What word means joined together

joined together — перевод на русский

«Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God in the face of this company to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony.

«Возлюбленные дети, мы собрались здесь под взором Отца нашего чтобы соединить в счастливом браке этого мужчину и эту женщину.

«Dearly beloved… «we are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this company… «to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony…

Дорогие возлюбленные, мы находимся здесь перед лицом Бога и всех присутствующих, чтобы соединить этого мужчину и эту женщину священными узами брака, который является благородным институтом, установленным Богом.

Dearly beloved friends, we are gathered here in the sight of God and the face of His congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honourable estate instituted of God in paradise

Дорогие возлюбленные мои! Мы собрались здесь, пред лицом Господа и его прихожан чтобы соединить этого мужа и эту жену священными узами брака, установленными Господом в раю во времена невинности человечества.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman… ..and this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is an honourable estate, instituted by God in the time of man’s innocency, signifying unto us the mystical union that is between Christ and His church,

Перед лицом Господа и в присутствии прихожан мы собрались здесь, чтобы соединить этого мужчину и эту женщину и этого мужчину и эту женщину святыми узами брака дарованными свыше, утвержденными Господом во времена человеческой безгрешности, который означает для нас таинственный союз Христа и его паствы

We are gathered here to join together Eleanor Faye Bartowski and Devon Christian Woodcomb in matrimony.

Мы собрались здесь, чтобы соединить Элеанор Фэй Бартовски и Дэвона Кристиана Вудкома в браке.

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Maybe we could integrate to the new Popular Army and get the weapons join together and be still in the militia too.

Может быть, мы могли бы интегрироваться в новую Народную армию и получить оружие, объединиться и быть по-прежнему ополчением?

So maybe we can join together.

Мы могли бы объединиться.

During spring, on the freshwater lakes of Oregon, grebes join together to renew their partnership.

Весной у пресных озёр Орегона собираются поганки, чтобы объединиться и принести потомство.

Now we need to join together to stop him.

Теперь нам нужно объединиться, чтобы остановить её.

So, yeah, we’ve got to join together to stop the shark.

Да нам нужно объединиться, чтобы остановить акулу.

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If any man can show just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together let him now speak, or else here after forever hold his peace.

Если кто-то может сказать, почему они не могут состоять вместе в законном браке,.. ..то говорите сейчас, или умолкните на веки.

Those whom God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Тех, кого связал вместе Господь, не дано разделить человеку.

Joined together like that?

— Прямо вот так, вместе?

Before we start the service, let us all join together in the first hymn.

Прежде чем приступить к обряду, давайте споём все вместе первый гимн.

And now that we are joined together equal partners in all endeavors the only people with anything to fear will be our enemies.

И теперь, когда мы вместе как равные партнеры, мы приложим все усилия, дабы единственными людьми, испытывающими страх, стали наши враги.

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It’s made up of separate parts, but when they join together they make a new, and much more powerful creature.

Оно состоит из отдельных частей, но когда они объединяются, они создают новое, намного более сильное существо.

Free people everywhere are joining together in saying

Повсюду свободные люди объединяются, чтобы сказать

Fueled by fear, scores of them join together in what is known as the Erklarend.»

Наполненные страхом, они толпой объединяются в нечто, известное как Эркларенд.

Join together?


The future had never looked so bright… workers and artists joined together… people would never stand against each other… faith in the international solidarity was equally strong as… the faith in the blessing of the industrial era.

Еще никогда будущее не казалось таким безоблачным Трудящиеся и художники объединялись Люди больше не собирались враждовать

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They’re joined together.

Соединены вместе.

Oxford. Oxbridge is a portmanteau of Oxford and Cambridge, — where two words are joined together.

Оксбридж-слово-гибрид, два слова Оксфорд и Кембридж соединены вместе.

If there’s anyone in this congregation who believes that Wendy and Roger should not be joined together, let him speak now.

Если кто-нибудь из присутствующих считает, что Венди и Роджер не должны быть соединены вместе, скажите об этом сейчас.

If anyone can show just cause why these two should not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now, or they can forever hold their peace.

Если у кого есть веская причина, почему эти двое не должны быть законно соединены вместе, пусть скажет сейчас, или же навсегда замолчит.

Will Kane and Amy Fowler, you appear before me in my capacity as Justice of the Peace of this township to be joined together in the bounds of holy matrimony.

Уилл Кейн и Эми Фаулер, вы явились предо мной в мое распоряжение как мирового судьи этого города для того, чтобы быть соединенными вместе узами святого брака.

Those who God hath joined together let no man put asunder.

Тех, кого Бог сочетал человек да не разлучает.

What God has joined together, let no one ever separate.

