What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary

What is the answer to the Word spelled incorrectly in the dictionary Puzzle? The right answer to the Puzzle is “Incorrectly.” As per the puzzle, the Word that is spelled incorrectly in the dictionary is “Incorrectly.” This particular riddle is to check your thinking & grammatical skill.


  • 1 What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?
  • 2 Which English word is supposed to be Spelt incorrectly?
  • 3 Is Spelt incorrectly?
  • 4 What starts with E and ends with E and has one letter?
  • 5 What is the most misspelled word in the dictionary?
  • 6 Which English word is always read wrong?
  • 7 What are the 10 most misspelled words?
  • 8 Is it spelled GREY or gray?
  • 9 Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?
  • 10 Which of the below given word is spelt correctly?
  • 11 What has one eye but Cannot see anything?
  • 12 What gets bigger the more you take away?
  • 13 What goes up and down without moving?
  • 14 What is the most misspelled word of 2021?
  • 15 What is the hardest spelling bee word?
  • 16 What are 5 commonly misspelled words?
  • 17 Is Understanded a word?
  • 18 What is the meaning of Spelt word?
  • 19 Which is the hardest word in English?
  • 20 Why is spelling in English so difficult?

What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?

in every single dictionary in print. Sometimes the question is worded: “What is the only word that is spelled wrong in the dictionary?” In that case, the trick answer is “wrong.”

Which English word is supposed to be Spelt incorrectly?

Oxford Says These 17 Words Are Spelled Wrong Most Often (Out of More Than 2 Billion)

Correct Spelling Common Misspelling
existence existance
foreseeable forseeable
harass harrass
interrupt interupt

Is Spelt incorrectly?

It’s true; the American English past tense form is spelled. In other varieties of English, both spelled and spelt are common. So, if you’re in the United States, you would probably write it like this: The past tense of the verb “spell” can be spelled in two ways.

What starts with E and ends with E and has one letter?

Originally Answered: What starts with E and ends in E and only has one letter? The answer is envelope because it starts and ends with E, and there is one letter inside.

What is the most misspelled word in the dictionary?

According to Google Trends’ list of most misspelled words by state, our attempts to spell “beautiful” can get pretty ugly. “Beautiful” tops the list of hard-to-spell words in a whopping 11 states, by far the most of any word on the list.

Which English word is always read wrong?

Interesting question. Actually, you have mentioned a obviously relative word in your question. The word “READ” is often read wrongly.

What are the 10 most misspelled words?

List of 10 most commonly misspelled words:

Correct spelling Incorrect spelling
Accommodate Acommodate
Separate Seperate
Necessary neccessary
Cemetery Cemetary

Is it spelled GREY or gray?

Gray and grey are both common spellings of the color between black and white. Gray is more frequent in American English, whereas grey is more common in British English. The varying usage of both grey and gray extends to specialized terms such as animal species (gray/grey whale) and scientific terms (gray/grey matter).

Which one of the following word is correctly spelt?

The word ‘Commission‘ is correctly spelled.
The standard spelling of the word is ‘commission.

Which of the below given word is spelt correctly?

Facsimile” is the correct word.

What has one eye but Cannot see anything?

The needle has an opening at one end which is the eye of it. Despite that eye, the needle cannot see. Therefore, What has one eye but cannot see answer is a needle.

What gets bigger the more you take away?

The answer to this riddle is just one word. The correct answer is ‘HOLE‘. A hole in any kind of substance, may it be cloth, wall, wood or anything else, will only get bigger and bigger if you keep taking away more from it.

What goes up and down without moving?

The answer is: Stairs.

What is the most misspelled word of 2021?

The most commonly misspelled word in 2021 was “quarantine,” perhaps to no one’s surprise. Surprisingly, the most misspelled word in three states was “every” with the most common misspelling being “evary.”

What is the hardest spelling bee word?

