What word is better than great

excellent, marvellous, wonderful, superb, first-class, first-rate, admirable, fine, splendid, very good, good. informal terrific, tremendous, smashing, fantastic, fabulous, fab, super, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, glorious, grand, magic, out of this world, cool.

How do you tell someone they are amazing?

75 Compliments to Use When You Want to Say Something Nice

  1. 1 Your positivity is infectious.
  2. 2 You should be so proud of yourself.
  3. 3 You’re amazing!
  4. 4 You’re a true gift to the people in your life.
  5. 5 You’re an incredible friend.
  6. 6 I really appreciate everything that you do.
  7. 7 You inspire me to be a better person.

What is a synonym for you are the best?

adj. 1 chief, finest, first, first-class, first-rate, foremost, highest, leading, most excellent, outstanding, perfect, pre-eminent, principal, superlative, supreme, unsurpassed. 2 advantageous, apt, correct, golden, most desirable, most fitting, right. 3 greatest, largest, most. adv.

What are some synonyms for the word amazing?

dazing, impressing, stunning. awesome, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, stupendous, phenomenal, prodigious, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable; wonderful, marvellous, mind-blowing. There are many more of such synonym for the word ‘amazing’. As you read more, you will discover them.

What is the opposite of Amazing?

Near Antonyms for amazing. unimpressive, uninspiring, unremarkable. boring, dull, jading, monotonous, tedious,

What words can you use to describe something amazing?

WORDS RELATED TO AMAZING. astonishing. adjective surprising. amazing. astounding. bewildering. breathtaking. extraordinary. impressive. marvelous. miraculous. spectacular. awe-inspiring. breathtaking. empyreal. extraordinary.

Is the adjective use of “Amazing” Bad?

One common complaint regarding the adjectival use of amazing is the extent to which the word is used in what some feel is a watered-down fashion. Those who take this position argue that unless someone is literally being amazed, the word is ill-chosen.

Hrm, just a few observations on some of the answers here, from an American English speaker:

Many English versions of the word you’re looking for were historically used to refer to things that are large in size, and can sometimes cause confusion on whether it’s exceptionally good, or exceptionally large. In context the difference is often clear, but when describing a company (which could be made larger) the meaning may not be so clear. Be careful when using words like «tremendous» or even «great» / «grand».

Similarly, many English words come from descriptions of things that are so exceptional that they are better than real life. «Fantastic» can frequently be used to describe something that has an element of fantasy, which it’s unlikely that your company would have. «Legendary» and «epic» can suffer from the same. Additionally, due to its (over)use in modern informal speech I think «epic» has lost much of its weight and may also appear informal, as user13267 mentioned.

«Marvelous» and «phenomenal» aren’t bad suggestions at all, but CAN have an air of supernatural greatness (i.e. more «great» than something can ever be in real life) similar to the previous bunch. Personally, I think these would probably work in the given context.

«Exemplary» isn’t bad, but may sometimes imply something that sets an example for others to follow. This might fit your case, however.

I like Thomas Mario Adams III’s suggestion of «outstanding», particularly because this company would literally «stand out» from among other merely «great» companies. It’s also term that is very familiar to corporate readers. You may want to add emphasis by saying the company will become «truly outstanding».

750 Synonyms for Great and Antonyms of GREAT (Infographic)

111 Words to Use Instead of Great (Infographic)

Great (Adjective)

What’s the synonym of great? Or another word for great?

Great is such a versatile word that you can use it almost everywhere. We determined 100+ synonyms for this word. Today I’d like to present to you a few greatest synonyms of great and example sentences.

We all know that synonyms are similar words with different words meanings. However, many people don’t know those similar words exist and how they can use them in their content to make it easier to read, attract more readers, and stay interested in your content.

Need synonyms for great? Here’s a big list of similar words from Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus that you can use instead. Good luck as you learn new synonyms listed below

Synonyms & Antonyms of great

1 Exhibiting an expert grasp of a subject, highly skilled or knowledgeable

For example:

  • One of the great physicians
  • She is one of the theater’s greats.

