What words are missing one word is odd


«      »                2016  г.

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 а,б классах                 2015-2016 учебный год                                                                                                   1 вариант

  1. Find the second part of each sentence.

1. He used to get up early in the morning….    A. because he always did everything perfectly

2. Our family used to go to the Black Sea….  B. only if she couldn’t do without my help

3. She didn’t use to check his homework….    C. when he had a dog

4. We didn’t use to see each other                    D. because we lived too far

very often…  

5. I used to help her…                                       E. every summer

  1. Past Simple or Past Continuous? Choose the right verbal form.

1. -What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday?

    — We…………tennis.

a. played                         b. were playing

2. But ………you…………at 12?

a. didn’t …study             b. weren’t…..studying

3. While I ………….to my teacher, she was riding a bike round us.

a. talked                           b. was talking

4. When I ………..into the room, all the guests were watching a movie and laughing loudly.

a. came                             b. was coming

5. When I entered the classroom, only one girl……………..at her place.

a. sat                                  b. was sitting

  1. Find the proper answer to each phrase.

1. What part wasn’t finished?

a. No, it wasn’t.  

 b. We just didn’t have enough time.  

c. Only the second one. The first and the third parts were completed.

2. When was it changed?

a. It could change all our life.

b. Nobody knows exactly.

c. Excuse me, can you change fifty dollars into pounds?

3. Oh, it looks as if these are made of glass!

a. They are made in China. A lot of things are made in China now. Cars and chairs and glasses….and all.

b. Would you like a glass of cold water?

c. But they really are! Be careful! Don’t jump at them!

  1. Agree in a short way.

1. — Her elder brother plays chess very well.

    — So ______ I.

2. — My parents have been to Greece many times.

    — ______   _______      mine.

3. — They knew about it.

    — ________   _______  my brother.

4. — We were very glad to see him again.

    — ________   _______    I.

5. – They’ll be there not earlier than at five thirty.

    — _________   _________  I.

  1. Ann has told you about her short story using Reported Speech. Begin your story with the words: “ Ann told me that ….. “

“ (1) I’ve just come back from Karelia! (2) Oh, it was such a wonderful trip! (3) I want to go there again. (4) I met many new friends there. (5) I will write letters to them. (6) And also I will send them my photos. (7) Will you go there with me next summer? “








  1. What words are missing? ( One word is odd )

Among     careful        swallow          going    

Knowledge        saved       respect      worry

1. He _______ the child but nobody knows his name.

2. You should ____________ their feelings, shouldn’t you?

3. Remember it! It’s very important_________________!

4. But isn’t it___________ to rain?

5. Oh, be ____________ ! It’s too cold and windy today!

6. He is the best one ____________ all of them.

7. But he couldn’t __________ a spoon! He’s joking!

  1. Write in English.

1.Она не говорит ни по – английски, ни по – немецки.

— — —   — — — — — —   — — — — — — —     — — — — — — —    — — —    — — — — — — .

2.  Выиграет или моя сестра, или её подруга.

— — — — — —     — —   — — — — — —    — —   — — —   — — — — — —     — — — —   — — — .

3. Это мяч – мой! Не твой!

— — — —     — — — —   — —    — — — — ! — — —    — — — — — !

Ответы 1 вариант.

№ 1    

  1. C ;  2. E  ;  3. A  ;4. D  ; 5. B

№ 2

  1. B ; 2. B ; 3.B ; 4.A ; 5. B

№ 3

  1. C ; 2. B ; 3. C

№ 4

  1. So do I
  2. So have
  3. So did he
  4. So was I
  5. So will I

№ 5

  1. Ann told me ( that ) she had just come back from Karelia.
  2. She said ( that )  it had been a wonderful trip.
  3. She said ( that )  she wanted to go there again.
  4. She told me ( that )  she had met many new friends there.
  5. She said ( that )  she would write letters to them.
  6. She said ( that )  she would send them her photos.
  7. She asked me if I would go there with her the next summer.

№ 6

  1. Saved
  2. Respect
  3. Knowledge
  4. Going
  5. Careful
  6. Among
  7. Swallow

№ 7

  1. She speaks neither English nor German.
  2. Either my sister or her friend will win.
  3. This ball is mine! Not yours!

Test 3

1.Find the proper reply to each sentence.

1.My friend has had a pain in
his stomach all this week.

      a)Let him eat more!

      b)Then why doesn’t he
keep to a diet?

      c)Do you study together?

2.My brother never goes to see
a doctor because he doesn’t believe any doctors.

     a)Is he younger than you?

     b)Can he help us with

     c)But is he an absolutely
healthy person?

3.You definitely have no
symptoms of a cold.

      a)You should keep to a

      b)Shall we go together?

      c)But I don’t feel well!
I think I have a high temperature.

2.Fill in the
missing words.

1)Where _____ the money?

2)No news ______good news.

3)Thank you for your advice. ____
helped me much. – My pleasure.

4) She sees no progress. – But
it’s not true! There _____ some progress now!

