What word means upset

расстройство, осадка, нарушать, расстраивать, расстроенный, опрокинутый


- опрокидывание
- падение
- беспорядок
- крушение (планов и т. п.)
- ссора, размолвка

a bit of an upset with his father — небольшая размолвка с отцом

ещё 6 вариантов


- опрокидывать

to upset a boat — опрокинуть лодку

- опрокидываться

if you don’t sit still, the boat will upset — если вы не будете сидеть спокойно, лодка перевернётся

- расстраивать, нарушать (порядок и т. п.)

to upset everything in the house — перевернуть всё в доме
to upset smb.’s plans — расстроить чьи-л. планы

- полит. подрывать, дестабилизировать
- выводить из душевного равновесия; огорчать

the bad news completely upset him — плохие новости совсем его расстроили

- расстраивать здоровье (особ. желудок)

he ate something that upset him — у него от чего-то расстроился желудок

- нанести неожиданное поражение (в соревнованиях, на выборах и т. п.)

to upset the government — нанести поражение правительству

- тех. обжимать, осаживать


- опрокинутый
- расстроенный; встревоженный

she is upset about her brother going away — она расстроена из-за отъезда своего брата

- ком. установленный, твёрдый

upset price — низшая отправная цена (ниже которой продавец не согласен продавать товар на аукционе)

Мои примеры


to overturn / swamp / upset a boat — перевернуться на лодке  
to upset smb.’s equanimity — расстроить кого-л.  
to upset equilibrium — нарушить равновесие  
to disturb / upset smb.’s metabolism — нарушить обмен веществ  
to upset a rivet — осаживать заклёпку  
to upset smb.’s apple cart — расстраивать чьи-л. планы  
to upset smb.’s stomach — расстраивать чей-л. желудок  
mental upset — психическое расстройство  
upset table — опрокинутый стол  
emotional upset — нервное потрясение  

Примеры с переводом

Don’t get upset.

Не надо расстраиваться.

I’m sorry if I upset you.

Прости, если я тебя расстроил.

This book upset me

Эта книга меня расстроила.

He upset a bowl of soup.

Он опрокинул миску с супом.

He was upset but never let it show.

Он был расстроен, но не показывал виду.

I didn’t mean to upset you.

Я не хотел тебя расстраивать.

Don’t get upset. I was only teasing.

Не расстраивайся. Я просто пошутил.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Don’t do anything that would upset him.

Her victory in the election was a big upset.

It upsets him that he can do nothing to help.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: upset
he/she/it: upsets
ing ф. (present participle): upsetting
2-я ф. (past tense): upset
3-я ф. (past participle): upset

ед. ч.(singular): upset
мн. ч.(plural): upsets

1. гл.
1) опрокидывать(ся) , нарушать порядок
2) расстраивать, огорчать It upset me to learn of their attitude. ≈ Я огорчился, узнав их мнение. Syn : agitate, demoralize, disconcert, disturb, exacerbate Ant : calm, relax, relieve, soothe
3) нарушать (пищеварение)
4) тех. обжимать;
2. сущ.
1) опрокидывание (лодки, машины и т. п.) ;
крушение (планов и т. п.) The revolution and the upset of opinions created a new order of taste. ≈ Революция и разрушение общепринятых взглядов привели к новым склонностям и пристрастиям.
2) огорчение, расстройство
3) недомогание, расстройство (желудка)
4) спорт неожиданное поражение to score an upset over ≈ нанести неожиданное поражение кому-л.
3. прил.
1) расстроенный, огорченный I am upset ≈ я расстроен She was upset to learn of their attitude. ≈ Она была очень расстроена, узнав об их отношении.
2) низкий (о ценах) upset price ≈ низшая стартовая цена (на аукционе)
опрокидывание падение беспорядок крушение (планов и т. п.) ссора, размолвка — a bit of an * with his father небольшая размолвка с отцом недомогание — a stomach * расстройство желудка расстройство, огорчение;
потрясение — he went through a big * after his father’s death он был потрясен смертью отца неожиданное поражение (в соревнованиях, на выборах и т. п.) (техническое) высадка;
осадка (техническое) высаженное издание (горное) восстающая выработка, сбойка опрокинутый расстроенный;
встревоженный — she is * about her brother going away она расстроена из-за отъезда своего брата (коммерческое) установленный, твердый — * price низшая отправная цена (ниже которой продавец не согласен продавать товар на аукционе) опрокидывать — to * a boat опрокинуть локу опрокидываться — if you don’t sit still, the boat will * если вы не будете сидеть спокойно, лодка перевернется расстраивать, нарушать (порядок и т. п.) — to * everything in the house перевернуть все в доме — to * smb.’s plans расстроить чьи-л. планы (политика) подрывать, дестабилизировать выводить из душевного равновесия;
огорчать — the bad news completely * him плохие новости совсем его расстроили расстраивать здоровье (особ. желудок) — he ate something that * him у него от чего-то расстроился желудок нанести неожиданное поражение (в соревнованиях, на выборах и т. п.) — to * the government нанести поражение правительству (техническое) обжимать, осаживать
~ расстраивать, огорчать, выводить из душевного равновесия;
I am upset я расстроен
~ недомогание;
stomach upset расстройство желудка
~ расстраивать, нарушать (порядок и т. п.) ;
to upset (smb.’s) plans расстраивать (чьи-л.) планы

