What word means not giving up

not giving up — перевод на русский

Well, I’m not giving up on this old world yet.

Я пока не сдаюсь, буду пытаться связаться со старым миром.

I’m not giving up.

Не сдаюсь.

Well, I’m not giving up just yet.

— Я еще не сдаюсь.

The Japanese are falling down due to fatigue, but they’re not giving up.

Японцы уже чуть ли не падают от усталости, но не сдаются.

Klingons do not give up easily.

Клингоны легко не сдаются.

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He will not give up so easily.

Он не сдастся так просто.

If he knows that there is someone, who loves him very, very much, will not give up, no matter how bad.

Если он знает, что есть кто-то, кто любит его очень-очень сильно, то не сдастся, не важно, насколько все плохо.

— Oh, yes, sir, he will not give up so easily.

— О, да, сэр, он не сдастся так просто.

He will learn to understand what to do in different situations and he just will not give up.

Он научится понимать, что делать в разных ситуациях и он так просто не сдастся.

In the sight of death, my son will not give up.

При виде смерти, мой сын не сдастся.

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I will not give up my favourite decoration.

Я не отдам мое любимое украшение.

I would not give up McClane for all the gold in your Fort Knox.

Я не отдам герра МакЛейна ни за какое золото вашего Форт Нокса.

«l’ll lie, cheat, steal for this company…» but I will not give up my integrity.

Я буду врать, обманывать, воровать для этой компании… но я не отдам им мою сущность.

Keys we will not give up!

Ключики мы вам не отдадим!

Well, no, to label — that we monkeys … Do not give up.

Ну нет, наклеивать ярлыки — это мы обезьянам …не отдадим.

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не сдаваться

не сдаюсь

не сдается

не сдаемся

не сдаются

не сдадимся

не сдались

не сдаешься

не собирается сдаваться

не сдаетесь

сдаваться не

не сдамся

не отдам

не брошу

не собираюсь сдаваться


Sometimes we win by simply not giving up.

Иногда для победы достаточно просто не сдаваться.

This book taught me the importance of patience and not giving up.

Напомнил ему о том, как важно проявлять терпение и не сдаваться.

I’m not giving up; I’m just doing things differently.

Я не сдаюсь; Я просто делаю вещи по-другому.

He is dehydrated and exhausted but not giving up.

Его организм обезвожен и измучен, но он не сдается.

But Breen is not giving up and says that the «strategy of hibernation for survival» too dangerous.

Но Брин не сдается и говорит, что сама по себе «стратегия гибернации для выживания» слишком опасна.

On some days, it means not giving up, continuing to swim in freezing water and setting a world record.

Иногда оно означает — не сдаваться, продолжать плыть в ледяной воде с целью установить мировой рекорд.

She was our reason for not giving up — especially for Claire.

Она была нашей причиной не сдаваться — особенно для Клер.

But she’s not giving up — she loves David too much.

Но она не сдаётся — она слишком любит Дэвида.

The Ulbricht family is not giving up, Mr. Grant emphatically declared by phone.

Семья Ульбрихта не сдаётся», — решительно заявил мистер Грант по телефону.

But thank you for not giving up.

Obama insisted he was not giving up on healthcare reform.

Обама заявил также о том, что не откажется от реформирования системы здравоохранения.

Thanks for not giving up during those difficult days.

Большое спасибо, что нас не бросили в эти трудные минуты.

You’re probably not giving up these necessities either.

What she’s not giving up is singing.

Yet the Nets are not giving up.

Впрочем, некоторые сети до сих пор не сдаются.

I’m not giving up writing; in…

I’m not giving up my car when I need it for work.

Я машину не считаю роскошью, мне она нужна для работы.

But, I’m still maintaining a positive outlook and not giving up.

Но мы сохраняем позитивный настрой и не сдаемся.

We are ordinary people and not giving up from all our problems.

Мы обычные люди, и мы не можем избежать всех проблем.

Still, reformers are not giving up.

Сторонники реформ тем не менее не сдаются.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат not giving up

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Так же… это значит не сдаваться, когда он говорит» Нет, спасибо.

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You know, send a message that we ain’t giving up and that this place is still ours.

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Ну типа послания, что мы просто так не сдадимся потому что это место все еще наше.

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No matter what happens at midnight, we stick together, and we are not giving up that phone.

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важно, что произойдет в полночь, мы будем держаться вместе, и мы не отдадим этот телефон.

Finally, I want to pay tribute to the representatives of the NGOs for not giving up.

