When do i use the word their and there

Their, there, and they’re are all pronounced the same way. Their is the possessive pronoun, as in «their car is red»; there is used as an adjective, «he is always there for me,» a noun, «get away from there,» and, chiefly, an adverb, «stop right there»; they’re is a contraction of «they are,» as in «they’re getting married.»

Homophones — words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings — can be tricky. There are three in particular that commonly confuse people. They’re very tricky, in part because of their usefulness, which means that we call on them over and over in our writing here and there.

charm unit words at play theyre there their

There’s no need to confuse there, they’re, and their. While they’re not an easy group of words, with practice you can master their distinctions.

«There» Usage

And we’ll start there. That one has the word here in it, which is helpful. It can remind us that this particular there is often about location:

There it is.
Put it there.
Stay there.
We’ll be there soon.

It’s about location in the more abstract sense too:

There you go.
There is where we disagree.
Friends who are always there for you.

It’s also the one to use as the first word in sentences that have the subject after the verb:

There is a nice hotel in the town.

And it’s the one used with the verb be at the beginning of sentences and questions:

There are plenty available.
Is there a hotel in the town?

The other two are trickier because they both have the idea of the plural in them. They key is discerning between the contraction for «they are» (they’re) and the possessive of «belonging to them» (their).

«They’re» Usage

They’re is a contraction that means «they are.» You can remember that apostrophes indicate the possessive only when used of ‘s, such as «the writer’s thoughts.» Otherwise, it’s generally a contraction of two words, as in can’t = cannot, or won’t = will not, or an omission of a letter or letters, as in singin’ for singing and ’em for them in stick it to ’em.

They’re (=they are) funny people.
They’re (=they are) the cutest puppies ever.

It can be used of non-living things too:

They’re (=they are) both really good books.
They’re (=they are) two of our biggest problems.

«Their» Usage

The last of this trio, their, is the possessive form of they, so it has to do with what belongs to, relates to, or is made or done by certain people, animals, or things:

It’s their house.
We’re their neighbors.
The trees are losing their leaves.

Their also has a long history of being used as a singular pronoun. Associate Editor Emily Brewster explains its usage in this video.

And there you go. They’re not an easy group of words, but with practice we know you can master their distinctions.

In summary:
There is the most common. It has the word here in it, which is helpful because it’s often about location. They’re always means «they are.» Their is the possessive form of they.

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The English language has many words much like there, their and they’re. Most native English speakers pronounce each the same way (they’re homophones, or words that make the same sounds); therefore, it can be tricky to determine which spelling fits the way it is being used in each case. Such spelling problems are sometimes called «demons of spelling.» Each spelling means a different thing, and it is important to communicate clearly and correctly in your own written correspondence, especially business or academic writing.[1]

Grammar Help

  1. Image titled Write a History Essay Step 17


    Inspect what you have written, and think about which word you are using and decide how to spell the word you are concerned about using correctly. (Of course, your word would logically have followed information indicating or naming of whom or about what you were talking.) The chosen word would need to agree with the subject or topic to which you refer.

  2. Image titled Use There, Their and They're Step 1


    Use «there» when referring to a certain place; compare «there» to «here» and «where.» The place can be either concrete («over here or there by the building») or more abstract («it must be difficult to be there in your mind»).[2]


  3. Image titled Use There, Their and They're Step 2


    Compare «there are» to «here are» and «where are.» There plus a «to be» verb such as «are» indicates the existence of something mentioned.[3]

    • «There are antiques here.» «Where?» «Look there.» «Oh, and, see here, we’ve found them!»
    • «Are there many of the documents stored here?» «Yes, see them here, where they are safe. Do you see where they are? Right over there!»
    • «There will be a picnic here, and there is a monstrous campground over there across the river. There is one of the places where they are staying tonight.»
  4. Image titled Use There, Their and They're Step 3


    Use «their» and «theirs» to indicate possession. Compare to «heir» — to inherit possessions as in «an heir of their uncle who had no children.» Their is a possessive adjective and indicates that a particular noun belongs to them.[4]

