What word means to be excited

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    Персональный Сократ > excited

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    возбуждённый, взволнованный, взвинченный, напряжённый

    I was too excited to sleep (to sit still, to speak). — Я был слишком возбужден и не мог заснуть (сидеть спокойно, говорить).

    I am excited about the holidays (about my new job). — Я так радуюсь предстоящему отпуску (своей новой работе).

    Don’t get excited over little things. — Не волнуйтесь по пустякам

    excited crowd

    — excited discussion
    — in an excited voice
    — get easily excited
    — be excited at this thought
    — be excited about this incident
    — be excited by smb, smth

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > excited

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    Англо-русский технический словарь > excited

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    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > excited

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    English-Russian big medical dictionary > excited

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    1. a возбуждённый, взволнованный

    2. a оживлённый; деятельный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. intoxicated (adj.) elated; exhilarated; intoxicated; turned-on

    2. stimulated (adj.) aflame; agitated; agog; brisk; eager; ecstatic; stimulated; wild

    3. thrilled (adj.) fired up; thrilled; worked up

    4. upset (adj.) discomposed; distraught; disturbed; edgy; fluttered; perturbed; ruffled; stormy; upset

    5. elated (verb) commoved; elated; exhilarated; inspired; set up; spirited up; stimulated

    6. interested (verb) appealed; attracted; fascinated; interested; intrigued

    7. moved (verb) aroused; egg on; excited; galvanised; galvanized; goaded; impelled; incited; inflamed; innervated; instigated; kindled; motivated; moved; piqued; primed; prompted; provoked; quickened; roused; spurred; stirred; work up

    Антонимический ряд:

    composed; pacific

    English-Russian base dictionary > excited

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    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > excited

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    1. возбуждённый, взволнованный

    2. оживлённый; деятельный

    an excited buying and selling of stocks — оживлённая купля-продажа ценных бумаг

    НБАРС > excited

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    [ɪk’saɪtɪd], [ek-]


    1) взволнованный, возбуждённый


    2) взвинченный, напряжённый


    Англо-русский современный словарь > excited

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    excited state

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > excited state

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    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > excited

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    excited to

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > excited to

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    Авиасловарь > excited

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    возбуждённый; вызванный; снабжённый питанием

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > excited

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    excited atom

    1. возбуждённый атом

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > excited atom

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    excited ion

    1. возбуждённый ион

    возбуждённый ион

    [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]


    • электротехника, основные понятия


    • excited ion

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > excited ion

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    прил. взволнованный, возбужденный;
    взвинченный, напряженный (about, at, over) Syn: agitated, uneasy, astir, effervescent, emotional, haywire, strung, nervy, thrilled, troublous, unquiet
    возбужденный, взволнованный — an * crowd возбужденная толпа оживленный;
    деятельный — an * buying and selling of stocks оживленная купля-продажа ценных бумаг (специальное) возбужденный

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > excited

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    excited atom

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > excited atom

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    excited ion

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > excited ion

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    excited level

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > excited level


  • Следующая →
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См. также в других словарях:

  • Excited delirium — is a controversial term used to explain deaths of individuals in police custody, in which the person being arrested, detained, or restrained is highly agitated and may be under the influence of stimulants. [cite web… …   Wikipedia

  • excited utterance — ex·cit·ed ut·ter·ance n: a statement that concerns a startling event (as a physical assault) and that is made by a person while under stress caused by the event see also res gestae; spontaneous declaration at declaration compare dying declaration …   Law dictionary

  • excited vs exciting —   Excited is an adjective that describes when someone feels happy and enthusiastic about something.   For example: She was so excited that she couldn t sleep.   Exciting is an adjective that means something is making you excited.   For example:… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • excited vs exciting —   Excited is an adjective that describes when someone feels happy and enthusiastic about something.   For example: She was so excited that she couldn t sleep.   Exciting is an adjective that means something is making you excited.   For example:… …   English dictionary of common mistakes and confusing words

