When do we use the word often

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Mr. Fritz Kuphal

Score: 4.8/5
(68 votes)

Often is an adverb meaning ‘many times on different occasions‘. Like many other short adverbs, we use it in front position, in mid position (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb) or in end position: I often see Christine when I’m in town.

How do you use often in a sentence?

[T] She visits him quite often, but never stays very long. [T] Mary promised her mother that she would help her more often. [T] If Mary knew how to swim, she would go to the beach more often. [T] You often need to spend more time doing something than you anticipated.

How often are sentences examples?

He will be paid on the basis of how often he plays. One man wanted to know how often he should seek reconciliation. But he wondered how often his advice made a real difference. How often do big stars come back to repeat their performances?

What is example of often?

The definition of often is many times or frequently. An example of often is how many times someone has to change the diaper of a baby each day.

Can I start a sentence with often?

Although “often” normally modifies verbs as activity rates are easier to measure, it may also be placed at the beginning of the sentence. … This is done, of course, for emphatic reasons particularly in shorter sentences wherein confusion and misinterpretation are less likely to occur.

26 related questions found

Is more often correct?

«Often» sometimes has comparative and superlative «oftener» and «Oftenest», but forms with «more/most» are more common. So, both are correct, though «more often» is much more common than «oftener».

What is the synonyms of often?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for often, like: frequently, usually, regularly, oftentimes, common, constantly, big, commonly, seldom, never and frequent.

Does often mean always?

As adverbs the difference between always and often

is that always is at all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually while often is frequently, many times.

How do you use very often?

He did not offend very often, but one never knew when he might not. And very often all I had for supper was brown bread and skim milk. Neither Cleveland nor Harrison, for temperamental reasons, used the magic wire very often. An ill-defined feeling is very often the strongest rule of conduct.

How often do you do it meaning?

It’s a normal way of asking «How often do you (personally) do it, as opposed to how often do people in general do it ?»

Can you say often times?

Is it oftentimes or often times? Oftentimes is an adverb that can also be shortened to often as a synonym for frequently. Often times is not an equivalent adverb phrase.

What is the difference between usually and often?

Usually means normally or habitually. The main difference between often and usually is that usually implies a habitual action whereas often simply refers to an action that is performed many times. Thus, using these two adverbs interchangeably is not advisable since they can affect the meaning of the intended sentence.

What is the meaning of often in a sentence?

Often means «frequently,» like if you see your friends every day, you see each other often. The adverb often can mean «in great quantities,» like you often stop by the donut shop, you might be shocked to realize you’ve been there hundreds of times in the last few years.

What is the difference between ofen and often?

It’s always spelt «often».

«ofen» is not an english word, often is used to say how frequently you do/ experience something.

Is often more than sometimes?

I am looking for an adverb of frequency that fits somewhere between often and sometimes/occasionally . Let’s say, about half of the time, maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less, but not often enough to call it often or frequently. My original sentence is: The prose has occasionally an amateurish feel.

How do you describe often?

Often is an adverb meaning ‘many times on different occasions’. Like many other short adverbs, we use it in front position, in mid position (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb) or in end position: I often see Christine when I’m in town.

What is the opposite often?

Antonym of Often

Word. Antonym. Often. Sometimes, Seldom. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What does most often mean?

frequent Add to list Share. Use the adjective frequent to describe something done often and at regular intervals. If your family likes to read, you may be a frequent visitor to the library. … The adjective form of frequent also means regularly and often encountered.

Is more frequently grammatically correct?

The phrase »more frequently» is proper grammar if used in an appropriate way.

Can we use more frequently?

If I’ve been there once, you could say you’ve been there more often or more frequently. Remember that often and frequently are adverbs and frequent is an adjective. So your trips there are more frequent than mine, and you go there more frequently.

Is often or oFFen?

At the website where people pronounce words from their languages, the page for the word often gives 15 accounts. 13 people pronounced it with silent t (ofen), and only 2 with strong t (ofTen). But all ESL teachers I know (U.S. native speakers) pronounce it with strong t (ofTen).

Is it oFFen or often?

It’s undeniable that within the group of native speakers of English, some people say /ɒfn/ (oFFen) and some people say /ɒftən/ (ofTen). Just to confuse matters and make things more difficult, the Queen pronounces the word in an old school received pronunciation way.

Наречие — это часть речи, которая обозначает признак действия и описывает где, когда и как это действие совершается. Often, usually и always относятся к наречиям частотности и отвечают на вопрос «Как часто?». Где ставятся often, usually и always в предложении — рассмотрим ниже.

В английском различают наречия места, времени, образа действия, меры и степени, наречия частоты действия и наречия-вопросительные слова. Оften, usually и always относятся к наречиям частоты действия или иначе частотности — Adverbs of Frequency, но не являются единственными представителями этой группы.

Примеры наречий частоты действия:


Это далеко не все существующие Adverbs of Frequency, их великое множество. Условно их можно разделить на наречия определенной частоты (definite frequency) и наречия неопределенной частоты (indefinite frequency). Наречия обеих групп отвечают на один и тот же вопрос: «How often?».

Наречия определенной частоты действия:

  • Daily — ежедневно
  • Annually — ежегодно
  • Every day / hour / month / year — каждый день / час / месяц / год
  • Once a week / month / year etc. — раз в неделю / месяц / год и т.д.

На группе наречий неопределенной частоты действия остановимся подробнее, поскольку оften, usually и always представляют именно эту группу. Наиболее распространенные наречия неопределенной частоты иногда представляют в виде шкалы, на которой ярко видна разница между ними. Частота выполнения действия представлена в процентном соотношении.


При использовании этих наречий в речи большую роль играет субъективное мнение говорящего: для кого-то «часто» — это три раза в день, а для кого-то — три раза в месяц.

Наречия частоты действия, в том числе,  оften, usually и always, относятся к временным маркерам Present Simple. Простое настоящее время связано с периодичностью, регулярностью или постоянством. Соответственно, сходно и значение его маркеров-наречий частотности.

Оften, usually и always в утверждениях, отрицаниях и вопросах


По общему правилу, если сказуемое выражено одиночным смысловым глаголом, то наречие частоты следует поставить перед глаголом.

He often visited us. — Он часто нас посещал.

I usually drink tea in the morning. — Я обычно пью чай по утрам.


В вопросах наречия частоты также занимают место в середине предложения, после подлежащего.

Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — Он всегда пил чай на завтрак?

Также наречия неопределенной частоты употребляются в коротких ответах на вопросы перед вспомогательным глаголом, когда говорящий соглашается или не соглашается со сказанным ранее.

Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.

Мэри опять расстроена. — Она всегда такая.

Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.

Том говорит только о себе. — Да, он всегда так делает.

Must he always come here at 8 o’clock? — Yes, he always must.

Он всегда должен приходить сюда в восемь часов? — Да, всегда.


Что касается отрицаний, то частица not обычно ставится перед наречиями частоты.

I do not usually go to the gym. — Обычно я не хожу в спортзал.

They are not always very friendly. — Они не всегда дружелюбные.

Таким образом, наиболее типичное место наречия частоты в предложении — до или после глагола в середине высказывания.

Место оften, usually, always в предложении до и после глагола

  • В утверждениях наречия частоты чаще всего занимают место в середине предложения, после вспомогательного глагола (если он есть) и перед смысловым.

Не always comes early. — Он всегда приходит рано.

Не often goes there. — Он часто ходит туда.

I usually get up at seven o’clock. — Я обычно встаю в семь часов.

  • Если в предложении единственный глагол — to be, то наречие частоты должно стоять после него

She is always happy to help us. — Она всегда рада помочь нам.

