Whatever you do in word

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Keep your hands up, whatever you do.

Just, please, whatever you do

Collaborate or compete with other stalkers of the Zone, but whatever you do, never fully trust them.

Сотрудничество или конкуренция с другими сталкерами зоны, но, что бы ты ни делал, никогда не доверяй им полностью.

And whatever you do, you will remain a Russian.

Your partner ought to be reliable in whatever you do.

Make it professional, whatever you do.

That inner calmness stays whatever you do.

So whatever you do to space, happens to time.

Finally, whatever you do, never lose hope.

And whatever you do, it brings him joy.

Psychologically speaking, whatever you do (or don’t do) happens in stages.

С точки зрения психологии, что бы вы ни делали (или не делаете) происходит в несколько этапов.

With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.

So whatever you do, just do it, without expecting anyone’s help.

Поэтому, что бы вы ни делали, просто делайте это, не ожидая чьей-либо помощи.

But whatever you do, get help as soon as you realize what is happening.

Но что бы вы ни делали, обратитесь за помощью, как только вы поймете, что происходит.

And whatever you do, give it your 110% best.

But whatever you do, try to remember the divine as much as possible.

Но что бы вы ни делали, постарайтесь помнить Божественное настолько, насколько это возможно.

So, whatever you do, don’t look to the European for help.

Поэтому, что бы вы ни делали, просто делайте это, не ожидая чьей-либо помощи.

Our Vedic culture teaches that whatever you do, you must satisfy the Supreme Lord.

Ведическая культура учит, что, чем бы вы ни занимались, вы должны делать это для удовлетворения Верховного Господа.

Bonus Lesson: And whatever you do, don’t ever work with the Weinsteins.

Mr. President, whatever you do, don’t let the Russians provoke you.

«Господин президент, что бы Вы ни делали, не позволяйте России спровоцировать Вас.

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Whatever you do
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Whatever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much… or berate yourself either.

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She will understand. Whatever you do, she will accept it because you’re her father.

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Делай что хочешь, только не рассказывай Адаму.

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Representative Text

1 Whate’er you do in word or deed,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
Do naught in name of man or creed,
Do all in the name of the Lord.

Do all in His name,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
In word or deed, as God decreed,
Do all in the name of the Lord.

2 Be not deceived by worldly greed,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
The Spirit says, «in word or deed,»
Do all in the name of the Lord. [Refrain]

3 If you are toiling for a crown,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
O, do not trust in world renown,
Do all in the name of the Lord. [Refrain]

4 Till toil and labors here are done,
Do all in the name of the Lord;
Dear Christian friends, if you’d be one,
Do all in the name of the Lord. [Refrain]

Author: Austin Taylor

Austin Taylor (October 14, 1881 – January 1, 1973) Austin Taylor was born October 14, 1881 in Morgantown, Kentucky. He served Churches of Christ, one of three branches of the Stone-Campbell Movement for all of his long life as a song writer, song leader, minister, preacher, teacher, and singing school leader. The school he helped to found, the Texas Normal Singing School, still holds its camp every Summer.

The Taylors moved to Sherman, TX in 1890. There Austin began his music career as a singing school teacher and song writer. Two of his outstanding teachers were Horatio Richmond Palmer (1834-1907) of New York, who wrote songs such as “Master the Tempest is Raging,” “Angry Words,” and “O Lord, Our Lord,” and Dr. Horace Neel… Go to person page >

Text Information

  • Text Information
First Line: Whatever you do in word or deed
Title: Do All in the Name of the Lord
Author: Austin Taylor
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


Page Scans


Instances (1 — 2 of 2)


The Cyber Hymnal #15422

Display Title: Do All In The Name Of The Lord First Line: Whate’er you do in word or deed Tune Title: [Whate’er you do in word or deed] Author: Austin Taylor Source: Gospel Songs No. 2 by Austin Taylor and G. H. P. Showalter (Austin, TXL Firm Foundation Publishing Company, 1919

The Cyber Hymnal #15422

Include 14 pre-1979 instances

whatever you do — перевод на русский

Then whatever you do or say has a meaning.

Тогда в том, что бы ты не делал или ни говорил, появится смысл.

Whatever you do, don’t touch him.

Что бы ты не делал, не трогай его.

Wherever you go, whatever you do or think, I’ll be watching you.

Куда бы ты не пошел, что бы ты не делал или не думал — я буду следить за тобой.

Now, whatever you do, don’t act nervous, okay?

Что бы ты не делал, веди себя спокойно.

Whatever you do, don’t raise that heat shield.

Что бы вы не делали, не поднимайте тепловой экран.

Показать ещё примеры для «что бы ты не делал»…

Whatever you do, I can’t go through with it.

Что бы ты не сделал, я не могу пойти на это.

Yes, I know. Victor, whatever I do, will you believe that I…?

Я знаю Виктор, что бы я ни сделала, ты будешь верить, что я…

Whatever you did, do it again.

Что бы ты ни сделал, сделай это снова.

Whatever you do, remember you’ve been asked.

Что бы ты ни сделала, помни, что просили твоего согласия.

Whatever we do only proves their claims.

А если сделаем, то попадём в ловушку.

Показать ещё примеры для «что бы ты не сделал»…

I don’t know if we’re gonna make 15 miles or 5 but whatever we do… we’ll do it right.

Не знаю, пройдем ли мы 15 миль или 5, но что бы ни случилось, действовать надо правильно.

Son, whatever you do, don’t sell that cow.»

«Сынок, что бы ни случилось, не продавай эту корову»!

Whatever you do, don’t drop it!

Что бы ни случилось, не бросай его!

Now whatever you do don’t tell them where I am.

Что бы ни случилось — не говори им, где я.

Whatever you do, don’t panic!

Что бы ни случилось, без паники!

Показать ещё примеры для «что бы ни случилось»…

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by Allison Gentry

Then God
said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image,
according to Our likeness…’ Genesis 1:26a (NASB)

As a writer, I love the fact God chose to write a Book to communicate all truth to us. Better yet, He chose to write
a series of sixty-six books that
together constitute the Bible. He is literally the bestselling author of all time!

When you and I write, we’re doing more than dabbling in a hobby or
paying the bills—we’re imitating God’s likeness. Nothing else in all creation
can communicate through the written word. Only mankind was fashioned after
God’s image and given such distinctive, exceptional qualities. Painting, music
and even a good work of fiction can only be accomplished and appreciated by

Whether you’re currently penning a fluffy magazine article
on makeup or a doctrinal heavyweight on angelology, you’re exercising the
skills inherited from your Father. What is more, you’re exercising the gifts of
talent God bestows on only a few of His children. You and I are very special to
Him and so is everything we write. 

Let’s not continue to go about our day-to-day writing
forgetting the marvel of what we’re accomplishing and the splendor of what
we’re creating. Instead let’s strive with every word we write, contract we
sign, and conference we attend to bring glory to God, being thankful that it is
by His majestic Hand we are able and gifted to do so.

3:17 reads, «Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him
to God the Father.” (NASB) 

Allison Gentry is a born and raised southern
belle and daughter of a Baptist pastor. She earned a Bachelor of Science in
Religion from Liberty University and later attended graduate classes at The
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Her growing blog,
A Lady’s Guide to the Christian Life,
is a charter member of the Bible Gateway Blogger Grid. Through short,
understandable posts and printable resources Allison guides her readers on an
excursion into the Bible, digging out practical application and hope for the
Christian life. Connect with Allison on

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