What word is the opposite of deep

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  1. deepadjective


  2. deepadjective

    thin, shallow


  3. deepadjective

    The deep (meaning 2 above) part of a problem.

    That is a deep thought!

    superficial, light, shallow, frivolous

    meaningful, profound, heavy

  4. deepadjective

    A fielding position near the boundary.

    The shelves are 30cm deep.


  5. deepadjective


    to take a deep breath / sigh / drink

    shallow, small

    large, voluminous, great

  6. deepadjective

    Low in pitch.

    She has a very deep contralto

    high, high-pitched, piping

    low-pitched, low

  7. deepadjective

    Dark and highly saturated.

    That’s a very deep shade of blue

    rich, vivid, bright

    light, pale, washed-out, desaturated

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deep

    That is obscure which the eye or the mind can not clearly discern or see through, whether because of its own want of transparency, its depth or intricacy, or because of mere defect of light. That which is complicated is likely to be obscure, but that may be obscure which is not at all complicated and scarcely complex, as a muddy pool. In that which is abstruse (Latin abs, from, and trudo, push) as if removed from the usual course of thought or out of the way of apprehension or discovery, the thought is remote, hidden; in that which is obscure there may be nothing to hide; it is hard to see to the bottom of the profound, because of its depth, but the most shallow turbidness is obscure. Compare COMPLEX; DARK; DIFFICULT; MYSTERIOUS.

    See synonyms for CLEAR.

    abstruse, ambiguous, cloudy, complex, complicated, dark, darksome, dense, difficult, dim, doubtful, dusky, enigmatical, hidden, incomprehensible, indistinct, intricate, involved, muddy, mysterious, obscure, profound, turbid, unintelligible

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. deep

    shallow, superficial, artless, undesigning, familiar, commonplace

    profound, subterranean, submerged, designing, abstruse, recondite, learned, low, sagacious, penetrating, thick, obscure, mysterious, occult, intense, heartfelt

Matched Categories

    • Middle
    • Natural Depression

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deepnoun

    the central and most intense or profound part

    «in the deep of night»; «in the deep of winter»

    little, narrow, light, high, ankle-deep, shoaly, explicable, shallow, colorless, small, mild, shelfy, reefy, wakeful, exoteric, high-pitched, close, superficial, knee-deep, shelvy, colourless, artless, thin, neritic, fordable

    trench, oceanic abyss

  2. trench, deep, oceanic abyssnoun

    a long steep-sided depression in the ocean floor

    high-pitched, colourless, small, shallow, fordable, reefy, little, wakeful, thin, narrow, shelvy, shelfy, colorless, close, high, mild, exoteric, knee-deep, shoaly, ankle-deep, explicable, superficial, light, neritic, artless

    trench, deep, oceanic abyss

  3. deepadjective

    literary term for an ocean

    «denizens of the deep»

    shallow, colourless, shoaly, high, close, thin, small, knee-deep, neritic, fordable, mild, ankle-deep, little, reefy, light, shelvy, artless, superficial, narrow, wakeful, high-pitched, colorless, shelfy, exoteric, explicable

    trench, oceanic abyss

  4. deepadjective

    relatively deep or strong; affecting one deeply

    «a deep breath»; «a deep sigh»; «deep concentration»; «deep emotion»; «a deep trance»; «in a deep sleep»

    high-pitched, light, close, thin, wakeful, shallow, colorless, shelfy, narrow, little, mild, neritic, small, high, superficial, shelvy, knee-deep, exoteric, shoaly, explicable, fordable, colourless, ankle-deep, artless, reefy

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  5. deepadjective

    marked by depth of thinking

    «deep thoughts»; «a deep allegory»

    little, mild, reefy, exoteric, thin, explicable, colorless, high, close, shoaly, artless, narrow, ankle-deep, fordable, light, colourless, knee-deep, wakeful, superficial, shallow, shelvy, high-pitched, neritic, small, shelfy

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  6. deepadjective

    having great spatial extension or penetration downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or laterally or outward from a center; sometimes used in combination

    «a deep well»; «a deep dive»; «deep water»; «a deep casserole»; «a deep gash»; «deep massage»; «deep pressure receptors in muscles»; «deep shelves»; «a deep closet»; «surrounded by a deep yard»; «hit the ball to deep center field»; «in deep space»; «waist-deep»

    high, fordable, explicable, superficial, little, wakeful, shallow, mild, shelvy, ankle-deep, small, close, reefy, high-pitched, light, neritic, artless, shoaly, narrow, thin, shelfy, colourless, knee-deep, exoteric, colorless

