When do we use the word may and might


May and Might are modal verbs.

They can normally be interchanged without a significant difference in meaning.

  • I might go
  • I may go

May and Might more or less have the same meaning. (We will see more about this later)

With modals verbs, there is only one form of them for every subject pronoun.

For example with the modal verb MIGHT. We say…

  • I might
  • You might
  • He might
  • She might
  • It might
  • We might
  • They might

The same happens with MAY … I may, you may, he may, she may, it may, we may, they may.

Just like the other modal verbs, there is never an S at the end of may or might:

  • She mights stay. (This is NOT CORRECT)
  • She might stay. (This is CORRECT)

After MIGHT or MAY we have the verb, or more specifically, the base form of the infinitive.

This means the infinitive without To. For example the infinitive is To Go so the base form is just the Go part.

Instead of To Study, only study. Instead of To speak, we only put Speak after the modal verbs MIGHT and MAY.

For example:

  • You might to go.

(This is NOT correct – we don’t use all of the infinitive – we need to remove the TO part)

So we say…

  • You might go. (This is correct)


  • She might knows.

(This IS NOT correct – we don’t conjugate the verb so no S is necessary – we need the base form of the infinitive)… so we say…

  • She might know. (This is correct)

Example Sentences using MAY and MIGHT

Some example sentences with May and Might are…

  • I might watch another episode.
  • You may bring a partner to our event.
  • He may have been
  • She might tell us what happened if we ask her.
  • It might rain this afternoon.
  • We may be invited but I’m not sure.
  • They might go to the beach this weekend.

When do we use MAY and MIGHT in English?

1. We can use May and Might – To express possibility

There is a chance of something being true or there is a possibility of something happening.

Note: Might is used more frequently than May in spoken English.

  • Take an umbrella, it might rain later. (This means there is a possibility that it will rain later)

You can also say… it may rain later.

  • I think she may win the singing competition …because her voice is amazing.
  • They might be late because of the bus strike.

2. We can use May To ASK FOR permission

Note: May sounds more polite than using Can or Could when asking for permission.

  • May I have some water please?
  • May I borrow your dictionary?
  • May I use the bathroom please?

It is best to use PLEASE in the question to make it more polite?

Note: In theory, Might can also be used to request permission but it sounds very formal and is rare.

3. We can also use May – To GIVE permission

We do NOT use Might to give permission.

  • You may open the window if you become hot.
  • You may take a brochure if you like.
  • You may leave the room once you have finished the test.

4. To NOT give permission

We can use May not to NOT give permission or to PROHIBIT someone from doing something.

  • You may not park your car in front of the gate.  (No, it is not permitted)
  • You may not leave the room without permission.
  • You may not take photos inside the museum. (It is prohibited)

5. May: to talk about typical occurrences

May is used in academic (or scientific) language to refer to things that typically happen in certain situations.

  • Drivers may feel tired if they do not take a break every 2 hours.
  • Adults may find it difficult to sleep if they use technology before going to bed.
  • These tablets may produce serious side effects if not taken in the correct dosage.

6. MAY and Might are used to Speculate about past actions.

Here we are saying that something was possible in the past but we are not sure.

For this situation we use (May + have + the past participle)

  • Your comment may have offended some people.
  • She is not here. She might have gone to the market.
  • What was that noise outside? I think it may have been a cat.

With all of these examples, they were possible but we are not sure.

7. We can use MAY To express wishes

When expressing wishes, only May is used.

  • May you both live a long and happy life together.
  • May the New Year bring you love and happiness.
  • May all your wishes come true.
  • May the Force be with you.

MAY & MIGHT Summary Chart

May and Might - English Modal Verbs - Uses of May and Might with Example Sentences

Lesson tags: May, Might, Modal Verbs, Permission, Possibility
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May и might — модальные глаголы в английском языке, которые часто употребляются как синонимы. При этом есть ситуации, в которых используется чаще may, а в других — might. Об этом мы и расскажем в нашей статье. Читайте, как с помощью may и might выразить предположение, просьбу, запрет, пожелание, упрек и т. д.

Модальные глаголы may и might в английском языке


  • 1. Случаи употребления модальных глаголов may и might
  • 2. Случаи употребления модального глагола may
  • 3. Случаи употребления модального глагола might

Модальные глаголы (modal verbs) в английском языке выражают отношение говорящего к действию, а не само действие или процесс. Поэтому после каждого модального глагола обязательно последует еще один — смысловой. Этот смысловой глагол должен употребляться в инфинитиве без частицы to.

Alice may get a promotion. — Элис может получить повышение.
I might go to the party tomorrow. — Может, я пойду на вечеринку завтра.

Многие студенты путают модальный глагол may (возможно, может быть, вероятно) и наречие maybe (возможно, вероятно). Они оба показывают вероятность того, что что-то может произойти, но относятся к разным частям речи.

Как не запутаться в употреблении maybe и may be? Наречие maybe обычно ставится в начале предложения, и его ближайшим синонимом является слово perhaps (возможно, может быть).

Maybe/Perhaps they will come to the meeting. — Возможно, они придут на совещание. (наречие, пишется слитно)
Не may be late for the meeting. — Он, возможно, опоздает на совещание. (модальный глагол + основной глагол, пишется раздельно)

Чтобы научиться отличать maybe и may be, запишитесь на наш курс «Практическая грамматика».

При построении отрицаний и вопросов модальным глаголам не требуются помощники в виде вспомогательных слов, они самостоятельно справляются с этой задачей. При отрицании просто добавьте not после may/might, а при вопросе — поставьте may/might перед подлежащим, в начало предложения.

They may not have time to visit us tomorrow. — Возможно, завтра у них не будет времени, чтобы проведать нас.
You might not like him, but he is a good guy. — Может, он тебе и не нравится, но он хороший парень.

May I borrow your pen, please? — Можно мне одолжить твою ручку, пожалуйста?
Might I have two days off the next week? — Могу ли я взять два выходных на следующей неделе?

В зависимости от ситуации и времени модальные глаголы may и might можно употреблять с разными формами инфинитива. В таблице ниже представлены его основные формы и функции.

Форма и функция инфинитива Формула Пример
Present Infinitive — для действия в настоящем или будущем may/might + инфинитив без частицы to They may be dangerous! — Они могут быть опасны!
He might not come. — Он, может быть, не придет.
Present Continuous Infinitive — для продолжительного действия в настоящем или будущем may/might + be + Ving He may be reading a newspaper now. — Возможно, он сейчас читает газету.
It might be raining outside. — Может быть, на улице идет дождь.
Perfect Infinitive — для действия в прошлом may/might + have + V3 I may have seen her before. — Я, вероятно, видел ее раньше.
As you might have heard, we lost the game. — Как ты, скорее всего, слышал, мы проиграли игру.
Perfect Continuous Infinitive — для продолжительного действия в прошлом may/might + have been + Ving Alice may have been listening to the loud music when I tried to reach her. — Вероятно, Элис слушала громкую музыку, когда я ей пытался дозвониться.
I might have been taking a shower when our postman came. — Должно быть, я принимал душ, когда приходил почтальон.

Обратите внимание на следующие нюансы:

  • Отрицательную форму may not сокращать нельзя. Might not можно сократить до mightn’t, но такая форма встречается редко.

    He mayn’t may not be right. — Он может быть неправ.
    He might not (mightn’t) be right. — Он может быть неправ.

  • С подлежащими в единственном числе (he/she/it) к основному глаголу после may и might не нужно добавлять окончание -s.

    Dan may reads read every day. — Вероятно, Дэн читает каждый день.

  • Might считается прошедшей формой глагола may, но при этом имеет и отдельные функции.

Случаи употребления модальных глаголов may и might

Давайте начнем с синонимичных значений модальных глаголов may и might.

  1. Вероятность, неуверенность

    Мы высказываем предположение, в котором не уверены на 100%. В таких случаях may указывает на бо́льшую вероятность совершения действия, чем might. В этом случае may и might на русский язык можно перевести как «наверное», «вероятно», «может быть». Предположения могут быть как о настоящем, так и о будущем.

    She may know him. — Она, наверное, его знает.
    She may be cooking dinner now. I saw her in the kitchen. — Возможно, она готовит ужин сейчас. Я видел ее на кухне.

    She might go to the USA on holiday, she hasn’t decided yet. — Может быть, она поедет в США на каникулы, она еще не решила.
    I might not be able to meet you at the airport. I will let you know tomorrow. — Может быть, у меня не получится встретить тебя в аэропорту. Я дам тебе знать завтра.

  2. Просьба

    May и might используются, когда нужно вежливо попросить что-то сделать. May является более вежливой формой по сравнению с модальным глаголом can, который также часто употребляют при просьбах. А might используется довольно редко, только в формальных ситуациях.

    May I see the manager, please?
    — Certainly.
    Могу я увидеть менеджера, пожалуйста?
    — Конечно.

    May I be excused?
    — Yes, please.
    — Прошу прощения, могу я выйти?
    — Да, пожалуйста.

    Excuse me, sir. Might I borrow these files for a moment, please? — Прошу прощения, сэр. Могу я взять эти документы на минуту, пожалуйста?

  3. Конструкции may as well и might as well

    На русский язык эти конструкции переводятся как «ничего не остается, кроме как» или «почему бы не», «можно вполне».

    Since nobody wants to go to the cinema with me, I might as well stay at home and watch some film on my own. — Поскольку никто не хочет идти со мной в кино, мне ничего не остается, кроме как остаться дома и посмотреть фильм в одиночку.
    We’ll have to wait for another hour here. We may as well go and have some coffee. — Нам еще час придется здесь ждать. Можно вполне пойти выпить кофе.

    Также используем эту конструкцию, когда недовольны каким-либо результатом. В этом случае переводим ее как «мочь с таким же успехом» и используем с перфектным инфинитивом.

    My driver’s school was so useless, I might as well have asked my younger brother to teach me to drive. — Мои курсы вождения были такими бесполезными. С таким же успехом я бы мог попросить своего младшего брата научить меня водить.

  4. Конструкции try as somebody may и try as somebody might

    Это фразы-клише для выражения сожаления, их можно перевести как «что бы кто-то ни делал» или «как бы кто-то ни старался».

    Try as I may, I can’t learn this poem by heart. — Как бы я ни старался, я не могу выучить этот стих наизусть.
    Try as he might, he could not find the criminal. — Что бы он ни делал, а преступника так и не смог найти.