Не is always here at five o’clock. — Он всегда здесь в пять часов.

He is usually at home in the morning. — С утра он обычно дома.

  • Если в предложении есть вспомогательный (am, is, are, have, has, will) или модальный глагол (can, may, must, should), то наречие частоты находится после этого глагола.

You can usually find him in his office. — Его обычно можно найти у себя в кабинете.

I will always love you. — Я всегда буду любить тебя.

I don’t often go to parties. — Я не часто хожу на вечеринки.

Parents can’t always be around. — Родители не могут всегда быть рядом.

Birds don’t always fly south in October. — Птицы не всегда улетают на юг в октябре.

Место оften, usually, always в предложении: в конце или в начале?

Не все наречия частоты могут стоять в конце или в начале предложения. Но always, usually и often, относящиеся к наречиям частотности с положительным значением, иногда ставят в конец предложения.

My neighbours go out in the evening, usually. — Мои соседи обычно ходят гулять вечером.

Does he call you often? — Он часто тебе звонит?

He doesn’t call me very often. — Он не очень часто мне звонит.

Наречия частоты always и never часто стоят в начале повелительных предложений.

Always tell the truth. — Всегда говори правду.

Often is an adverb meaning ‘many times on different occasions’. Like many other short adverbs, we use it in front position, in mid position (between the subject and the main verb, or after the modal verb or first auxiliary verb, or after be as a main verb) or in end position: I often see Christine when I’m in town.6 napja

How often is example?

How often

  • We often spend Christmas with friends. I have never enjoyed myself so much.
  • He was always tired in the evening.
  • He is very rarely late for work.
  • We go to the cinema a lot.
  • We go to the cinema a lot at the weekend.
  • There is a big celebration every year.
  • We have a meeting every Monday.
  • I go swimming twice a week.

What is the difference between occasionally and sometimes?

As adverbs the difference between occasionally and sometimes is that occasionally is from time to time; now and then; once in a while; irregularly while sometimes is on certain occasions, or in certain circumstances, but not always.

How far do we use?

We use how far to talk about distance. How far is our classroom from the washroom? It’s about 30 metres. We use how long to talk about the amount of time something takes.

How often is occasionally?

occasionally typically means midway between “three to six times a year” and “about once or twice a month”; and very often typically means “about once a week.” One can see in the table that the difference in definition by topic, for each category, is roughly a full point on the rating scale.

Is once a week occasional?

Occasional = once every couple of weeks

Which is more occasionally vs rarely?

As adverbs the difference between occasionally and rarely is that occasionally is from time to time; now and then; once in a while; irregularly; at infrequent intervals while rarely is not occurring at a regular interval; seldom; not often.

What is occasionally mean?

occasionally(Adverb) From time to time; now and then; once in a while; irregularly.

What does diligently mean?

: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort : painstaking a diligent worker.

How do you use occasionally?

“Strange things occasionally occur in that house.” “He occasionally goes to church.” “She occasionally eats alone.” “She occasionally misses tennis practice.”

What type of word is occasionally?

adverb – Word

What is the root word of occasionally?

occasional (adj.) + -al (1) or from Old French ocasionel and directly from Medieval Latin occasionalis. Meaning “casual” is 1560s. Meaning “happening on or pertaining to a particular occasion” is from 1630s.

What does eventually mean?

: at an unspecified later time : in the end.

Can a person be a constant?

The term “constant” is commonly used on social media to depict one’s relationship with friends, potential partners, and significant others. As Urban Dictionary explains, it’s the person who you consider as your best friend—the person you can tell everything to, who you can count on

What is constant example?

A fixed value. In Algebra, a constant is a number on its own, or sometimes a letter such as a, b or c to stand for a fixed number. Example: in “x + 5 = 9”, 5 and 9 are constants.

What is a constant in life?

Change, Choice and Principles. Change is always upon us

What is constant friend?

Constant derives from Latin verb meaning “to stand with,” so something constant is continually standing with you and not wavering. If a friend is a constant in your life, that means they have always been with you and there for you.

What is the constant thing in this world?

Change is the only constant thing in this world. Just like seasons, life and people changes too. You get things the way you like it and then something beyond your authority bumps you off

What is the permanent thing in this world?

Quote by Toto: “The only permanent thing in this world is change.”

What is the most constant thing in life?

We all face changes every day – whether it is a simple change in the weather, our schedule or expected change of seasons. Change affects us all and we each deal with change differently. This only constant in life, the only thing we can be sure will happen.

What is the most consistent thing in the world?


Who said nothing is permanent?


What is the greatest quote of all time?

The 100 Most Famous Quotes of All Time

  • “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” –
  • “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” –
  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.
  • “If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.” –

What is the meaning of nothing is permanent?

The meaning of nothing is permanent is quite simple: Everything and Every Person is there for some time only

What is the best quote?

100 Best Quotes of All Time

  • “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
  • “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”
  • “The best way to predict the future is to invent it.”
  • “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”

Adverbs of Frequency

Always, usually, normally, generally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, hardly ever, rarely, and never.

These are all adverbs and they describe how frequently we do an activity or the frequency of habits.

These are called Adverbs of Frequency or more specifically Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency. (Indefinite because it is NOT a specific frequency like three times a week, once a month, etc.)

To help you understand when to use each adverb of frequency, I will add some approximate numbers (percentages of frequency or possibility of it happening) to give you a general idea of the frequency associated with each adverb.

  • 100% always
  • 90% usually
  • 80% normally / generally
  • 70% often / frequently
  • 50% sometimes
  • 30% occasionally
  • 10% seldom
  • 5% hardly ever / rarely
  • 0% never

IMPORTANT: The percentages that appear on the left are only approximate numbers to give you a general idea of the frequency associated with each adverb.

Let’s look at each adverb of frequency more in detail…


When something happens 100% of the time, we use the adverb ALWAYS.

  • I always brush my teeth at night.

This means that without exception 100% of the time I will brush my teeth at night before going to bed.


What is the opposite of ALWAYS? … NEVER, which is 0% of the time.

  • Vegetarians never eat meat.

This means there is a zero percent possible of this happening. The frequency is zero.


What adverb do we use when something happens half the time and the other half of the time it doesn’t happen?

When something has about a 50% frequency of happening. We use the adverb SOMETIMES.

  • I sometimes sing in the shower.

This means half the time I am in the shower I sing, and half the time I don’t sing… I sometimes sing in the shower.


What can we use if we almost never do something? It’s not zero percent but maybe 5% possibility of it happening.

In this case we use the adverbs HARDLY EVER or RARELY.

  • I hardly ever get angry.

OR you can say…

  • I rarely get angry

They both mean the same thing.
This means there is a VERY small chance of it happening but it is almost never.

I hardly ever get angry. It usually only happens if you steal my chocolate from the fridge. Other than that, nothing else annoys me.

Let’s quickly look at the other adverbs of frequency.


USUALLY is when something happens around 90% of the time. It is almost always.

  • I usually walk to work.

Yes, I live close to my place of work so I usually walk there.


NORMALLY or GENERALLY happen around 80% of the time.

  • I normally get good marks.

Yes, about 80% of the time my marks are good, the rest of the time… they are excellent!


When something has a frequency of around 70%, we use the adverbs OFTEN or FREQUENTLY

OFTEN can be pronounced two ways:

  • By pronouncing the T … “OFTEN” … or
  • By not pronouncing the T …”OFFEN” (Never write “Offen”)

Both forms are correct and depend on where you live.

Our examples of these adverbs are:

  • I often read in bed at night.

which is the same as:

  • I frequently read in bed at night.

