What word means creative

творческий, созидательный


- творческий, созидательный

creative abilities — созидательные, творческие способности
creative power — творческая /созидательная/ сила
creative frustration — творческое бессилие


- амер. разг. творческий работник

Мои примеры


the first step in the creative process — первый шаг в творческом процессе  
a creative and innovative young designer — творческий и передовой молодой дизайнер  
creative personality — творческая личность  
creative imagination — творческое воображение  
creative juices — творческий стимул  
creative climate — творческий климат  
creative development — творческий путь  
creative solution — творческое решение проблемы  
creative teamwork — творческая группа  
creative thinking — творческое мышление  
creative fare — льготный целевой тариф  
creative manner — творческая индивидуальность  

Примеры с переводом

She’s a very creative person.

Она очень творческий человек.

She has a very original and creative mind.

Она обладает очень оригинальным и творческим умом.

Rossetti’s wife and creative muse

жена и творческая муза Россетти

Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.

Гибкость является неотъемлемой частью креативного менеджмента.

I teach creative writing at Trinity College.

Я преподаю литературное творчество в колледже св. Троицы.

You’re so creative! I could never make my own clothes.

Ты такая творческая личность! Я бы никогда не смогла делать свою собственную одежду.

The company must find creative ways to woo new employees.

Компания должна найти творческий путь привлечения новых сотрудников.

ещё 10 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Diaghilev did his great creative work in France.

Be creative — allow your imagination to run wild.

She has one of the most creative minds in the business.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

recreative  — развлекающий, забавный, занимательный, освежающий, восстанавливающий силы
creativity  — креативность, творческие способности
creatively  — творчески

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): creative
мн. ч.(plural): creatives

  • 1

    тво́рческий, созида́тельный;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > creative

  • 2

    creative fare

    льготный целевой тариф

    Creative Fares Board

    Комитет по поощрительным тарифам

    English-Russian aviation dictionary > creative

  • 3

    Персональный Сократ > creative

  • 4

    1. n амер. разг. творческий работник

    2. a творческий, созидательный

    creative urge — творческий порыв, творческое настроение

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. aesthetic (adj.) aesthetic; beautiful; decorative; elegant; lovely; musical; patterned; poetic

    2. inventive (adj.) artistic; demiurgic; deviceful; enterprising; imaginative; ingenious; innovational; innovative; innovatory; inventive; original; originative

    Антонимический ряд:

    English-Russian base dictionary > creative

  • 5


    creative созидательный creative творческий, созидательный; creative personality творческая личность creative творческий creative творческий, созидательный; creative personality творческая личность

    English-Russian short dictionary > creative

  • 6

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > creative

  • 7

    kri:ˈeɪtɪv прил. созидательный, творческий creative personality Syn: imaginative, ingenious, inventive, original, resourceful, constructive Ant: banal, dull, helpless, mindless, myopic, witless
    (американизм) (разговорное) творческий работник творческий, созидательный — * abilities творческие способности — * power творческая сила — * frustration творческое бессилие
    creative созидательный ~ творческий, созидательный;
    creative personality творческая личность ~ творческий
    ~ творческий, созидательный;
    creative personality творческая личность

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > creative

  • 8

    1. [krıʹeıtıv]

    амер. разг.

    2. [krıʹeıtıv]

    творческий, созидательный

    creative power — творческая /созидательная/ сила

    НБАРС > creative

  • 9

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > creative

  • 10

    творческий, созидательный, креативный

    Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > creative

  • 11

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > creative

  • 12

    1. креатив

    Творчество в широком смысле слова. В английском языке слово creative является прилагательным, которое обозначает «созидательный, творческий». Существительные, соответствующие русскому переводу слова, звучат как creation («созидание, результат мыслительной деятельности») и creativity («творчество»). Чаще всего в русском языке слово «креатив» употребляется для обозначения творческой (визуальной и звуковой) части рекламного сообщения. Как сказал однажды Норман Берри, директор агентства Ogilvy & Mather: «Творческий потенциал — это единственное достояние рекламного агентства». Большинство российских рекламистов используют термин «креатив», когда подразумевают творческую идею, при этом предполагая обязательное присутствие нестандартных, оригинальных, самобытных, своеобразных, творческих моментов.
    [ http://www.lexikon.ru/rekl/a_eng.html]


