What word do you hear in the dialogue

The following words/phrases appear in the dialogue. What might the dialogue be about? Listen, read and check.
Сьюзи: Ahh, Vanessa, that giraffe in the picture is so sweet.
Ванесса: Yes, and guess what? Ive actually adopted him!
Сьюзи: Adopted him! What do you mean?
Ванесса: Well, when you visit the zoo, you can choose an animal you like and donate money every month to help pay for the things it needs. You know, like food, the cleaning of its enclosure, that kind of thing.
Сьюзи: Thats a great idea!
Ванесса:Also, some of the money you give goes towards the zoos conservation programmes.
Сьюзи: So you get to help other endangered species as well?
Ванесса: Thats right. After all, its our modern lifestyles that pollute and destroy the animals natural habitats.
Сьюзи: I agree. Its good to try and do something before its too late. Do you get anything in return for all your help?
Ванесса: Oh yes, an adoption certificate and a ticket to go and visit your animal at the zoo any time you like.
Сьюзи: That sounds cool! I think I might adopt an animal, but which one? I love them all!
Ванесса: Hey, its your birthday soon. Why dont I give you an adoption certificate as a gift?
Сьюзи: Fantastic! Thanks, Vanessa!

Задать свой вопрос

Listen to the dialogue following the text.
Answer the question: Why do these people disagree with each other?
—    You’ve got to wear a dress!
—    I don’t have to!
—    It’s our family reunion, and I don’t want you to look like too wild!
—    Fine, then I’ll just stay at home!
—    You’re going and that’s final! I insist that you go to the party with me!
—    I don’t even have a dress to wear.
—    Yes, you do. What about the black velvet one your grandmother gave you for your birthday?
—    It’s too square, too conservative. Everyone will laugh.
—    Everyone will think you look lovely.
—     Oh, great… lovely! Just how I want to look!
—    It’s almost time to leave. I think you’d better get ready.
—   Who’s going to be there?
—  Well, the same people as last year: your cousins, your grandparents… and. of course, great-grandmother Schuller.
—  Great-grandmother Schuller! She’s so old. All she does is sit in her wheelchair and watch us. She gives me the creeps (у меня от нее мороз по коже).
Carrie, this is a special party. Can’t you forget about yourself? Do you think that just because you’re young and pretty, you are better than old people? Well. I have something to tell you, young lady. Beauty is as beauty does, and I haven’t seen any sign of beauty in you for a long time. Now go to your room and get dressed.

1 see your   2 just don’t know   3 don’t sound

4 guess you’re   5 ask you   6 that’s my

7 this problem   8 don’t think



Sophia   Hi, Charlie. You don’t look very happy. Is there a problem?

Charlie   Well, yes. I just don’t know what to do.

 Tell me about it.

C   Well, you know I’m in the basketball team …

 Yes. You’re really good!

C   Well, I want to stop playing.

 Stop playing? Why?

C   I haven’t got time. I’ve got too much schoolwork this year.

 So … what’s the problem?

C   I feel bad about leaving the team in the middle of the year.

 Why don’t you talk to your team-mates about it?

C   I talked to them yesterday. They were really upset! They say they need me in the team.

 Oh dear – I see your problem.

C   What can I do?

 I don’t know. Sorry!


Maisie   Hi, Daniel.

Daniel   Oh, hello Maisie. How are you?

M   Oh … OK, I suppose.

 You don’t sound very happy!

M   Well, I’ve got this problem.

 What is it?

M   My aunt gave me two tickets to a One Direction concert. It was for my birthday.

 But you hate One Direction!

M   I know. That’s the problem! I don’t want to go to the concert.

 My sister loves One Direction. You can give the tickets to her …

M   But what can I tell my aunt? Do you think I should tell the truth?

 Hmm. No, I don’t. Just say you went to the concert and enjoyed it.

M   Really? Is that OK?

 I think it is, yes. I mean, you don’t want your aunt to be upset, do you?

M   No. I guess you’re right, Daniel.


Emma   Hello, Luke. Can I ask you something?

Luke   Yes, of course. What is it?

E   Well, it’s about my science project. We have to hand it in tomorrow – and I only started it today!

 Oh dear. Why?

E   Well, I was ill last week. Remember? And then I had a lot of other homework …I need more time!

 Talk to Mr Woods, then. Ask for more time.

E   But my last project was late too. And Mr Woods was really cross with me! So I don’t want to ask for more time.

L   You haven’t got a choice. You can’t finish it before tomorrow, can you?

E   Well, if I look for something on the internet …

L   Something to copy? No, I don’t think you should do that. Just talk to him – that’s my advice.

E   I can’t. You don’t understand!

L   What are you doing now?

E   I’m looking for science projects on the internet.


Alice   Hi, George. How are things?

George   Oh, hello Alice. Hmm. Not too good, really.

 Oh no. What’s the matter?

 Well, I’ve got this problem with my Facebook page. I put a photo on it – it’s a photo of me on holiday.

 Yes. So what?

 Well, a few people made comments. They weren’t very nice comments.

 Oh well. That happens sometimes.

 I was really upset.

A   You shouldn’t be upset. Just forget about it. People do things like that. It isn’t nice, but it happens. Don’t let it worry you.

G   Should I make a complaint to Facebook?

 No, I don’t think you should do that. But you should delete the comments. And maybe take the photo down too.

G   OK. I can do that now. Thanks for the advice. But I still feel bad.

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