The adverb OFTEN is more common than using the word FREQUENTLY.


The adverb Occasionally is at about 30% frequency.

  • I occasionally go to bed late.

Yes, this happens on Friday and Saturday night. I occasionally go to bed late.


And the adverb Seldom is at around 10% frequency.

  • I seldom add salt to my food.

Which means it is not common or not often that I add salt.

The adverbs Seldom, hardly ever, rarely, and never all have a negative meaning.

Adverbs of Frequency – Word Order

Let’s look at word order when we use adverbs of frequency.

In general, the adverb of frequency goes before the main verb.

The order is: Subject + Adverb + Main Verb

Let’s look at this sentence…

  • I read in bed at night.

If I want to let you know about the frequency I do this, the frequency that I read in bed, then I need to use an adverb.

The main verb is READ, so we put the adverb before the verb READ…

  • I often read in bed at night.

Another example:

  • Daniel always passes his exams.

The main verb is PASSES so we put the adverb before it.

  • They never speak Spanish in class.

The main verb is SPEAK so the adverb of frequency goes before it.

Adverbs of Frequency – Word Order with Auxiliary Verbs

When there is an auxiliary verb such as has, have, must, might, will, can, should, would, etc. followed by a main verb, then the adverb goes between them both.

Subject + Auxiliary Verb + Adverb + Main Verb

  • I have done my homework.

HAVE is the auxiliary verb and DONE is the main verb so we put the adverb of frequency in the middle:

  • I have always done my homework.

You can see it is the same rule as before, the adverb goes before the main verb. Just remember to put it after the auxiliary verb.
Look at this sentence:

  • Susan has lived in New York.

HAS is the auxiliary verb and LIVED is the main verb so we put the adverb of frequency in the middle:

  • Susan has always lived in New York.

Look at this example:

  • I have never eaten dog food.

The adverb NEVER goes between the auxiliary verb HAVE and the main verb EATEN.

  • I have never eaten dog food… that I know of.

Adverbs of Frequency – Word Order with TO BE

Of course in English there is always an exception and this happens with the verb TO BE.

When we want to use an adverb with the verb TO BE, then the order is:

Subject + TO BE + Adverb

Look at this sentence:

  • I am busy at work.

AM is a form, or conjugation, of the verb TO BE so we put the adverb after it.

  • I am normally busy at work.

We cannot say “I normally am busy at work.” NO, this is NOT correct.

  • He is always happy.

Again, the adverb is after the form of To Be.

  • They are sometimes late.

The adverb SOMETIMES comes after the verb ARE which is a form of TO BE.

Adverbs of frequency at the beginning of a sentence

We have just seen the common position of adverbs of frequency within a sentence.

But, it is also possible to place SOME adverbs at the beginning of a sentence.

These adverbs include: usually, normally, frequently, generally, occasionally, and sometimes.

Look at these examples:

  • Occasionally I have pancakes for breakfast.

OR you can put the adverb between the subject and main verb:

  • I occasionally have pancakes for breakfast.

Both sentences are correct.

  • Normally our English class is in the morning.
  • Sometimes they take a bus to work.

But be careful with always, hardly ever, seldom, rarely, and never …. Do NOT put them at the beginning of the sentence.

  • Always I get up early.  This is NOT correct.

We need to put ALWAYS before the main verb

  • I always get up early. (CORRECT)

The exception to this is when we are using ALWAYS or NEVER in the IMPERATIVE to give orders or instructions.
We will see more about this in another lesson.

Next activity

You might want to watch our other video about Adverbs of DEFINITE frequency.

Summary Chart

Adverbs of Frequency in English - Adverbs of Indefinite Frequency English Grammar Lesson

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• Categorized under Grammar,Language | Difference Between “Usually” and “often” – “often” misunderstood


In English Grammar, the two words “usually” and “often” are classified as adverbs. An adverb adds to a verb. In other words, an adverb describes, modifies or provides more information about a verb in a sentence. So, if you said “I am going to quickly eat lunch and go shopping,” the adverb in that sentence (quickly) would be modifying the verb eat.  You can recognise an adverb by the fact that it often ends with “ly” such as slowly, quickly, usually, happily, sadly and many such words.

What does it mean when we say “usually”?

Usually is used for something that happens or one does as a habit ,so it is more regular and predictable.  For example, the sentence “He usually spends his vacation in Singapore with his family”, we understand that the person concerned habitually or regularly spends his vacation in Singapore, but there may be rare occasions when he does not do so.  “Usually” is not “always”.  Always implies that there is not a single occasion when the action described is not carried out.  For example consider the sentence “Life is always followed by death”.

The word “often” is used for something that happens or one does frequently, but not on a regular basis.  For example the sentence “Mumbai often gets flooded due to heavy rains” conveys to us that this event happens frequently but not regularly.  If we were to say “Mumbai usually gets flooded due to heavy rains”, the implication is that the flooding occurs regularly.  Looking at the sentence in the paragraph above, “You can recognise an adverb by the fact that it often ends with “ly” such as slowly, quickly, usually, happily, sadly and many such words”, we conclude that all adverbs do not end in “ly” on a regular basis, but a lot of the time, they do.

A general guideline for differences between these words is:
often for something you do 60 %
usually for something you do 80 %
always for something you do 100%

Three friends, Sheila, Leela and Ela are at an airport awaiting the departure announcement.  Sheila says: Sky Air is always late.
Leela says:  That’s not true.  Sky Air is often late but usually due to bad weather and it is very bad weather today.
Ela adds her comment:  Sky Air is usually on time.  Bad weather can delay all flights.

What do we understand from this conversation?  According to Sheila, there is never an occasion when Sky Air leaves on time(100%).  Leela’s assessment is that Sky Air’s flights are frequently (60%) delayed but not regularly, and these delays are mostly (80%) caused by bad weather.
Ela’s answer is that Sky Air is regularly (80%) on time, except when bad weather occurs before takeoff.

Here are some more examples of the use of “usually”.

  • We usually invite friends for dinner on Saturdays.
  • It usually rains in India from June to September.
  • It is usually not advisable to go on a safari without a guide.
  • Bats usually fly after dusk.
  • Grocery stores usually sell toiletries as well.

We can re-frame the sentences as shown below, with the same meaning.

As a rule, we invite friends for dinner on Saturdays.
Generally speaking, it rains in India from June to September (but it can rain in October as well).
As a rule, you are not advised to go on a safari without a guide.
Generally, bats fly after dusk.
In general, grocery stores sell toiletries as well.

Some examples illustrating the use of “often”:

  • I often go to the cinema with friends.
  • How often do you get sick – once or twice a month or once a week?
  • We often tell lies to get out of an awkward situation.
  • It rains in London very often.
  • Travelling by train in Europe is often faster than flying.

Re-framed the sentences could read as below:

  • I frequently go to the cinema with friends.
  • How frequently do you get sick – once or twice a month or once a week?
  • On many occasions we tell lies to get out of an awkward situation.
  • It rains in London very frequently.
  • Travelling by train in Europe is at many times faster than flying.

Restrict the use of “always” and “never”, unless you are sure of your statement’s 100% certainty.

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Dixit, G. (2016, June 8). Difference Between “Usually” and “often” – “often” misunderstood. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-usually-and-often-often-misunderstood/.

Dixit, Gouri. «Difference Between “Usually” and “often” – “often” misunderstood.» Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 8 June, 2016, http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-usually-and-often-often-misunderstood/.

Written by : Gouri Dixit.
and updated on 2016, June 8

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Often when words are synonyms in the English language, you’ll wonder if they have any differences between them. That is to say, if they are completely equivalent in all contexts, or if there are some small differences. This article will explain what the difference is between “often” and “frequently”.