Что Бог сочетал, того человек да не разлучает.

Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder.

Что Бог сочетал, того человек да не разлучает.

Whom God hath joined together!

Что сочетал господь!

Dearly beloved, we are gathered in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony, which is commended in holy writ to be honorable among all men.

Дорогие присутствующие, мы собрались здесь пред очами Бога и в присутствии этого собрания, чтобы сочетать этого мужчину и эту женщину в священном браке, о котором заповедано в Святом Писании как о почитаемом среди всех людей.

«lf anyone sees any reason why these two people should not be joined together…»

«Знает кто-нибудь причину из-за которой эти два человека не могут соединиться…»

If anyone can show just cause why this man and this woman may not be lawfully joined together, let him speak now or hereafter remain silent.

Если бы кто-нибудь мог возразить почему этот мужчина и эта женщина не могут законно соединиться дайте ему сказать сейчас или молчите далее.

Therefore, if any man or woman can show any just cause why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else forever hold his peace.

Если кто-либо из присутствующих знает причину, по которой они не могут законно соединиться, говорите сейчас или молчите вечно

His spirit is inside me, joined together with mine.

Его дух — во мне, соединился с моим.

Last night, when we fucked… made love, whatever… our souls joined together.

когда мы жахались… они типа соединились.

Your tribe and my tribe will join together.

Мое племя и ваше племя соединяться вместе.

Well, the two ships are joined together by a sort of tunnel, you see, with two airlocks.

Ну, два корабля соединяются вместе с помощью туннеля, между двумя воздушными люками.

One-celled plants joined together:

Одноклеточные растения соединялись вместе:

I even looked to see if maybe they all joined together to form, like, a giant pentagram or the face of Elvis or something, but they did not.

Я даже смотрел, не соединяются ли они вместе в какую-нибудь форму, вроде пентаграммы или лица Элвиса или еще что-нибудь эдакое, но нет.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining together of these two souls.

Дорогие влюбленные, мы собрались здесь сегодня, чтобы засвидетельствовать, как соединяются вместе две души.

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We joined together to elevate what we all truly believe in.

Они объединились для того, чтобы совершенствовать то, во что мы все действительно верим.

If they joined together, they could govern unchallenged towards new frontiers.

Если бы они объединились, они могли бы управлять без проблем к новым границам.

Once on-site the sections are slotted into place and joined together to make a complete building in varying arrangements.

После того, как на месте секции разделены на места и соединены вместе, чтобы сделать целостное здание в различных условиях.

You will need to use single 2000ft spools for screening archive prints because these reels of film cannot be joined together.

Вам нужно будет использовать одиночные 2000-футовые катушки для скрининга архивных отпечатков, потому что эти катушки пленки не могут быть соединены вместе.

In time-and having good business sense-it was decided that the hotels should be physically joined together by a long hallway.

Со временем — и имея здравый смысл в бизнесе — было решено, что отели должны быть физически объединены длинным коридором.

It’s two completely separate objects that are now joined together.

Это два совершенно разных объекта, которые теперь объединены».

Today, we have the largest representation in the parliament, but our opponents joined together and formed a parliamentary majority.

Сегодня у нас самая крупная фракция в парламенте, но наши оппоненты объединились и создали парламентское большинство.

Some have withdrawn from politics while others have joined together to set up a bigger party.

Кто-то ушел из политики, в то время как другие объединились, чтобы сформировать большую партию.

The activists joined together to force the authorities to monitor the quality of drinking water and inform the public about the results of these inspections.

Активисты объединились, чтобы заставить органы власти контролировать качество питьевой воды и информировать общественность о результатах этих проверок.

They have joined together again, so there is not the separation.

Они снова объединились, поэтому не существует разделения.

Several young artists in the second half19 th century joined together in the group.

Несколько молодых художников во второй половине 19-го века объединились в группу.

Time passed, the cities joined together and have been flourishing since then.

Время шло, и города объединились, и с тех пор они процветают.

Then, by using the jointers the two flattened boards are joined together.

Затем, используя соединители, две сплющенные плиты соединены вместе.

Recently I was told they are now joined together.

Thanks to stainless steel loops in the corners, the pockets can be easily joined together and form unlimited systems.

Благодаря соединительным петлям из нержавеющей стали, карманы могут быть легко соединены вместе и образуют неограниченные вертикальные системы.

A very unusual fact for our professions, the institutions joined together to face the crisis.

Очень необычный факт в нашей среде — компании объединились, чтобы противостоять кризису.

More than 60 major global financial institutions joined together in 2015 to form a consortium called R3.

Более 40 из них объединились, создав консорциум под названием R3.

Thus, the three groups of «Komala» immediately joined together to obtain a mandate for participation in the conference.