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.


Смотреть что такое «upset» в других словарях:

  • upset — [up set′; ] for n. always, and for adj. also [, up′set΄] vt. upset, upsetting [ME upsetten: see UP1 & SET] 1. Obs. to set up; erect 2. a) to tip over; overturn [to upset a vase] …   English World dictionary

  • Upset — Up*set , v. t. 1. To set up; to put upright. [Obs.] With sail on mast upset. R. of Brunne. [1913 Webster] 2. (a) To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end. (b) To shorten (a tire) in the process of resetting,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • upset — [adj] disturbed, bothered agitated, all torn up*, amazed, antsy*, apprehensive, blue*, broken up*, bummed out*, capsized, chaotic, come apart*, confused, disconcerted, dismayed, disordered, disquieted, distressed, dragged*, frantic, grieved, hurt …   New thesaurus

  • Upset — Up set , n. The act of upsetting, or the state of being upset; an overturn; as, the wagon had an upset. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Upset — Up set , a. Set up; fixed; determined; used chiefly or only in the phrase upset price; that is, the price fixed upon as the minimum for property offered in a public sale, or, in an auction, the price at which property is set up or started by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • upset — ► VERB (upsetting; past and past part. upset) 1) make unhappy, disappointed, or worried. 2) knock over. 3) disrupt or disturb. ► NOUN 1) a state of being upset. 2) an unexpected re …   English terms dictionary

  • Upset — Up*set , v. i. To become upset. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • upset — I verb agitate, beat, bother, capsize, confuse, conquer, crush defeat, demolish, derange, destroy, disarrange, discomfit, discompose, disconcert, disorganize, displace, disquiet, distress, disturb, embarrass, enrage, evertere, fluster, invert,… …   Law dictionary

  • Upset — Upset. См. Осадка. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) …   Словарь металлургических терминов

  • upset — (v.) mid 15c., to set up, fix, from UP (Cf. up) + SET (Cf. set) (v.). Cf. M.Du. opsetten, Ger. aufsetzen. Modern sense of overturn, capsize (1803) is that of obsolete overset. Meaning to throw into mental discomposure is from 1805. The noun sense …   Etymology dictionary

  • upset — vb 1 *overturn, capsize, overthrow, subvert Analogous words: invert, reverse: bend (see CURVE vb 2) agitate, perturb, disturb, disquiet, *discompose, fluster, flurry Analogous words: bewilder, distract, confound (see PUZZLE vb): discomfit, rattle …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

upset — перевод на русский


— I’m not upset, I’m out of my fucking mind!

Я не расстроен, я в бешенстве!


Мне очень жаль, но дело в том, что я крайне расстроен.

Naturally, you’re upset.

Конечно, ты расстроен.

Forgive me, Mrs. Charles, but I’ve been so upset.

Простите меня, миссис Чарльз, но я был так расстроен.

I am sorry, Señorita Cunningham, if I seemed abrupt, but I am somewhat upset.

Простите, сеньорита Каннингхэм, если выгляжу грубым, просто я очень расстроен.

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Oh, now you’re upset.

Ну вот, ты расстроился.

— Oh, now you’re upset.