    • реклама


    • creative

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > creative

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > creative

  • 14


    творческий, созидательный; creative personality творческая личность


    imaginative, ingenious, inventive, original, resourceful


    banal, dull, helpless, mindless, myopic, witless

    * * *

    (a) творческий

    * * *

    созидательный, творческий

    * * *

    [cre’a·tive || -tɪv]
    творческий, созидательный

    * * *



    * * *


    Новый англо-русский словарь > creative

  • 15



    созидательный, творческий


    Англо-русский современный словарь > creative

  • 16


    Англо-русский словарь экономических терминов > creative

  • 17

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > creative

  • 18


    созидательный, творческий

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > creative

  • 19

    Politics english-russian dictionary > creative

  • 20

    креативный, творческий, созидательный; продуктивный

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > creative


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Creative — Technology Limited Unternehmensform Limited Gründung 1. Juli 1981 Unternehmenssitz Singapur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Creative — is an adjective for things demonstrating creativity. Creative can also refer to: Creative materials, imagery, or collateral, in advertising Creative agency Creative class, a socioeconomic class Creative Commons, a non profit organization devoted… …   Wikipedia

  • Creative FM — Broadcast area UK Huddersfield (Restricted Service Licence) Worldwide ( …   Wikipedia

  • creative — [krē āt′iv] adj. [ML creativus] 1. creating or able to create 2. having or showing imagination and artistic or intellectual inventiveness [creative writing] 3. stimulating the imagination and inventive powers [creative toys] 4. imaginatively or… …   English World dictionary

  • Creative — Cre*a tive ( t?v), a. Having the power to create; exerting the act of creation. Creative talent. W. Irving. [1913 Webster] The creative force exists in the germ. Whewell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • creative — 1670s, having the quality of creating, from CREATE (Cf. create) + IVE (Cf. ive). Of literature, imaginative, from 1816, first attested in Wordsworth. Creative writing is attested from 1907. Related: Creatively …   Etymology dictionary

  • creative — index causal, causative, fertile, primordial, productive, prolific, resourceful Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton …   Law dictionary

  • creative — [adj] artistic, imaginative clever, cool*, demiurgic, deviceful, fertile, formative, gifted, hip*, ingenious, innovational, innovative, innovatory, inspired, inventive, leading edge*, original, originative, productive, prolific, stimulating,… …   New thesaurus

  • creative — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ involving the use of the imagination or original ideas in order to create something. DERIVATIVES creatively adverb creativeness noun creativity noun …   English terms dictionary

  • creative — ▪ I. creative creative 2 noun [countable] informal MARKETING HUMAN RESOURCES someone working for a company that produces books, advertisements, or films, whose job involves writing, drawing, or having new ideas, and who does not have to wear a… …   Financial and business terms

  • creative — [[t]krie͟ɪtɪv[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A creative person has the ability to invent and develop original ideas, especially in the arts. Like so many creative people he was never satisfied. …her obvious creative talents. Derived words:… …   English dictionary

If there were, they might understand the term creative destruction and be more concerned about whether it applies to countries in addition to companies. ❋ Glenn Beck (2010)

The term creative capitalism was coined, or at least popularized, by the most successful capitalist in the history of the world. ❋ Michael Kinsley With Conor Clarke (2009)

The most frustrating thing about the debate Bill Gates has started is that the term creative capitalism is so vague. ❋ Michael Kinsley With Conor Clarke (2009)

In this discussion the term creative capitalism has been seamlessly replaced by the likes of corporate social responsibility, corporate altruism, corporate charity, and corporate philanthropy. ❋ Michael Kinsley With Conor Clarke (2009)

Economist Joseph Schumpeter has been credited with popularizing the term «creative destruction,» which was his way to describe capitalism and the manner in which a new idea or technology will replace an established or existing one.

