What word turns on a woman

Dating Advice > Flirting > Words
by Bobby Rio
Updated: August 08, 2022

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words that turn women on

How do you turn a woman on

How do you get her excited for you, wanting you, feeling attraction for you?

Most guys try all the WRONG methods:

  • Gifts
  • Compliments
  • Showing her how nice you are
  • Being agreeable

None of that works.

Women are turned on by feeling an emotional experience that triggers desire.

In this article, I’m going to give you five words that you can say to a woman that turn her on.

I’ve seen guys struggle for years because they don’t grasp how attraction works.

They don’t realize that it’s a reaction.

It’s an instinct.

It’s something that kicks in that she can’t quite control.

And when you try to control that through things like complimenting her, or doing her favors, or trying to entertain her, it has the opposite effect.

Women are not turned on by niceness or compatibility.

What Feelings Turn A Woman On

  • Challenge: Women crave a mental challenge
  • Intimacy: Anytime you create an intimate vibe with a woman, it’s a natural turn-on.
  • Tension: Sexual tension or any element of tension makes women feel turned-on. As Chris Anderson says, anytime a man and woman stand close, there’s a spark of tension that creates attraction.
  • Ambiguity: When a woman isn’t sure what something means, it draws her in.

The five words that turn women on are words that create these emotions in a woman.

Word #1: “No”

The most attractive word that you can say to a woman is “no.”

It creates tension and challenge.

Asserting personal boundaries is an attractive quality of a high-value man.

When a woman sees that you respect yourself, it turns her on.

Saying “No” to Unreasonable Requests

Saying “no” could be in relation to her asking you something unreasonable.

Maybe you meet a new woman at a bar and after speaking for five seconds she says, “Buy me a drink.”

A nice guy will do it, because he’s so happy to be talking to her. He thinks buying a drink will win her affection.

But a woman will actually be more turned on by a guy that goes, “No, we just started talking. Let’s talk first and if it goes, well, I’ll buy you a drink.”

A lot of guys that are stuck in the friend zone are afraid to say no.

A woman might say, “Can you help me move furniture?” or “Can you drive me across town?”

When a nice guy says “yes,” she’ll see him as somebody that she can take advantage of.

But if you say, “I’m really not in the mood to move furniture, but I’d love to hang out,” that’s way more attractive.

Word #2: “Sexy”

The word “sexy” creates intimacy and sexual tension, but you’ve got to use it the right way.

If you just met a new woman or you’re in the first few seconds of a date and you say, “You’re sexy,” It comes across as disingenuous and a little too much.

Instead, say it when you two are back at your place after the date. Tell her how sexy she is.

As you get several minutes into a date, start slipping the word “sexy” into the conversation.

This one word differentiates a platonic conversation from a flirtatious one. You’re not going to use the word “sexy” talking to somebody you’re not interested in.

It’s a word that signifies interest, but you want to do it in a way that’s not overly aggressive.

Use it to build some tension, then let that tension be released.

The Elbow Example

You could say, “Hey, you have really sexy… elbows.”

That pause after the word “sexy” is to make her expect that you’re going to “breasts” or “legs” or “smile.”

While she’s expecting that, it’s going to build tension.

Then when you say “elbows,” it turns out to be a joke and the tension is diffused.

Instead of “elbows,” you could say, “You have a really sexy… overbite” or “You have a really sexy… earlobe.”

Because you diffuse the tension after a moment, you’re not creating so much tension that things get weird.

Yet you’ve also brought the tension and intimacy into the conversation to show that it’s not platonic. Because you wouldn’t speak like that with any of your guy friends.

Word #3: “Trouble”

“Trouble” is a fun word, because one of the things that turns women on is playfulness and flirtatiousness.

Back in college, most of my friends had crushes on this girl named Ashley. My friend James asked her out, but none of us expected him to get her. Not only did he get her, but they’re married now with kids.

One of the things that he did with her early on was he gave her the nickname “Trouble,” and he would always call her that.

That worked because it’s a little challenging and a little playful. It also signifies a “you and me” vibe. Plus there’s a saying: “He who names, owns.” It creates an extra intimacy.

You can do this, too.

If you tell her, “I’m going to call you Trouble,” she’s going to say, “Why do you call me that?”

You can say, “Well, the way you walk” or “the way you just flipped your hair” – make up any reason, then bring it home with, “I can just tell you’re trouble.”

It creates that flirtatiousness and intimacy that turn women on.

See Also

  • 3 Words That Make Any Woman Want You
  • Ultimate Guide to Complimenting Girls
  • How to Arouse a Woman (Step-by-Step)

Word #4: “Little”

In evolutionary psychology, men are seen as dominant, big, strong, and masculine, while women are smaller and daintier.

Of course, in the job market, women are equal to men and should be treated as such. But in the realm of courtship and intimacy, most women enjoy taking on the feminine role in the relationship.

They don’t NEED a man to protect them, but they ENJOY having it because it builds feelings of comfort and being wanted. This leads to feelings of intimacy.

That’s why calling her “little” will stimulate her.

If you say, in a flirtatious way, “You’re so little,” or “You’re just a little girl,” it creates that intimacy.

It’s an innocent word that creates a very flirtatious undertone.

Use In Context

When you’re first hooking up with a woman, there’s a moment where she takes off her high heels.

You may catch her looking up at you, showing you that she’s little.

When women want to turn you on, they accentuate their femininity.

So when you tell her, “You’re so little. Come here,” you’re validating her femininity in the right context… and creating intimacy.

Word #5: The F-Word 

The f-word I’m talking about here is…


One of the feelings you want to create in a woman is challenge.

You want her to think, “What does this guy think of me? What does he want?”

Let’s say you’re doing all these other things. You’ve told her “no,” used the word “sexy,” nicknamed her “Trouble,” and called her “little.” Now there’s a flirtatious vibe.

Then you throw in the word “friend.”

Let’s say you’re about to meet up with some other people. You tell her, “You’re such a cool friend. I’ve got to introduce you to somebody.”

