What word is the opposite of few

What is the opposite word for Few?

  • many

    not many, scarcely any

  • much

    many, hardly any

  • legion

  • plenty

  • numerous

  • large

    hardly any

  • big

    hardly any, large

  • inexact

    referring to a specifically known amount

  • indefinite

    referring to a specifically known amount

  • unimportant

    referring to a specifically known amount

  • usual

    referring to a specifically known amount

  • imprecise

    referring to a specifically known amount

  • general

  • common

  • ordinary

  • majority

    outnumbered group

  • lot

  • consequential

    hardly any

  • useful

    hardly any

  • important

  • major

  • significant

  • fat

  • tall

  • thick

  • doubting

  • hesitant

  • uncertain

  • unsure

  • questionable

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Photo search results for Few

Cyanotype on paper Presenting White Fern Leaf and Few Flowers Dandelion with few fluffy seeds on black background Top view of various analog photo camera with leather case composed together on white table Withering Sunflower Petals Side view of duck with brown plumage and pointed beak walking on snowy ground in natural habitat A Close Up of a Sunflower's Disk Florets

Image search results for Few

family, group, teddy bear deer, holidays, christmas decoration easter bunny, easter, rabbit feet, beauty, fashion stroller, elephants, mascots red heart, a pair of hearts, love

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Antonyms for Few. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/few

Antonyms for Few. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/few>.

Antonyms for Few. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/few.