“Often” and “frequently” are nearly identical terms that refer to events that happen regularly. The key difference between them is that “frequently” carries the implication of something that happens in regular intervals, while “often” doesn’t necessarily imply that something is happening at a set interval.

Often vs. Frequently

However, this implication of a regular pace does little to affect the ways in which these terms are used, and they’re practically equivalent terms that you can use interchangeably.

“Often” and “frequently” classify as synonyms of each other, because even though they don’t have completely equal definitions, they are still frequently used as equivalents nonetheless.


“Often” is a word that merely states that something happens several times. It’s a very simple and straightforward term that can be used when talking about things that occur relatively close to each other. This is a term you can use to guarantee your audience understands what you mean.

Many people often wonder what the period of time in which something happens several times has to be in order for it to be considered as “often”.

There is no set answer on what qualifies as “often”, and it will always depend on the context. Once every day can be “often”, and once every year can also be “often”.

According to The Cambridge English Dictionary, “often” simply means “a lot or many times”. It’s a vague definition, and it carries no hard information on what number constitutes as “often”, which is why it’s relative.

Here are some example sentences that will teach you how to use “often” in a sentence:

  1. Often I find myself thinking about what would’ve happened if I had stayed in the train.
  2. She comes to see me often, and we have long conversations about literature and life.
  3. He would often remark that he thought this project was in very good hands.
  4. They are often misleading with their initial comments, so don’t drop your guard.
  5. Often I would go to the shawarma shop on the corner, and have lunch there.


“Frequently” is a term that you use to imply that something occurs at a relatively regular pace, and that the time periods that occur in between each instance are not too far apart from each other. It’s a term to keep in mind to convey a specific sense of rhythm.

When you say “frequently”, you’re letting the audience know that the intervals at which the specific action or event occurred were relatively equal, occurring at a set pace.

According to The Cambridge English Dictionary, “frequently” is a word that simply means “often”, cementing its status as a near-perfect synonym of the term.

Here are some example sentences that will show you how to use “frequently” in your sentences:

  1. Frequently I find myself thinking about him, and what he’s up to in the modern day.
  2. I frequently go to the grocery store because I need to stock up on my food for the week.
  3. She frequently visits me, which is something that I really appreciate about her.
  4. He frequently will notice when I alter the documents, and he’ll praise me for it.
  5. Frequently they would show up at my university, and I never knew what to say to them.

Which Is Used the Most?

According to data provided by the Google Ngram Viewer, “often” is significantly more popular than “frequently”. Since the year 1900, “often” has been the more popular alternative when compared to “frequently”.

Often vs. Frequently usage

Furthermore, there hasn’t been a single point where “frequently” came close to surpassing “often”. In fact, use of “often” has increased, while “frequently” has remained stable.

More Often or More Frequently?

Both “more often” and “more frequently” are grammatically correct uses of frequency adverbs, though “more often” is slightly more common than “more frequently”, and sounds less awkward to the tongue. Which one you will use is up to you and what sounds better at the moment.

“More often” is a very common phrase, and it’s usually used in the context of the expression “more often than not”.

  • More often than not I will find myself working at late hours in the night.
  • You should come over more frequently, I miss you.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

What part of speech is often?

Answer and Explanation: The word ‘often’ is classified as an adverb of frequency. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Which statement about iambic pentameter which is used in Sonnet 29 is correct?

Which statement about iambic pentameter, which is used in “Sonnet 29,” is correct? An iamb consists of two unstressed syllables followed by two stressed syllables.

Why did Shakespeare use iambic pentameter in Romeo and Juliet?

The majority of Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is written in blank verse, or unrhymed iambic pentameter. Shakespeare also dispenses of iambic pentameter to underline the abrupt or crass nature of certain sections of dialogue – for example, during bawdy jokes, or when servants are conversing amongst themselves.

What is it called when a poem has 10 syllables per line?

It means iambic pentameter is a beat or foot that uses 10 syllables in each line. Simply, it is a rhythmic pattern comprising five iambs in each line, like five heartbeats. Iambic pentameter is one of the most commonly used meters in English poetry.

How do you count syllables?

To use it, say the word and clap your hands together each time you hear a vowel sound. For example, take the word “autumn”: au-tumn. That’s two vowel sounds, so it’s two syllables even though autumn has three vowel letters: a, u and u. How many syllables did you get for each word?

What are stressed and unstressed syllables?

A stressed syllable is the part of a word that you say with greater emphasis than the other syllables. Alternatively, an unstressed syllable is a part of a word that you say with less emphasis than the stressed syllable(s). However, you don’t emphasize or deemphasize syllables using volume; instead, you use pitch.

What is a stressed vowel?

Stressed vowel sounds are longer, louder, and/or higher in pitch than vowel sounds without stress. Overall, stressed sounds are “stronger” than unstressed sounds.

How do you know if a one syllable word is stressed or unstressed?

A single-syllable word does not carry word stress. Only when a word has more than two syllables it has the word stress; a word contains one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed syllables.

Do all words have stress?

Absolutely. It can affect the pronunciation, it can affect the meaning of a word. Let’s take for example this word. As an adjective or a noun, the stress falls on the first syllable.

Is love a stressed syllable?

You would mark a / over “love” and a u over “ly.” There are five stressed syllables in the line. That makes the poem’s meter iambic pentameter (penta=five, so iambic pentameter means there are five stressed syllables per line, following an unstressed-stressed rhythm).

How do you know if a syllable is stressed in a poem?

A stressed syllable is a syllable that has emphasis within a word (or within a line of poetry). So the best way to tell is to say the word in an overly dramatic way, choosing different syllables to emphasize. For example, let’s say we have the word “emphasize,” and we want to figure out which syllable is stressed.

What is regular meter?

Meter is a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that defines the rhythm of some poetry. These stress patterns are defined in groupings, called feet, of two or three syllables. For example, iambic pentameter is a type of meter that contains five iambs per line (thus the prefix “penta,” which means five).

How many types of meter are there?

three different types

Which meter is used in home?

Electric meter or energy meter is a device that measures the amount of electrical energy consumed. The most common unit of measurement on the electricity measurement is the kilowatt hour [kWh], which is equal to the amount of energy used by a load of one kilowatt hour over a period of one hour.

What is a Type 1 meter?

Interval meters – These meters record how much electricity is used in every 30 minute interval and the associated demand. These meters have communications attached so are remotely read and are known as Type 1 to 4 meters.

Why do I have 3 electricity meters?

Electricity in NSW is distributed by three key entities – Ausgrid, Essential Energy and Endeavour Energy. Which of the three you’re supplied by, will determine what your peak, shoulder and off-peak electricity consumption periods are.

Can I have a smart meter with 3 phase?

So, can I get a 3-Phase smart meter installed now? If you use three-phase electricity at your home or business, you’re now able to benefit from having a three-phase smart meter (SMETs2) installed at your premises.

Why do I have 2 electricity meters?

You have two meters, one of these measures the amount of normal electricity you use 24 hours a day, i.e, your lights, fridge, computers etc. You also have another meter which exclusively measures the amount of electricity your hot water system consumes.

What is the difference between a smart meter and a regular electric meter?

A smart meter tells you how much gas and electricity you’ve used, just like a normal meter. The difference is that a smart meter sends your energy information to your supplier. This is automatic and uses a secure network. You can say goodbye to estimated bills and hello to only paying for energy you use!

How do I know if my electric meter is correct?

If the meter stops, turn on 1 appliance at a time and check the meter. If the meter starts to move very quickly, the appliance could be faulty. If the meter is still moving, it’s probably faulty.