Now her mind is like, “He’s been calling me ‘sexy’ and we have this vibe. And now he says I’m just a friend?”

That uncertainty is addictive for a woman. It’s creates a mental challenge.

Any time you introduce a challenge, you get her attention.

If you’ve ever had things going well with a woman and then she throws in that word “friend,” but she’s flirting and sending mixed signals, it draws you in. It makes you wonder, “What’s going on here?”

If it works on you, it will work on her. It brings out her instinct to chase you.

3 Phrases That Make a Girl Chase You

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The Next Step

Doing favors, showing your compatibility, and being the nice guy will never work.

These subtle and innocent words are way more effective. They elicit a woman’s instinct to feel desire for you.

When you understand why these words work, you start to understand other words that fulfill these same principles.

You’ll start thinking, “What are other things I can say that are going to trigger this instinct in her to chase me?”

I gave you five here, but if you want more examples, Rob Judge put together a PDF with 66 words that he consciously brings into conversations.

It’s called Sexual Trigger Words.

You can buy it at this link and start experimenting with turning women on.

This One INNOCENT Word Turns Every Woman On (Use It


Believe it or not turning a woman on can be as simple as uttering just ONE simple word to her… While guys want sex to connect with a woman… — Information from www.youtube.com

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This «F Word» Will Get Her Begging to Go Home With You


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Say The Magic “fword” To Make Her Chase You Nairaland


Nope The magic word is “friend” Next time youre flirting with a girl you like call her your “friend” as much as possible For example if  — Information from www.nairaland.com

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The Secret F Word That Makes Her Chase You! Wingmam


Women be liking the goodies too And ready for this? Even before there was ever a nasty wave of feminism good women appreciated their man  — Information from wingmam.com

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Say that you want her One of the most basic things you can say when you want to turn up the heat are these simple words: “I want you” You can  — Information from www.wikihow.com

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There are a lot of things a man can say to a woman to demonstrate his love But these three words backed up by action are sure to make her  — Information from goodmenproject.com

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The full results are set to be published in 2018 Recommended It turns out people who swear are pretty f  — Information from www.independent.co.uk

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No woman respects a man who is easy to manipulate and most men are incredibly easy for women to manipulate The simple act of being a NO Man will immediately  — Information from www.girlschase.com

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but by all those apologists in positions of power women included who turn a blind eye The Deans words echo those of rapeapologists  — Information from thefword.org.uk

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The F Word Allure


It took one woman decades to make peace with the taunt that defined her Then she heard it come out of her own daughters mouth — Information from www.allure.com

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What Does This «F» Word Mean To You? StyleBlueprint


But even after suffrage and the fight against institutionalized gender biases both women and men still face massive inconsistencies in the  — Information from styleblueprint.com

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KEY WORDS: feminism gender identity perceptions social movements stereotypes INTRODUCTION Women have made significant strides in the areas of  — Information from www.jstor.org

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Gordon has brought the foodie variety show The FWord to the US on FOX through a series of challenges to turn one home cook into a culinary master — Information from www.gordonramsay.com

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The very mention of the fword still turns too many conversations into arguments Here are six tips for holding your own when the heat is on  — Information from www.opendemocracy.net

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Saying the Fword or similar can have an immediate calming impact on the difficult emotions we might be experiencing” Dr Raffaello  — Information from www.healthline.com

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Yet the Fword is commonly used in this context (eg «fing awesome!») and turns an unnecessary yet otherwise innocuous grammatical error  — Information from www.higheredjobs.com

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Women love it when you take the initiative and they love to be manhandled when done properly fellas It is sexy as f*ck — Information from www.elitedaily.com

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Im okay with my teens dropping the occasional fbomb Heres


It turns out that the fword when deployed during the hardest part of my workout motivates me and can help me to stay on the treadmill  — Information from www.washingtonpost.com

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Scott Barry Kaufman the Scientific Director of the Imagination Institute at the University of Pennsylvania stopped by Business Insider to  — Information from www.businessinsider.com

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The FWord Is Here to Stay Deal With It OZY


Were waiting for him to give voice to his thoughts: Sah na only women dey drink this thing But he turns and walks away instead The energy  — Information from www.ozy.com

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16 Infuriating Things Men Do That Make Women «Crazy»


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13 Fortythe new F word ideas Pinterest


Jul 5 2014 Explore Julie Holbrooks board «Fortythe new F word» Jokes+About+Women+Turning+40 Women Poems item which is a Funny birthday poem  — Information from www.pinterest.com

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by the Initiative: In Their Own Words: Experienced Women Lawyers Explain Why They at me goes “Hello” [and then] turns back to the associate — Information from www.americanbar.org

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Cuss words can be so sexist I swear The Hindu


A woman scorned is a woman who would like to curse her perpetrator without being forced to linguistically reinforce the very system that  — Information from www.thehindu.com

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Why you should totally drop that F bomb New York Post


Swearing among women is still more socially risky however says Byrne whose favorite swear word is “spunktrumpet” — Information from nypost.com

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The Triggers of Sexual Desire Pt 2: Whats Erotic for Women?


What turns men on wont work for women Leon F Seltzer PhD And this is why romantic stories using the written word to capture  — Information from www.psychologytoday.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/evolution-the-self/201205/the-triggers-sexual-desire-pt-2-what-s-erotic-women

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The FWord in The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao


Diazs first point to explain violence on women is to explain male behavior first Through feminist criticism Díaz uses irony to expose the dangers of  — Information from dsc.duq.edu

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://dsc.duq.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1010&context=first-class

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How To Turn A Girl On: 21 Proven Ways Luvze


These are words or phrases that make her think about sex Use words like 7 inches hard wet screw balls firm rack buns etc Example of an  — Information from www.luvze.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.luvze.com/how-to-turn-a-girl-on/

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20th Century Britain: The Womans Hour History BBC


Theres still a way to go as the Millennium turns And of course feminism known in some quarters as the fword has become almost  — Information from www.bbc.co.uk

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/modern/jmurray_01.shtml

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Why Saying F*** Benefits You Science of People


