What word class is mum

«If you don’t have your own opinion, you’re had by those who has it.» — Если вы не имеете собственного мнения, то вас имеют те, кто его имеет

 Friday [ʹfraıdı] , 14 April [ʹeıprəl] 2023

Транскрипция слов и перевод текста

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  • Англо-русский словарь

    [ʹwɜ:dklɑ:s] лингв.

    разряд слов; часть речи

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

to translate word for word [off-hand, adequately] — переводить дословно [без подготовки, точно]

literal [word for word] translation — буквальный /дословный/ [пословный] перевод

his speech was transcribed in the newspapers word for word — его речь была дословно воспроизведена в газетах

to give the word, to say the word — отдать приказание /распоряжение, команду/

how do you write this word?, how is this word written? — как пишется это слово?


Разговорные фразы

просьба не раскрывать секрет или не рассказывать о чём-либо или о ком-либо.
ВОВ: I hope you won’t tell all this to anyone. BILL: Don’t worry, the word is mum.
l<The word is mum, » said Jane to ease Mary’s mind about the secret.

(американский разговорный)

Мне нужно немного поговорить с вами наедине. (Вместо глагола could могут употребляться сап или may.)
BOB: Can I have a word with you? SALLY: Sure. I’ll be with you in a minute.
SALLY: Tom? TOM: Yes. SALLY: I’d like to have a word with you. TOM: Okay. What’s it about?

(американский разговорный)


Сочетаемость частей речи

What English word corresponds to the Russian word? Какое английское слово соответствует этому русскому слову?
(Глагольные словосочетания)

to get word/ the word получить известие/ приказание
(Глагольные словосочетания)

to translate smth word for word/ verbatim переводить что-то слово в слово/ дословно
(Глагольные словосочетания)

to report smth verbatim/ word for word передать что-то слово в слово
(Глагольные словосочетания)

to quote smth verbatim/ word for word цитировать что-то слово в слово
(Глагольные словосочетания)


Louisa May Alcott

Louisa May Alcott

I’m reading Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women right now. Throughout the book, the March sisters refer to their mother as “marmee.” This looks like an odd term of endearment until you remember that Alcott grew up (and set her book in) Eastern Massachusetts. Given that her accent was probably non-rhotic (i.e. she dropped her r’s), “marmee” is essentially a different way of writing modern-day mommy.

This got me thinking. We have several informal words for “mother” in English: mum (heard in much of England), mom (heard in much of America), and mam (heard in Ireland and Northern England). But are these actually different words, or are they just, in some sense, the same word?

Although “mum,” “mam,” and “momread differently, they’re often pronounced in a very similar way. Here’s a comparison of three different dialects, and their “mom” pronunciations (don’t worry if you aren’t proficient in IPA — I’ll explain after):

London: “mum” — [mɐm]
General American: “mom” — [mɑm]
Manchester, UK: “mam” — [mam]

Whether you understand the IPA symbols above or not, the point is that in these three dialects, the words are quite close in pronunciation. To be fair, there are some regions where this is not the case. In the Western US, for example, mom is often more clearly “mawm.” Still, is it possible that mom and mum and mam began as different spellings rather than different words?

I suspect this may be the case because written usage of them seems fairly recent. Mom and mum appear to only date back to the 19th Century in written form. I’m curious if perhaps mam is the earliest of these, and mom and mum were just different ways of rendering this.

But that’s all I can say for now. I’ve been able to find little information as to whether these words have some common derivation. Google searches of “mom vs. mum” or “mom mum mam” don’t yield anything substantial. I haven’t found much info about their etymologies either. Any thoughts?

About Ben

Ben T. Smith launched his dialect fascination while working in theatre. He has worked as an actor, playwright, director, critic and dialect coach. Other passions include linguistics, urban development, philosophy and film.

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Words don’t only mean something; they also do something. In the English language, words are grouped into word classes based on their function, i.e. what they do in a phrase or sentence. In total, there are nine word classes in English.

Word class meaning and example

All words can be categorised into classes within a language based on their function and purpose.

An example of various word classes is ‘The cat ate a cupcake quickly.’

  • The = a determiner

  • cat = a noun

  • ate = a verb

  • a = determiner

  • cupcake = noun

  • quickly = an adverb

Word class function

The function of a word class, also known as a part of speech, is to classify words according to their grammatical properties and the roles they play in sentences. By assigning words to different word classes, we can understand how they should be used in context and how they relate to other words in a sentence.

Each word class has its own unique set of characteristics and rules for usage, and understanding the function of word classes is essential for effective communication in English. Knowing our word classes allows us to create clear and grammatically correct sentences that convey our intended meaning.