    • «Sam and Jan are heirs of their parents’ land and possessions as their legal heirs.»
    • «Their things were broken.» Compare to «Our things were broken.» Yes, it shows possession.
    • «I see their flowers are blooming in their garden.» «Yes, from the seeds their grandmother gave to them last fall.»
  5. Image titled Use There, Their and They're Step 4


    Remember that «they’re» is a contraction of the phrase «they are.» It is not a modifier, but only a pronoun (for a name of who or what) plus the contraction » ‘re» of the verb «are» (a state of being verb).[5]

    • «They’re my friends.» Check that «They are my friends» makes sense. Yes!
    • «I would go with you, but they’re going to take me.» To check, say «They are going to take me.» Yes!
  6. Image titled Write a History Essay Step 1


    Ask test questions. Ask yourself these questions, but they may not work in a few cases:

    • For «there,» will the sentence still make sense, if you replace «there» with «here» or «where»? If so, it’s right.
    • For «their,» will the sentence still make sense if you replace «their» with «our» (to see whether it is a possessive sentence), but of course that test phrase would change to whom it belongs. «Ours belongs to us, but theirs belongs to them.» Still, if «our» fits logically it is right because it is possessive.[6]
    • For «they’re,» will the sentence still make sense if you replace «they’re» with «they are»? If so, it’s right, but if not, then «they’re» is the wrong word.
  7. Image titled Use There, Their and They're Step 5


    Recognize incorrect examples and learn from the mistakes. By looking over others’ work with a critical eye, especially by offering proofreading or copyediting help, you can become more sensitized to correct usage and practice it yourself.

    • Wrong: Their is no one here.
    • Wrong: Shelley wants to know if there busy.
    • Wrong: The dogs are happily chewing on they’re bones.
    • RIGHT: I can’t believe they’re leaving their children there, alone!
  8. Image titled Use There, Their and They're Step 6


    Practice, practice, practice! Get your English teacher or friend to say several sentences aloud that include one of these three words and write down which version they are using. Find grammar quizzes on the internet.[7]
    Hire a private English tutor if you’re still having trouble.

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    Is this correct? «The police are on their way.»

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    «Accomadate their request.»


    «Their» is correct. The first word is spelled «accommodate.»

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    How do I say: A person’s daily schedule will tell you what they’re really after in life?

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    You’ve said the sentence correctly. They’re is short for «they are», as in «they are really after».

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  • If you’ve ruled out «they’re» or «their» as the correct form, then «there» is one you should go with!

  • Turn off the auto-correct feature in your word processor. People tend to get lazy and forget special rules when the computer automatically corrects mistakes like the ones listed above.

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Article SummaryX

To use «there,» «their,» and «they’re» correctly, remember that there, spelled «e-r-e,» refers to certain places or things, as in «let’s go over there,» or «there are the numbers.» «Their,» spelled «e-i-r,» indicates possession, as in «their flowers are in bloom.» You can see that it includes the word «heir»—someone who inherits possessions. To use «they’re,» with an apostrophe «r-e,» remember that it’s a contraction of the phrase «they are,» as in, «they’re my friends.» You should be able to replace it with «they are» without changing the meaning of the sentence. For examples and more tricks to help you remember, read on!

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Despite sounding identical in their pronunciations, there, their, and they’re all have distinct meanings from one another. Words like these are called homophones. To, too, and two are examples of other homophones.

What is the Difference Between There, Their, and They’re?

In this post, I will go through the differences between these words and how to use them in your writing. I will use them in example sentences to demonstrate their meanings and uses. Plus, at the end I will give you a trick to remember the difference.

After reading this post, you shouldn’t ever again confuse there vs. their vs. they’re again.

When to Use There

they're vs their or they're vs thereWhat does there mean? “There” is an adverb that means “at that place.” There indicates a place or direction. For example,

  • It is freezing up there in mountains.
  • I found this dollar sitting over there on the sidewalk.

When to Use Their

What does their mean? “Their” is the possessive form of “they.” Being that their is possessive, it implies ownership over something. For example,

  • Their names were called.
  • All of their equipment was loaded into the truck.

In the first sentence it is their names that are being called. They belong to them. As is the case in the second example, the equipment also belongs to them, so we use “their.”