Случаи употребления модального глагола may

Есть несколько функций, которые берет на себя только модальный глагол may.

  1. Разрешение

    Используйте may в формальной и письменной речи, когда позволяете кому-то что-то сделать.

    Passengers may take only one item of hand luggage on board. — Пассажиры могут взять на борт только одну единицу ручной клади. (письменное уведомление)
    You may make a phone call here. — Вы можете совершить телефонный звонок здесь.

  2. Запрет

    Когда вы запрещаете кому-то что-то делать, используйте may not. Это форма употребляется в формальной обстановке.

    May not даже стал предметом шутки среди учителей в англоязычных школах. Когда студент вместо более вежливого варианта May I be excused? (Можно ли мне выйти?) говорит Can I leave the room? (Могу я выйти?), учитель отвечает: Yes, you can, but you may not. (Да, ты можешь, но я тебе не разрешаю.) При этом он имеет в виду, что студент физически способен выйти из комнаты, но разрешения на это у него нет.

    I am sorry, but customers may not enter this room. — Простите, но покупателям нельзя заходить в эту комнату.
    We have some rules in this office. First, you may not smoke in here. — У нас есть правила в этом офисе. Во-первых, здесь запрещается курить.

  3. Пожелания

    May используется для выражения пожеланий. В таких случаях may нужно поставить на первое место в предложении. На русский язык may в данном контексте переводится как «пусть».

    May your dreams come true. — Пусть сбудутся твои мечты.

  4. May в значении although (хотя)

    May можно употребить с простым инфинитивом, когда мы сопоставляем факты и указываем на разницу.

    He may be the manager, but it is not the reason to be late every day. — Хотя он и руководитель, но это не повод опаздывать каждый день.
    You may know English better than me, but I think I should conduct negotiations. — Хотя ты и знаешь английский лучше, думаю, я должен вести переговоры.

  5. Типичные случаи

    May может употребляться в научных и академических текстах при описании типичных случаев.

    A lion may live in a pride or alone. — Лев может жить в прайде или один.

Случаи употребления модального глагола might

Также существуют случаи, когда уместнее употреблять модальный глагол might.

  1. Вероятность в прошлом

    Используйте might, когда говорите о ситуациях, которые происходили в прошлом и были привычными в то время. После might ставим простой инфинитив.

    You might go to the shop and buy an ice cream just for a few cents 50 years ago. We don’t have such prices now. — 50 лет назад ты мог пойти в магазин и купить мороженое всего за несколько центов. Сейчас таких цен нет.
    For no reason at all your grandfather and I might pack our bags and go hitch-hiking. We were so young and free. — Без всякого повода твой дедушка и я могли собрать сумки и отправиться в путешествие автостопом. Мы были так молоды и свободны.

  2. Упрек или неодобрение

    Если упрек относится к настоящему или будущему, то за might последует простой инфинитив, но если речь идет о прошлом, то после might нужен перфектный инфинитив.

    You might go and help your younger brother with homework. — Ты бы пошел и помог младшему брату с домашней работой.
    You might have told me you would be late. — Мог бы и сказать, что опоздаешь.

  3. Упущенная возможность в прошлом

    Используем might с перфектным инфинитивом, когда сожалеем о чем-то в прошлом — часто о том, что могло произойти, но не случилось.

    He decided not to go to the interview. But I’m sure he might have got that job! — Он решил не идти на собеседование. Но я уверен, он мог бы получить эту работу!
    I might have caught the train, but I left my passport at home and had to come back. — Я бы, может, и успел на поезд, но забыл дома паспорт, и мне пришлось возвращаться.

    Часто, используя эту конструкцию, говорящий шокирован тем, что чуть не произошло.

    You might have died! Don’t you ever swim in the storm again! — Ты же мог погибнуть! Не смей никогда плавать в шторм!
    They might have been late for their own wedding! — Да они же могли опоздать на свою собственную свадьбу!

  4. В условных предложениях второго и третьего типа

    Второй тип условных предложений относится к нереальному условию в настоящем или будущем — эта ситуация не может произойти. В этом случае используем простой инфинитив (might do). Третий тип условных предложений относится к прошлому, зачастую используется для выражения сожаления о чем-то. Здесь уже употребляем перфектный инфинитив (might have done).

    I might buy a new laptop if I saved money. — Я бы мог купить новый ноутбук, если бы экономил деньги.
    He might have finished this task on time if his computer hadn’t broken down. — Он, может быть, и закончил бы задание вовремя, если бы его компьютер не сломался.

  5. Предложение, совет

    Когда мы даем какие-либо советы, используем might.

    You might ask your friend about the loan. — Можешь спросить своего друга о займе.

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Модальный глагол may в английском языке

Модальный глагол may (might) употребляется, в основном, для выражения разрешения или возможности. Как и у глагола can, у него есть форма настоящего времени may и форма прошедшего времени might. Рассмотрим основные значения и особенности этого употребительного глагола.


  • Таблица: модальный глагол May / Might в утвердительной, отрицательной, вопросительной форме.
  • Значения модального глагола May / Might.

Глагол may (might), как и другие модальные глаголы, употребляется по особым правилам:

1. В утвердительной и отрицательной форме между may (might) и глаголом в неопределенной форме не ставится частица to.

Правильно: You may go. — Ты можешь идти.

Неправильно: You may to go.

2. Глагол may не образует форму будущего времени с помощью вспомогательного глагола will. В будущем времени глагол may можно заменить на оборот to be allowed to (быть разрешенным, дозволенным).

Правильно: You will be allowed to leave. — Тебе можно будет уйти.

Неправильно: You will may leave.

3. В форме третьего лица единственного числа глагол may (might) не изменяется.

Правильно: He/She/It may.

Неправильно: He/She/It mays.

4. По особой схеме строятся вопрос и утверждение (см. таблицу).

Схема Пример
Утверждение Подлежащее + may/might + глагол I may/might ask.
Отрицание Подлежащее + may not/might not + глагол I may not /might not ask.
Вопрос may/might + подлежащее + глагол May/might I ask?

May not и might not можно сокращать до mayn’t, mightn’t.

Значения модального глагола May / Might

Общая сводка значений may/might представлена на изображении. Подробнее читайте ниже.

модальный глагол may might

Модальный глагол may (might) используется:

1. Для выражения разрешения или запрета

В утверждении, отрицании и вопросе смысл будет отличаться.

1. 1. В утверждении

В утвердительной форме глагол may выражает разрешение.

You may take what you want. — Ты можешь взять все, что хочешь.

We may spend our money. — Мы можем тратить наши деньги.

Строго говоря, глагол may, в отличие от глагола can, обозначает именно разрешение на выполнение какого-то действия, а не физическую возможность. На русский язык оба слова обычно переводятся как «могу», «можешь» и т. д.

I can eat four slices of pizza. — Я могу съесть 4 куска пиццы (физически могу).

You may eat whatever you want. — Можешь есть все, что хочешь (тебе это разрешено).

Однако в современной разговорной речи глагол can также часто используется для разрешения:

You can eat whatever you want. — Можешь есть все, что хочешь (тебе это разрешено).

1. 2. В вопросе

В вопросительной форме глагол may используется для того, чтобы спросить разрешение.

May I ask you a question? — Можно задать вам вопрос?

May I take your phone for a second? — Можно взять твой телефон на секунду?

Такой же вопрос можно задать с might, но это будет очень формальный вопрос:

Might I call you by your first name? — Могу ли я называть вас по имени?

В разговорной речи вы его, скорее всего, никогда не услышите.

Как и в случае с утверждением, в вопросах типа «Можно я…?» в современной разговорной речи часто используют глагол can.

Can I ask you a question? — Можно задать вам вопрос?

Can I take your phone for a second? — Можно взять твой телефон на секунду?

Вариант с may считается более формальным, подходящим для официального случая, а вопрос с can — менее строгим. Зачастую эта разница почти неразличима и едва уловима даже носителями языка. А вот вариант c might — это однозначно формальный, даже старомодный вариант.

may might в английском

Три способа спросить разрешение.

1. 3. В отрицании

В отрицательной форме глагол may выражает запрет.

You may not park in a fire lane. — Вам нельзя парковаться на пожарном проезде.

Но в разговорной речи чаще говорят can’t, подразумевая не физическую возможность, а запрет.

You can’t sleep on a bench. — Нельзя спать на скамейке.

Для категорического запрета используется must not (mustn’t):

You must not smoke in this building. — Запрещается курить в этом здании.

Примечание 1: May или Can?

В утверждении, вопросе и отрицании can в разговорной речи может заменить may в значении разрешения или запрета, но may не может заменить can в значении физической возможности или ее отсутствия. К примеру, вы хотите сказать, что спортсмен может, физически способен поднять 100 кг.

Правильно: The athlete can lift 100 kg. — Спортсмен может поднять 100 кг (физически способен).

Неправильно: The athlete may lift 100 kg. — Спортсмен может поднять 100 кг (ему кто-то разрешил).

Вы хотите сказать другу, что он не может выпить 10 бутылок пива, физически не может:

Правильно: You can’t drink 10 bottles of beer. It’s not possible. — Ты не можешь выпить 10 бутылок пива, это невозможно (физически невозможно).

Неправильно: You may not drink 10 bottles of beer. You may take only two. — Ты не можешь выпить 10 бутылок пива, тебе можно взять только две (нет разрешения взять больше).

Примечание 2: Разрешение и запрет в прошедшем времени

Might хоть и называется формой прошедшего времени глагола may, не используется для выражения запрета или разрешения в прошедшем времени. С этой целью используется оборот to be allowed to (быть разрешенным, позволенным).

I was allowed to attend the Small Council meeting. — Мне разрешили посетить совещание Малого Совета.

Were you allowed to participate in the game? — Вам можно было участвовать в игре?

Глагол might обычно используется для выражения предположения (см. ниже).

Примечание 3: Модальный глагол May в будущем времени

Как и глагол can, модальный глагол may может относиться к будущему времени, например:

You may continue playing later. — Ты можешь продолжить играть позже.

May I come to see you tomorrow? — Можно мне навестить вас завтра?

Как вариант, можно использовать оборот to be allowed to в будущем времени. Однако он не очень хорошо подходит для неформальной речи.

I will be allowed to continue playing later. — Тебе будет разрешено продолжить играть позже.