Так, три группировки «Комала» тотчас же объединились с целью получения мандата для участия в конференции.

Thus lines and circles joined together to fashion the Tree as we know it.

Таким образом, линии и круги объединились, чтобы смоделировать Древо, каким мы его знаем.

It recently suffered a tragic fire, but the people of France have joined together to save this historical monument.

Недавно произошел трагический пожар, но люди Франции объединились, чтобы спасти этот исторический памятник.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

join together

1) Общая лексика: объединять, объединяться

2) Разговорное выражение: объединять вместе, прибавлять, складывать

3) Техника: связывать, связываться

4) Строительство: соединять, соединяться

5) Общая лексика: соединяются

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «join together» в других словарях:

  • Join Together — may refer to:* Join Together (song), a 1972 song by The Who * Join Together (1982 album), a 1982 compilation album by The Who * Join Together (1990 album), a 1990 live album by The Who …   Wikipedia

  • join together — index affiliate, concur (agree), conjoin, converge, desegregate, organize (unionize) Burton s …   Law dictionary

  • Join Together — Este artículo trata sobre la canción de The Who. Para el álbum recopilatorio de 1982, véase Join Together (1982). Para el álbum recopilatorio de 1990, véase Join Together (1990). «Join Together» Sencillo de The Who Lado B «Baby Don t You Do It»… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Join Together — Pour l album live, voir Join Together (album). Join Together Single par The Who Face B Baby Don t You Do It Sortie …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Join Together (album) — Join Together Album par The Who Sortie Mars 1990 Enregistrement 1989 Durée 130:44 Genre rock Label …   Wikipédia en Français

  • join together — Join means to unite, to connect, so that together is here wordily unnecessary. Since marriages are sometimes shaky, perhaps they require the statement, What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder, but in other instances avoid …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • Join Together (álbum de 1990) — Este artículo trata sobre álbum en directo de The Who. Para el recopilatorio de 1982, véase Join Together (1982). Join Together Álbum en directo de The Who Publicación Marzo de 1990 Grabación 1989 Género(s) …   Wikipedia Español

  • Join Together (1982 album) — Infobox Album Name = Join Together Type = compilation Artist = The Who Released = 1982 Genre = Rock Length = 39:42 Label = Polydor Records Last album = It s Hard (1982) This album = Join Together (1982) Next album = Who s Greatest Hits (1983)… …   Wikipedia

  • Join Together (álbum de 1982) — Este artículo trata sobre el álbum recopilatorio de The Who. Para el álbum en directo de 1990, véase Join Together (1990). Join Together Álbum recopilatorio de The Who Publicación 1982 Grabación 1969 1973 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Join Together (1990 album) — Infobox Album Name = Join Together Type = live Artist = The Who Released = March 1990 Recorded = 1989 Genre = Rock Length = 130:44 Label = Virgin (UK) MCA (USA) Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|1.5|5 [http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg… …   Wikipedia

  • join together, link together —    The Bible and marriage ceremonies notwithstanding, join together is almost always tautological. Similarly linked together, even when written by as eminent an authority as C. T. Onions: The first members of a group linked together by one of the …   Dictionary of troublesome word

Likewise, choir members from both parishes joined together to sing during the service.

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Хоры обоих приходов также объединились для песнопения во время службы.

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In the«Museum town» state and private, big and small museums joined together.

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В« городе музеев» объединились государственные и частные, большие и малые музеи.

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In 1953 Podunavlje and another football club called Krajišnik joined together and formed ČSK.

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В 1953 году« Подунавьє» и другой футбольный клуб под названием« Краишник» объединились и образовали ЧСК.

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A year ago, the whole world joined together in an unprecedented demonstration of solidarity.

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Год назад весь мир объединился, продемонстрировав беспрецедентную солидарность.

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Шесть кристаллов, однажды соединившихся, и связанных даже сейчас.

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Both programmers soon joined together and created a new startup-

artificial intelligence Viv, acquired by Samsung.

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Оба программиста вскоре объединились и создали новый стартап-

искусственный интеллект Viv, приобретенный уже компанией Samsung.

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If anyone can show just cause

why these two should not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now, or they can forever hold their peace.

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Если у кого есть веская причина,

почему эти двое не должны быть законно соединены вместе, пусть скажет сейчас, или же навсегда замолчит.

Natural fabrics, sophisticated style and bourgeois chic joined together in the collection of clothes of the famous Italian designer for the sophisticated

and stylish girls and business ladies.

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Натуральные ткани, утонченный стиль и буржуазный шик соединились в коллекции одежды известного итальянского дизайнера для утонченных и

стильных девушек и бизнес-леди.

