When do you use the word has and have

Have and has are different forms of the verb to have. Even though they come from the same word, there are slight differences in the way they’re used.

While the verb to have has many different meanings, its primary meaning is “to possess, own, hold for use, or contain.” Have and has indicate possession in the present tense (describing events that are currently happening).

Have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it.

How do you use have?

Have is the conjugation of to have that’s used when:

  • speaking in the first person (I, we)
  • speaking in the second person (you)
  • speaking in the third person plural (they)

Take, for example, the following sentence: “They have two dogs.” Here, have is the correct choice because the subject (they) is a third person plural pronoun.

How do you use has?

Has is the conjugation of to have that’s used when:

  • speaking in the third person singular (he, she, and it).

This example from And the Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini shows has used with a third person singular pronoun (he): “He has a slender nose, a narrow mouth, and tight blond curls.”

As noted, this use of have and has only really applies when you’re speaking in the present tense.

How do you use have and has with other verbs?

Indicating possibility

Now that you’ve mastered the basics of have and has, it’s time to talk about how to use them in combination with other verbs. For every sentence that simply indicates possession (I have a cat), there’s going to be another that uses to have in a more complex way. For example, if you say I have to groom the cat, that’s definitely more complicated of an issue … in more ways than one!

One way have and has combine with other verbs is to describe what could happen (but hasn’t yet):

  • You have to call me tonight.
  • He has to do his homework before dinner.

These actions have not occurred yet. As before, have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they, while has is used with he, she, and it.

Indicating completed action

Have or has can be used to communicate that the action of a verb was completed prior to the present. To do that, you will create what’s called the present perfect tense, which involves more complex time relationships, and combines a verb with has, have, or had:

  • We have waited for hours in this line.
  • You have finished the job on time.
  • She has learned an important lesson.

In the sentence “She has played banjo for four years,” for example, has is an auxiliary verb (a helping verb used in the construction of verb forms), and played is a past participle. As in the examples mentioned before, has is used with a third person singular pronoun.

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This is complex stuff, so don’t feel bad for not memorizing all of these rules. What’s important to remember is that together, has and a past participle like played form the present perfect tense.

Another example of the present perfect tense is seen in this sentence from The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern: “‘I have invited you all here for a reason,’ Chandresh says, ‘as I’m sure you have surmised by now.’”

In the first part of the sentence, have is used because there is a first person subject (I). In the second part of the sentence, have is used again because there is a second person subject (you).

Here’s a recap

Have is used with the pronouns I, you, we, and they. Has is used with he, she, and it.

  • Have and has can indicate possession.
  • Have and has can combine with other verbs to indicate more complex relationships with time.

Want to possess an even better grasp on grammar? Then you have to check out this article on the difference between who and whom.

You probably use has and have often, but do you know the grammar rules behind how you use them?

Take this pair of sentences: which one is correct?

Is it, “Peter have a dog” or “Peter has a dog”?

If you’re not using a third person pronoun, like he, she, or it, or a name, you can almost always use «have.» Keep reading for the exceptions.

We’ll use the tips in this article to find out the answer and learn when to use has vs. have.

What Is the Difference Between Have and Has?

The words «has» and «have» both come from the verb «to have.»

To have means to possess or hold something. It also means to experience or undergo something. «Has» and «have» both mean the same thing as «to have.»

So why are there two different versions of the word?

When Should I Use Have or Has?

It’s all to do with who we are talking about. Whether you use have or has depends on the point of view you are using. Luckily, you only use has when talking in the third-person singular (that’s grammar jargon for using he, she, or it in a sentence).

If you’re not using he, she, or it, you can almost always use «have.» Keep reading for the exceptions.

First, let’s look at some examples of when to use has and have.

When Do I Use Have?

We use have when talking about ourselves in the first person perspective (using I), when addressing someone else directly in the second person perspective (using you), or when referring to multiple people in the third person plural (using they).

Here are some examples:

  • I have a dog.
  • You have a cat.
  • They have horses.

In all three of the examples above, have is used to indicate ownership.

Now take a look at these:

  • I have seen that movie.
  • You have been there, right?
  • They have worked hard on this project.

In these examples, have is used to show that the subject of the sentence (I, you, they) has been through an experience (seeing the movie, going to a place, working on a project).

To recap: If you’re using I, we, you, or they, use have.

have vs. has main differences

When Do I Use Has?

We use has when talking about someone or something else in the third person singular. That means that if you’re referring to just one person or thing, and you’re not using «I» or «you» to refer to them, you need to use has.

Here are some examples:

  • She has red hair.
  • He has eight siblings.
  • It has many special features.

As before, in all of those examples has indicates ownership.

Now take a look at these:

  • She has been to school.
  • He has learned how to crochet.
  • It has fallen over.

In these examples, has shows that the subject (she, he, or it) have experienced something (been to school) or undergone a change (learned to crochet, fallen over).

Are Has and Have Singular or Plural?

So, to recap:

  • Have can be singular (I / you have) or plural (we / they have)
  • Has is always singular (he / she / it has)

Seems simple, right? However, this can get tricky when you’re talking about a group of people, a team, or a company.

If you’re referring to a group of people with the pronoun everyone or everybody, you need to use has:

  • Everybody has bad days.
  • Now that everyone has a booklet, we’ll get started.

But if you’re referring to a general group such as children, people, and the media, you’ll need have:

  • Children have struggled during the pandemic.
  • It’s hard to tell if people have strong feelings on the subject.
  • The media have made the issue worse by causing panic.

unusual pronouns with have and has

Is It «The Team Has» or «The Team Have»?

If you’re using a collective term, like family, team, company, or group, you can use has or have. This is because we can view these terms as one single group, or as a collection of individuals.

  • The team has achieved record results this year. (team = single group)
  • The team have achieved record results this year. (team = collection of individuals)

Do I Use Has or Have with a Name?

When you refer to an individual by name, you’re using the third person singular—that means you use has.

That’s because names take the place of «he» or «she» (or any other singular pronoun, like the non-binary pronoun, «they») in a sentence.

  • He has a dog.
  • Peter has a dog.

Now we have the answer to our earlier question. It’s Peter has a dog, not Peter have a dog.

Is It «She Should Have» or «She Should Has»?

It’s she should have. Even though we are using she, which usually goes with has, the verb should has special rules.

That’s because it’s a modal verb. We won’t get into those here, but you should know that if you always use have after a modal verb.

Here are the verbs to look out for:

  • Would: I would have gone, but I was held up at work.
  • Could: You could have saved him.
  • Should: She should have asked me before she sold my bike.
  • Shall: You shall have what you are given.
  • Will: I will have the risotto, please.
  • Might: He might have told me; I can’t remember.
  • May: They may have been right about that.
  • Can: You can have whatever you want.

always use have with modal verbs

What Tense Are Have and Has?

