What word is the opposite of support

What is the opposite word for Support?

  • contradict

    provide for, endure

  • oppose

    provide for, endure

  • hindrance


  • refuse

    provide for, endure

  • reject

    provide for, endure

  • discourage

    provide for, defend

  • abandon

  • hinder


  • neglect

    endure, food

  • undermine

    defend, hold up

  • weaken

    hold up

  • let down

    defend, hold up

  • disapprove

    defend, hold up

  • obstruct

  • desert

  • disprove

  • frustration

    help, food

  • discouragement

    help, food

  • injury


  • block

    help, food

  • impede

  • fight

  • disapproval

    food, something that holds up structure

  • opposition

    something that holds up structure

  • stop

    something that holds up structure

  • hurt

  • fun

  • release

    hold up

  • let go

  • take

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phrasal verb



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supporter, supportive, supporting, supportable, supported

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the fishermen, fishing, the work subscribe, registration, register businessman, consulting, business call center, customer service representative, service dad, mom, love hand, sea, water

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Antonyms for Support. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/support

Antonyms for Support. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/support>.

Antonyms for Support. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/support.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. supportverb

    To be accountable for, or involved with, but not responsible for.

    I support the administrative activities of the executive branch of the organization


  2. supportverb


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

  1. support

    Support and sustain alike signify to hold up or keep up, to prevent from falling or sinking; but sustain has a special sense of continuous exertion or of great strength continuously exerted, as when we speak of sustained endeavor or a sustained note; a flower is supported by the stem or a temple-roof by arches; the foundations of a great building sustain an enormous pressure; to sustain life implies a greater exigency and need than to support life; to say one is sustained under affliction is to say more both of the severity of the trial and the completeness of the upholding than if we say he is supported. To bear is the most general word, denoting all holding up or keeping up of any object, whether in rest or motion; in the derived senses it refers to something that is a tax upon strength or endurance; as, to bear a strain; to bear pain or grief. To maintain is to keep in a state or condition, especially in an excellent and desirable condition; as, to maintain health or reputation; to maintain one’s position; to maintain a cause or proposition is to hold it against opposition or difficulty. To support may be partial, to maintain is complete; maintain is a word of more dignity than support; a man supports his family; a state maintains an army or navy. To prop is always partial, signifying to add support to something that is insecure. Compare ABET; ENDURE; KEEP.

    abandon, betray, break down, cast down, demolish, desert, destroy, drop, let go, overthrow, throw down, wreck

    bear, carry, cherish, hold up, keep, keep up, maintain, prop, sustain, uphold

    The roof is supported by, on, or upon pillars; the family was supported on or upon a pittance, or by charity.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. supportverb

    drop, betray, surrender, abandon, discontinue, oppose, discourage, weaken, exhaust, thwart, discountenance, disfavor, subvert, suppress

    bear, uphold, sustain, underlie, befriend, assist, second, promote, further, suffer, defend, foster, nurture, nourish, cherish, endorse, maintain, continue, countenance, patronize, subsidize, help, back, stay, favor, prop

  2. supportnoun

    prop, stay, foundation, buttress, help, aid, assistance, influence, maintenance, living, patronage, subsistence, livelihood, food

Matched Categories

    • Act
    • Activity
    • Agree
    • Aid
    • Device
    • Give
    • Influence
    • Military
    • Operation
    • Permit
    • Supporting Structure
    • Theater
    • Validation

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:2.8 / 10 votes

  1. supportnoun

    the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities

    «his support kept the family together»; «they gave him emotional support during difficult times»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  2. supportnoun

    aiding the cause or policy or interests of

    «the president no longer has the support of his own party»; «they developed a scheme of mutual support»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  3. supportnoun

    something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest

    «the policy found little public support»; «his faith was all the support he needed»; «the team enjoyed the support of their fans»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  4. support, reinforcement, reenforcementnoun

    a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission

    «they called for artillery support»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, backing, funding, financial support, keep, accompaniment, reenforcement, reinforcing stimulus, bread and butter, reinforcer, musical accompaniment, reward, sustenance, strengthener, living, financial backing, documentation, livelihood

  5. documentation, supportnoun

    documentary validation

    «his documentation of the results was excellent»; «the strongest support for this view is the work of Jones»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, backing, reenforcement, certification, keep, corroboration, bread and butter, financial support, accompaniment, software documentation, musical accompaniment, sustenance, living, financial backing, funding, documentation, livelihood