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If there’s anyone in this congregation

who believes that Wendy and Roger should not be joined together, let him speak now.

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Если кто-нибудь из присутствующих считает,

что Венди и Роджер не должны быть соединены вместе, скажите об этом сейчас.

In 1863 the botanist Alexander Croall was appointed the first Librarian and Curator and

the following year the museum and library were joined together.

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В 1863 году ботаник Александр Кроолл( Alexander Croall) был назначен первым библиотекарем и куратором,

The colonies of Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, New Haven,

and Connecticut joined together in a loose compact called the New England

Confederation officially»The United Colonies of New England.

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Шесть лет спустя колонии Массачусетского залива Плимут,

Нью-Хейвен и Коннектикут объединились в Конфедерацию Новой Англии официально« Соединенные

Колонии Новой Англии».

The story will focus on furniture, where creativity,

anatomy and horizontal springs miraculously joined together in a great result, which we can feel with whole body.

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Рассказ пойдет о мебели, где творчество,

анатомия и горизонтальные пружины удивительным образом соединились в великолепный результат, который мы можем почувствовать всем своим телом.

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Arms traffickers joined together in short-lived coalitions are today in a position to destabilize States

and entire regions.

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Сегодня незаконные торговцы оружием, объединившись на непродолжительное время в коалицию, уже способны дестабилизировать обстановку в государствах

и целых регионах.

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do their descendants today, the traditional company with a lot of care and skill.

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В 1830 году семьи объединились Yeatman и Fladgate,

сделать их потомки сегодня, традиционные компании с большой заботой и умением.

For example, the monogram of Achaea consisted of the letters alpha(Α)

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Например, монограмма на монетах античного города Ахайя состоит из букв альфа( Α) и хи(

People watched with relief as the world community joined together to prevent genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo.

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Люди с облегчением наблюдали за тем, как мировое сообщество, объединившись, предотвращало геноцид в Боснии и в Косово.

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Masters of different dance styles joined together in a vegetarian flash mob,

and at the end of the event formed a figure of a huge pulsating heart- the symbol of love and forgiveness.

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Мастера различных танцевальных стилей объединились в вегетарианском флешмобе,

в конце действа образовав фигуру огромного пульсирующего сердца- символа любви и прощения.

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In fact, it was considered as a day of impressive

tournament successes in different tournament tables joined together by different players.

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На самом деле, это считалось как

день впечатляющих успехов в турнирах в разных турнирных таблиц, соединенных вместе различных игроков.

We all joined together for two days of intense packing operation,

finishing all 7,000 packages late Friday evening.

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Мы все объединились на два дня для интенсивной операции по упаковке,

закончив все 7 000 пакетов в пятницу вечером.

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In reality, Lucifer, Satan,

Caligastia and Daligastia were individual Lanonandek Sons, who joined together in the plan for rebellion.

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В реальности, Люцифер,

Сатана, Калигастия и Далигастия были отдельными Сынами- Ланонандеками, которые объединились в плане восстания.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Industry being at the lead in terms of highly specialised materials development,

excellent basic science institutions and users of knowledge joined together to form the project consortium of the NANOKER project.

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Промышленность, будучи лидером в развитии высокоспециализированных материалов,

передовые институты фундаментальных наук и потребители знаний объединились, чтобы образовать проектный консорциум программы NANOKER.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We encourage you to begin developing these scenarios,

and also see it as a mechanism for educating those individuals who joined together to do that.

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Мы рекомендуем вам приступить к разработке этих сценариев,

а также смотреть на это как на механизм обучения тех людей, которые объединились для этого.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

With the exception of Georgia and the three Baltic states,

the former Soviet Republics joined together to establish the Russo-centric Commonwealth of Independent States.

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За исключением Грузии и трех прибалтийских республик,

бывшие советские республики объединились, создав под эгидой России Содружество Независимых Государств.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

I believe that when you were exposed to the cold of space, the nanites migrated to your skin, joined together and formed a protective shield.

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Полагаю, что когда ты оказалась в космосе, наниты перешли в твою кожу, объединились и образовали защитный слой.

Following the horrors of World War I a century ago,

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После ужасов Первой мировой войны, закончившейся сто лет назад,

цивилизованные страны объединились, чтобы запретить химическое оружие.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We saw the same spirit at work in a parade of athletes, when a people divided by a

border that had been invented by war joined together behind a single flag.

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Свидетелями того, как действует этот дух, мы были во время парадов спортсменов, где люди, разделенные границей,

изобретенной войной, объединялись под одним флагом.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

After a war that had brought untold sorrow to humankind,

51 nations joined together for the common purpose of promoting peace,

development, equality, justice and human rights.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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После войны, которая принесла человечеству неисчислимые страдания,

51 страна объединилась с общей целью обеспечения мира, развития, равенства,

справедливости и прав человека.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Roger and I joined together, not just as a singer and bassist, but as a songwriting team.