We can use the words have and has to make a few different tenses. This can get a bit complicated, but we’ll start simple.

If you are speaking about someone owning something in the present tense, you’ll use have or has with the same rules as before:

  • She has an ice cream.
  • I have tickets to the concert.
  • They have coconut cream pie on the menu.

This is known as the simple present tense.

If you want to say that someone owned something in the past (but not necessarily now), use had. Had is the past tense version of have/has:

  • He had lots of jewellery.
  • You had an olive tree at the old house.
  • They had excellent WiFi at the hotel.

This is known as the simple past tense.


You can also use has, have, and had to create more complex tenses.

If you want to refer to something that started in the past and continues into the present, use have or has with the same rules as before plus an -ing verb:

  • She has always loved running.
  • I have been going to ballet class since I was five.

When Do You Use «Was Having» or «Had Been Having»?

If someone began owning or experiencing something in the past, and this was still happening when another event occurred, use was / were having, like this:

  • I was having breakfast when he got home.
  • John was having a nightmare when he woke up.
  • Don’t blame yourself. You were having a terrible time at work already when it happened.

If you want to describe a continuing experience that occurred before a particular time in the past, use had been having:

  • I had been having trouble with my car already when I set off on the journey.

using have and has in the past tense

Is It Grammatically Correct to Write «Had Had»?

If you or someone else finished doing something before a specific point, you’ll need to use «had» before the action:

  • No wonder you’re hungry. You had finished your lunch before 10am!
  • I had seen over 50 horror films by the time I was 13.
  • She had run a marathon before, but never as fast as she did this time.

This can look a bit weird if you want to say that you or someone else had finished owning or experiencing something before a point:

  • They had had their dinner by 7pm.
  • You had had that blanket for years before you lost it.
  • I had had my prom dress ready for months before the event.

In all of these examples, it is correct to say «had had.»

If you’re worried about using have and has in your sentence, try ProWritingAid. It works anywhere you write, and will let you know if you’ve used the wrong word:

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What Is the Difference Between Have, Has, and Must?

On their own, have and has don’t mean the same thing as must.

However, the phrases have to or has to do mean the same thing as must. You can use have to / has to and must interchangeably, however sometimes must is more compelling.

  • You have to do your homework before you go to the skate park.
  • You must do your homework before you go to the skate park.

While these sentences technically mean the same thing, using must in the second example sets a more commanding tone—the speaker is telling the listener what they must do.

Here are some more examples of have to and has to in a sentence:

  • I have to leave for work by eight.
  • You have to listen to this new band!
  • She has to learn her lines for the performance.
  • Children have to be accompanied by an adult to ride the rollercoaster.
  • The Government has to resolve the issue by the end of the week.
  • It has to stop raining before we can play football.

must vs have to

Can I Use Have and Has in the Same Sentence?

Yes, of course! Just use the same rules we’ve already covered.

For example:

  • She has red shoes, but I have blue shoes.
  • He has seen movies that have not been released yet.

You might also use the phrase «has to have» in your sentence to mean «must have»:

  • She has to have the correct uniform to attend school.
  • Jane is a perfectionist. She has to have everything planned down to the last detail.

What Is the Difference Between Hasn’t and Haven’t?

Hasn’t and haven’t are negative contractions of has and have. They mean «has not» and «have not» respectively.

When you use hasn’t or haven’t, it is usually to say that you have not experienced or undergone something, rather than to say that you do not own something.

Use hasn’t and haven’t with the same rules we covered before. Hasn’t goes with she / he / it and haven’t goes with I / we / you / they.

  • We haven’t got any potatoes left in stock.
  • The shop hasn’t got any potatoes left in stock.
  • I haven’t been able to get any potatoes.
  • How will you cook the dish if you haven’t got any potatoes?

Remember, if you can replace the subject of the sentence (the thing doing the having or not having) with it, use hasn’t—like with «the shop» in the example above.

What Are Some Examples of Has or Have in a Sentence?

Let’s finish up with a quick-fire round of some common phrases that use has or have.

Is It «Does Have» or «Does Has»?

It’s does have. This is because the verb to do (which turns into does, did, etc.) requires you to use the root form of any verb you put after it.

This sounds confusing, but all it means is that you need to use «have» after any version of the word «do» :

  • Your plan does have its benefits.
  • He does have a point.

Is It «Did It Have» or «Did It Has»?

This follows the same pattern as above. «Did» is the past tense version of the word «do,» so the answer is did it have.

  • Did it have to end this way?
  • Did she have a haircut?
  • Did the hotel have a swimming pool?

using have with to do

Is It «Someone Have» or «Someone Has»?

Someone is a singular pronoun, like he or she. That means that, in most cases, we use has.

  • Someone has poisoned the waterhole!

However, if you’re asking a question beginning with «Does,» you need to use have, as above:

  • Does someone have time to help me with this?

Is It «Which Have» or «Which Has»?

This depends on the subject of your sentence. Remember, we only use «which» with non-human subjects.

If it is a singular subject, use which has. If it is a plural subject, use which have.

  • Plural: Watches, which have always been used to tell the time, now have many other purposes.
  • Singular: The bandstand, which has been standing for 100 years, is being demolished this Saturday.

Have You Got It?

Now you know how to use have and has in your sentences. Remember, before you decide which one to use, check your tense and who you’re talking about.

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has или have

Have и Has — это формы глагола to have (иметь) в настоящем времени. Правило их употребления простое, тем не менее у начинающих часто бывают трудности с этими словами.

Читайте также: «Do или Does? Правило, примеры и основные ошибки».

Правило употребления has / have следующее:

  • Has употребляется с местоимениями в единственном числе третьего лица he, she, it, например:

He has a bike. — У него есть велосипед.

She has a sister. — У нее есть сестра.

This is a tree. It has many branches. — Это дерево. У него есть много веток.

  • Has также употребляется с любым подлежащим, которое можно заменить местоимением he, she, it. Это может быть едва ли не любая часть речи, но чаще всего существительное:

John has a kangaroo. — У Джона есть кенгуру.

Swimming has become a popular sport. — Плавание стало популярным видом спорта.

Существительное «John» можно заменить на he, герундий «swimming» — на it.

  • Have употребляется со всеми остальными местоимениями в единственном и множественном числе: I, you, we, they.

I have a strange feeling. — У меня странное ощущение.

You have no choice. — У вас нет выбора.

We have two dollars. — У нас есть два доллара.

They have reliable friends. — У них надежные друзья

Иначе говоря, видим «He, She, It», либо слово, которое можно ими заменить, ставим has, с другими словами — have.

