What word means made up of

made up of — перевод на русский

Our convoy is made up of 73 vessels, not including the naval escort.

Наш конвой состоит из 73 судов, не считая судов военно-морского эскорта,

My army is made up of tribes. The tribes are led by the tribal leaders.

Моя армия состоит из племён, ведомых своими главами.

Their empire is made up of conquered worlds.

Их империя состоит из завоеванных миров.

This whole planet must be made up of this substance, covered over by topsoil.

Вся планета состоит из этого вещества, покрывающего слой почвы.

It’s made up of little bits.

Оно состоит из мелких кусочков.

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And Protons and Neutrons are made up of Quarks, and Quarks are held together by Gluons.

А протоны и нейтроны сделаны из кварков, которые держатся с помощью глюонов.

Maybe they collide with a supernova or are just made up of something extra amazing, but one day they just get too big for the nebulas they’re in and with the sheer gravitational force of their awesomeness, they become a star.

ћожет быть, они сталкиваютс€ со сверхновой звездой или просто сделаны из чего-нибудь мега-удивительного, но в один прекрасный день они станов€тс€ слишком большими дл€ туманности в которой наход€тс€, и с помощью силы т€жести их великолепи€, они превращаютс€ в звезды.

Your faeces is made up of 70%… Shit. .. liquid!

Ваши фекалии на 70% сделаны из… дерьма… жидкости!

It’s like our bodies are all made up of these secret little compartments, she says, what’s got pleasures hidden inside ’em.

Как все наши тела сделаны из маленьких отсеков, она говорит, и удовольствие скрыто в них.

— I am a circle made up of circles.

— Я круг, сделанный из кругов.

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That’s right, an assassination unit made up of two people.

Правильно, команда убийц, состоящая из двух человек.

There is a land,Ser Machiavelli, made up of many principalities the Duchy of Milan,the Republic of your wondrous Florence, the dukedoms of the Romania,the papal states-

Есть земля, сеньор Макиавелли, состоящая из многих государств — герцогство Миланское, ваша прекрасная Флорентийская республика, герцогство Романьи, церковное государство —

The Strategic Scientific Reserve is an Allied effort made up of the best minds in the free world.

Стратегический научный резерв это союзная структура. Состоящая из светлейших умов свободного мира.

This store was a book to be read, a sculpture made up of various items:

Это была и книга, которую можно прочесть, и скульптура, состоящая из разных предметов — сушилки для салата, велосипедного колеса и т.д

Look at this principality… made up of a city and a village.

Давайте, посмотрим на это княжество состоящего из города и деревни.

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The media are made up of equal parts: Advertising, politics, business public relations and show business.

СМИ созданы из разных частей: реклама, политика, бизнес… пиар, шоу-бизнес.

And we are all made up of physical matter.

И мы все созданы из физической материи.

We’re just made up of…

Люди созданы

Hydra, Centipede, A.I.M. … were also made up of extremely brilliant scientists, men and women who started with the same unlimited potential as you or I.

Гидра, Сороконожка, Ц.И.И. … были также созданы необычайно прекрасными учеными, мужчинами и женщинами, которые начинали с тем же безграничным потенциалом, как у вас или у меня.

Rumor was that they were made up of a group of 13th-century vigilante assassins defending coastal towns from attacks.

Говорят, оно было создано из группы убийц-линчевателей 13 века во временя защиты от нападений прибрежных городов.

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The work is supervised by trained scientists, but most of the team is made up of local volunteers.

Работы здесь идут под руководством квалифицированных учёных, но большая часть команды составлена из местных добровольцев.

Zhongdong cave school is made up of 6 classes with a total of 200 children

Zhongdong проделывают отверстие, школа составлена из 6 классов с в общей сложности 200 детьми

He’s made up of binary numbers.

Он составлен из двоичных чисел.

The council incidentally is made up of the most disgusting parts of other councils.

Кстати, этот совет составлен из самых отвратительных частей других советов.

Made up of good mates of mine.

Составленную из хороших помощников.

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That’s because churches are made up of imperfect people.

Причина этого заключается в том, что церковь всегда состоит из несовершенных людей.

Never forget that markets are made up of people.

Но мы не должны забывать, что рынок состоит из людей.

Usually made up of two or more elements.

Как правило, они состоят из двух или более элементов.

Those in turn are made up of smaller units called periods.

Те, в свою очередь, состоят из более мелких единиц, называемых периодами.

Language is a code made up of symbols.

Язык представляет собой код, состоящий из условных знаков — символов.

It is a viscous polysaccharide made up of units of the monosaccharide D-glucose.

Это вязкий полисахарид, состоящий из единиц моносахаридной D-глюкозы.

Yet teams and projects and communities are made up of individuals.

Дело в том, что коллективы, группы и общество состоят из индивидов.

Websites are made up of code.

Сами же веб-страницы состоят из кода, который собственно.

This is because different shampoos are made up of different ingredients.

Это связано с тем, что геморроидальные узлы состоят из различных видов сосудов.

The flower is actually made up of many smaller flowers.

Их соцветия на самом деле состоят из большого количества более мелких цветков.

Not surprisingly our Sun is mostly made up of these same elements.

Неслучайно и то, что наше тело в значительной степени состоит из таких распространенных элементов.

They are made up of hundreds of thousands of people.

Sunlight appears as white light but it is actually made up of all the colours of the rainbow.