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Роджер и я тогда вместе присоединились к группе, при чем не только в качестве бас- гитариста и певца, но и как авторы песен.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Table of Contents

  1. What is a synonym for the word combined?
  2. What is the combined?
  3. What join means?
  4. What meet means?
  5. How do you use join in Word?
  6. How do you say I’m joining?
  7. What does the word Join mean in math?
  8. What is the verb form of join?
  9. What is the verb of visit?
  10. Is joinable a word?
  11. What type of verb is win?
  12. How do you use the word winning?
  13. Is win a verb yes or no?
  14. What type of word is winning?
  15. What is the definition of success?
  16. What is definition of success in life?
  17. What is a successful person called?
  18. What is to succeed in doing something?
  19. Are successful synonyms?

Some common synonyms of join are associate, combine, connect, link, relate, and unite. While all these words mean “to bring or come together into some manner of union,” join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.

What is a synonym for the word combined?

Some common synonyms of combine are associate, connect, join, link, relate, and unite.

What is the combined?

adjective. made by combining; joined; united, as in a chemical compound. taken as a whole or considered together; in the aggregate: outselling all other brands combined.

Verb. join, combine, unite, connect, link, associate, relate mean to bring or come together into some manner of union. join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.

What meet means?

(Entry 1 of 2) : to see and speak to (someone) for the first time : to be introduced to or become acquainted with (someone) : to come together in order to talk : to go to a place to be with someone else. : to come together formally : to have a meeting : to come together for a discussion.

How do you use join in Word?

  1. [S] [T] Join us. ( belgavox)
  2. [S] [T] Come join us. ( CK)
  3. [S] [T] I’ll join you. ( CK)
  4. [S] [T] Tom joined us. ( CK)
  5. [S] [T] Can I join you? ( CK)
  6. [S] [T] Can we join in? ( CK)
  7. [S] [T] May I join you? ( CK)
  8. [S] [T] Come and join us. ( CK)

How do you say I’m joining?

If you frame a sentence in direct speech , you would say – “Iam joined by Raghav lately and will finish this project soon.” And if in indirect speech – “I have joined Raghav lately and we will soon finish this project.” I have joined is correct. Joined is the past participle of the verb “join”.

What does the word Join mean in math?

In mathematics, specifically order theory, the join of a subset S of a partially ordered set P is the supremum (least upper bound) of S, denoted ⋁S, and similarly, the meet of S is the infimum (greatest lower bound), denoted ⋀S. In general, the join and meet of a subset of a partially ordered set need not exist.

What is the verb form of join?

English verb conjugation TO JOIN Regular verb: join – joined – joined.

What is the verb of visit?

intransitive verb. 1 : to make a visit also : to make frequent or regular visits. 2 : chat, converse enjoys visiting with the neighbors. visit. noun.

Is joinable a word?

That can be joined.

What type of verb is win?

win. 1[intransitive, transitive] to be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc.

How do you use the word winning?

Examples of winning in a Sentence Adjective She scored the winning goal. They were a winning marketing team. Chocolate and mint is a winning combination. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘winning.

Is win a verb yes or no?

win (verb) win (noun) winning (adjective) no–win (adjective)

What type of word is winning?

adjective. that wins; successful or victorious, as in a contest: the winning team. charming; engaging; pleasing: a winning child; a winning smile.

What is the definition of success?

1a : degree or measure of succeeding. b : favorable or desired outcome also : the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence. 2 : one that succeeds. 3 obsolete : outcome, result.

What is definition of success in life?

Your individual definition of what success is may vary, but many might define it as being fulfilled, happy, safe, healthy, and loved. It is the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be. There is no single right way to be successful.

What is a successful person called?

achiever. noun. someone who is successful because they are determined and work hard.

What is to succeed in doing something?

accomplish. verb. to succeed in doing something, especially something that you have been trying to do for a period of time.

Are successful synonyms?

In this page you can discover 54 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for successful, like: prosperous, triumphant, strong, fortuitous, fortunate, victorious, favorable, accomplished, thriving, unprofitable and unbeaten.

To unite or put into association two or more different people, groups, organizations, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between “join” and “together.” The CEO said he would like to join the two companies together within the next five years.

Also Which means join together? To make or become united, uniform, or whole. unite. merge. amalgamate. integrate.

Likewise Is it joint or joined? This is because “join” is a verb (something you do). “Joint” is an adjective (it describes the quality of something) or a noun (it’s a name of a place in the body or where two things are joined together).