When to Use They’re

When to use their or there grammar differenceWhat does they’re mean? “They’re” is a contraction standing for “they are.” It is the easiest of the three to keep track of because it is the only one with an apostrophe. Let’s look at some examples,

  • They’re making a new Star Wars movie.
  • They’re down three games to one.

It is essential that you remember that “they’re” is a contraction and not a possessive. The apostrophe in it is indicating a letter that is being left out.

If you are ever in doubt on whether or not to use “they’re,” just split it apart into two words. If it still makes sense, “they’re” is correct. If it doesn’t make sense, it will be a different form. Let’s try this with a few of our above examples,

  • All of they are equipment was loading into the truck.

This sentence makes no sense when you substitute “there are” in for the their, so you know that “their” is the correct word. Let’s try another,

  • It is freezing up they are in the mountains.

This sentence also makes no sense using “there are,” so we know that it isn’t the right word.

Tricks to Remember the Difference

As promised, here are a few good tricks that you can use to keep track of their vs. there vs. they’re.

There ishow to use there and their and they're a direction/location and, if you notice, the word also contains in itself the word “here.” “Here” is also a direction/location.

Their is usually followed by a noun. Their money, their parents, their iPod, etc. It also has the letter “I” in it and “I” possess things. I possess a car. I possess a computer.

They’re is a contraction standing for they are. To remember when to use this one, just split it up in the sentence and see if it still makes sense.


Is it there or their? Or is it there or they’re? As is usually the case, this all depends on the context of your sentence.

There is a directional word.

Their a possessive word.

They’re is a contraction for the words “they are.”


  • 1 What is the Difference Between There, Their, and They’re?
  • 2 When to Use There
  • 3 When to Use Their
  • 4 When to Use They’re
  • 5 Tricks to Remember the Difference
  • 6 Summary

Their vs. There

The quick answer is no! They don’t mean the same thing. They may sound similar and they may have similar spellings, yet “their” and “there” have nothing in common in regard to their definitions.

In fact, “their» and “there” are two different words, and not only do they have completely different meanings and uses in sentences, they also fall into different grammatical categories. One is a pronoun, whereas the other is an adverb. To see all the meanings of each, as well as their grammatical functions, check the two dedicated sections below, where you will be able to find some great illustrative examples.

When do we use “their”?

“Their” is a pronoun, mainly used as a determiner. More exactly, it is used to show belonging or relating to a certain group (of people or animate beings). The same word can also be used for something that belongs or relates to a particular person, when using “his” or “her” might be inappropriate, or irrelevant.

Example 1: Our friends and their children will join us for dinner tonight. – “their” is a pronoun used to show belonging or relation to a certain group of people.

Example 2: Did that person give you their name or their phone number? – “their” may also be preferred in order to avoid using “his” or “her” when referring to something belonging or relating to a particular person.

When do we use “there”?

While “their” is a seemingly simple word, with two distinct uses and a clear meaning, “there” is a little bit more complex, in regard to the contexts where it may appear. To be clear, “there” is mainly used as an adverb, expressing a location or a particular place.

But it can also be used when indicating direction, when pointing or referring towards something in order to bring another’s attention to it; or when referring to something available or present. Sometimes, “there” may also be used when referring to a certain point or time during an activity or a process.

Their vs. There

Further, besides functioning as an adverb, “there” may function as a pronoun in certain contexts. More specifically, in a particular expression. In this case, “there” is used to show that something exists, or something is happening. You’ll definitely get a better understanding of all these explanations by reading the examples below:

Example 1: They moved to London because their son decided to settle there. – “there” is mainly used as an adverb, referring to a particular place/location.

Example 2: Put the flowers in the vase on that table over there. – the same adverb “there” can also be used to indicate a certain direction in order to make someone else look towards it.

Example 3: The money is there for you whenever you need it. – “there” can be used to show availability or presence of something.

Example 4: If you feel tired during the game, stop there and don’t go for a next round. – here, “there” refers to a certain point during an activity.

Example 5: There are two shopping malls in this city. – “there” can also be used as a pronoun, showing that something exists.