Ну вот, теперь ты расстроился.

She kept snatching at it… and he finally became very upset and started to cry.

Старалась сорвать её… В итоге он очень расстроился и заплакал.

Cliff, why are you so upset?

Клифф, почему ты расстроился?

Hanouma said you were upset when I pushed you.

Ханума сказала, что ты расстроился, когда я тебя толкнул. Ты прости.

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Did I upset your plans?

Я расстроил ваши планы?

Sorry if I’ve upset your theories about me, which must be more elaborate, but…

Жаль, что я расстроил ваши теории обо мне, их следует доработать, но…

I, uh, hope I didn’t upset Phillip.

Надеюсь, я не расстроил Филиппа.

You’re not upset.

Ты меня не расстроил.

That fellow Throstle’s been upsetting you.

Этот малый, Трастл, расстроил вас.

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Leave him to his dreams without upsetting him.

Оставь ему его сны, не расстраивайся.

Gladdie, you’re getting yourself all upset, darling.

Глэдди, не расстраивайся, дорогая.

Don’t be upset, David.

Не расстраивайся, Дэвид.

Please don’t look so upset.

Не расстраивайся.

You don’t have to be upset about what such an idiot says, it doesn’t matter to you.

Да не расстраивайся ты из-за того, что ляпнул какой-то дурак. Какая тебе разница!

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I do not want to upset him.

Я не хочу его расстраивать.

I didn’t want to upset him.

Не хотелось его расстраивать.

Sir, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t upset Vicky so much.

Сэр, я бы попросил не расстраивать Вики.

I know nothing about any murder and stop upsetting my prima donna.

Я не знаю ни о каком убийстве и хватит расстраивать мою примадонну.

I don’t mean to upset you, Emperor, but I don’t think you’ll see the new year.

— Я не хочу расстраивать вас, Императора, но я не думаю, что вы встретите Новый Год.

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I don’t blame you for being upset, but I can explain everything.

Я понимаю, ты сердишься, но я могу все объяснить.

But, why are you getting so upset now?

Но почему ты сейчас сердишься?

Are you upset?

Вы сердишься?

Are you upset?

Ты сердишься?

You’re just a bit upset

— Ты это говоришь, так как сердишься.

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— But I didn’t want to upset you.

Но я не хотел тебя огорчать…

I never wanted to upset her …even if she was mad at me.

Я никогда не хотел её огорчать даже если бы она злилась на меня.

— We can’t upset him or it could be fatal.

— Мы не можем огорчать его, это будет фатально.

You mustn’t let Norman upset you, Billy.

Ты не должен позволять Норману огорчать тебя, Билли.

I don’t want to upset you.

Я не хотел тебя огорчать…

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I was just dreadfully shocked and upset.

Просто я был ошеломлен и огорчен.

The freighter people are furious and Mr. Lampson himself is terribly upset. Of course he is.

Владельцы грузовых суден жутко злятся, а сам мистер Лэмпсон страшно огорчён.

I am very upset too…

Я тоже очень огорчен.

No, no. I’m just as upset as you are.

Нет, милая, я тоже огорчен.

An old pal and an old partner, who wants you to know, number one that he’s ever so upset about all this aggravation you got.

От старого приятеля и старого партнера, который хочет, чтобы вы знали, что, во-первых, он очень огорчен теми неприятностями, в которые вы попали.

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He was doing his residency at Saint Julian’s in the emergency room, upset ’cause he was gonna be a few minutes late for his 9 a.m. shift.

Он ехал на ночное дежурство в больницу Св.Джулиана. В отделение реанимации. Переживал, что не успеет вовремя принять смену.

Son, I know you’re upset because you thought you saw us on TV… saying we didn’t want you in our family…

Сынок: я знаю: ты переживал потому что видел по ТВ, будто мы не хотели твоего возвращения.

I was upset about you!

Я страшно переживал за тебя.

You’d have been upset. You’d have been unhappy, but would have said anything.

Ты бы переживал, но сказал бы кому-нибудь?

Well/// when you left us, I was very upset, and mother too/

В общем… когда ты нас бросил, я очень переживал, и мама.

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Just a drunk in Las Palmas. Nothing to get upset about.

Просто какой-то пьяница в Лас Пальмас, не стоит волноваться.