Частые ошибки в употреблении Has и Have

1. Has в прошедшем времени

Has и have — это формы глагола to have в настоящем времени. В прошедшем времени глагол to have имеет только одну форму — had. В прошедшем времени has не употребляется ни при каких условиях:

  • Правильно:

We had a lot of work. Helen had no work at all. — У нас было много работы. У Хелен работы не было вообще.

  • Неправильно:

We had a lot of work. Helen has no work at all.

Во втором, неправильном, варианте из-за has меняется смысл: «У Хелен вообще нет работы (сейчас)».

2. Has в будущем времени

То же самое касается будущего времени: в будущем времени глагол to have имеет форму will have. В будущем времени has не нужен ни при каких условиях.

  • Правильно:

He will have enough time for rest. — У него будет достаточно времени для отдыха.

  • Неправильно: 

He will has will have enough time for rest.

3. Has и Have после имен людей, названий городов, мест

Начинающие часто путаются, когда эти формы глагола используются с именами собственными. Дело в том, что в учебниках часто даются примеры с именами людей, например:

Maria has two sons. — У Марии два сына.

Может возникнуть привычка, что после любого имени собственного нужен глагол has, но это, разумеется, не так. Если подлежащее можно заменить на he, she, it, тогда ставим has, в других случаях (то есть если это слово во множественном числе) — have.

The Bahamas have changed a lot. — Багамы сильно изменились.

The Johnsons have two sons. — У Джонсонов (чета Джонсонов) два сына.

Maria and John have two sons. — У Марии и Джона два сына

В последнем примере подлежащее выражено словами «Maria and John», то есть речи идет о множественном числе (два человека).

4. Has после существительных типа «people»: People have или People has?

Некоторые существительные могут выглядеть как существительное в единственном числе, а иметь значение множественного числа. В этом случае в выборе между has / have нужно руководствоваться смыслом слова, а не формой.

Сравним два примера:

Some people have thirty three teeth. — У некоторых людей тридцать три зуба.

My people has more honour than yours. — У моего народа больше чести, чем у вашего.

В первом случае «people» значит «люди» и имеет значение множественного числа, поэтому «people have». Во втором случае «people» значит «народ», имеет значение единственного числа, поэтому «has».

5. Have и Has в отрицаниях: He doesn’t has или He doesn’t have?

Частая ошибка — употребление has в отрицательном предложении со вспомогательным глаголом to do, то есть в отрицаниях, где присутствует «do not / don’t», «does not / doesn’t».

Подробнее о глаголе to do и отрицаниях с ним читайте в статье: «Глагол to do в английском языке».

Правило простое: после отрицания don’t или doesn’t всегда используем форму have, даже если подлежащее — это he, she или it. «Doesn’t has» — это в принципе невозможное сочетание.

I do not have any small change. — У меня нет мелочи.

He does not have any place to live. — Ему негде жить.

Дело в том, что в таких отрицательных предложениях при наличии подлежащего, выраженного местоимениями he, she, it или другими словами в третьем лице единственного числа, соответствующую форму принимает глагол to do — он превращается в does, поэтому превращать have в has — это уже как бы излишне.

6. Have и Has в вопросах: Does he has или Does he have?

То же правило касается вопросительных предложений, построенный с помощью to do, то есть вопросов типа «Do you have?», «Does he have?»

В этих вопросах используется does, если подлежащее выражено местоимениями he, she, it или любым другим словом, которое можно заменить одним из этих местоимением. При этом, если в вопросе присутствует глагол to have, он используется только в форме have.

Правило: в вопросе с «do» или «does» всегда используем форму have, даже если подлежащее — это he, she или it. «Does he has» — это в принципе невозможное сочетание.

Do you have a minute? — У вас есть минутка?

Does he have a minute? — У него есть минутка?


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has vs have

Last updated:

December 15, 2022

As an English learner, you probably see the English words “has” and “have” frequently.

If you’re a beginner English speaker, you might be confused about how to use them. In that case, you’ve come to the right post.

We’re going to crack the code and solve the mystery of “has” vs. “have.”


  • What Are “Has” and “Have”?
    • “Has” and “Have” to Mean Possession
    • “Has” and “Have” as Auxiliary Verbs
  • “Has” vs. “Have”: What’s the Difference? 
    • Points of View in English
    • “Has” vs. “Have” in the Present Tense 
      • Using “Has” in the Present Tense
      • Using “Have” in the Present Tense
    • “Has” vs. “Have” in the Present Perfect Tense 
      • Using “Has” in the Present Perfect Tense
      • Using “Have” in the Present Perfect Tense
    • Summary: “Has” vs. “Have”
  • How to Practice “Has” and “Have”

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What Are “Has” and “Have”?

“Has” and “have” are both verbs.

Verbs are used to indicate action. Along with nouns, adjectives, pronouns and prepositions, they’re one of the basic parts of speech in English.

“Has” and “Have” to Mean Possession

When we talk about possessing (owning) something, we use the verb “to have.”

“To have” is the infinitive, or original, form of the verb.

Here are some conjugations of the verb “to have”:

Tense Conjugation
Present has, have
Present progressive is / are having
Past had

“Has” and “have” are both conjugations in the English present tense.

For example, look at the following sentences:

She has the book.

I have the book.

In both sentences, the verb “to have” is conjugated in the present tense.

“Has” and “Have” as Auxiliary Verbs

The verb “to have” has another use. It’s also an auxiliary verb.

An auxiliary verb is combined with another verb to complete the meaning of a sentence. Because of this, it’s also called a helping verb. For example:

She has eaten dinner already.

I have seen that movie.

These sentences both use the perfect tense. Here, “has” and “have” don’t indicate possession. Instead, adding “has” or “have” to another verb creates that verb’s perfect tense form. 

In general, the verb “to have” is important as an auxiliary verb because it creates the past perfect and present perfect tenses for other verbs. 

“Has” vs. “Have”: What’s the Difference? 

Really, the difference between “has” and “have” is all about English points of view:

Points of View in English

In English, anything we read or speak is coming from a particular point of view. The point of view tells you who is speaking, and who is being spoken about.

You can know the point of view by looking at which pronouns are used. Let’s quickly review:

Point of View Meaning Singular Pronoun Plural Pronoun
First Person The speaker is talking about himself or herself (with other people included if plural). I We
Second Person The speaker is talking directly to somebody else. You You
Third Person The speaker is talking about somebody or something else. He (men)
She (women)
It (non-living things)
They (people or things)

Got it? Great! Now that you understand points of view, using “has” and “have” becomes very easy.

