Возможна дегустация блюд из страусиного мяса и яиц.
The availability of animal products, especially meat and eggs, is insufficient.
Обеспеченность в продукции животного происхождения, особенно мяса и яиц, недостаточна.
ПТИЦЕФАБРИКА АРАКС Птицефабрика« Аракс»-
лидер на рынке по производству куриных яиц, мяса и полуфабрикатов.
The main goal of breeding of agricultural
bird is a receiving highly nourishing
dietary foodstuff: meat and eggs.
Главная цель разведения сельскохозяйственной птицы-
получение высокопитательных
диетических пищевых продуктов: мяса и яиц.
The sector of household farms is losing its positions as compared with 2011:
it produced not only less milk but also less meat and eggs.
Сектор личных подсобных хозяйств теряет свои позиции относительно 2011 г.:
здесь произведено меньше не только молока, но
мяса и яиц.
Dairy products, meat and eggs also contain big amounts of protein,
but always in a lower amount in comparison with high-quality whey protein.
Молочные продукты, мясо и яйца так же содержат большое количество белка,
однако всег- да меньше в сравнении с качественным сывороточным белком.
NUE indicated how well the imported N on the farm was used to produce crops
ЭИА показывает, насколько рационально поступающий в хозяйство азот используется для производства зерновых культур
продуктов животноводства молока, мяса и яиц.
Salmonella enter the body through any of your products: meat and eggs, boiled sausages,
again- through poorly washed fruits
А возбудители сальмонеллеза попадают в организм через любые зараженные продукты: мясо и яйца, вареную колбасу,
опять же- через плохо вымытые фрукты
Both better-off
poor households will supplement their food needs with livestock products,
Как зажиточные, так
малоимущие домашние хозяйства восполняют свои продовольственные нужды за счет продуктов животноводства,
The total value of these increases is estimated to amount to approximately US$ 3.8 billion, of which cereals,
dairy products, meat and eggs account for some 86 per cent.
Общий стоимостной объем такого прироста, согласно оценкам, составляет приблизительно 3, 8 млрд. долл. США, из которых примерно
86% приходится на зерновые, молочные продукты, мясо и яйца.
It has been reported that the most vulnerable inhabitants of the
occupied territories are buying less meat and eggs, thereby reducing their children’s intake of protein,
which results in a deterioration of their nutritional state.
Сообщается, что находящиеся в наиболее уязвимом положении
жители оккупированных территорий покупают меньше мяса и яиц, сокращая содержание протеина в рационе своих детей,
что приводит к ухудшению общего состояния их питания.
The Working Party was informed about the recent work of WP.7 on the development of commercial agricultural quality standards for fresh fruit
vegetables, dry
dried produce;
Рабочая группа была проинформирована о проводимой в последнее время работе WP. 7 по подготовке коммерческих сельскохозяйственных стандартов качества для свежих фруктов
овощей; сухих
сушеных продуктов;
семенного картофеля; мяса и яиц;
срезанных цветов.
Results of observations indicated that beneficiaries would like to have an increase in ration sizes
the addition of other commodities such as tomato paste,
Результаты обследований показали, что получатели продовольствия хотели бы, чтобы размеры их пайков были увеличены
включали такие другие наименования, как томатная паста,
The WP.11 was informed about the recent work of WP.7 on the development of commercial agricultural quality standards for fresh fruit
vegetables, dry
dried produce,
Рабочая группа WP. 11 была проинформирована о проводящейся в последнее время работе WP. 7 по подготовке коммерческих сельскохозяйственных стандартов качества для свежих фруктов
овощей, сухих
сушеных продуктов;
семенного картофеля; мяса и яиц; а также срезанных цветов.
In the restaurant you may taste all the traditional Greek cuisine, made with the ecological
well chosen ingredients such as virgin olive oil,
fresh vegetables, fruits, cheeses, meat and eggs, all made from the family’s farms.
В нашем ресторане вы можете попробовать блюда традиционной греческой кухни, приготовленные из экологически чистых отборных продуктов, таких как экстра- девственное оливковое масло, свежие овощи, фрукты,
сыры, мясо и яйца; все эти продукты приобретаются у лучших производителей острова Лесбос.