Veta shouldn’t be upset about me. I get along fine.

Вита не нужно волноваться за меня.

Yes, you can. Otherwise I’ll get upset.

— Ешь, иначе я буду волноваться.

And the Nonsmoker forbid me to get upset.

А Некурящий сказал, мне нельзя волноваться.

— Now, now, petite Do not upset yourself.

Успокойтесь, на надо так волноваться.

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From Middle English upset (the act of setting up; establishment), from Middle English upsetten, corresponding to up- +‎ set. Cognate with Middle Low German upset (setup; arrangement).


  • enPR: ŭpʹsĕt, IPA(key): /ˈʌpsɛt/
Adjective, verb
  • enPR: ŭpsĕtʹ, IPA(key): /ʌpˈsɛt/
  • Audio (US), verb/adjective (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɛt


upset (comparative more upset, superlative most upset)

  1. (of a person) Angry, distressed, or unhappy.
    He was upset when she refused his friendship.
    My children often get upset with their classmates.
  2. (of a stomach or gastrointestinal tract, referred to as stomach) Feeling unwell, nauseated, or ready to vomit.
    His stomach was upset, so he didn’t want to move.


  • (angry, distressed, unhappy): See angry, distressed and unhappy
    • in a tizzy

Derived terms[edit]

  • upset price


angry, distressed, unhappy

  • Afrikaans: ontsteld, omgekrap
  • Arabic: زَعْلَان(zaʕlān)
  • Armenian: please add this translation if you can
  • Belarusian: разладжаны m (razladžany)
  • Bulgarian: разтревожен (bg) (raztrevožen)
  • Catalan: molest (ca), trasbalsat (ca), disgustat
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 懊惱懊恼 (zh) (àonǎo)
  • Czech: rozrušený
  • Danish: oprørt
  • Dutch: ontdaan (nl), geschokt (nl), van streek, overstuur (nl)
  • Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: poissa tolaltaan, pahoillaan (fi), järkyttynyt (fi), tuohtunut
  • French: fâché (fr) (angry), bouleversé (fr) (distressed), contrarié (fr) (unhappy)
  • Georgian: განაწყენებული (ganac̣q̇enebuli), გაბრაზებული (gabrazebuli)
  • German: aufgebracht (de), aufgewühlt (de)
  • Greek: θυμωμένος (el) (thymoménos)
  • Hindi: परेशान (hi) (pareśān)
  • Hungarian: zaklatott (hu), feldúlt (hu), ideges (hu), kiborult
  • Irish: múisiamach
  • Italian: sconvolto (it)
  • Japanese: くよくよ (ja) (kuyokuyo)
  • Khmer: រកាំចិត្ត (rɔkam cət), មួហ្មង (km) (muə maaŋ), ក្រំចិត្ត (krɑm cət)
  • Korean: please add this translation if you can
  • Latin: sollicitus
  • Louisiana Creole French: fashé
  • Maori: auhi, pāmamae, reoreoā, hūhē, pāiriiri, pāpōuri, pōkeka, reoreoā (after an argument), ngaukino, pāpōuri
  • Mongolian: please add this translation if you can
  • Norwegian:
    Bokmål: please add this translation if you can
    Nynorsk: please add this translation if you can
  • Persian: please add this translation if you can
  • Plautdietsch: fuchtich
  • Polish: zaniepokojony (pl) m, zmartwiony (pl) m, przygnębiony (pl) m
  • Portuguese: triste (pt), chateado (pt)
  • Romanian: supărat (ro), necăjit (ro)
  • Russian: расстро́енный (ru) m (rasstrójennyj), огорчённый (ru) m (ogorčónnyj)
  • Scottish Gaelic: tro-chèile
  • Serbo-Croatian:
    Cyrillic: у̀зруја̄н
    Roman: ùzrujān (sh) m
  • Spanish: trastornado (es), perturbado (es), enfadado (es), molesto (es), contrariado (es), enojado (es)
  • Swedish: upprörd (sv)
  • Thai: please add this translation if you can
  • Ukrainian: розстроєний m (rozstrojenyj)
  • Urdu: پریشان(pareśān)
  • Vietnamese: tức (vi)
  • Walloon: måva (wa) m, måle (wa) f, mwais (wa) m, mwaijhe (wa) f