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I cried watching this video because it made me think of the struggles I went through last year and

how it kept getting worse but not giving up and in the end Jesus’ grace saving me!!!

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Я плакала смотреть это видео, потому что это заставило меня думать о борьбе я прошел в прошлом году и

как он становился все хуже, но не сдадимся и в конце концов, Иисус’ благодать спасает меня!!!

P=1722 comment-18389 I cried watching this video because it made me think of the struggles I went through last year and

how it kept getting worse but not giving up and in the end Jesus’ grace saving me!!!

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P= 1722 comment- 18389- ru Я плакала смотреть это видео, потому что это заставило меня думать о борьбе я прошел в прошлом году и

как он становился все хуже, но не сдадимся и в конце концов, Иисус’ благодать спасает меня!!!

One of the confirmed tracks from the album is a collaboration with

English singer Sophie Ellis-Bextor called»Not Giving Up on Love», which was released as a single from Bextor’s fourth studio album,

Make a Scene.

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На одном из треков с альбома под названием« Not Giving Up On Love» приняла участие английская певица Софи Эллис-

Бекстор, который был выпущен синглом с четвертого альбома Бекстор« Make a Scene».

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И я смотрю на тебя и понимаю, что ты еще не сдался.

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Dad, you can‘t give up. There’s never been a better Santa.

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Ms. Walsh may not give up the information willingly, but she will




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Может, мисс Уолш не выдаст информацию добровольно, но она ее




worry, I will not give up, we we live in Switzerland.

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бойтесь, я вас не брошу, мы будем жить в Швейцарии.

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I did

not give up

swimming. You should not give up on him.

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Results: 30,
Time: 0.0408





What is another word for not giving up?

keeping at persevering with
lasting maintaining
persevering persisting
remaining seeing through
showing determination in slaving


  • 1 What is a synonym for not giving up?
  • 2 What is another phrase for giving up?
  • 3 What is the opposite of give up?
  • 4 What is the antonym of forfeit?
  • 5 What is a synonym for wasting away?
  • 6 What does relinquishment mean?
  • 7 What is the synonyms of abandon?
  • 8 Are ignore and forfeit synonyms?
  • 9 What is the synonym of irritable?
  • 10 What is the synonym of conceded?
  • 11 What do you call a non professional?
  • 12 What does it mean to waste away?
  • 13 What’s another word for wasting time?
  • 14 How do you use the word relinquish?
  • 15 What is R deed?
  • 16 What does voluntary relinquishment mean?
  • 17 What is the synonym of leave?
  • 18 What is a word for being forgotten?
  • 19 What is the synonym of Forgotten?
  • 20 What is the synonym of Fortify?

What is a synonym for not giving up?

synonyms: tenacious, persevering, determined, resolute, purposeful, dogged, single-minded, tireless, indefatigable, patient, unflagging, untiring, insistent, importunate, relentless, unrelenting; more stubborn, intransigent, obstinate, continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.

In this page you can discover 45 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for give up, like: quit, surrender, renounce, lose courage, abandon, lose-heart, cease, cede, hand over, yield and relinquish.

What is the opposite of give up?

(of an activity) Opposite of to stop or quit. continue. keep. maintain. persevere.

What is the antonym of forfeit?

Antonyms: won, lay claim, arrogate, claim. Synonyms: forfeited, confiscate. forfeit, give up, throw overboard, waive, forgo, foregoverb.

What is a synonym for wasting away?

nounbreaking down, collapse. adulteration. atrophy. blight. caries.

What does relinquishment mean?

1 : to withdraw or retreat from : leave behind. 2 : give up relinquish a title. 3a : to stop holding physically : release slowly relinquished his grip on the bar.

What is the synonyms of abandon?

Some common synonyms of abandon are relinquish, resign, surrender, waive, and yield.

Are ignore and forfeit synonyms?

  • drop,
  • lose.

What is the synonym of irritable?

bad-tempered, irascible, tetchy, testy, touchy, scratchy, grumpy, grouchy, moody, crotchety, in a mood, in a bad mood, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, ill-tempered, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish, having got out of bed on the wrong side, cross, fractious, disagreeable, pettish, crabbed, crabby, waspish, prickly,

What is the synonym of conceded?

Frequently Asked Questions About concede
Some common synonyms of concede are accord, award, grant, and vouchsafe. While all these words mean “to give as a favor or a right,” concede implies yielding something reluctantly in response to a rightful or compelling claim.

What do you call a non professional?