Солнечный свет кажется белым с желтоватым оттенком, но самом деле он состоит из всех цветов радуги.

Hairs are made up of cells, like the rest of the body.

Мышцы состоят из клеток, также как и все остальные органы нашего тела.

The countries are made up of all those individuals.

Все эти государства состоят из конкретных людей.

Our lives are made up of many events, good, bad and ugly.

Человеческая жизнь состоит из многих происшествий, событий, хороших и плохих.

All living beings, including humans, are made up of cells.

Все живые организмы, в том числе и человеческий, состоят из клеток.

They are made up of very unique individuals.

Она состоит из отдельных уникальных людей.

Systems, in turn, are made up of components and processes.

Этапы, в свою очередь, состоят из процедур и операций.

Batteries are made up of various components.

Большие батареи состоят из нескольких элементов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат made up of

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Fiction stories are based on made-up or imaginary events. … Historical fiction.

Things that are matter include stars air water tables chairs trees your body your brain and pretty much everything that you see around you. All of these things are made up of molecules – but molecules aren’t the smallest pieces of matter because every molecule is made up of even smaller pieces called atoms.

A molecule is defined as two or more atoms of the same element different element that are bound together. A molecule may be homonuclear which means it consists of atoms of one chemical element as with oxygen (O2) or it may be heteronuclear a chemical compound composed of more than one element as with water (H2O).

Are atoms made up of molecules?

What are atoms made of? … Atoms can join together to form molecules which in turn form most of the objects around you. Atoms are composed of particles called protons electrons and neutrons.

Are all elements made up of the same atoms?

No. Although two such atoms are essentially chemically identical (they will chemically react in the same way) they are not completely identical. … The nucleus of an atom contains neutrons and protons bonded tightly together. The same chemical element can have a different number of neutrons and still be the same element.

What is made up of the same kind of atoms?

The answer is element.

Which of the following substances is made up of atoms?

10 Cards in this Set

Elements A pure substance that is made entirely from one atom Eg:
Compounds Are pure substances made up entirely from two or more elements that are chemically combined
Law of Conservation of Energy Mass cannot be created nor destroyed in ordinary chemical of physical changes

See also how did people talk in the 1800s

What is the meaning of the phrasal verb made up?

transitive to invent an explanation for something especially in order to avoid being punished or embarrassed. He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework. Synonyms and related words. To tell lies and deceive people.

What is the difference between made-up and made out?

If something has been produced from another thing in an unusual or surprising way you usually use made out of. She was wearing a hat made out of plastic bags. If you are mentioning the parts or materials from which something is constructed you use made of or made out of. Don’t use `made from’.

What two parts make up a complete sentence?

The subject and predicate make up the two basic structural parts of any complete sentence. In addition there are other elements contained within the subject or predicate that add meaning or detail. These elements include the direct object indirect object and subject complement.

What does it mean to make up with someone?

to make up (with somebody): to reconcile your differences to become friends (with someone) again. verb.

Which sentence is made-up of two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction?

When we take two or more independent clauses and join them together we form a compound sentence. We usually connect the clauses with a comma and a coordinating conjunction but you can also join them with a semicolon.

How do you spell head concussion?

1a : a stunning damaging or shattering effect from a hard blow especially : a jarring injury of the brain resulting in disturbance of cerebral function The football player suffered a concussion.

Physics | What is Matter made up of?

what are humans made up of?

R5 – Heart Made Up On You (lyrics)

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Table of Contents

  1. What is an made up of?
  2. What is a made?
  3. How do you find out what something is made of?
  4. Is made up of sentence?
  5. What does fictitious mean?
  6. What is another word for fictitious?
  7. What are the examples of fictitious assets?
  8. Is fictitious a real word?
  9. What do you call a fictitious story?
  10. What is the opposite of fictitious?
  11. What is the difference between fictional and fictitious?
  12. Is fictitious a negative word?
  13. What is fictive imagination?
  14. How do you use fictitious in a sentence?
  15. What is the fictitious transaction?
  16. What is the nearest in meaning for fictitious?
  17. What does no Pretence mean?
  18. How do you use the word Pretence?
  19. What is another word for Pretence?
  20. What does false pretense mean?
  21. What is false entry?
  22. What does false pretense mean in literature?
  23. Is false pretense a double negative?
  24. What is the difference between pretense and Pretence?
  25. Is false pretense redundant?
  26. How do you use the word pretense in a sentence?
  27. What does your pretense mean?
  28. What is the hypocrisy?

What is another word for made up of?

“Made of” is used in the sense composed of one material or one thing. “Made up of” is used in the sense composed of several things. E.g.- This machines is made up of several electronics components. The board is made up of all the presidents of the world.

What is a made?

1a : fictitious, invented a made excuse. b : artificially produced. c : put together of various ingredients a made dish.

including inclusive of
containing counting
with which include
which includes among other things

How do you find out what something is made of?

The easiest way to to find out what something is made of is probably to ask the person who made it. Well, the fancy experimental way would be to use things like mass spectrometry or x-ray diffraction, or many other techniques.

Is made up of sentence?

The band is made up of the former members of three different punk rock groups. Our class is made up of students. The audience was largely made up of very young children.

What does fictitious mean?

1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : imaginary fictitious events described in his novel. 2a : conventionally or hypothetically assumed or accepted a fictitious concept. b of a name : false, assumed. 3 : not genuinely felt.

