What word means nothing more than

nothing more than

Общая лексика: только и всего, не что иное, как

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «nothing more than» в других словарях:

  • nothing more than — no/nothing/little/more than phrase used for emphasizing that someone or something is not at all important or impressive The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch. The governor treated our protests as nothing more than a minor… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Nothing More Than Murder — is a 1949 crime novel by Jim Thompson. It focuses on a murderous plot by small town theater owner Joe Wilmot, his wife and his lover. Wilmot s scheme unravels slowly amid his foibles and travails as an independent businessman. A great deal of… …   Wikipedia

  • want nothing more (than) — mainly literary phrase used for showing that someone’s hopes or wishes are reasonable They wanted nothing more than to relax and spend their time together. Thesaurus: to want somethingsynonym Main entry: want …   Useful english dictionary

  • More Than a Woman (Aaliyah song) — More Than a Woman Single by Aaliyah from the album Aaliyah A side …   Wikipedia

  • More Than Fine — Single by Switchfoot from the album The Beautiful Letdown Released 2003 Format CD Recorded …   Wikipedia

  • Nothing Less Than Brilliant (song) — Nothing Less Than Brilliant Single by Sandie Shaw from the album Hello Angel …   Wikipedia

  • More Than You’ll Ever Know — Single by Travis Tritt from the album The Restless Kind B side Still in Love with You Released July 15, 1996 …   Wikipedia

  • little more than — no/nothing/little/more than phrase used for emphasizing that someone or something is not at all important or impressive The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch. The governor treated our protests as nothing more than a minor… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Never Wanted Nothing More — Single by Kenny Chesney from the album Just Who I Am: Poets Pirates Released …   Wikipedia

  • more — [ mɔr ] function word, quantifier *** More is the comparative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways: as a determiner (followed by a noun): He wants to spend more time with his family. as a pronoun: I wish I could do more to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • …Something More Than Nothing — Infobox Album Name = …Something More Than Nothing Type = Album Artist = Taproot Released = Spring, 1998 Genre = Rap Metal Alternative metal Alternative rock Post grunge Length = 40:08 Label = Pimp Ass Records Producer = Self produced Reviews =… …   Wikipedia

nothing more than — перевод на русский

These stories are nothing more than typical small-town thinking.

Боюсь, что эти истории — не более чем провинциальные сплетни.

A world one cannot love to death represents nothing more than an obligation to work.

Мир, не способный любить до последнего — не более чем принуждение работать.

Nature is sufficient unto itself. This godlike phantom is nothing more than a revolting platitude which deserves neither faith nor thought.

Этот богоподобный фантом, порожденный невежеством и страхом, — не более чем отвратительная банальность… которая не стоит даже крупицы нашего времени.

Our marriage was nothing more than a foxhole for you… and all it took for you to get out was a 35-cent razor and a tub full of water.

Наш брак был для тебя не более чем окопом. И чтобы выбраться из него, тебе оказалось достаточно 35-ти центовой бритвы и полной ванны.

and later that day Count Hubert was nothing more than just Cousin HP.

И позже этим же днём граф Хуберт был не более чем просто двоюродным братом НР.

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That sin is nothing more than the crime of disturbing daily certainties, hated for fear and aridity.

Что грех — это не больше, чем преступление, тревожащее обыденность, которую он ненавидит за страх и скуку.

The grand jury is nothing more than the District Attorney’s puppet…

Большое Жюри — не больше, чем марионетка в руках Прокуратуры…

He told us nothing more than he told you.

Он сказал нам не больше, чем вам.

Nothing more than a common thief.

Не больше, чем самый обычный вор.

To me, England was nothing more than a big American state… like North Dakota or Canada.

Для меня Англия не больше большого штата… как северная Дакота или Канада.

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It says nothing more than:

Он просто заявляет:

I know nothing about dreams but perhaps it’s nothing more than glowworms living in the river.

Я ничего не знаю о снах, но может, это просто светлячки, живущие в реке.

After all… a well is nothing more than a hole.

— Но колодец — это же просто дыра.

I hope it’s nothing more than a taunt, Harry.

Будем надеяться, что он просто дразнит нас.

And, and I don’t take very seriously the media or the press in this country who in the case of the Persian Gulf War were nothing more than unpaid employees of the Department of Defense and who most of the time function as kind of

И к тому же, я не очень серьезно воспринимаю медиа или прессу в этой стране, которые в случае войны в Персидском заливе были просто работниками Департамента обороны, которым не выплатили жалование.

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I wanted nothing more than to see you and beg for forgiveness.

Я не хотел ничего больше чем видеть Тебя и попросить о прощении.

Oh, how you’d love nothing more than to drive that blade right through me.

Ах, ты бы не хотел ничего больше чем вонзить этот клинок прямо в меня.

I would love nothing more than to get out of here before Vaughn comes back to life, but Damon won’t take the cure.

Не хочу ничего больше, чем убраться отсюда. прежде чем Вон вернётся к жизни, Дэймон не примет лекарство.