Drop the Fbomb Either saying or hearing a swear word excites our brains skills research turning into actionable and relatable life skills — Information from www.scienceofpeople.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.scienceofpeople.com/saying-f-word-benefits/

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Be careful using the Fword with frail patients NHS England


Close up of an older woman leaning on an umbrella and ones declared aims one turns instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms” — Information from www.england.nhs.uk

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.england.nhs.uk/blog/be-careful-using-the-f-word-with-frail-patients/

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The Science of Swearing


Our work so far suggests that most uses of swear words are not those f*g tenants a woman her daughter and the woman grandmother — Information from www.psychologicalscience.org

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.psychologicalscience.org/observer/the-science-of-swearing

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Innocent words that trigger attraction


Youll learn the 7 word phrase that turns a girl on and gets her to talking to you com/ritterbenj Make Any Girl Want To Fuck Ive broken the list below  — Information from kokshandtagen.info

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: http://kokshandtagen.info/hnvei/innocent-words-that-trigger-attraction.html

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Can a woman be too nice Compre com desconto


Intimidating is a word to describe woman of being complex outspoken with «nice guys» and are slapped down at every turn a give up on women entirely — Information from comprecomdesconto.com.br

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: http://comprecomdesconto.com.br/d2x7vz9/can-a-woman-be-too-nice.html

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7 reasons why its bloody good for women to swear The


It turns out women now swear more than men has found that womens use of the Fword has increased by over 500 per cent since the 1990s  — Information from www.telegraph.co.uk

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/7-reasons-why-its-bloody-good-for-women-to-swear/

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Author and lexicographer Jesse Sheidlower explains what the


Welldressed word nerd Sheidlower explicates expletives Women defintionally couldnt fuck it turns out not only the personal but also  — Information from www.politico.com

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The meaning of the Fword — feminism in five voices


Whether or not this years Womens Marches turn out to have any impact on the future of civil rights is yet to be seen but these events  — Information from www.ft.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.ft.com/content/0284b792-b522-11e7-aa26-bb002965bce8

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The 7 Dirty Words Turn 40 but Theyre Still Dirty The Atlantic


Shit piss fuck cunt cocksucker motherfucker and tits Now that thats out of the way lets start from the beginning On May 27 1972  — Information from www.theatlantic.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2012/05/the-7-dirty-words-turn-40-but-theyre-still-dirty/257374/

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The Art of Being a Lady: 10 Ways to Feel More Feminine


Now that we know what it means to be a lady why its important and find luxury in the ordinary we can no longer avoid the dreaded fword — Information from www.foxyoxie.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.foxyoxie.com/the-art-of-being-a-lady-10-ways-to-feel-more-feminine/

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Why Cant Women Swear? Dictionarycom


Its not every day you hear the Fword at a congressional event … But in January 2019 at an event celebrating progressive women in congress  — Information from www.dictionary.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.dictionary.com/e/policing-womens-language/

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This is how America feels about feminism in 2020 USA Today


More than a third say feminism has helped white women a lot only 21% say the Feminism is sometimes referred to as the other «f» word  — Information from www.usatoday.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/07/15/feminism-has-helped-white-women-most-americans-say-pew-survey/5439985002/

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Turn definition and meaning Collins English Dictionary


Word forms: plural 3rd person singular present tense turns present participle turning He waited for the woman to turn her face back to the road — Information from www.collinsdictionary.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/turn

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Taylor Swift Recorded a 10Minute Version of All Too Well


Taylor Swift attends Billboard Women In Music 2019 presented by “It included the Fword and basically I remember my sound guy was like  — Information from www.billboard.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/9485788/taylor-swift-10-minute-version-all-too-well/

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Caytha Jentis 84 turns to Orange network Cuse Community


Caytha Jentis on the set of The Other F Word The premise for the series is an issue that Jentis says faces many women her age: how to handle life after 50  — Information from cusecommunity.syr.edu

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://cusecommunity.syr.edu/caythajentisprofile

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A gentle and careful history of the Fbomb in music from Alan


Did other people use the filthiest of Fwords in their music? Turns out they did And thus began my strange fascination with this obscure  — Information from globalnews.ca

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://globalnews.ca/news/6943507/music-f-word-f-bomb/

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Big (1988) Trivia IMDb


notable for containing the «F» word in a film rated PG during the PG13 era Josh Baskin should be changed to a girl who transforms into an adult — Information from m.imdb.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0094737/trivia/?ref_=tt_ql_trv

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The Fwords origins may always remain elusive Vox


Pinning down a words origins turns out to be surprisingly tricky — not least because its difficult to know if medieval people were using  — Information from www.vox.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.vox.com/2015/9/15/9329813/f-word-origins

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Campaign season turns politics into a fourletter word as


To name just a few there is a “FTrump” Facebook page and a flag for sale on Amazon reading F Trump And F You For Voting For Him  — Information from www.nj.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.nj.com/politics/2020/11/f-your-feelings-there-are-curses-on-our-political-signs-and-some-parents-arent-happy.html

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Two «Sexy» Words That Turn Men On! David Wygant


Hi Rick As I agree with you my man likes those words (lets f***) it makes him wild Of course I did not know «yes please» was a turnon for  — Information from www.davidwygant.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.davidwygant.com/blog/two-sexy-words-that-turn-men-on/

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Why the Fck Do We Swear During Sex? FASHION Magazine


If you were raised in a household where curse words were forbidden you might not have learned to use them to express intense emotions good or  — Information from fashionmagazine.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://fashionmagazine.com/wellness/swearing-during-sex/

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5 reasons swearing is a sign of intelligence helps manage


That perception as it turns out is full of uh baloney The study found those who came up with the most F A and S words also  — Information from www.stltoday.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.stltoday.com/lifestyles/health-med-fit/5-reasons-swearing-is-a-sign-of-intelligence-helps-manage-pain-and-more/collection_c295311b-3bf6-5055-b0dd-c0ff0b214062.html

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Faith & Other F Words on Apple Podcasts


This podcast will make you feel happier and questions some of your attitudes and purpose in this world Get ready to laugh and turn your brain on to questions  — Information from podcasts.apple.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/faith-other-f-words/id1458989305