To sum this all up, although they sound almost perfectly identical, “their” and “there” are not synonyms and have nothing in common as to their meanings.

Keep in mind that “their” is always a pronoun expressing belonging or relating to a particular group or person, whereas “there” can be used both as an adverb expressing location/direction/availability and as a pronoun showing that something exists. Now give yourself a pat on the back for making it through this article!

It’s one of the most common questions in the English language: how do you know when to use there, their, or they’re? Though it may seem like a simple thing, it can be important. Grammatical correctness is one of the first things a potential employer or professor will evaluate you on. Even the most incredible essay or cover letter can be dismissed over a simple mix-up. 

There, their and they’re are homophones, meaning they sound the same but have different meanings. There are lots of different homophones in the English language, including ‘eye’ and ‘I’, ‘brake’ and ‘break’, and ‘heal’ and ‘heel.’ It’s very easy to get homophones mixed up, especially for kids or people learning English as a second language. Below, we’ll explain the different meanings and uses of there, their and they’re. Then, we’ll give you some tips on how to to remember when to use them, and exercises so you can practice your new skills.

How to Use There (With Examples)

‘There’ is used to identify the location of a person or thing. For instance, one might say, “We went to Ohio and stayed there for a week,” or “The professor was sitting over there.” 

Keep in mind that ‘there’ is not just used to identify physical locations, but also as a more abstract marker. For instance, when someone gets an answer correct, you might say, “There you go!” Or when describing someone writing, you might say, “She wrote three pages and then stopped there.”

Cheat Sheet: When using the word ‘there’, remember ‘here’. Both words are used to mark locations, and are spelled very similarly.

How to Use Their (With Examples)

‘Their’ is the possessive form of ‘they’. In the same way that ‘his’ is used to attribute objects or things to ‘he’, ‘their’ is used to attribute objects or things to ‘they.’

For instance, one might say, “The group lost their shoes by the river,” or “The dogs ate their dinner in five seconds flat.” ‘Their’ can also be used as a singular possessive, especially for someone whose gender is indeterminate. For example, you might say, “The doctor saw their patients regularly,” or ‘The kid wore their shirt backwards to school.”

Cheat Sheet: When using the word ‘their,’ remember ‘I’. Both words mark possession and ownership. 

How to Use They’re (With Examples)

‘They’re’ is a conjunction of the two words ‘they are’ or ‘they were.’ Any time you use the word ‘they’re,’ you should be able to substitute the words ‘they are’ or ‘they were’ in its place.

For example, you might say “They’re going to the park,” or “They said they’re not interested in buying any Halloween costumes.” It can also be used for objects, such as “They’re both interesting movies,” or “They’re not the greatest shoes I’ve ever seen.”

Cheat Sheet: When using ‘they’re’, remember ‘they are.’ Just substitute out ‘they’re’ for ‘they are’ to test your usage.

Practice Exercises For How to Use There Their They’re

Ultimately, the best way to make sure you’ve got the there, their, they’re distinction down is to practice using the three different words. You can start with our list of exercises. Test yourself by trying to plug the correct missing word into the blank. Then, once you’re done, check the answer key below to see how many you got correct.

  1. The girls drank ___ coffee in Starbucks, then went for a walk.
  2. They said ____ going on a trip to Thailand this fall.
  3. ____ daughter wants to go to Stanford.
  4. I saw a squirrel on the bench over ___.
  5. I heard ____ mom was sick.
  6. _____ really great at what they do.
  7. I wanted to go ___ on 
  8. vacation.
  9. “Oh, ___ you are!” he said.
  10. _____ going to flip when they hear this.
  11. I don’t know who told them ____ cupcakes were bad.

Answer Key

1. Their. 2. They’re. 3. Their. 4. There. 5. Their. 6. They’re. 7. There. 8. There. 9. They’re. 10. Their.

Find more practice questions here.


Was this blog post helpful for you? Do you still have questions about there, their and they’re, or do you have questions about other homophones or commonly mixed-up words? Let us know and we might be able to create a post about it!