I want nothing more than to stand beside you on our wedding day.

Я не хочу ничего больше, чем стоять рядом с тобой в день нашей свадьбы.

I want nothing more than just to be with you.

Я не хочу ничего больше кроме того, чтоб быть с тобой.

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Ma’am, I won’t waste time responding to Michele because he’s nothing more than a boy but if, after everything that I’ve done up until today…

Синьора, я не буду понапрасну тратить время, отвечая Микеле, потому что он еще юноша, И это — после всего, что я сделал сегодня…

They have the nerve to call it a day spa when it’s nothing more than a-a mere front for a bona fide luxury spa which taunts those kept at bay outside its golden door.

Они ещё осмелились назвать своё заведение спа-салоном когда оно является лишь фасадом для истинно роскошного салона который они злой и ядовитой насмешкой скрывают за золотой дверью.

Hey, you might be man-aged, but you are miles from being a man, and Juliette Pittman is nothing more than a spoiled billionaire-ess brat who has never had to worry about her future, much less anything else.

Ты может быть и мужчина, но до взросления тебе ещё далеко, а Джульетт Питтман всего лишь испорченная девчёнка-миллиардерша, которой никогда не приходилось волноваться ни о будущем, ни о чём-то ещё.

I knew, even when you were nothing more than a fetus in your mother’s womb, that we would have to fight our battle someday.

Я знал, еще когда ты был только зародышем в утробе твоей матери что однажды нам придется биться.

Oh, god, honey, I want nothing more Than to be surprised, really.

О боже, дорогой, я уже не хочу, чтобы меня еще что-то удивляло, серьезно.

There is nothing more than meets the eye here.

Здесь нет ничего, что могло бы привлечь внимание.

I am telling you to drop this Considering that you have nothing more Than an unsubstantiated report from a hostile source.

Я говорю вам бросить это, учитывая, что у вас нет ничего , кроме необоснованного сообщения из враждебного источника

Well, I would love nothing more than to have you on my arm, uh, but before we announce our relationship status to the world, I have to tell my kids first.

Нет ничего лучше, чем твоя рука на моей, но перед тем как мы объявим статус наших отношений всему миру, я должен сначала сказать своим детям

But what of this dear old mistress, presently dragged here to convince us of her purity, having done nothing more than keep a mouse in a bottle and suck to completion a man in a brown coat?

А что насчет старухи, убеждающей нас в своей непорочности, у нас ничего нет кроме мыши в бутылке и мужчины в коричневом пальто?

My good man, that is nothing more than the scientific method.

Ну, нет, КПД слишком низкий.

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Others argue that dreams are nothing more than random impulses sleeping brain.

Другие же утверждают, что сны это не более чем случайные импульсы спящего мозга.

These stories are nothing more than typical small-town thinking.

Боюсь, что эти истории — не более чем провинциальные сплетни.

Originally, nuisance meant nothing more than harm or annoyance.

Первоначально термин «ньюснс» означал всего лишь ущерб или причинение неудобства.

Money is nothing more than a physical manifestation of energy.

На самом деле, деньги — это всего лишь материальное проявление энергии.

Search engines are nothing more than databases.

The women probably considered it nothing more than a catty fight.

Те женщины за столом, вероятно, сочли это не более чем кошачьей дракой.

Things like spiritual growth or enlightenment seemed nothing more than concepts.

Такие вещи, как духовный рост или просветление, кажутся не более чем абстрактными понятиями.

The alerts are nothing more than basic emails.

И все-таки эти предупреждения — не более чем перенаправленные электронные письма.

It was nothing more than a village.

It may be nothing more than a trap.

This is nothing more than populism.

In reality this is nothing more than lies.

The Declaration is therefore nothing more than a mirage.

Таким образом, получается, что эта Декларация — не более чем мираж.

Such reporting is nothing more than propaganda.

Но подобные исследования — это не что иное, как пропаганда трезвости».

She shows nothing more than herself.

Realize there is nothing more than this.

This is nothing more than ignorance.

We were nothing more than acquaintances.

Remember, disappointment is nothing more than dashed expectations.

Необходимо понять, что разочарование — это не что иное, как неисполненные ожидания.

All wars are nothing more than political games.

Конечно же, все такого рода заявления — не более, чем политические игры.

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nothing more than (something)

Only or exactly something; nothing higher in degree than what is described. Despite the huge public outcry, the company received nothing more than a measly fine and a slap on the wrist for their exploitative business model. I’m fine—it’s nothing more than a paper cut.

See also: more, nothing

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

nothing ˈmore than

(used for emphasis) only: The injury isn’t serious — it’s nothing more than a sprained ankle.