What is another word for fictitious?

synonyms for fictitious

  • apocryphal.
  • bogus.
  • fanciful.
  • fictional.
  • misleading.
  • mythical.
  • phony.
  • spurious.

What are the examples of fictitious assets?

The examples of Fictitious Assets are as follows:

  • The Net Loss of the company.
  • The Promotional (Marketing) expenses of the company.
  • The Underwriting commission.
  • The Preliminary Expenses of the Company.
  • The Discount allowed on the issue of shares.
  • The loss incurred on the issue of debentures.

Is fictitious a real word?

adjective. created, taken, or assumed for the sake of concealment; not genuine; false: fictitious names.

What do you call a fictitious story?

Noun. An erroneous belief, idea, or conception. myth. delusion. falsehood.

What is the opposite of fictitious?

▲ Opposite of fake, especially with an intent to deceive. veracious. factual. legit.

What is the difference between fictional and fictitious?

Put that all together, and try on this distinction: “Fictional” means coming from a made-up story or narrative, “fictitious” is a made-up thing or feeling. In most cases, “fictitious” is the better adjective than “fictional,” which takes a perfectly good noun and makes it into a weak adjective.

Is fictitious a negative word?

if the adjective is modifying a noun that’s a sham or created to mislead, then stick to fictitious. That’s because fictive is less often used in the negative, scamming, sense and fictional never is.

What is fictive imagination?

Something fictive is made up, straight from someone’s imagination. A con artist might create a fictive persona in order to dupe a rich heiress. Along with fictitious and fictional, fictive is an adjective related to fiction.

How do you use fictitious in a sentence?

adopted in order to deceive.

  1. We’re interested in the source of these fictitious rumours.
  2. She invented a fictitious boyfriend to put him off.
  3. They bought the materials under fictitious names.
  4. His story is wholly fictitious.
  5. The account he gives of his childhood is fictitious.

What is the fictitious transaction?

A fictitious trade is a trade that is booked with an execution date far in the future and is adjusted to include the correct settlement and trade date when the transaction is completed.

What is the nearest in meaning for fictitious?

adjective. 1’police said the name was fictitious’ false, fake, counterfeit, fabricated, sham. untrue, bogus, spurious, assumed, affected, adopted, feigned, invented, made up, concocted, improvised. informal pretend, phoney.

What does no Pretence mean?

b : a pretentious act or assertion. 3 : an inadequate or insincere attempt to attain a certain condition or quality. 4 : professed rather than real intention or purpose : pretext was there under false pretenses.

How do you use the word Pretence?

the act of giving a false appearance.

  1. If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying-pam.
  2. It was all an elaborate pretence.
  3. He made no pretence of great musical knowledge.
  4. Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad.
  5. She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him.

What is another word for Pretence?

In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pretence, like: pretense, pretending, feigning, pretext, pretension, scruple, simulation, guise, make-believe and dissembling.

What does false pretense mean?

Primary tabs. Under common law, a defendant commits the crime of false pretenses when by making an intentional statement with intent to defraud the victim he obtains title to the personal property of the victim.

What is false entry?

A false entry includes any entry on the books of the bank which is intentionally made to represent what is not true or does not exist. Any entry in which that which has been done by the officers or agents of the bank is correctly set forth in detail is not a false entry.

What does false pretense mean in literature?

a deliberate misrepresentation of facts, as to obtain title to money or property.

Is false pretense a double negative?

Is the term “false pretense” an oxymoron? pre·tense = an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true. so, a false pretense would be a double negative.

What is the difference between pretense and Pretence?

Pretense and pretence are both correct spellings of the same word. Pretense is the spelling used in American English. Pretence is the spelling used in British English.

Is false pretense redundant?

False pretense: A pretense is a deception, so false is redundant. For a period/number of days: Days is plural, so a duration is implied; “a period of” or “a number of” is redundant.

How do you use the word pretense in a sentence?

Pretense in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Under the pretense of being helpful, the sneaky insurance salesman sold the woman a policy that provided her with few benefits.
  2. Heather knows if she does not keep up a pretense of wealth she will be excluded from the social gatherings of her rich friends.

What does your pretense mean?

The definition of a pretense is a false impression, a false claim or an attempt to make a falsehood appear true. An example of a pretense is when you pretend to be friends with someone you don’t like.

What is the hypocrisy?

1 : a feigning to be what one is not or to believe what one does not : behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel His hypocrisy was finally revealed with the publication of his private letters.


  • #1

According to the publisher, “Lunario” “takes the name of a traditional farmer’s almanac to bring together several strands of work all relating to the moon.” The book is made up of photos Guidi created from 1968 to 1999. Throughout its pages, references to the moon manifest themselves in surprising ways — from the shape of a woman’s face to the glowing white orb of a young child’s ball and finally through a series of color photos Guidi took of a partial solar eclipse in August 1999.

Source: “This photographer spent decades..”, in The Washington Post

What’s the difference in meaning and nuance between that «made up of» and «composed of»?

They have exactly the same meaning, I guess.

<Source added, and bare link removed, by moderator (Florentia52)>

Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2020

    • #2

    There is no difference. As we keep explaining to you, there are often multiple choices of words with the same or a very similar meaning in English, and each author chooses which one he wants to use in any context.

    As usual, these two words have a slightly different ‘tone’. ‘composed of’ is slightly more elevated than ‘made up of’ because ‘composed’ has a Latin root and ‘made up of’ is good old basic Anglo-Saxon.