Opposite of Few, What is opposite antonym word Few

Word; Few

Meaning; little, small, under, short, poor

Opposites of Few

  • very
  • a great deal
  • plenty
  • good
  • numerous
  • much
  • many

Here are Most Important Opposite Word List

  • about – exactly
  • above – below
  • absence – presence
  • abundance – lack
  • accept – refuse
  • accidental – intentional
  • active – lazy
  • add – subtract
  • admit – deny
  • adult – child
  • advanced – elementary
  • affirmative – negative
  • afraid – brave
  • after – before
  • against – for
  • alike – different
  • alive – dead
  • all – none
  • allow – forbid
  • already – not yet
  • always – never
  • ancient – modern
  • ancestor – descendant
  • agree – refuse
  • amateur – professional
  • amuse – bore
  • ancestor – descendant
  • angel – devil
  • animal – human
  • annoy – satisfy
  • answer – ask
  • answer – question
  • awful – nice
  • back – in front of
  • background – foreground
  • backward – forward
  • bad – good
  • bad luck – fortune
  • beauty – ugliness
  • before – after
  • begin – end
  • beginning – end
  • behind – in front of
  • below – above
  • best – worst
  • better – worse
  • beautiful – ugly
  • big – small
  • birth – death
  • bitter – sweet
  • black – white
  • blunt – sharp
  • body – soul
  • bore – amuse
  • boring – exciting
  • careless – careful
  • catch – miss
  • ceiling – floor
  • cellar – attic
  • centre – outskirts
  • certainly – probably
  • changeable – constant
  • cheap – expensive
  • child – adult
  • children – parents
  • clean – dirty
  • clear – cloudy
  • clever – stupid
  • close – open
  • closed – open
  • cloudy – clear
  • cold – hot
  • cold – heat
  • come – go
  • comedy – drama
  • complicated – simple
  • compliment – insult
  • cool – warm
  • correct – wrong
  • courage – fear
  • courageous – cowardly
  • cowardly – brave
  • create – destroy
  • cruel – human
  • cry – whisper
  • cry – laugh
  • damage – repair
  • danger – security
  • dangerous – safe
  • dark – light
  • daughter – son
  • dawn – dusk
  • day – night
  • dead – alive
  • death – birth
  • deep – shallow
  • defeat – victory
  • defence – attack
  • defend – attack
  • delicious – awful
  • deny – admit
  • depart – arrive
  • departure – arrival
  • descendant – ancestor
  • descent – ascent
  • desperate – hopeful
  • destroy – build
  • domestic – foreign
  • down – up
  • downstairs – upstairs
  • drama – comedy
  • dry – humid
  • dull – interesting
  • dusk – dawn
  • early – late
  • east – west
  • easy – difficult
  • elementary – advanced
  • emigrate – immigrate
  • emigration – immigration
  • empty – full
  • end – begin
  • end – beginning
  • ending – beginning
  • enemy – friend
  • enjoy – hate
  • enter – leave
  • entrance – exit
  • equal – different
  • even – odd
  • evening – morning
  • everybody – nobody
  • export – import
  • exposure – shelter
  • extreme – moderate
  • fail – succeed
  • failure – success
  • false – true
  • far – near
  • fast – slow
  • fat – slim
  • fear – courage
  • female – male
  • few – many
  • final – first
  • find – lose
  • finish – begin
  • finish – start
  • first – final
  • fix – break
  • flat – hilly
  • floor – ceiling
  • follow – lead
  • forbid – allow
  • for – against
  • foreground – background
  • foreign – domestic
  • foreigner – native
  • forget – remember
  • form – destroy
  • fortune – bad luck
  • gentle – violent
  • gentleman – lady
  • giant – tiny
  • girl – boy
  • give – take
  • go – come
  • good – bad
  • grown-up – child
  • guest – host
  • guilty – innocent
  • happiness – sadness
  • happy – sad
  • handsome – ugly
  • hard – easy
  • harvest – plant
  • hate – enjoy
  • health – disease
  • healthy – ill
  • heat – cold
  • heaven – hell
  • heavy – light
  • huge – tiny
  • human – animal
  • humane – cruel
  • humid – dry
  • hungry – thirsty
  • husband – wife
  • in front of – back
  • ignore – notice
  • ill – healty
  • immigrate – emigrate
  • immigration – emigration
  • import – export
  • in – out
  • include – exclude
  • increase – reduce
  • innocent – guilty
  • inside – outside
  • insult – compliment
  • intelligent – silly
  • intentional – accidental
  • be interested in – bore
  • interesting – boring
  • interrupt – continue
  • junior – senior
  • kind – cruel
  • lack – abundance
  • lady – gentleman
  • land – take off
  • land – water
  • large – small
  • last – first
  • late – early
  • laugh – cry
  • lazy – active
  • lead – follow
  • learn – teach
  • leave – arrive
  • left – right
  • lend – borrow
  • less – more
  • let – forbid
  • lie – stand
  • life – death
  • light – dark
  • light – heavy
  • like – hate
  • liquid – solid
  • little – big
  • little – much
  • live – die
  • long – short
  • lose – win
  • loser – winner
  • loud – quiet
  • love – hate
  • lovely – terrible
  • low – high
  • lower – raise
  • bad luck – good luck
  • good luck – bad luck
  • major – minor
  • male – female
  • man – woman
  • many – few
  • midnight – noon
  • minimum – maximum
  • minor – major
  • miss – hit
  • miss – catch
  • moderate – extreme
  • modern – ancient
  • monarchy – republic
  • moon – sun
  • more – less
  • morning – evening
  • mountain – valley
  • much – little
  • narrow – broad
  • nasty – nice
  • native – foreigner
  • natural – artificial
  • near – distant
  • negative – affirmative
  • nephew – niece
  • never – always
  • new – ancient
  • nice – awful
  • niece – nephew
  • night – day
  • no – yes
  • nobody – everybody
  • noisy – quiet
  • noon – midnight
  • none of – al lot of
  • normal – strange
  • north – south
  • not yet – already
  • nothing – everything
  • notice – ignore
  • now – then
  • occasionally – frequently
  • occupied – vacant
  • odd – even
  • off – on
  • often – seldom
  • old – modern
  • on – off
  • open – closed
  • open – closed
  • opponent – supporter
  • order – mess
  • ordinary – special
  • other – same
  • out – in
  • outside – inside
  • outskirts – centre
  • over – under
  • parents – children
  • part – whole
  • partial – total
  • particular – general
  • pass – fail
  • past – future
  • peace – war
  • permit – forbid
  • plant – harvest
  • plenty – lack
  • pleasant – awful
  • polite – rude
  • poor – rich
  • poverty – wealth
  • powerful – weak
  • presence – absence
  • present – past
  • pretty – ugly
  • private – public
  • probably – certainly
  • professional – amateur
  • protect – attack
  • protection – attack
  • public – private
  • pull – push
  • pupil – teacher
  • push – pull
  • question – answer
  • quick – slow
  • quiet – loud
  • raise – lower
  • rainy – sunny
  • rear – front
  • receive – send
  • reduce – increase
  • refuse – agree
  • regret – satisfaction
  • scream – whisper
  • security – danger
  • seldom – often
  • sell – buy
  • send – receive
  • senior – junior
  • separate – connect
  • serious – funny
  • servant – master
  • set free – arrest
  • shallow – deep
  • sharp – blunt
  • shelter – exposure
  • short – long
  • shout – whisper
  • shut – open
  • sick – healthy
  • silent – noisy
  • silly – intelligent
  • simple – complicated
  • sink – rise
  • single – married
  • sister – brother
  • sit – stand
  • slim – fat
  • slow – fast
  • small – big
  • smooth – rough
  • soft – hard
  • solid – liquid
  • some – many
  • sometimes – often
  • son – daughter
  • soul – body
  • sour – sweet
  • south – north
  • special – general
  • spring – autumn
  • stand – sit
  • start – stop
  • start – finish
  • stop – start
  • stand – lie
  • strange – normal
  • stranger – native
  • strict – gentle
  • strong – weak
  • student – teacher
  • stupid – clever
  • suburb – centre
  • succeed – fail
  • success – failure
  • subtract – add
  • sugar – salt
  • summer – winter
  • sun – moon
  • sunny – cloudy
  • true – false
  • trust – suspect
  • ugliness – beauty
  • ugly – beautiful
  • under – over
  • unite – divide
  • unity – division
  • up – down
  • upstairs – downstairs
  • urban – rural
  • useful – useless
  • useless – useful
  • vacant – occupied
  • valley – mountain
  • vertical – horizontal
  • victory – defeat
  • village – town
  • violent – gentle
  • visitor – host
  • voluntary – compulsory
  • vowel – consonant
  • war – peace
  • warm – cool
  • waste – save
  • water – land
  • weak – powerful
  • wealth – poverty
  • wealthy – poor
  • wedding – divorce