2. Для выражения неуверенного предположения

Под неуверенным предположением я подразумеваю предположение, правдоподобие или достоверности которого говорящий сомневается. В русском языке для этого используются слова вроде «может», «может быть», «возможно» и т. д. В английском используются глаголы may, might, can, could. Как и в русском языке, понятие «неуверенное предположение» имеет размытые границы и может подразумевать довольно разные ситуации. Рассмотрим основные случаи.

1. Предположение, относящееся к настоящему или будущему: You may / might know her

Используется глагол may или might + глагол в неопределенной форме. Например:

You may know her. — Ты, возможно, ее знаешь.

Daisy may visit us next week. — Дейзи, может быть, навестит нас на следующей неделе.

Можно использовать в отрицательной форме:

You may not know her. — Ты, возможно, ее не знаешь.

Если в этих же предложениях вместо may поставить might, то изменится степень уверенности в предположении.

Daisy might visit us next week. — Дейзи, может быть, навестит нас на следующей неделе.

Обычно говорят, что may выражает более твердую уверенность. Это значит, что в варианте с may говорящий больше уверен в том, что Дейзи приедет, а в варианте с might очень в этом сомневается. Однако на практике разницу по степени уверенности между may и might уловить бывает трудно, многое зависит от контекста.

Слова — далеко не всегда сами по себе определяют смысл высказывания. В жизни можно сказать: «Я уверен, что у нас все получится», но при этом с такой интонацией, что уверенности не наблюдается совсем. С другой стороны, можно с загадочной улыбкой заявить: «Возможно, мы что-нибудь придумаем», и станет ясно, что мы точно что-нибудь придумаем, в этом не приходится сомневаться!

Поэтому можно взять за ориентир, что предположение с may — более уверенное, чем с might, но следует помнить о том, что на практике бывает всякое.

2. Предположение, относящееся к прошлому: You may / might have known her

Для предположения, относящегося к прошедшему времени, используется чуть более сложная схема: may/might + have + Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени или, по-другому, третья форма глагола).

You may have seen that horse in the farm. — Ты, возможно, видел эту лошадь на ферме.

We might have misunderstood the professor. — Мы, вероятно, неправильно поняли профессора.

Здесь тоже есть разница между may и might в степени уверенности. По умолчанию, предположение с may более уверенное, чем с might.

Примечание: предположение с Can/Could или May/Might?

Предположение можно строить не только с may или might, но и с can или could. Разница будет в том, что в предложениях с can/could подвергаться сомнению будет не вероятность, а именно физическая, реальная возможность чего-то.

Simon could have stolen a wallet from my locker. He has a key. — Саймон мог украсть бумажник из моего шкафчика. У него есть ключ (Саймон имел возможность залезть в шкафчик).

Simon may have stolen a wallet from my locker. It wasn’t locked. — Саймон мог украсть бумажник из моего шкафчика. Он не был заперт (Любой, включая Саймона мог украсть бумажник, потому что шкафчик не был заперт).[/su_list]


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Hi dear English learners! Here is another lesson about modal verbs so pay attention because in today’s lesson, we are going to learn how to use modal verbs may and might in English.

Why do we need to know modal verbs? 

Probably because sooner or later you will realize that communication without them is impossible. They are an inevitable part of the language. Not only that, but they are also useful. They help modify the meaning of other verbs thus enabling us to express our thoughts with much more ease and in fewer words. Moreover, you can choose the level of politeness in your speech or writing only by using modal verbs. 

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

Are modal verbs difficult to learn?

When you first begin to learn English, it is very easy to learn modal verbs such as can, must, and should. But as you keep learning, you realize that things are becoming more complicated, especially when it comes to expressing modal verbs in the past (it’s usually a challenging part of the English grammar for my students). All in all, they aren’t particularly difficult to learn; you just need to take one step at a time. 

Modal Verbs MAY & MIGHT

As you know, the form of modal verbs is always the same, we don’t conjugate them and we don’t add suffixes to them.

  • I might go to a party.
  • He mights go to a party.

The verb following modal verb is always bare infinitive (infinitive without to).

  • She may be right so we’d better listen to her.
  • The locals might show us the way.

We form negative sentences by adding NOT directly on may and might.

  • You may not (mayn’t) believe it, but I swear it’s the truth.
  • Going camping alone might not (mightn’t) be a very sensible thing to do.

We form questions by inversion with a subject.

  • May I ask for permission to speak?
  • Might it be possible to live forever someday?

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

When do we use modal verbs MAY & MIGHT

May and might are modal verbs we often use interchangeably. We use them to:

  • express possibility in the present or future, 
  • grant permission, 
  • make polite requests, 
  • express a wish.

MAY & MIGHT for expressing the possibility

When expressing possibility with may and might, we make assumptions and may and might here mean probably or perhaps. 

  • “Have you seen my car keys?” “They may be in your jacket”.
  • Now when Tom’s got a decent job, we might go on holiday to Thailand.
  • We should ask her because she might be better informed.
  • I may study chemistry, but I haven’t decided yet.

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

MAY & MIGHT for permission

We can use may and might to ask for or grant permission.

  • May I go out?” “You may not unless you’ve done your homework.”
  • You may take whichever you like, I don’t care.
  • Might I borrow your phone when you’ve finished, please?

Making polite requests with MAY & MIGHT

We can also use may and might to make polite requests. May is more polite than can and might is even more polite and formal than may.

  • May I speak to the manager, please? (very formal)
  • May I know when the plane is landing?
  • Might I ask for your age, madam?

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

Expressing WISHES with MAY

We can express a wish with may. Look at these example sentences.

  • May you live a long and prosperous life!
  • Happy birthday Oliver! May all your wishes come true!
  • May the force be with you!

MIGHT for reporting MAY

We normally use might as a past form of may in indirect speech.

  • “Our cat is sick. It may die.” “She said that their cat might die.”
  • May I leave now?” “She asked if she might leave.”

MAY and MIGHT in the past

We use may and might to speculate about past actions. In these sentences, we use the structure may/might + have + past participle.

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

  • “I can’t find my wallet? “You may have left it on the counter in the supermarket.”
  • We might have been late for the wedding because Mike forgot his camera so we had to go back home.

May be and Maybe

Don’t confuse may be and maybe. May be refers to the possibility of something to happen while maybe means perhaps. Besides, may be is a verb while maybe is an adverb. 

Look at the example sentences:

  • The house looks beautiful but it may be (might be) quite expensive. (it is possible that it is expensive))
  • Maybe we’ll buy that house. (perhaps we’ll buy it) 

May as well & might as well

Use these expressions to make suggestions, especially if you want to say your opinion about what is an easy and reasonable thing to do.

  • You may as well wish to travel by train because long bus journeys can be rather exhausting.
  • We might as well eat before we leave. You don’t want to get hungry in the middle of the performance, do you?

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

Proverbs and sayings with MAY & MIGHT

Many are proverbs as sayings with may and might, let me mention a few:

  • Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today
  • The wolf may lose his teeth, but never his nature
  • A fool may throw a stone into a well that a hundred wise men cannot pull out
  • He that has a tongue in his head may find his way anywhere
  • If wishes were horses, beggars might ride
  • A ragged coat might cover an honest man
  • He that falls today might be up again tomorrow

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

Modal verbs MAY and MIGHT

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The two words may and might cause a lot of confusion in English and many writers aren’t sure when to use which one. A lot of people use them interchangeably, especially in speech, but is there really no difference between the two?

Today I want to clear up any confusion between these two words and outline the unique characteristics of each of them. I will cover their functions within the sentence, the grammar behind each word, and give plenty of examples so you won’t ever mix them up again.

May and Might When Expressing Possibility

In popular usage and speech, may and might are used interchangeably when referring to possibility and probability, but there is a slight difference between the two.

May is used to express what is possible, factual, or could be factual. For example,

  • He may lose his job.
  • We may go on vacation.
  • I may have dessert after dinner.

how do I use may and might inside of a sentenceMight is used to express what is hypothetical, counterfactual, or remotely possible. For example,

  • If you hurry, you might get there on time.
  • If I had shown up on time, I might have kept my job.
  • If I win the lottery, I might buy a Ferrari.

Right away we notice that might deals with situations that are speculative or did not actually happen, i.e. hypothetical, whereas may deals with situations that are possible or could be factual.

An easy way to express/remember this difference is that might suggests a lower probability than does may. If something is very far-fetched, you probably want to use might. You could say might is for things that are mighty far-fetched.

Might is the Past Tense of May

What is the difference between might have and may have grammarThe second distinction, which is the more important of the two, between these two words is that might is the past tense of may. In most confusing situations, you can easily make the correct choice by remembering this fact. For example,

  • He might have called earlier, but I was not home. (Past tense)
  • The criminal might not have been caught, had you not sounded the alarm. (Past tense)
  • I may go to the movies tonight. (Present tense)

If you can determine the tense of your sentence, you can easily choose between might or may.

Can You Use Might/May Have Interchangeably?

Some people claim that you can use might have and may have interchangeably, but this is a bad idea. May have should not be used in the past tense.

According to the American Heritage Dictionary’s 2012 Usage Panel survey, the vast majority of experts disagree with using might have and may have in the same contexts. AHD provided their panel with the following two sentences,

  • If John Lennon had not been shot, the Beatles might have gotten back together.
  • If John Lennon had not been shot, the Beatles may have gotten back together.

In the survey, 97 percent of the Usage Panelist found the first sentence to be acceptable while only 32 percent found the second sentence to be acceptable.

Far from just a few grammar-loving pedants, the majority of experts view this distinction as necessary, and if you’re writing for any kind of professional audience, you will want to make sure you’re keeping these two words separated.

May and Might When Asking Permission

May and might can also both be used when asking for permission. For example,

  • You may have another piece of cake.
  • May I go to the restroom?
  • Might I ask when the movie starts?
  • Might I ask for a favor?

When asking for permission, may is much more common than might.

While both of these words can be used to ask permission, if you’re not careful, they can lead to ambiguity. For example, if you were to ask the question,

  • May I go to the movies tonight?

You will want to be clear when you go to tell your friends whether or not your received permission. For example,

  • I may not go to the movies tonight.

When you say this, do you mean “I am not allowed to go to the movies tonight” or do you mean “I might not go to the movies tonight.”?

In situations like this, it’s best to use might to avoid any confusion that might arise.

  • I might not go to the movies tonight.


It’s important to keep might vs. may separated so you can maintain clarity in your writing.