Synonyms for great

Expert, master, virtuoso, experienced, masterly, practised (also practised), adept, masterful, veteran, skilled, crack, good, professed, accomplished, complete, versed, compleat, ace, proficient, consummate, skilful, crackerjack, educated

Words Related to great

Long-term, sure-handed, clever, qualified, fit, workmanlike, gifted, taught, fitted, schooled, employable, habile, talented, competent, efficient, adroit, old, slick, capable, dexterous (also dextrous), multitalented, deft, multiskilled, effective, all-around (also all-round), refined, able, handy, tutored, well-rounded, knowledgeable, effectual, trained, polished

Near Antonyms for great

Inexperienced, rude, untalented, unfit, inept, ignorant, incompetent, untried, heavy-handed, clumsy, talentless, awkward, untested, would-be, ineffective, primitive, ham-handed, ungifted, beginning, raw, ham-fisted, unable, rough, untrained, untaught, unqualified, new, weak, crude, unschooled, unpolished, unfitted, untutored, artless, green, unseasoned, inefficient, ineffectual, incapable

Antonyms for great

Inexpert, inexperienced, amateurish, unseasoned, unskillful, unskilled, amateur, jackleg, unprofessional

2 Having, characterized by or arising from a dignified and generous nature

For example:

  • great acts of charity
  • a great humanitarian

Synonyms for great

Gallant, high, greathearted, big, noble, chivalrous, elevated, magnanimous, sublime, lordly, lofty, high-minded, natural, great thesaurus

Words Related to great

Heroic (also heroical), glorified, august, ennobled, exalted, uplifting, majestic, inspiring, honourable, valiant, magnificent, worthy, numinous, venerable, regal, knightly, moving, princely

Near Antonyms for great

Sordid, humiliating, offensive, lousy, discreditable, ignominious, small-minded, sorry, abominable, coarse, degrading, little, squalid, narrow, dirty, vulgar, wretched, hateful, dastardly, ugly, vile, mean, crude, despicable, vicious, contemptible, repulsive, detestable

Antonyms for great

Ignoble, base, debased, low, degraded, degenerate

3 Lasting for a considerable time

For example:

  • Haven’t seen them in a great while

Synonyms for great

Long-drawn-out (or long-drawn), extended, long-lived, far, long-term, lengthy, long, marathon

Words Related to great

Longish, everlasting, interminable, protracted, endless, all-day, aeonian (or aeonic), multiyear, prolonged, persistent, multiday, overlong, permanent, all-night

Near Antonyms for great

Transient, transitory,abbreviated,ephemeral, curtailed, momentary, shortened, condensed, fleeting, sudden,short-range,abrupt,impermanent

Antonyms for great

Short, shortish, little, short-term, short-lived, mini, brief

4 Of a size greater than average of its kind

For example:

  • saw a great moose calmly walking through our backyard
  • There’s also an influx of counterfeit cheaper whiskies seeping into the markets, which could pose an even greater challenge, albeit less of a headline-grabbing one.

Synonyms for great

Husky, boxcar, goodly, bulky, biggish, large, voluminous, substantial, handsome, hefty, hulking, grand, largish, sizable (or sizeable), oversize (or oversized), outsize (also outsized), tidy, considerable, big

Words Related to great

Gargantuan, super-duper, elephantine, cosmic (also cosmical), whacking, inordinate, thick, herculean, whopping, stupendous, major, staggering, prodigious, astronomical (also astronomic), humongous (also humungous), commodious, Brobdingnagian, Himalayan, exorbitant, bumper, fat, walloping, spacious, monumental, Bunyanesque, supersized, pharaonic, plentiful, super, titanic, massive, appreciable, excessive, cavernous, monolithic, abundant, galactic, vast, monstrous, enormous, heroic (also heroical), gigantic, jumbo, roomy, leviathan, hellacious, cyclopean, tremendous, immense, king-size (or king-sized), vasty, gross, capacious, extreme, immoderate, mammoth, extravagant, mountainous, ample, copious, huge, colossal

Near Antonyms for great

Pocket-size (also pocket-sized), wee, teensy, pint-size (or pint-sized), little bitty, pygmy, diminutive, minuscule, teeny-weeny, slight, slender, teeny, microscopic (also microscopical), mini, Lilliputian, teensy-weensy, minute, slim, tiny, microminiature, miniature, half-pint, thin, petite, infinitesimal

Antonyms for great

Dinky, undersized (also undersize), smallish, dwarfish, shrimpy, little, puny, bantam, dwarf, small

5 of the very best kind

For example:

  • This cake is great!