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:2.0 / 2 votes

  1. fewpronoun


  2. fewpronoun

    The pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain

    Many are called, but few are chosen.


Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. fewadjective

    a small elite group

    «it was designed for the discriminating few»

    many another(a), numerous, umpteen, umteen, legion(p), many, some(a), many an(a), many a(a), galore(ip)

  2. fewadjective

    a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a’; a small but indefinite number

    «a few weeks ago»; «a few more wagons than usual»; «an invalid’s pleasures are few and far between»; «few roses were still blooming»; «few women have led troops in battle»

    many an(a), numerous, many a(a), umteen, some(a), legion(p), galore(ip), umpteen, many, many another(a)

How to use FEW in a sentence?

  1. Francesco Aporti:

    At first, some of the inhabitants said they would not move, but in the last few days, we think we have persuaded everyone.

  2. Kara Nielsen:

    When we look back and look [ at ] what were the steps that preceded this, there were quite a few. Including vegetables becoming really sexy and interesting.

  3. Stephane Wettstein:

    In a few weeks a large part of the problems will be gone.

  4. Jerlyn Jones:

    One way to find out what is making you go to the bathroom is to drink coffee without dairy creamer or milk and track your symptoms for a few days.

  5. Hikaru Sato:

    We expect a few more days of unstable markets.

How to pronounce FEW?

How to say FEW in sign language?


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Opposite of Few, Antonyms of Few, Few meaning and Example Sentences in English

What are opposite words or antonyms?

Opposite words or Antonyms means those words that oppose the meaning of each other completely. For example Dark/Light, White/Black etc.

Normally the question that comes to mind when we are trying to learn these vocabulary words is that “Why should I memorize these Opposites when I know the basic words?”

Before answering to your question I would like to tell you that we have covered almost all the basic and daily use vocabulary words and you can Download PDF of these words at the End of lesson.

These words are very useful in our daily routine vocabulary. Here I will tell you what are the benefits of using antonym and opposites? If you know the opposites of all the vocabulary words in your collection then your collection can be increased and you have a variety of words to use in your conversation. In your writing and speaking if you use the variety of words instead using repeating the same words it will cast a good impression. And your writing and speaking will become professional.

Note: You must know that antonyms and synonyms are two different terms. Synonyms means the words that have same meanings but in case of antonym it is completely different as I discussed above.

Opposite of Few, Antonyms of Few, Few meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF

Table of Contents

What is the meaning of Few?

The Few means a small number of.

Opposite of Few (Antonyms of Few) List

  • A mountain of
  • Various
  • Numerous
  • An abundance of
  • A whole slew of
  • A huge amount of
  • A great number of
  • Innumerable
  • A slew of
  • A large number of
  • Countless
  • A mass of
  • A ton of
  • Lots of
  • A good deal of
  • A great deal of
  • A bunch of
  • A stack of
  • A load of
  • Unnumbered
  • Many
  • A large amount of
  • Plenty of
  • Uncountable
  • A lot of
  • Miscellaneous
  • A whole load of
  • A whole bunch of
  • A profusion of
  • Several

Examples of Few in Sentences

  • I have used few drops of oil.
  • A few people attacked the big crowed and looted.
  • He can walk only a few miles.
  • She cannot take breathe after climbing few steps.
  • A few students were absent from the class.