Might carries with it less probability and applies to hypothetical and counterfactual situations. Might is also the past tense of may.

May applies to situations that are possible or could be possible.

When talking about something that is not happening, it can be better to use might to avoid confusion with the permissive may.


  • 1 May and Might When Expressing Possibility
  • 2 Might is the Past Tense of May
  • 3 Can You Use Might/May Have Interchangeably?
  • 4 May and Might When Asking Permission
      • 4.0.1 Summary
Back to overview

What’s the Difference Between “May” and “Might”?

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“May” and “might” have similar meanings. Sometimes you can get away with using “may” and “might” interchangeably, but in the English grammar world, there’s a subtle, but important difference.

There’s a time and place for “may” and might.”

May or might: Which is correct?
Is It “May” or “Might”?

May suggests a strong likelihood of something occurring (e.g., She actually may get a bonus this year). Might, on the other hand, hints at a lower likelihood of something happening (e.g., If we leave now, we might make it).

In casual speech and informal writing, you can probably get away with swapping out may for might, or vice versa. May and might have similar meanings, so chances are you won’t cause confusion among your audience.

But if you want to be as grammatically correct as possible, there are three things to consider when choosing between may or might—tense, probability, and permission. This blog post will teach you the difference between may and might, and how to use these words correctly.

When To Use “May” or “Might”

May and might are modal auxiliary verbs—words that clarify a main verb by indicating possibility, permission, or necessity. As previously mentioned, there are three things to consider when deciding to use may or might.

1. “May” or “Might” When It Comes to Tense

When a sentence is in the present tense, the preferred word to use is may:

She may join us for dinner.

Howard may call you soon.

We may go to the party.

When a sentence is in the past perfect tense, the preferred word to use is might.

I might have joined you last night if it weren’t for the rain.

Elsa might have called, but my phone was on silent.

Lorraine might not have asked for help, but I knew she needed it.

2. “May” or “Might” When It Comes to Probability

If something is likely to happen (but there’s still a small chance that it won’t), the preferred word to use is may.

It may rain tonight, but I’m still going to the concert.

Johanna may get a promotion.

We may go on vacation this summer.

Might, on the other hand, indicates a lower probability of something occurring. It could happen, but there’s a high chance it won’t.

If we take this upcoming exit, we might make it on time.

We all laughed when Jacob said he might win the lottery tonight.

Stick around and you just might find out.

3. “May” or “Might” When It Comes to Permission

Like can, both may and might can be used when asking for permission (might is more common in British English than it is in American English).

May I please be excused from the table?

Might I get the menu when you’re done with it?

Use may when giving or expressing permission:

You may leave early today.

Georgia may go to the movies tonight, but only if she finishes her chores.

Yes, Alexander may join us for dinner.

It’s important to note that in a negative hypothetical situation, might clarifies possibility. Consider the following sentence:

Clara may not go to the picnic.

In the sentence above, may indicates that Clara doesn’t have permission to go to the picnic.

Clara might not go to the picnic.

This sentence demonstrates that there’s a probability that Clara might not go to the picnic.

“May” and “Might” As Nouns

Please be aware that may and might can also be nouns.

As nouns, May is the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar, whereas might refers to “the power, authority, or resources wielded.”

  • My birthday is in May.
  • He tried with all his might to open the jar.

How To Remember the Difference Between “May” and “Might”

The difference between may and might is subtle, but it can help clarify your writing, especially when it comes to permission and probability. It can take some practice before using these words correctly 100% of the time, but try to remember these key points:

  • Use may for present tense, and might for past perfect tense.
  • May expresses a high possibility of something happening, whereas might hints that it might not happen.
  • Both may and might can be used to ask for permission, but use may when giving permission.

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Quiz: Is it might as well or may as well?

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Is it may or might? Many native speakers of English are not always sure what the difference is between these words. There are several different ways we use them in English. For each of the different uses, we’re going to start with the simplest explanation. This is often the way native speakers use may and might – we’re simple creatures! Then, we’re going to look at some more complex differences between the words, so you can be absolutely sure you’re using them correctly. 

May and might for possibility

We use may and might to talk about something that is possible in the present or the future.Lots of native speakers use these words interchangeably when talking about possibility. The construction of the sentence is the same: may / might + base form of the verb. 

May Might
Present Why is he yawning? He may be tired. Why isn’t she answering the phone?She might have loud music on. 
Future Are they coming later?They may come if they have time.  Can we go to the park tomorrow?I don’t know, it might rain. 

At a more advanced level, you can start to choose between may and might when talking about possibility. We use may for something that is more likely to happen or a prediction that is based on facts; we use might for things that are less likely to happen, or for predictions not based on facts. Compare these sentences: 

  • We may go to France again for our holiday this year. We’ve been a few times and we love it. 
  • We might go to Thailand next winter. It’s just a thought but it would be wonderful! 
  • I may get a raise next year. We usually get them every year. 
  • I might win the lottery! 

May and might for possibility in the past

We can use may / might + have + past participle to talk about something that possibly happened in the past. 

  • Where is he? He might have got lost.
  • She may have sold the house now; she lived here 20 years ago. 

Native speakers use these constructions interchangeably, but might have is more common. Some people say that might have is the only correct construction here, but as I said, in real-life language, we use both. 

When to use Can vs Could in English

May and might for permission and requests


If we start at the basic level again, the most important thing to know is that we use may to ask for, give and refuse permission. Using may for permission is quite formal and very polite in English. You probably know that we often use can to ask for and give permission in an informal situation. 

  • May I go to the bathroom? Yes, you may
  • May I leave the table? No, you may not
  • May I borrow your car tomorrow? Of course! 
  • You may come any time during the morning. 
  • You may not borrow books from the library without a card. 


We can also use might to ask for permission. This is very formal and you probably won’t hear it very often in normal conversation. 

  • Might I ask a question? Yes, you may. 
  • Might we know how much this costs? Yes, it costs…
  • Might I borrow your car tomorrow? 

If we want to report requests, might is the past tense of may

  • She asked if she might go to the bathroom. 
  • They asked if they might know how much it cost. 
  • He asked if he might borrow my car tomorrow. 

We very rarely use might to give permission. It is only used to ask for permission.  

Will vs Would in English

Suggestions and advice

We can also use may / might to make suggestions or give advice in an idiomatic way. The construction of this phrase is always the same: subject + may / might want to + verb. Might is much more common in this phrase, and it is only used with second or third person subjects. 

  • You might want to talk to an expert about that. 
  • He might want to see a doctor before it gets too serious.
  • You may want to sit a bit closer. 
  • They might want to hide that spray paint before the police arrive. 

Feeling more confident about using may and might? Do you think you might use these words more often now? 

Modal verbs may and might in English

когда используется might а когда may

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May and might are modal verbs that have many interesting qualities. In some cases, they can replace each other, in others — act as a form of the present and past tense, in the third — have completely different meanings. May and might sometimes cause difficulties for English learners, so in this article we will talk about the difference between them and analyze in detail the cases of their use.

Features of the modal verbs may and might

To begin with, we propose to understand how sentences with may and might are built, because such sentences have several distinctive features.

In affirmative sentences, after may and might, we use the infinitive without the to. In questions, may and might must be placed before the subject. In negative sentences, we add the particle not to may / might. May / might are most often translated into Russian by the words “could”, “could”.

I might go. — I AM could go.

May she enter the room? — She can enter the room?

I may not come. — I AM I can not come.

Pay attention to one peculiarity: negation may not have an abbreviated form.

We mayn’t may not be at home today. — US may not be today at home.

Denial might not be shortened — mightn’t, however, this form is rare.

It might rain today mightn’t it? — It may rain today is not it?

Let’s consider other features of the modal may and might:

  1. Might is the past tense of may, but might is also used as a modal verb in its own right.
  2. May and might have common functions and have private ones: in some cases we can use only may, in others — only might.
  3. With may and might, we can use the usual infinitive (may / might do), long (may / might be doing) and perfect (may / might have done). The usual infinitive (may / might do) indicates action in the present or future, long-term — for long-term action in the present or future, perfect — for action in the past.

Also, different functions may have their own peculiarities of using infinitives. We will talk about them further.

Well, now let’s see how may and might are used in speech.

When we use the modal verbs may and might

To begin with, we’ll look at cases where both may and might can be used. Here they are:

Source: https://engblog.ru/modal-verb-may

Modal verbs Can, Must, May — usage, examples, exercises

когда используется might а когда may

Modality is a very important grammatical category that determines the speaker’s attitude to action. We can trace the meaning of this by using the modal verbs may can must in sentences. You will see that these verbs perform the same function, but carry different meanings.

With this verb, the speaker communicates his own skill or ability to do something, and also expresses an opinion about the abilities of other people as an outside observer.

Jane can speak Chinese well. Jane can speak Chinese well.

In the past tense, the verb can takes the form could.

I could read comics when I was four years old. I could read comics when I was four years old.

Also, this form is used in polite questions:

Could you show me the way to the river, please? Could you show me the way to the river?

You can often find this word in the subjunctive mood.

If Jane were (was) rich, she could visit the most expensive beauty salons. If Jane was rich, she could visit the most expensive beauty salons.

In the future tense, the verb can is not used, but you can get out of the situation by using the construction to be able to:

I will be able to send you some candies. I will have the opportunity to send you some sweets.

Such a replacement can be carried out at all times, but there will be little semantic difference (to be able to do something).

Modal verb must

This is the strictest modal must verb, with the help of which the speaker indicates that an action must be performed without fail.

Shannon must get visa to visit her friends in Russia. To visit friends in Russia, Shannon needs a visa.

The modal verb must is used exclusively in the present tense, and therefore, in order to compose a sentence in the past and future tense, you need to find a replacement for it. The most commonly used modal verb (especially in American English) is have to.

Shannon will have to get visa. Shannon will need a visa.

Shannon had to get visa. Shannon needed a visa.

As a substitute for the verb must in all tenses, the expression to be obliged to can also be used:

If you choose a doctor’s career, you will be obliged to be loyal to the Hippocratic Oath. If you choose the profession of a doctor, you will have to keep the Hippocratic Oath.

Modal verb may

When a speaker announces the likelihood of an event or asks permission to do something, he uses the modal verb may:

It may rain on Thursday. Rain is possible on Thursday.

Mom, may I take another portion of ice cream? Mom, can I get another ice cream?

The verb may take the past tense form might:

Mom said that I might eat one more portion of ice cream. Mom said I could have another ice cream.