    I’m sure this may be very different from how the Japanese language works, but to say the two phrases ‘mean the same’ is not satisfactory to us in English. The tone is very important and makes a big difference to which word you use in which context.


    • #3

    Yes, they mean basically the same.

    is made of = consists of
    is made up of = is composed of (heavily implies more than one constituent part)


    • #4

    The verb you suggest (is composed) means the same as made up.

    Strictly speaking, the book is also made up of text. So one should perhaps write The photos in the book are taken from those Guidi created …
    Otherwise, the meaning might be that the book only consists of photos.


    • #5

    «Made up» is everyday words of Germanic origin; «compose» is a slightly more formal word of French or Latin origin. Apart from this stylistic difference, it would not make much difference which you used here.


    • #6

    As usual, these two words have a slightly different ‘tone’. ‘composed of’ is slightly more elevated than ‘made up of’ because ‘composed’ has a Latin root and ‘made up of’ is good old basic Anglo-Saxon.

    I was just making sure that they mean same.

    Thank you. That tone explanation is something I cannot know from a dictionavy.This article is
    more like what some individual thinks about something.
    So «compose of «which is more elevated toned isn’t necessary to be used, I guess?


    • #7

    isn’t necessary to be used

    :confused: I suppose your writer did not feel the need to write in the most flowery language possible. Why would he/she?


    • #8

    «Made up» is everyday words of Germanic origin; «compose» is a slightly more formal word of French or Latin origin. Apart from this stylistic difference, it would not make much difference which you used here.

    I see. There is a stylistic difference. Well if we use more Latin root words in a text, is it simple as that the text sounds fancier?



    • #10

    I see. it’s often so.
    Thank you.

    1.This big statue right there is actually composed of LEGO blocks.
    2.This big statue right there is actually made up of LEGO blocks.

    Both are idiomatic and if I want or need to make it sound more elevated toned because of the context then I would use 1,not 2.

    What we have talked here is as sipmple as that?


    • #11

    Here we wouldn’t say ‘composed of’, or ‘made up of’, but simply ‘made of Lego’, or possibly ‘made out of Lego.’ (We call them ‘bricks, not blocks, but there’s no need to mention them at all)


    • #12

    In the case of #10, the difference is not merely stylistic.
    A house is (literally) built or made of bricks. You would not normally use the word «compose» in such a literal, basic, concrete, physical context.


    • #13

    In the case of #10, the difference is not merely stylistic.
    A house is (literally) built or made of bricks. You would not normally use the word «compose» in such a literal, basic, concrete, physical context.

    I see..we won’t use it because we can acctually see what the LEGO statue in my example is made from?

    For example,
    This meal is (partly) made up of some vegetables I’ve grown in my yard.
    This meal is (partly) composed of some vegetables I’ve grown in my yard.

    Is the difference here merely stylistic and do I use the words correct?

    Last edited: Jun 17, 2020


    • #14

    Both of those are unidiomatic. We wouldn’t talk about a meal in that way. This is the problem with constantly making up your own sentences and asking us to comment on them. They rarely prove the point you’re trying to make. You’ll learn more by finding actual examples of the usage you want to learn – such as the following, in all of which the verbs compose and make up are interchangeable:

    A vegetable is composed of a root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
    A human body is composed of organs, organs are composed of tissues, tissues are composed of cells, and so on.
    Ancient Greeks thought matter was made up of four elements – earth, air, fire and water.
    The third assumption is that future crews will be made up of people from different cultural backgrounds.


    • #15

    A vegetable is composed of a root, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds.
    A human body is composed of organs, organs are composed of tissues, tissues are composed of cells, and so on.
    Ancient Greeks thought matter was made up of four elements – earth, air, fire and water.

    I understand what sense these examples provide.

    I found this example sentence and I couldn’t find this that different from that wrong example of mine..how are this and my example different?

    ●The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.
    (Collins dictionavy)


    • #16

    That, too, could be said using “would be made up of”.


    • #17

    That, too, could be said using “would be made up of”.

    Yes I mean,
    ●The force would be composed of troops from NATO countries.
    (Collins dictionavy)
    ●This meal is (partly) composed of some vegetables I’ve grown in my yard.(my wrong example)

    I couldn’t see they are different.Where are they different?


    • #18

    I’ve already told you that we don’t talk about meals in that way! It would be idiomatic to describe a meal as consisting of (for example) soup, followed by a risotto and side salad, with ice cream for dessert.


    • #19

    a meal as consisting of (for example) soup, followed by a risotto and side salad, with ice cream for dessert.

    Ah I see..a meal doesn’t consist of ingredients, but such as soup,salad or a main dish.

    I’d really value your thoughts on this one.

    I’m familiar with the following use of ‘made of’:

    The shirt is made of silk.

    But I’d like to know if anyone thinks using this phrasal verb as a synonym for comprise/consist of/be composed of/made up of  is actually grammatically correct/non-standard usage.

    The board is made of five members.

    The board is made up of five members.

    A few instances of this usage came up on a Google search, but I’m not convinced…

    Justin's user avatar


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    asked Jun 19, 2013 at 15:21

    Meadsie's user avatar

    The phrase made of is more appropriate when the material that forms the object is not described as consisting of discrete units or amounts, while made up of is more appropriate for a whole composed of several discrete units.