Animal feed
medicines play an important part in the food chain
have implications for the composition
quality of the livestock products(milk, meat and eggs) that people consume.
Корма для скота
лекарственные препараты для животных играют важную роль в продовольственной цепочке
оказывают влияние на
качество продуктов животноводства( молока, мяса и яиц), потребляемых населением.
Although not a priority for Seychelles economy, local production of fruits,
vegetables, meat and eggs continue to contribute significantly to local consumption
save foreign exchange.
Хотя оно
не является приоритетным для сейшельской экономики, все же местное производство
фруктов, овощей, мяса и яиц продолжает вносить вклад в местное потребление
в результате ведет к экономии иностранной валюты.
Запасы, производство мяса и яиц, потребление для собственных нужд.
Xiv Encouraging poultry farming
improving local breeds for meat and egg production.
Xiv развитие птицеводства
улучшение местных пород для увеличения производства мяса и яиц.
A total of 151 poultry-breeding microprojects for meat and egg production in the same number of communities,
with a flock of 45,300 domestic fowl in special purpose-built huts.
В общей сложности реализован 151 микропроект по птицеводству( производство мяса и яиц) в таком же количестве общин с численностью 45
300 птиц на домашних птичьих дворах
в специально сооруженных сараях.
Apart from the hot drinks
fresh fruit juices, cereals, fresh breads to enjoy with jams
conserves, chocolate or a wide selection of cheeses,
sliced meats and eggs, our homemade sweets are sure to leave
a long-lasting impression on you.
Помимо горячих напитков
свежих соков, злаков
свежего хлеба, которыми можно насладиться с джемами,
шоколадом или широким выбором сыров, мяса и яиц, отель должен оставить гастрономически неизгладимый
след в сознании путешественника со своими конфетами самодельный.
On your breakfast table you will find fruit
vegetables, traditional stuffed pancakes, Latvian bread, morning porridge
and eggs,
variety of cheeses, yoghurt
milk, honey,
Вам будут предложены фрукты
овощи, традиционные блинчики с начинкой, латвийский хлеб
ассортимент сыров, свежеприготовленные салаты, йогурт
молоко, мед, мюсли
утреннюю кашу,
From 7.15 to 11.15 the Buffet is open to all Hotel guests, with a wide variety of rigorously homemade cakes, bread,
salads, along with many meat and egg dishes to satisfy the most varied tastes
start the day with pleasure
С 7: 15 до 11: 15 шведский стол открыт для всех Гостей Отеля с широким разнообразием десертов только собственного производства, хлеб,
салаты, наряду со многими блюдами из мяса и яиц, чтобы удовлетворить самые разнообразные запросы
начать день со вкусом
Птицефабрика« Свердловская»- крупный производитель мяса птиц и яиц.
В результате было повышено производство молока, мяса и яиц.
Avocados are widespread in vegetarian dishes, which serves as a substitute for meat and eggs.
Авокадо широко распространенно в вегетарианских блюдах, где служит в качестве замены мясу и яйцам.
The consumption of meat and eggs has dropped by 22 per cent
30 per cent respectively.
Потребление мяса и яиц сократилось, соответственно, на 22 процента
30 процентов.
Also, some risk is present for consumers of poultry meat and eggs to bacterial infections such as Salmonella
Кроме того, существует некоторый риск заражения( также для потребителей мяса птицы и яиц) бактериями, такими как сальмонелла
The farm is equipped with the latest generation technology
is mainly engaged in the production of poultry meat and eggs.
Хозяйство оборудовано технологией последнего поколения
занимается в основном производством мяса птицы и яиц.
Fresh milk, pork, poultry meat and eggs satisfy fully the local demand
no imports of those items are realized.
Потребности местного населения в свежем молоке, свинине, мясе птицы и яйцах полностью удовлетворяются, в связи с чем эти продукты не завозятся.
He also stressed it was safe to continue eating meat and eggs, providing they were properly cooked.
Sometimes referred to as «The Cave Man Diet,» the Paleolithic diet focuses on real, pre-agricultural whole foods such as wild-caught seafood, pastured meat and eggs, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, and eschews dairy, legumes, grains and all processed, industrialized foods such as wheat flour, high fructose corn syrup and soy bean oil, which form the majority of calories consumed in a Standard American Diet.