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The F Word/Script South Park Archives


City Hall the Mayors office day Mayor McDaniels You have got me in a lot of trouble! [turns on the TV]  — Information from southpark.fandom.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/The_F_Word/Script

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The FFormula Review – Know the Best Way of Flirting LA


The FFormula from Marissa Marni Kinrys and the wing girl team will help The Conversation Mistakes That Turn Women Off to You Sexually  — Information from www.laweekly.com

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Kid reviews for Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Common


However in the options under video you can turn of the blood They say words like f**k b*****d s**t head and lots of other words — Information from www.commonsensemedia.org

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/game-reviews/assassins-creed-iv-black-flag/user-reviews/child

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Uhoh am I turning into my girlfriend? The Globe and Mail


The latest girlled trend has been called a «vocal fry» – a lengthened croaking end to the last word of a sentence signifying boredom — Information from www.theglobeandmail.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/relationships/uh-oh-am-i-turning-into-my-girlfriend/article552100/

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Funny Quotes on Turning 50 LoveToKnow


Funny 50th Birthday Quotes for Men · Congratulations on turning 50 · Youre finally old enough to use the Fword so shout it from the roof top: Im fifty! · Once  — Information from seniors.lovetoknow.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://seniors.lovetoknow.com/Funny_Quotes_on_Turning_50

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Autocratization Turns Viral VDem


Jean Lachapelle Anna Lührmann Seraphine F Maerz Shreeya Pillai The final toll on democracy may turn out to be high unless — Information from www.v-dem.net

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.v-dem.net/files/25/DR%202021.pdf

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​defining the f word: why we need to be radical with feminism


It is not «prudish» or «phobic» to push back against a pornified version of sex that says pain and subordination is (or should be) a turn on — Information from i-d.vice.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://i-d.vice.com/en/article/wj5aww/defining-the-f-word-why-we-need-to-be-radical-with-feminism

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Mfume accused of favoritism at NAACP NBC News


Allegations detailed in a confidential NAACP report claim that Kweisi Mfume gave raises and promotions to women with whom he had close  — Information from www.nbcnews.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna7659519

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What the Deuce: The Curse Words of Charles Dickens The


Rather than inventing the word (and thus having to later defend it) Dickens built “gormed” on an actual though obscure English word The verb  — Information from themillions.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://themillions.com/2016/10/duece-curse-words-charles-dickens.html

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Matt Damon Says He Never Used FSlur Personally Stands


I explained that that word was used constantly and casually and was even a line of dialogue in a movie of mine as recently as 2003 she in turn — Information from www.hollywoodreporter.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/matt-damon-says-he-never-used-f-slur-personally-stands-with-lgbtq-community-1234991749/

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11 Things People Get Wrong About Women Who Love To Swear


Not unlike many people my appreciation for swear words goes pretty far back In fact Ive pretty much liked to swear (when I could get  — Information from www.bustle.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.bustle.com/articles/143149-11-things-people-get-wrong-about-women-who-love-to-swear

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Does Patriarchy Divide Women: The Importance Of Solidarity


It is required to unravel the Fword and demystify the negativity surrounding it FII amplifies the voices of women and marginalised  — Information from feminisminindia.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://feminisminindia.com/2019/02/04/patriarchy-divide-women-solidarity/

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The F Word Good Times Santa Cruz


The famous meat dress (repurposed for pop shock by Lady Gaga decades later) was meant to serve as a visual protest of the annual Miss California  — Information from goodtimes.sc

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://goodtimes.sc/cover-stories/the-f-word/

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267: Propriety This American Life


These reasons get to the very heart of what polite society means here on the radio or in television The FCC said basically the Fword must be stopped in  — Information from www.thisamericanlife.org

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/267/transcript

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Why swearing is f****** good for you Mint


They had to select one swear word—mild moderate or severe—which they found most appropriate in the given context Kapoor says on the phone  — Information from www.livemint.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.livemint.com/Leisure/QXOHAS8G6RUdywo7LpMOUL/Why-swearing-is-f-good-for-you.html

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Well I swear: A brief fing history of profanity in the movies


This means I cant write f or c although I can hear these words every day on my television as well as in movies Moving images are subject  — Information from www.smh.com.au

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.smh.com.au/entertainment/movies/well-i-swear-a-brief-fing-history-of-profanity-in-the-movies-20140901-10axdu.html

Also read more about a random walk down wall street chapter 13 summary here.

When Bad Language is a Turn On During Sex Is This Okay?


As Christians they would never use the F word or other “cuss” words in their public conversations or even in private casual conversations  — Information from intimacyinmarriage.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://intimacyinmarriage.com/2015/07/22/when-bad-language-is-a-turn-on-during-sex/

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Inside the RightWing YouTube Empire Thats Quietly Turning


Now hes loath to utter a negative word about the president Prager will admit to having changed his mind on only one big issue: Ronald Reagan persuaded him  — Information from www.motherjones.com

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/03/inside-right-wing-youtube-turning-millennials-conservative-prageru-video-dennis-prager/

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The strength of a godly woman


A praying woman is prepared with the Word of God one of those women who by her virtue wisdom dignity and f At the heart of true womanhood isnt the  — Information from cirugiaocularcba.com.ar

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: http://cirugiaocularcba.com.ar/t9icxu/the-strength-of-a-godly-woman.html

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Talk dirty to me: what men and women like to hear in bed


Favourite words included harder baby and daddy Ive even asked a girl to say another guys name once while I f***ed her — Information from metro.co.uk

Information accuracy 100%
What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/18/talk-dirty-to-me-what-men-and-women-like-to-hear-in-bed-7306215/

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The Game of Humor: A Comprehensive Theory of Why We Laugh


And Tommy issues a warning over possibly making a mistake on “plucker” (presumably by a careless substituting of the youknowwhich Fword) — Information from books.google.com

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The Complete Unofficial 86th Annual Academy Awards Review Guide


Years pass by and now Philomena is an old woman wondering what happened to the son who which was originally R for two uses of the fword by the MPAA — Information from books.google.com

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No Jenny Slate Did Not Get Fired For Dropping FBomb On SNL


It was one of the only times a curse word had made its way onto Saturday Night Live and the sketch and subsequent firing are still a topic of  — Information from www.cinemablend.com

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What is the f word that turns a woman on information was found here: https://www.cinemablend.com/television/2483061/no-jenny-slate-did-not-get-fired-for-dropping-f-bomb-on-snl

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You probably fall into one of 3 categories:

You’re in a relationship and want to spice up your texting.