Can a house have two power meters?

Yes, you can have 2 electrical energy meters in a single house, for your convenience, distribute the load equally on the 2 meters, and you will get a less amount of Electricity bill as the slab rates fall in the lower consumption slabs. And Electricity bill to be devided among all the portions tenants.

How much does it cost to install a separate electric meter?

Installing four separate meters will cost about $5,000.

Does every house have an electric meter?

If you’ve searched all around your house, and you simply just can’t find your electricity meter (sometimes known as an electric meter, energy meter or electrical meter), don’t worry. When your home was built, it’s most likely that your meter was installed on the outside of your property.

Will a magnet slow down a digital electric meter?

One of the tried and true ways to tamper with the meter over the years is to put a magnet on each side to slow it down. The trick is to know when the meter reader is coming to turn it right side up. Another popular fix is to drill a hole in the bottom of the meter and stick a pin in to stop the wheel all together.

Does putting a magnet on your electric meter?

Tamperers say that strategically placed magnets can slow the spinning metal wheel that measures consumption in old-style analog meters. New digital smart meters are not influenced by magnets, experts say. Utilities do not take magnets lightly, Texas plumber James Hutcheson learned in 2014.

What happens when you put a magnet on your electric meter?

Back to electronic meters, if there are transformers inside the electronic meter, placement of a magnet as close to this transformer as possible could cause over fluxing every half a cycle, this could cause a diode like affect in the meter electronics, and if the electronics are designed to eliminate harmonics for …

Can you bypass electricity meter?

Meter can be powered off by removing all the voltage connections. There are many ways to bypass an energy meter. The most common way is by putting a jumper (Figure 6) in meter terminal such that connection is bypassed and the energy consumption is not registered. This kind of meter bypass can be easily detected.

Can the electric company tell if I steal power?

The electric company can help you determine if someone is stealing your power or if there is a leach or problem somewhere in your system. If theft is an issue, they will investigate and stop the thief.

Can smart meters detect electricity theft?

Although the data sampling rate of smart meters is not sufficiently high to detect power theft with complete certainty, detection is still possible in a statistical decision theory sense, based on statistical models estimated from collected data sets.

How can I tell if someone is tapping into my electricity?

One of the easiest ways to see if someone else has tapped into your power (common in multi unit dwellings) is to look at your electricity meter before and after you shut everything off using your units circuit breaker. If the dial is still spinning at a significant speed, you could be a victim of electricity theft.

How do you check for electric theft?

The primary means of electricity theft detection include humanly examining unauthorized line diversions, comparing malicious meter records with the benign ones, and checking problematic equipment or hardware.

Can smart meter be hacked?

Hacked meters can even cause house fires and explosions or even a widespread blackout. Unlike remote servers, smart meters can be relatively easily accessed by attackers, so each smart meter must be quite hackproof and resilient in the field.

What are the disadvantages of having a smart meter?

Disadvantages of smart meters

  • My smart meter has turned dumb.
  • Switching energy suppliers becomes difficult.
  • Poor signal prevents the smart meter from working.
  • Smart meter stops sending readings.
  • The smart monitor is hard to understand.
  • Smart meters pose a risk to security.
  • Existing meters are hard to access.
  • Renters can’t install smart meters.

Why you should not get a smart meter?

1) Smart meters could make it harder to switch gas and electricity providers. The Government and Smart Energy GB, the body tasked with promoting the rollout of smart meters, insist the original meters will eventually connect with the network.

Can smart meters give wrong readings?

According to a new university study, five different types of smart meters are producing readings up to 583pc higher than the actual energy used. Five out of nine smart meter models tested gave readings which were too high. …

What is IAMB poetry?

An iamb is a metrical foot of poetry consisting of two syllables—an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable, pronounced duh-DUH. An iamb can be made up of one word with two syllables or two different words. An example of iambic meter would be a line like this: The bird has flown away.

How do you find the stressed syllable in a word?

A stressed syllable combines five features:

  1. It is l-o-n-g-e-r – com p-u-ter.
  2. It is LOUDER – comPUTer.
  3. It has a change in pitch from the syllables coming before and afterwards.
  4. It is said more clearly -The vowel sound is purer.
  5. It uses larger facial movements – Look in the mirror when you say the word.

What are two syllable examples?

2 Syllables

Word Length Syllables
Donate 6 2
Princess 8 2
People 6 2
Water 5 2

What are 4 syllable words?

Four Syllable Words

  • Bureaucratic.
  • Contradicting.
  • Copulation.
  • Degenerate.
  • Dictionary.
  • Directory.
  • Disestablish.
  • Execution.

What are the 10 most misspelled words?

Here are the top 10 most misspelled words in the English language, according to the Oxford Dictionary:

  1. Publically. Whether you use it privately or publicly, this is one you want to make sure is correct.
  2. Pharoah.
  3. Definately?
  4. Goverment?
  5. Seperate.
  6. Occured.
  7. Untill?
  8. Recieve?

Why is it important to be a truth seeker?

Truth-seekers are able to change their mind But if you are a truth-seeker, you have definitely had the experience of changing your mind about some important issue when you discovered new relevant information. Truth-seekers courageously follow reason and evidence wherever they lead.

Adverbs in English. Determining the place in sentences

как переводится слово often

  • Pre-Intermediate

    Setting principle adverbs to a specific place in a sentence is based on two points:

    1. The adverb is placed either BEFORE or AFTER the verb.
    2. Adverbs of different categories (mode of action, time, place, etc.) occupy different places in the sentence.

    Therefore, there are several possible options for setting each category of adverbs in a sentence.

    1. Before the verb

    • Adverbs always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, already, yet, usually, generally, sometimes, still, soon, once… But!!! These adverbs are placed AFTER THE VERB TO BE.
    • Mode of action adverbs, if the verb is followed by an infinitive.
    • All adverbs are placed before have to + infinitive and used to

    2. After the verb

    • Mode of action adverbs.
    • All adverbs are placed after an auxiliary verb, after a modal verb, or after the first verb (if the verb construction is complex).
    • The adverb «yet «to mean» yet «.
    • The adverb «enough».

    3. At the end of the sentence

    • The adverb «yet«In the meaning» already «.
    • Adverbs before, lately, recently.
    • Adverbs too, either.

    4. At the beginning or end of a sentence

    • Sometimes can stand anywhere.
    • Adverbs tomorrow, today, yesterday.

    5. additional information

    • Adverb enough is placed after an adverb or definition. It can also define a noun and stand both before and after it.
    • Adverb too in the meaning «too» is placed before the word that it defines.
    • If the adverb of time and the adverb of place are next to each other, then the adverb of place comes first.
    • An adverb defining an adjective or other adverb is placed before the word being defined.

    Schematically, the principle of the arrangement of adverbs in a sentence can be depicted as follows:


    always, often, seldom, ever, never, just, already, yet, usually, generally, sometimes, still, soon, once Mode of action adverbs «Yet» means «already» Sometimes it can stand anywhere
    Everything before have to + infinitive and used to Everything after an auxiliary verb, after a modal verb, or after the first verb (if the verb construction is complex) before, lately, recently tomorrow, today, yesterday
    Mode of action adverbs, if the verb is followed by an infinitive. «Yet» means «yet»; enough too, either tomorrow, today, yesterday

    In conclusion, we recommend taking the test — choose the correct option:

  • Source: https://www.learnathome.ru/grammar/the-order-of-adverbs.html

    Enjoy learning English online with Puzzle English for free

    как переводится слово often

    An adverb is a part of speech that denotes a sign of an action and describes where, when and how this action is performed. Often, usually and always refer to adverbs of frequency and answer the question «How often?» Where often, usually and always are put in a sentence — we will consider below.