Joseph Schumpeter, the economist who coined the term «creative destruction,» would be proud. ❋ Marc Andreessen (2011)

The term creative writing was coined by Emerson in “The American Scholar” 1837 and was explicitly adopted by Hughes Mearns, a progressive educator who taught at the Lincoln School, the laboratory school of Teachers College, Columbia University, when he introduced the subject of creative writing into the curriculum for the first time. ❋ Unknown (2009)

If you think of the term creative endeavor or creative innovation, does starting a business or new business come to mind? ❋ Unknown (2008)

In his book, The Creative Priority, Hirshberg wrote that «perhaps the most novel and all-encompassing management and interaction process to emerge from prioritizing creativity» was what he called «creative abrasion.» ❋ Joan Michelson (2011)

When he shuts down the avenue in July 2011, to transform it into what he calls a creative atelier, he plans to enjoy » every weekend, » something he cannot afford now because of his professional commitments. ❋ Daniel De La Puente Mart (2010)

[Steve Martin] is a [true] creative. ❋ Nadine Key (2013)

Her [painting] is [beautiful], she’s so creative. ❋ My Name (2004)

«No, because [Jim’s] dog ran away, and we found it in a [movie theater], and there was a movie that was [rated R] so we couldn’t go in so we had to wait and by the time the movie finished we found the dog wasn’t there.» ❋ Opaque (2004)

~ to sing in your high school/coollage choir
~doing a [dance class]
~ creative [writting] {outside of a class([just for fun])} ❋ Citygirl365365 (2011)

Last year I bought the [Creative Zen] Micro. I was psyched. It was $50 less than an [iPod mini], and held one gigabyte of more music. It also had a FM radio and a voice recorder built in, which you had to pay an extra $60 for both on an iPod. But 5 days after my warranty expired, the [headphone jack] was dead and I went online to find out a ton of their mp3 players were defective and weren’t offering to repair them for free. ❋ Damian Said This :-D (2005)

I don’t know why I bothered [hiring] these [creatives]. This logo they designed looks cool, but the deadline for it was three months ago.
([Rolls eyes]). My boss is angry at me for not turning any of my assignments in the last three months. He just doesn’t understand creatives! UGH. ❋ Coolkatz321 (2015)

playing childishly with obvious, known or old information and ideas can produce something new and great. This is creativity. It is the engine of imagination and the [keel] of not just science and art, but all intelligence, [problem solving] and dealing with life in general. Every child is born creative. Its our key challenge to help our kids preserve their creativity into [adulthood]. ❋ Johnisnow (2009)

man, [the radio] sucks, the tv sucks, video games are starting to suck, [my grandma] sucks
can [we die] now? ❋ DIdotFMlover (2005)

Your [son], [Jimmy], is a very, well, …[creative]… boy. ❋ Danny The Girl (2004)

«Stay [Filled] With Creativeation And always Be [Noice]» -Mr. [Dan] ❋ Mr. Creative Dan 10Z9 (2019)

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  • British

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ kree-ey-tiv ]

/ kriˈeɪ tɪv /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


having the power to bring something new into being, as a creature, or to evolve something original from one’s own thought or imagination, as a work of art or invention:Research supports the claim that children are most creative in the early grades, before middle school.In the mythologies of the earliest human societies, the predominant ideas about which sex was more important in reproduction may have determined the sex assigned to the universal creative force.

resulting from originality of thought, expression, etc.; imaginative: creative writing.

originative; productive (usually followed by of):Marx believed that labor alone was creative of value, not property ownership.