The words there and their are often confused and misused because they are homophones (they sound alike). A good way to remember the difference between the there and their is to remember — Here with a T is there; so it refers to a place.

While «there» refers to a place, «their» means belonging to, or associated with, a group of people (e.g., «their clothes» — clothes that belonged to them).

Comparison chart

Their versus There comparison chart

Edit this comparison chart Their There
Meaning Belonging to them (in or to) that place
Used as a contraction No No
Parts of Speech Possessive pronoun; sometimes used (mostly informally) as a replacement for singular possessive pronouns (his and her) when the gender of a person is unknown. Noun, adverb, pronoun, adjective, interjection
Examples (1) Their house was decorated for Halloween. (2) The dog was theirs. (1) There was nothing left to do but go home. (2) She loved visiting there. (3) There he is!

Examples of There vs. Their

  • She envied their expensive shoes.
  • I don’t want to go there because it’s too cold.
  • Their van was destroyed in the accident.
  • Once upon a time, there was a princess who turned into a frog.

In the following video, an English teacher explains the differences between their, there, and they’re with more examples.



«Their» is the possessive form of the plural pronoun they, used as an adjective preceding a noun (e.g., their company, their books on the shelves, their promotion to upper management).

Despite being plural, «their» has also come to be used as a replacement for the singular possessive pronouns his and her, as an indefinite singular antecedent (i.e., when the gender of a person is unknown or when referring to people in a mixed group or crowd).

  • Someone parked their car in a towing zone.
  • Does everyone have their ticket in hand?

This use of «their» is common in casual conversation and informal written English, but whether it is used in academic or professional writing often depends on style guide requirements, which typically prefer the more verbose «his or her» or alternating gendered pronouns.

  • Someone parked his or her car in a towing zone.


«There» has multiple functions and can be used as an adverb, noun, pronoun, adjective, or interjection.

As an adverb, «there» can refer to in or that place, a moment in time or a point in a process, or a particular or specific matter. It can also call attention to a particular spot.

  • My wife will be there soon. (referring to in or that place)
  • She paused there to let him reply. (referring to a moment in time)
  • I was right to be sad there. (referring to a specific matter)
  • There he is! (calling attention)

As a noun, «there» refers to a state or condition.

  • Once you get into college, you have to face it alone from there on.

As a pronoun, «there» replaces a noun where the verb comes before the subject or the subject is not mentioned. It can also supplant a place name or a specific time-based noun.

  • There is no way to fail. (replacing a noun)
  • She went there last week. (replacing a place name)
  • We were there when that bell rang. (replacing a time-based noun)

As an adjective, «there» provides emphasis.

  • See the lady there for directions.

As an interjection, «there» can express a variety of feelings and emotions, ranging from relief, satisfaction, and approval, to encouragement and consolation.

  • There! We won!
  • There, there, you’ll get them next time.


  • There — definition and usage — Wiktionary
  • Their — definition and usage — Wiktionary
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На нашем сайте уже есть ряд материалов и упражнений на confusing words (слова, которые часто путают). Сегодня мы решили добавить материал по словам their, there и they’re, так как эти слова и сокращения путают настолько часто, что мы не имели право оставить их без внимания.

Итак, чем же отличаются слова their, there и they’re?

Their — их; принадлежащий им, свой (местоимение)

There – там, туда (наречие)

They’re = they are (сокращенная форма)


Their way was not easy – Их путь не был легким

Go to the library, you’ll find the book you need there. – Иди в библиотеку, ты найдешь книгу, которая нужна тебе, там.

They’re doctors. – Они — врачи. (= They are doctors)

Вот несколько забавных примеров, где в одном предложении встречаются все эти слова. Данные предложения можно использовать для запоминания.

Перевод: Они пьют свой кофе вон там.

Перевод: Есть люди, которые не слушали своих учителей по грамматике, и они сводят меня с ума.

В англоязычном интернете часто для запоминания используют следующую графику, быть может, она поможет и вам запомнить, как правильно употреблять their, there и they’re

А теперь давайте закрепим пройденный материал в упражнении.