In modern English, might can also be used in the present tense. Moreover, using this verb, when someone talks about the likelihood of an event, he expresses a fairly large degree of uncertainty about it.

It might get a bit warmer tomorrow. Tomorrow may or may not be warmer.

Perfect Infinitive

All of the above verbs can be used with other types of infinitives, of which there are six in English. The most commonly used of these is the perfect infinitive. Pay attention to the peculiarities of the translation of such constructions.

John could have chosen a better suite. John could have chosen a better suit.

Mike must have repaired his bike. Mike must have repaired his motorcycle.

You might have helped your sister to do her homework. You could also help your sister do her homework.

May can must modal verb exercises

When performing exercises for these verbs, you must remember the following rules:

  • In most cases, the modal verb is followed by an infinitive (except for short answers: Yes, I must.No, I couldn’t, etc.)
  • All these verbs in interrogative sentences and in phrases with negation perform the function of auxiliary verbs: Must I get visa? I couldn’t play the violin.
  • Replacing one modal verb with another radically changes the meaning of the statement.

To begin with, we suggest inserting suitable modal verbs into sentences with gaps:

You immediately stop, when the traffic light is red. You stop immediately when there is a red light at the traffic light.

The weather be dangerous for boating. The weather can be dangerous for boating.

Source: https://lim-english.com/pravila-anglijskogo-yazyka/modalnie-glagoli-can-must-may/

Using the modal verbs Can (Could) and May (Might), be able to

когда используется might а когда may

What is a modal verb ?!
Modal verbs in English differ from other verbs in that they are not used independently and do not indicate a specific action or
states, they reflect his modality, that is, the attitude of the speaker towards him. Together, the modal verb and the infinitive of the significant verb form a composite modal predicate.

I can swim. I can swim.

The speaker can assess the action as possible, necessary, permitted, requested, prohibited, ordered, unlikely, very likely, etc.

Can or May?

The use of the verbs can and may in modern English is often difficult. Once upon the strict rules of English grammar
can expressed physical or mental capacity,
maypermission and approval… It was considered wrong to use can in the resolution value.

Today, the rules of the language are not so definite. Already from the second half of the 19th century
can used in informal speech to express permission. V
formal and formal communication situations, the verb should be used may to request permission.

For example, in a conversation with a restaurant waiter, it will sound more profitable

May I have more salt, please?

As for prohibition / denial, then the use mayn’t extremely NOT recommended. This applies to all styles.

The use of may in such cases, although formal and permissible, sounds unnatural. Educated people would rather say
«Can’t I?», Not «Mayn’t I?» or «May I not?» And even according to the strict rules of English grammar, the question «Why mayn’t I go to the disco?» sounds
incorrect, one can say “not
in English».

CAN is used:

1. When expressing abilities or capabilities
do anything. (Indefinite Infinitive)

I can swim. You can play. / I can swim. You can play.

2. In the case of denial of opportunity or ability to do anything.

I cannot swim. He cannot see / I cannot swim. He cannot see.

3. When the possibility is denied that the action could
come true in reality. (Perfect Infinitive)

You cannot have done it. / It cannot be that you did it.

COULD is used:

1. When expression capabilities or abilities
taking any action in the past… (Indefinite Infinitive)

They could swim. / They couldn’t swim.

2. When expression denial of opportunity or ability
taking any action in the past.

She couldn’t swim. / She couldn’t swim.

3. When consumed indirect speechdepending from the verb in the past tense… (Indefinite Infinitive and Perfect Infinitive)

I said that you couldn’t have done that. / I said you couldn’t do it.

4. In the main part of conditional sentences.

In conditional sentences of the second type and the third type (Indefinite Infinitive and Perfect Infinitive).

If he tried, he could do it. / If he tried, he could do it.

If he had tried, he could have done it. / If he tried, he could do it.

MAY is used:

1. To express permission for any action (Indefinite Infinitive)

You may go home now. / Now you can go home.

2. To express an assumption: related to the present and the future (Indefinite Infinitive) or to the past (Perfect Infinitive)

It may rain today. / It may rain today.

She may have returned to Moscow. / She may have returned to Moscow.

MIGHT is used:

1. When using indirect speech, depending on the verb in the past tense.

for expressing permission (Indefinite Infinitive) or expressing an assumption (Indefinite Infinitive and Perfect Infinitive)

She said that he might take her cellphone. / She said he could take her phone.

He said that she might know their address. / He said that she might know their address.

2. In the main part of conditional sentences: in conditional sentences of the second (Indefinite Infinitive) and third type (Perfect Infinitive)

If you tried, you might get her phone number. / If you tried, you could get hold of this book.

If he had been here, he might have helped us. / If he was here, he could help us.

Use of turnover to BE ABLE TO

As you probably already noticed when considering the verb can, he has only two forms, these are — can and could, i.e. when expressed in the present or past tense. But how to betray the meaning of this modal verb in other tenses
forms? For this, it has a synonym expressed by the combination «To be able to»… This turnover, like the verb can, denotes ability, skill.

I can swim = I am able to swim — I can swim.

BUT it wouldn’t be that simple! When using this turnover, it is necessary
take into account the difference between the modal verb can and the expression itself
to be able to.

The fact is that if we use to be able to in the present or past tense as a direct replacement for can or could, then the very meaning of the whole sentence changes! In such a case, the combination shows that the person may or may not do something in a particular case under consideration, at a particular point in time. Let’s try to figure it out with an example, say, with the same swim verb. Let’s say I can swim. And this morning, going down the stairs, I twisted my leg, and therefore today, I cannot swim. But from the fact that I twisted my leg, my ability to swim, in general, did not go anywhere.

I can swim. But I’m not able to swim today. / I can swim. But today I am unable to swim.

What about other temporary forms? For example, how will we do something in the future.

I will be able to go to you tomorrow. / I can visit you tomorrow.

To give negation, the particle is used Note
by joining.

I am not able to I will not (won’t) be able to I was not (wasn’t) able to etc.

It must be remembered

— With all personal pronouns, the modal verb does not change.

I, WE, YOU, THEY, HE, SHE, IT — can (cannot / can’t), could (couldn’t) — the verb «abilities» (do, play, see, come ..)

— Between the modal verb and the verb «ability»

Statement of a question

In an interrogative sentence, the first place is
1. An interrogative word, followed by 2. A modal verb, then 3. Acting person and finally 4. An action verb.

(1) When (2) can (3) you (4) get home? / When can you come home?

Will you be able to give me your book? — Can you give me your book? (As you can see, in the case of be able to, the question remains the same as with a regular verb.)

Source: https://engrammar.ru/grammar/upotreblenie-modalnyx-glagolov-can-could-i-may-might-be-able-to/

Modal verb may: usage rules and exceptions

We continue to master the category of modality in English. As already noted, these grammatical forms help convey probability, prohibition, permission, desire, etc.

Today, the modal verb may, which is responsible for expressing an opportunity or a request, will fall into our field of vision. Along with can, this word is the most used in English to denote modality.

Consider how these structures are composed, how their meanings are expressed, and in what situations they should be used.

Construction of predicates

May is a very original design, which not only has several meanings, but also can, under certain conditions, be divided into two (separate from each other!) Forms. Often in textbooks there is even a generalized name “modal verbs may and might»… Later we will find out why such a transformation occurs, and now we will study grammatical construction.

To compose a statement, it is enough to take a simple infinitive, having previously separated the particle to from it.

  • Granny may call today — Grandma can call today.

The type of predicate will be unchanged in all faces of pronouns and nouns. To pose the question, may rearranges to the beginning of the phrase, and to create negation, it appends not. It is important to remember that this verb has no contractions.

  • May she visit us today? — Can she visit us today?
  • I may Note finish the work in time — I may not finish this work on time.

According to the rules of English grammar, the modal verb may can only be used with aspects of the present tense, and in the constructions there are infinitives of the continued, perfect simple and extended tense. To express future events, it is necessary to replace may with the stable combination to be allowed to.

  • She will be allowed to come — She can come.

When denoting past events, this verb takes the form might, and all the same rules listed above are valid for it. The only difference is that it mightn’t have a contraction, but it is used very rarely in speech.

  • He might go to the gym — He could go to the gym.
  • Might they say about it? — Could they tell about it?
  • We maybe not go to the shop — We couldn’t go to the store.

We have already noted that the modal verb might in modern English can function as an independent unit of speech. Let’s take a closer look at this grammatical point.

What is the modal verb may used for, and what might be used for?

This question is asked by most beginners, because it is difficult to catch all the differences in shades of meanings and grammatical norms on the fly. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in many situations the modal verbs of the forms may and might are used on equal terms, i.e. practically can be replaced. For ease of understanding, we will divide all use cases into separate categories.

Interchangeability of may and might

The main purpose of these verbs is to convey probability. Both forms are used, but constructs with may express a greater degree of confidence in the execution of events. Probability is expressed in various infinitives.

  • the tree may case if a strong wind blows — This tree can fall if a strong wind blows. (fact of the present)
  • She might Note Have Been at the party — She probably wasn’t at this party. (speculation about the past)
  • We may be watching the movie at this time — We can watch a movie at this time. (intention for the future)

Both words convey a request, but more and more often the English use can in this sense. Expressions with the verb may are more formal, distant, and the modal might denotes an extremely respectful appeal to the interlocutor.

  • Might I offer you coffee or tea, Madam? — May I offer you coffee or tea, madam?
  • Mr. brown, may we make the report tomorrow? — Mr. Brown, can we do this report tomorrow?

Both forms are also acceptable for use in combination with as well, but the word might is more commonly used. The complete construction has the meaning of hopelessness or indifference, denoted by the Russian expressions «can and», «what else, except how».

  • I’ve lost my keys. I might as well wait for return of my parents — I lost my keys. What can I do other than wait for my parents to return.
  • When you want to do it? We don’t know. We might as well… — When do you want to do it? We don’t know. We can do it now.

And the last stable expression in which each of these words is applied: may (might) notbut — this could not have happened if it had not been (if not) ..

  • This woman may (might) not have become a famous actress, but she was very persevering — This woman might not have become a famous actress, if she had not been very persistent.

May exclusively

Only may is always used to express whether an action is allowed or not. Accordingly, when allowed, the simple form is applied, and when prohibited, negative.

  • you may leave work early today — You can leave work early today.
  • They may Note take part in this contest — They are not allowed to participate in this contest.