You’re dating and want to set the tone for booty calls.

You’re on Tinder or another dating app and want to be more flirty.

Great. Because you’re about to get 7 ways to turn on a woman with words.

You get:

  • 10+ Stealable phrases to turn her on
  • How to turn her on without creeping her out
  • The #1 tip to turn on a woman with just your words
  • The secret to becoming every woman’s erotic fantasy
  • How to tastefully start sexting

Women and men both get turned on by words. The major difference is, men get instantly turned on by erotic and graphic descriptions. Whereas women generally get turned on by slow and subtle escalation.

Important: I know you’re sometimes unsure what to text. So I’ve put together 10 Texts That Always Work. Copy-paste lines that instantly attract her and make her crave your attention. They work and they are free. Just a small gift to get you started. Enjoy! Click here to get them.

#1 Tip to turn on a woman with just your words

The way most men try to turn on women with words is hilarious.

Hilariously BAD.

Dudes will try and paint erotic pictures, use graphic words, and send emoti penises.

Yep, that is real.

But as you can well imagine, it doesn’t work.

In fact, talking about ‘titties’ and sending aubergines only scares her off.

So what does work?

Text with confidence. And assume attraction.

Always go at 169%. No less.

Because if you’re unsure about what you’re talking about, you come across as a little bish.

And as we’ll discuss later, women don’t like weakness in men.

IMPORTANT: Just because you text with confidence does not mean that you’ll automatically get the girl.

It’s impossible to get every girl.

But if you focus on texting with confidence, your odds of turning her on grow exponentially.

What’s a quick way to text with confidence?

  • Use proper punctuation
  • Spell correctly
  • Don’t use question marks all the time (even when asking a question)
  • Sparingly use emojis and ‘hahas’

How your loving texts are turning her OFF

The majority of men try to turn on women by showering her with love and attention.

While love and attention can turn on a woman, it often does NOT.

Suppose you send her roses, do everything she wants, and pick up every of her calls even if you’re busy.

That doesn’t raise attraction.

It KILLS attraction.

So what should you do to turn her on instead?

You use one of the next 2 techniques.

Turn her on with tactful escalation

Yes, tactful.

Which doesn’t include tying a bow tie around your donger and sending her a dickpic.

Tactful precedes showing off your genitalia.

And starts with putting out feeler texts.

Brief texts that test if she’s attracted to you.

Suppose you’re having a tame back and forth and you want to spice up the convo.

Try this:

[Boring stuff that leads the convo to Snoozeville]

I bet you tell that to all the guys, player


Wow, I can tell you’re trouble

And even more over the top:

You’re so bad! Talk more thermodynamics (replace with boring topic she was on) to me, babe

‘Dat lip bite.

If she continues the flirty vibe, you’re set.

Otherwise you may have to slow it down even more. Or… crush on someone else who is more receptive.

Get her excited by being emotional

Now… before we continue we have to get rid of a terribly dangerous misconception.

Just because she’s returning your flirty vibes does NOT automatically mean that she’s ready to jump into bed with you.

Only that she’s interested in you. And slowly becoming more attracted to you.

The emphasis being ‘SLOWLY’.

So if you want to test the springs in her mattress, you need to continue escalating how?

You guessed it…


Which doesn’t necessarily mean you want to dial up the flirting.

In fact, getting her attracted even more is about shifting the vibe of the conversation away from getting her hot.

And toward getting her…



Because most guys have a one-track mind.

Almost every guy wants to do nothing more than explore her lady parts.

So if you can excite her lady parts AND just as easily ignore them, you’ll stand out from every other guy.

And she’ll be triggered to chase you.

Which is how it should be:

The girl should want the guy just as much as he wants her.

So how do you return the convo away from hot and to cold?


Switch topics.

How to turn her on without scaring her off

Women don’t get turned on by your words as much as they do by…


If your texts don’t feed her emotions, she WILL lose interest in you and eventually stop texting back.

So every girl is looking for a man who can stimulate her emotions.

Because if a man can stimulate her emotions, he can also turn her on!

Holy Tip:

Could you use some help with stimulating a girl’s emotions?

Look no further, because I’ve got just what you need.

The 10 Texts That Always Work.

An assortment of copy pastable lines that you can toss into your conversations to spark emotions, or ask her out without being needy.

Grab ‘em here.

So let’s give you some ideas on how to do exactly that, using…

Trigger words.

I often preach on going ‘over the top’.

But when you want to sexualize the conversation, going over the top is more likely to hurt your success.

And turn her off.

So if you want to turn her on, start subtle and use trigger words.

You see, some words are so powerful that if you gently whisper them into her ear, she’ll instantly pull you closer and suck your face off.


Point is, the right word can turn her on quicker than a candlelit dinner.

So here come 7 trigger words that’ll get her to think about sex:

  • Wet
  • Deep
  • Come
  • Hard
  • Eat/mouth
  • Inside
  • Dripping

Now, don’t think you can turn her on by screaming:

Or tying them all together into an obscene text:

I want to shove my hard ‘oo la la’ into your wet ‘crikey dingo’ and come deep inside your ‘auf wiedersehen’ and watch my ‘ai karamba’ dripping out of your ‘tutzy frutzy’

You want to be a little more subtle and/or playful about it.

For instance, suppose she just went through a rainstorm and sent you:

omg. I just got caught in a storm and am soaked to the bone

Retort with a playful message that implies a trigger word.

Women get turned on by the weirdest shit

Are you planning the date?