You can Download Pdf of the opposite/Antonyms of Few.


Antonyms List

  1. Correct – Wrong
  2. Deep – Shallow
  3. Defend – Attack
  4. Depart – Arrive
  5. Descent – Ascent
  6. Distant – Near
  7. Elementary – Advanced
  8. Frequently – Occasionally
  9. Future – Past
  10. Heat – Cold
  11. Immigration – Emigration
  12. Kind – Cruel
  13. Little – Big
  14. Love – Hate
  15. Miss – Hit
  16. Native – Foreigner
  17. Order – Mess
  18. Receive – Send
  19. Reduce – Increase
  20. Republic – Dictatorship
  21. Separate – Connect
  22. South – North
  23. Violent – Gentle
  24. Arrival – Departure
  25. Ask – Answer
  26. Beginning – End
  27. Brother – Sister
  28. Careful – Careless
  29. Changeable – Constant
  30. Construction – Destruction
  31. Dangerous – Safe
  32. Defeat – Victory
  33. Easy – Difficult
  34. Enemy – Friend
  35. Enemy – Friend
  36. Enjoy – Hate
  37. Floor – Ceiling
  38. Fortune – Bad Luck
  39. Loser – Winner
  40. Low – High
  41. Many – Few
  42. Married – Divorced
  43. Modern – Ancient
  44. Old – Modern
  45. Other – Same
  46. Polite – Rude
  47. Rest – Work
  48. Satisfaction – Regret
  49. Sharp – Blunt
  50. Shout – Whisper
  51. Son – Daughter
  52. Sun – Moon
  53. Then – Now
  54. Active – Lazy
  55. Amateur – Professional
  56. Annoy – Satisfy
  57. Autumn – Spring
  58. Bottom – Top
  59. Clever – Stupid
  60. Clever – Stupid
  61. Create – Destroy
  62. Deny – Admit
  63. Divorce – Marriage
  64. Early – Late
  65. Easy – Difficult
  66. Exposure – Shelter
  67. Extreme – Moderate
  68. Hilly – Flat
  69. Hilly – Flat
  70. Last – First
  71. Last – First
  72. Melt – Freeze
  73. Midnight – Noon
  74. Nephew – Niece
  75. Nice – Awful
  76. Pretty – Ugly
  77. Pupil – Teacher
  78. Push – Pull
  79. Right – Wrong
  80. Satisfaction – Regret
  81. Send – Receive
  82. Sink – Rise
  83. Suburb – Centre
  84. Village – Town
  85. Admit – Deny
  86. Alike – Different
  87. Always – Never
  88. Arrival – Departure
  89. Black – White
  90. Compulsory – Voluntary
  91. Constant – Changeable
  92. Defence – Attack
  93. Descendant – Ancestor
  94. Devil – Angel
  95. Divorce – Marry
  96. Foreground – Background
  97. Fortune – Bad Luck
  98. Heat – Cold
  99. Human – Animal
  100. Humane – Cruel
  101. Let – Forbid
  102. Lovely – Terrible
  103. Male – Female
  104. Men – Women
  105. Near – Distant
  106. Raise – Lower
  107. Reply – Ask
  108. Rich – Poor
  109. Rise – Sink
  110. Satisfy – Annoy
  111. Stop – Start
  112. Unity – Division
  113. Victory – Defeat
  114. Well- Ill
  115. Young – Old
  116. Adult – Child
  117. Agree – Disagree
  118. Ancestor – Descendant
  119. Back – In Front Of
  120. Be Interested In – Bore
  121. Bore – Amuse
  122. Closed – Open
  123. Cry – Laugh
  124. Dangerous – Safe
  125. Dark – Light
  126. Deep – Shallow
  127. Devil – Angel
  128. Elementary – Advanced
  129. Exciting – Boring
  130. First – Final
  131. Good Luck – Bad Luck
  132. Lazy – Active
  133. Little – Much
  134. Little – Much
  135. Long – Short
  136. Married – Divorced
  137. Noisy – Quiet
  138. Over – Under
  139. Protection – Attack
  140. Pull – Push
  141. Satisfy – Annoy
  142. Seldom – Often
  143. Serious – Funny
  144. Student – Teacher
  145. Synonym – Antonym
  146. Trust – Suspect
  147. Accept – Refuse
  148. Advanced – Elementary
  149. Animal – Human
  150. Back – In Front Of
  151. Be Interested In – Bore
  152. Beautiful – Ugly
  153. Child – Adult
  154. Defend – Attack
  155. Dictatorship – Republic
  156. Divide – Unite
  157. Divorce – Marry
  158. Easy – Difficult
  159. Enemy – Friend
  160. Exactly – Approximately