See also: more, nothing

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • nothing more than (something)
  • nothing of the kind
  • nothing of the kind/sort
  • nothing of the sort
  • nothing
  • be worked up about (something)
  • nothing in it for (one)
  • No news is good news
  • nothing but trouble
  • be worked up over (something)
    • See Also:
      • notecase
      • noted
      • noteholder
      • noteless
      • notelet
      • notepad
      • notepaper
      • noteworthy
      • nother
      • nothing
      • nothingness
      • notice
      • notice board
      • noticeable
      • notifiable
      • notification
      • notify
      • notion
      • notional
      • notionate
      • notions
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

noth•ing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/USA pronunciation  

  1. not anything:He was warned to say nothing about the affair.
  2. no trace:The house showed nothing of its former splendor.
  3. something of no importance, significance, or value:Money means nothing to him.
  4. (used to express the opinion that some action is not a great effort, or is no trouble, etc.):Carry four bags? Nothing to it.


  1. an unimportant action, matter, circumstance, thing, or remark:[countable]whispering sweet nothings.
  2. [countable] a person of little or no importance;
    a nobody.
  3. zero;
    a cipher:[uncountable]Five minus five leaves nothing.


  1. in no respect or degree;
    not at all:It was nothing like that.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. amounting to nothing:He did a nothing job on that last report.


  1. Idioms for nothing:
    • Idiomsfree of charge:He towed the car for nothing.
    • Idiomsfor no apparent reason or motive:flew into a rage for nothing.
    • Idiomsfor no gain:We went to all that trouble for nothing.

  2. Idioms in nothing flat, in very little time:He drove the twenty miles in nothing flat.
  3. Idioms make nothing of, [+ object]
    • Idiomsto fail to understand or comprehend:I can make nothing of this handwriting.

  4. nothing but, only;
    just:I could see nothing but corn everywhere I looked.
  5. Idioms nothing doing, [Informal.]
    • certainly not:«So do I get the raise?» —»Nothing doing!»

  6. Idioms think nothing of, [+ object] to regard or consider as unimportant, insignificant, or easy:thought nothing of running ten miles a day.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(nuthing),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. no thing;
    not anything;
    naught:to say nothing.
  2. no part, share, or trace (usually fol. by of ):The house showed nothing of its former magnificence.
  3. something that is nonexistent.
  4. nonexistence;
    nothingness:The sound faded to nothing.
  5. something or someone of no importance or significance:Money is nothing when you’re without health.
  6. a trivial action, matter, circumstance, thing, or remark:to exchange a few nothings when being introduced.
  7. a person of little or no importance;
    a nobody.
  8. something that is without quantity or magnitude.
  9. a cipher or naught:Nothing from nine leaves nine.
  10. (used in conventional responses to expressions of thanks):Think nothing of it. It’s nothing. Nothing to it.
  11. for nothing:
    • Idiomsfree of charge.
    • Idiomsfor no apparent reason or motive.
    • Idiomsfutilely;
      to no avail:They had gone to a great deal of expense for nothing.

  12. Idioms in nothing flat, in very little time:Dinner was finished in nothing flat.
  13. make nothing of:
    • Idiomsto treat lightly;
      regard as easy.
    • Idiomsto be unsuccessful in comprehending:He could make nothing of the complicated directions.

  14. Idioms nothing but, nothing other than;
    only:We could see nothing but fog.
  15. nothing doing:
    • Idioms[Informal.]emphatically no;
      certainly not.
    • Idiomsno activity, inducement, advantage, etc., present to the eye:We drove through the town but there seemed to be nothing doing.

  16. Idioms nothing less than or short of, absolutely;
    completely:She was used to nothing less than the best.
  17. think nothing of:
    • Idiomsto treat casually.
    • Idiomsto regard as insignificant:He thinks nothing of lying to conceal his incompetence.


  1. in no respect or degree;
    not at all:It was nothing like that. Nothing dismayed, he repeated his question.


  1. amounting to nothing, as in offering no prospects for satisfaction, advancement, or the like:She was stuck in a nothing job.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English nānthing, nathing; see no2, thing1

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/ pron

  1. (indefinite) no thing; not anything, as of an implied or specified class of things: I can give you nothing
  2. no part or share: to have nothing to do with this crime
  3. a matter of no importance or significance: it doesn’t matter, it’s nothing
  4. indicating the absence of anything perceptible; nothingness
  5. indicating the absence of meaning, value, worth, etc: to amount to nothing
  6. zero quantity; nought
  7. be nothing tonot to concern or be significant to (someone)
  8. to be not nearly as good as
  9. have nothing to do with, be nothing to do withto have no connection with
  10. nothing butnot something other than; only
  11. nothing doinginformal an expression of dismissal, disapproval, lack of compliance with a request, etc
  12. nothing if notat the very least; certainly
  13. nothing less than, nothing short ofdownright; truly
  14. there’s nothing to itit is very simple, easy, etc
  15. think nothing ofto regard as routine, easy, or natural
  16. to have no compunction or hesitation about
  17. to have a very low opinion of


  1. in no way; not at all: he looked nothing like his brother


  1. informal a person or thing of no importance or significance
  2. sweet nothingswords of endearment or affection

Etymology: Old English nāthing, nān thing, from nān none1 + thing1

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