  • excited — excited; un·excited; pho·to·excited; …   English syllables

  • excited — index eager, ecstatic, fervent, frenetic, restive, vehement Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • excited — 1650s, magnetically or electrically stimulated; modern sense of agitated attested 1855; pp. adj. from EXCITE (Cf. excite). Related: Excitedly …   Etymology dictionary

  • excited — [adj] inspired; upset aflame, agitated, animated, annoyed, aroused, awakened, beside oneself*, charged, delighted, discomposed, disconcerted, disturbed, eager, enthusiastic, feverish, fired up*, frantic, high*, hot*, hot and bothered*,… …   New thesaurus

  • excited — [ek sīt′id, ik sīt′id] adj. 1. emotionally aroused; agitated 2. Physics in a state of excitation excitedly adv …   English World dictionary

  • Excited state — Excitation is an elevation in energy level above an arbitrary baseline energy state. In physics there is a specific technical definition for energy level which is often associated with an atom being excited to an excited state.In quantum… …   Wikipedia

  • excited */*/ — UK [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] / US [ɪkˈsaɪtəd] adjective Collocations: Excited describes how you feel: I m excited about my holiday. ♦ She didn t seem very excited. Exciting describes things or situations that make you feel excited: I find circuses very… …   English dictionary

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Caffeine causes you to be excited physiologically, increases alertness and diuresis.

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Кофеин действует возбуждающе на Вашу физиологию, повышая бдительность и диурез.

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Я просто, я очень хочу, чтобы кто-то порадовался за меня.

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Я делаю счастливое лицо, и притворяюсь, что рада.

She used to be excited over short, layered haircuts for Spanish girls.

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Она имела обыкновение волноваться по коротким, слоистым стрижкам для испанских девочек.

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Not for me, not for you. I… i need something else to be excited about.

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And I don’t know what it means, But I


allowing myself to be excited.

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И я не знаю, во что это выльется, но я позволяю себе взволноваться.



happy about Robofont getting better and better-

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Я очень рад, что Robofont становится все лучше и лучше-

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If you


already kissing,

then you have both a moral and physical right to be excited.

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Если Вы уже целуетесь,

значит у Вас есть и моральное, и физическое право возбудиться.

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And I’m different as an artist, and I want my fans to be excited about what I’m doing now.

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И я изменилась как художник, и я хочу, чтобы мои фанаты были потрясены тем, что я делаю сейчас.

I can’t really tell you what we’re doing, but I think you‘re really going to be excited about it».

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I need to be excited about this, and this


the first time I have


inspired in this whole process.

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Ћне нужно вдохновение, и это первый раз, когда€ вдохновлен всем процессом.

Not because I could wear latex in public and to be excited


expose myself in that lovely latex to everyone to look.

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Не потому, что я мог бы носить латекс, в общественных местах и быть рады, чтобы подвергать себя в этом прекрасный латекс для каждого взглянуть.

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But heavy sighs of several


men at once supplement effect and

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Но тяжелые вздохи сразу нескольких возбужденных мужчин дополняют эффект и

заставляются возбудиться даже самого искушенного зрителя!

I mean, I don’t— I don’t need some kind of buzz, you know, just to be excited about todd.

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Я подразумеваю, я- я не нуждаюсь в отбивании, просто нравится Тодд.

You have every right to be excited at the prospect of a wonderful future,

free from unnecessary controls or limitations upon your freedom.

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У вас есть все права чтобы с волнением смотреть в ваше чудесное будущее,

свободное от ненужного контроля и ограничений для вашей свободы.

I mean, you know that I don’t believe in marriage, but if you’re gonna get married,

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смысле, ты знаешь, что я не верю


брак, но если ты собралась замуж,

The release of Battlefield 1 Turning Tides will, of course, include new maps, weapons, and vehicles-

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Конечно же дополнение Battlefield 1« Волны перемен»


включать в себя новые карты, оружие и транспорт-

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 11514,
Time: 0.0262





: having, showing, or characterized by a heightened state of energy, enthusiasm, eagerness, etc. : feeling or showing excitement

I noticed that John’s manner was somewhat unusual. He seemed very excited and restless.Agatha Christie

The children were too excited to sleep.