Synonyms for great

Nifty, groovy, righteous [slang], blue-chip, down [slang], corking, cracking, blue-ribbon, banner, first-rate, brag, gangbusters (also gangbuster), fab, peachy, fine, prize, top-of-the-line, gilt-edged (or gilt-edge), terrific, capital, heavenly, topflight, prime, bully, famous, numero uno, fantabulous [slang], awesome, swell, superb, dandy, excellent, stellar, choice, quality, neat, grand, superior, noble, prizewinning, phat [slang], crackerjack, top, primo [slang], dynamite, lovely, fantastic, first-class, unsurpassed, divine, boffo, beautiful, number one (also No. 1), out-of-sight [slang], bang-up, peachy keen, sterling, splendid, wizard [chiefly British], immense, cool [slang], topping [chiefly British], bonny (also bonnie) [chiefly British], boss [slang], classic, wonderful, radical [slang], superlative, five-star, slick, hot, top-notch, brave,A-OK, marvelous (or marvellous), bumper, gone [slang], tip-top, hype [slang], sensational, first-string, A1, keen, mean, dope [slang], supernal, fabulous, top-shelf, par excellence, frontline, jim-dandy, high-class, four-star

Words Related to great

Premium, decent, superfine, better, tolerable, high-test, acceptable, traditional, OK (or okay), special, standard, all right, classical, fancy, exceptional, passable, select, satisfactory, adequate, good, high-grade

Phrases Synonymous with great

Too much, out of this world

Near Antonyms for great

Substandard, second-rate, unsatisfactory, second-class,mediocre, low-grade, inferior,bad, middling

Antonyms for great

Lousy, rotten, vile, wretched, atrocious, poor, pathetic, awful, terrible, execrable

6 Showing urgent desire or interest

For example:

  • she’s great on any type of sport that requires endurance

Synonyms for great

Enthusiastic, hungry, pumped, nuts, voracious, geeked [slang], crazy, raring, ardent, excited, athirst, agog, wild, enthused, solicitous, desirous, hepped up, gung ho, impatient, avid, anxious, greedy, antsy, juiced, eager, thirsty, hot, keen, stoked [slang], hopped-up

Words Related to great

Disposed, amenable, hankering, pining, restless, longing, inclined, hung up, ready, glad, engaged, craving, game, covetous, appetent, unreluctant, willing, interested, obsessed, ambitious, breathless, restive, happy

Phrases Synonymous with great

Chomping at the bit, champing at the bit

Near Antonyms for great

Languid, insouciant, uninterested, unwilling, unconcerned, lukewarm, halfhearted, disinterested, nonchalant, lackadaisical, averse, detached, spiritless, stolid, incurious, reluctant, impassive, loath (also loth or loathe), disinclined, casual, aloof, languorous, hesitant

Antonyms for great

Indifferent, uneager, apathetic, unenthusiastic

7 Coming before all others in importance

For example:

  • Regards global warming as the great issue of the day
  • Along with Noma chef René Redzepi, Puglisi is a groundbreaking chef of new Nordic Cuisine, which turned Copenhagen into one of the world’s greatest dining destinations

Synonyms for great

Primal, arch, cardinal, sovereign (also sovran), paramount, overbearing, overmastering, capital, numero uno, dominant, preeminent, greatest, predominant, big, master, central, overriding, grand, number one (also No. 1), primary, prior, premier, key, principal, first, leading, main, highest, chief, supreme, foremost

Words Related to great

Famed, distinguished, illustrious, outstanding, celebrated, signal, momentous, influential, high-level, incomparable, superior, top, matchless, prestigious, noteworthy, important, senior, renowned, star, unsurpassed, noble, mighty, notable, major, famous, unequalled (or unequalled), stellar, unparalleled, eminent, significant