    The car was made of steel


    The car was made up of various steel parts

    Boards consist of discrete individuals or groups of individuals (or the discrete entities they represent); therefor made up of is preferred.

    answered Jun 19, 2013 at 15:47

    bib's user avatar


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    X is made of/from Y.
    The table is made of wood.

    X is made up of Y’s (Plural).
    Made of  is used in the sense composed of one material or one thing.
    Made up of  is used in the sense composed of several things.


    • This machine is made up of several electronics components.
    • The board is made up of all the presidents of the world.

    Justin's user avatar


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    answered Feb 6, 2018 at 16:26

    user280180's user avatar


    When anything is made of only one material we use made of whereas we use made up of for more than one material.

    KillingTime's user avatar


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    answered Apr 12, 2022 at 15:06

    Ranvijay singh's user avatar


    Made of refers to the component or main ingredient of an object.
    // The boat is made of wood and iron.

    Made-up refers to imagination.
    // There was no accident, he just made-up a story.

    Justin's user avatar


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    answered Jun 28, 2018 at 15:15

    Vivek Kumar Rai's user avatar


    ‘made of’ is for uncountable objects, ‘made up of’ is for countable objects.

    Also, ‘made of’ always indicates a material. That doesn’t really work with your example a «board made of five members» (i.e. that sentence semantically makes no sense), but would work with an actual board as used in construction (‘wood’ made of human bones?).

    OTOH, ‘made up of’ can be used both literally and figuratively for any countable group of objects that make up a larger whole, so «board made up of five members» can be the figurative executive board where 5 people are employed.

    ‘Made of’ doesn’t work figuratively. Ever.

    answered Jun 19, 2013 at 15:58

    uliwitness's user avatar


    2272 silver badges6 bronze badges


    Примеры из текстов

    The seasons are in turn made up of monthly cycles based upon the phases of the moon.

    Времена года, в свою очередь, состоят из месячных циклов, в основе которых лежат фазы луны.

    Dilts, Robert / Strategies of Genius. Volume 3. Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola TeslaДилтс, Роберт / Стратегии гениев. Том 3. Зигмунд Фрейд, Леонардо да Винчи, Никола Тесла

    Стратегии гениев. Том 3. Зигмунд Фрейд, Леонардо да Винчи, Никола Тесла

    Дилтс, Роберт

    © 1995 Robert B. Dilts

    © 1995 Meta Publications

    © 1998 Независимая фирма “Класс”, издание, оформление

    © 1998 Е.Н. Дружинина, перевод на русский язык

    Strategies of Genius. Volume 3. Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicola Tesla

    Dilts, Robert

    © Copyright 1995 by Meta Publications

    However, the A’s and the tower are not made up of solid beams, but of colossal trusses.

    Заметьте, что и А-элементы, и верхняя башня сделаны не из цельных балок, а из колоссальных ферм.

    Mandelbrot, Benoit / The Fractal Geometry of NatureМандельброт, Бенуа / Фрактальная геометрия природы

    Фрактальная геометрия природы

    Мандельброт, Бенуа

    © Б. Мандельброт, 2002

    © Перевод на русский язык, Институт компьютерных исследований, 2002

    The Fractal Geometry of Nature

    Mandelbrot, Benoit

    © 1977, 1982, 1983 by Benoit B. Mandelbrot

    It is made up of financial people, the owners of the businesses that are eating up their competitors, inventors of new sources of wealth, such as ourselves; it includes nearly all America as one sees it on the European stage.

    Тут были и финансисты, и предприниматели, заглотавшие своих конкурентов, и такие, как мы с дядей, изобретатели новых способов разбогатеть; в представлении европейца такова была чуть не вся Америка.

    Wells, Herbert George / Tono-BungayУэллс, Герберт / Тоно Бенге

    Тоно Бенге

    Уэллс, Герберт

    © Издательство «Правда», 1964


    Wells, Herbert George

    © the Literary Executors of the Estate of H. G. Wells

    It also ensures that the core team is made up of those who are good at communicating with others, an important skill to have in that position.

    Это также гарантирует, что основная команда составлена из тех, у кого хорошие навыки общения с другими, важное качество для такого положения.

    McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V. / The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating systemМакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В. / FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация

    FreeBSD: архитектура и реализация

    МакКузик, Маршалл Кирк,Невилл-Нил, Джордж В.

    © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    © Перевод «ИД КУДИЦ-ОБРАЗ», 2006

    The design and implementation of the FreeBSD operating system

    McKusick, Marshall Kirk,Neville-Neil, George V.

    © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc.

    The drive pulley can be made up of a circular wire or chain, of a flexible metal, rubber, or plastic band, etc.

    Замкнутый контур может быть выполнен из тросика, гибкой металлической, резиновой, пластмассовой и др. ленты, цепи и т.п..

    In particular, the sudden appearance of all the energy at one point suggests that light is made up of particles.

    В частности, внезапная локализация всей энергии волны в одной точке указывает на то, что свет состоит из частиц.

    Bohm, David / Quantum TheoryБом, Д. / Квантовая теория

    Quantum Theory

    Bohm, David

    © renewed 1979 by David Bohm.

    © 1951 by Prentice-Hall, Inc.

    SELT is made up of the SEIC Chief Executive Officer and nine department heads.

    К высшим руководителям компании относятся Президент компании «Сахалин Энерджи» и девять руководителей отделов.