“Has” vs. “Have” in the Present Tense 

“Has” and “have” can both be used in the present tense as a main verb to mean possession.

Here’s the difference:  

Type of Sentence Has Have
Affirmative Statement ✓ (he, she, it, singular nouns) ✓ (I, we, you, plural nouns)
Negative Statement 𐄂
Question 𐄂

Using “Has” in the Present Tense

There are two points you have to remember: 

1. In the present tense, “has” is used with the third-person singular point of view.

That means you’ll use it with “he,” “she,” “it,” a name or a singular noun. 

It’s also used with singular pronouns like “everybody,” “anybody,” or “nobody”:

Everybody has a copy of the book.

Nobody has the answer.

I don’t think anybody has coffee.

2. “Has” is only used with affirmative (non-negative) statements. 

If you’re asking a question or if you’re talking in the negative (using the word “not”), you won’t use “has.”

He has brown eyes.

She has the answer to your question.

That book has 400 pages.

Japan has amazing food.

Meena has 45 pencils.

Using “Have” in the Present Tense

1. In the present tense, use “have” in the first- and second-person points of view, and in the third-person plural point of view.

In other words, use “have” with the subjects “I,” “you,” “we” or “they”:

I have a headache.

You have a new laptop.

They have three cats.

We have a big house.

Also, use “have” with plural nouns or when talking about multiple people or things at the same time:

Those dresses have stripes.

Roger and I have a red car.

My dog and Patricia’s cat have brown fur.

2. If you’re asking a question or making a negative statement, then always use “have,” regardless of the point of view.

Here are some questions in the present tense, all using “have”: 

Does anybody have the answer to the question?

Do you have the book?

Does she have a house?

Does Meena have a best friend?

Do I have your attention?

The same is true for negative statements in the present tense:

She does not have a room.

I do not have a brother.

They do not have time to see you.

The movie does not have a good plot.

We do not have a dog.

To repeat: with a negative statement or a question, use “have” even if the subject is “he,” “she,” “it,” a name or a singular noun.

“Has” vs. “Have” in the Present Perfect Tense 

“Has” and “have” can also be auxiliary verbs that help create the present perfect tense, in combination with other verbs. 

The rules for using them as auxiliary verbs are actually simpler. It just depends on the subject: 

Subject Has Have
Pronoun He, she, it I, you, we, they
Noun Singular Plural

Using “Has” in the Present Perfect Tense

Whatever kind of statement you’re making, whether it’s an affirmative or negative statement or even a question, you’ll use “has” as long as the subject is third-person singular: “he,” “she,” “it,” a name or a singular noun.

John has gone to California four times. (Affirmative statement)

The dog has not eaten today. (Negative statement)

Has she received the letter? (Question)

Has he not told you about this? (Question)

Using “Have” in the Present Perfect Tense

Similarly, with “have,” you use it in the present perfect tense with subjects “I,” “you,” “we” or “they,” as well as plural nouns.

I have watched “Game of Thrones” four times.

You have helped me a lot.

They have asked many questions.

We have thought about this all day.

This is true for any kind of statement or question too:

My friends have not watched “Game of Thrones.” (Negative statement)

You have not helped me at all. (Negative statement)

Have they asked too many questions? (Question)

Have we thought about this enough? (Question)

Summary: “Has” vs. “Have”

Here’s a quick summary of what we’ve learned:

  • “To have” is the verb associated with possession or ownership.
  • “Have” and “has” are both conjugations of “to have” in the present tense.
  • “Have” and “has” are also used as auxiliary (helping) verbs in the present perfect tense

In the present tense…

  • Use “has” with the subjects “he,” “she,” “it,” a name or a singular noun.
  • Use “have” with the subjects “I,” “you,” “they,” “we,” a plural noun or multiple subjects.
  • But, use “have” for any questions or any negative statements—no matter the “point of view.”

In the present perfect tense…

  • Use “has” any time you use the subjects “he,” “she,” “it,” a name or a singular noun.
  • Use “have” any time you use the subjects “I,” “you,” “they,” “we,” a plural noun or multiple subjects.

How to Practice “Has” and “Have”

Practicing English grammar doesn’t need to be hard or boring. There are many amazing resources available on the internet, plus other fun ways to practice.

Take Online Quizzes

You can test your progress by taking free online quizzes.

If you’re curious as to whether you’ve understood the differences between “has” and “have,” try this quiz on EnglishGrammar and this one on EnglishExcercises.

For on-the-go practice, check out this worksheet from Study.com that you can download and print.

Watch Authentic Videos

Think of something you’re interested in, and find English videos about it.

Whether you want to watch vehicle rescues or follow American sports, there’s something out there for you.

Action-packed themes like these often describe people and their qualities/attributes, so you’ll be able to hear the difference between “has” and “have” quite frequently. 

You could also use a virtual immersion platform.

FluentU, for example, has a large library of culturally relevant short videos for different learner levels, along with annotated subtitles. These can make it easier to notice the context that “has” and “have” are used in:

FluentU Has vs. Have Clip

Immersing yourself in English helps you learn and remember grammar rules like the difference between “has” and “have.”

If you listen to enough English, you’ll be able to know which word to use just by knowing what “sounds right.”

Write from Multiple Points of View

If you’re keen to improve both your grammar and writing skills, try this writing exercise. Write a short paragraph about yourself. Be sure to use the verb “have” as many times as you can.

Then, rewrite the paragraph as though it’s about somebody else. As we’ll see below, this will force you to practice the difference between “has” and “have.”

As a warm-up exercise, you can also try changing the pronouns in the example sentences we’ve provided in this article. Once you’ve changed the pronouns, change the verb to match.

Now, it’s time to use these important words.

Study all the examples closely. Use “has” and “have” in your daily conversations, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes!

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

English verb have in the table. The use of have has in English with examples

когда пишется has а когда have

Today we’ll talk about the different forms and functions of one strong English verb have (having). The rule for the formation and use of this verb is quite extensive, but at the same time simple. It is worthwhile to carefully study the information once, and you will no longer have any problems with its use. The whole point of the verb lies in its versatility. We will try to consider each of the functions as easily as possible.

General characteristics

Studying English, we are faced with different variants of the verb we are interested in: had, has, have, having. The rule for applying each of these forms is quite accurate, so it is difficult to confuse them if you carefully study all the information.

To begin with, we note that this verb can perform the following functions:

    Semantic verb, which in translation means «to have». He has a big house. He has a big house. At the same time, it should be added that the translation into Russian may differ, since the option sounds more literary: He has a big house. An auxiliary verb that serves to form different tenses. In this case, it is not translated. She has done it already. She already did it. They are having dinner now. We’re having lunch now. A modal verb expressing a duty. He has to visit a doctor. He has to go to the doctor.