Is it correct to say join with? “Will you join me for dinner?” “Join with” implies linking up for some sort of cause or project. “Will you join with me in fighting Prsidential stupidity?” , former English Teacher. They are both correct, but are used in different situations.

What is another word for join us?

What is another word for join us?

align ally
affiliate associate
join league
side cooperate
collaborate combine

What two things join together? Convergence is when two or more things come together to form a new whole, like the convergence of plum and apricot genes in the plucot. Convergence comes from the prefix con-, meaning together, and the verb verge, which means to turn toward.

What’s another word for join in? What is another word for join in?

join enter
enlist in ally with
contribute to help in
join up participate in
enrol in enroll in

What is a synonym for come together? Synonyms:assemble, close up, converge, bunch, cluster, huddle, clump together, besiege, crowd, cozy up.

Have joined or had joined?

Use “have joined.” If your membership has lapsed – or you want to emphasize that you joined in the past – use “had joined.” You would also use “had joined” for two events that happened at different times in the past: “Before I decided to become a Presbyterian, I had joined the Episcopal Church.”

What is the sentence of joined? Joined sentence example. He smiled and joined us for a glass. With Britain in the war, its colonies and dominions joined in as well. Dean took a seat and joined her, part politeness, part to guard the remaining slice.

What does joined at the hip?

Definition of joined at the hip

informal. —used to describe two people who are often or usually together She and her sister used to be joined at the hip when they were kids.

What is correct joined with or joined in? If you frame a sentence in direct speech , you would say – “Iam joined by Raghav lately and will finish this project soon.” And if in indirect speech – “I have joined Raghav lately and we will soon finish this project.” “I have joined…” is the correct start.

Which is correct join me or join with me?

Join me while I drink this pint of beer” is an invitation to watch me drink it. ‘Join with me in a drink of beer’ implies that we shall all be drinking beer. “Join with me” implies a request to take part in some collective activity.

Which root means join?

junct, join, jug- = to join, meet, or link.

What is the synonym of participating? The words partake and share are common synonyms of participate. While all three words mean “to have, get, or use in common with another or others,” participate implies a having or taking part in an undertaking, activity, or discussion.

Where do things come together? Junction, juncture refer to a place, line, or point at which two or more things join. A junction is also a place where things come together: the junction of two rivers.

What is the word for combining two things together?

Frequently Asked Questions About merge

Some common synonyms of merge are amalgamate, blend, coalesce, commingle, fuse, mingle, and mix. While all these words mean “to combine into a more or less uniform whole,” merge suggests a combining in which one or more elements are lost in the whole.

What is Amagameted? verb (used with object), a·mal·ga·mat·ed, a·mal·ga·mat·ing. to mix or merge so as to make a combination; blend; unite; combine: to amalgamate two companies. … verb (used without object), a·mal·ga·mat·ed, a·mal·ga·mat·ing. to combine, unite, merge, or coalesce: The three schools decided to amalgamate.

What is the meaning of joined in?

to become involved in an activity with other people: The discussion started between John and me, but then everyone joined in.

How do you say join a group? join

  1. accompany, add, adhere, annex, append, attach, cement, combine, connect, couple, fasten, knit, link, marry, splice, tie, unite, yoke.
  2. affiliate with, associate with, enlist, enrol, enter, sign up.
  3. adjoin, border, border on, butt, conjoin, extend, meet, reach, touch, verge on. Antonyms.

How do you describe coming together?

Definition of come together

2 : to form a group People from many different areas have come together to try to find a solution. 3 : to begin to work or proceed in the desired way The project started slowly, but everything is finally starting to come together now.

Did you join vs Have you joined? Did you join is a simple past tense . We use simple past to talk about completed actions, state or possession. Have you joined is s present perfect tense. We use present perfect tense to say about the completed actions which is important for its effect in the present and not in itself.

Has been joined meaning?

“Be joined to” usually means “caused to be physically attached to” and would not be used for the metaphorical sense of joining a team. … So I can make sense of “The user has been joined to the team” in that way – somebody has made the user join the team; but it is not a standard use of the word.

Did not joined meaning? Adjective. Not joined or touching physically. separate. detached.

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1 : the act or an instance of joining one thing to another : juncture. 2a : the place or manner of being joined together. b : something that joins two things together.

Table of contents

What is definition of joining?

1 : the act or an instance of joining one thing to another : juncture. 2a : the place or manner of being joined together. b : something that joins two things together.

What does joining together mean?

To unite or put into association two or more different people, groups, organizations, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «join» and «together.» The CEO said he would like to join the two companies together within the next five years.

What is mean by joining words?