    What I mean is, a big part of my self-concept was made up of my possessions like my house, my car, and especially my credit.

    Люди наутро встают знаменитыми — я же наутро растерял почти все, что делало меня фигурой значительной. Ведь я во многом высоко ставил себя потому, что был человеком состоятельным: имел дом, машину, а главное — кредитную карточку.

    Douglas, Mark / The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning AttitudesДаглас, Марк / Дисциплинированный трейдер. Бизнес-психология успеха

    Дисциплинированный трейдер. Бизнес-психология успеха

    Даглас, Марк

    © 1990 by Mark Douglas

    © Издательский дом «ЕВРО», 2004

    © Перевод с английского М. Волковой

    The Disciplined Trader: Developing Winning Attitudes

    Douglas, Mark

    His concern in life was «advancement his own. That his background was made up of denouncements, anonymous letters, medieval tortures, and secret executions mattered little to him.

    Его мало беспокоило то обстоятельство, что закулисная сторона его жизни состояла из гнусных доносов, анонимных писем, средневековых пыток и тайных казней.

    Delarue, Jacques / The Gestapo: A History of HorrorДеларю, Жак / История гестапо

    История гестапо

    Деларю, Жак

    © Перевод на русский язык Издательская группа «Прогресс» 1992

    © 1962, «Fayard»

    The Gestapo: A History of Horror

    Delarue, Jacques

    © Pen & Sword Books Ltd, 2008

    ©Jacques Delarue, 2008

    Further, each transmission symbol is made up of (log2 M) channel bits, so the symbol rate Rs is less than Rc by the factor (log2 M).

    Более того, каждый передаваемый символ образован (log2 М) канальными битами, так что символьная скорость передачи Rs меньше Rc в (log2 М) раз.

    Sklar, Bernard / Digital Communications: Fundamentals and ApplicationsСкляр, Бернард / Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение

    Цифровая связь. Теоретические основы и практическое применение

    Скляр, Бернард

    © Издательский дом «Вильямc», 2003

    © Prentice Hall PTR, 2001

    Digital Communications: Fundamentals and Applications

    Sklar, Bernard

    An account is usually made up of the following information:

    Учетная запись включает в себя следующую информацию:

    Simmons, Kurt / Windows XP Headaches — How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a HurryСиммонс, Курт / Головная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблем

    Головная боль Windows XP. Быстрое решение стандартных (и не только) проблем

    Симмонс, Курт

    © Издание на русском языке Издательство Бином, 2004

    Windows XP Headaches — How to Fix Common (and Not So Common) Problems in a Hurry

    Simmons, Kurt

    © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies

    ‘He’s made up of simplicity,’ said Martin.

    – Он сама простота, – сказал Мартин.

    Dickens, Charles / Martin ChuzzlewitДиккенс, Чарльз / Жизнь и приключения Мартина Чезлвита

    Жизнь и приключения Мартина Чезлвита

    Диккенс, Чарльз

    © Государственное издательство художественной литературы, 1960

    Martin Chuzzlewit

    Dickens, Charles

    © Wordsworth Editions Limited 1994

    Currently research indicates that each reson is itself made up of a combination of at least five «flavours,» known as «up,» «down,» «sideways,» «sex appeal,» and «peppermint.

    А последние исследования показали, что каждый резон в свою очередь состоит из комбинации по крайней мере пяти ароматов, известных как «вверх», «вниз», «вбок», «привлекательность сексуальная» и «мята перечная».

    Pratchett, Terry / Lords and LadiesПратчетт,Терри / Дамы и господа

    Дамы и господа


    © Издание на русском языке, оформление ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2009

    © 1992 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett

    © Перевод Н. Берденников, 2006

    Lords and Ladies

    Pratchett, Terry

    © 1992 by Terry and Lyn Pratchett

    One of Tatarstan’s main advantages for doing business is the active role of its diverse population, which is made up of people from various ethnic backgrounds.

    Одним из главных преимуществ Татарстана с точки зрения бизнеса является высокая активность многонационального населения региона.

    He held a bundle made up of an old faded silk handkerchief that apparently contained all his travelling wardrobe, and wore thick shoes and gaiters, his whole appearance being very un-Russian.

    В руках его болтался тощий узелок из старого, полинялого фуляра, заключавший, кажется, всё его дорожное достояние. На ногах его были толстоподошвенные башмаки с штиблетами, — всё не по-русски.

    Dostoevsky, Fyodor / IdiotДостоевский, Фёдор / Идиот


    Достоевский, Фёдор

    © Издательство «Художественная литература», 1971


    Dostoevsky, Fyodor

    © 2004 by Fine Creative Media, Inc.

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    • 1

      made [meɪd]

      1) изгото́вленный

      2) иску́сственный;

      3) приду́манный;

      4) сбо́рный, составно́й;

      5) доби́вшийся успе́ха;

      а) челове́к, занима́ющий про́чное положе́ние;

      б) физи́чески сформирова́вшийся челове́к

      made for (пря́мо) со́зданный для чего-л., идеа́льно подходя́щий к чему-л.

