What word or phrase is being defined in these sentences


1. A shop where you can buy fashionable clothes. — fashion boutique

2. A place with many shops, either outside or indoors. – shopping center

3. A person who works in a shop. shop assistant

4. The place where you can try on clothes in a shop. — changing room

5. The place where you pay for things in a shop. – cash desk

6.To look round the shops without planning to buy anything. – window shopping

7. The shop where you buy meat. — butcher

8.The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc. – chemist

A play or film in which part of the story is sung to music.

The total number of actors in a play or film.

The people who watch a play at the theatre.

What these people do with their hands at the end of a play.

The person who makes a film.

Journalists who write articles about films and plays.

The name of the articles they write.

The translation of the story of a film across the bottom of the

To reserve tickets before the performance.

The most important actors or actresses in a film.

Have you seen these famous films made in English over the last
twenty years? If so, try to complete the rest of the table using
words from above. Then write in the titles of three more films you
have seen and complete the rest of the table for it.



Clint Eastwood


Harrison Ford

Weddings and a Funeral

with Hugh Grant


with Liam Neeson

with Wolves

with Kevin Costner




of film

or dubbed?

of film (adjectives)

Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate & Intermediate. Stuart

Vocabulary do and make

The words DO and MAKE are
very similar. It is often difficult to choose between them. However,
there are some differences.

We use DO when we talk about an activity without saying exactly what
that activity is – for example, with something,
nothing, anything,



Do something!

He likes doing nothing.

What shall we do?

I don’t know what to do.
Then he did a very strange thing.

What are you doing?

I’m doing a puzzle.

So now you see that DO can mean to
perform an activity or action

in general, it can also mean to
solve or to put together

3. We use DO when we talk
about work and in the structure DO-ing, e.g.:

I’m not doing any work

I’m going to do some

I dislike doing housework.

I hate doing the cooking,
washing up, shopping – let’s get a maid to do these jobs.

Would you like to do my

I’ve got to do my

We often use MAKE when we talk about constructing,
building, creating, causing or forcing something to happen.

I enjoy making model

I’ve just made a cake.

Let’s make a plan.

My father and I once made
a boat.

That company makes
television sets.

Can you make bread?

The car journey made him

They made him work hard.

In other cases, there are no clear rules. If you are not sure which
word is correct, look
it up in a dictionary

1. Use either do or make to fill in the blanks.

In most countries, young men
have to _________ military service. Some do not enjoy it but they
know they must __________ their duty. These people usually try to
__________ the best of it. Others discover that they are cut out for
the military life: they __________ the most of it.

Everyone learns that it
____________ no good to ___________ a fuss or to ___________ a
nuisance of oneself.

If you are late, it _________
no good to __________ excuses.

If you don’t like running,
walking or climbing or getting up at 6 A.M., you must learn to like
it: the army ___________ no exceptions. Do not try to ___________
sense of military regulations: their purpose is to confuse you. And
every time you __________ a mistake, the sergeant-major will say you
are trying to __________ a fool of him.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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1 These jackets are reduced _________ price.

2 The assistant advised me to try the coat _______.

3 I want to look ____ the animals ____ the pet shop.

4 He bought many things _____ mail order.

5 There is normally a label _______ a jacket.

6 I took it _______ to the shop to complain.

7 «Is something wrong ______ it?» he said.

8 I asked _______ a refund.

Ex.6. Can you find a «general» word to describe each group of items below?

… e.g. shoes, a blouse, a jacket

… e.g. a sofa, an armchair, a table

… e.g. a television, a washing machine, a food mixer

… e.g. washing powder, stop, toilet paper

… e.g. a teddy bear, a plastic gun, lego

… e.g. writing paper, envelopes

Ex.7. What word or phrase is being defined in these sentences?

1 A shop where you can buy fashionable clothes.

2 A place with many shops either outside or indoors.

3 A person who works in a shop.

4 The place where you can try on clothes in a shop.

5 The place where you pay for things in a shop.

6 To look round the shops without planning to buy anything.

7 The shop where you buy meat.

8 The shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc.

9 The window at the front of the shop.

10 A list of things to buy.

Ex.8. Translate into English:

1 Она примеряла платье в примерочной.

2 Я расплатился кредитной карточкой в кассе.

3 Мы не торгуемся в магазинах одежды.

4 Это платье вам подойдет (вашего размера).

5 В этом магазине не возвращают деньги.

6 Нет, я не буду брать этот костюм.

7 У этого телевизора гарантия один год.

8 Это хорошая сделка. (2 вар.)

9 В этом магазине большие скидки. (2 вар.)

10 Мы покупаем товары для дома и инструменты в магазине хозтоваров.

11 Я люблю покупать готовую одежду.



Exercise 2. Unscramble the following words.

Exercise 1. Prove that the proverbs (sayings) have sense. Give examples from your own experience.