Near Antonyms for great

Slight, subsidiary, minor, negligible, inferior, insignificant, secondary, inconsiderable, unimportant, subordinate, collateral, inconsequential, trifling, trivial

Antonyms for great

least, last

8 Of high birth, rank, or station

For example:

  • A descendant of one of the great families of Philadelphia

Synonyms for great

Silk-stocking, noble, highborn, gentle, aristocratic, highbred, patrician, grand, genteel, upper-class, blue-blooded, upper-crust, wellborn

Words Related to great

Lofty, high-level, ladylike, royal, high, queenly, lordly, kingly, exalted, elevated, princely, knightly, senior, regal, gentlemanly, superior, ennobled

Near Antonyms for great

Abased, subordinate, plain, ordinary, bastard, degraded, junior, knavish, illegitimate, inferior

Antonyms for great

common, lower-class, plebeian, nonaristocratic, low, lowly, baseborn, ungenteel, ignoble, humble, mean

Great (Adverb)

Synonyms & Antonyms of great

In a pleasing way

For example:

  • The game was going great for the home team

Synonyms for great

Winningly, gloriously, sweetly, nicely, pleasurably, welcomely, favourably, well, splendidly, felicitously, palatably, pleasingly, delectably, charmingly, dreamily, gratifyingly, delightfully, enjoyably, satisfyingly, enchantingly, swimmingly, pleasantly, deliciously, prettily, agreeably, fetchingly

Words Related to great

Enticingly, appealingly, marvellously, excellently, handsomely, beautifully, happily, finely, superbly, invitingly, magnificently, temptingly, sensationally, wonderfully, helpfully, appetizingly, advantageously, luckily, blessedly, grandly, attractively, fortunately

Near Antonyms for great

irritatingly, horrendously, distressingly, vexingly, horridly, abominably, sickeningly, shockingly, disgustingly, awfully, annoyingly, terribly, horribly, vilely, appallingly, dreadfully

Antonyms for great

ill, disagreeably, badly, unpleasantly

Final thoughts

The word great is great, and the article provided a big list of useful synonyms. A lot of words people use to describe something good sound flaky, but this one doesn’t. It’s simple and direct. Also, the meaning of great changes is based on what it describes.

If you say your day was great, you could mean that you are having a great time today while living in your apartment and not working. If your thesis defense was great, you could mean someone cried, and your advisor almost passed out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What word can I use instead of great?

People often use “good” as a lazy replacement for a more appropriate word. Custom Writing has created an excellent infographic that lists 200 words you can use instead of “good”. For instance, to describe the taste, use “scrumptious” or “delicious”. To describe a performance, use “stellar” or “captivating”

What’s a fancy word for good?

Great, satisfying, exceptional, positive, acceptable, satisfactory, valuable, superb, marvellous, bad, wonderful, favourable, excellent, respectable, honest, useful, talented, efficient, reliable, able.

What’s a big word for great?

Excessive, exorbitant, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate. Abundant, ample, appreciable, copious, plentiful. fat, thick. Capacious, commodious, roomy, spacious

Sarah Bentley

I’m a brand manager. That means I take knowledge from various fields – marketing, computer science, linguistics – and I synthesize it into solutions for my customers. I use my knowledge, skills, and experience to develop helpful solutions for students and make their study paths more productive and fun.

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The soul of writing is specificity, yet all too often, we lean on general-purpose words instead of choosing the most precise ones. Most of our daily communication probably depends on less than 1,000 words. Of course, that includes words such as you, I, is, are, of, and for, which are already the best words for the job. I admit that sometimes in conversation, I deliberately limit my vocabulary because I don’t want others to look at me quizzically: “Who does he think he is, anyway: one of the authors of a writing tips blog?” The result is vague, even boring, conversation, using words so general, they could fit almost everything in the world.

How was your trip? Fine.

How do you feel? Good.

Choosing other words is no improvement, if we always choose the same words. A world where everything is cool or awesome is not much more interesting than a world where everything is fine or good.

So let’s buck the trend. Here are 41 alternatives to good that can’t be used to describe everything in the world because they each have specific meanings, or at least, different connotations.