The 25 Toughest Winning Words Ever Spelled In The National Spelling Bee

  • Xanthosis. Year: 1995.
  • Euonym. Year: 1997.
  • Succedaneum. Year: 2001.
  • Autochthonous. Year: 2004.
  • Appoggiatura. Year: 2005.
  • Ursprache. Year: 2006.
  • Laodicean. Year: 2009. Pronunciation: lay-ah-duh-SEE-un.
  • Cymotrichous. Year: 2011. Pronunciation: sahy-MAH-truh-kus.

What are 5 commonly misspelled words?

Documented list of common misspellings

  • absence – absense, absentse, abcense, absance.
  • acceptable – acceptible.
  • accidentally/accidently – accidentaly.
  • accommodate – accomodate, acommodate.
  • achieve – acheive.
  • acknowledge – acknowlege, aknowledge.
  • acquaintance – acquaintence, aquaintance.
  • acquire – aquire, adquire.

Is Understanded a word?

(obsolete) Simple past tense and past participle of understand.

What is the meaning of Spelt word?

Spelt is a grain that’s closely related to wheat.The word spelt is as ancient as the grain itself, going back to Proto-Indo-European language and the word spel, meaning “to split or break off,” possibly because of the way spelt husks split during threshing.

Which is the hardest word in English?

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say

  • Rural.
  • Sixth.
  • Sesquipedalian.
  • Phenomenon.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
  • Worcestershire.

Why is spelling in English so difficult?

There are far more spellings for a sound than pronunciations for letters.There is only one way to pronounce the word spelt by the letters s-e-e-p. But there are several ways of writing the sounds /si:p/, e.g. seep, seap, sepe, siep, and seip.

These trick questions can be fun to ask your friends even your coworkers. Some are a play on words, others are just a little silly trick that will definitely keep you guessing.

Icebreaker games

Aside from these trick questions, you can find all kinds of difference icebreaker games over at Brightful Meeting Games. If you enjoy riddles, you will probably love playing Trivia too!

1. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?


2. What goes up and down but can’t move?

A staircase.

3. What goes up but never down?

Your age.

4. I have one head, one foot, and four legs. What am I?

Your bed.

5. Forwards I’m heavy but backwards I’m not. What am I?

A ton.

6. What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?

A river.

7. I have teeth but can’t eat. What am I?

A comb.

8. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I’m fine. What am I?

A fire.

9. I’m light as a feather, but not even the strongest girl can hold me for more than 5 minutes. What am I?


10. How can the pocket of your pants be empty, but still have something in it?

When the something is a hole.

11. A girl fell off a 50-foot ladder but didn’t get hurt. How come?

She fell off the bottom rung.

12. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what do four and five make?


13. What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?

A hole.

14. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?

No, but since he is dead it would be hard to do so.

15. How did the boy kick his soccer ball ten feet, and then have it come back to him on its own?

He kicked it up.

16. What breaks and never falls, and what falls and never breaks?

Day breaks and night falls

17. What did one campfire say to the other?

Shall we go out tonight?

18. What happened when the wheel was invented?

It caused a revolution.

19. What has one eye but can’t see anything at all?

A needle.

20. What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter in it?

An envelope.

21. How can a girl go 25 days without sleep?

She sleeps at night.

22. There was terrible plane crash, every single person onboard died, but yet two people survived. How is this possible?

The surviving couple was married.

23. A 10 foot rope ladder hangs over the side of a boat with the bottom rung on the surface of the water. The rungs are one foot apart, and the tide goes up at the rate of 6 inches per hour. How long will it be until three rungs are covered?

Never. The boat rises as the tide goes up.

24. What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

A clock.

25. Mr. Jones noticed that his pants pockets were totally empty – but that there was still something in it. What was it?

A hole.

26. A is the father of B. But B is not the son of A. How’s that possible?

B is the daughter.

27. I’m so fragile that if you say my name, you’ll break me. What am I?


28. A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car without any lights on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car know he was there?

It was day time.

29. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?

A palm.

30 How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?

The egg won’t crack the concrete floor!

31. What can one catch that is not thrown?

A cold.

32. What has a head and a tail but no body?

A coin.