of a stomach

  • Afrikaans: ontsteld, omgekrap
  • Bulgarian: разстроен (bg) (razstroen)
  • Chinese:
    Cantonese: 唔舒服 (m4 syu1 fuk6)
  • Dutch: overstuur (nl) f, van streek
  • Finnish: sekaisin (fi)
  • French: dérangé (fr), perturbé (fr), bouleversé (fr), remué (fr)
  • German: verstimmt (de), gereizt (de), nervös (de), verkorkst (de) (coll.), verdorben (de)
  • Khmer: ទល់ពោះ (tʊəl pʊəh), ហល់ផ្ទៃ (hal ptey), អជីរណា (a’ciirea’naa)
  • Polish: rozstrojony (pl) m
  • Romanian: deranjat (ro)
  • Swedish: orolig (sv)


upset (countable and uncountable, plural upsets)

  1. (uncountable) Disturbance or disruption.

    My late arrival caused the professor considerable upset.

  2. (countable, sports, politics) An unexpected victory of a competitor or candidate that was not favored to win.
    • 2011 January 8, Paul Fletcher, “Stevenage 3 — 1 Newcastle”, in BBC[1]:

      But it is probably the biggest upset for the away side since Ronnie Radford smashed a famous goal as Hereford defeated Newcastle 2-1 in 1972.

    • 2016 March 9, Harry Enten, “What The Stunning Bernie Sanders Win In Michigan Means”, in FiveThirtyEight[2]:

      Sanders’s win in Michigan was one of the greatest upsets in modern political history.

  3. (automobile insurance) An overturn.
    «collision and upset«: impact with another object or an overturn for whatever reason.
  4. An upset stomach.
    • 1958 May 12, advertisement, Life, volume 44, number 19, page 110 [3]:
      «Bob, let’s cancel the babysitter. With this upset stomach, I can’t go out tonight.
      «Try Pepto-Bismol. Hospital tests prove it relieves upsets. And it’s great for indigestion or nausea, too!»
  5. (mathematics) An upper set; a subset (X,≤) of a partially ordered set with the property that, if x is in U and x≤y, then y is in U.
  6. (aviation) The dangerous situation where the flight attitude or airspeed of an aircraft is outside the designed bounds of operation, possibly resulting in loss of control.
    • 1965 June 1, Civil Aeronautics Board, “Synopsis”, in Aircraft Accident Report: Northwest Airlines, Inc., Boeing 720B, N724US, Near Miami, Florida, February 12, 1963[4], retrieved 25 November 2022, page 1:

      The Board determines that the probable cause of this accident was the unfavorable interaction of severe vertical air drafts and large longitudinal control displacements resulting in a longitudinal upset from which a successful recovery was not made.


  • (disturbance, disruption): disruption, disturbance
  • (unexpected victory of a competitor):

Derived terms[edit]

  • jet upset



upset (third-person singular simple present upsets, present participle upsetting, simple past and past participle upset)

  1. (transitive) To make (a person) angry, distressed, or unhappy.
    I’m sure the bad news will upset him, but he needs to know.
  2. (transitive) To disturb, disrupt or adversely alter (something).
    Introducing a foreign species can upset the ecological balance.
    The fatty meat upset his stomach.
  3. (transitive) To tip or overturn (something).
    • 1924, W. D. Ross translator, Aristitle, Metaphysics, Book 1, Part 9, The Classical Library, Nashotah, Wisconsin, 2001.
      But this argument, which first Anaxagoras and later Eudoxus and certain others used, is very easily upset; for it is not difficult to collect many insuperable objections to such a view.
  4. (transitive) To defeat unexpectedly.
    Truman upset Dewey in the 1948 US presidential election.
  5. (intransitive) To be upset or knocked over.
    The carriage upset when the horse bolted.
  6. (obsolete) To set up; to put upright.
    • R. of Brunne
      with sail on mast upset
  7. To thicken and shorten, as a heated piece of iron, by hammering on the end.
  8. To shorten (a tire) in the process of resetting, originally by cutting it and hammering on the ends.


