What word modifies a verb

What is a word that modifies a verb?

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes) a verb (he sings loudly), an adjective (very tall), another adverb (ended too quickly), or even a whole sentence (Fortunately, I had brought an umbrella). Adverbs often end in -ly, but some (such as fast) look exactly the same as their adjective counterparts.

What are modifying words?

A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that modifies—that is, gives information about—another word in the same sentence. For example, in the following sentence, the word “burger” is modified by the word “vegetarian”: Example: I’m going to the Saturn Café for a vegetarian burger.

What is an adverb modifier?

A modifier is a word or phrase that describes another word or phrase. Two common types of modifiers are the adverb (a word that describes an adjective, a verb, or another adverb) and the adjective (a word that describes a noun or pronoun). Many modifiers are entire phrases.

How do you identify a noun modifier?

A noun can modify another noun that follows it. As a modifier, the first noun gives specific information about the following noun. In nearly all cases, the noun that acts as the modifier is in singular form. They do not have vegetable soup, but they do have chicken soup and tomato soup.

What is a modifier in a noun phrase?

A modifier is a word/phrase/clause which modifies other words in a sentence. To be specific, a modifier is either an adjective or an adverb. The adjectives modify the nouns, and the adverbs modify the verbs or the adjectives or the other adverbs.

What is the vague word?

When something is vague, it’s unclear, murky, and hard to understand. Vague comes from the Latin vagus, which means wandering or rambling. There are a few big, impressive words for vague, including ambiguous, nebulous, and tenebrous.

What are precise verbs examples?

precise verbs

  • ask: question, query, request, inquire.
  • climb: shinny, scale, ascend, clamber.
  • cry: weep, sob, blubber, snivel, whimper, bawl, howl, wail.
  • fall (an object falling): drop, plunge, plummet, crash.
  • fall (person falling down): tumble, collapse, stumble, topple, plunge.
  • say :speak, utter, declare, state, reply, respond, exclaim.

Is Spielen a weak verb?

Weak Verbs The vowel in the stem of the verb (in this case, the ie in spielen) stays the same in the simple past and in the past participle. Also, the simple past of weak verbs always has the ending “-te” (spielte), and the past participle always has the ending “-t” (gespielt).

What are weak verbs examples?

Examples of Weak Verbs

Weak Verb Simple Past Tense Past Participle
play played has played
creep crept has crept
shoot shot has shot
put put has put

Is kaufen a strong verb?

Most German verbs are weak verbs, which are verbs that are regular in all tenses and conjugations. An example is kaufen, which means to buy or purchase. Even though the vast majority of German verbs are weak, many of the important ones are strong.

Is arbeiten a strong verb?

In German verbs are categorized into three categories: weak verbs, strong, and mixed verbs. Weak verbs (schwache Verben) do not change the stem vowel in the past tense and the past participle and they’re considered like regular verbs in English, examples: arbeiten (to work), spielen (to play).

What are mixed verbs in English?

Mixed verbs are irregular verbs that bear, however, characteristics of regular verbs. They change their verb stem vowel in the Präteritum and in the past participle (Partizip II), but have the endings of regular verbs both in the Präteritum and in the past participle (Partizip II).

What type of verb is einkaufen?

Separable verbs (1)

prefix + verb = new verb
fern + sehen = fernsehen
ein + kaufen = einkaufen

Verb phrase modifiers are words and phrases that modify a verb or a verb phrase in a sentence. They are words that attach to a verb to give a detailed description. Verbal phrase modifiers include adverb phrases, adjective clauses, and appositive phrases.

What is a Verb Phrase?

Verb phrases are phrases that modify verbs to give them different meanings. They typically show tense changes, time changes, mood changes, and other that modifies the verb.

Verb phrases are commonly used in English languages to modify the meaning of a verb by adding to it. They are the incomplete predicate of a sentence.

Verbal phrases can be dependent clauses, which serve as adverbial modifiers of independent verbs or subordinate clauses. Verb phrases usually contain a helping verb and the main verb in a sentence.

A verbal phrase modifier is a word or phrase used to describe a verb or a verbal phrase. The most common verbal phrase modifiers are adverb phrases and adjective clauses. Verbal phrase modifiers help add authenticity to your writing and make your point more emphatic.

Adverb phrase as Verbal Phrase Modifier

An adverb phrase modifies and emphasizes a verb or verb phrase. They add extra information, modify the time, or talk about how a verb occurs.

The adverb phrases can precede or follow the verb within a verb phrase. Some adverbial phrases that serve as verbal phrase modifiers include: in a low voice and in the most painful way.