33. A truck driver is going down a one way street the wrong way, and passes at least ten cops. Why is he not caught?

Because he was not driving! He’s walking on the sidewalk.

Table of Contents

  1. What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?
  2. Is it spelled or Spelt in Canada?
  3. Does Canada use Z or S?
  4. Does Canada use British or American spelling?
  5. Does Canada spell color with AU?
  6. What brands of milk are Canadian?
  7. Does America have bagged milk?
  8. How do you say yes in Canadian?
  9. What is a snookums?

1. Riddle: What word is spelled wrong in the dictionary? Answer: Wrong.

Is it spelled or Spelt in Canada?

“spelled” (39,200) is more common in Canada than “spelt” (2,470) “spelled” is the de facto standard on Wikipedia (261 v 45)

Does Canada use Z or S?

One of the more lovable quirks, Canadians pronounce the last letter in the alphabet ‘zed’, which is clearly superior to the American ‘zee’. This man is wearing a tuque. Virtually all Canadians know and use the word… south of the border words like beanie or cap prevail.

Does Canada use British or American spelling?

While the United States uses the Anglo-French spelling defense and offense (noun), most Canadians use the British spellings defence and offence.

Does Canada spell color with AU?

You can, for example, choose the spelling that’s prevalent in the country you’re from—if you’re an American, use color. If you’re from any of the Commonwealth countries, use colour. If you’re writing something for Brits, Australians, or Canadians, use the spelling they prefer.

What brands of milk are Canadian?

Canadian milk brands

  • Agropur. Agropur cooperative is a Canadian milk production and the largest producer of dairy products in Canada.
  • Beatrice. Beatrice moved to Canada in 1969.
  • Grand Pré Grand Pré milk is a high quality milk produced entirely in Quebec since 1978.
  • Natrel.
  • Nutrinor.

Does America have bagged milk?

Actually United States does have milk in a bag. It’s not a national thing but it’s quite common in the upper Midwest, states like Minnesota Iowa and Wisconsin. You can find it at a chain called Kwik Trip (Kwik Star in Iowa). You can get a pitcher that you can place the bag in.

How do you say yes in Canadian?

The Most Common Canadian Slang Terms

  1. Eh? Pronounced “ay”
  2. Oh yea, no, for sure. If a Canadian answers your question with “oh yea, no, for sure,” they are using slang for “yes”.
  3. Tuque. Alternate spellings: toque, touque, tuke.
  4. Keener.
  5. Timmies.
  6. Double-Double.
  7. Timbits.
  8. Kerfuffle.

What is a snookums?

Filters. (informal) A term of endearment, especially for a child. noun.


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Trick questions are fun for the whole family! They will give you something interesting to think about–and if you get them right, you’re going to feel like the smartest person in the room. Trick questions are great to break out at parties or around the dinner table, so make sure you memorize a few. Here are some funny trick questions that both kids and adults can enjoy:

Trick Questions For Kids And Adults:

1. What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner.

2. What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

3. What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?


4. What never asks a question but gets answered all the time?

Your cellphone.

5. What goes up but never ever comes down?

Your age.

6. A girl fell off a 50-foot ladder but didn’t get hurt. How come?

She fell off the bottom rung.

7. What starts with “e” and ends with “e” but only has one letter in it?

An envelope.

8. How can a girl go 25 days without sleep?

She sleeps at night.

9. You spot a boat full of people but there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?

Everyone on board is married.

10. How do you make the number one disappear?

Add the letter G and it’s “gone”!

11. What’s greater than God and more evil than the devil. Rich people want it, poor people have it. And if you eat it, you’ll die?


12. A cowboy rode into town on Friday. He stayed in town for three days and rode out on Friday. How is that possible?

Friday was the name of his horse.

13. What two keys can’t open any door?

A monkey and a donkey.

14. What will you actually find at the end of every rainbow?

The letter “w.”

15. A young boy was rushed to the hospital emergency room, but the ER doctor saw the boy and refused to operate. “This boy is my son,” the doctor said. But the doctor wasn’t the boy’s father. How could this be?