While some parents shy away from offering meat and eggs to babies this young, you don’t have to.
But we keep with grass fed meat and eggs, organic fried potatoes.
As more consumers strive to buy ethically, pressure is building on the state and federal governments to legislate specific labelling terms for how chicken meat and eggs are produced to ensure companies do not hoodwink shoppers.
OK Ranch and Lance’s Farm Vittles (both from Bay City, OR) will both be offering natural meats and eggs.
Lean meats and eggs are examples of low proteins of good quality that you can include in your homemade renal diet.
(I do plan to cut meat and eggs completely though, as I feel better when I eat meals without them).
For grain-free wet foods, Nutro offers a wide variety of products including sliced entrees, minced cuisine, chunky loaf dinners, meat and egg skillets, and more.
Strained meats and egg yolks — but not the whites until 1 year of age — may be introduced at 8 months of age, according to MedlinePlus.
We do not use them, but if you need it, we would recommend a 100 % Egg White Protein or a blend of meat and egg, like PaleoPro Protein Powders.
Refined carbohydrates should be avoided, animal meats and eggs also have acid forming effects and should be kept to the minimal until healthy pH levels are restored.
In his famous textbook, he described treatment of obesity with diets predominantly featuring meat and eggs and low in refined carbohydrates.
In other studies that checked different types of animal proteins, meat and egg proteins were not associated with IGF1 levels.
Follow these simple steps to get rid of the sugar demons inside: Eat quality meat and eggs from pastured or grass fed animals at each meal to control blood sugar Eat wild fish 3 times a week for omega-3’s that…
Our meat and egg ingredients are dehydrated at a high enough temperature to kill any pathogenic bacteria that may be present, and the required temperature for this is above 120 degrees F.
I control our poultry venture that produces quail eggs and has improved on meat and egg laying village poultry varieties and has designed local incubators so as to improve access to proteins in a region where resilience to diseases is vital.
It is found in fish, meat and eggs only.
All the meat and eggs I eat are from hormone free animals, and I’ve been eating very well, so I just don’t understand why a year hasn’t been enough time for things to right themselves.
Likewise the omega-3 fatty acids in cod liver oil require balance by omega-6 arachidonic acid (AA), found in butter, meat fats, organ meats and egg yolks.
a blend of the vegan and paleo diets (which does include some meat and eggs but omits grains, dairy, etc).
Here you can purchase Glynwood’s AWA-approved, pasture-raised meat and eggs (our beef is 100 % grass-fed and finished) and USDA Certified Organic vegetables, as well as award-winning products from other regional producers.
We raise chickens (both for meat and eggs), it is a great curse when chickens eat their own eggs — they must be then turned into meat-birds.
Nuts may not be as awesome as meat and eggs, but they are a cost-effective way to pack in tons of quality calories.
Nowadays I adhere much closer to the paleo lifestyle so now you’ll find delicious grain-free/gluten-free recipes that include seasonal vegetables and quality animal products, including meat and eggs (no dairy).
Another, more nervous perhaps, may find meat and eggs and cheeses an active poison, and have to live with what grace he can on salads and cooked squash.»
I am a member of WPF and only eat the meats and eggs from Sally’s farm in Brandywine.
What we do insist on is that by 6 months, baby is given iron-rich solid food like liver, meat and egg yolks.
«Companies like [them] are experimenting with new ways to use heat and pressure to turn plants into foods that look and taste just like meat and eggs,» he wrote.
Proteins are found in all types of food, but only foods from animal sources, such as meat and eggs contain complete proteins, meaning they provide the eight essential amino acids.
She is a proud 5th generation chicken keeper who grew up across the street from her grandparents» farm where she watched them care for their own chickens, using the meat and eggs in the family’s diner.
You’d think things like raw meat and eggs would be more «natural» for a dog’s diet.
Sunflower seeds are inferior to pumpkin seeds, with 1358 mg and 1386 mg respectively, but still useful for when meat and eggs are off the menu.
All three startups share a similar mission: create sustainable, plant-based alternatives to meat and egg products without sacrificing taste.
Companies like Beyond Meat and Hampton Creek Foods are experimenting with new ways to use heat and pressure to turn plants into foods that look and taste just like meat and eggs.