  1. breathtaking – amazing, surprising, astonishing, enough to make you gasp with pleasure, and almost enough to make you forget to breathe.
  2. choice – preferred, prized, specially selected. In New Zealand, the exclamation “Choice!” is used similarly to “Great!” in the United States.
  3. dazzling – amazing, splendid, brilliant, shining so bright that it’s hard to see it.
  4. delectable – highly delicious, usually describing food, from the Latin for “delight.”
  5. delightful – causing joy, delight or pleasure, producing positive emotion, with the same Latin root as “delectable.”
  6. deluxe – high quality, related to luxury, from the Latin for “excess.”
  7. enjoyable – pleasant, bringing pleasure and satisfaction – bringing joy.
  8. excellent – superior, best in its class, of the highest quality, making a person shout “Excelsior!”
  9. exceptional – uncommon, rare, and better for being so.
  10. exemplary – an example of high quality, a model for others.
  11. fine – delicate, exquisite, almost as good as it gets. Related to the French and Latin words for “finished” and “exact.” Overused until often it merely means “acceptable.”
  12. exquisite – exceptionally fine or rare, with the sense of extreme
  13. favorable – helpful, encouraging, positive, convenient, such as getting hoped-for results.
  14. first-rate – exceptionally good, in the highest class. Describing a British naval vessel with more than 100 guns.
  15. first-string – the starting players on a sports team; that is, the best of them. Many other expressions begin with the word first.
  16. five-star – from the hotel rating system in which a five-star hotel is among the world’s best.
  17. formidable – causing awe, respect, wonder or even fear, perhaps because it’s so large or strong.
  18. gilt-edged – high quality, from the practice of putting a thin layer of gold on the edges of a book.
  19. gratifying – pleasing, satisfying, making someone content.
  20. incredible – amazing, beyond belief, almost too good to be true.
  21. luxurious – fine or comfortable, such as an expensive hotel room. I use it to show gratitude for a gift that is too fancy for my tastes.
  22. magnificent – splendid, elegant, noble. From the Latin word for “great deeds.”
  23. opulent – showy, extravagant, magnificent, sumptuous – more than luxurious, with the sense of “more than you really need”
  24. pleasing – giving cheer, pleasure, or enjoyment – something that pleases you
  25. positive – certain, good, favorable. Currently used in expressions such as “positive energy” or “positive vibes.”
  26. precious – beloved, valuable, worthy, of high price. “Precious” writing is euphuistic: overly cute and takes itself too seriously.
  27. prime – first, as in first quality.
  28. rare – uncommon, scarce, and therefore valuable. The gravestone of an influential English playwright is inscribed with the (misspelled) tribute “O rare Ben Johnson”.
  29. satisfying – sufficient, pleasing, more than adequate.
  30. select – privileged, specially chosen, high-quality.
  31. shipshape – well-organized, fully prepared, meticulous, tidy. Before you embark on an ocean voyage, you want your ship to be in shape.
  32. sound – healthy, solid, secure, complete. If a floor is sound, you won’t fall through.
  33. sterling – of high, verifiable value, as in sterling silver, which is 92.5% pure silver. Originally referring to British coins, which had a star or a starling on them in the Middle Ages.
  34. striking – impressive, memorable, calling to mind the striking of a coin.
  35. sumptuous – costly, expensive, as in a meal with many courses of great variety. We’ve got a whole article about sumptuous.
  36. top-notch – belonging to the highest level, possibly from some 19th century game that used notches to keep score.
  37. subtle – clever and crafty, though that’s an older meaning. A subtle flavor is not overbearing, and the chef will be pleased if you tell him so.
  38. up to snuff – meeting the standard, adequate, sharp. Snuff is a more expensive powdered tobacco, which was sniffed by higher-class gentlemen as a stimulant in the 19th century.
  39. valuable – worthy of esteem, having high worth or value.
  40. welcome – anticipated, a pleasure to see, received with gladness, as in “welcome news.” From the Old English for “a wished-for guest.”
  41. well-made – built right, properly constructed, sound.

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Q: What word is better than greatest?