The doctor was the boy’s mom.

16. What has a face and two hands, but no arms or legs?

A clock.

17. What can be caught but never thrown?

A cold.

18. I start out tall, but the longer I stand, the shorter I grow. What am I?

A candle.

19. How many seconds are there in a year?

Twelve. January 2nd, February 2nd, March 2nd, etc.

20. What can run but not walk?


21. How many months have 28 days?

All 12!

22. Thanks to me, you can see straight through the wall. What am I?

A window.

23. Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?

Neither. They both weigh exactly one pound.

24. How can the pocket of your pants be empty, but still have something in it?

When that something is a hole.

25. What has a thumb and four fingers but isn’t actually alive?

Your gloves.

26. Imagine you’re in a room that’s filling up with water quickly. There are no windows or doors. How do you get out?

Stop imagining.

27. Everyone in the world needs it, but they usually give it without taking it. What is it?


28. What can you hold without touching it at all?

A conversation.

29. I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I?

Seven (take away the ‘s’ and it becomes ‘even’).

30. I’m light as a feather, but not even the strongest girl can hold me for more than 5 minutes. What am I?


31. Two mothers and two daughters went out to eat, everyone ate one slice of pizza, yet only three slices were eaten. How’s that possible?

The group included a grandmother, her daughter and her daughter’s daughter.

32. What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?


33. Can you name three consecutive days without using the words Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday?

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

34. What gets sharper the more you use it?

Your brain.

35. A man was outside taking a walk when it started to rain. The man didn’t have an umbrella and he wasn’t wearing a hat or a hood. His clothes got soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet. How could this be?

The man was bald.

36. What can you make that no one—not even you—can see?


37. What belongs to you but gets used by everyone else more than you?

Your name.

38. What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and never in one thousand years?

The letter M.

39. I’m so fragile that if you say my name, you’ll break me. What am I?


40. If I drink, I die. If I eat, I’m fine. What am I?

A fire.

41. What’s full of holes but can still hold liquid?

A sponge.

42. I have teeth but can’t eat. What am I?

A comb.

43. First you throw away my outside and cook the inside. Then you eat my outside and throw away my inside. What am I?

Corn on the cob. Because you throw away the husk, cook the corn. Then you eat the kernels, and throw away the cob.

44. What runs, but never walks. Murmurs, but never talks. Has a bed, but never sleeps. And has a mouth, but never eats?

A river.

45. What bird can lift the most weight?

A crane.

46. What goes up as soon as the rain comes down?

An umbrella.

47. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?


48. I have all the knowledge you have. But I’m so small, you can hold me in your fist. What am I?

Your brain.

49. How much dirt is there in a hole that’s 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep?


50. What has three feet but can’t walk?

A yardstick.

51. If two’s company and three’s a crowd, what do four and five make?


52. What travels the world while stuck in one spot?

A stamp!

53. Name four days of the week that start with the letter “t”?

Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.

54. What has four eyes but can’t see?


55. What’s as big as an elephant but weighs absolutely nothing?

Its shadow.

56. What has a neck but no head?

A bottle.

57. What moves faster: heat or cold?

Heat. Because you can always catch a cold.

58. Forwards I’m heavy but backward I’m not. What am I?

A ton.

59. A girl leaves home and turns left three times, only to return home facing two guys wearing masks. Who are the two guys?

The catcher and the umpire.

60. Beth’s mother has three daughters. One is called Lara, the other one is Sara. What is the name of the third daughter?


61. What gets bigger and bigger the more you take away from it?

A hole.

62. I have one head, one foot, and four legs. What am I?

Your bed.

63. We see it once in a year, twice in a week, and never in a day. What is it?

The letter “e”

64. If I have it, I don’t share it. If I share it, I don’t have it. What is it?

A secret.

65. What has one eye but can’t see anything at all?

A needle. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

66. What is always coming but never arrives? 


67. What can be broken but never held?

A promise.

68. What would you call a man without all of his fingers on one hand?

Normal, most people have half their fingers on one hand.