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > made

    • 2
      made up

      made up adj. 1) искусственный 2) готовый (об одежде) 3) выдуманный; вымыш-ленный 4) загримированный; с густым слоем краски на лице

      Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > made up

    • 3

      Персональный Сократ > made

    • 4
      made of

      Персональный Сократ > made of

    • 5


      made past & p. p. от make made добившийся успеха made изготовленный made искусственный; made ground насыпной грунт made придуманный; made excuse неправдоподобное объяснение made сборный, составной; made dish ассорти (сборное блюдо) made сборный, составной; made dish ассорти (сборное блюдо) made придуманный; made excuse неправдоподобное объяснение made искусственный; made ground насыпной грунт made in изготовлено в made in произведено в made in сделано в made man физически сформировавшийся человек made man человек, занимающий прочное положение made out in name of выписанный на имя made to order производенный на заказ made to order сделанный на заказ order: made заказ; made to order сделанный на заказ; on order заказанный, но не доставленный made up выдуманный; вымышленный made up готовый (об одежде) made up загримированный; с густым слоем краски на лице made up искусственный made up at составивший в сумме

      English-Russian short dictionary > made

    • 6

      1. прил.
      1) а) сделанный, изготовленный;
      искусственный There was not a made road in the parish. ≈ В округе не было ни одной построенной дороги. made ground ≈ насыпной грунт Syn: artificial б) выдуманный, придуманный made story ≈ придуманная история made excuse ≈ неправдоподобное объяснение Syn: invented, fictitious
      2) сборный, составной made dish ≈ ассорти( сборное блюдо)
      3) отечественный (в отличие от зарубежного) made wines ≈ британские вина
      4) прошедший полную подготовку (о солдатах;
      тж. о лошадях, собаках)
      5) добившийся успеха made man have it made got it made
      2. прош. вр. и прич. прош. вр. от make
      сделанный, приготовленный, изготовленный — * course( морское) истинный курс составной — * dish (кулинарное) ассорти, сборное блюдо — * mast (морское) составная мачта искусственный — * earth /ground/ (специальное) насыпной грунт — * word выдуманное слово — * work специальные работы (чтобы занять безработных) ;
      общественные работы добившийся успеха, богатства и т. п. — a * man человек с положением — you are * ты добился, чего хотел;
      (можешь считать, что) у тебя все в порядке (электротехника) замкнутый past и р.р. от make
      made past & p. p. от make ~ добившийся успеха ~ изготовленный ~ искусственный;
      made ground насыпной грунт ~ придуманный;
      made excuse неправдоподобное объяснение ~ сборный, составной;
      made dish ассорти (сборное блюдо)
      ~ сборный, составной;
      made dish ассорти (сборное блюдо)
      ~ придуманный;
      made excuse неправдоподобное объяснение
      ~ искусственный;
      made ground насыпной грунт
      ~ in изготовлено в ~ in произведено в ~ in сделано в
      ~ man физически сформировавшийся человек ~ man человек, занимающий прочное положение
      ~ out in name of выписанный на имя
      ~ to order производенный на заказ ~ to order сделанный на заказ order: ~ заказ;
      made to order сделанный на заказ;
      on order заказанный, но не доставленный
      ~ up выдуманный;
      вымышленный ~ up готовый( об одежде) ~ up загримированный;
      с густым слоем краски на лице ~ up искусственный
      ~ up at составивший в сумме

      Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > made

    • 7

      1. a сделанный, приготовленный, изготовленный

      2. a составной

      3. a искусственный

      made work — специальные работы ; общественные работы

      4. a эл. замкнутый

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. composed (adj.) combined; composed; created; designed; written

      2. fabricated (adj.) built; fabricated; fashioned; finished; formed; manufactured; shaped

      4. constituted (verb) composed; comprised; constituted; formed; made up; make up

      5. designated (verb) appointed; designated; fingered; named; nominated; tapped

      6. drafted (verb) drafted; drew up/drawn up; formulated; framed

      7. earned (verb) acquired; brought in; draw down; drew down/drawn down; earned; got; knocked down; pull down; won

      8. effected (verb) bring about; brought about; caused; drew on/drawn on; effected; effectuated; engendered; induced; lead to; occasioned; produced; result in; secured

      10. fathered (verb) created; fathered; generated; hatched; originated; parented; procreated; sired; spawned

      11. forced (verb) coerced; compelled; constrained; forced; obliged; pressured; shotgunned

      12. headed (verb) bore; bore/borne; headed; lighted out or lit out; set out; strike out; struck out; took off/taken off; went

      13. inferred (verb) collected; concluded; deduced; deducted; derived; drew/drawn; gathered; inferred; judged; made out

      15. prepared (verb) fitted; fixed; got/got or gotten; prepared; readied

      16. ran/run (verb) extended; ran/run; reached; stretched; went/gone

      17. shaped (verb) assembled; built; constructed; erected; fabricated; fashioned; forged; manufactured; molded; moulded; put together; shaped

      English-Russian base dictionary > made

    • 8

      Англо-русский технический словарь > made

    • 9

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > made

    • 10

      Англо-русский синонимический словарь > made-up

    • 11

      1. [meıd]

      1. сделанный, приготовленный, изготовленный

      2. составной

      3. искусственный

      made earth /ground/ — насыпной грунт

      4. добившийся успеха, богатства

      you are made — ты добился, чего хотел; (можешь считать, что) у тебя всё в порядке

      2. [meıd]

      НБАРС > made

    • 12



      There was not a made road in the parish. — В округе не было ни одной построенной дороги.