  6. support, keep, livelihood, living, bread and butter, sustenancenoun

    the financial means whereby one lives

    «each child was expected to pay for their keep»; «he applied to the state for support»; «he could no longer earn his own livelihood»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, sustainment, backing, funding, nutrition, nutriment, financial support, keep, accompaniment, alimentation, reenforcement, victuals, life, bread and butter, hold, dungeon, musical accompaniment, maintenance, aliment, sustenance, animation, donjon, sustentation, living, upkeep, financial backing, documentation, nourishment, livelihood, aliveness

  7. supportnoun

    supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation

    «the statue stood on a marble support»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  8. support, supportingnoun

    the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening

    «he leaned against the wall for support»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, backing, funding, financial support, keep, accompaniment, reenforcement, bread and butter, musical accompaniment, sustenance, living, financial backing, documentation, livelihood

  9. accompaniment, musical accompaniment, backup, supportnoun

    a musical part (vocal or instrumental) that supports or provides background for other musical parts

    fill-in, financial backing, reenforcement, reinforcement, patronage, escort, living, supporting, complement, keep, accompaniment, livelihood, bread and butter, co-occurrence, backup man, reliever, musical accompaniment, backing, financial support, backup, sustenance, funding, championship, concomitant, computer backup, relief, stand-in, documentation, attendant, substitute

  10. supportnoun

    any device that bears the weight of another thing

    «there was no place to attach supports for a shelf»

    financial backing, backup, financial support, sustenance, backing, documentation, reenforcement, accompaniment, reinforcement, funding, livelihood, musical accompaniment, keep, living, bread and butter, supporting

  11. support, financial support, funding, backing, financial backingverb

    financial resources provided to make some project possible

    «the foundation provided support for the experiment»

    backup, supporting, reinforcement, patronage, backing, funding, financial support, keep, accompaniment, reenforcement, bread and butter, musical accompaniment, sustenance, financing, championship, mount, living, financial backing, documentation, livelihood

  12. support, back upverb

    give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to

    «She supported him during the illness»; «Her children always backed her up»

    digest, abide, congest, tolerate, choke, foul, plunk for, hold up, endure, choke off, back, stick out, back down, clog, fend for, patronise, clog up, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, back off, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, bear

  13. supportverb

    support materially or financially

    «he does not support his natural children»; «The scholarship supported me when I was in college»

    suffer, put up, tolerate, patronage, stand, back, corroborate, brook, plump for, keep going, patronise, hold up, bear out, bear, hold, stomach, sustain, underpin, confirm, plunk for, defend, subscribe, stick out, patronize, substantiate, indorse, fend for, affirm, endure, digest, endorse, back up, abide

  14. back, endorse, indorse, plump for, plunk for, supportverb

    be behind; approve of

    «He plumped for the Labor Party»; «I backed Kennedy in 1960»

    stake, digest, abide, tolerate, bear, plunk for, hold up, endure, back, stick out, second, fend for, patronise, back up, keep going, certify, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, stand, affirm, game, brook, indorse, subscribe, suffer, bet on, sustain, patronize, underpin, gage, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, put up, punt

  15. hold, support, sustain, hold upverb

    be the physical support of; carry the weight of

    «The beam holds up the roof»; «He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam»; «What’s holding that mirror?»

    take, hold in, hold out, make, endure, fend for, affirm, view as, underpin, carry, book, concur, have, maintain, hold, last, moderate, sustain, corroborate, confirm, retain, nourish, nurse, defy, go, stick up, keep up, patronise, guard, prevail, declare, withstand, adjudge, tolerate, indorse, accommodate, abide, control, prolong, stomach, harbour, patronage, live, reserve, check, hold back, stick out, brook, give, take hold, go for, patronize, deem, apply, stand up, obtain, substantiate, survive, get, bind, stand, have got, entertain, plunk for, live on, curb, back, restrain, keep, concord, keep back, oblige, throw, arrest, hold water, contain, back up, suffer, bear, nurture, subscribe, take for, hold up, harbor, detain, defend, put up, confine, keep going, bear out, admit, digest, plump for, endorse, halt, obligate, agree, delay

  16. confirm, corroborate, sustain, substantiate, support, affirmverb

    establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

    «his story confirmed my doubts»; «The evidence supports the defendant»

    actualise, realise, abide, embody, verify, get, stomach, defend, plunk for, hold up, substantiate, keep going, actualize, back, have, avow, fend for, patronise, stick out, assert, back up, keep, digest, nurture, keep up, corroborate, endorse, validate, reassert, hold, confirm, bear out, incarnate, affirm, swan, subscribe, brook, indorse, body forth, tolerate, suffer, endure, stand, aver, maintain, prolong, nourish, sustain, realize, patronize, underpin, plump for, patronage, put up, swear, bear