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  7. deepadjective

    very distant in time or space

    «deep in the past»; «deep in enemy territory»; «deep in the woods»; «a deep space probe»

    exoteric, shelfy, shallow, light, little, high, shoaly, shelvy, small, close, wakeful, reefy, mild, artless, knee-deep, colourless, ankle-deep, high-pitched, explicable, neritic, fordable, superficial, thin, narrow, colorless

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  8. deepadjective


    «in deep trouble»; «deep happiness»

    mild, shelfy, high-pitched, neritic, reefy, small, shelvy, light, colorless, fordable, high, shallow, artless, colourless, superficial, little, narrow, knee-deep, ankle-deep, shoaly, wakeful, exoteric, thin, explicable, close

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  9. bass, deepadjective

    having or denoting a low vocal or instrumental range

    «a deep voice»; «a bass voice is lower than a baritone voice»; «a bass clarinet»

    knee-deep, thin, fordable, narrow, colorless, small, reefy, explicable, mild, light, high, close, superficial, little, shelvy, exoteric, ankle-deep, artless, shoaly, wakeful, shallow, neritic, colourless, high-pitched, shelfy

    cryptic, abstruse, deep, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  10. deep, richadjective

    strong; intense

    «deep purple»; «a rich red»

    wakeful, reefy, little, shoaly, fordable, colorless, exoteric, shelfy, neritic, shallow, colourless, high, narrow, mild, close, small, knee-deep, artless, thin, high-pitched, ankle-deep, superficial, explicable, shelvy, light

    bass, mystifying, fat, robust, recondite, full-bodied, cryptical, copious, deep, cryptic, racy, inscrutable, abstruse, productive, ample, rich, fertile, mysterious, plentiful, thick, plenteous

  11. deepadjective

    relatively thick from top to bottom

    «deep carpets»; «deep snow»

    shelvy, high-pitched, wakeful, fordable, superficial, reefy, shallow, high, colorless, thin, colourless, shelfy, close, small, narrow, little, ankle-deep, mild, shoaly, artless, knee-deep, exoteric, explicable, light, neritic

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  12. deepadjective

    extending relatively far inward

    «a deep border»

    thin, shoaly, high, small, reefy, high-pitched, exoteric, superficial, neritic, fordable, mild, colourless, little, shallow, artless, ankle-deep, shelvy, knee-deep, wakeful, colorless, close, explicable, shelfy, narrow, light

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  13. thick, deepadjective

    (of darkness) very intense

    «thick night»; «thick darkness»; «a face in deep shadow»; «deep night»

    shallow, fordable, shelfy, high, knee-deep, reefy, colorless, little, small, neritic, high-pitched, explicable, mild, shelvy, close, exoteric, light, wakeful, artless, superficial, ankle-deep, shoaly, thin, colourless, narrow

    dense, duncical, duncish, stocky, thickheaded, boneheaded, loggerheaded, mystifying, blockheaded, cryptical, chummy, thick-skulled, rich, thickset, deep, abstruse, wooden-headed, compact, fatheaded, recondite, inscrutable, heavyset, cryptic, buddy-buddy, mysterious, bass, thick(p), thick, slurred

  14. deepadjective

    large in quantity or size

    «deep cuts in the budget»

    fordable, close, high-pitched, thin, high, little, light, wakeful, shoaly, small, colorless, mild, explicable, neritic, shelvy, shallow, colourless, exoteric, reefy, superficial, shelfy, knee-deep, narrow, artless, ankle-deep

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  15. deepadjective

    with head or back bent low

    «a deep bow»

    small, explicable, mild, wakeful, shelvy, close, neritic, shallow, high, little, artless, light, exoteric, fordable, narrow, ankle-deep, colourless, superficial, reefy, thin, shelfy, colorless, knee-deep, shoaly, high-pitched

