What word did the name of

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Ответьте срочно нужно,пожалуйста без переводчика
Canada Quiz
1. What word did the name of the country come from? What does it mean?
2. Where is Canada situated?
3. What oceans is the country washed by?
4. What is the capital of Canada?
5. What are the official languages of Canada?
6. What animal is the symbol of the country?
7. What holiday do the Canadians and the Americans celebrate on Februaru 2?
8. Who is the head of the country?
9. What longest river in Canada do you know?
10. What are the largest cities in Canada?

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Скорее всего это задание по тексту, так?

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    Вопрос по английскому языку:

    Ответьте срочно нужно,пожалуйста без переводчика
    Canada Quiz
    1. What word did the name of the country come from? What does it mean?
    2. Where is Canada situated?
    3. What oceans is the country washed by?
    4. What is the capital of Canada?
    5. What are the official languages of Canada?
    6. What animal is the symbol of the country?
    7. What holiday do the Canadians and the Americans celebrate on Februaru 2?
    8. Who is the head of the country?
    9. What longest river in Canada do you know?
    10. What are the largest cities in Canada?

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      правильный ответ;
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    • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
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      знаю» и так далее;
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    • Писать в ВЕРХНЕМ РЕГИСТРЕ.

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    is the national emblem of England?

    a)     violet         b)
    rose       c) tulip      d) daffodil

    does the word “Albion” the poetic name of Great Britain mean?

    a)     black     b)
    red     c) white     d) green   

    is the nickname of the flag of the UK?

    a)     Union Jack    b)
    stars & stripes   c) St. Patrick    d) St. Andrew

    4. What is the name of the Londonʼs residence of the Queen?

    a)Windsor Palace  b) Kensington Palace  c) Westminster  d) Buckingham Palace

    5. What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of Great Britain?

    a) №10 Downing Street    b) Bakerʼs street    c) White Hall      d) Westminster

    6. Where was William Shakespeare born?

    a) Sheffield     b) Coventry     c) Stratford-on-Avon      d) Glasgow 

    7. How many states are there in the USA?

    a) 48                b) 50         c) 52       d) 54

    8. Where does the president of the USA live and work?

    the White House     b) Congress     c) the Pentagon     d) Capitol Hill

    9. What is the biggest state of the USA?

    a)  Texas     b) Illinois    c) California     d) Alaska

    Who was the first president of the USA?

    a) George Washington   b) John Adams   c) Abraham Lincoln   d) Bill Clinton

    11. Who was the president of the USA when slaves were freed?

    a) George Washington   b) John Adams   c) Abraham Lincoln   d) Thomas

    12. In which city is Hollywood?

    a) New York     b) San Francisco     c) Los Angeles     d) Chicago

    13. The American flag has….

    a) 13 stripes     b) 23 stripes     c) 30 stripes     d) 50 stripes

    14. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

    a) February, 14     b) May, 28     c) July, 4     d) December, 25

    15. What ship did the first American settlers come to America in?

    a) the Adventure    b) the Resolution    c) Santa Maria    d) the Mayflower

    16. What state does the capital of the USA belong to?

    a) the State of Pennsylvania  b) the District of Columbia  c) Florida  d)

    17.  How long did the War of the Roses last?

    a) 10 years     b) 20 years     c) 30 years     d) 40 years

    18.  What is “Disneyland”?

    a)  industry town     b) name of a square    c) cartoon      d) Childrenʼs park

    19. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated?

    a) New York     b) Massachusetts    c) Los Angeles     d) Washington

    20. Whose monument stands on the Trafalgar Square in London?

    a) Winston Churchill   b) Admiral Nelson   c) Captain Drake   d) Julius Caesar 

    21. What is the oldest University of Great Britain?

    Oxford     b) Cambridge     c) Exeter     d) Harvard

    22. What is the capital of Australia?

    a) Sydney     b) Canberra     c) Melbourne     d) Ottawa

    23. What is the capital of Canada?

    a) Toronto      b) Ottawa     c) Sydney     d) Canberra

    Who was the first Englishman who sailed round the world?

    a) Captain James Cook     b) Admiral Nelson     c) Captain Drake     d)  Casey

    25. How
    did the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (William and Kate Middleton) name their

    first  child (son) …

    a)     John Louis      b)
    Philipp      c) Theodore William    d) George Alexander Louis

    to the test


























    You know it as the shortest month of the year—or, depending on where you live, the coldest. But, do you know where the name February came from?

    When did we add February to the calendar?

    First, some calendar-related history. The original Roman calendar only had 10 months, because, curiously, the Romans didn’t demarcate winter. (Sometimes, we wish we could do the same.)

    In the 700s BCE, the second king of Rome, Numa Pompilius, changed that, adding January and February to the end of the calendar in order to conform to how long it actually takes Earth to go around the sun. The two new months were both originally 28 days long. It is lost to history why January acquired more days, though there are various unverifiable hypotheses.

    At that time, March 1 became New Year’s Day, but later, in 153 BCE, the beginning of the year was moved to January 1.

    Don’t forget to calendar some time to learn what else is behind the word February. Visit this article to get more insight into its history and significance.

    Why was February called cabbage month?

    Before we adopted the Latin name for our second month, Old English used much more vibrant names to describe the month now known as February. The most common Old English name was Solmonath, which literally means “mud month.”

    A lesser-used term was Kale-monath, which meant “cabbage month.” Perhaps, the medieval English were eating a lot of cabbage in February? Strange.

    Where did the word February come from?

    Since other months, like January, are named after Roman gods, you’d be forgiven for thinking February was named after the Roman god Februus. But, the word February comes from the Roman festival of purification called Februa, during which people were ritually washed. In this case, the god was named after the festival, not the other way around.

    What do we celebrate in February?

    We may not have a festival of ritual washing, but February is big month for holidays. Valentine’s Day is held February 14 (and has a pretty interesting origin story, if we might add). Find out the history behind its namesake here. And don’t forget these printable valentines for word lovers, young and old.

    We honor the achievements of our leaders, past and present, with Presidents’ Day. This February 22 holiday originally recognized the birthday of our first president and dollar bill cover model, George Washington. (Did you know? American presidents helped these words join our everyday vocabulary.)

    February is Black History Month. Black history is American history, and it’s vital we continue or revisit our learning all year round—and not only during February. Join us for this roundup of some important terms in Black history, past and present, and 28 quotes to jumpstart each day of Black History Month.

    If you were born between January 21–February 18, then you’re celebrating your status as an Aquarius, and you just might be humanitarian and creative. Why is that? You’ll just have to find out in our round-up of words describing Aquarians. Those born February 19–March 20 are known as intuitive and romantic Pisces.

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