Word classes in English

In English, there are four main word classes; nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. These are considered lexical words, and they provide the main meaning of a phrase or sentence.

The other five word classes are; prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, and interjections. These are considered functional words, and they provide structural and relational information in a sentence or phrase.

Don’t worry if it sounds a bit confusing right now. Read ahead and you’ll be a master of the different types of word classes in no time!

All word classes Definition Examples of word classification
Noun A word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea. cat, house, plant
Pronoun A word that is used in place of a noun to avoid repetition. he, she, they, it
Verb A word that expresses action, occurrence, or state of being. run, sing, grow
Adjective A word that describes or modifies a noun or pronoun. blue, tall, happy
Adverb A word that describes or modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb. quickly, very
Preposition A word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. in, on, at
Conjunction A word that connects words, phrases, or clauses. and, or, but
Interjection A word that expresses strong emotions or feelings. wow, oh, ouch
Determiners A word that clarifies information about the quantity, location, or ownership of the noun Articles like ‘the’ and ‘an’, and quantifiers like ‘some’ and ‘all’.

The four main word classes

In the English language, there are four main word classes: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Let’s look at all the word classes in detail.


Nouns are the words we use to describe people, places, objects, feelings, concepts, etc. Usually, nouns are tangible (touchable) things, such as a table, a person, or a building.

However, we also have abstract nouns, which are things we can feel and describe but can’t necessarily see or touch, such as love, honour, or excitement. Proper nouns are the names we give to specific and official people, places, or things, such as England, Claire, or Hoover.








‘My sister went to school.


Verbs are words that show action, event, feeling, or state of being. This can be a physical action or event, or it can be a feeling that is experienced.

Lexical verbs are considered one of the four main word classes, and auxiliary verbs are not. Lexical verbs are the main verb in a sentence that shows action, event, feeling, or state of being, such as walk, ran, felt, and want, whereas an auxiliary verb helps the main verb and expresses grammatical meaning, such as has, is, and do.








‘She wished for a sunny day.’


Adjectives are words used to modify nouns, usually by describing them. Adjectives describe an attribute, quality, or state of being of the noun.









‘The friendly woman wore a beautiful dress.’

Word class, Image of woman in dress, StudySmarterFig 1. Adjectives can describe the woman and the dress


Adverbs are words that work alongside verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They provide further descriptions of how, where, when, and how often something is done.







The music was too loud.’

All of the above examples are lexical word classes and carry most of the meaning in a sentence. They make up the majority of the words in the English language.

The other five word classes

The other five remaining word classes are; prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, and interjections. These words are considered functional words and are used to explain grammatical and structural relationships between words.

For example, prepositions can be used to explain where one object is in relation to another.


Prepositions are used to show the relationship between words in terms of place, time, direction, and agency.










They went through the tunnel.’


Pronouns take the place of a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence. They often refer to a noun that has already been mentioned and are commonly used to avoid repetition.

Chloe (noun) → she (pronoun)

Chloe’s dog → her dog (possessive pronoun)

There are several different types of pronouns; let’s look at some examples of each.

  • He, she, it, they — personal pronouns
  • His, hers, its, theirs, mine, ours — possessive pronouns
  • Himself, herself, myself, ourselves, themselves — reflexive pronouns
  • This, that, those, these — demonstrative pronouns
  • Anyone, somebody, everyone, anything, something — Indefinite pronouns
  • Which, what, that, who, who — Relative pronouns

She sat on the chair which was broken.’


Determiners work alongside nouns to clarify information about the quantity, location, or ownership of the noun. It ‘determines’ exactly what is being referred to. Much like pronouns, there are also several different types of determiners.

  • The, a, an — articles
  • This, that, those — you might recognise these for demonstrative pronouns are also determiners
  • One, two, three etc. — cardinal numbers
  • First, second, third etc. — ordinal numbers
  • Some, most, all — quantifiers
  • Other, another — difference words

The first restaurant is better than the other.’


Conjunctions are words that connect other words, phrases, and clauses together within a sentence. There are three main types of conjunctions;

  • Coordinating conjunctions — these link independent clauses together.

  • Subordinating conjunctions — these link dependent clauses to independent clauses.

  • Correlative conjunctions — words that work in pairs to join two parts of a sentence of equal importance.

For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so — coordinating conjunctions

After, as, because, when, while, before, if, even though — subordinating conjunctions

Either/or, neither/nor, both/and — correlative conjunctions

If it rains, I’m not going out.’


Interjections are exclamatory words used to express an emotion or a reaction. They often stand alone from the rest of the sentence and are accompanied by an exclamation mark.





Oh, what a surprise!’

Word class: lexical classes and function classes

A helpful way to understand lexical word classes is to see them as the building blocks of sentences. If the lexical word classes are the blocks themselves, then the function word classes are the cement holding the words together and giving structure to the sentence.