It should be noted that such phrases sound very formal and are used mainly in business communication, or in conversation with unfamiliar people. More often, the modal verb must not is used as a prohibition.

With may, you can express confidence in performing an action by adding the adverb well to the verb. The result will be a combination of the plan «for sure», «most likely», «probably».

  • you may well find this book at the “Palace of books” shop — You will probably find this book in the “Palace of books” store.

Very often the verb may in English is used to express wishes in someone’s address. At the same time, the syntactic structure of the sentence changes, since may moves to the beginning of the phrase.

  • May your album bring your band the world fame! — Let your album bring worldwide fame to your group!

Exceptionally might

This form allows you to give the interlocutor a polite and careful recommendation, proposal, advice. At the same time, one of the words want, prefer, is adjacent to the modal verb.

  • you might want to stay in a luxury apartment — You probably want to stay in a luxury apartment.

The second situation, requiring the use of might, is the expression of impossible events, or rather actions that can occur, but certain circumstances prevent this.

  • He might go to the cinema tonight, but he has no money — He could go to the cinema tonight, but he has no money.

And one more case when the modal verb might can be used in English, which is somewhat similar to the previous one. The combination might + have + participle II — means criticism of the development of events, regret about not performing actions.

  • He might Have bought this dress for me! — He could buy this dress for me!

The last point that should be noted: when transmitting indirect speech and to coordinate tenses, the verb may is always replaced by might.

  • They said, “You may call us at any time ”- They said that we might call them at any time.

They said, «You can call us anytime.» — They said that we can call them any time.

Source: https://speakenglishwell.ru/modalnyj-glagol-may-formy-i-situatsii-upotrebleniya/

Modal verb MAY / MIGHT — all meanings!

Let’s continue the topic of modal verbs. Today I’m going to talk about the modal verb may. In use, this verb is very similar to can. And in order to speak English correctly, it is very important to understand the difference between the two verbs.

Modal verb may translated into Russian as I can, maybe you can… The main meaning of this verb is to express the ability to perform an action when this opportunity is associated:

  • or with the absence of obstacles to the performance of the specified action;
  • or with someone’s permission to perform the specified action.

Like most modal verbs, may is paired with a semantic verb that:

  • taken in indefinite form infinitive
  • placed immediately after the verb may, without the particle to.

Examples of sentences with the verb may / might:

He may spend his money.
He can spend his money.

you may ask your questions.
You can ask your questions.

Might I call you at night?
Can I call you at night?

Differences between modal verbs may and can

If you look in the dictionary, then the verbs may and can have the same translation — «I can». But in Russian, «I can» is a very polysemantic word:

  • “I can” means I have the physical ability to perform an action. When I can do something.
  • “I can” means I have the mental ability to perform an action. When I am able to do something.
  • “I can” means I have no obstacles to performing actions.
  • I can — means I have permission from someone to perform an action.

It is with this ambiguity that there is a subtle difference in the meanings of the verbs may and can.

The verb can is used when we are talking about the physical or mental ability to do something.

And the modal verb may is used when we say that there are no external obstacles to performing an action or there is permission to perform an action.

English Modal Verbs: Getting Started and Learning to Use

In English there is a whole category of words that can be safely called special, different from other groups of vocabulary. These words are modal verbs: Can, Could, Must, May, Might, Should, Need, Have to. Although they are not used as independent lexical units, since they only express the need, ability or possibility of performing an action, their role in the language is incredibly great. What are these words and when are they used?


Can is considered to be the most common word in the modal group. Thanks to him, we can communicate that we can / can do something or are capable of something.

Can is used to mean:

  • an intellectual or physical real ability to do something;
  • requests, permission, prohibition;
  • doubt, distrust, surprise.

But it must be remembered that the modal verb can itself does not mean an action, therefore, it must be followed by another verb that directly indicates the execution of the process. This rule applies to all other words discussed below.


The modal verb could has the same meaning as Can, but with an important difference: it indicates the likelihood or possibility of an action in the past. Could does not denote any specific abilities / capabilities — only general ones.

It is worth paying special attention to this fact — knowing the nuances of using Could will help you, in practice, to competently build your speech in the context of a particular situation.

Also, to develop your speaking skills, we advise you to read the article «How to learn to speak English well.»


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The modal verb must denotes a must, namely:

  • duty or some kind of duty due to personal beliefs, principles, traditions;
  • advice, recommendation or order;
  • the likelihood / assumption of the action.

Must is used not only in the present tense, but also in the future. It is important to remember that in all cases its shape does not change.


The modal verb may indicates the possibility of performing an action or the assumption of such a possibility. In general, it is translated as you can / can / can and so on. May is used when you need to express:

  • the objective possibility of performing an action, which nothing and no one interferes with;
  • formal request or permission;
  • supposition caused by doubt.


Might is the past tense form of May. Also used to indicate the possibility / request / suggestion of an action. One of the special meanings of the word Might is an expression of mild condemnation or disapproval. Interestingly, although the modal verb might is considered a form of the past tense, it is used to indicate the execution of a process both in the present and in the future.


The modal verb should is similar in meaning to Must, but not so strict. Thus, Should is used when the task is to express a duty or duty, stylistically weakened to recommendation or advice. Should also be used to denote reproach or regret due to the fact that the desired action was not previously performed or can no longer be carried out.


The modal verb need should be used to express a need or an urgent need to take an action. Accordingly, if Need is present in a negative construction, it denotes the absence of the need / permission to do something. Also, Need is found in interrogative constructions — here it indicates doubts about the advisability of performing the process under consideration.

Have to

a distinctive feature of Have to is that it denotes the obligation to perform actions due to specific circumstances. Based on this, it is recommended to use the modal verb have to only when it is necessary to indicate the compulsion of actions due to the current situation, and not personal desires. Have to can be used in all times, but each has its own form: the present — Have to or Has to, the past — Had to, the future — Will have to.

Without a doubt, without modal verbs, it is impossible to build a competent and stylistically neat speech. Therefore, when choosing the methods of learning English that can be found in this article, be sure to include the study of this vocabulary category in the chosen methodology. Moreover, now you have a useful theoretical base that will help you successfully cope with the task at hand.

Source: http://engmatrix.com/staty/modalnye-glagoly-v-anglijskom-jazyke-have-to-can-may-could.php

Modal verbs may and might: many meanings, one shade

Like all modal verbs, may and might not so much carry a certain meaning in the statement, but reflect the speaker’s attitude to what is happening. These verbs, in fact, express the likelihood of something to one degree or another. So, may is a high degree of confidence, and might, accordingly, is less. But it is wrong to think that this is what the semantics of verbs is limited to.

Such an explanation can only satisfy a primary school student. English, due to its historical development and the logic of the language as such, is distinguished by a huge number of shades of word meanings. Depending on the context and what probability of the event is laid by the speaker, the corresponding modal verb will be used.

In Russian, we get by with one word — «may», and the degree of probability is determined by the context.

This is a very short introduction to the logic of the modal verbs may and might. Let’s consider these points in more detail.

Equivalents for resolution

May and might have an equivalent, and more than one, for example, to be allowed to and permitted to. Note that they can be used only when may and might in their meaning do not mean probability, but permission for something. For example, the sentence “I can go to the forest on my own” can be translated in several ways:

  • I may go to the forest alone;
  • I might go to the forest alone;
  • I am allowed to go to the forest alone;
  • I am permitted to go to the forest alone.

In all four cases, the sentences state that. That the speaker can do something. But in the second, where might was used, the speaker expresses a faint confidence in this.

The verb may: permission and opportunity

The first and most common meaning that may occurs in is permission. The speaker can either ask for permission or allow using this verb. For example:

  • You may go to the disco, I don’t see anything bad in your having fun this way once or twice — You can go to the disco, I don’t see anything wrong with the fact that you just once or twice so relax.
  • Sorry, sir, may I come in? I know that the meeting has already started but I couldn’t come earlier — Sorry sir, can I come in? I know the meeting has already begun, but I cannot come earlier.

However, in denials, namely, in denials in response to a request, may is never used. Instead, can is put. For example:

  • Mom, may I go out with Gim? He is so sweet — No you can’t, you have to study so much to enter the university you wish — Mom, can I go for a walk with Jim? He’s so cute. — No. You have to learn a lot to go to the university you want.

There is another option with which you can express a ban. For example, the form mustn’t. It is used then. When we mean a tough prohibition dictated by certain circumstances. For example:

  • May I scramble these eggs? — No you mustn’t, they are too old and spoiled. Find something else to have a snack. — Can I make scrambled eggs from these eggs? — No. They are old and already rotten. Find something else to eat.

Also, the verb may denotes a possibility and a probability, which is not hindered by anything. In other words, this is an opportunity, also associated with a favorable coincidence. For example:

  • You may go and see these animals in the zoo, they live pretty good there — You can go and watch these animals in the zoo. They do well in captivity.
  • This restaurant is very famous. You may try all the traditional dishes there by good price — This restaurant is very famous. Here you can taste all national dishes at a good price.

Using might in different communication situations

One of the most interesting uses of might is in the meaning of reproach. The auxiliary verb have is often used here to indicate that the situation in question happened in the past. If the speaker reproaches for a relatively recent event or something that happens immediately at the moment of speech, might is used without an auxiliary verb. For example:

  • You might have been more careful. Look what happened with your T-shirt! It is spoiled to hell! — You could be more careful. Look what happened to your shirt. She’s completely flawed.

Source: https://1hello.ru/grammatika/modalnye-glagoly-may-i-might-znachenij-mnogo-ottenok-odin.html

Modal verbs must, may, might, can, could, should

In the previous lessons, we discussed the rules for using the modal verb can. It’s time to get acquainted with the rest, no less important verbs. All modal verbs express possibility to a certain extent.
Let’s start.

Modal verbs for expressing a possibility with Russian transcription:

Must [mast]
May [May]
Might [myt]
Dog [ken]
Mold [kud]
Should [shud]

Modal verbs are a group of verbs that have specific relationships. Remember that they always appear before the main verb and have the same form. They pose questions by inversion and negation by paraphrasing not. In order to quickly master their widespread use, it is worth dividing them into the following categories:

Expressing capabilities and skills


Expresses the ability to perform an action in present tense: Driving fast can be really dangerous.

Drive fast ken bi rieli danjres.

Defines skills and abilities: I can paint very well. I can paint very well.

I can paint veri well.