Red meat and eggs also contain iron, but it’s a myth that they’re the only good sources of it.
Do you know whether or not there’s any pending legislation for the Department of Agriculture to take similar safety measures for meat and eggs?
Load up on good meats and eggs, healthy fats, TONS of vegetables, some fruit, some nuts and seeds, and some full fat dairy if you tolerate it.
These days there are plenty of widely available, delicious and healthy alternatives to meat and eggs.
For some, consuming copious amounts of skinless chicken breast meat and egg white will do the trick.
If you are ready to commit to better health through nutrition the best advise I can give you is start simple — lots of fresh veggies, lower sugar fruits like berries, nuts, pasture-raised meats and eggs.
They can also give you a morning dose of protein via meat and eggs.
Because of the wholesomeness associated with the term «organic,» many consumers take for granted that all certified organic poultry raised for meat and eggs are raised outside on green pasture.
While these guidelines are certain to rile vegetarian and vegan groups, the fact is that meat and eggs are indeed perfect weaning foods for a baby.
Fowl meat and eggs are fairly climate-friendly meat products.
After this foundation of plant foods, you need to add in some animal products, like meat and eggs, which will provide…
My carbs are probably between 8-15 grams a day since 90 % of my diet consists of meat and eggs.
Good sources are all nuts and seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil.
Protein is best absorbed from muscle meats, organ meat and eggs.
The diet allows you to eat poultry, fish, low-fat cheeses, red meat and eggs.
Many different animals and birds have been hunted in the wild, but only a few have been raised for their meat. In the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, China and Greece people raised pigs, sheep, cattle and poultry like chickens and ducks, and all these are still being raised today. Even though much has changed since ancient times, the kinds of meat and poultry we eat today are still mostly the same.
In a modern supermarket we see the same meats, although the cuts may have changed. Today’s cuts of beef include topside, spare ribs and steaks like fillet and T-bone steak as well as various cuts of veal. We also see legs of lamb and lamb chops as well as mutton from older sheep. Many cuts of pork are also seen, including legs of pork, pork chops and pork spare ribs as well as cured pig meats like bacon and ham. Meats of all kinds are diced for making dishes like stew or minced to make sausages, meat pies and hamburger patties.
Rabbit and goat meat is also eaten in many places, as are various kinds of offal like liver, kidney, heart, tripe and brains. Offal and meats like ox tongue, sheep’s head and pig’s feet or «trotters» are often eaten by people who can’t afford more expensive meats, or in places where every edible part of a slaughtered animal is cooked and eaten. In ancient times people also hunted game like wild boar, deer, quail and pheasant, and all these meats are also eaten today, especially in expensive restaurants.
Birds kept as poultry include chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. Whole birds can be boiled or roasted, or they can be cut into pieces before being cooked. When eating fried chicken, for example, we can eat pieces of breast or wings or drumsticks. Eggs from poultry are also an important type of food, with chicken eggs being the most popular. When shopping, you can choose to buy free-range poultry or free-range eggs if you don’t like factory farming in which birds are kept in small cages and never allowed to range freely in the outside world.
beef spare ribs
beef topside
chicken breasts
chicken wings
diced goat meat
fillet steak
ham on the bone or honey glazed ham
leg of lamb
minced pork
ox tongue
ox heart
pork leg
sliced ham
T-bone steak
bacon (noun): meat from the back or sides of a pig that’s cured and sliced — We had bacon and eggs every morning when I was a kid.
beef (noun): meat from a cow, bull or ox — We’re having roast beef and vegetables for dinner.
breast (noun): meat from the front of a bird — Who’d like another piece of chicken breast?
chop (noun): a small cut of meat, usually lamb or pork, from near the ribs — Could you get some pork chops from the supermarket, please?
cure (verb): to preserve meat by smoking, salting or drying — Ham and bacon can be cured by salting or smoking.
cut (noun): a piece of meat cut from a certain part of an animal — That butcher on High Street has the best cuts of beef.
dice (verb): to cut food into small cubes or square-shaped pieces — A steak and kidney pie contains diced meat and gravy.
drumstick (noun): a cooked chicken leg — Don’t eat all the drumsticks!
free-range (adjective): (of poultry) free to live naturally outside instead of being kept inside a farm building — Make sure you get free-range eggs.