… no one in Washington seems to regard this particular revelation as anything to get excited about.Michael Kinsley


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

The producers, especially on the opinion side, were always on the lookout for more things for their viewers to get excited, even angry, about.

Jim Rutenberg, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

And other than promising rookie Jaden Hardy, there’s not a ton to be excited about: They’re stuck with some big contracts like Tim Hardaway Jr., Davis Bertans and Maxi Kleber.

Charles Curtis, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023

Lake Central’s Hunter Snyder has a number of reasons to be excited about the future.

Michael Osipoff, Chicago Tribune, 6 Apr. 2023

That’s something to be excited about, columnist Mike Preston writes.

Edward Lee, Baltimore Sun, 5 Apr. 2023

NeNe Leakes is excited to spend some quality time with her three grandchildren.

Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

And on Saturday afternoon at Westfield Montgomery mall in Bethesda, Md., excited fans yearning for that time travel showed up to be transported.

Emily Yahr, Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2023

Kristin Smart arrived at Cal Poly in the fall of 1995, excited to start college life.

Dateline Nbc, NBC News, 4 Apr. 2023

Burton seems to be the sybarite Flynn is more excited to bring to life.

Hayley Maitland, Vogue, 3 Apr. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘excited.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1855, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of excited was
in 1855

Dictionary Entries Near excited

Cite this Entry

“Excited.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/excited. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on excited

Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Table of Contents

  1. What is it called when you get too excited?
  2. How do you describe over excitement?
  3. What is the idiomatic expression of very happy?
  4. How do you describe feeling happy?
  5. What can we say instead of I am happy?
  6. What can I say instead of I’m glad?
  7. How do you express joy in words?
  8. How do you say I’m excited professionally?
  9. How do you express excitement in one word?
  10. How do you show someone excited?
  11. What is a better word for excited?
  12. What do you say when someone is excited about something?
  13. What do you feel if you are excited?
  14. Are you excited quotes?
  15. How do you express excitement in writing?
  16. What gets you excited about life quotes?
  17. What are some thankful quotes?
  18. What does Exciting mean?
  19. What kind of word is excited?
  20. Is excited the same as happy?
  21. Does excited mean happy?
  22. What does I’m so excited mean?
  23. What are two synonyms for excited?

Meaning: excited for something that’s going to happen. Leap for joy (=jump for joy) Meaning: to jump up because one is happy; to be euphoric, show exceptional excitement. Pride and joy. Meaning: something or someone that one is very proud of.

What is it called when you get too excited?

other words for over excited frantic. affected. agitated. beside oneself. crazy.

How do you describe over excitement?

If you say that someone is over-excited, you mean that they are more excited than you think is desirable. You’ll need to provide continuous, organised entertainment or children may get over-excited.

What is the idiomatic expression of very happy?

‘Tickled pink’ denotes a person being so pleased by something that they glow with happiness. Tania was tickled pink when she saw the gift her friends had sent her. This idiom is used to describe the situation when the information you come to know of makes you very happy.

How do you describe feeling happy?

Euphoric — When you’re intensely happy. This is when all you can feel is your own happiness. Overjoyed — This simply means “very happy.” Elated — Somewhere between “happy” and “overjoyed.”

What can we say instead of I am happy?


  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • delighted.
  • ecstatic.
  • elated.
  • joyous.
  • overjoyed.
  • pleased.

What can I say instead of I’m glad?

What is another word for glad?

happy pleased
gleeful overjoyed
satisfied joyful
elated thrilled
blissful cheerful

How do you express joy in words?

Ways of expressing happiness and pleasure – thesaurus

  1. hooray. interjection. mainly spoken a word that you shout to show that you are excited and happy about something.
  2. aah. interjection.
  3. excellent. adjective.
  4. lovely. adjective.
  5. happily. adverb.
  6. good for/on someone. phrase.
  7. hallelujah. interjection.
  8. good. adjective.

How do you say I’m excited professionally?