Word class, lexical class, functional class, StudySmarterFig 2. Lexical and functional word classes

In this diagram, the lexical classes are in blue and the function classes are in yellow. We can see that the words in blue provide the key information, and the words in yellow bring this information together in a structured way.

Word class examples

Sometimes it can be tricky to know exactly which word class a word belongs to. Some words can function as more than one word class depending on how they are used in a sentence. For this reason, we must look at words in context, i.e. how a word works within the sentence. Take a look at the following examples of word classes to see the importance of word class categorisation.

The dog will bark if you open the door.

The tree bark was dark and rugged.

Here we can see that the same word (bark) has a different meaning and different word class in each sentence. In the first example, ‘bark’ is used as a verb, and in the second as a noun (an object in this case).

I left my sunglasses on the beach.

The horse stood on Sarah’s left foot.

In the first sentence, the word ‘left’ is used as a verb (an action), and in the second, it is used to modify the noun (foot). In this case, it is an adjective.

I run every day

I went for a run

In this example, ‘run’ can be a verb or a noun.

Word Class — Key takeaways

  • We group words into word classes based on the function they perform in a sentence.

  • The four main word classes are nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. These are lexical classes that give meaning to a sentence.

  • The other five word classes are prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, and interjections. These are function classes that are used to explain grammatical and structural relationships between words.

  • It is important to look at the context of a sentence in order to work out which word class a word belongs to.

Frequently Asked Questions about Word Class

A word class is a group of words that have similar properties and play a similar role in a sentence.

Some examples of how some words can function as more than one word class include the way ‘run’ can be a verb (‘I run every day’) or a noun (‘I went for a run’). Similarly, ‘well’ can be an adverb (‘He plays the guitar well’) or an adjective (‘She’s feeling well today’). 

The nine word classes are; Nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, pronouns, determiners, conjunctions, interjections.

Categorising words into word classes helps us to understand the function the word is playing within a sentence.

Parts of speech is another term for word classes.

The different groups of word classes include lexical classes that act as the building blocks of a sentence e.g. nouns. The other word classes are function classes that act as the ‘glue’ and give grammatical information in a sentence e.g. prepositions.

The word classes for all, that, and the is:
‘All’ = determiner (quantifier)
‘That’ = pronoun and/or determiner (demonstrative pronoun)
‘The’ = determiner (article)

Final Word Class Quiz

Word Class Quiz — Teste dein Wissen


A word can only belong to one type of noun. True or false?

Show answer


This is false. A word can belong to multiple categories of nouns and this may change according to the context of the word.

Show question


Name the two principal categories of nouns.

Show answer


The two principal types of nouns are ‘common nouns’ and ‘proper nouns’.

Show question


Which of the following is an example of a proper noun?

Show answer


Name the 6 types of common nouns discussed in the text.

Show answer


Concrete nouns, abstract nouns, countable nouns, uncountable nouns, collective nouns, and compound nouns.

Show question


What is the difference between a concrete noun and an abstract noun?

Show answer


A concrete noun is a thing that physically exists. We can usually touch this thing and measure its proportions. An abstract noun, however, does not physically exist. It is a concept, idea, or feeling that only exists within the mind.

Show question


Pick out the concrete noun from the following:

Show answer


Pick out the abstract noun from the following:

Show answer


What is the difference between a countable and an uncountable noun? Can you think of an example for each?

Show answer


A countable noun is a thing that can be ‘counted’, i.e. it can exist in the plural. Some examples include ‘bottle’, ‘dog’ and ‘boy’. These are often concrete nouns. 

An uncountable noun is something that can not be counted, so you often cannot place a number in front of it. Examples include ‘love’, ‘joy’, and ‘milk’.

Show question


Pick out the collective noun from the following:

Show answer


What is the collective noun for a group of sheep?

Show answer


The collective noun is a ‘flock’, as in ‘flock of sheep’.

Show question


The word ‘greenhouse’ is a compound noun. True or false?

Show answer


This is true. The word ‘greenhouse’ is a compound noun as it is made up of two separate words ‘green’ and ‘house’. These come together to form a new word.

Show question


What are the adjectives in this sentence?: ‘The little boy climbed up the big, green tree’

Show answer


The adjectives are ‘little’ and ‘big’, and ‘green’ as they describe features about the nouns.

Show question


Place the adjectives in this sentence into the correct order: the wooden blue big ship sailed across the Indian vast scary ocean.

Show answer


The big, blue, wooden ship sailed across the vast, scary, Indian ocean.

Show question


What are the 3 different positions in which an adjective can be placed?