  161. Expensive – Cheap
  162. Human – Animal
  163. Like – Hate
  164. Love – Hate
  165. Marriage – Divorce
  166. Melt – Freeze
  167. Nasty – Nice
  168. Out – In
  169. Present – Past
  170. Quiet – Loud
  171. Refuse – Agree
  172. Republic – Dictatorship
  173. Security – Danger
  174. Separate – Connect
  175. Single – Married
  176. Sink – Rise
  177. Wealth – Poverty
  178. Add – Subtract
  179. Angel – Devil
  180. Be Interested In – Bore
  181. Black – White
  182. Black – White
  183. Catch – Miss
  184. Certainly – Probably
  185. Cloudy – Clear
  186. Compulsory – Voluntary
  187. Departure – Arrival
  188. Exposure – Shelter
  189. Hopeless – Hopeful
  190. Host – Guest
  191. Immigration – Emigration
  192. In – Out
  193. Inside – Outside
  194. Kind – Cruel
  195. Loud – Quiet
  196. Minimum – Maximum
  197. Negative – Affirmative
  198. New – Ancient
  199. Private – Public
  200. Professional – Amateur
  201. Protect – Attack
  202. Quick – Slow
  203. Reduce – Increase
  204. Reply – Ask
  205. Student – Teacher
  206. Summer – Winter
  207. Visitor – Host
  208. Wide – Narrow
  209. Answer – Ask
  210. Answer – Question
  211. Attack – Defence
  212. Beauty – Ugliness
  213. Calm – Excited
  214. Ceiling – Floor
  215. Closed – Open
  216. Cruel – Human
  217. Daughter – Son
  218. Deny – Admit
  219. Elementary – Advanced
  220. Elementary – Advanced
  221. Even – Odd
  222. Excited – Calm
  223. Handsome – Ugly
  224. Left – Right
  225. Loud – Quiet
  226. Minimum – Maximum
  227. Miss – Hit
  228. Modern – Ancient
  229. Morning – Evening
  230. Partial – Total
  231. Peace – War
  232. Pleasant – Awful
  233. Probably – Certainly
  234. Shallow – Deep
  235. Short – Long
  236. Start – Finish
  237. Strict – Gentle
  238. Success – Failure
  239. Wedding – Divorce
  240. Alike – Different
  241. Bad – Good
  242. Bore – Amuse
  243. Break – Fix
  244. Compulsory – Voluntary
  245. Correct – Wrong
  246. Courage – Fear
  247. Delicious – Awful
  248. Exactly – Approximately
  249. Finish – Start
  250. Foreign – Domestic
  251. Foreigner – Native
  252. Foreigner – Native
  253. Gentle – Violent
  254. Girl – Boy
  255. Handsome – Ugly
  256. Lower – Raise
  257. Narrow – Broad
  258. Nice – Awful
  259. Old – Modern
  260. Over – Under
  261. Professional – Amateur
  262. Same – Different
  263. Same – Different
  264. Send – Receive
  265. Soul – Body
  266. Start – Stop
  267. Succeed – Fail
  268. Thick – Thin
  269. Vacant – Occupied
  270. Vacant – Occupied
  271. Be Interested In – Bore
  272. Brother – Sister
  273. Child – Adult
  274. Cold – Heat
  275. Descent – Ascent
  276. Destroy – Build
  277. Die – Live
  278. End – Begin
  279. First – Final
  280. Foreign – Domestic
  281. Full – Empty
  282. Funny – Serious
  283. Gentleman – Lady
  284. Intentional – Accidental
  285. Light – Heavy
  286. Love – Hate
  287. Miss – Catch
  288. Not Yet – Already
  289. Plenty – Lack
  290. Pull – Push
  291. Republic – Dictatorship
  292. Rich – Poor
  293. Serious – Funny
  294. Some – Many
  295. Special – General
  296. Strict – Gentle
  297. Voluntary – Compulsory
  298. Warm – Cool
  299. Wealthy – Poor
  300. West – East
  301. West – East
  302. After – Before
  303. Apart – Together
  304. Approximately – Exactly

Word Few Antonyms

  • Many
  • many
  • What are the antonyms for the word Few? Here’s a list of opposite words and antonyms.

Opposites For Related Words Like Few

  • Fibre
    Fibre bundle
    Fibre optic cable
    Fibre optics
    Fibre-optic transmission system

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