1. Penny wise and pound foolish.

2. Cut the coat according to the cloth.

3. In department stores, so much kitchen equipment is bought indiscriminately by people who just come in for men’s underwear. (Julia Fhilds)

4. We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops. (Hunny Youngman)

5. Whoever said money can’t buy happiness simply didn’t know where to go shopping. (Bo Derek)

6. When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It’s a whole different way of thinking. (Elayne Boosler)

7. Shopping is better than sex. If you’re not satisfied after shopping you can make an exchange for something you really like. (Adrienne Gusoff)

8. We used to build civilizations. Now we build shopping malls. (Bill Bryson)

  1. erysohi ____________________
  2. ruf ____________________
  3. oyst ____________________
  4. nachi ____________________
  5. posh ____________________
  6. meryfuper ____________________
  7. lletwa ____________________
  8. nottahn ____________________
  9. paech ____________________
  10. oinc ____________________
  11. sechapur ____________________
  12. unterco ____________________
  13. genach ____________________
  14. rewassagl ____________________
  15. lestexti ____________________
  16. shca ____________________
  17. orets ____________________
  18. wellryje ____________________
  19. onryeitast ____________________
  20. daryharebshe ____________________

1.Buy a pig in a poke
2.Be in the market for smth
3.Burn a hole in one’s pocket
4.Have money to burn
5.Pin money
6.Cost a bomb
7.Above price
8.Buy for a song
9.Dirt cheap
10.Cheap and nasty
a)Some money someone spends on himself rather than on necessary things;
b)Be extremely expensive, important;
c)Cost a lot of money;
d)To be interested in buying smth;
e)Have a lot of money;
f)Very cheaply;
g)Extremely low in price;
h)Very low in price and quality;
i)Someone wants to spend his money as soon as he can;
j)Something one has bought without seeing, and that one may then find to be worthless.

Exercise 4. The following sentences all contain an idiom with one key word missing. Choose one of the four alternatives to com­plete the idiom.

1. Penny wise and …. (pounder, pound, pounding, punt) foolish. 2. I bought a pig in a … (pole, poke, poker, polo). 3. The Browns bought the car … (onto, over, on, out) their neighbour’s head. 4. It’ll burn a … (whole, hole, hollow, holly) in my pocket. 5. Our neigh­bour is rich. He has money to … (turn, burn, burst, burden). 6. My sister spends money like … (wodge, wad, water, wafer). 7. Have you got any … (pill, pin, pig, pick) money? 8. This blouse costs a … (bond, bong, bone, bomb). 9. Was it expensive? — Oh, no! I bought it for a … (gong, honk, song, bong). 10. These shirts are … (curt, hurt, dirt, murky) cheap.

Exercise 5. In what shops / departments can you buy the following items?

1. …………………… e.g. lamb, beef, pork, mutton, veal

2 ……………………. e.g. shoes, sandals, boots, slippers

3 ……………………. e.g. potatoes, beans, onions, parsley

4 ……………………. e.g. sofa, armchair, table, bed

5 ……………………. e.g. television, washing machine, food processor

6 ……………………. e.g. ring, earrings, necklace, bracelet

7 ……………………. e.g. teddy bear, plastic gun, Lego

8 ……………………. e.g. writing paper, envelopes, pens, pencils

9 ……………………e.g. roses, tulips, daisies, peonies

10……………………e.g. newspapers, journals, magazines

Exercise 6. What word or phrase is being defined in these sentences?

1. _______________ _ A shop where you buy meat.

2. ______________ _ A place with many shops, either outside or indoors.

3. ________________ A person who works in a shop.

4. ________________ The place where you can try on clothes in a shop.

5. ________________ The place where you pay for things in a shop.

6. ________________ To look round the shops without planning to buy anything.

7. _________________ A shop where you buy wine, beer and soft drinks.

8. _________________ A shop where you buy medicines, baby products, shampoo, etc.

Exercise 7. a) Read the title of the article below. What do you think it is going to be about? Which of the following words / phrases would you expect to find in it? In what context?

· Long queues

· Enjoy the holiday

· Feel embarrassed

· Gift shopping

· Cut down

· Corner shop

· Window shopping

· Wrapping paper

· Opening hours

· Last-minute trips

· Shopping list

· The Internet

9. 1 What word is being defined?

(The first letter has been given to you.

) 1 Give an answer without knowing the facts g.

2 Eat less in order to lose weight d.

3 Wait in a line of people q.

4 Kill someone m.

5 Telephone r.

6 Press your lips against another person’s lips k.

7 Have a casual conversation c.

8 Images in your mind when you are sleeping d.

9. 2 Rewrite these sentences using the underlined nouns as verbs.

Change or add words if necessary.

Example There was a lot of rain yesterday.

It rained a lot yesterday.

1 We had a long wait.

We . 2 This apple has got a strange taste.

This .

3 We waited in the queue for half an hour.

We . 4 The cost of the holiday was about £500.

The .

5 I wrote a reply to his letter yesterday.

I . 6 She gave me a smile this morning.

She .

9. 3 Rewrite these sentences using the underlined verbs as nouns.

The meaning must stay the same.

Example They want to rest for a bit They want to have a rest for a bit.

1 I’ll ring him this evening.

I’ll .

2 I’ll diet if necessary.

I’ll .

3 If you don’t know, just guess.

If you don’t know, just .

4 I braked but I still couldn’t stop in time.

I . 5 I dreamt about my mother.

I . 6 Did you look in the paper?

Did you ?

9. 4 Sometimes the same word can be a verb and noun but the meaning changes.

Read these pairs of sentences.

Do the verb and noun have a similar meaning, or are they different in meaning?

1a We had a long wait for the bus.

B If we wait any longer, we may miss the train.

2a I gave him the book.

B Did you book the table in the restaurant?

3a They take a break after an hour’s work.

B Did he break his arm skiing?

4a I go for a run most mornings.

B I was late so I had to run to get to school on time.

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