    In English, adverbs of place, time, mode of action, measure and degree, adverbs of frequency of action and adverbs-interrogative words are distinguished. Often, usually and always refer to the adverbs of the frequency of action or otherwise the frequency — Adverbs of Frequency, but are not the only representatives of this group.

    Examples of adverbs of frequency of action:

    These are far from all the existing Adverbs of Frequency, there are a great many of them. They can be conditionally divided into adverbs of a certain frequency (definite frequency) and adverbs of an indefinite frequency (indefinite frequency). The adverbs of both groups answer the same question: «How often?»

    Adverbs of a certain frequency of action:

    • Daily — daily
    • Annually — annually
    • Every day / hour / month / year — every day / hour / month / year
    • Once a week / month / year etc. — once a week / month / year, etc.

    Let us dwell on the group of adverbs of an indefinite frequency of action, since often, usually and always represent this particular group. The most common adverbs of indefinite frequency are sometimes presented as a scale on which the difference between them is clearly visible. The frequency of the action is presented as a percentage.

    When using these adverbs in speech, the speaker’s subjective opinion plays an important role: for some, «often» is three times a day, and for someone — three times a month.

    Action frequency adverbs, including often, usually, and always, refer to Present Simple time markers. The simple present tense is associated with periodicity, regularity, or constancy. Accordingly, the meaning of its markers-adverbs of frequency is also similar.


    As a general rule, if the predicate is expressed by a single semantic verb, then the adverb of frequency should be placed before the verb.

    He often visited us. — He often visited us.

    I usually drink tea in the morning. — I usually drink tea in the morning.


    In adverb matters, frequencies also take place in the middle of a sentence, after the subject.

    Did he usually have tea for breakfast? — He always drank tea for breakfast?

    Also, adverbs of indefinite frequency are used in short answers to questions before an auxiliary verb, when the speaker agrees or disagrees with what was said earlier.

    Mary is depressed again. — Oh, she always is.

    Mary is upset again. — She’s always like that.

    Tom talks only about himself. — Yes, he always does.

    Tom only talks about himself. — Yes, he always does that.

    Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/often-usually-always

    Present Simple Table (The Present Indefinite Tense)

    как переводится слово often

    We continue to study English grammar and deal with sentences in the present tense. Let me remind you that the first step was the verb to be, sentences with which express a state, being, finding (eg She is nice. She is nice.).

    You can read more about the verb to be in my article Present Simple Table. The verb to be.

    Today you will learn to express actions that occur regularly, constantly, in general, usually, and Present Simple table (The Present Indefinite Tense) It will help you with this.

    In addition to the structure of the sentence and the use of this tense, I will draw your attention in this article to the typical mistakes and shortcomings of students when studying present indefinite time, share only practical observations, and not a dry and boring (but, all the same, very necessary) theory.

    Marker words. Present Simple Table (The Present Indefinite Tense)

    I want to introduce you to marker words — words that denote certain periods of time, and which tell us what time to use for a particular sentence.

    Marker words for Present simple: every day (week, month, year, autumn) (every day (week, month, year, autumn), usually (usually), often (often), seldom (rarely), occasionally (from time to time), sometimes (sometimes ), never, always, hardly ever.

    For example, if you want to say: “I usually read in the evening”, then the marker word “usually” tells you that in this sentence the verb (“I read”) is in present indefinite time and you need to translate it, respectively, according to the structure Present simple (“Read”) (not “reading, have read, has read”).

    However, it should be remembered that there may not be such clue words in the sentence. Therefore, before translating a sentence, I recommend that you first analyze it: determine the action and understand whether it occurs regularly, constantly, often.If yes, then we do not hesitate to build such a sentence according to one of the schemes described below in Present Simple table.

    V — verb — verb
    S — subject — subject
    Vs — a verb with the ending -s (add this ending to the verb that comes after he, she, it — “He swims, she walks”)
    Ves — a verb with the ending -es (add this ending to the verb that comes after he, she, it and ends with letters — -ss, -ch, -sh, -х, -o — “He dresses, she goes”)

    Present Simple affirmative

    Structure Examples Translation

    I (I)you (you you)We (we)They (they) V
    He (he)She (she)It (he, she, it is about animals and objects) Vs(es)It is important not to lose the -s (-es) ending!
    We live in a big city.
    They live in a big city.
    He lives in a big city.
    She lives in a big city.
    It (for example, an animal) lives in a big city.

    I also want to emphasize that personal pronouns

    I (I)you (you you)We (we)They (they)He (he)She (she)It (he, she, it is about animals and objects)

    in sentences, if necessary, we replace any other nouns. For example: «My sister loves green tea.» — «My sister s green tea.» That is, since “my sister” is “she”, it is understandable why we say not “”, but “s”.

    Present Simple interrogative form

    Structure Examples Translation

    Do I (I)you (you you)we (we)they (they) V?
    Does he (he)she (she)it (it) V?It is important not to deliver the -s, (-es) ending that has gone to Do + es = Does
    — Do you cook every evening? — Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) “Do you cook food every night?” “Yes. (No.)
    — Do they cook every evening? — No, they don’t. (Yes, they do.) “Do they cook food every night?” “No. (Yes.)
    — Does he cook every evening? — Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.) “Does he make food every night?” “Yes. (No.)
    — Does she cook every evening? — No, she doesn’t. (Yes, she does.) “Does she cook food every night?” “No. (Yes.)
    Do / does are auxiliary verbs — they only help form the question and the negation, but are not translated. It is important to use only do (don’t), does (doesn’t) in short answers. Saying «Yes, I cook» is a mistake !!!

     (start with special words)

    Structure Examples Translation

    WhatWhenWhyHow many (much, far)WhereWho do I (I)you (you you)we (we)they (they) V?
    dyes he (he)she (she)it (it)
    What do they usually do at the weekend? What do they usually do on weekends?
    It is important not to confuse the first «do», which is not translated, but only shows that this is a sentence in Present Simple, with the second «do», which is translated — «to do».
    Where does your friend play tennis? Where does your friend play tennis?
    It is important not to rush to use do after seeing your. Some students sometimes think that your and you are the same thing. “Your friend” — “your friend” means “he”, respectively, we use “does” before “your friend”.
    Why does she ballet [‘bæleɪ]?

    Present Simple negative form

    Structure Examples Translation

    I (I)you (you you)We (we)They (they) do not (don’t) V?
    He (he)She (she)It (it) does not (doesn’t)
    I don’t like (I don’t like) Spanish.
    (I don’t like — I don’t, not “me not”)
    You don’t understand Spanish. You (you) do not understand Spanish.
    We do not teach Spanish.
    They don’t know Spanish.
    He doesn’t speak Spanish. He doesn’t speak Spanish.
    It is important to say “speak Spanish” and not “speak in Spanish”, which is a common mistake.
    She doesn’t learn Spanish. She doesn’t study Spanish.
    Note that not a single semantic verb in negation has the ending -s, (-es) — know, speak,

    Interrogative-negative form Present Simple (colloquial speech)


    Structure Examples Translation

    Do not I (I)you (you you)we (we)they (they) V?
    Doesn’t he (he)she (she)it
    Don’t you enjoy the film? Don’t you like the movie?
    Don’t they live abroad?
    Doesn’t he prefer coffee? Doesn’t he like coffee?
    Doesn’t she leave in the morning? Doesn’t she leave in the morning?

    Schematic structure of a sentence in The present indefinite tense I would show like this:

    S + Vs (es)

    Do / does + S + V?