game (noun): 1. wild animals and birds hunted by people 2. meat from hunted animals and birds — The only places that serve game these days are expensive restaurants.
ham (noun): cured meat from a pig’s upper leg, usually sliced — I’ll have a ham sandwich, please.
lamb (noun): 1. a young sheep 2. meat from a young sheep — People have been eating lamb for thousands of years.
meat (noun): animal or bird flesh eaten as food — Jason quit eating meat, but he still eats fish and seafood.
mince (verb): to cut meat into tiny pieces, often with a machine called a mincer — If you get some minced beef I’ll make hamburgers for dinner.
mutton (noun): meat from an adult sheep — David thinks they put mutton in the curry instead of lamb.
offal (noun): organs from an animal or bird eaten as food, like liver, heart and kidney — In the past everyone ate offal, but I’ve never tried it.
pork (noun): meat from a pig — Do you know which religions forbid the eating of pork?
poultry (noun): 1. birds kept for their meat or eggs 2. meat from these birds — We serve meat, fish and poultry, all with salad or vegetables.
sausage (noun): minced meat in a long tube of skin, usually fried — How many sausages are you taking to the barbecue?
slaughter (verb): to kill an animal for its meat — Have you ever seen animals being slaughtered in a slaughterhouse?
spare ribs (noun): a cut of pork or beef that contains rib bones — Last night I dreamed about eating spare ribs.
steak (noun): a thick slice of high-quality beef — I don’t think steak and chips is a very healthy dinner for kids.
tripe (noun): the stomach of a sheep or cow eaten as food — My uncle likes tripe, but I think it’s awful.
veal (noun): meat from a calf or young cow — I’ll have the veal with garden vegetables, please.
Contributor: Josef Essberger
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мяса и яиц
мясе и яйцах
мясом и яйцами
яиц и мяса
мясо и яйца
яйца и мясо
Yes, there is no need to give up meat and eggs.
Так что нет никакой необходимости отказываться от омлетов и яичниц.
For meat and eggs, it means that the animals were not fed genetically modified foods.
В случае молочных или мясных изделий это свидетельствует, что животные не получали корм, который содержал генетически измененные растения.
Other sources include meat and eggs.
We also produced meat and eggs for our own use.
increase the production of poultry meat and eggs using highly productive and technological breeds and hybrids of different poultry species
увеличение производства свинины на основе разведения высокопродуктивных и технологичных пород и гибридов
Some 200 families decide what the farm will produce-and they will eventually eat-and employ a farmer to tend to the animals for meat and eggs and grow the dozen kinds of fruits and vegetables.
Около 200 семей сообща решают, что будет производить ферма — и в конечном итоге они будут есть — и нанимают фермера, который ухаживает за животными и выращивает дюжину разновидностей фруктов и овощей.
Since there is no quantitative restrictions on the entry of meat and eggs, during the diet you will not be hungry.
Поскольку протасовка не налагает ограничений на размер порций, голод во время диеты отсутствует.
Meat and eggs and fruits are ok, but not too much.
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In my language, there’s a word that describes the smell of raw meat and the same word is used to refer to the smell of eggs and fish. It’s a word that refers to the smell that is associated with animal products in general. I know that the smell of raw fish is different than the smell of raw chicken, but still in my language we use one word to describe the repulsive smell of raw animal products, be them beef, chicken, fish, eggs…etc. And to counter that smell, we add vanilla, black pepper, lemon juice, or vinegar.
Mind you, I’m not talking about meat that went bad. Even if meat is still edible, it still has a distinct smell that some people find somewhat unappetizing.
I’m looking for a similar word in English. Here’s what I’ve found so far:
1- Eggy — fishy (specifically for eggs/fish)
2- Gamey (specifically for animals caught from the wild, not farmed animals)
My questions are:
1- Can we use «gamey» to describe the repulsive smell of raw animals bought at the supermarket?
2- Do you know of any other word that describes this smell?
Thank you
I only associate «repulsive» smells with meat/fish etc that has begun to decompose. Fresh meat, fish etc does not have a «repulsive» smell, in fact it has very little smell if it really is fresh. If it had begun to decompose and small bad, we might well say it smells «rotten» or «off» etc.