Turn her on with a bit of subtlety:

That’ll be so much fun. I can’t wait for you to come

That won’t set off her alarm bells.

Another easy trigger word to slip into your conversation is ‘hard’.

Suppose she’s cramming for an upcoming school exam:

Learning for this exam is killing me 😫

Why’d you go to uni if you don’t like it hard

Drop a few sexual oriented bombs and you’ll see that women like to talk about x-rated topics as long as it’s not too on the nose.

7 Phrases to turn her on

We already have lots of theory on what turns women on.

But how do you actually turn her on?

Here come 7 copy pastable lines.

Lines that you would naturally create if you use the hidden principles behind Fifty Shades of Grey:

I’m biting my lip when I’m thinking about you.

It’s something you want to say when her last text blew you away.

Why does that line turn her on?

Because you’re taking charge and painting an image in her mind.

Women love it when they feel they turn on a man. Especially if it’s not too explicit like this text.

The next phrase is the opposite of the above, but strangely also builds attraction.

That’s it. We’re breaking up

Why does this line work?

Firstly, you’re implying that you’re already a couple. (If you actually already are a couple, I’ll give you a better line in just a moment.)

Next, you’re verbally pushing her away.

She said something you didn’t like and you’re showing her that has consequences. So if she wants to be on your good side, she has to put in some effort.

In short, she doesn’t have you yet.

And women like to do a little hunting.

Are you already boyfriend and girlfriend?

Turn her on with the next line:

9-1-1? I want to report an assault. Yep. She told me a joke that gave me third-degree cringe

Another example of a tease that raises attraction.


Because challenging men turn women on, remember?

Now, she doesn’t want a man who turns everything into a competition. But she does want a man who can stand up for himself and go against the flow.

Let’s give you a follow-up for your tease.

Some women will like your tease, but will test to see if you mean business.

Like so:

Wow. You’re quite forward aren’t you?

Yeah, being backwards got me nowhere

This is attractive for two reasons:

  • You’re witty
  • You’re doubling down

Most men who get accused of being forward would flinch and back down.

But a real man owns his (playful) challenging behavior.

Now, you don’t always have to be teasing and pushing her away.

You can also give a sincere compliment when she’s being awesome.

Okay, you just officially earned yourself a unique ringtone

Which would probably lead to something like:

Before I give you the attraction raising answer, I want you to come up with a line.

The only hint I’ll give you is that the best line will be a tease.

Got anything?

I hope so! Or else you’re missing out on valuable text-improving skills.

Haha, you’re such an asshole!!

As you can see, if you want to arouse a woman through text, you don’t just have to be sexual.

As long as you’re showing off attractive male traits, you’re good.

What you MUST know before you make it X-rated

When it comes to turning on women with words, men almost always make the next mistake…

They’re too visual.

And by that I mean:

Most guys paint an erotic image with words.

An image that turns them on… but not women.

You see, unlike men, most women don’t get turned on by a perfect physique.

I mean, women will get aroused a little. But a hard, chiseled male body often isn’t enough to push her over the edge.

When us men, however, see a beautiful woman, our pants instantly pitch a tent.

Which is why Pornhub has far more male than female viewers.

So what really turns on a woman?

A story that leaves a little to the imagination.

Which is precisely why the best selling book on Amazon is an erotic novel called…

Fifty Shades of Grey.

A book that’s been translated into 52 languages!

So if you want to turn on a woman with words, look no further and dive into the book that’s turned on women across the globe.

The erotic secret of 50 Shades of Grey

The fastest selling novel of all time reveals a lot about the erotic fantasies of women.

Fantasies most women will never tell you.

What is that fantasy?

A secret love for BDSM.

Sexual roleplay involving: bondage, male dominance and submission.

Which blows the mind of every man who’s tuned into the news in the last 10 years and caught a glimpse of the #metoo movement.

So when I tell most of my clients about many women’s sexual fantasy to be dominated, I’m often met with lots of resistance.

“I’m sorry, Louis. But I just don’t believe it. Just look at how much women are fighting for equality! If anything, women are sick of the male dominance schtick.”

Look, I get the confusion.

Women are fighting to close the gap between men and women.

But most of that egalitarianism is limited to the professional work environment.

NOT the bedroom.

The bedroom is where men and women are allowed to be different.

In fact, most women want men to be different in the bedroom.

After all, the horizontal mambo has no room for two people with the exact same role. One person has to be submissive and the other has to be dominant.

You can take turns in taking the lead in sex, but it can’t be another way.

And although exceptions exist, most women are naturally submissive in bed and most men are naturally dominant while playing a game of hide the salami.

Only once that realization clicks in your head, can we move onto turning on a woman with words over text.

The magic formula behind turning on a woman with words

The success of 50 Shades of Grey reveals a lot about women’s sexual fantasies.

But not everything.

If we want to know even more about what turns on a woman, we need to dive into…

Google’s pornographic search queries.

Simply put, what women type into Google when they want to flick the bean.

Two neuroscientists studied a year’s worth of pornographic search queries (about 55 million) and analyzed the results.

And published their findings in their book.

Which revealed two key insights:

  1. Men like pornography, because we’re mostly concerned about how well she can produce children, and that’s somewhat visible to the naked eye. Think of visual indicators as youthfulness, fitness and her reproductive organs.
  2. Women like romance novels, because women are for a large part driven by the desire to find the ultimate mate to start a family with. A quality that’s impossible to see with the naked eye since a long-term relationship is determined by character, not looks.

You’re probably thinking, “So what is the ‘ultimate mate’ to a woman?”

Good question, mister big brain.

Well, every good romantic novel has roughly the following plot:

An innocent, well-meaning, and attractive young woman crosses paths with a man who is a bit of a monster.

Such as a vampire, werewolf, or some other type of man-beast.

Which should INSTANTLY give you an AHA-moment.

“Ahh… that explains the success of those silly Twilight Movies and that ghey True Blood series.”


Women see this handsome and aggressive man-beast and want to tame him.


Because he’s obviously enormously strong (or powerful in terms of money and/or valuable skills) and is at the top of the food chain.

The ultimate mate.