  17. subscribe, supportverb

    adopt as a belief

    «I subscribe to your view on abortion»

    digest, abide, tolerate, plunk for, sign, hold up, endure, back, take, stick out, fend for, patronise, subscribe to, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, pledge, patronage, bear

  18. corroborate, underpin, bear out, supportverb

    support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm

    «The stories and claims were born out by the evidence»

    digest, abide, tolerate, plunk for, hold up, endure, back, stick out, fend for, patronise, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, validate, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, bear

  19. defend, support, fend forverb

    argue or speak in defense of

    «She supported the motion to strike»

    fight, digest, abide, tolerate, oppose, suffer, plunk for, hold up, endure, guard, stick out, confirm, fend for, patronise, back, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, represent, defend, fight back, bear out, affirm, subscribe, brook, indorse, patronage, stand, sustain, maintain, fight down, patronize, underpin, substantiate, hold, plump for, champion, bear

  20. supportverb

    play a subordinate role to (another performer)

    «Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act»

    suffer, put up, tolerate, patronage, stand, back, corroborate, brook, plump for, keep going, patronise, hold up, bear out, bear, hold, stomach, sustain, underpin, confirm, plunk for, defend, subscribe, stick out, patronize, substantiate, indorse, fend for, affirm, endure, digest, endorse, back up, abide

  21. patronize, patronise, patronage, support, keep goingverb

    be a regular customer or client of

    «We patronize this store»; «Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could»

    digest, abide, buy at, tolerate, tide over, shop at, plunk for, hold up, endure, frequent, bridge over, back, stick out, fend for, patronise, run on, back up, keep going, put up, corroborate, endorse, stomach, defend, confirm, bear out, affirm, shop, subscribe, brook, indorse, suffer, stand, sustain, patronize, underpin, condescend, substantiate, hold, plump for, patronage, sponsor, bear

  22. digest, endure, stick out, stomach, bear, stand, tolerate, support, brook, abide, suffer, put upverb

    put up with something or somebody unpleasant

    «I cannot bear his constant criticism»; «The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks»; «he learned to tolerate the heat»; «She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage»

    bide, project, ache, hold out, run, endure, affirm, underpin, carry, stand up, assume, have, hold, last, sustain, confirm, fend, stay, weather, take over, go, jut, endorse, jut out, turn out, digest, deport, prevail, comport, set up, behave, die hard, pay, jump out, remain firm, offer, tolerate, deliver, indorse, hurt, abide, condense, raise, fend for, back up, stomach, birth, patronage, stand out, live, contribute, stick out, meet, brook, expect, patronize, suffer, concentrate, protrude, acquit, substantiate, brave out, survive, domiciliate, get, put forward, stand, can, post, plunk for, persist, live on, have a bun in the oven, give birth, back, jump, allow, rear, lose, place upright, wear, house, contain, leap out, bear, patronise, subscribe, hold up, corroborate, provide, erect, defend, brave, put up, tin, keep going, accept, bear out, resist, plump for, nominate, yield, gestate, permit, conduct

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. supportnoun

    nonsupport, opposition, desertion, repudiation

    prop, buttress, brace, fulcrum, bolster, stanchion, shore, staddle, supporter, maintenance, sustenance, subsistence, finding, livelihood, base, foundation, basis, assistance, espousal, advocacy, countenance, caryatid

  2. supportverb

    desert, undermine, weaken, repudiate, oppose

    prop, brace, bolster, uphold, sustain, maintain, keep, provide for, verify, substantiate, ratify, corroborate, confirm, vindicate, defend, maintain, second, back, aid

How to use support in a sentence?

  1. Steve Daines:

    There’s a very clear difference right now in terms of what kind of justice should be on the Supreme Court, i support conservatives, my opponent supports liberals.

  2. Paul Ryan:

    Tom has a proven record of advancing conservative solutions and principles. He has the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective majority leader, and I’m proud to support him.

  3. Chuck Grassley:

    Fostering a culture that respects athletes of all ages and abilities will require continued oversight and support from the Olympic Committee, i’ll continue to work with the Olympic Committee, athlete advocates and other stakeholders to ensure that the world’s most coveted sports institution continues to inspire athletes, promote safety and make all Americans proud.

  4. Keith Ellison:

    If you do not have enough support, we should not change the rules for you, we should change the nominee.

  5. Callum Lamond/Reuters Albanese:

    These floods are having a devastating impact, many of these communities … are communities that do it tough, and the resources simply aren’t there on the ground, my government stands ready to provide whatever support is requested.

How to pronounce support?

How to say support in sign language?