In the sentences below, the underlined adverb phrases function as verb phrase modifiers:

  • Mary was speaking in a loud voice.
  • John was hurt in the most painful way.
  • The car was moving quite slowly.

Adjective Clauses as Verbal Phrase Modifiers

An adjective clause also called a relative clause, functions as an adjective and modifies nouns and pronouns. Adjectival clauses grammatically function as verb phrase modifiers.

The adjective clause begins with a relative pronoun, like which, whom, or whose, or a relative adverb like why, where, or when.

Adjective clauses have a subject and a verb (or predicate), through which adjective clauses function as verb phrase modifiers. Adjective clauses modify only verb phrases in the form of present participles.

For example,

I enjoy singing worship songs, which I do almost every morning.

Cooking, which is one of my favorite hobbies, is an art.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash


Verb phrase modifiers are a type of adverb, adjective, or phrase added to the verb or verb phrase to further describe it. They can change the entire meaning, so be careful and ensure that you use them correctly.

The phenomenon of the verb phrase modifier is relatively complex, which is why it’s good to learn about them. It’s important to recognize when it is appropriate used a phrase in a sentence. This article will guide you through making use of verbal phrase modifiers effectively.

Verbal Phrase Modifier: A Basic Guide

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

Presentation on theme: «a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb»— Presentation transcript:


a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb
What are Adverbs? a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb


What do adverbs do? Adverbs answer the following questions…
Where? away, here, up When? later, now, soon, then How? quietly, slowly, clearly The sprinter ran swiftly. Elise was comforting a very small child. The fire blazed too wildly.


Adjective or Adverb? Adjective Adverb clear + ly = clearly
quiet + ly = quietly


Identify the Adverbs… Oklahoma is not the Cherokees’ original home. (Find the verb first) adverb = “not”, modifies “is” A number of Cherokees still live in the mountains. (Find the verb first.) adverb = “still”, modifies “live” The Cherokees readily supported the British. adverb = “readily”, modifies “supported”

CodyCross answers

Below you will find the CodyCross — Crossword Answers. CodyCross is without doubt one of the best word games we have played lately.
A new game that is developed by Fanatee who is also known for creating the popular games like Letter Zap and Letroca Word Race.
The concept of the game is very interesting as Cody has landed on planet Earth and needs your help to cross while discovering mysteries.
It will challenge your knowledge and skills in solving crossword puzzles in a new way.
As you find new word the letters will start popping up to help you find the the rest of the words.

Please make sure to check all the levels below and try to match with your correct level. If you still can’t figure it out please comment below and will try to help you out.

Answers updated 29/03/2023

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A word that modifies a verb


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This lesson helps you understand what premodifiers and postmodifiers are, and how to use them correctly in a sentence.

What is a modifier?

A modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that gives information about something in a sentence. It generally is an adjective or an adverb. An adjective modifies a noun, and an adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or an adverb.

The word ‘smart’ is working as an adjective here; it is modifying the noun ‘man’.

Jon runs fast.

The word ‘fast’ is working as an adverb here; it is modifying the verb ‘runs’, telling us the manner of the action.

Jon is extremely smart.

The word ‘extremely’ is working as an adverb here, modifying the adjective ‘smart’.

Here, both ‘fast’ and ‘very’ are adverbs. The word ‘fast’ is modifying the verb ‘runs’ and the adverb ‘very’ is modifying the adverb ‘fast’, telling us the intensity of the action.

Modifiers are divided into two categories based on their placements in the sentence:

  1. Premodifiers
  2. Post modifiers

Premodifiers and postmodifiers are used in noun phrases to modify the head (noun) of the noun phrase. A noun phrase is comprised of a noun and pre and post-modifiers.

Premodifiers and postmodifiers
Premodifiers and postmodifiers

Premodifiers are words that come before a noun and give information about it. We have three things in pre-modifiers:

  1. Determiners
  2. Numbers
  3. Adjectives

A) Determiners

Determiners are words that determine the quantity of a noun or indicate which noun the speaker is referring to. Determiners include the following: 

  • Articles = a, an, the
  • Possessive adjectives = my your, his, her, their, our, its
  • Demonstrative adjectives = this, that, these, those
  • Distributive adjectives = each, Every, either, neither, any, both, etc
  • Quantifiers = Some, many, a few, the few, a lot of, several, etc
Premodifiers Meaning Examples
Articles a, an = refers to an unspecified
singular countable noun

the = refers to a specified
singular countable noun

This is a book.
I don’t have an apple.
The movie was great.
Possessive adjectives refers to the possession of a noun My house is not as big as yours.
I love your dog.
You can’t question his loyalty.
Demonstrative adjectives refers to a noun that is close
or far away from the speaker
Don’t touch this box.
They are planning to cut that tree.
These candies are delicious.
Do you know those people?
Distributive adjectives refers to members of a group separately You can take either box.
Neither team deserved to win the match.
Every team played well.
Quantifiers to talk about the number of
the noun
Bring some books to read.
I have a few friends to meet.
Many people are waiting to see me fall.
There is a lot of money in this.