Facetious. using or creating exaggerated or skewed data, information, etc.: creative bookkeeping.


the people who design and produce artwork, video, copy, etc., for a business, typically in service of advertising and other aspects of marketing: Creative really hit this one out of the park—we’ve doubled our conversion rate almost overnight.

material made for advertising and other aspects of marketing, as a billboard, video ad, or web page design, or the activity of designing and producing it: In our latest campaign for a luxury services client, we used an AI platform to fine-tune creative based on user behavior.

a person who is an artist, writer, designer, etc., typically one employed by a business to work in advertising or other aspects of marketing:You’ll have to hire at least one new senior-level creative to keep up with the client’s expansion plans.



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Which sentence is correct?

Origin of creative

First recorded in 1670–80; create + -ive


cre·a·tive·ly, adverbcre·a·tive·ness, nounan·ti·cre·a·tive, adjectivean·ti·cre·a·tive·ly, adverb

an·ti·cre·a·tive·ness, nounnon·cre·a·tive, adjectivenon·cre·a·tive·ly, adverbnon·cre·a·tive·ness, nounsub·cre·a·tive, adjectivesub·cre·a·tive·ly, adverbsub·cre·a·tive·ness, nounun·cre·a·tive, adjectiveun·cre·a·tive·ly, adverbun·cre·a·tive·ness, noun

Words nearby creative

creatine phosphate, creatinine, creation, creationism, creation science, creative, Creative Commons, creative imagination, creative tension, creativity, creator

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to creative

gifted, ingenious, innovative, inventive, original, productive, prolific, visionary, originative, clever, cool, demiurgic, deviceful, fertile, hip, innovational, inspired, leading-edge, stimulating, way-out

How to use creative in a sentence

  • For six years, our annual Change the World list has been a chronicle of the increasingly creative ways business is tethering profit to purpose.

  • We had become increasingly effective and decreasingly creative.

  • Hubert, who played Aunt Viv for three seasons before being replaced by Daphne Maxwell Reid, not only claimed that she had creative differences with Smith but she also alleged she was fired for getting pregnant.

  • Everlane later announced that the Chief Creative Officer Alexandra Spunt, who took much of the criticism, would no longer lead the creative team.

  • TikTok’s power goes beyond its democratized, creative essence.

  • It was his business acumen, his own unflagging zeal for the creative business solution, that had freed Sam to do this.

  • The creative team behind the new My Lai project is working out the details for set design.

  • Despite the acclaim and the viral popularity, the band has never lost that independant creative spirit.

  • It was creative thinking like this that helped it debut at number one on Billboard Top Heatseekers Chart.

  • For the aficionado or the neophyte, Comics is a useful overview of a richly creative period in a burgeoning art.

  • John Baptiste Robinet taught the gradual development of all forms of existence from a single creative cause.

  • Now she roved with free footsteps through the vineyards which sprang up beneath her creative pencil.

  • In its highest degree, imagination rises to the sphere of creative fancy, or poetic power.

  • Tchaikovskys creative talents, which are occasionally apparent in his symphonic works, are completely lacking in The Oprichnik.

  • Show me one of our young artists who can stand like Fudo in the flame of his own creative thought!

British Dictionary definitions for creative


having the ability to create

characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imaginationa creative mind

designed to or tending to stimulate the imaginationcreative toys

characterized by sophisticated bending of the rules or conventionscreative accounting


a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

Derived forms of creative

creatively, adverbcreativeness, nouncreativity, noun

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Meaning Creative

What does Creative mean? Here you find 16 meanings of the word Creative. You can also add a definition of Creative yourself




1670s, «having the quality of creating,» from create + -ive. Of literature, «imaginative,» from 1816, first attested in Wordsworth. Creative writing is attested from 1907. Related: [..]





having the ability or power to create; "a creative imagination" promoting construction or creation; "creative work" (creativity) the ability to crea [..]