Often combined with verbs related to feelings: feel, hear, see, understand, remember, smell: I can smell it.

Ai ken small it.

Could — past tense form of the verb can: I could dance when I was younger.

Ay cool dance one ay was younger.


Expresses the ability and ability to perform an activity, often focusing on a specific situation that was difficult: The book was high but I was able to reach the shelf. The book was high, but I managed to get it.

The Book Was High Bat Ai Was Abl To Rich The Shelf.

Most often, be able to is used after other modal verbs in the perfect or future tense: We will be able to finish the project today. We can finish this project today.

Wee will b able that finish is the project that day.

After the infinitive and the gerund form.

It is lovely to be able to talk to you about everything.


Assumptions and probabilities


These modal verbs determine the likelihood that an action will occur in the present or in the future:

John could be at work now.

John kood bi this orc naw.


If we are confident that a situation or event will occur:

They exercised all day. They must be tired. They trained all day. They must be tired.

Zay Exsized All Day. Zay must be bi tyred.


If the situation is not possible and we express this belief, we use the modal verb «can’t»:

Source: https://www.angloport.ru/anglijskaya-grammatika/986-must-may-might-can-could-should.html

The modal verb may (might) — when to use it!

The modal verb may (might) is used to express permission, prohibition, opportunity, uncertainty, reproach, wishes and is translated as “possible”, “you can”, “you can”, “maybe”, “let”.

First, let’s look at how sentences with may and might are built, because such sentences have several distinctive features.

Affirmative form

In affirmative sentences after may и might we use the infinitive without a particle to.

  • I might — I could go.

Interrogative form

In questions, may and might must be placed before the subject.

  • May she enter the room? — Can she enter the room?

An interrogative sentence with may expresses the speaker’s request. Question words are not used in such questions. The modal verb might in a request sounds emphatically polite and is practically not used in modern language.

  • May I take that book? — May I take that book?
  • May we play in your garden? — Can we play in your garden?
  • May he stay with us? — Can he stay with us?
  • Might I ask you for some help? — May I ask you for help?

In case of a negative answer to the request, instead of may not, the expressions must not и don’t.

negative form

In negative sentences, we add a particle to may / might Note.

  • I may not — I may not come.

Note! Have denial may not there is no shorthand form.

Negation maybe not can shorten — mightn’t, however, this form is rare.

  • We may not be at home today. “We may not be at home today.
  • It might rain today, mightn’t it? “It might rain today, right?

May / might are most often translated into Russian by the words “could”, “could”.

To communicate beautifully and clearly in English, it is necessary to consider in detail all the cases and rules of using the modal verb «may».

Source: https://englandlearn.com/grammatika/may-i-might

Modal Verb May / Might in English — Detailed Guide with Examples

Modal verbmay (might) used primarily to express permission or capability. Like can, it has a present tense may and the form of the past tense might… Let’s consider the main meanings and features of this common verb.

Table: modal verb May / Might in affirmative, negative, interrogative form

Verb may (might), like other modal verbs, is used according to special rules:

1. In the affirmative and negative between may (might) and the verb in an indefinite form does not put the particle to.

Correctly: You may go. — You can go.

Wrong: You may go.

2. The verb may does not form the future tense with the auxiliary verb will. In the future tense, the verb may can be replaced by a turnover to be allowed to (to be permitted, permitted).

Correctly: You will be allowed to leave. — You can go.

Wrong: You will may leave.

3. In the third person singular, the verb may (might) does not change.

Correctly: He / She / It may.

Wrong: He / She / It mays.

4. The question and the statement are built according to a special scheme (see table).

scheme Example
Statement Subject + may / might + verb I may / might ask.
Denial Subject + may not / might not + verb I may not / might not ask.
Question may / might + subject + verb May / might I ask?

May not и maybe not can be shortened to mayn’t, mightn’t.

Meanings of the modal verb May / Might

General summary of values may / might shown in the image. Read more below.

Modal verb may (might) used by:

1. To express permission or prohibition

In affirmation, denial and questioning, the meaning will be different.

1. 1. In the statement

In the affirmative form, the verb may expresses permission.

you may take what you want. — You you can take whatever you want.

We may spend our money. — We we can spend our money.

Strictly speaking, the verb may, unlike the verb can, denotes exactly permission to perform some action, and not a physical possibility. In Russian, both words are usually translated as “can”, “you can”, etc.

I can eat four slices of pizza. — I AM I can eat 4 slices of pizza (physically I can).

you may eat whatever you want. — You can have whatever you want (you are allowed to).

However, in modern colloquial speech, the verb can also often used to resolve:

you can eat whatever you want. — You can have whatever you want (you are allowed to).

1. 2. In the question

В interrogative form verb may used to ask permission.

May I ask you a question? — One can ask you a question?

May I take your phone for a second? — One can take your phone for a second?

The same question can be asked with mightbut this will be a very formal question:

Might I call you by your first name? — Can do i call you by name?

In colloquial speech, you will most likely never hear it.

As with the affirmation, in questions like «May I?» in modern colloquial speech, the verb is often used can.

Dog I ask you a question? — One can ask you a question?

Dog I take your phone for a second? — One can take your phone for a second?

Option c may is considered more formal, suitable for a formal occasion, and the question with can — less strict. Often this difference is almost indistinguishable and subtle, even by native speakers. And here is option c might — this is definitely a formal, even old-fashioned option.

Three ways to ask permission.

1. 3. In denial

Negative verb may expresses a prohibition.

you may not park in a fire lane. — To you must not park on the fire lane.

But in colloquial speech they often say can’t, implying not a physical possibility, but a prohibition.

you can’t sleep on a bench. — Must not sleep on the bench.

For a categorical prohibition, use must not (mustn’t):

you must not smoke in this building. — Never smoke in this building.

Note 1: May or Can?

In affirmation, question and denial can colloquially can replace may in the meaning of permission or denial, but may cannot replace can in the meaning of physical ability or lack thereof. For example, you want to say that an athlete can, physically, lift 100 kg.

Correctly: The athlete can lift 100 kg. — Athlete can lift 100 kg (physically capable).

Wrong: The athlete may lift 100 kg. — Athlete can lift 100 kg (someone allowed him).

You want to tell your friend that he cannot drink 10 bottles of beer, physically he cannot:

Correctly: you can’t

Source: https://langformula.ru/english-grammar/may-might/

What is the difference between may and might?

May и might belong to the group of modal verbs. Both words denote the possibility of something. Usually they can easily replace each other without changing the translation of the sentence, however might often implies that something is less likely to happen.


It may rain… (probability — 50%)
It might rain… (probability — 30%)

Despite the fact that as a translation of the modal verbs may and might the dictionary contains the words “to be able”, “to be able”, “to be probable”, in the context these words can be translated as “possible”, “probably”, etc.

Some insist that may should be used in the present tense when talking about current events, and might in the past tense when talking about events in the past. For example:

She may go home early, if she’s tired. (present)
I might have visited Russia before settling in Minsk. (past

In practice, these distinctions are made very rarely, so these two verbs are interchangeable.

She might go home early, if she’s tired.
I may have visited Russia before settling in Minsk.

However, there are differences between the expressions may have and might have in a particular context. If how things really are is not known at the time of speech (or when writing), then both options are acceptable:

By the time he reads this, they may have (might have) made his decision.

If we are talking about the fact that something has already happened, and we know the result, then it is better to use migh have:

The draw against Italy might have been a turning point, but it didn’t turn out that.

Probability Expression (in the future)

If there is a possibility that something will happen or something is true, then we use might or may.

Comment: might used more often in colloquial speech than may.

It might rain tomorrow. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow.

They might go to the restaurant tonight.

Perhaps tomorrow night they will go to a restaurant. (but they’re not sure yet)

I think you may win.

I think you can (possibly) win.

You may be late for dinner. Hurry up!

You might be late for dinner. Hurry up!

Ask for permission or allow something

Generally in colloquial speech, to ask permission is usually used can… but may should be used in more formal situations when you want to show yourself to be a polite person.

May I come in? — May I come in? (Can I come in?)

Note: Might can also be used when making requests, but this word is not so common. You could even say it sounds pretty old-fashioned these days.

Now let us do something with the verb may:

You may take only one book with you. — You can only take one book with you.

To, on the contrary, prohibit something, we add to may particle Note:

You may not take more than one book with you. — You cannot take more than one book with you.

Typical situations (may)

May is used in academic (scientific) language to describe the phenomena that occur in specific situations:

Adults may find it difficult to sleep if they use technology before going to bed. — Adults may have difficulty falling asleep if they use technology before bed.

Assumptions about events (actions) in the past

What was that noise? It may have been a dog outside our window. — What was that noise? Perhaps it was a dog barking outside our window.

Might — past tense from may in indirect speech

When translating direct speech in English into indirect speech, the modal verb may turns into might:

Source: https://english-bird.ru/modalnye-glagoly-may-i-might-znachenie-i-upotreblenie/

Modal verb may: forms and situations of use

Home »Grammar» Modal Verb MAY

We have already met one modal verb can, with which we denote the physical and mental abilities of a person, and we will move on to studying the second modal verb — may, which also has the past tense form — might.

It translates into Russian as «I can, maybe, you can, you can.»

Like the modal verb can, we only use may with the infinitive (initial form) of the semantic verb. without a particle to: he may tell us what he knows (by no means may to tell).

Using the modal verb MAY

To facilitate the perception and understanding of the use cases of a modal verb, we will indicate the situations and try to clearly explain how to translate sentences with this modal verb.

Just like the modal verb can, MAY works for all present tense faces, and might works for all past tense faces.
Let’s conjugate the verb may — might in the affirmative form on the faces.

  • I may / might go — I can / could go
  • You may / might go — you can / might go
  • They may / might go — they may / could go
  • He, she, it may / might go — he, she can / could go

The negative form is formed by adding the negative particle not to the modal verb may not / might not

  • I may not / might not go — I cannot / could go
  • You may not / might not go — you cannot / might not go
  • They may not / might not go — they cannot / could go
  • He, she, it may not / might not go — he, she cannot / could go

To form an interrogative sentence, we follow the established order of words: 1) — interrogative word (if any), 2) — auxiliary verb, which in this case is may / might, 3) — subject, 4) — predicate, 5) — minor members of the proposal. Let’s try to translate the following questions into English together:

• May I call you? — Can I call you? (the general question does not contain an interrogative word and we start the translation with an auxiliary verb) • May he come to her place in the evening? — Maybe he will come to you in the evening? (general question) • Where may we go in the evening? — Where can we go in the evening? (special question, contains a question word) • When may I see you? — When can I see you? (special question) • Who may stay after the lessons? — Who can stay after school? (question to the subject)

Pay attention to the word order of the subject question — after the auxiliary verb expressed by the modal verb may, the predicate verb follows.