They join together words, group of words or sentences. Such joining words are called Conjunctions. The word that joins words or two sentences is called conjunction. Conjunction is an important part of grammar that helps us form complex sentences with ease.

What means to join or attach?

Use the verb attach when you need to join things together, like a stamp that you attach to a letter. When you attach something, you join it or tie it to something else. The word can be used to show physically joining things, like a printer that you attach to your computer, or to show a strong personal connection.

What is the meaning of word join?

Verb. join, combine, unite, connect, link, associate, relate mean to bring or come together into some manner of union. join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.

What is another word for join in?



enlist in

ally with

contribute to

help in

join up

participate in

enrol in

enroll in

How do you use the word join?

  • 1You should join me sometime. …
  • 2How can I join in? …
  • 3She turned to wait for him to join her and smiled. …
  • 4Come. …
  • 5Landon appeared at once, and Gabriel waited for his new second-in-command to join him. …
  • 6Join the line, Dean thought.
  • Could you join Meaning?

    The phrase «wish you could join us» when said to you means they wish you could go with them to something.

    What is the meaning of joining concept?

    the process of putting two or more things, concepts, elements, etc., together to form a whole.

    What is the definition for joined?

    1a : to put or bring together so as to form a unit join two blocks of wood with glue. b : to connect (separated items, such as points) by a line. 2 : to put or bring into close association or relationship two people joined in marriage. 3a : to come into the company of (someone) She joined us for lunch.

    What’s another word for joining together?

    Some common synonyms of join are associate, combine, connect, link, relate, and unite.

    What is join in geometry?

    In mathematics, join and meet are dual binary operations on the elements of a partially ordered set. A join on a set is defined as the unique supremum with respect to a partial order on the set, provided a supremum exists.

    What does joining together mean?

    To unite or put into association two or more different people, groups, organizations, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «join» and «together.» The CEO said he would like to join the two companies together within the next five years.

    What is another word for joining together?

    1 link, couple, fasten, attach; conjoin, combine; associate, consolidate, amalgamate.

    What do you mean by joining?

    1 : the act or an instance of joining one thing to another : juncture. 2a : the place or manner of being joined together. b : something that joins two things together.

    What are example of joining words?

    Language function

    Prepositions/ prepositional phrases (come before noun phrases)

    Conjunctions (join two clauses in one sentence)


    because of, due to



    despite, in spite of

    but, although, even though


    but whereas



    What is definition of joining?

    1 : the act or an instance of joining one thing to another : juncture. 2a : the place or manner of being joined together. b : something that joins two things together.

    What’s another word for joining in?










    pitch in

    What are joining words for kids?

    A connective is a word that joins one part of a text to another. Connectives can be conjunctions, prepositions or adverbs.

    What is the word mean join?

    Verb. join, combine, unite, connect, link, associate, relate mean to bring or come together into some manner of union. join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.

    What is the similar meaning of Join?

    Some common synonyms of join are associate, combine, connect, link, relate, and unite. While all these words mean «to bring or come together into some manner of union,» join implies a bringing into contact or conjunction of any degree of closeness.

    What’s another word for join in?



    enlist in

    ally with

    contribute to

    help in

    join up

    participate in

    enrol in

    enroll in

    What’s another way to say attached?











    Watch What join means Video

    Also found in: Wikipedia.

    join together

    1. Of two or more things, to connect physically. The two buildings join together right at the corners of these two walls. The smaller amoebas joined together to create a larger organism.

    2. To create a physical connection between two or more different things. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «join» and «together.» Make sure the breaker is off before you join those wires together. We just joined together several smaller pieces of rope to form a single long one.

    3. To unite or come into company or association together. Several smaller groups are joining together to file a single lawsuit against the corporation. It was wonderful to see our two families joining together for such a fun vacation.

    4. To unite or put into association two or more different people, groups, organizations, etc. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between «join» and «together.» The CEO said he would like to join the two companies together within the next five years. The controversial legislation has at least succeeded in joining together multiple groups of activists that would normally be opposed to one another.

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    join (something and something else) together

    to connect or unite things. We joined the pipe and the hose together. He joined together all the blue wires and the red ones.

    McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

    See also:

    • fit together
    • come together
    • cling together
    • between two fires
    • chalk and cheese
    • battle of the giants
    • Box and Cox
    • two for two
    • at each other’s throats
    • be at each other’s throats

    Examples from texts

    Hie lid and upper net are made in the fonn of a cone with holes at the top and are joined together at the certain points or along seams.

    Крышка и верхняя сетка выполнены в форме конуса с отверстиями на вершине и соединены между собой в определенных точках или по швам.

    The net material consists of two types of the fibers joined together: hydrophilic and hydrophobic fibers.