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1. support

verb. [‘səˈpɔrt’] give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to.


  • boycott
  • wane
  • back
  • middle
  • late
  • borrow
  • natural object


  • help
  • undergird
  • shop at
  • promote
  • endorse


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

2. support

verb. [‘səˈpɔrt’] be the physical support of; carry the weight of.


  • worsen
  • demote
  • criticize
  • lower
  • decrease
  • idle
  • infrequent


  • block
  • prop up
  • shore up
  • chock
  • sustain


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

3. support

verb. [‘səˈpɔrt’] support materially or financially.


  • take
  • unclog
  • unstuff
  • advance
  • cardinal
  • disagreement
  • former


  • fund
  • give
  • bring home the bacon
  • subsidize
  • provide


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

4. support

noun. [‘səˈpɔrt’] the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities.


  • inactivity
  • stand
  • action
  • activeness
  • unyoke
  • outspan
  • detach


  • maintenance
  • sustainment
  • logistic support
  • activity
  • sustenance


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

5. support

verb. [‘səˈpɔrt’] be behind; approve of.


  • disapprove
  • sell
  • near
  • recede
  • retreat
  • fall back
  • regress


  • endorse
  • plunk for
  • champion
  • warrant
  • indorse


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

6. support

noun. [‘səˈpɔrt’] aiding the cause or policy or interests of.


  • disapproval
  • activity
  • change
  • wake
  • be active
  • lie
  • sit


  • attachment
  • help
  • aid
  • adherence
  • adhesion


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

7. support

verb. [‘səˈpɔrt’] establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts.


  • invalidate
  • negate
  • disprove
  • differ
  • expand
  • integrate
  • stay


  • prove
  • verify
  • corroborate
  • affirm
  • validate


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

8. support

noun. [‘səˈpɔrt’] something providing immaterial assistance to a person or cause or interest.


  • right
  • superior
  • undercharge
  • sit down
  • lie down
  • yield
  • surrender


  • mainstay
  • keystone
  • influence
  • anchor
  • backbone


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

9. support

noun. [‘səˈpɔrt’] a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission.


  • nonstandard
  • nonworker
  • proliferation
  • free
  • allow
  • permit


  • reinforcement
  • reenforcement
  • operation
  • close support


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

10. support

noun. [‘səˈpɔrt’] documentary validation.


  • original
  • overstock
  • understock
  • irregular
  • disrepute


  • substantiation
  • validation
  • proof


  • support (English)
  • supporter (Old French (842-ca. 1400))

Opposite of Support, Antonym of Support, 20 Opposite Words For Support

Meaning; Bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.

Opposites of Support

  • against
  • across
  • opposite
  • in the face of
  • in front of
  • reverse
  • inverse
  • adverse
  • criticism
  • critique
  • knocking
  • comment
  • commentary
  • censure
  • animadversion
  • strictures
  • condemnation
  • reprimand
  • reproach
  • denunciation

Synonym for Support

  • assistance
  • backing
  • bracket
  • backup
  • aid
  • help
  • assist
  • relief
  • rest
  • abutment
  • base
  • ground
  • mount

Example Sentences

  • Today I will support your team.
  • He has a large family to support.
  • I support you a hundred percent.

Most Common Opposite Words List

already – not yet
argue – agree
arrest – free
arrival – departure
arrive – depart
busy – lazy
buy – sell
calm – excited
careful – careless
careless – careful
catch – miss
ceiling – floor
defend – attack
empty – full
fix – break
flat – hilly
harvest – plant
humid – dry
hungry – thirsty
husband – wife
ose – win
loser – winner
loud – quiet
ever – always
new – ancient
occupied – vacant
odd – even
off – on
resent – past
private – public
sad – happy
sadness – happiness
safe – dangerous
safety – danger
thin – thick
useless – useful
vacant – occupied
valley – mountain
omen – men
yes – no
young – old

About The Author


How is the word support different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of support are advocate, back, champion, and uphold. While all these words mean «to favor actively one that meets opposition,» support is least explicit about the nature of the assistance given.

supports waterfront development

When could advocate be used to replace support?

While in some cases nearly identical to support, advocate stresses urging or pleading.

Where would back be a reasonable alternative to support?

In some situations, the words back and support are roughly equivalent. However, back suggests supporting by lending assistance to one failing or falling.

refusing to back the call for sanctions

When can champion be used instead of support?

The words champion and support are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, champion suggests publicly defending one unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate his or her own cause.

championed the rights of children

When is it sensible to use uphold instead of support?

While the synonyms uphold and support are close in meaning, uphold implies extended support given to something attacked.

upheld the legitimacy of the military action

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