Вставьте their, there или they’re

  1. ___________ is nobody home at the moment.
  2. ___________ new car is blue – not purple as you said.
  3. Nick and Jane were very concerned about ________ puppy.
  4. While we were in France, we enjoyed the warm weather ___________.
  5. Hannah and Stephen went __________ with _________ kids.
  6. ___________ from Norway.
  7. ________ aunt Polly loves travelling.
  8. As soon as ___________ here, we can leave.
  9. _________ is nothing you can do about it.
  10. I like your new shoes. _________ are very nice!
  11. When they came home they found ________ dog messing around.
  12. They went _________ twice in August.
  13. I dream about the USA every day. I want to go _________ once!


1-there, 2-their, 3-their, 4-there, 5-there/their, 6-They’re, 7-their, 8 they’re, 9-there, 10 they’re, 11 their, 12 there, 13 there

Если вам понравился данный материал, предлагаю также ознакомиться со следующими статьями:

  • Разница между to do и to make
  • Confusing adjectives in English. Прилагательные, которые можно перепутать
  • В чем разница между выражениями a number of и the number of?

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You’re not alone in your confusion about “they’re,” “their,” and “there.” These words sound the same but have different meanings. We’ll show you an easy way to ensure you’re always using them correctly.

There their and they're: Let's go over the differences.

Many people use these three homophones incorrectly.
What’s the Difference Between “There,” “Their,” and “They’re”?

There refers to a specific place, but can also be used to indicate that something exists or happens.

  • Let’s go over there to get a better view.
  • There is a big stain on your shirt.

Their is the possessive form of the pronoun they and means “belonging to them.”

  • That is their cabin, and they go once a year.

They’re is a contraction of the phrase they are.

  • They’re asking if we can help with the remodeling.

“There,” “Their,” “They’re”: Don’t Fret Over These Homophones

Homophones are words that have the same pronunciations, have different meanings, and may or may not be spelled differently. In this case, there, their, and they’re sound the same, but have different definitions and spellings.

It’s enough to make your head spin, we know. Below, we’ll go over what these words mean, review example sentences, and show you foolproof ways to ensure proper usage of these homophones.

After reading this, there is no way you’ll get it wrong again. And when your friends need spelling help, and they’re asking you for guidance, you’ll teach them what you learned here and be their hero.

What Does “There” Mean?

There is an adverb that refers to a specific location and means “in, at, or to that place.”

I had to go all the way over there for new tires.

Jordan left her bag there last night.

We went to Cairo and stayed there for two weeks.

You can think of there as the opposite of here.

If it’s not here, it’s there.

There can also be used as a pronoun to introduce a clause or a sentence. In those instances, it is often followed by words like is, are, was, were, etc.

There is a sale at your favorite store.

There their and they're are homophones.

The “here” in “there” can help you remember that this word is related to location.

What Does “Their” Mean?

Their is a third-person plural possessive determiner, and it’s used to indicate ownership.

That is their kitty, and his name is Leo.

I think they forget their umbrella at the coffee shop.

Could you please let me know when their flight is supposed to arrive?

A helpful trick that can help you check that you’re using this word correctly is to replace it with his or her. If the sentence still makes sense, you are using it properly!

This must be their suitcase.

This must be his or her suitcase.

Do you know how to use they're, their, and there correctly?

The “heir” in “their” can help you remember that the word relates to possession or ownership.

What Does “They’re” Mean?

They’re is a contraction (or shortened form) of the phrase they are.

They’re coming on vacation with us next year.

Do you know what they’re planning for her birthday?

His wife says they’re on the way to the store.

If you’re ever in doubt when using the word they’re in a sentence, just use the expansion test and replace the word in question with they are. If the sentence is still grammatically correct, then they’re is the correct choice.

They’re going to dinner and then to the movies.

They are going to dinner and then to the movies.

Have you seen their new project?

Have you seen they are new project?

We have to go there to sign up.

We have to go they are to sign up.

They're is a contraction for they're.

The apostrophe indicates that an “a” has been omitted.

There’s A Way To Make Correct Spelling Easy

Keep this in mind to use these words properly:

  • There has the word here in it and it refers to a place.
  • Their has the word heir in it, which suggests possession.
  • They’re has an apostrophe, which indicates that the two words (they are) have been merged.