The technology used to create or develop an ad unit. The most common creative technology for banners is GIF or JPEG images. Other creative technologies include Java‚ – HTML‚ or streaming audio o [..]





sheferish (or) shaferish





The concept, design and artwork of an ad. Includes the technology used to create or develop the ad. The most common creative technology for banners is GIF, JPEG images or animated GIFs. Other creative technologies include Java, HTML or streaming audio or video. These are commonly referred to as rich media banners. See Rich Media.





 The media asset associated with an ad, such as an image or video file.





The promotional tools advertisers use to draw in users. Examples are text links, towers, buttons, badges, email copy, pop-ups, etc.





The promotional tools advertisers use to draw in users. Examples are text links, towers, buttons, badges, email copy, pop-ups, etc.





The concept, design and artwork of an ad. Includes the technology used to create or develop the ad. The most common creative technology for banners is GIF, JPEG images or animated GIFs. Other creative technologies include Java, HTML or streaming audio or video. These are commonly referred to as rich media banners. See Rich Media.





(adj) having the ability or power to create(adj) promoting construction or creation





see Copy





An email message’s copy and any graphics. CRM





The actual graphical advertisement itself. Common creative formats include GIF, JPEG, JavaScript, HTML, and Flash. creative tag





You will often here this word used to refer to the actual images the advertising display





The actual ad that will run in a line item. This can be an image or Flash file, or a pointer to an ad code from an ad network connected to DFP.





Creatives are finalized ads. A clear creative sets expectations and inspires action. For best practices on creative — like clear messaging and  distinct call to action — check out our article he [..]

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Do you like to make art? Do you like to write? Would you like to design clothes or buildings? Then you are a creative person.

Creative has to do with new things coming into being: creative is the opposite of destructive. Art class and art schools are good places to be creative. All the artists in a place are known as the «creative community.» But being creative isn’t just about art — to make anything new or come up with any kind of an idea takes creativity and is therefore creative. Whenever you’re making something worthwhile, you’re being creative.

Definitions of creative

  1. adjective

    having the ability or power to create, especially something new or imaginative

    creative imagination”



    fanciful, notional, whimsical

    indulging in or influenced by fancy


    capable of imaginative creation

    imaginative, inventive

    (used of persons or artifacts) marked by independence and creativity in thought or action


    exuberantly creative


    being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of


    producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly)

  2. adjective

    promoting construction or creation

    creative work”



    constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘creative’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.

2. Productive; creating.

3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.


One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the advertising department.

cre·a′tive·ly adv.

cre′a·tiv′i·ty (-ĭ-tē), cre·a′tive·ness n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. having the ability to create

2. characterized by originality of thought; having or showing imagination: a creative mind.

3. designed to or tending to stimulate the imagination: creative toys.

4. characterized by sophisticated bending of the rules or conventions: creative accounting.


5. (Marketing) a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

6. a creative person, esp one who devises advertising campaigns

creˈatively adv

creˈativeness n

ˌcreaˈtivity n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(kriˈeɪ tɪv)


1. having the quality or power of creating.

2. resulting from originality of thought; imaginative.

3. Facetious. producing deceptive or fraudulent information, etc.: creative bookkeeping.


cre•a′tive•ly, adv.

cre•a′tive•ness, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Adj. 1. creative — having the ability or power to create; «a creative imagination»

original — being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of; «a truly original approach»; «with original music»; «an original mind»

productive — producing or capable of producing (especially abundantly); «productive farmland»; «his productive years»; «a productive collaboration»

uncreative — not creative; «an uncreative imagination»

2. creative — promoting construction or creation; «creative work»

constructive — constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development; «constructive criticism»; «a constructive attitude»; «a constructive philosophy»; «constructive permission»

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adjective imaginative, gifted, artistic, inventive, original, inspired, clever, productive, fertile, ingenious, visionary Like many creative people, he was never satisfied.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



Characterized by or productive of new things or new ideas:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.







skapandi, frjór







sáng tạo

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



adj [person] → créatif/ive; [mind, imagination] → créateur/trice; [activity, use] → créatif/ive

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[kriːˈeɪtɪv] adjcreativo/a

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(kriˈeit) verb

1. to cause to exist; to make. How was the earth created?; The circus created great excitement.