So she seduces him with her beauty and tames him, so that he can take care of her kids.

What’s the takeaway?

Women unconsciously fall for dangerous but civilized men. And have no sexual interest in weak men.

The takeaway?

If you want to turn her on, you must be dangerous and have a backbone.

Without a backbone, your attempts to turn her on will end with a sizzle.

If you want to end in a bang, you’re in luck.

Because we’re about to get into sexting.

But first a word of caution.

Why sexting may be the worst thing you can do

You may be thinking, “Finally! The good stuff!”

But I warn you…

Unless you’re already dating, I advise against sexting.

Although the methods you’re about to get work, and will likely get her to participate.

The results are often disappointing.

Yes, you’ll be texting naughty things to each other.

Yes, you may even see her nudes.


You’ll probably ruin your chances of seeing her.


Because now she feels pressured to get sexual with you in real life. Even if she’s not ready.

So to repeat myself: I only advise texting for nudes when you’ve already been sleeping with her, or when you don’t care about meeting her in person.

How to sext without being a creeper

Where many guys go wrong, is that they not only cross the naughty line.

But they leap over the line with a rocket pack and shoot into Creeperville.

That’s because when guys see an opening for erotic texting, we tend to dash toward the explicit.

And instantly talk about jiggly and gooey lady parts.

That kind of dirty talk may work for us. But turns women off.

So how do you introduce sexting in a way she enjoys?

  • You make sure she’s available and has time for herself (think evening or weekend)
  • You’re already chatting with her and she’s in a good mood

Once those requirements are met, the sexting can begin.

Here comes an example of how you can use sexting to motivate a girl to come over.

I’m going to hit the gym and then chill at home. You should come over

But I’ve had a long week and need to catch up on my sleep

From your neck… all the way down to your belly button

While your hands are tied to my bedpost

See how I slowly build up the tension? And how I start by simply bringing up what I want to do to her?

It’s pretty straight forward.

Note: be sure to stop after sending a couple of sexts.

That way you can gauge how she’s feeling.

If she’s enjoying it, she’ll usually reply with:

Or a blushing emoji:

Continue as you see fit.

If you do decide to keep sexting, be very descriptive.

And occasionally ask her if she wants more.

Anyway, bro.

That’s almost all you need to know on how to turn on a woman with words.

To make sure you’re ready to give a girl all the emotions she needs, I have one last gift.

The 10 Texts That Always Work.

A mix of copy pastable texts that you can use to:

  • Give fun answers to boring questions
  • Teases to raise attraction
  • How to turn the conversation toward fun
  • Ask her out in a non-needy way
  • And more

Grab the 10 Texts Here for FREE.

Enjoy, bro.

Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

25 of the Biggest Turn Ons for Girls

  • When you pull us over to your side of the bed in the morning. …
  • When you tell us you think we’re beautiful. …
  • When you compliment us on something non-physical. …
  • When you’re kind to total strangers. …
  • When you touch our knee under the table.

What turns on a female most?

Object-of-desire affirmation

The study found women are particularly inclined to be turned on when they feel they’re being viewed as attractive and desirable by another person—and this actually emerged as being the most significant factor of the three in determining female desire.

What are your biggest turn ons answer?

According to 69% of respondents, the biggest non-sexual turn on is smelling good, followed by simply being affectionate (64%) and feeling appreciated (61%). Of course there are plenty of things that can turn off a partner, and poor hygiene is the biggest no-no according to the survey.

What turn on in a woman?

18 things that turn on a woman

  • » Love» The strongest aphrodisiac is love. …
  • » Faithfulness» …
  • » Realness» …
  • » Respect» …
  • » A man who is after her as a person» …
  • » An intelligent mind» …
  • » Intimate conversations» …
  • » The right touch»

What are some unique turn ons?

Here is a list of 35 Strange (Legal) Turn-Ons:

  • A man with a deep, strong voice.
  • Chewing gum.
  • A guy who’s good with kids. …
  • A guy shaving, there’s just something so masculine about it.
  • When a guy fixes something in my apartment for me.
  • When I’m wearing his boxers or one of his button-down shirts.

What are your biggest Turn Ons? | Public Interview

What turns on a woman with words?

Another way to turn your girl on is to tell her some fantasies you have about being with her.

Say that you want her.

  • “I want you so bad right now.”
  • “I’ve been wanting you all day long.”
  • “I’ve never wanted you so badly in my life.”
  • “That dress you’re wearing makes me want you more than ever.”

What do girls like to hear to turn them on?

«You Are So Sexy.»

Just as women want to hear that you think they’re beautiful, they also specifically love to hear that you find them sexy. As a woman, «you want to know and feel that your partner is attracted to you,» Thompson explains. Just make sure you don’t say any of the phrases never to say to a naked woman.

What are your turn ons meaning answer?

: something that you like or that causes you to be interested and excited. Classical music is one of his biggest turn-ons. sexual turn-ons.

What are your turn ons in bed?

Other finds from the research were that neck kisses, undressing, lingerie, sex toys, being teased and eye contact were among the biggest turn ons. Receiving oral sex was popular with men and women, but the study revealed some interesting differences.

What are your biggest turn ons for men?

9 of the Biggest Turn Ons for Guys

  • The nine biggest turns ons for guys – notepads at the ready!
  • If you wear contacts, switch it up with glasses. …
  • Tell him about a sexy dream you had about him. …
  • Give him a spontaneous neck rub. …
  • Have him get in the car, but don’t tell him where you’re driving to.

What turns you on meaning answers?

If someone or something turns you on, they attract you and make you feel sexually excited.

What are some turn off for woman?

Top 30 turn-offs for women

  • Ignoring a woman. One of the biggest turn-offs for women is when they are being ignored. …
  • Unfaithful partners. …
  • Lying. …
  • Actions not matching words. …
  • Mixed signals. …
  • Taking decisions alone. …
  • Partners who only talk about themselves. …
  • Partners who talk too much.

What is a person’s turn on?

If someone or something turns you on, they attract you and make you feel sexually excited. [informal]

What means turn on someone?

to make someone feel interested or excited, especially sexually: Short men really turn me on.