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В чём разница между their, there и they're

В этой статье мы рассмотрим несколько слов, которые очень часто встречаются в повседневном английском разговоре. Значения у них разные, а вот произношение схожее, из-за чего их путают в написании. Иногда те, кто учат английский, просто ставят первое попавшееся слово на письме. То, которое сами чаще употребляют. Это может приводить к замешательству и недопониманию. Давайте избавляться от них и прояснять сегодняшние слова: there, their, they’re.


Произношение и перевод:   

[ðeə] / [вээ] — там, туда

Значение слова:

указывает на какое-то место, которое расположено не там, где находитесь вы


мы используем слово there, когда говорим, что кто-то/что-то находится не здесь, не рядом с говорящим, или направляется в то место


Look there! He’s coming. — Посмотри туда! Он идёт.

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If you stay there longer, let me know. — Если ты останешься там дольше, дай мне знай.


Произношение и перевод:   

[ðeə] / [вээ] — их

Значение слова:

принадлежащее тем людям или относящееся к тем людям/вещам, которые были упомянуты


мы используем слово their, когда говорим о чём-то, что принадлежит или касается их. Они — это люди или вещи, о которых идёт речь. Their отвечает на вопрос чей?


Their car has been repaired. — Их машину починили.

I’ve never seen their dog. — Я никогда не видел их собаку.

Have you enjoyed the cakes? Their taste is fantastic! — Тебе понравились пирожные? Их вкус потрясающий.


Произношение и перевод:   

[ðeə] / [вээ] — они (есть, являются)

Значение слова:

they’re — это сокращение от they are. They используется, когда мы говорим о двух или более людях/вещах, о которых уже упоминали в речи или о которых знают. Are используется, когда мы хотим сказать, что они (they) являются кем-то или какими-то, находятся где-то. 


мы используем they’re, когда хотим сказать, что интересующие нас люди/вещи, о которых мы уже говорили ранее, являются кем-то/чем-то (девочками, столами, книгами…) или какими-то (красивыми, добрыми, зелёными, пластиковыми…) или расположены где-то (в лесу, на столе, за окном…). 

They как раз обозначает этих людей и эти вещи. А are — это “есть/является” или “находится”; слово, которое необходимо в английском языке и очень часто не переводится на русский язык. Например, предложение “They are green” дословно означает “Они есть зелёные”. Не очень по-русски звучит, правда? Для нас привычнее “Они зелёные”. Но в английском мы не можем опустить это “are”. Таковы уж правила языка. Более подробно можно прочитать в этой статье. 


They’re good friends. — Они хорошие друзья.

They’re very interesting. — Они очень интересные.

They’re in the car. — Они в машине.

В чем разница?

Сегодня мы с вами рассмотрели три совершенно разные по смыслу слова. У них нет каких-то схожих значений. Но вот произносятся они одинаково, в чём и заключается сложность, особенно когда нужно воспринимать речь на слух. И здесь контекст нам в помощь. Ну а как пишутся эти слова просто нужно запомнить и не ошибаться, чтобы “их мяч” не стал “there ball”.

Задание на закрепление 

There, their или they’re? А вы усвоили разницу? Проверьте себя и заполните пропуски. И мы решили немного изменить формат и теперь будем публиковать правильные ответы сразу под заданием, чтобы вы могли не ждать, а сразу проверить себя. Что думаете? Как вам удобнее? 

Ждём ваше мнение в комментариях. Ну и если остались вопросы по статье или заданию, тоже пишите, разберёмся ;-)  

  1. Я бы хотел поехать _______ .

  2. _______ в лесу.

  3. _______ начальник назначил собрание на пятницу.

  4. Дети отдали _______ велосипед Питеру.

  5. Обожаю этот магазин. _______ очень вкусно пахнет.

  6. На свадьбу пришли все _______ родственники.

  7. _______ было огромное количество народа.

  8. _______ все выпускники 2019.

Правильные ответы:

  1. there                           5. there

  2. they’re                         6. their

  3. their                            7. there 

  4. their                            8. they’re

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