Last edited: Oct 27, 2020
Eggy, fishy, and gamey tend to have negative connotations. One reason is that eggs, fish, and game are supposed to smell that way, so the adjectives are not used to describe them.
They are only use to describe foods (or other things) that have an unexpected or strange smell, i.e. one not usually associated with them.
1- Can we use «gamey» to describe the repulsive smell of raw animals bought at the supermarket?
I’ve eaten a lot of moose, elk, pheasant, venison, wild ducks, wild geese, etrc., but I’ve only used «gamey» to describe meat that’s slightly tainted (or, as in BE «off.»), regardless of the source.
In the U.S. we don’t generally don’t hang wild meat until it starts to smell, however. Hanging Pheasants and Game Birds — Hunter Angler Gardener Cook
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2020
gam•y or gam•ey /ˈgeɪmi/ adj., -i•er, -i•est.
- having the tangy flavor of game esp. when slightly tainted.
2- Do you know of any other word that describes this smell?
This may be a cultural thing, emanko. I can’t think of anything specific.
1- Can we use «gamey» to describe the repulsive smell of raw animals bought at the supermarket?
2- Do you know of any other word that describes this smell?
(1) If you want to comment about the smell of raw meat, you can always say It smells like raw meat. The adjective meaty won’t serve well to express your disgust with the smell. (2) You can also use the verb stink: It stinks like blood, like raw meat, like putrid chicken, etc.
Last edited: Oct 28, 2020
Hmmm. In North America I mostly shop in supermarkets, where everything is tightly wrapped in plastic. Sometimes I go to small butcher shops, but they are also very tidy and usually low volume.
I remember the smell of freshly collected eggs in a henhouse when I was a child visiting on a farm, but I never get that smell from supermarket eggs.
There’s no word in English for the general smell of animal products, but that might also be because there is no smell of animal products
When I lived in Hong Kong I happily shopped for vegetables and fruits at the big traditional open markets, but I have to admit the live chickens and meat and fish defeated me. I wasn’t doing much cooking at home anyhow, but if I got animal products I went to one of the plastic wrapped British style supermarkets . I think I was just transitioning out of being a vegetarian anyhow that year.
But I can certainly see that was the sort of market where an all purpose word for the smell of animal products would be a useful term!
Hmmm. In North America I mostly shop in supermarkets, where everything is tightly wrapped in plastic. Sometimes I go to small butcher shops, but they are also very tidy and usually low volume.
I remember the smell of freshly collected eggs in a henhouse when I was a child visiting on a farm, but I never get that smell from supermarket eggs.
There’s no word in English for the general smell of animal products, but that might also be because there is no smell of animal products
When I lived in Hong Kong I happily shopped for vegetables and fruits at the big traditional open markets, but I have to admit the live chickens and meat and fish defeated me. I wasn’t doing much cooking at home anyhow, but if I got animal products I went to one of the plastic wrapped British style supermarkets
. I think I was just transitioning out of being a vegetarian anyhow that year.
But I can certainly see that was the sort of market where an all purpose word for the smell of animal products would be a useful term!
Thank you so much for the detailed response.
I partly disagree with you about animal products not having a smell.
Let’s say I give you a plate where I put a kind of fresh meat you’ve never tried before. And on another plate I put a fruit that you’ve also never known before. If you’re blindfolded, wouldn’t you be able to tell just from the smell that what’s on the first plate is part of an animal(a kind of meat or animal product) and what’s on the second is a plant or at least not meat?
Also, I liked the example you gave of the market, but I’d like to make a distinction between the smell of livestock and the smell of raw chicken meat, beef or fish. What I’m asking about is the smell of raw meat.
I’ve eaten a lot of moose, elk, pheasant, venison, wild ducks, wild geese, etrc., but I’ve only used «gamey» to describe meat that’s slightly tainted (or, as in BE «off.»), regardless of the source.
You’re saying that we can use «gamey» to describe any meat that doesn’t smell good, whether it’s wild or farmed?
You’re saying that we can use «gamey» to describe any meat that doesn’t smell good, whether it’s wild or farmed?
You may be confusing yourself with this question: it is possible to say that any red meat that is perhaps a little too old is «gamey». It is not used of white meats.