Note: the texts in red are noun phrases. It has a noun and a determiner.

B) Numbers

Numbers include both cardinal and ordinal numbers. They also give information about a noun; they talk about the exact quantity (number) of the noun they modify.

one, two, three first, second, third…


  • Simra has two cars.
  • I bought 5 laptops last month.
  • This is my first trip to Auli.
  • She was his second wife.

Note: Numbers are considered a part of quantifiers only. But we keep them separate as they refer to specific quantifies.

C) Adjectives

Adjectives are words that describe a noun. Here are some common adjectives in English: good, bad, smart, beautiful, foolish, rich, poor, intelligent, dumb, wise, ugly, tall, huge, talented, kind, cruel, short, fat, slim, etc.


  • It is a big hotel. We all can stay here.
  • He is a tall man.
  • We need some talented people to run our business.
  • You are an old fighter.

Other types of adjectives

  1. Present participle adjective
  2. Past participle adjective
  3. Noun adjective


  • It is an exciting movie to watch. (present participle = exciting)
  • This is a motivating story. (present participle = motivating)
  • A motivated man can do anything. (past participle = motivated)
  • They need a wriiten apology. (past participle = written)
  • Neha got me a leather bag. (noun that’s working as an adjective)
  • It is an action movie. (noun that’s working as an adjective)

Position of premodifiers

Use two or more pre-modifiers in the following structure: Determiners + Numbers + Adjectives + Noun


  • Look at those three huge trees in his backyard.
  • We can’t eat these many dark chocolates.

NOTE: We can’t use two or more types of determiners in a noun phrase.

  • A this man
  • My this car

But we do use the following structure: quantifiers + OF + possessive adjective + noun

  • Some of my friends
  • None of your projects
  • One of his students


  • Some of my friends will stay here.
  • They didn’t like none of your proects.
  • We are talking about one of his students.

NOTE: the combination of a premodifier/s and the noun it modifies is called a noun phrase. A noun phrase can be formed in three different ways:

  • Premodifier/s + noun
  • Noun + postmodifier/s
  • Premodifier/s + noun + postmodifier/s


Postmodifiers are words that come after a noun and give information about it. There are 6 things that come in post-modifiers:

  1. Prepositional phrases
  2. Present participle phrases
  3. Past participle phrases
  4. Infinitive phrases
  5. Relative/Adjective clauses
  6. Appositives

They all are called postmodifiers as they come right after the noun they modify.

Prepositional phrase

A prepositional phrase starts with a preposition and is followed by the object of the preposition. When a preposition phrase comes right after a noun and modifies it, we call it a postmodifier.


  • The house across the street is believed to be haunted.

Noun phrase = the house across the street
Premodifiers = the
Noun = house
Postmodifier = across the street (prepositional phrase)

Here, the prepositional phrase ‘across the street’ modifies the noun ‘house‘ and tells us which house we are referring to in the sentence.

  • The guy in the blue shirt is my neighbor.

Noun phrase = the guy in the blue shirt
Premodifiers = the
Noun = guy
Postmodifier = in the blue shirt (prepositional phrase)

Which guy is my neighbor? The prepositional phrase ‘in the blue shirt’ identifies the noun guy. Not any guy present there is my neighbor; the guy in the blue shirt is my neighbor.

  •  They are writing a movie about his life.

Noun phrase = a movie about his life
Premodifiers = the
Noun = man
Postmodifier = about his life (prepositional phrase)

The prepositional phrase ‘about his life‘ modifies the noun ‘movie’ and helps us to understand which movie the speaker is talking about writing. It is starting with the preposition ‘about’ and is followed by the object of the preposition his life.

Present participle phrase

A present participle phrase starts with a present participle (a verb ending with ‘ING’), sits next to a noun, and modifies it.

I was talking about the man sitting next to your sister.

Noun phrase = the man sitting next to your sister
Premodifiers = the
Noun = man
Postmodifier = sitting next to your sister (present participle phrase)

The present participle phrase (in red) is coming next to and modifying the noun ‘man’. It is working as an adjective.