5)This knowledge ____ enough to
get a high mark. – I see.

3.What words are  missing?
(one word is odd!)

dairy                               soft                            sick

definite                          keeps

on a diet                         suffers

1)Your brother doesn’t look well!
– No, he doesn’t. He _____ from headaches all this week.

2)She is not _______! She’s just
too tired!

3)You should put the ______
article here!

4)She’s a nice-looking girl, with
beautiful eyes and a _____voice. – Oh, is she?

5)-Why don’t you eat anything?
Are you _______?

   -I am. I eat only fruit and  
_____ products today.

   -I see.

4. Among the words given below
find equivalents to the next Russian words:

eatable                                     seriousness              happiness

enjoyable                                 weakness                 greatness

countable                                 serious

breakable                                 changeable               readiness

Ломкий –

Счастье –

Серьёзность –

Переменчивость –

5.Retell these words using
Reported Speech.

1)Bill: “Where will you go

2) Mark: “ I can swim well.”

3)Natasha: “I haven’t seen Tom
this week.”

4) Mike: “ I did this task two
days ago.”

5) Jim: “Have you ever been to
London, Boris?”


ENTRANCE TEST                                                      (Входная контрольная работа)

1)  Find the second part of each sentence.

1.  He used to get up early in the morning           a. because he always did everything perfectly.

2.  Our family used to go to the Black Sea          b. only if she couldn’t do without my help.                                      

3.  She didn’t use to check his  homework           с when he had a dog.                                        

4.  We didn’t use to see each other  very often          d. because we lived too far.

5.  I used to help her.                                                .e. every summer.

2)  Past Simple or Past Continuous? Choose the right verbal form.

1.  — What were you doing at seven o’clock yesterday? — We   _____________________   tennis.

a. played                            b. were playing

2.  But   ____________   you   ____________   at twelve?

a. didn’t. study             b. weren’t. studying

3.  While I   ____________   to my teacher, she was riding a bike round us.

a. talked                            b. was talking

4.  When I    _______________    into the room, all the guests were watching a

movie and laughing loudly.

a. came                              b. was coming

5.  When I entered the classroom, only one girl   ____________   at her place.

a. sat                                  b. was sitting

3)  Find the proper answer to each phrase.

1.  What part wasn’t finished?

a.  No, it wasn’t.

b.  We just didn’t have enough time.

c.  Only the second one. The first and the third parts were completed.

2.  When was it changed?

a.  It could change all our life.

b.  Nobody knows exactly.

c.  Excuse me, can you change fifty dollars into pounds?

3.  Oh, it looks as if these chairs are made of glass!

a.  They are made in China. A lot of things are made in China now. Cars and chairs and glasses. and all.

b.  Would you like a glass of cold water?

c.  But they really are! Be careful! Don’t jump at them!

4)  Agree in a short way.

1.  — Her elder brother plays chess very well.

—    So   ________    I.

2.  — My parents have been to Greece many times.

— _____   ________   mine.

3.  — They knew about it.

— _____     ________   my brother.

4.  — We were very glad to see him again.

— _____     ________     _____. (= «Me too»)

5.  — They’ll be there not earlier than at five thirty.

— ______   ______   ______. (= «Me too»)

5)  Ann has told you about her trip. Retell her short story using Reported Speech. Begin your story with the words: «Ann told me that.»

«(1) I’ve just come back from Karelia! (2) Oh, it was such a wonderful trip! (3) I want to go there again. (4) I met many new friends there. (5) I will write let­ters to them. (6) And also I will send them my photos. (7) Will you go there with me next summer?»








6)  What words are missing? One word is odd!

among              careful                 swallow            going

knowledge              saved                 respect            worry

1.   He   _____________   the child but nobody knows his name.

2.  You should   _____________   their feelings, shouldn’t you?

3.   Remember it! It’s very important   ___________________ !

4.  But isn’t it   _______________   to rain?

5.  Oh, be   ____________ ! It’s too cold and windy today!

6.   He is the best one   ____________   all of them.

7.  But he couldn’t   ____________   a spoon! He’s joking!

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«Входная контрольная работа 6 класс (углуб. изучение) »

Получи верный ответ на вопрос 🏆 «Find the odd words (найдите лишние слова).1) January, February, March, December2) May, June, July, August3) September, April, October, …» по предмету 📕 Английский язык, используя встроенную систему поиска. Наша обширная база готовых ответов поможет тебе получить необходимые сведения!

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Главная » Английский язык » Find the odd words (найдите лишние слова).1) January, February, March, December2) May, June, July, August3) September, April, October, November4) winter, April, March, May5) November, winter, summer, autumn6) rain, snow, wind, nice7) grey, hot,

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Which word is odd one out? Помогите пожалуйста.



30 Апр, 18


(163 баллов)

в категории Английский язык

1 Ответ

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30 Апр, 18


(180 баллов)

Лучший ответ

2. sport

3. tarantulas

4. spiders

5. cup

6. penguin (?)

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30 Апр, 18


(163 баллов)

Спасибо большое

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