Depending on what function the verb performs, the form of the verb and how it behaves when forming interrogative and negative sentences is determined.

British and American variants

One of the simplest uses of this verb is its use as a semantic one. In this case, we will deal with the forms have and has, have got and has got. The rule for their application is quite simple:

    In British English, a simple form of «have» is used to express the possession of an object one time. He has a nice toy. He has a beautiful toy. This means that he currently has a toy in his hands. When expressing possession of something on a permanent basis, the form with got will be used in the clause. He has got a nice toy. In this case, the translation will sound unchanged: «He has a beautiful toy», but it is understood that this thing belongs to him permanently.

As we can see, the appearance of the form does not critically affect the translation of sentences, so you can safely use any of them. The main thing is not to confuse how to form other types of sentences using these forms.

When forming interrogative sentences, verbs behave as follows:

    In the British version, this verb is perceived as strong, therefore, when posing a question, it does not need any help. Has he (got) a dog? Does he have a dog? In the American version, the verb is paired with the auxiliary do / does. Do you have a dog? You have a dog?

Which of the options you choose depends on your preference and where you live. It is recommended to communicate in the dialect of the language spoken in the area.

Features of forms in the present tense

It doesn’t matter which form you choose: has or has got / have got, the rule of forming forms for different persons and numbers must be observed in any case. So, in the present tense, this verb has the forms:
The same forms are used to form negative sentences.

    He does not (doesn’t) have any enemies.

Past tense

Separately, it is necessary to note the past tense forms for the verb have (having). The application rule is the same as in the present tense, that is, it is possible to use the British or American style.

At this time, the verb has only one form — had, so there is no need to choose, but when forming questions and negations, you still have to think a little. For example, the sentence: He had a big pie. He had a big cake.

    British version: Had he a big pie? Did he have a big pie? Did he have a big cake?

Thus, you just need to choose what style you intend to communicate in and stick to that style throughout the conversation.

Have / having: education rule

A very important function that this verb performs is the formation of different tense forms. This refers to the formation of such variants of the verb as have done / has done or have been, has been.

The rule for the formation of temporary formulas in which our verb participates is as follows:
In the present and past tense, the verb have is perceived as a strong auxiliary, used to pose questions and negations to a sentence.

    Has he left the city? They hadn’t done it yet.

In the future tense, the verb will takes over this function.

    Will you have finished the work by the end of the week? We will not have been sitting.

Modal verb have to

The rule of using this verb as modal says that it is applicable as an expression of obligation, and the subject does not himself realize the need to perform an action, but this is caused by some circumstances. It is this shade of compulsion that has made this form more used lately. Translated into Russian, such a verb means «necessary, compelled, must, had to», etc.


    He has to do it at once. He is forced to do it right away.

A distinctive feature of the modal form is that when a sentence is formed, a particle to is always paired with a verb, which is placed in front of the infinitive of the main semantic verb expressing the action itself.

    She has to leave now. She must leave now.

Also, when constructing an interrogative or negative sentence, the help of the do / does verbs is always used.

    Do they have to buy it? Should they buy it? You don’t need to read this book.

Note that the forms of the modal verb are absolutely identical to the forms of the simple semantic “to have”.

Iyouwetheyhave tohe, she, ithas to

In the past and future tense, the forms had to and will have to are uniform for all persons and numbers.

Phraseological units

At the end, I would like to remind you that in combination with some words, our verb can lose its direct meaning and be translated completely differently. Most often, in such cases, when posing questions and negations, the auxiliary verb do / does / did is used.

    She has lunch at 1. She has lunch at 1. We had a talk after dinner. After dinner we talked. Did you have a bath? Have you bought it? I didn’t have a smoke yet. I haven’t smoked yet.

As you can see from the information provided, the application and interpretation of the verb will not cause difficulties if you carefully study all the rules. And, of course, practical training must not be forgotten.

To understand what form of the verb Have put in a specific sentence, you need to look at the subject:

  • If the subject is in the 3rd person singular, then we substitute has.
  • In all other cases, substitute have.

In practice, the subject can be a pronoun or a noun. If you have a pronoun as your subject, then you need to know that has is written only with the pronouns he (translated as «he»), she (she), it (it). Have is used with all other pronouns. For clarity, here is a detailed table:

I Have I have
you Have You have
He has He has
She has She has
It has It has
We Have We have
They Have They have

Have, has — the rule of choosing the one you need

If the subject in your sentence is a noun, then write has for the singular and have for the plural. For example:

This woman has black hair.
This woman has black hair. (Singular)

many people Have black hair.
Many people have black hair. (Plural).

Please note that an arbitrary number of adjectives can precede a noun; this does not affect the choice of the form of the verb (have or has):

This young pretty woman has black hair.
This pretty young woman has black hair.

We’ve added the adjectives «young and pretty,» but since the number is still the only number, the number still comes after woman. The rule says: after the words he, she, it or a singular noun, you need to use has, otherwise — have. The rule and table above clearly say that after woman is written has, not have.

A similar table for negative sentences:

Phrase template Transfer
I don «t Have I do not have
you don «t Have You don’t have
he doesn «t Have He does not have
she doesn «t Have She does not have
it doesn «t Have It does not have
we don «t Have We do not have
they don «t Have They do not have


does she Have a leather wallet?
Does she have a leather wallet?

Do we Have a ripe banana?
Do we have a ripe banana?

I don «t Have blue shoes.
I have no blue shoes.

The form here is the verb have.

когда пишется has а когда have

To understand what form of the verb Have put in a specific sentence, you need to look at the subject:

  • If the subject is in the 3rd person singular, then we substitute has.
  • In all other cases, substitute have.

In practice, the subject can be a pronoun or a noun. If you have a pronoun as your subject, then you need to know that has is written only with the pronouns he (translated as «he»), she (she), it (it). Have is used with all other pronouns. For clarity, here is a detailed table:

I Have I have
you Have You have
He has He has
She has She has
It has It has
We Have We have
They Have They have

Have / Has rules of use

когда пишется has а когда have

When you take your first steps in learning English, you will surely come across the verb to have [hæv]. This verb has several functions, is an integral part of a huge number of expressions, phrases and phrases.

Its first meaning is “to have”, “to possess”, “to own”. But a word can change meaning when used in conjunction with other lexical items.

We will start with a simple one and consider two forms of the verb — have / has, the rule for their use and figure out how the verb to have and the verb have got differ from each other.

Lexical meaning of the verb to have

The main meaning of the word, as noted above, is “to have”, “to own”, however, when translating into Russian, the structure “(someone) has” is often used.