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People also asked

Table of Contents

  1. What is the synonym of greatly?
  2. Can I start a sentence with but?
  3. Does a comma come before or after but?
  4. Why do you put a comma after however?
  5. Does however have two commas?
  6. Can I begin a sentence with however?
  7. Do you put a comma after Therefore in the middle of a sentence?
  8. How is a comma splice corrected?

other words for good

  • acceptable.
  • exceptional.
  • great.
  • positive.
  • satisfactory.
  • satisfying.
  • superb.
  • valuable.

What is the synonym of greatly?

What is another word for greatly?

much enormously
markedly significantly
exceedingly highly
mightily remarkably
seriously tremendously

Can I start a sentence with but?

Of course, there are style guides that discourage it, but it’s perfectly acceptable to begin a sentence with “but” when writing. … Using any stylistic quirk too frequently spoils your writing. By all means, start sentences with “but” from time to time, but remember that “but” also belongs after a comma.

Does a comma come before or after but?

You should only put a comma beforebut” when connecting two independent clauses. For example, this usage of “butdoes not take a comma: “To quack but to have no one hear is a sad thing for a duck.”

Why do you put a comma after however?

To intensify or for emphasis When you use however, furthermore, moreover or therefore as intensifiers or for emphasis, we usually put commas around both sides of them. We, however, do not agree with the verdict. You can, therefore, do whatever you like. It is, moreover, true.

Does however have two commas?

In a nutshell, however is an adverb, not a true conjunction, so it can’t join two independent clauses with just a comma. … But either way, however should be set off by commas. When it’s in the middle of a clause, the commas go on both sides; when it’s at the beginning of a clause, it just needs a following comma.

Can I begin a sentence with however?

However may be used to begin a sentence, it can be used in conjunction with but, and you can place it pretty much anywhere you want in a sentence, so long as you do so with care.

Do you put a comma after Therefore in the middle of a sentence?

Thereforeshould always be followed up with a comma. This is because there is a natural pause aftertherefore” when it is included in a sentence. Without the comma the sentence may sound rushed to readers. For example, “I love spending time in nature.

How is a comma splice corrected?

Comma Splices

  1. One of the easiest ways to correct comma splices is to create two separate sentences. …
  2. Usually, a comma indicates a brief pause. …
  3. You can also correct a comma splice by inserting a coordinating conjunction such as and, or, nor, for, or but. …
  4. A comma splice can be corrected by using a subordinating conjunction.

Asked by: Karen Gibson

Score: 4.7/5
(8 votes)

admirable, amazing, astonishing, awesome, brilliant, cool, enjoyable, excellent, fabulous, fantastic, fine, incredible, magnificent, marvelous, outstanding, phenomenal, pleasant, pleasing, remarkable, sensational.

What word can you use instead of wonderful?


  • amazing,
  • astonishing,
  • astounding,
  • awesome,
  • awful,
  • eye-opening,
  • fabulous,
  • marvelous.

What is a better word than excellent?

accomplished, admirable, attractive, distinguished, exceptional, exemplary, exquisite, fine, first-rate, good, great, magnificent, outstanding, skillful, sterling, superb, superlative, capital, certified, champion.

What is a very fancy word for great?

1 immense, enormous, gigantic, huge, vast, grand. 6 noteworthy. 7 weighty, serious, momentous, vital, critical. 8 famed, eminent, noted, notable, prominent, renowned.

What is another way to say excellent?


  • accomplished.
  • admirable.
  • attractive.
  • distinguished.
  • exceptional.
  • exemplary.
  • exquisite.
  • fine.

37 related questions found

Is superb better than excellent?

As adjectives the difference between superb and excellent

is that superb is first-rate; of the highest quality; exceptionally good while excellent is of the highest quality; splendid.

How do you say something is excellent?

10 expressions to Use In Speaking And Writing:

  1. It’s great.
  2. It’s fantastic.
  3. It’s excellent.
  4. It’s better than average.
  5. It’s not bad.
  6. I’d recommend it.
  7. I’m very impressed.
  8. It’s better than I expected.

How do you express wonderful?

Synonyms of ‘wonderful’

  1. excellent, brilliant, fabulous (informal), fantastic (informal), great (informal), magnificent, marvelous, outstanding, superb, terrific (informal), tremendous.
  2. remarkable, amazing, astonishing, extraordinary, incredible, miraculous, phenomenal, staggering, startling, unheard-of.