In general terms, red meats come from all mammals and all game birds, white meat comes from domestic birds. (Some people say pork, and particularly wild boar, is a red meat; some say domestic pork is white. Either way, pork is not hung, so it is never «gamey» and usually, we would say pork smelled «off» or «sour».)
The red/white distinction between the two meats is purely cultural. Scientifically, there are two types of meat that fall very approximately into the categories but there are significant exceptions that do not coincide with the red/white divide.
we would say pork smelled «off» or «sour».)
Does «off» or «sour» mean completely gone bad and inedible?
Does «off» or «sour» mean completely gone bad and inedible?
It means that it is rotten. Those words do not express the degree of decay involved, emanko, but people in the industrial west don’t typically eat rotten meat*. I suspect that our long familiarity with and dependence on preservatives, refrigeration, canning and packaging have caused most consumers to be very averse to any evidence of decomposition in the food that we eat.
*The deliberate aging of beef and game is about the only exception to this principle that I can think of. In this process, the amount of decomposition is carefully controlled in an effort to improve the flavor and tenderness of certain cuts of meat.
Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
Side note: At least in AE (Midwest), «gamey» can also mean «tastes like wild game» and is more descriptive than pejorative.
To quote an explanation found elsewhere on the internet:
In a more modern sense, it [gamey] typically refers to meats which most people aren’t accustomed to eating like deer, buffalo, elk, or other typically wild animals. Their diets can contribute to their meat having a different flavor than what most people are used to so it has a «gamey» or «wild» taste to it.
Example: «I’ve never eaten venison before. Does it have a gamey taste to it?»
Hello everyone
So, «gamey» can’t apply to farmed beef or chicken? And is it always negative? A bad smell?
You know, I think the problem is that people in the West got used to buying their meat and chicken prewashed and odor-free, whereas here in Egypt the butcher cuts the meat from the body of a freshly killed cow and directly packs it for customers. So it smells! And the chickens are killed in the shop, eviscerated, cleaned and packed on the spot. And they smell so repulsive afterwards. My mom has to soak chicken in a mixture of salt, vinegar and flour to get rid of the smell.
In my post here, people think that any smell means that the meat is off or slightly off because maybe they haven’t been through the experience of handling the meat of freshly killed animals.
That’s why I think that maybe «gamey» could be the best option, as it describes the repulsive smell of recently killed meat that you skin and clean yourself because you caught it in the wild. Or at least that’s how I understand the word «gamey»; correct me if I’m wrong, please.
What do you think?
So, «gamey» can’t apply to farmed beef or chicken?
It would be rare to call farmed beef «gamey»: In the UK, it is described as «aged». Chicken is a white meat (see #9 above) — white meats are never «gamey».
In my language, there’s a word that describes the smell of raw meat and the same word is used to refer to the smell of eggs and fish. It’s a word that refers to the smell that is associated with animal products in general. I know that the smell of raw fish is different than the smell of raw chicken, but still in my language we use one word to describe the repulsive smell of raw animal products, be them beef, chicken, fish, eggs…etc. And to counter that smell, we add vanilla, black pepper, lemon juice, or vinegar.
Mind you, I’m not talking about meat that went bad. Even if meat is still edible, it still has a distinct smell that some people find somewhat unappetizing.I’m looking for a similar word in English. Here’s what I’ve found so far:
1- Eggy — fishy (specifically for eggs/fish)
2- Gamey (specifically for animals caught from the wild, not farmed animals)
My questions are:
1- Can we use «gamey» to describe the repulsive smell of raw animals bought at the supermarket?
2- Do you know of any other word that describes this smell?Thank you
Emanko, I know what you are talking about. I see it as a matter of high taste in South Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. The meat is treated with the things you have named and more (ginger, garlic, clove, cardamom etc.) so there is no «whiff» of raw meat when eating. If someone can’t achieve this, their cooking skills and sometimes taste are questioned.
I don’t think «gamey» works for what you are talking about.
I describe it as the «whiff» of raw meat, or that the food is «too meaty» for my taste when I encounter the odor/whiff.
Hope that makes sense.
Gamey to me is what MagEditor says above. It refers to the possible taste of meat (even after being cooked) taken from wild game that was hunted instead of raised on a farm. Things like deer and elk and other wild animals. It’s about the taste, primarily.