Find another word for nonprofessional. In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nonprofessional, like: amateur, lay, layperson, unprofessional, dabbler, dilettantish, dilettante, laywoman, tyro, smatterer and uninitiate.

What does it mean to waste away?

Definition of waste away
: to become thinner and weaker because of illness or lack of food.

What’s another word for wasting time?

In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for waste-time, like: procrastinate, fritter away time, loiter, lollygag, dawdle, pass-the-time, dillydally, skive (British), delay, lose time and idle away time.

How do you use the word relinquish?

Relinquish sentence example

  1. The son was reluctant to relinquish involvement in the company.
  2. He was entitled in return to call upon them to relinquish the protection which they enjoyed.
  3. No state will relinquish any control over their military.

What is R deed?

Through this legal document, an heir can transfer or release his legal right of the inherited property.Must be registered: Relinquishment deed falls under Section 17 of the Registration Act, 1908 and hence, a release of rights in the immovable property must be registered.

What does voluntary relinquishment mean?

Glossary Term. Voluntary relinquishment. To voluntarily relinquish possession with the intent of terminating ownership, but without vesting it in any other person. In determining whether one has abandoned his property or rights, intent is the paramount object of inquiry, for to abandon, one must intend to abandon.

What is the synonym of leave?

depart from, go away from, go from, withdraw from, retire from, take oneself off from, exit from, take one’s leave of, pull out of, quit, be gone from, decamp from, disappear from, abandon, vacate, absent oneself from, evacuate.

What is a word for being forgotten?

Words related to forgotten
abandoned, buried, erased, gone, lapsed, lost, obliterated, omitted, repressed, suppressed, blotted out, bygone, disremembered, left out, past, unrecalled, unremembered.

What is the synonym of Forgotten?

In this page you can discover 49 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for forgotten, like: unremembered, neglected, ignored, overlooked, beyond recall, not remembered, clean out of one’s mind, unretained, obliterated, consigned to oblivion and unrecalled. Words That Rhyme With Orange.

What is the synonym of Fortify?

Synonyms for fortify. beef (up), harden, strengthen, toughen.

Having or showing tenacity and grim persistence. dogged. staunch. perseverant. resolute.

What is the synonym of dedication?

devotion, devotedness, commitment, loyalty, faithfulness, adherence, allegiance, constancy, staunchness. indifference.

Is dedication a characteristic?

Dedication is one of the traits which is most easily inspired by example. Integrity – integrity inspires trust and respect, which in turn inspires people to follow someone as their leader.

What does it mean when someone is dedicated?

A person who is dedicated is defined as: devoted to a task or purpose. Having single minded loyalty or integrity. Over that last couple of days we have spent time talking about different ways you can change your life.

What to call someone who perseveres?

Persevering is used to describe people who persevere—continue to do or try to achieve something despite difficulty or discouragement. A close synonym is persistent.

Why is never giving up important?

We learn a lot when we keep going and decide not to give up. We can learn that there are hidden strength and potentials within us. We learn how to keep ourselves motivated. More importantly, we decide not to give up, and we learn how we can effectively convert our failures to success.

What is the biblical definition of dedication?

Dedication is the act of consecrating an altar, temple, church, or other sacred building. It also refers to the inscription of books or other artifacts when these are specifically addressed or presented to a particular person.

Is determination a personal quality?

When you are determined, you force yourself to work for a cause and show your firmness of purpose. It is the much needed push. This personal quality requires you to be decisive and dynamic. Taking firm decisions and abiding by them is the hallmark of determination.

What is a character trait for someone who doesn’t give up?

A sedulous person is someone who works hard and doesn’t give up easily.

Why you should never give up hope?

Life will throw difficult scenarios at you when you least expect it, and that’s why it is good not to give up hope. You can turn anything positive if you set your mind to it. God is always with you and will help you through what your going through. He will give you the hope and strength you need.

What it means to never give up?

So what does never giving up really mean? It means believing in yourself. It means willingness to accept “failure” so you can learn the critical skill of adaptation. It means not compromising on your most important values, and walking the walk, rather than just talking the talk.

What does it mean to dedicate a house in the Bible?

In the Christian religion, new homes must be dedicated to God so that the homeowners reside within one of God’s shelters. A home dedication is a spiritual, religious ceremony where the home is blessed by a religious official, such as a priest or pastor, and the house then becomes a home of God.

What is a sentence for dedication?

Dedication sentence example. She removed the book from the shelf and opened it to the dedication page. In later times the psalms for the encaenia or feast of dedication embraced Ps.

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