  • (make someone angry, distressed or unhappy): See anger, distress, forset, and sadden
  • (disturb, disrupt, adversely alter): disrupt, disturb, forset, turn upside down
  • (tip, overturn): invert, overturn, forset, tip, tip over, tip up, turn over, turn upside down

Derived terms[edit]

  • upset the applecart
  • upset the natives


make (a person) angry, distressed or unhappy

  • Afrikaans: ontstel, omkrap
  • Arabic: أَسْخَطَ(ʔasḵaṭa)
  • Bulgarian: огорчавам (bg) (ogorčavam), разстройвам (bg) (razstrojvam)
  • Catalan: trasbalsar (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 刺激 (zh) (cìjī)
  • Dutch: van zijn stuk brengen, overstuur maken, verontrusten (nl)
  • Finnish: hermostuttaa (fi), saada pois tolaltaan
  • French: énerver (fr)
  • German: ärgern (de), aufregen (de)
  • Gothic: 𐌳𐍂𐍉𐌱𐌾𐌰𐌽 (drōbjan)
  • Italian: innervosire
  • Japanese: 引っ繰り返す (ja) (hikkuri-kaesu)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: qehirandin (ku), xeyidandin (ku), sil kirin (ku)
  • Louisiana Creole French: troublé
  • Maori: whakariri, whakatakariri, whakapouri
  • Old English: drēfan
  • Polish: niepokoić (pl)
  • Portuguese: perturbar (pt)
  • Romanian: tulbura (ro), supăra (ro), necăji (ro)
  • Russian: (make distressed or unhappy) огорча́ть (ru) impf (ogorčátʹ), огорчи́ть (ru) pf (ogorčítʹ), (make angry) серди́ть (ru) impf (serdítʹ), рассерди́ть (ru) pf (rasserdítʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: buair
  • Spanish: desazonar (es)
  • Ukrainian: (make distressed or unhappy) засму́чувати impf (zasmúčuvaty), засмути́ти pf (zasmutýty), (make angry) се́рдити impf (sérdyty), розсе́рдити pf (rozsérdyty)
  • Walloon: måvler (wa)

disturb, disrupt, unfavorably alter

  • Afrikaans: versteur
  • Bulgarian: разстройвам (bg) (razstrojvam)
  • Catalan: trastornar (ca), alterar (ca)
  • Dutch: verstoren (nl), verwarren (nl)
  • Finnish: sekoittaa (fi), järkyttää (fi)
  • French: bouleverser (fr)
  • German: umstoßen (de), stürzen (de), umwerfen (de)
  • Italian: sconvolgere (it), angosciare (it), turbare (it)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: têkvedan (ku), tevlihev kirin (ku)
  • Louisiana Creole French: boulvèrsé
  • Polish: psuć (pl)
  • Portuguese: desarranjar (pt)
  • Romanian: deranja (ro), perturba (ro), da peste cap
  • Russian: расстра́ивать (ru) impf (rasstráivatʹ), расстро́ить (ru) pf (rasstróitʹ)
  • Scottish Gaelic: buair

tip, overturn

  • Bulgarian: преобръщам (bg) (preobrǎštam), прекатурвам (prekaturvam)
  • Catalan: bolcar (ca)
  • Dutch: omstoten (nl), doen kapzeizen
  • Finnish: kaataa (fi)
  • French: renverser (fr)
  • German: umwerfen (de), umkippen (de), umschlagen (de), kentern (de), umdrehen (de), umkehren (de) (transitiv), auf den Kopf stellen (figurative, idiomatic)
  • Italian: capovolgere (it), ribaltare (it), rovesciare (it)
  • Kurdish:
    Northern Kurdish: riştin (ku), rijandin (ku)
  • Latin: subvertō
  • Maori: porohuri, urupoki
  • Nepali: ढाल्नु (ḍhālnu)
  • Portuguese: capotar (pt)
  • Romanian: răsturna (ro)
  • Welsh: dymchwel (cy)


  • TUPEs, Tse-p’u, puets, set up, set-up, setup, spute, stupe

Recent Examples on the Web

While landlords are upset by the policy, some developers are seriously reconsidering future projects in Boston, said Bruce Percelay, chairman of the Mount Vernon Co., a prominent apartment owner and developer.

Andrew Brinker, BostonGlobe.com, 25 Mar. 2023

In the women’s tournament, No. 1 Stanford was upset by No. 8 Ole Miss.

