in a sentence:

  • I often visit my parents’ place, which is in London.
  • My new shoes, which have red laces, are by the back door.
  • The trains, which usually run on time, are late today.

We use that to add essential information. This specifies a characteristic of the thing we are talking about, and makes it unique. We do not use commas before or after that. We cannot remove that without changing the main meaning of the sentence. For example:

  • The clock that works is in the living room. (the working clock)

The fact that the clock works is essential to the meaning here. We are talking specifically about one particular working clock, and not the other broken clocks in the house.

Examples of that in a sentence:

  • The film that I was telling you about is on again at the cinema.
  • The train that is standing at platform 6 will be calling at Leeds, Derby…
  • The book that I read last summer is still my favourite.

When deciding whether to use which or that, ask yourself: Can I put this part of the sentence in brackets? If the answer is ‘yes’, then use which because this is likely to be non-essential information. E.g. The new Ford Mustang (, which comes in three colours,) is expensive.

When both are possible

There are some confusing situations when we can use either which or that. Take the following two sentences for example:

  • My computer that I use for work is expensive.
  • My computer, which I use for work, is expensive.

These sentences look very similar, but they have different meanings.

In the first sentence, ‘My computer that I use for work’ is a specific computer that this person only uses for work. This information is essential because it shows how this computer is unique (compared to the other computers owned by this person). In other words, it is ‘my work computer’.

In the second sentence, ‘which I use for work’ is just one of many possible uses this computer could have. The focus of this sentence is the fact that the computer is expensive. We can also assume this is the person’s only computer.

Some set expressions already contain the word ‘that’ – think that, say that, sure that, remember that, etc. We can leave out the ‘that’ or include it. E.g. I’m not sure (that) it will rain.

These expressions can create strange double ‘that that’ situations in English. E.g. I remembered that that film had been on TV.

Using commas with which and that

Commas can help us to understand where to use which or that. Remember, when we are speaking English, a short pause usually represents a comma in writing. 

  1. There is often a comma before which and one after the extra information:
  • The new house, which she liked immediately, was on George Street.

However, it is also common for this extra information to come at the end of a sentence. In this case, we only need a comma before which:

  • The film starts at 9pm, which is great because I need to eat first.

The main meaning is: ‘The film starts at 9pm’. The person’s hunger is non-essential information and is added at the end.

  1. We never use commas with that:
  • Steve passed him a glass of water, that he drank immediately. (incorrect)
  • Steve passed him a glass of water, which he drank immediately. (correct)
  • The meeting, that had started ten minutes late, was about sales. (incorrect)
  • The meeting, which had started ten minutes late, was about sales. (correct)

David Foster Wallace gave a funny example of how the word that could be used five times in a row in just one sentence. Here it is: ‘He said that that that that that writer used should really have been a which.’

Exercises: Which or that?

Try these exercises to test your understanding of the differences between which and that. We have left out the commas to make this quiz more difficult. Think about where you would place commas in each sentence. Be careful because sometimes which or that are possible!

  1. I gave him a present _____ he loved.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  2. London _____ has a population of around seven million is the capital of England.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  3. She ripped the dress _____ she bought.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  4. The only thing _____ matters is a good sense of humour.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  5. The factory _____ was on fire yesterday is still ablaze.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  6. Was ‘Stranger Things’ the name of the TV show _____ you were talking about?
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  7. The music ­_____ the DJ was playing made everyone dance.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  8. My favourite cup ____ my aunt gave me has broken.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  9. Will you bring the chocolate cake _____ you baked to the party?
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that
  10. This camera costs just £200 _____ is a bargain.
    a. which
    b. that
    c. which or that


  1. a
  2. a
  3. b
  4. b
  5. c
  6. b
  7. c
  8. c
  9. b
  10. a

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Sam S.
— ESL Tutor.

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Last week’s grammar tip focused on the rules for using who vs. that. This week, we will learn the rules to guide us on when to use that vs. which.

NOTE: We feel that maintaining the distinction between that and which in essential and nonessential phrases and clauses is useful, even though the principle is sometimes disregarded by experienced writers.

Rule 1: That may refer to people, animals, groups, or things. (As mentioned last week, who is preferred when referring to people.)

Rule 2: Which refers to animals, groups, or things.

Since that and which may each refer to animals, groups, or things, how do we know when to use that and when to use which?

Rule 3: That introduces essential clauses while which introduces nonessential clauses.

Example: I do not trust editorials that claim racial differences in intelligence.
We would not know which editorials were being discussed without the that clause.

Example: The editorial claiming racial differences in intelligence, which appeared in the Sunday newspaper, upset me.
The editorial is already identified. Therefore, which begins a nonessential clause.

NOTE: Essential clauses do not have commas surrounding them, while nonessential clauses are surrounded by commas.

Example: Chess is a game that requires intense concentration.
The second part of the sentence is essential for conveying the meaning of the sentence.

Rule 4: If this, that, these, or those has already introduced an essential clause, you may use which to introduce the next clause, whether it is essential or nonessential.

Example: Those responses to the questions, which were not well thought out, eliminated him from further job consideration.

Rule 5: Try not to use that twice in a row in a sentence.

Example: That is a problem that can’t be solved without a calculator.
This sentence would be better written as: That is a problem which can’t be solved without a calculator.
The best way to write the sentence would be: That problem can’t be solved without a calculator.

Example: That is a promise that cannot be broken.
Again, the above sentence could be rewritten as: That is a promise which cannot be broken.
The best way to rewrite it would be: That promise cannot be broken.

Rule 6: Whenever you have more than one that or which in a sentence, see if you can rewrite it in a way that removes at least one that or which.

Pop Quiz
Choose whether that or which is correct for each sentence. Then determine whether the sentence should contain commas. If so, place the commas in the correct location in the sentence.
1. Hannah is on the team that/which won the county softball championship.
2. The Fairview Hawks softball team that/which my daughter played on won the county softball championship.
3.  The Golden Gate Bridge that/which was completed in 1937 is considered by many to be the most beautiful bridge in the world.
4. The bridge that/which connects the city of San Francisco with Marin County was completed in 1937.
5. That rooster that/which crows every morning at dawn is going to drive me crazy.
6. That is a point that/which is worth considering.

Quiz Answers
1. Hannah is on the team that won the county softball championship.
2. The Fairview Hawks softball team, which my daughter played on, won the county softball championship.
3. The Golden Gate Bridge, which was completed in 1937, is considered by many to be the most beautiful bridge in the world.
4. The bridge that connects the city of San Francisco with Marin County was completed in 1937.
5. That rooster, which crows every morning at dawn, is going to drive me crazy.
6. That is a point which is worth considering. (“That is a point that is worth considering” is also acceptable, but the best answer is either “That point is worth considering.” OR “That is a point worth considering.”)


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