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  16. cryptic, cryptical, deep, inscrutable, mysterious, mystifyingadjective

    of an obscure nature

    «the new insurance policy is written without cryptic or mysterious terms»; «a deep dark secret»; «the inscrutable workings of Providence»; «in its mysterious past it encompasses all the dim origins of life»- Rachel Carson; «rituals totally mystifying to visitors from other lands»

    little, knee-deep, superficial, shallow, high, small, close, artless, wakeful, exoteric, shoaly, shelfy, narrow, colorless, shelvy, neritic, mild, high-pitched, reefy, fordable, colourless, explicable, thin, ankle-deep, light

    kabbalistic, mystifying, bass, cryptical, mystic, occult, secret, recondite, deep, qabalistic, orphic, inscrutable, abstruse, cryptic, rich, mysterious, cabalistic, mystical, thick, sibylline

  17. abstruse, deep, reconditeadjective

    difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge

    «the professor’s lectures were so abstruse that students tended to avoid them»; «a deep metaphysical theory»; «some recondite problem in historiography»

    mild, exoteric, shallow, small, neritic, ankle-deep, colourless, artless, close, little, thin, light, fordable, explicable, high, wakeful, reefy, colorless, shoaly, narrow, superficial, shelfy, high-pitched, knee-deep, shelvy

    cryptic, abstruse, deep, mysterious, inscrutable, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  18. deepadverb

    exhibiting great cunning usually with secrecy

    «deep political machinations»; «a deep plot»

    explicable, little, shoaly, shallow, colourless, high-pitched, high, neritic, superficial, light, wakeful, shelvy, thin, fordable, colorless, ankle-deep, close, mild, artless, small, reefy, knee-deep, exoteric, shelfy, narrow

    cryptic, abstruse, inscrutable, mysterious, cryptical, bass, thick, recondite, mystifying, rich

  19. deeply, deepadverb

    to a great depth;far down

    «dived deeply»; «dug deep»

    little, high-pitched, artless, shoaly, narrow, thin, shelfy, exoteric, reefy, mild, light, high, shallow, knee-deep, fordable, colorless, small, colourless, explicable, close, neritic, superficial, shelvy, ankle-deep, wakeful

    deeply, profoundly, deep, late

  20. deep, lateadverb

    to an advanced time

    «deep into the night»; «talked late into the evening»

    mild, thin, high-pitched, high, light, ankle-deep, small, shelvy, neritic, superficial, little, colourless, shoaly, shallow, artless, colorless, exoteric, knee-deep, narrow, fordable, reefy, close, explicable, shelfy, wakeful

    lately, deep, of late, deeply, latterly, tardily, late, recently, belatedly

  21. deepadverb

    to a great distance

    «penetrated deep into enemy territory»; «went deep into the woods»

    narrow, high, close, shoaly, mild, little, superficial, reefy, light, neritic, artless, fordable, shallow, small, wakeful, exoteric, shelvy, knee-deep, shelfy, explicable, high-pitched, colorless, colourless, thin, ankle-deep

    deeply, late

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. deepadjective

    superficial, shallow

    profound, intricate, inexplicable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, recondite, abstruse, abysmal, sagacious, cunning, astute, shrewd, dark, intense, grave, grum, full-toned, guttural

How to use DEEP in a sentence?

  1. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

    There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love.

  2. Saul Anuzis:

    He’s a hyper-fast moving type of guy, when he sits across from you and says,’ I’m making a commitment and I’m asking you to make a commitment,’ — he’s not benefiting from it financially or politically in any way — I think that’s a pretty powerful selling tool to have.’ Keep the Promises This summer, Toby Neugebauer stepped back from day-to-day operations and was replaced primarily by David Barton, a Texas operative with deep ties to the nation’s pastors. Tom Patrick, Tom Patrick, said Tom Patrick hadn’t heard from Toby Neugebauer in months. Like David Barton, the three groups tied to the three anchor families all have religious tones. Keep the Promise III, backed solely by $ 15 million from Texas fracking giants Farris and Dan Wilks, is breaking through in digital organizing via Promise III Reigniting the Promise project, with a months-old Facebook page that has quickly earned more than 350,000 likes. Conservative Solutions Project is advised by Jon Francis, a Dan Wilks family member and the manager of their philanthropic giving, along with a coterie of anti-abortion activists from a group called Online for Life, who have no prior experience in partisan politics. Keep the Promise I, funded by Long Island billionaire Robert Mercer and helmed by Kellyanne Conway, a well-regarded GOP political operative, is focusing a $ 1 million radio campaign on Christian channels in Iowa, where Ted Cruz is increasingly polling well. The $ 11 million group is also diversifying its portfolio and hiring organizers in the states. Steve King, an Iowa political operative and son of powerful Rep. Steve King, is leading a growing field team in the Hawkeye State, and there are plans to staff up in South Carolina as well to supplement the official campaign field team — which South Carolina’s bumping into on the trail.