Nicole Fallert, USA TODAY, 20 Mar. 2023

Last season, a capable but erratic Alabama team stumbled against some of its weaker opponents and eventually was upset by No. 11 seed play-in winner Notre Dame in the first round of the NCAA tournament.

Mike Rodak | Mrodak@al.com, al, 16 Mar. 2023

Argyle, 31-4 Preseason ranking: 3 In its first season in 5A, Argyle had won 26 games in a row before it was upset by Justin Northwest in the second round of the playoffs.

Greg Riddle, Dallas News, 16 Mar. 2023

For the second straight Big Dance, No. 13 Virginia was upset by a No. 4 seed in the first round.

Jason Beede, Orlando Sentinel, 16 Mar. 2023

But not all neighbors have been upset by the painting.

Grace Toohey, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2023

South Carolina won the 2022 national championship but was upset by Iowa on Friday in the Final Four semifinals.

Evan Frank, The Indianapolis Star, 1 Apr. 2023

Read full article Higgins said his client, Steven Luppold, a 43-year-old former construction worker who had been disabled by injuries to his other leg before the amputation and stopped working, was pleased with the verdict but upset by the evidence presented during the trial.

Jonathan Saltzman, BostonGlobe.com, 27 Mar. 2023

With his father cheering from the stands, Evbuomwan led the Tigers with 15 points in their upset of No. 2 seed Arizona, then pitched in nine points, nine rebounds and five assists in a win over No. 7 seed Missouri.

Tom Schad, USA TODAY, 24 Mar. 2023

Seattle 4 Ole Miss crashed the party with its upset of Stanford and is back in the Sweet 16 for the first time since 2007.

Doug Feinberg, Chicago Tribune, 21 Mar. 2023

Seattle 4 Ole Miss crashed the party with its upset of Stanford and is back in the Sweet 16 for the first time since 2007.

Doug Feinberg, Orlando Sentinel, 21 Mar. 2023

There have been a handful of near-upsets of top seeds in the opening round, most notably in 1989, when Princeton and East Tennessee State both lost by a point in the opening round, to Georgetown and Oklahoma, respectively.

Christian Stone, Los Angeles Times, 16 Mar. 2023

Still, there were highlights, including an upset of then-No. 21 Baylor in a Thanksgiving-week tournament in Estero, Florida, and a take down of then No. 6-North Carolina in the Jumpman Invitational in Charlotte, North Carolina, toward the end of December.

Ryan Ford, Detroit Free Press, 13 Mar. 2023

The Arizona State Sun Devils did that with an upset of No. 7 Arizona on Saturday and looked to do so for the second time in as many games, this time at No. 4 UCLA.

Michelle Gardner, The Arizona Republic, 2 Mar. 2023

Tulane inspired America on Monday with its upset of USC in the Cotton Bowl.

Joseph Goodman | Jgoodman@al.com, al, 6 Jan. 2023

Others said the threat of an earthquake is relatively minor, and that students are more likely to be harmed by the emotional upset of the move.

Phil Diehl, San Diego Union-Tribune, 13 Mar. 2023

The election was an upset.

Chris Pandolfo, Fox News, 5 Apr. 2023

The merged tribe name is about as insignificant a decision as there is to be made in the game, which is what makes the fact that players in early seasons would take it so seriously (and get really upset if their suggestion wasn’t accepted) so hilarious.

Dalton Ross, EW.com, 4 Apr. 2023

So that was actually really hurtful watching it and seeing the fans get upset.

Zack Sharf, Variety, 3 Apr. 2023

By the third turn Hamilton had also passed the Dutchman, raising the prospect an improved Mercedes team might be able to pull off a stunning upset.

Courtney Walsh, Orlando Sentinel, 2 Apr. 2023

The Blazers won the fourth quarter 25-19 to pull off the upset.

Afentres, oregonlive, 2 Apr. 2023

Stanford lost in the next round, an upset to Oregon State.

Marisa Ingemi, San Francisco Chronicle, 2 Apr. 2023

What seemed like the beginning of a headline-grabbing upset would turn into a lopsided 14–2 victory for the USA.

Jamie Kitman, Car and Driver, 1 Apr. 2023

Bettors believing the Hornets can pull the upset can get +380 on the moneyline.

Nick Hennion, Chicago Tribune, 31 Mar. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘upset.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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