69. If a plane crashes on the border between the United States and Canada, where do they bury the survivors?

Survivors are not buried.

70. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men?

No time at all because the wall was already built.

71. If there is a bowl of five apples and you took away three, how many do you have?

The three you took.

72. If you had only one match and entered a dark doom containing an oil lamp, kindling, and a newspaper, which would you light first?

The match.

73. If you spell “sit in the tub” as s-o-a-k, and you spell “a funny story” as j-o-k-e, how do you spell “the white of an egg”?

e-g-g w-h-i-t-e

74. Is it legal for a man to marry his widow’s sister?

No, but he’s also dead so that’s impossible.

75. If Mrs. Smith’s one-story house is entirely decorated in pink (pink walls, furniture, carpet, etc.), what color are the stairs?

There are no stairs.

76. A boy who is alone, kicked his soccer ball ten feet and then it came back to him. How is this possible?

He kicked it up.

77. How can a man go outside in the pouring rain and not have a hair on his head get wet?

He is bald.

78. If an electric train is moving north at 100 mph and a wind is blowing west at 10 mph, which way does the smoke blow?

An electric train has no smoke.

79. How is it possible for every single person to die in a plane crash but two people survived?

The two survivors were married.

80. What breaks but never falls, and what falls but never breaks?

Day breaks and night falls

81. The accountant testified “the attorney is my brother,” but, the attorney testified that he did not have a brother. Who is lying?

Neither one because the accountant was his sister.

82. Uncle Ray’s farm had a terrible storm hit and now all but seven sheep were killed. How many sheep are left alive?


83. What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is all the time?

A widow.

84. What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?

A chair, a bed, and a toothbrush.

85. What goes up and down but always remains in the same place?


86. What does an island and the letter “T” have in common?

They are both in the middle of water.

87. What happened when the wheel was invented?

A revolution occurred.

88. A rooster laid an egg on top of the barn roof, which way did it roll?

It didn’t because roosters don’t lay eggs.

89. What has a head and a tail, but does not have a body?

A coin.

90. Who is bigger, Mr. Bigger, Mrs. Bigger, or their baby?

The baby, since he is a little Bigger.

91. A man lives on the 100th floor of an apartment building. On rainy days, he rides the elevator all the way up. However, on sunny days, he only goes up halfway and then takes the stairs the rest of the way. Why is this?

The man is short and can only reach the 50th-floor button but, on rainy days he can reach higher with his umbrella handle.

92. When you need me you throw me away but, when you don’t need me, you bring me back. What am I?

An anchor.

93. Which English word holds the same pronunciation even if you take away four out of its five letters?


94. What makes you young?

You add an “n” and a “g” to the end.

95. What can fill an entire room without taking up any space?


96. A man dressed in all black is walking down the country lane when suddenly, a large black car with no lights on comes around the corner and stops. How did the car’s driver know he was there?

It was day time.

97. What has ten letters and starts with gas?


98. Where can you find cities, towns, shops, and streets but no people?

On a map.

99. Tom, my neighbor, is a forty-five-year-old blacksmith that’s seven feet tall and eats often. What does he weigh?


100. There are three important rooms in a house; one is filled with money, another with important files, and the last with jewelry. One day these rooms burst into flames! Which room do the policemen put out first?

None because firemen put out fires not policemen.

101. What tastes but never smells?


102. Why are 1968 pennies worth more than 1967 pennies?

There is one more penny in 1968 than in 1967.

103. What English word has three consecutive double letters?


104. There are eight men sitting on a couch. Three legs break off and six men leave. How many legs are remaining?

Five; the legs of two remaining men and the remaining couch leg.

105. The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?


If you want to read more trick questions, don’t worry. There are plenty more you can try to solve below. And when you’re finished, you can ask them to your family and friends to see who answered the most right! Here are some more trick questions that will get you thinking–and laughing–with your favorite people:

106. Walk on the living, they don’t even mumble. Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble. What are they?


107. What is the maximum number of times a single newspaper can be folded in half by hand?


108. What two words hold the most letters when combined?

Post Office

109. If a monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree, who will get the banana first?

None of them; coconut trees don’t grow bananas.