    Wh -?
     Wh + do / does + S + V?

    S + don’t / doesn’t + V

    ? —
    Don’t / doesn’t + S + V?

    If this entry is not very clear, ask in the comments. Such a diagram can be printed and pasted together with others into a notebook, for example, a ready-made cheat sheet, where everything is short and concise.

     I look forward to your comments and wishes!

    Now let’s check how deeply you penetrate Present simple.

    Present Simple Table (The Present Indefinite Tense)

    Source: http://blog.englishvoyage.com/tablitsa-present-simple-the-present-indefinite-tense/

    Texts (topics) in English 5, 6 grades with questions. Part 1

    Subject texts (topics) for those who are studying English at school (grades 5-6). Data texts in English are intended for repetition of the topics covered, the development of writing and speaking.

    Questions to the texts can be used as a basis for dialogues. Words and expressions in the texts correspond to the vocabulary passed in these classes. A dictionary is connected to the site. To find out the translation of an unfamiliar word, you need to click on it 2 times.

      The texts are accompanied by lists of words for repetition on the topics indicated below, as well as assignments on the topic «Personal letter».

    Texts (topics):

    * * *

    Text 1. About Myself

    My name is. I am years old.

    I am in the th form. We learn different subjects but my favorite subject is

    I live in. I have a mother, a father, a sister and a brother. My family is friendly and loving.

    I am tall (short). My hair is straight and long. I have big brown eyes.

    I have got many friends. My best friend is. We often spend time together. We to.

    * * *

    Lyrics 2. My Family and Me

    My family is large. There are 6 of us: father, mother, my sister, two brothers and me. My family is friendly and loving.

    My father’s name is. He is clever and kind. He is a doctor by profession.

    My mother’s name is. She is busy and loving. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife.

    My elder sister’s name is She is a very beautiful girl. Her hobby is singing.
    My younger brother’s name is He is very active. He s sport.

    My hobby is drawing. I to draw in my free time. Also I reading books. My favorite writer is

    At the weekends all the members of our family spend time together. We go for a walk, visit museums, go to the cinema or to the theater.

    I love my family very much.

    * * *

    Lyrics 3. My Friends

    Source: http://englishinn.ru/tekstyi-topiki-na-angliyskom-yazyike-5-6-klass.html

    Everyday words often need creative interpreting [No audio]

    Sometimes English teachers tell their students: “You probably think it’s more difficult to translate from Russian into English. But in reality it is much more difficult to translate from English into Russian ”. As they say, everyone has their own problems.

    Meanwhile, many translators will agree that sometimes it is not too difficult to translate a complex scientific text into Russian, having a dictionary of special terms. The fact is that grammatically and idiomatically, the language of science is fairly standard, and the terminology is international.

    You just substitute terms in their «nests» in the structure of the sentence — something like a «literal translation» turns out. Moreover, the translation turns out to be quite competent, although the translator sometimes does not really know what it is about.

    On the other hand, everyday language with its idioms assumes that the translator is 100% aware of what is at stake.

    Apparently, therefore, colloquial expressions are much less suitable for «literal-nested» translation: substitution of equivalent English words does not give the correct translation.

    Drop in, throw up

    He will come up now (drive up).  How to translate the prefix pod-? Answer: no way. If you start translating the prefix, you will lose its meaning, because He’ll come by means that the person will «drop by for a while along the road somewhere.» But the meaning is «soon a man will be here» and the correct translation is He’s coming or He’ll be here in a few minutes.

    Drop in, drop in (after work)  He’ll come by / come over after work.

    «I’ll go and run for bread.» English version: I’ll (just) go get some bread.

    He gave me a lift home (by car) Correct translation: He gave me a lift / ride (home)

    Rest, holiday, vacation

    Holiday House… English rest home — a home for the elderly or patients recovering from a serious illness. That’s why I drove to a holiday home need to translate I went to a vacation center.

    Well, of course, rest.

    Incorrect: Of course, have / take a rest.

    Correct option: Take it easy / Relax.

    Yesterday we had a great rest — we went to the theater. Americans don’t understand how to have a rest in the theater, so wrong: Yesterday we had a wonderful rest — we went to the theater. Correct: We had a great time yesterday — we went to the theater.

      A holiday in English is a «holiday» such as Thanksgiving or American Independence Day. Holidays are Christmas, Easter and other holidays. In addition, only in Britain, holiday also means «vacation» (British to go on holiday = to go on holiday), in American «vacation» is vacation (American to go on vacation to Poland = to go on vacation to Poland) …

    We sat so well! cannot be translated with the verb to sit. Correct: We really enjoyed ourselves / We all had a fabulous time.

    Yesterday we had a holiday — grandfather’s birthday. Don’t: Yesterday at our house we had a holiday, grandfather’s birthday.

    Correct: Yesterday we celebrated grandfather’s birthday at our place.

     Meet, meet

    The English verb to meet is usually used in conjunction with the names of animate objects to mean «to satisfy»:

    to meet a deadline (= meet the deadline), to meet conditions, standards (= meet the conditions, standards).

    I encountered an unfamiliar verb.  Not allowed: I met an unfamiliar to me verb. Correct: I ran into / found / saw a (new) / a verb I didn’t know / a verb new to me.

    Last year we celebrated New Years in Washington DC.  Incorrect: Last year we met the New Year in Washington.

    Correct: Last year we celebrated New Year’s eve in Washington / We were in Washington for New Year (New Year’s eve).

     Live, live (to stay, to live)

    The verb to stay has the meaning «to stay, to live» in some place for a short time (perhaps no more than two months).

    I have (live) in America for fifteen years. Don’t: I have already been staying in America for fifteen years.

    Correct: I have been living in America for fifteen years / It’s now fifteen years since I came to America.

     Infinitive and gerund

    I’m tired of telling you the same thing all the time.Incorrect: I am tired to say to you all the time the same.

    Right with the gerund: I am tired of saying the same thing to you all the time.

    Ira now has a number of problems — how to find a good school for a child, how to get a job

    Incorrect: Ann now has many problems, the problem to find a good school for the child, the problem to get a job

    Right with the gerund: Ann has a lot of problems right now — the problem of finding a good school for her child, of getting a job / finding a good school for her child, getting a job.


    This word is translated in different words depending on the context: owner (= owner), landlord (= landlord, owner of the apartment you are renting, renting), host (= host, TV host), boss (= boss at work). Least often translated as master 

    The owner raised my salary last month. Wrong: Last month my chief gave me the raise.

    Correct: Last month my boss gave me a raise / raised my salary.

     We are with you (You and I)

    If there are several faces, always put yourself in last place:

    John and I went to the movies. Wrong: We and John went to the movies.

    Correct: John and I went to the movies.

    Fred and John, I will be happy to help you.Incorrect: I, Fred and John will be glad to help you.

    Correct: John, Fred and I will be glad to help you.


    The expression We are having repairs done in our apartment means that the ceiling collapsed in the apartment or the water pipes burst. About cosmetic repairs (paint, whitewash) they say: We are having the apartment painted.

    If you are redoing floors, cabinets, shelving, etc., if you are redecorating floors or rebuilding wardrobes, then say: We’re having work done on the apartment / house / We’re redecorating / redoing / remodeling the apartment.

    In March, we will start a big renovation. Incorrect: In the month of March we will have big repairs.

    Correct option: In March we’ll be redoing the apartment.

    Length, quality and quantity

    This is a lot of money for him.  Incorrect: It is much / big money for him.

    Correct: This is a lot / a great deal of money for him.

    He works as someone in college. Incorrect: Doesn’t have some job with the college.