Note that a present participle phrase is a reduced adjective phrase.

  • I was talking about the man sitting next to your sister. (present participle phrase)
  • I was talking about the man who is sitting next to your sister. (adjective clause)

More examples:

  • The man talking to Amy is a professional singer.
  • I will talk to the students protesting outside the college.
  • Nobody likes to talk with the man sitting on the rock alone.

Past participle phrase

A past participle phrase starts with a past participle (V3), sits next to a noun, and modifies it.

We have come here to see the boy injured in the attack.

Noun phrase = the boy injured in the attack
Premodifier = the (article)
Noun = boy
Postmodifier = injured in the attack (past participle phrase)

Here, the past participle phrase is identifying the noun ‘boy’ and giving essential information for us to identify him.

Note that a past participle phrase is a reduced adjective phrase.

  • We have come here to see the boy injured in the attack. (past participle phrase)
  • We have come here to see the boy who was injured in the attack. (adjective clause)


  • The man taken to the police station is a terrorist.
  • The actor approached for this role is busy with his own project right now.
  • They are still searching for the bike stolen from this park last month.

Infinitive phrases

A group of words that starts with an infinitive and works as a noun, adjective, or adverb is called an infinitive phrase. As a post modifier, it functions as an adjective; it comes right after a noun and modifies it.

The guy to learn SEO from is Mangesh Kumar Bhardwaj.

Noun phrase = the guy to learn SEO from
Premodifier = the
Noun = guy
Postmodifier = to learn SEO from (infinitive phrase)

‘To learn SEO from’ is an infinitive phrase that’s modifying the noun ‘guy’.

We are looking for a house to buy.

Noun phrase = a house to buy
Premodifier = a
Noun = house
Postmodifier = to buy (infinitive)

‘To buy’ is an infinitive that’s working as a postmodifier in the noun phrase. It is giving information about the noun ‘house’.


  • I wish I had someone to stand by me.
  • This is the best way to learn English.
  • I need a book to read in my free time.

Adjective clauses

An adjective clause is a dependent clause that sits next to a noun/pronoun and gives information about it.

I love the book that my father gifted me on my last birthday.

Noun phrase = the book that my father gifted me on my last birthday
Noun = book
Premodifier = the
Postmodifier = that my father gifted me on my last birthday (adjective clause)

‘That my father gifted me on my last birthday‘ is the adjective clause that’s sitting next to the noun book and modifying it. An adjective clause is also called a relative clause as it starts with a relative pronoun.


  • I don’t know anyone who can teach you boxing.
  • People who can control their minds live a highly successful life.
  • We are looking for a place where we party peacefully.


An appositive is a noun or a noun phrase that comes after a noun and renames it.

Her roommate Sofia Charles does not talk to people politely.

Noun phrase = her roommate Sofia Charles
Noun = roommate
Postmodifier = Sofia Charles

‘Sofia Charles’ is the postmodifier (a noun) that’s coming next to the noun ‘roommate’ and renaming it.


  • My friends Mangesh and Archit help me with everything I do.
  • My history teacher Jon Morley is getting married next week.

There are two types of appositives in English:

  1. Essential Appositives
  2. Nonessential Appositives

Note that only essential appositives function as postmodifiers; nonessential appositives are offset using commas as they give extra information about the noun they come after.

Essential appositive: My history teacher Jon Morley is getting married next week.
Nonessential appositive: Jon Morley, my history teacher, is getting married next week.

Noun phrases using Premodifiers and Postmodifiers

Premodifiers and postmodifies are a part of a noun phrase; a noun phrase is formed using them.

1. Noun phrases using premodifiers

  • Give me some fresh mangoes

Noun phrase = some fresh mangoes
Premodifiers = some, fresh

  • Go and bring those five muscular boys.

Noun phrase = those five muscular boys
Premodifiers = those, five, muscular

2. Noun phrases using postmodifiers

  • People protesting outside the house are not from this area.

Noun phrase = people protesting outside the house
Postmodifier = protesting outside the house (present participle phrase)

  • I love men in uniform.

Noun phase = men in uniform
Postmodifier = in uniform (prepositional phrase)

3. Noun phrases using both premodifiers and postmodifiers

  • The Chinese cupset that you gifted me last week has been broken.

Noun phrase = the Chinese cupset that you gifted me last week
Premodifier = the, Chinese
Postmodifier = that you gifted me last week

  • Look at those black dogs across the bridge.

Noun phrase = those black dogs across the bridge
Premodifier = those, black
Postmodifier = across the bridge

Premodifiers and postmodifiers in English

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