110. If ten birds are sitting in a tree and a hunter shoots one, how many birds are left in the tree?

None because the others flew away after one got shot.

111. What has four wheels and flies?

A garbage truck

112. Why did the woman run around her bed at night?

The catch up on her sleep.

113. How many animals did Moses take into the Ark?

None because it was Noah who built and loaded the Ark.

114. How do you lift an elephant with one hand?

You can’t because you will never find an elephant with one hand.

115. How can you drop an egg onto a concrete floor and not crack it?

Well, it’s not very difficult because a concrete floor is very hard to crack.

116. Which room has no walls?

A mushroom

117. Where can you find an ocean but no water?

On a map

118. How can a door be not a door?

When it’s a-jar.

119. What is the coldest sounding country in the world?


120. If you were running a race and passed the person in second place, what place would you then be in?

Second place

121. If you threw a red rock into a green sea, what would it come back as?


122. What kind of tree can be carried in your hand?

Palm tree

123. A teacher asks two girls that look exactly alike, the following questions: Are you from the same family? Do you have the same parents? Were you born on the same day? The girls answered yes to all of the questions but in the end, they were not twins. How is this possible?

They had another sister and together, they were triplets.

124. A woman pushes her car to a hotel and then proceeds to announce that she is bankrupt. Why?

She is playing Monopoly.

125. If Mrs. Hamilton’s peacock lays egg in Mr. Smith’s yard, who owns the egg?

Peacocks don’t lay eggs.

126. A 10-foot rope ladder hangs over the side of a boat with the bottom rung on the surface of the water. The rungs are one foot apart, and the tide goes up at the rate of 6 inches per hour. How long will it be until three rungs are covered?

Never because the boat rises with the tide.

127. A truck driver is going the wrong way down a one-way street. Despite passing at least ten cops, why is he not caught?

He was walking, not driving.

128. If a doctor gives you 3 pills and tells you to take one pill every half-hour, how long would it take before all the pills had been taken?

One hour because the first pill is taken right away, the second comes a half-hour later and the last comes after another half-hour.

129. When does Christmas come before the New Year?

Every year! New Year’s always comes before Christmas of the same year.

130. How many times can 10 be subtracted from 100?

Once because the next time it would be subtracting 10 from 90.

131. Who is buried in Grant’s tomb?

No one, for Grant is entombed not buried.

132. Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain on Earth?

Mount Everest

133. If the Vice President dies, who acts as the President?

The President

134. A rancher had 500 cows but took one shot that got them all. How is this possible?

A panoramic photo

135. How many sides does a circle have?

Two; inside and outside.

136. Why is it illegal for a man living in North Carolina to be buried in South Carolina?

You can’t bury someone alive.

137. You are not allowed to take a photo of a man with a wooden leg. Why?

Because wooden legs can’t take photos, you would need a camera.

138. You have two coins that add up to 30 cents, and one of them is not a quarter. Which two coins are they?

A quarter and a nickel because one of them is not a quarter but one of them is.

139. How many 6” by 6” books can you put in a (2ft x 2ft) container, so that it is not empty anymore?

One, after that it is no longer empty.

140. Which letter of the English alphabet flies, sings, and stings?


141. She has married many men but has never been married. Why is this?

She is a minister.

142. Can you spell enemy only using three letters?


143. What wants to be answered despite never having a question?

A doorbell

144. The maker doesn’t want it; the buyer doesn’t use it, and the user doesn’t see it. What is it?

A coffin

145. On which side of a chicken are there more feathers?


146. How can a man who shaves several times a day still have a long beard?

He’s a barber.

147. What coat goes on best when wet?

A coat of paint.

148. How many letters are in the alphabet?

11 letters are in “the alphabet.”

149. If Sally had 4 piles of sand and Judy had 5 piles of sand, and they put them all together, how many piles would there be?

One big pile.

150. How long is the answer to this question?

How long.

151. How do you know when a clock is hungry?

It goes back four seconds.

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