2. to give (a rank etc to). Sir John was created a knight in 1958.

creˈation noun

1. the act of creating. the creation of the world.

2. something created. The dress designer is showing his latest creations.

creˈative (-tiv) adjective

having or showing the power and imagination to create. a creative dress-designer.

creˈatively adverbcreˈativeness nounˌcreaˈtivity (kriːə-) nouncreˈator noun

a person who creates.

the Creator


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إِبْداعيّ tvořivý kreativ kreativ δημιουργικός creativo luova inventif kreativan creativo 創造的な 창조적인 creatief kreativ twórczy criativo творческий kreativ ซึ่งมีความคิดริเริ่ม yaratıcı sáng tạo 创造性的

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

Consider what the concept and meaning of the word means creative (информация предоставлена intellect.icu).

adj. 1 inventive, imaginative. 2 able to create.  creatively adv. creativeness n. creativity n.


Цифровое произношение

Creative имеет soundex-C631, metaphone-«», double-metaphone KRTF.

See also

Theories of creativity

… in a very . broad sense as a holistic , continuous , structured by universal laws .and structures , the flow of creative vision , projected into the basic ., phenomenal worlds and manifesting itself with the help of elements ,.structures … … creative styles and creative products . (GJ Puccio , DJ Treffinger , RJ Talbot ,. Creative product as a model of creativity (D McKinnon , 1978 ; C O’Quin , 1990 ; SG Iskaksen , KB … (Psychology of creativity and genius)

… .process , as well as a system for stimulating the free realization . of the creative potential of groups , organizations and creative individuals .According to C Landry , the creation and cultivation of an urban environment conducive . to creativity lies … … are those companies that recognize . creativity as their most important resource and capital , which form .a creative organizational culture that stimulates creativity , which are aimed at. creating , accumulating and spreading unique … (Psychology of creativity and genius)

… , which at. its low level of development are identified as hazards and.threats , can , due to their creative transformation , turn into factors contributing . to the development of the system Focus on creating an effective continuous … … and. experienced employees are a key component for building a flexible .and healthy organization The basis of a creative approach to security is to. consider problems , conflicts and related threats and dangers as a.necessary and natural … (Psychology of creativity and genius)

… of the most complete . disclosure and development of an individual ’s potential , as a.productive and integral self-realization of its creative possibilities The mechanism of self-actualization reflects not only the free and. spontaneous self-expression of the subject … … creativity ”). Classical methods of enhancing creativity Special and modern methods of enhancing creativity and creative problem . solving In this case , the basic methods of enhancing creativity include .: “Brainstorming … (Psychology of creativity and genius)

… , Carlos Castaneda stated : «Vision is a technique that. needs to be learned » At the same time , creative vision is understood not only . as impartial witnessing and hovering over being , and even not.only … … , collapsed absolute . structures , to awaken his true creative self , to master the.universal creative method , to find a creative Vision and his immanent . genius At the same time … (Psychology of creativity and genius)

Mirogenny theories of genius

… for. transforming the world around him It is distinguished by the awareness of its mission , high . creative potential , manifested in non-standard , original , qualitatively new solutions and.actions , as well as a powerful … … attachment ” ( detached attachment ), formed . in Hindu philosophy , the folded form contains the wisdom and.creative productivity of the fundamental world relation Here , inside , in the lumen of the ligament , in the. space of higher … (Psychology of creativity and genius)

Table of Contents

  1. What is the correct word for state of being creative?
  2. What is the root of the word create?
  3. What is another word for self created?
  4. What does self create mean?
  5. What is the other word for personal?
  6. What is another name for personal space?
  7. What is another word for personal life?
  8. What is a antonym for personal?
  9. What’s another word for Universal?
  10. What does universal mean in simple terms?
  11. What is the word universal in Latin?
  12. What is another word for all around?
  13. What is another word for all encompassing?
  14. What do you call an all-around player?
  15. What does best all-around mean?
  16. Is it all around or all around?
  17. What means all around?
  18. What does all-around person mean?
  19. What is a compound word for all-around?
  20. How do you describe a versatile person?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : marked by the ability or power to create : given to creating the creative impulse a creative genius. 2 : having the quality of something created rather than imitated : imaginative the creative arts creative writing.