Let’s compare may and can

Let’s take a look at when and in what senses the modal verb may should be used by comparing it to the modal verb can. Both modal verbs translate as «I can, maybe, you can.»

But what is the difference between them? As you remember, can means physical and mental ability, if we say “I can lift a box — I can lift a box”, it means that the person performing the action has enough strength to lift the box.

Now let’s replace can with may in the same sentence «I may lift a box — I can lift a box.» The translation remains the same, but the meaning has changed.

In this case, «I can lift the box» does not mean the physical ability of the person performing the action, but permission from another person, ie. the meaning of the sentence is: «I can lift the box = I am allowed to lift the box, nothing prevents me from doing it.»

Conclusions about the modal verb MAY    

1. Thus, the first meaning of the modal verb may is the opportunity created by the circumstances when there are no obstacles to the performance of the action. In this sense, may occurs only in affirmative sentences.

• You may buy food in the shop — you can buy food in the store
• Tickets may be ordered beforehand — Tickets can be ordered in advance

2. With the help of the modal verb and its past tense form might, we express a request and permission. Moreover, if we use might. please be very polite:

• May I ask you to close the door? — can I ask you to close the door?
• You may take my cosmetics if you wish — you can take my cosmetics if you wish

3. May also expresses an assumption related to doubt, which in Russian sounds like “maybe, maybe”. Any infinitive can be used in this value after May:

• He may be ill — maybe he got sick • She may have forgotten of her promise — maybe she forgot about her promise

• It may be too expensive — probably very expensive

  • Finally, remember the construction with the modal verb may: may as well, might as well, translated into Russian as «quite possibly».

• It is possible that we will meet soon — we may as well meet very soon

8 Comments on Modal Verb MAY

Source: https://crownenglishclub.ru/drugoe/modalnyj-glagol-may-formy-i-situatsii-upotrebleniya.html


May I go to the bathroom? — Can I go to the toilet?

You may not use my car, you are not a careful driver — You cannot take my car, you drive sloppily.

The verb may is very polite and formal here.

Other verbs are also used in this meaning, for example:

Could I go out? — Can I get out? (Read more in the article on the modal verb can)

Do you mind if I leave for a while? «Do you mind if I go away for a while?»

In the future, during a conference, meeting, class, etc., if you need to leave for a little while, you can simply say:

Will you excuse me? — Will you allow? (absent)

A polite question or

Why did you take that decision if I may ask? — Why did you make such a decision, if not a secret?

May I ask why you took that decision? — May I ask why you made such a decision?

Possibility, probability, assumption, uncertainty

The verb may can be used in the present tense:

He may not know the answer. — He may not know the answer.

Robert may be sleeping now. “Robert may be asleep now.

Can be used in the past tense (may have V3):

The manager may have forgotten to call. — The manager might have forgotten to call.

The modal verb may can also be used to express probability in the future tense:

I may not come to the party tonight. “I may not come to the party tonight.

In this meaning, instead of a modal verb, you can use the constructions

It’s ly / unly to happen — Probably / This is unlikely to happen.

Idiomatic expressions

Be that as it may — nevertheless; howbeit.

May as well. — Quite possible.

Come what may. — Whatever happens.

When agreeing on times

Since might is the past form of the verb may, it is used in the past tense when agreeing tense:

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/grammar/may-and-might

Употребление модальных глаголов may и might в английском языке

Многим очень часто приходится общаться с иностранцами во время путешествий. У кого-то спрашиваешь дорогу, кого-то просишь о помощи, с кем-то торгуешься, а с кем-то просто разговариваешь. Людям приятно общаться, когда их собеседники открытые и вежливые.

В статье мы поговорим о модальном глаголе may и его прошедшей форме might. С помощью него вы станете самым вежливым человеком в глазах наших иностранных друзей.

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Из статьи вы узнаете: в каких ситуациях мы используем эти глаголы, чем may отличается от can, и как правильно строить предложения с may/might. 

Перевод и случаи употребление глагола may в английском языке

Глагол may мы переводим как «вероятно/может/могу». А используем мы его в следующих ситуациях:

1. Если что-то может произойти, но вы не уверены в этом. То есть существует определенная вероятность, что это произойдет.
Например: Я может опоздаю, не ждите меня.

It may rain tonight.
Возможно сегодня пойдёт дождь.

They may come back.
Они могут вернуться.

2. Используем, чтобы сказать, что кому-то позволено сделать что-то. В этом значении may является более формальным словом, чем can.
Например: Ты можешь пойти погулять.

You may take whatever you like.
Ты можешь брать все, что тебе понравится.

We have finished the work, so we may go home.
Мы закончили работу, так что мы можем идти домой.

3. Используется, чтобы спросить разрешения или предложить что-либо в вежливой форме.
Например: Могу я спросить?

May I ask you a question?
Могу я задать вам вопрос?

May I suggest another hotel?
Могу я предложить другой отель?

Отличие глагола may от глагола can

В английском языке есть еще один модальный глагол can, который также переводится как «могу». Как понять, когда какой глагол надо использовать? Сейчас я вам объясню.

Can выражает физическую или умственную способность.
То есть человек говорит, что он в состоянии сделать что-либо. Например: Я могу сама решить эту задачу, не нужно помогать мне.

I can remove this table.
Я могу передвинуть этот стол.

В этом случае человек говорит, что он физически способен поднять стол и поставить его на другое место.

May выражает позволение и разрешение сделать что-либо.
То есть у человека есть разрешение сделать что-то.

I may remove this table.
Я могу передвинуть этот стол.

Здесь имеется в виду, что у человека есть разрешение взять стол и поставить его на другое место.

Глагол may в прошедшем времени

Глагол may имеет форму прошедшего времени might, которая переводится как «мог». Она используется в следующих случаях:

1. Когда что-то было возможно в прошлом, но не произошло.
Например: Он мог пойти с нами на концерт.

You might meet him.
Ты мог встретить его.

He might become famous.
Он мог стать известным.

2. Когда сообщается о возможности чего-то 
Например: Он думал о том, что его слова могли расстроить ее.

He thought he might be wrong.
Он думал, он мог быть неправ.

She might know the answer.
Она могла бы знать ответ.

Обратите внимание: Might также используется в значениях, не относящихся к прошедшему времени глагола may. Этот глагол употребляется:

1. Чтобы вежливо предположить, что кому-то следует сделать что-то.
Например: Ты можешь поискать эту информацию в интернете, если ее здесь нет.

You might find a new job.
Ты можешь найти новую работу.

They might go to a new restaurant today.
Они могут пойти в новый ресторан сегодня.

2. Чтобы вежливо спросить о разрешении сделать что-то. 
Выше я писала, что мы можем сделать тоже самое при помощи глагола may. В чем же разница? Все очень просто. Might используется в разговорном британском английском. 
Например: Могу я взять вашу ручку?

Might I ask your name?
Могу я спросить ваше имя?

Might I open the window?
Могу я открыть окно?

3. Когда вы раздражены, потому что кто-то не сделал то, что вы думаете, они должны были сделать.
Например: Они могли бы и убрать за собой после того как поели.

You might have told me.
Ты мог бы и сказать мне.

You might ask before you use my computer.
Ты мог бы и спросить перед тем как пользоваться моим компьютером. 

Утвердительные предложения с глаголами may/might

Глагол may является сам по себе самостоятельным, поэтому он не требует других вспомогательных глаголов. Также не забывайте, что он никак не изменяется в зависимости от действующего лица. Схема образования предложения будет такой:

тот, о ком идет речь + may/might + действие

We dance
They may/might swim
She cook


You may ask me any question you want.
Вы можете задать мне любой вопрос.

She might use my car at any time.
Она может использовать мою машину в любое время.

Отрицательные предложения с глаголом may/might

Когда мы говорим, что что-то не возможно или запрещаем кому-либо что-нибудь, мы ставим not после may/might. Схема образования будет следующей:

тот, о ком идет речь + may/might + not + действие

We dance
They may/might not swim
She cook


You may not smoke in the elevator.
Вы не можете (запрещено) курить в лифте. 

Tom might not know the answer.
Том мог не знать ответа.


При отрицании мы можем использовать следующие сокращения:

may + not = mayn’t
might + not = mightn’t

He mightn’t agree.
Он может не согласиться.

Visitors mayn’t feed the animals.
Посетители не могут кормить животных. 

Вопросительные предложения с глаголом may/might

Чтобы спросить разрешения сделать что-то, нужно уметь строить вопросительные предложения. Чтобы задать вопрос, may мы выносим на первое место. Схема образования предложения:

May/might + тот, о ком идет речь + действие

we dance?
May/might they cook?
she swim?


May I borrow your dictionary?
Могу я одолжить твой словарь?

Might I come in?
Могу я войти?

При ответе, вы можете использовать may/may not:

Yes, you may.
Да, можешь. 

No, you may not.
Нет, не можешь. 

Вопросительные предложения с уточняющими словами

Чтобы уточнить какую-либо интересующую нас информацию мы можем использовать следующие слова, когда задаем вопрос:

  • What — что
  • Where — где
  • Who — кто
  • Which — какой
  • Why – почему
  • When — когда

Чтобы построить вопрос с этими словами, мы ставим их на первое место, остальной порядок слов остается, как в обычном вопросе. Схема образования такого вопроса:

Уточняющие слова + may/might + тот, о ком идет речь + действие

What we write?
Where may/might they cook?
When she dance?


When may I visit you?
Когда я могу навестить тебя?

Where might I use the phone?
Где я могу воспользоваться

Итак, теперь вы знакомы с еще одним модальным глаголом. А теперь давайте закрепим теоретические знания на практике.

Задание на закрепление

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. Будьте внимательны!

1. Я могу опоздать на встречу.
2. Они могут подписать эти документы?
3. Она может пробежать 10 километров.
4. Мы не можем припарковаться здесь.
5. Что я могу сделать для тебя?
6. Мы могли пойти в кино вчера.
7. Он не может остаться здесь на ночь.
8. Вы могли бы и позвонить мне.

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