  • I have a delicious cake — I have a delicious cake.
  • He has a new car — he has a new car.

In this meaning, the verb can be replaced with an alternative construction have got with the same meaning.

  • I have got a funny rabbit — I have a funny rabbit.
  • He has got a small kitten — he has a small kitten.

Both the individual verb and the have got construction are used when it comes to possession of something, in particular about family ties and diseases.

In some stable expressions (have a look, have breakfast, have a rest, etc.) the word got is not used.

Also, the verb to have changes its semantic meaning when it acts as a modal verb.


  • We have to see him right now — we need to see him right now.
  • You have to add some sugar — you need to add some sugar.

Grammar forms of the verb to have

As you can see, in the examples above, the two shapes alternate. So when is it written and when is has?

The have form in English is used with the pronouns I, you, we, they (I, you, you, we, they), has — only with the pronouns he, she, it (he, she, it). But this rule does not apply in all tenses: in the future tense (Future Simple), after the auxiliary verb will, have is put in all persons.

Tables will help you better understand these rules.

Present Simple Tense

IYouWeThey HAVE to book

Source: https://englishfull.ru/grammatika/glagol-to-have.html

Verbs TO HAVE (to have) and TO BE (to be) + Online exercises

Online exercise: check the translation of several phrases from Russian into English.

Verb to have has a special form has ([hez]) only in the third person unit. h .:

in other persons it retains its shape Have ([hev]):

  • I have
  • we have,
  • you have,
  • they have.


Verb to have conveys the idea of ​​belonging (the phrases “to have a car”, etc. require the use of to have); in the sense of possession, the verb is accompanied by a particle g.

  • she got a good car — she (has) a good car

Expression to have to + verb conveys the idea of ​​duty:

  • I have to learn English — I have to learn English

There is also a large number of expressions using the verb to have, which are translated into Russian by ordinary verbs:

  • to have a cold — catch a coldto have a smoke — smoketo have a walk — take a walkto have dinner — lunchto have news — receive news

A few new words from the exercise:

  • from [from] — from (preposition) good flat [good flat] — good apartment headache [headEyk] — headache idea [idIa] — idea, thoughtto have a nap [tu hev u nep] — take a nap

Formation rules for negative and interrogative forms

See Negation NOT, NO and question.

Present simple conjugation of TO BE

Verb to be has special forms that beginners just need to remember:

In a listening exercise 28 quests (2 blocks of 14 sentences) with verbs  to have (to have) and to be (to be).

  • In the first block choose the option that exactly matches the spoken phrase.
  • In the second block write phrases under dictation.

So that the exercise will help not only to remember the rules of conjugation of verbs, but also to recognize them by ear:

  • listen carefully to the phrase, trying to distinguish by ear the face and form of the verb, as well as other words, before looking at the answer options;
  • it is very useful to repeat the phrase in English out loud behind the speaker 2-3 times in a row.

  Start exercise  

Verb to be conveys the idea of ​​the existence of someone or something, a state and is used to describe.

In English, the phrases «to be a student», «to be beautiful», etc. require the obligatory use of the verb to be, whereas in Russian the verb “be»Can be omitted:

  • she is very beautiful — she (is) very beautiful.

The expression «to have so many years» in contrast to the Russian verb is used to be:

  • he is 10 years old — he is 10 years old.

We will often come across constructions of the form it is — «this (is)»:

  • it is my father — this is my father ([it from may faze] — [Z] interdental)it is a film for children — this is a film for children ([it from e film for children])it is funny — funny ([it from fanny]; «this» is omitted in translation)it is important — (it is) important ([it from impOntant])it is never too late to learn — it is never too late to learn ([it from neve leit tu leon]).


A feature of expressions with these two verbs is the use of the indefinite article a (an — before a vowel), since we use it to inform the interlocutor about what he does not know (the article roughly corresponds to the meaning of «one», «some», «some»):

  • he is a student;
  • he has (some) car.

You have a very simple task:

  • memorize the conjugation of verbs by person (see exercise);
  • learn not to confuse them with each other;
  • learn the meaning of everyday phrases in English.

These two extremely important verbs are not only used to denote the idea of ​​possession (have) and states (be). They have a special function — they help to form other forms of verbs, expressing aspects of actions, such as result or process.
See TIMES and CONJUGATION for details.

▲ Start online exercise

Next lesson: Denial and questioning.
The following sections are -ING and -ED forms of verbs and System of tenses and 4 aspects. • Tutor: preparation for the exam and exam, passing international exams.
«My day» / «Working day» / «My day off»
TEST elementary / intermediate

Source: http://english.prolingvo.info/beginner/to-have-to-be.php

The use of have has in English is a table. How the verb had is used in English. Using the verb in the present tense

The verb to have one of the most used verbs in English, it has separate forms for the 1st and 3rd person singular — Have и has, in the plural has one form for all persons — Have. Verb to have, in English, can be used as. It can also be used in expressions to indicate an action. Additionally about.

To have as an auxiliary verb

1. The verb to have used to form all time groups in combination with Participle II. Verb to have carries the meaning of the completed action.

examples:I have read a lot of books. — I’ve read a lot of books.
I had been a teacher for several years. — I have been a teacher for several years.

The verb to have as a semantic verb

2. The verb to have matches the Russian verb to have, to have, i.e. the verb is translated, which means it matters. In order to express interrogative and negative forms, is used.

examples:I Have many beautiful dresses. — I (she has) many beautiful dresses.
He has an expensive car. — He (he has) has an expensive car.
I don’t have many beautiful dresses. — I don’t have many pretty dresses.
Do you Have an expensive car? — Do you have an expensive car?

To have as a modal verb

3. The verb to have used in combination with particle infinitive to to express the need to take an action due to any circumstances. Negative and interrogative forms are formed using the verb to do… In Russian in the present tense the verb have to translated as must, must, must, must.

examples:My sister is little and I have to help her with her home task. — My sister is small and I have to help her with her homework.
Why do you have to help your sister with her home task? -Why do you have to help your sister with her homework?

4. In colloquial speech, instead of have to sometimes the have got to construction is used. Also in oral speech, an abbreviated form of the verb is used have = ‘ve

examples:I ‘ve got to phone her back. = I ‘ve to phone her back. — I have to call her back.

Have / has and have got / has got into Russian they translate as to have or to have. These verbs are often used interchangeably. But there are cases in which the replacement of «shade» and grammatical aspect is simply not possible. We will consider such cases in this article and fully understand the use of the verb have got and has got.

When do have / has and have got / has got replace each other?

1. When it comes to belonging something to someone.

I have (have got) an intresting book.

He has (has got) a work.