      2) выдуманный, придуманный


      — have it made
      — get it made

      4) сборный, составной




      прош. вр. от make

      Англо-русский современный словарь > made

    • 13




      сделанный, изготовленный; искусственный

      made in — «произведено в», «сделано в»

      made earth [ground] — насыпной грунт




      добившийся успеха, богатства и т. п.

      Англо-русский экономический словарь > made

    • 14
      made of


      made from vs. made of

      Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > made of

    • 15

      1. a составной, сборный

      2. a искусственный; вымышленный

      made-up story — выдумка, выдуманный рассказ, выдуманная повесть

      3. a загримированный

      4. a с большим количеством косметики, намазанный

      5. a готовый

      Синонимический ряд:

      1. assumed (adj.) adopted; assumed

      2. fantastic (adj.) fanciful; fantastic; fictional; fictitious; invented

      3. processed (adj.) frozen; precooked; pre-made; prepared; preserved; processed; ready-made; ready-to-eat; treated

      English-Russian base dictionary > made-up

    • 16

      English-Russian mining dictionary > made

    • 17

      сделал; заставил; сделанный

      made up — формировал; сделанный

      English-Russian big medical dictionary > made

    • 18
      made up

      English-Russian big medical dictionary > made up

    • 19

      сделанный; изготовленный; составной; искусственный

      made for stock — изготовил на склад; изготовленный на склад

      made up — сделал; придал изделию форму; сделанный

      English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > made

    • 20
      made up

      сделал; придал изделию форму; сделанный

      The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > made up


    • Следующая →
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
    • 4
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    • 6
    • 7

    См. также в других словарях:

    • made — made …   Dictionnaire des rimes

    • -made — [meɪd] adjective made in a particular country or type of place: • sales of British made equipment • Using factory made precast sections gives us additional speed in construction. * * * made suffix ► produced in a particular way or place: »On the… …   Financial and business terms

    • Made — or MADE may refer to:*Made is a town in the municipality of Drimmelen in the Netherlands. *Māde (妈的) is a most common Chinese vulgar curse word. *van der Made is a Dutch name derived from the above town. *MADE ClothingLanguage*Being made refers… …   Wikipedia

    • made — [meıd] v 1.) the past tense and past participle of ↑make 2.) factory made/German made/homemade etc made in a factory, in Germany, at home etc ▪ sales of Japanese made cars 3.) have (got) it made informal to have everything that you need for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • Made — Made, a. Artificially produced; pieced together; formed by filling in; as, made ground; a made mast, in distinction from one consisting of a single spar. [WordNet sense 1] [1913 Webster] 2. having the sheets and blankets set in order; of a bed;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • Made up — Made Made, a. Artificially produced; pieced together; formed by filling in; as, made ground; a made mast, in distinction from one consisting of a single spar. [WordNet sense 1] [1913 Webster] 2. having the sheets and blankets set in order; of a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

    • made in — ● made in Expression anglaise signifiant fabriqué en, à, et qui, suivie du nom anglais d un pays, indique l origine d un produit manufacturé. made in loc. anglaise ( fabriqué en ) précédant le nom du pays où un produit a été fabriqué. Made in… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

    • made — [mād] vt., vi. pt. & pp. of MAKE1 adj. 1. constructed; shaped; formed [a well made play] 2. produced artificially [made ground, from filling in a swamp] 3. invented; contrived [a made word] 4 …   English World dictionary

    • Made in U.S.A. — Made in U.S.A. Compilación de The Beach Boys Publicación 7 de julio de 1986 Grabación Abril de 1962 – mayo de 1986 Género(s) Surf Rock, Rock, Pop …   Wikipedia Español

    • Made in EU — (auch Made in the EU) ist ein Qualitätssiegel, das seit 2003 von der EU Kommission etabliert wird. Made in EU ist als Kennzeichnung für europäische Produkte anstelle der Landeskennzeichnung nicht verpflichtend vorgeschrieben, aber langfristig als …   Deutsch Wikipedia

    • Mäde — ist der Name folgender Personen: Dieter Mäde (* 1939), deutscher Politiker (SPD) und thüringischer Landtagsabgeordneter Hans Dieter Mäde (1930–2009), deutscher Regisseur und SED Funktionär, 1977–1989 Generaldirektor des VEB DEFA Studios für… …   Deutsch Wikipedia


    How to pronounce made up of?

    How to say made up of in sign language?


    1. Chaldean Numerology

      The numerical value of made up of in Chaldean Numerology is: 7

    2. Pythagorean Numerology

      The numerical value of made up of in Pythagorean Numerology is: 9

    Examples of made up of in a Sentence

    1. L?Estrange:

      Some people, you would think, are made up of nothing but title and genealogy; the stamp of dignity defaces in them the very character of humanity, and transports them to such a degree of haughtiness that they reckon it below them to exercise good nature or good manners.

    2. Peter Ruecker:

      He had a lot of friends, he wasn’t a loner, he was integrated in the group. Our club is mostly made up of young people who learn how to fly gliders and then get their licence and then perhaps, like was the case with him, to make the jump into commercial aviation.

    3. Reince Priebus:

      Are you trying to say that the rules committee that was made up of Romney delegates should enforce the rules for the 2016 convention, which will largely be made up of Trump/Cruz delegates?

    4. Learned Hand:

      Life is made up of constant calls to action, and we seldom have time for more than hastily contrived answers.

    5. An Iraqi security source:

      According to our sources, the team (that launched the rocket) is made up of more than one group and were well trained in missile launching.


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