Is amazing or wonderful better?

As adjectives the difference between wonderful and amazing

is that wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary while amazing is causing wonder and amazement; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities.

How do you describe a wonderful person?

Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to. Amiable — He’s friendly and nice. Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him. Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.

What is the difference between wonderful and incredible?

As adjectives the difference between incredible and wonderful. is that incredible is too implausible to be credible; beyond belief; unbelievable while wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary.

What’s the difference between amazing and awesome?

Awesome refers to something being extremely good or else impressive. It can also convey a feeling of greatness or sensation. Amazing can be defined as astonishing or excellent.

What’s the difference between beautiful and wonderful?

As adjectives the difference between wonderful and beautiful

is that wonderful is tending to excite wonder; surprising, extraordinary while beautiful is attractive and possessing charm.

How would you describe a wonderful experience?

Words to Describe Your Good Experience

Tremendous: extraordinarily great in size, amount, or intensity: Prodigious: extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force. Marvelous: such as to cause wonder, admiration, or astonishment; surprising; extraordinary.

Can you call someone wonderful?

If you describe something or someone as wonderful, you think they are extremely good. The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face. It’s wonderful to see you.

What are positive words?

Positive Words Vocabulary List

  • absolutely. accepted. acclaimed. accomplish. …
  • beaming. beautiful. believe. beneficial. …
  • calm. celebrated. certain. champ. …
  • dazzling. delight. delightful. distinguished. …
  • earnest. easy. ecstatic. effective. …
  • fabulous. fair. familiar. famous. …
  • generous. genius. genuine. giving. …
  • handsome. happy. harmonious. healing.

How do you describe something really good?

Excellent. “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality. Almost anything you can describe as “good,” you can also describe as excellent.

How do you describe something so good?

Excellent. We often say someone is very well or something is of high quality or really good using the word “excellent”.

What is a word for how well something works?

You can also use utility, usefulness or usability. 1 The state of being useful, profitable, or beneficial.

What is the synonym of superb?

Some common synonyms of superb are glorious, gorgeous, resplendent, splendid, and sublime.

Does Amazing mean good?

Use the adjective amazing to describe something that is so good, it surprises you, like the amazing beauty of the Rocky Mountains or the amazing feats of a truly great athlete.

What means the same as amazing?

astonishing, astounding, surprising, bewildering, stunning, staggering, shocking, startling, stupefying, breathtaking, perplexing, confounding, dismaying, disconcerting, shattering. awesome, awe-inspiring, sensational, remarkable, spectacular, stupendous, phenomenal, prodigious, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable.

What does it mean if something is incredible?

1 : too extraordinary and improbable to be believed making incredible claims. 2 : amazing, extraordinary incredible skill an incredible appetite met an incredible woman.

What are positive words to describe a person?

Explore the Words

  • adaptable. capable of fitting a particular situation or use. …
  • adventurous. willing to undertake new and daring enterprises.
  • affectionate. having or displaying warmth or fondness.
  • ambitious. having a strong desire for success or achievement.
  • amiable. …
  • compassionate. …
  • considerate. …
  • courageous.

What 3 words would best describe you?

Words you can use to describe yourself

  • Inquisitive.
  • Organised.
  • Passionate.
  • Patient.
  • Reliable.
  • Responsible.
  • Thoughtful.
  • Witty.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the suffix of shock?
  2. What’s a better word for shocking?
  3. Is shockingly a word?
  4. Is it unprofessional to say awesome?
  5. What is the best meaning of excellent?
  6. What is the verb form of excellent?
  7. How do you say great performance?
  8. How do you say well done?
  9. How do you use performance?
  10. How do you install a performance counter?
  11. How do I start a performance counter?
  12. How do you use a performance counter?
  13. Which is measured by performance counters?
  14. Where are performance counters stored?
  15. How do you read a Windows performance counter?
  16. What are performance counters Windows?
  17. How do you analyze perfmon?
  18. How do you automate Perfmon?

other words for the best admirable. excellent. first-rate. magnificent. marvelous.