What 5 things you like about a girl?

What Do Guys Like In a Girl? (33 Things Guys Like in a Girl)

  • 1 33 Things Guys Like in a Girl. 1.1 1. Femininity. 1.2 2. Sense of humor. 1.3 3. Confidence. 1.4 4. Playfulness. 1.5 5. Adventurous. 1.6 6. Intelligence. 1.7 7. Family-driven. 1.8 8. Cooking skills. 1.9 9. Eyes. 1.10 10. Patience. 1.11 11. Grateful heart. …
  • 3 In Conclusion.

What man desires in a woman?

Like women, men want a life partner who will be trustworthy, faithful and reliable. They want a wife who will stand by their side and, considering divorce rates, it’s no surprise that dependability would continue to be attractive.

What things impress a girl?

10 Ways to Impress a Woman

  • Compliment the way she looks.
  • Open doors. …
  • Ask her questions. …
  • Ignore your phone. …
  • Socialize with her friends. …
  • Help her with her coat. …
  • Be well groomed. …
  • Look her in the eye. …

What things make a girl like you?

Be respectful and polite around her friends, and be yourself so they can get to know you. If you’re nice to her friends and they like you as well, then she could get more interested in you. Look for things or events that you can do as a group, such as bowling, going out to eat, or attending a concert.

Seduction isn’t all action – a lot of what’s involved in seducing a
woman comes from what you say. What if you could whisper a
few simple words into any woman’s ear and then have her look at
you with a big smile, grab you by the belt and drag you to her
bedroom? Yeah, that may be a slight exaggeration, but the right
word at the right time will turn her on quicker than roses, candy
or even a romantic dinner for two.
Here are seven “seduction” words guaranteed to get a woman
thinking about sex!

These aren’t things you whisper into her ear by themselves. For
example, if you lean over to your woman and say “wet,” she’s not
going to instantly have an orgasm. That’s not realistic. However,
if you’re making strong eye contact, flirting a bit, and then she
drips a little bit when she takes a drink of water, you can say,
“Oh baby, you’re so wet…”
And her mind will instantly go to sex. Why did it work so well?
Because of three simple ways that the phrases must be used:
Indirectly. When you say “wet” you don’t want to say, “Wow
baby, your panties must be so wet.” That’s just crude. However,
if you say, “Baby, you’re so wet” after she came in from the rain,
she’s going to respond to your flirting. This is because women’s
minds are just as dirty as yours. So when she hears the word

“wet,” she thinks about sex and her vagina being moist, just like
you do. Even if it’s hidden in the conversation.
Timed Correctly . You want to use an innocent “seduction” word
right after she does something that makes sense. Wet is the
easiest example. Use it whenever she drips water from a glass,
comes in from the rain, comes out of a pool or talks about some
time she got wet in the past.
With The Right Tone You don’t want to bring attention to what
you’re doing. Instead, you want it to seem like a regular part of
your normal conversation. So use the steady, low voice tone you
use when you’re chatting to her instead of ANY emphasis on the
“seduction words.”

When should you use “deep” in conversation? Whenever you’re
talking about feelings, emotions or anything physical. Here are a
few examples:
When you’re talking about something exciting: “And how
does that make you feel, deep inside?”
When you’re on a roller coaster: “I’m so excited. Can you
feel your heart fluttering, deep inside you?”
When you’re planning a date: “I can’t wait to see how you
feel, deep down.”
And when you’re about the meet a woman for the first time, one
of the very best words is:

Get your giggling out of the way, because “come” is one of the
very best ones you can use. It has so many different uses and
applications! For example:
When you’re waiting for her to come over: “I can’t wait for
you to come..”
When you’re talking about a vacation: “It’s going to be so
exciting when you come.”
When you’re talking to a woman about meeting up with
you: “It’s OK baby, just come now.”
So you can see how each of those examples a “charge” of sex to
it, yet it doesn’t set off any of her “horny” alarms. Another one of
the most “under the radar” words to use is:
Obviously, you know what this one implies. And you know the
ways comedians use it in bits. However, you may not know that
“hard” is a quick way to make her imagine sex and unbuckling
your belt. Which is one of the quickest ways to real life sex, even
on the first date. So here’s how to use this “seduction” word:
When she’s teasing you: “You’re making it so hard, for me
to resist you…”
When she’s making a tough decision – especially about
coming home with you: “Baby, it’s so hard.”
When she’s talking about a challenging thing she’s doing:
“Do you like it when it’s hard?”
And from here on out, these phrased get more and more blatant
about sex, so you’ll want to use them when you’re really ramping
up for sex.
These are great for anything involving food or drink and because
eating and drinking are so sensual by themselves, they pack a
powerful punch. Here’s exactly how to use them:
When you’re feeding her food, tell her: “I wanna watch you
eat it.”
Also, when you’re feeding her food, tell her: “Here, just put
it in your mouth.”
If you’re eating something she finds gross, tell her: “No,
don’t look away. I want you to watch me eat it.”
Do you see how the things you say can carry sexual tension? Try
adding them to your conversations, to make your first date into
something much more interesting.
This is the easiest “seduction” word to use, hands down. You can
put it in, whenever you want – if you catch the drift. Here are a
few examples:
If you’re going somewhere together, say: “Baby, I can’t wait
to go inside, with you.”
If she says something that makes you happy: “You make me
so happy. I feel warm inside when I’m around you.”
If a hostess at a restaurant asks where you’d like to sit,
say: “I like it inside.”
Paired with “wet,” this phrase is a sexual powerhouse. For
Say she’s eating and a little messy: “Baby, you’re dripping
all over the place.”
If it’s raining, and she didn’t have an umbrella: “Look at
you, you’re dripping wet…”
If you have ice cream, and it’s starting to melt: “Baby,
you’re dripping all over yourself.”
So you see how you can use innocent “seduction” phrases to
make any woman feel naughty, like having sex, around you. And
you see how easy it is to toss these into any conversation you
have. The real payoff comes when you finally use them on a
woman you like

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