Source: https://chrome-effect.ru/mebel/upotreblenie-have-has-v-angliiskom-yazyke-tablica-kak-ispolzuetsya-glagol-had-v/

Have hez in English — English Grade 2 verb to have. Conjugation of the verb to have. Examples with the verb to have

                        present past tense future time
I don’t haveYou don’t haveHе / She / It doesn’t have We don’t haveYou don’t haveThey don’t have             did not (didn’t) have shall not (shan’t) havewill not (won’t) have

 Interrogative forms of the verb to have 

                    present past tense future time
Do we have? Do you have? Does he / she / it have? Do they have?  Did I / we / you / he / she / it / they have? will (shall) I / we have? will you / he / she / they have?

Pay attention to the translation of the following sentences:

  • I have a family — I have a family
  • My friend has a good library
  • Do you have an apartment? — Do you have a flat?
  • We do not have a dog — We do not have a dog
  • In British English, instead of Have used frequently have got, has got, the value remains the same.

— I have a family — I have got a family— My friend has got a good library— Do you have an apartment? — Have you got a flat?

— We haven’t got a dog — We haven’t got a dog

Expressions with the verb to have

The verb to have is involved in a huge number of expressions and phrases in which it loses its main meaning. Here are the main ones to learn and use in your speech.

  • to have a lesson — to be in a lesson / have a lesson
  • to have breakfast / dinner / supper / lunch — have breakfast, lunch, dinner
  • to have a rest — to have a rest
  • to have a bath / shower — take a bath / shower
  • to have a cold — catch a cold
  • have a look — take a look
  • have no doubts — do not doubt
  • have a cup of tee / coffee — have a cup of tea / coffee
  • have fun — have fun
  • The verb to have is also used to mean «to eat» or «to drink»: I usually have sandwich for breakfast I would to have some cola. (I’d like to have a cola)
  • This verb is also used in wishes: Have a nice week-end! (Have a nice weekend) Have a good party! (I wish you a good party)


When is has and when have

Hello friends! In English you will often come across the verb to have [hæv]. He needs to be given special attention, since he takes part in the formation of a large number of expressions, phrases and phrases.

Most often it is translated into Russian as to have, to have. But the direct meaning can be changed depending on how the given verb is combined with other words.

Verb have / has can be used as a semantic, auxiliary or modal verb.

But in any case, the rules for using have or has are the same.

you used with pronouns of the 3rd person singular: he, she, it.
Have used with all other pronouns — I, you, we, they.

  • I have classes three times a week.
  • We do not have visitors very often.
  • Does he have his tea every evening? No, he does not. Does he drink tea every night? No.
  • Where do you have visitors?

Form HAD is the same for all pronouns.

Recommended reading: Modal verbs in English

Besides the verb to have, in English there is a construction have got with the same meaning — to have. The difference between the two is stylistic and grammatical. The stylistic difference is small — have got used mainly in colloquial speech and writing, and To Have in the official.

  • I have got a car.
  • He has not got a wife.
  • Has she got a child? Yes, she has. Does she have a child? Yes.
  • What have you got?

For those who dig deeper and want to know more — Our Channel

Meaning and use of the verb to have

Verb to have can be used as semantic, that is, in the direct meaning of «have», or as auxiliary, for building different structures, for example, the times of Perfect.

Verb to Have — incorrect, that is, the past tense form and the past participles are formed in a special way.

Present to have — all forms

In the present tense, the verb to have changes according to the rules common to all verbs — in the form of singular. numbers, 3rd person ending is added -s.

Useful sites in English:

Single number The many number

1 person I Have to house We Have to house
2 person you Have to house you Have to house
3 person He / She / It has to house They Have to house

Past tense to have — all forms

In the past tense, the verb to have has one form in all persons and numbers — HAD.

Single number The many number

1 person I HAD to house We HAD to house
2 person you HAD to house you HAD to house
3 person He / She / It HAD to house They HAD to house

Future tense to have — all forms

In the future tense, the verb to have does not change in any way, the auxiliary verb will is added, thus forming the form of the future tense.

Single number The many number

1 person I will have to house We will have to house
2 person you will have to house you will have to house
3 person He / She / It will have to house They will have to house

Примеры использования to have as a semantic verb.

I have an idea — I have an idea.

I have a cup of coffee — I have a cup of coffee.

I had a good house — I had a good house.

I will have new furniture — I will have new furniture.

In colloquial speech, have got is often used instead of have in the present tense (meaning «to have»):

I got an idea.

I have got a cup of coffee.

«Got» is the past tense of the verb to get. Literally the phrase translates as «I got an idea», but it is understood as «I have an idea.»

Abridged version:

I’ve got an idea.

I’ve got a cup of coffee.

There is also a completely colloquial version, it is considered incorrect (bad grammar), but they say so:

I got an idea (have is skipped).

I gotta idea (got + an merge into gotta).

Read more about the turnover have got and the use of the verb get in this article.

Negation and the question with the verb to have

Negation is built with a particle not and verb will in the future tense:

Currently,Past tenseFuture time

Singular Plural
 1 person I have not a house We have not a house
 2 person You have not a house You have not a house
 3rd person He (she, it) has not a house They have not a house
 1 person I had not a house We had not a house
 2 person You had not a house You had not a house
 3rd person He (she, it) had not a house They had not a house
 1 person I will not have a house We will not have a house
 2 person You will not have a house You will not have a house
 3rd person He (she, it) will not have a house They will not have a house

In an interrogative form to have placed before the subject:

Currently,Past tenseFuture time

Singular Plural
 1 person Have I a house? Have we a house?
 2 person Have you a house? Have you a house?
 3rd person Has he (she, it) a house? Have they a house?
 1 person Had I a house? Had we a house?
 2 person Had you a house? Had you a house?
 3rd person Had he (she, it) a house? Had they a house?
 1 person Will I have a house? Will we have a house?
 2 person Will you have a house? Will you have a house?
 3rd person Will he (she, it) have a house? Will they have a house?

However, much more often (especially in American English) negation and question with to have is constructed using an auxiliary verb to do, as with ordinary semantic verbs:

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I do not have an idea.

Do you have an idea?

We didn’t have money.

Did you have money?

Source: https://xn--b1adcclonnbcbgxhh1f1e.xn--p1ai/raznoe/xev-xez-v-anglijskom-yazyke-anglijskij-yazyk-2-klass-glagol-to-have-spryazhenie-glagola-to-have-primery-s-glagolom-to-have.html

The verb to have example sentences. The verb to have and the turnover have (has) got. Difference have from have got

Verb to have — to have, is the second most important in the English language, and second only to the verb to be… The fact is that the British and Americans say the word “Have»Much more often than Russians say the word «have».