  3. Renae A. Sauter:

    Creativity is one of your greatest gifts. It resides deep inside you impacting every thought. It is attached to a never ending source and is one of the main aspects of who you are. Your very essence is as a creator. No one creates exactly like you do. Your thoughts and actions color the world

  4. Steven Davis:

    He had a verbal immunity with some FBI agents and the government, that’s my opinion, they were protecting all their activities. And when murder came in the picture, they were so deep in with these criminals that they had to fix things, change things, cover up.

  5. Sevag Kechichian:

    The sentencing of Ashraf Fayadh to death after an unfair trial shows the deep flaws in Saudi Arabian criminal justice system and is yet another appalling example of the authorities flouting their international human rights obligations, fayadh was imprisoned solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of expression — he should be immediately and unconditionally released and his conviction should be quashed.

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Are we missing a good antonym for DEEP?

What is the opposite word for Deep?

  • shallow

    big, intense

  • light

    dark, abstract

  • superficial

    intense, abstract

  • narrow

    usually down

  • soft

    abstract, absorbed

  • high


  • ignorant

    abstract, absorbed

  • plain


  • simple

    wise, astute

  • moderate

    intense in effect on senses

  • surface


  • restricted

    usually down

  • trivial

    absorbed, scheming

  • artless

    absorbed, scheming

  • pale

    dark, absorbed

  • easy

  • weak

    intense in effect on senses

  • facile

  • frivolous

    scheming, intense in effect on senses

  • aboveboard

    scheming, intense in effect on senses

  • open

    scheming, intense in effect on senses

  • unimportant

  • stupid

  • slight

  • happy

  • frank

  • honest

  • blunt

  • dull

  • slow

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deepness, deepen, deepening, deeply, deepened

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Antonyms for Deep. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/deep

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Antonyms for Deep. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/deep.

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4. deep

adjective. [‘ˈdiːp’] marked by depth of thinking.


  • deep (English)
  • depe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • deop (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

5. deep

adjective. [‘ˈdiːp’] very distant in time or space.


  • deep (English)
  • depe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • deop (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

7. deep

adjective. [‘ˈdiːp’] extreme.


  • deep (English)
  • depe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • deop (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

8. deep

adverb. [‘ˈdiːp’] to a great depth; far down.


  • deep (English)
  • depe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • deop (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

9. deep

adjective. [‘ˈdiːp’] strong; intense.


  • deep (English)
  • depe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • deop (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

10. deep

adjective. [‘ˈdiːp’] relatively thick from top to bottom.


  • deep (English)
  • depe (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • deop (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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Opposite of Deep, Antonym of Deep, 12 Opposite Words For Deep

Meaning; Far down or in; deeply.

Opposites of Deep

  • shallow
  • fordable
  • shoaly
  • superficial
  • surface
  • tangential
  • cosmetic
  • skin-deep
  • cursory
  • perfunctory
  • sketchy
  • casual

Synonym for Deep

  • profound
  • sound
  • abstruse
  • recondite
  • religious
  • dark
  • thick
  • black
  • solid
  • strong
  • heavy
  • severe
  • serious
  • hard
  • slow
  • sincere
  • hearty
  • interior
  • heartfelt
  • genuine
  • vigorous
  • violent
  • intense
  • extreme
  • excessive
  • ultra
  • high

Example Sentences

  • Samuel has a deep voice.
  • Alex took a deep breath.
  • The pond is 5 meters deep.

Most Common Opposite Words List

already – not yet
argue – agree
arrest – free
arrival – departure
arrive – depart
busy – lazy
buy – sell
calm – excited
careful – careless
careless – careful
catch – miss
ceiling – floor
defend – attack
empty – full
fix – break
flat – hilly
harvest – plant
humid – dry
hungry – thirsty
husband – wife
ose – win
loser – winner
loud – quiet
ever – always
new – ancient
occupied – vacant
odd – even
off – on
resent – past
private – public
sad – happy
sadness – happiness
safe – dangerous
safety – danger
thin – thick
useless – useful
vacant – occupied
valley – mountain
omen – men
yes – no
young – old

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