What is the correct word for state of being creative?

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for creativity, like: creativeness, creative thinking, originality, ingenuity, invention, ability, make, inventiveness, ingeniousness, critical-thinking and imagination.

What is the root of the word create?

“to bring into being,” early 15c., from Latin creatus, past participle of creare “to make, bring forth, produce, procreate, beget, cause,” related to Ceres and to crescere “arise, be born, increase, grow,” from PIE root *ker- (2) “to grow.” De Vaan writes that the original meaning of creare “was ‘to make grow’, which …

What is another word for self created?

What is another word for self-created?

handmade homemade
self-invented self-launched
self-made self-manufactured
self-produced homebrew
handcrafted homespun

What does self create mean?

: the development or formation of one’s identity or conception of oneself : self-invention Adolescence is a time of self-creation for many people.

What is the other word for personal?

What is another word for personal?

individual particular
select separate
signature singular
subjective especial
claimed respective

What is another name for personal space?

What is another word for personal space?

personal distance alone time
privacy private life

What is another word for personal life?

What is another word for personal life?

autobiography memoirs
personal history internal life
life history account
experiences profile
recollections memories

What is a antonym for personal?

Antonyms: nonpersonal, nonsubjective, mental, impersonal, objective. personal(adj)

What’s another word for Universal?

Universal Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for universal?

common general
global complete
comprehensive full
omnipresent ubiquitous
widespread worldwide

What does universal mean in simple terms?

1 : including or covering all or a whole collectively or distributively without limit or exception especially : available equitably to all members of a society universal health coverage. 2a : present or occurring everywhere. b : existent or operative everywhere or under all conditions universal cultural patterns.

What is the word universal in Latin?

universal (adj.) late 14c., “pertaining to the whole of something specified; occurring everywhere,” from Old French universel “general, universal” (12c.), from Latin universalis “of or belonging to all,” from universus “all together, whole, entire” (see universe).

What is another word for all around?

In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for all-around, like: global, overall, comprehensive, all-round, wide-ranging, specific, multifaceted, protean, all-inclusive, broad and broad-spectrum.

What is another word for all encompassing?

What is another word for all-encompassing?

complete comprehensive
extensive sweeping
broad grand
inclusive all-inclusive
all-embracing across-the-board

What do you call an all-around player?

In sports, a utility player is one who can play several positions competently. The term has gained prominence in all sports due to its use in fantasy leagues, but in rugby union and rugby league, it is commonly used by commentators to recognize a player’s versatility.

What does best all-around mean?

1 : considered in or encompassing all aspects : comprehensive the best all-around performance so far. 2 : competent in many fields an all-around performer.

Is it all around or all around?

All-round vs. All Around “All-round” is an adjective meaning versatile or general. Example: He is an all-round mechanic. “All around” has the meaning of being all over a given area. Example: Fir trees were all around the cabin.

What means all around?

The definition of all around is having many talents or able to do many things. A person who can play baseball, basketball and soccer well is an example of an all around good athlete. All around is defined as comprehensive or complete.

What does all-around person mean?

adjective [ADJ n] An all-around person is good at a lot of different skills, academic subjects, or sports. He is a great all-around player.

What is a compound word for all-around?

Synonyms for all-around. adaptable, protean, universal, versatile.

How do you describe a versatile person?

If you say that a person is versatile, you approve of them because they have many different skills. [approval] He had been one of the game’s most versatile athletes. Synonyms: adaptable, flexible, all-round, resourceful More Synonyms of versatile.

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