    Correct option: He has a job with / at the college.
     Never use the word some if you are not quite sure of the information. Possible option: some kind of a job, which means — you do not know exactly what position he holds in college.

    I worked all morning. Wrong: All the morning I was working.

    Correct: I worked all morning.

    The whole problem is that Petya does not know English well. Wrong: All the problem is that Petya knows the English badly.

    Correct option: The real problem is that Petya’s English is bad / poor. You can also: The real problem is (with) Petya’s English. Since this is a problem, it is clear that he does not know English well.

    It snows all over the country.

    Incorrect: It is snowing in all the country.

    Correct option: It is snowing in the whole / entire country.

     Such and just

    Russians often misuse the word such, which clogs their speech with incorrect English constructions.

    The professor showed that this problem cannot be solved in this way. 

    Source: http://audiorazgovornik.ru/ob-angliyskom-yazike/875--everyday-words-often-need-creative-interpreting-

    Use of Used To in English

    You probably know how the word «use» is translated into English.

    Use means to use something (object, mechanism, person, method, etc.) in order to accomplish a task, perform an activity, etc.

    Notice the sentence using the word «use» in the past tense:

    • I Used a sharp knife to cut the tomato.

    You can also see this sentence in the passive voice.

    • A sharp knife was used to cut the tomato.

    If you’re a beginner, don’t worry too much about using passive voice now!

    I just want you to notice that here used to used in its original meaning.

    However, this expression is also used in other meanings, has two separate uses that are very common in the English language.

    Let’s take a closer look at these values.

    Using Used to to describe past habits

    Used to is used to describe a past habit, the difference between past and present. For example, in the past, I hated spinach. Now, I can eat it calmly.

    • used to hate spinach. But now I can eat it.

    Also, when we use used to to mean “have a habit in the past,” we can rephrase the sentence as follows, using the word anymore:

    • used to hate spinach. = I do not hate spinach anymore.

    Please note if your sentence is interrogative or negative (it contains did or didnt to express the past), then instead of Used to you will use use to + infinitive:

    • Where did you use to buy your food?
    • I didn’t use to do gymnastics.

    Let’s see how the phrase used to uses the vocalist of the group Daughtry in his song.

    Used to means «get used to»

    To be used to something means getting used to: being familiar with something or feeling comfortable in a given situation.

    Again, for example, I eat spinach every week, this is absolutely normal for me — a common occurrence. In this case, I can say:

    Then our construction will be as follows:

    [subject of action execution + verb be (changed depending on the person) + Used to+ noun].

    To ask a question, we simply change the order of words in a sentence:

    Note that the gerund (that is, verb + ending —ing) can also act as a noun:

    • I am used to washing dishes *.

    * washing dishes — like a noun with a sign of action.

    Very often the phrase Used to used with the verb get in the meaning of getting used to:

    • am getting Used to spinach: means that before I had no habit of eating spinach, but now it has become normal for me, i.e. I’m getting used to eating spinach.
    • I got used to the taste of spinach: I didn’t know what spinach tasted like before, but now I do and I seem to have got used to its special taste.
    • Are you getting used to the taste of spinach?: Are you getting used to the spinach taste already?
    • canget Used to the Key of spinach: I can never consider this taste normal — I can not get used to it.

    How to determine the Used to value?

    In order to determine in what meaning a given phrase is used, it is necessary to look at the context.

    If after used to you see a noun or gerund (a word with the ending «-ing»), then we are talking about the meaning of «get used to».

    If after used to there is a verb, it means that this is a past habit of doing something, or an explanation of the use of the subject.

    • When I was young and lived with my parents, I used to help them a little bit with baking and cooking.
    • I wasn’t used to walk on high heels at the time.
    • Jordan is used to me trying new things in cooking.

    Exercises for Used to Practice

    • Write three sentences describing your past habits using used to.
    • Write three sentences about food that you are accustomed to or never able to get used to. Use the phrase (get) used to.

    Feel free to write your answers in the comments.

    See you soon!

    Source: https://preply.com/blog/2014/11/04/upotreblenie-used-to-v-anglijskom-yazyke/

    English grammar

    I Infinitive — an indefinite form of a verb What to do? to heat to heat
    to give give
    II Past tense — Past indefinite What they were doing)?
    What did (s) do?
    heated heated (s)
    gave gave (and)
    III Passive participle Participle II What is it? heated heated
    given given
    IV Active participle Participle I What is it? heating heating, heating
    giving giver, giver


    1) These forms are basic for the formation of the predicate and all other verb forms, both simple and complex.

    2) By the formation of the form by adding the ending (ed) to the infinitive of the verb, and non-standard, forming the II and III forms by changing the root vowel (to see, saw, seen), the final consonant (to build, built, built), from different roots ( to go, went, gone) and in other ways (see table of irregular verbs)

    3) Participle I (active participle) — the form of the verb, formed from the stem of the infinitive of the verb by adding the ending — ing.

    2. Formation of various verb tense groups

    to be in personal form — is, are, am, was, were, shall be, will be Participle I
    (active participle)
    Continuous He is writing
    He writes now
    to have — in personal form — have, has, had, shall have, will have Participle II
    (passive participle)
    Perfect I have written a letter. I wrote a letter.

    They have finished the work.

    They finished the job.

    Shall, will infinitive
    without the particle «that»
    All groups in the future time He will write the letter
    He will write the work

    3. Table of times. Active Voice

    1 2 3 4 5
    Present I help him.

    Source: http://linguisticus.com/ru/Grammar/OpenFolder/ENGLISH_GRAMMAR

    My question is simple. Is the following sentence correct?

    They don’t watch TV often.

    My English teacher has told me that the only correct option is:

    They don’t often watch TV.

    Is she right?

    RegDwigнt's user avatar


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    asked Nov 23, 2010 at 7:26

    Petar Minchev's user avatar


    I think she is wrong. «They don’t often watch TV» certainly isn’t the only correct option.

    As just one piece of evidence you could consider the Google result counts for these phrases (switched to «I» to get more representative data):

    • «I don’t often watch TV»: 22,500
    • «I don’t watch TV often»: 59,600

    answered Nov 23, 2010 at 7:55

    Jonik's user avatar


    4,1552 gold badges31 silver badges37 bronze badges


    Your English teacher could try to make an argument that «they don’t often watch TV» would be preferable in writing, or in more formal situations. I am not sure that even this would be true, but it is at least an arguable position.

    However, she is just wrong if she says it is the only correct option. Both of your sentences are perfectly acceptable English. They would be understood by any native speaker, and neither one sounds awkward or unusual.

    answered Nov 23, 2010 at 14:10

    Kosmonaut's user avatar


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    According to this site, an adverb of frequency should be placed before the main verb, in this case watch. So her sentence is correct, in a purist way, but not the only option. It can also be placed at the end, and still be accepted by native english-speaker.

    answered Nov 23, 2010 at 8:27

    Eldroß's user avatar


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    Your teacher is wrong. Frequency adverbs can be placed:

    • before the main verb (if the verb is not «to be»). Examples: He never eats vegetables. They will always regret doing this.

    • after the verb (if the verb is «to be»). Example: He is often late for work.

    • some frequency adverbs (eg usually, normally, often, frequently, sometimes): in the beginning OR in the end of the sentence. Examples: He writes often.
      We visit them frequently. Sometimes I am late for office.

    Some incorrect examples:

    • Never we should do that.
    • I should do that never.
    • Always we laugh with his jokes.
    • We laugh with his jokes always.

    Chappo Hasn't Forgotten Monica's user avatar

    answered Jul 2, 2019 at 0:35

    Alan Evangelista's user avatar

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