    Материал из которого изготовлена сетка содержит два типа волокон, соединенных вместе; гидрофильные и гидрофобные волокна.

    Meantime Abbe Mouret had collected himself, and he began, in a rather low voice: ‘My dear brother, my dear sister, you are joined together in Jesus.

    Аббат Муре собрался с мыслями и почти шепотом начал: – Любезный брат мой, любезная сестра, вы соединены во Христе.

    Zola, Emile / Abbe Mouret’s TransgressionЗоля, Эмиль / Проступок аббата Муре

    Проступок аббата Муре

    Золя, Эмиль

    Abbe Mouret’s Transgression

    Zola, Emile

    First, many tables may be stored physically joined together.

    Во-первых, несколько таблиц можно хранить вместе.

    Kyte, Tom / Expert One-on-One OracleКайт, Том / Oracle для профессионалов

    Oracle для профессионалов

    Кайт, Том

    © Перевод на русский язык. ООО «ДиаСофтЮП», 2003

    © Wrox Press Ltd, 2002

    Expert One-on-One Oracle

    Kyte, Tom

    If interconnected, the cylinders are joined together by flexible bellows or rings as described in section (c) below.

    Соединение цилиндров между собой осуществляется при помощи гибких сильфонов или колец, описанных в разделе с) ниже.

    © Организация Объединенных Наций, 2010 год

    The terminals of the winding sections are joined together and connected to the common bus.

    Выводы секций обмотки объединены и соединены с общей шиной.

    FIG. 13 shows how two stages of the PDRM bodies of FIG. 1 are joined. Two stages are joined together, half-turned about the machine axis 6, to release the PDRM shaft from radial load.

    На фиг. 13 показано как стыкуются две ступени корпусов OPM из фиг.l. Для разгрузки вала OPM от радиальной нагрузки, две ступени стыкуются между собой с разворотом на пол оборота относительно оси 6 машины.

    The side edges of the thin film are joined together to give it the shape of a circular cone.

    Для придания пленке формы кругового конуса ее боковые края соединяют между собой.

    The magnets 1 and 2 are joined together along a plane 3 and and their lower sides placed on a basis 4 in the form of a plate made of soft-iron material, for example, with a thickness of 5-25 mm.

    Магниты 1 и 2 сопряжены между собой по плоскости 3 и размещены своими нижними гранями на основании 4, выполненном, например, в виде пластины из магнитомягкого материала, например, железа толщиной 5-25 мм.

    They joined together into a single speck long enough for Jake to imagine a bit of their palaver, and then the speck divided again.

    Две точки слились в одну, на время, достаточное для того, чтобы Джейк представил себе часть их разговора, потом вновь разделились.

    King, Stephen / The Dark tower 7: The Dark TowerКинг, Стивен / Темная башня 7: Темная башня

    Темная башня 7: Темная башня

    Кинг, Стивен

    © Stephen King, 2004

    © Перевод. В.А.Вебер, 2005

    © ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2005

    The Dark tower 7: The Dark Tower

    King, Stephen

    Eleven countries, including those OECD countries with the largest nuclear power sectors, have joined together to develop «Generation IV» nuclear power plants.

    Одиннадцать стран, среди которых есть и страны — члены ОЭСР, объединили свои усилия для перехода к четвертому поколению атомных станций.

    Depending on the configuration and height of a product, the product is to be packed in two lids 2 and 3, or in two lids 2,3 and one or more cylinders 1, which are joined together by the threads.

    В зависимости от конфигурации и габаритов товара по высоте, товар упаковывается, либо в две крышки, либо в две крышки и один и более цилиндров, которые соединяются между собой с помощью резьбового соединения.

    The fixing means 5 consisting of a polymeric material and the ring joined together, for example by hot sealing method, mechanically mounted in the body 1 or in the lid 4 excludes the possibility the liquid to flow by-passing the valve.

    Средство фиксации 5, состоящее из полимерного материала и кольца, соединенных между собой, например методом термосварки, механически закрепленное в корпусе 1 или в крышке 4, исключает возможность протекания жидкости мимо клапана.

    It has two hubs 48a and 48b, joined together.

    Оно имеет две ступицы 48а и 48б, соединенных вместе.

    We are joined together, we are one whole. We are not islands, we are one continent.

    Мы соединены вместе, мы единое целое, мы не острова, а единый континент.

    Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh / Tao: The Pathless Path, Volume 1Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш / Дао: Путь без пути, Том 1

    Дао: Путь без пути, Том 1

    Ошо Бхагван Шри Раджниш

    Tao: The Pathless Path, Volume 1

    Osho, Bhagvan Shree Rajneesh

    © 2002 by Osho International

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