Whats english word for this


  • #1


I found this expression in all my students’ textbook because they use the same version published by a Chinese publishing agency. And I asked my language adviser who is an editor this question «What’s this in English?» and She corrected me by giving «What’s the English word for this?». Obviously, her version is much better than the one appears in my students’ textbook, but I am still wonder if the expression «What’s this in English» makes sense in BE? Since my language adviser is from New York City.

More details:

All my students’ teachers (teachers at school, I’m just a tutor.) say that the only possible answer for the question «What’s this in English?» is «It’s…..», like «It’s an orange».

Thanks a lot

  • dadane

    • #2

    Yes, it is perfectly natural in BE too. Both are correct but, if I was holding up the orange, I would ask «What’s this is English»? «What’s the English word for this»? is just a more formal way of posing the same question.


    • #3

    Yes, it is perfectly natural in BE too. Both are correct but, if I was holding up the orange, I would ask «What’s this is English»? «What’s the English word for this»? is just a more formal way of posing the same question.

    I agree with Dadane that both are fine — one is simply more formal. I can’t understand why your adviser thought otherwise.


    • #4

    She didn’t think otherwise; I didn’t mention the situation to her. According to dadane, there are two situations. One is I have an orange on hand and the other is I haven’t.

    As to «What’s this in English», I think it makes more sense when I hold a thing to you; I’m asking you this question in person.


    • #5

    Yes, but then, «What’s the English word for this?» also works best if you’re holding the item or pointing to a picture of it and asking about it. I might still use one of these questions if I didn’t have the item to show, but what I’d be more likely to say is something like, «What is the English word for _____?» or «What’s ___(word that needs to be translated)___ in English?»

    What I mean is that there is no problem using either structure, but when you include the word this, you’d normally have either the item or a picture of it to show to the person you’re asking the question of.


    • #6

    If you don’t have the item to show then you could also use ‘this’ if there is a preceding descriptive statement: e.g. «I am picturing a «koelkast«, what’s this in English»? or «My friend wears a device on his wrist for telling the time, what’s this in English»?

    PS. I had to use a non-English word for demonstrative purposes, no idea why koelkast was the first one to come to mind.

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    Many thanks

    asked Dec 6, 2015 at 1:15

    Frangky Awie's user avatar


    Another option is sticky beak (n.), which is sometimes also used as verb. May also be hyphenated, or written as one word.

    answered Dec 6, 2015 at 1:40

    Cargill's user avatar


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    Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

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    a) What’s the English for:
    быть взволнованным, работать в саду, украшать улицы, праздновать Новый год, обмениваться подарками, наблюдать салют, хорошо проводить время?

    b) Give the English equivalents. Choose make or do:

    делать покупки, заваривать чай, готовить украшения, приготовить блюдо, вытирать пыль, позвонить, мыть посуду, выступать с речью, делать доклад, делать домашнее задание.


    Английский язык 6 класс (рабочая тетрадь) Ваулина. 5 Grammar Practice. Номер №9


    Перевод задания

    Как по−английски:
    быть взволнованным, работать в саду, украшать улицы, праздновать Новый год, обмениваться подарками, наблюдать салют, хорошо проводить время?

    Приведите английские эквиваленты. Выбери make или do:
    делать покупки, заваривать чай, готовить украшения, приготовить блюдо, вытирать пыль, позвонить, мыть посуду, выступать с речью, делать доклад, делать домашнее задание.



    to be excited, to do gardening, to decorate streets, to celebrate the New Year, to exchange gifts, to watch fireworks (firework displays), to spend time.


    to do shopping, to make tea, to make decorations, to make a dish (meal), to do dusting, to make a call, to do washing up, to make a speech, to make a report, to do homework.

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