What is the suffix of shock?

shock – Suffix dismayed; appalled; aghast. verb surprise greatly; knock someone’s socks off. take aback; shock; ball over; blow out of the water; floor. I was floored when I heard that I was promoted.

What’s a better word for shocking?

SYNONYMS FOR shocking 1 staggering, astounding, startling, appalling.

Is shockingly a word?

Meaning of shockingly in English. in a way that is offensive, upsetting, or immoral: Stories of abused and battered children are shockingly familiar.

Is it unprofessional to say awesome?

“Awesome” is not cool. It is not outré. It is not out-of-the-box. It is mindless, shallow, slothful, ersatz, and, ultimately, disrespectful of anyone you are speaking to.

What is the best meaning of excellent?

Something excellent is very good, great, or high quality: this is one of the best compliments around. Words like extraordinary and exceptional are similar in meaning to excellent. This is a strong word used mainly for things, people, and actions that are much better than average.

What is the verb form of excellent?

Word family (noun) excellence Excellency (adjective) excellent (verb) excel (adverb) excellently.

How do you say great performance?

great performance

  1. achievement.
  2. centerpiece.
  3. feat.
  4. feature.
  5. highlight.
  6. jewel.
  7. magnum opus.
  8. main dish.

How do you say well done?

21 ways to say “well done”

  1. I’m proud you’re on my team.
  2. Congratulations on a terrific job.
  3. You’re so helpful. Thank you.
  4. You continually improve. Well done.
  5. Thanks so much for your consistent effort.
  6. I really admire your perseverance.
  7. Your cheerful mood lifts the team’s spirit.
  8. You’re a champion.

How do you use performance?

Used with prepositions: “The actor’s performance as Hamlet was excellent.” “Her performance in the play was great.” “His performance on stage has ended.” “That was a great performance from the orchestra.”

How do you install a performance counter?

Install all Windows performance counters

  1. Log in to IIM.
  2. Stop the capnode services.
  3. Download the updated capnode folder for the specific integration type.
  4. Open. Windows Power Shell. as an administrator.
  5. In. Powershell. , browse to.
  6. Run the. createWinCounters_v1.ps1. power shell script.
  7. Open Notepad as administrator.
  8. Open. C:/Program Files/capnode/system.config. .

How do I start a performance counter?

To set up Business Central performance counters

  1. Start Windows Performance Monitor.
  2. In the navigation pane, expand Monitoring Tools, and then choose Performance Monitor.
  3. In the console pane toolbar, choose the Add button.

How do you use a performance counter?

Open Start, do a search for Performance Monitor, and click the result. Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command, type perfmon, and click OK to open. Use the Windows key + X keyboard shortcut to open the Power User menu, select Computer Management, and click on Performance.

Which is measured by performance counters?

Performance counters are bits of code that monitor, count, or measure events in software, which allow us to see patterns from a high-level view. They are registered with the operating system during installation of the software, allowing anyone with the proper permissions to view them.

Where are performance counters stored?

When you run a Data Collector Set, the data that is collected for performance counters is stored to a log file (. blg) in the location that was defined when the Data Collector Set was created. In Windows Performance Monitor, you can view log files to see a visual representation of performance counter data.

How do you read a Windows performance counter?

View performance counters

  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. In the Open field, enter perfmon , and then click OK.
  3. From Monitoring Tools, select Performance Monitor. A graph region appears.
  4. Right click the graph region, and from the menu, select Add Counters. The following categories appear: DTL and Events.
  5. Expand these categories to view more information.

What are performance counters Windows?

Windows Performance Counters provide a high-level abstraction layer that provides a consistent interface for collecting various kinds of system data such as CPU, memory, and disk usage. System administrators often use performance counters to monitor systems for performance or behavior problems.

How do you analyze perfmon?

To analyze counter data with the Perfmon Viewer, you can use the controls and indicators that exist in the lower and upper sectors of the viewer interface, which are referred to as the Counter Table and the Data Grid, respectively. The controls can change the way you display the data to facilitate analysis.

How do you automate Perfmon?

We can automate creating one perfmon log file for each day. Then move the old files to a network share for later reference. Cut and paste the contents below to a file name “SQL2005BaselineCounters. config” and save the file in “E:/perflogs”.

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