EXCITED! – 5 Alternatives to the Most Overused Word in Press Releases

  1. Thrilled – why not?
  2. Delighted – I’m biased here, but this word makes me happy!
  3. Elated – sounds like you’re on Cloud 9 and if your news can match it, we’ll have no worries in thinking “good for you”!

How do you express excitement in one word?

Ways of expressing pleasure and excitement – thesaurus

  1. ooh. interjection. used for showing a reaction such as surprise, excitement, or pleasure.
  2. great. adjective.
  3. it’s a pleasure to do something. phrase.
  4. you beauty. phrase.
  5. by gum. phrase.
  6. have the pleasure of. phrase.
  7. yahoo. interjection.
  8. this is the life. phrase.

How do you show someone excited?


  1. heart race.
  2. breathing quicken.
  3. cheeks flush.
  4. skin tingle.
  5. pupils dilate.

What is a better word for excited?

What is another word for excited?

enthusiastic eager
desirous elated
jovial joyful
joyous thrilled
ecstatic encouraged

What do you say when someone is excited about something?


  1. interested. adjective. wanting to know about or take part in something.
  2. excited. adjective.
  3. alive. adjective.
  4. fascinated. adjective.
  5. exuberant. adjective.
  6. absorbed. adjective.
  7. agog. adjective.
  8. flushed with success/triumph etc. phrase.

What do you feel if you are excited?

Excitement is a feeling or situation full of activity, joy, exhilaration, or upheaval. One thing about excitement — it sure isn’t boring. There are a few types of excitement, but they’re all exciting — they get your attention. If you can’t wait for your birthday, you’re feeling a happy kind of excitement.

Are you excited quotes?

Excited Quotes

  • “Dear world, I am excited to be alive in you, and I am thankful for another year.”
  • “You see, when you’re excited, your body has trouble telling the difference between pain and pleasure.”
  • “Well, you’re right.
  • “I like it when somebody gets excited about something.”

How do you express excitement in writing?

An excellent first approach when trying to describe an excited character is to show the excitement via body language and reactions such as the following.

  1. Flashing eyes.
  2. Wide eyes.
  3. Bright eyes.
  4. Dilated pupils.
  5. Frequent blinking.
  6. Initiating and maintaining eye contact.
  7. A broad grin.
  8. A dimpled smile.

What gets you excited about life quotes?

“All that I ask out of life is that it be constant and unending euphoria.” “Extraordinary change can happen in your life, but it will take extraordinary people, extraordinary courage and extraordinary faith to believe that this won’t be a repeat of your past.”

What are some thankful quotes?

Giving Thanks: 31 Inspiring Quotes About Thankfulness

  • “Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” -William Arthur Ward.
  • “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.
  • “No one who achieves success does so without acknowledging the help of others.

What does Exciting mean?

adjective. producing excitement; stirring; thrilling: an exciting account of his trip to Tibet.

What kind of word is excited?


Is excited the same as happy?

As adjectives the difference between excited and happy is that excited is having great enthusiasm while happy is experiencing the effect of favourable fortune; having the feeling arising from the consciousness of well-being or of enjoyment; enjoying good of any kind, as peace, tranquillity, comfort; contented; joyous.

Does excited mean happy?

Meaning more than just “wildly happy,” excited describes all sorts of excessive emotions (and not always the good ones). If you’re excited you might be agitated, nervous, anxious, or worked up about something.

What does I’m so excited mean?

very happy and enthusiastic because something good is going to happen, especially when this makes you unable to relax. I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. excited about: I’m so excited about the trip!

What are two synonyms for excited?

other words for excited

  • agitated.
  • delighted.
  • disturbed.
  • eager.
  • enthusiastic.
  • hysterical.
  • nervous.
  • passionate.



1    emotionally aroused, esp. to pleasure or agitation  

2    characterized by excitement  
an excited dance     

4    (of an atom, molecule, etc.) having an energy level above the ground state  

  excitedly      adv  

  excitedness      n  


1    (of an electrical machine) having the current for the magnetic field system generated by the machine itself or by an auxiliary machine coupled to it  

2    (of an oscillator) generating its own energy and depending on resonant circuits for frequency determination  

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