For example, we speak Russian:

And in English they say:

  • I have a car.I have a car.

Thus, when we want to say that somewhere, something is, we use the verb to be.

  • There is a picture on the wall… — There is a painting on the wall.

And when we want to say that someone has something we say «he has»«He has»

  • He hasa picture — He has a picture.

In the present tense, the verb «to have» — ​​to have, has the following forms:

In the first person and in the plural they say «Have», and in the third person singular «Has»… As you can see, the verb has only two forms «To have» in present time: Haveи has… We say: I have — I have, we translate: I have.

Colloquially into place Have often say have got, literally got it, got it, started it. That is, instead of — I have, they say: I have got… Instead of hasthey say has got… That is, instead of — I have you, they say: he has got… Moreover, in fluent speech from the word Have one sound remains «Ve, and from the word hasone sound «S.

  • I «ve got
  • He »s got
  • She »s got
  • I Have a question.I“Ve got a question. — I have a question.
  • you Havebecauseyou“Ve got because — Do you have a car.
  • He hasa hundred rublesHe«S got a hundred rubles — He has 100 rubles.
  • She hasa lot of friendsShe«S got a lot of friends — She has a lot of friends.
  • We Havelittle time — We have little time.
  • you Havea lot of money — We have little time.

If something is not there, then we put No. before the noun.

  • we have No. moneywe have Note g Anymoney — We do not have money.
  • They have No. questions — They have no questions.
  • You have No. computerYou have Note g a computer — You don’t have a computer.
  • He has No. friends — He has no friends.

If we want to formulate a question with the verb Have, then it is not always possible to just put it in front of the subject, in the first place, as we did with the verb to be… The point is that the verb to be a strong verb, he himself can formulate a question. And the verb to have weakened over the last century, if earlier one could ask this: Have you a car?then now the verb Haverequires a helper, auxiliary verb do and this question is formulated:

  • Do you have a car? — Do you have a car?

To do without the auxiliary verb, it is better to ask the question in the form have got, in this case you can use the verb Have put in front of the subject and ask:

  • Have you got a car? — Do you have a car?
  • Has she got a computer? — Does she have a computer?
  • Have you got a ticket? — Have a ticket?
  • Have they got any children? — They have children?

Before a plural noun or an uncountable noun, use Any — how much.

  • Have you got Any hour? — Do you have time? (how much time)

These are common questions that are answered yes or no. If you need to ask a special question, then we start with a question word.

  • What have I got here? — What do I have here?
  • What car has he got? — What kind of car does he have?
  • How much time have you got? — How much time do you have?

How much? — How many, they ask uncountable nouns: time, water and the like, they are not counted as pieces and do not have a plural form at all.

How many? — They ask what can be counted.

To understand what form of the verb Have put in a specific sentence, you need to look at the subject:

  • If the subject is in the 3rd person singular, then we substitute has.
  • In all other cases, substitute have.

In practice, the subject can be a pronoun or a noun. If you have a pronoun as your subject, then you need to know that has is written only with the pronouns he (translated as «he»), she (she), it (it). Have is used with all other pronouns. For clarity, here is a detailed table:

I Have I have
you Have You have
He has He has
She has She has
It has It has
We Have We have
They Have They have

The verbs to have and have got

Verb «to have»(Own) in English is used in quite different situations and can be translated into Russian in different ways. In this article, you will learn the basic situations when this verb is used. You will also learn about the verb “have got«, Which also means» to own. «

The verb to have

  • To have is the main verb used to indicate ownership (property) of something (not only material), the properties of something (or its characteristics), relationship or connection, for example, the quality of one thing in relation to another:

I Have a cat. → U Eat me cat.
I Have a lot of free time these days. → Now at Eat me) a lot of free time.

Dmitry has a sister in France. → At Dmitry Yes sister in France.

He has three books by Hemingway. → He It has/ Y he is three books by Hemingway.
She has fair hair. → She has blonde hair.

  • Verb «to have«Is also used to denote a large number of actions, here are some of them (the main thing is to understand the meaning, not to be scared and think» how to translate this «):

have a bath, wash, shower, etc → take a bath (lie in it), wash, take a shower (under running water), etc.
have breakfast, lunch, dinner → have breakfast, lunch, dinner.

have fun → have a good time, have fun.
have time available → have time for something.

have questions → have a question.
have a party → have a party.

have a walk, hike, ride, etc. → go for a walk, hike, ride a horse, etc.
have a discussion, fight, argument etc. → discuss, fight, assert


I usually have breakfast at seven o’clock. → Usually, I having breakfast at seven o’clock.

Anna is having a bath at the moment (Present Continuous time). → Anna now taking a bath.

  • Used as a modal verb. It can be easily identified by the construction “have to«. Here he expresses a requirement to perform (s) some routine action (but not always). It is often used by native speakers as an action that carries a responsibility, a duty.

This form «Have«Also has a similar meaning to the modal verb»must«- when talking about responsibilities, native speakers prefer to use it (for example: I must talk to Peter. It’s important). «

Verb «must»Is used when they want to talk about very serious (or if they are considered to be) responsibilities for the speaker (for example: I must feed my family).

A few examples:

They have to work hard on Saturdays (routine for them). → On Saturdays they have Hard to work.
I have to return books to the school library. → I should return books to the school library.

I must be rich (very important for the speaker). → I should to be rich.
I must to defend my homeland. → I should defend your homeland.

Have got

  • The verb «have got» is more typical of British English. It also serves to indicate the ownership (property) of something (not only material), the property of something (or its characteristics), relationship or connection. For example:

He has got some friends in London. → He has a few friends in London

Annahas got three sisters. → Anna has three sisters.

I have got a new car. → I have new car.

Americans also sometimes use “have got«But more often»air» or simply «(to) have«(Think of it as an analogue / synonym — it’s easier this way).

  • The essential difference between the verb «have got» and the simple «to have» is the time when they are used. «Oh my God, again some kind of problem» now you probably thought. But everything is simple here, «have got«Is used only in Present simple tense, and»Have»Can be used in all temporary forms. For example:


Source: http://english-da.ru/grammatika/have-and-havegot

Auxiliary verb to have. Has or Have? Rule and six common mistakes

To understand what form of the verb Have put in a specific sentence, you need to look at the subject:

  • If the subject is in the 3rd person singular, then we substitute has.
  • In all other cases, substitute have.

In practice, the subject can be a pronoun or a noun. If you have a pronoun as your subject, then you need to know that has is written only with the pronouns he (translated as «he»), she (she), it (it). Have is used with all other pronouns. For clarity, here is a detailed table:

I Have I have
you Have You have
He has He has
She has She has
It has It has
We Have We have
They Have They have

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