Show answer


An adjective can be placed before a noun (pre-modification), after a noun (post-modification), or following a verb as a complement.

Show question


In this sentence, does the adjective pre-modify or post-modify the noun? ‘The unicorn is angry’.

Show answer


The adjective ‘angry’ post-modifies the noun ‘unicorn’.

Show question


In this sentence, does the adjective pre-modify or post-modify the noun? ‘It is a scary unicorn’.

Show answer


The adjective ‘scary’ pre-modifies the noun ‘unicorn’.

Show question


What kind of adjectives are ‘purple’ and ‘shiny’?

Show answer


‘Purple’ and ‘Shiny’ are qualitative adjectives as they describe a quality or feature of a noun

Show question


What kind of adjectives are ‘ugly’ and ‘easy’?

Show answer


The words ‘ugly’ and ‘easy’ are evaluative adjectives as they give a subjective opinion on the noun.

Show question


Which of the following adjectives is an absolute adjective?

Show answer


Which of these adjectives is a classifying adjective?

Show answer


Convert the noun ‘quick’ to its comparative form.

Show answer


The comparative form of ‘quick’ is ‘quicker’.

Show question


Convert the noun ‘slow’ to its superlative form.

Show answer


The comparative form of ‘slow’ is ‘slowest’.

Show question


What is an adjective phrase?

Show answer


An adjective phrase is a group of words that is ‘built’ around the adjective (it takes centre stage in the sentence). For example, in the phrase ‘the dog is big’ the word ‘big’ is the most important information.

Show question


Give 2 examples of suffixes that are typical of adjectives.

Show answer


Suffixes typical of adjectives include -able, -ible, -ful, -y, -less, -ous, -some, -ive, -ish, -al.

Show question


What is the difference between a main verb and an auxiliary verb?

Show answer


A main verb is a verb that can stand on its own and carries most of the meaning in a verb phrase. For example, ‘run’, ‘find’. Auxiliary verbs cannot stand alone, instead, they work alongside a main verb and ‘help’ the verb to express more grammatical information e.g. tense, mood, possibility.

Show question


What is the difference between a primary auxiliary verb and a modal auxiliary verb?

Show answer


Primary auxiliary verbs consist of the various forms of ‘to have’, ‘to be’, and ‘to do’ e.g. ‘had’, ‘was’, ‘done’. They help to express a verb’s tense, voice, or mood. Modal auxiliary verbs show possibility, ability, permission, or obligation. There are 9 auxiliary verbs including ‘could’, ‘will’, might’.

Show question


Which of the following are primary auxiliary verbs?

  • Is

  • Play

  • Have

  • Run

  • Does

  • Could

Show answer


The primary auxiliary verbs in this list are ‘is’, ‘have’, and ‘does’. They are all forms of the main primary auxiliary verbs ‘to have’, ‘to be’, and ‘to do’. ‘Play’ and ‘run’ are main verbs and ‘could’ is a modal auxiliary verb.

Show question


Name 6 out of the 9 modal auxiliary verbs.

Show answer


Answers include: Could, would, should, may, might, can, will, must, shall

Show question


‘The fairies were asleep’. In this sentence, is the verb ‘were’ a linking verb or an auxiliary verb?

Show answer


The word ‘were’ is used as a linking verb as it stands alone in the sentence. It is used to link the subject (fairies) and the adjective (asleep).

Show question


What is the difference between dynamic verbs and stative verbs?

Show answer


A dynamic verb describes an action or process done by a noun or subject. They are thought of as ‘action verbs’ e.g. ‘kick’, ‘run’, ‘eat’. Stative verbs describe the state of being of a person or thing. These are states that are not necessarily physical action e.g. ‘know’, ‘love’, ‘suppose’.

Show question


Which of the following are dynamic verbs and which are stative verbs?

  • Drink

  • Prefer

  • Talk

  • Seem

  • Understand

  • Write

Show answer


The dynamic verbs are ‘drink’, ‘talk’, and ‘write’ as they all describe an action. The stative verbs are ‘prefer’, ‘seem’, and ‘understand’ as they all describe a state of being.

Show question


What is an imperative verb?

Show answer


Imperative verbs are verbs used to give orders, give instructions, make a request or give warning. They tell someone to do something. For example, ‘clean your room!’.

Show question


Inflections give information about tense, person, number, mood, or voice. True or false?

Show answer


What information does the inflection ‘-ing’ give for a verb?

Show answer


The inflection ‘-ing’ is often used to show that an action or state is continuous and ongoing.

Show question


How do you know if a verb is irregular?

Show answer


An irregular verb does not take the regular inflections, instead the whole word is spelt a different way. For example, begin becomes ‘began’ or ‘begun’. We can’t add the regular past tense inflection -ed as this would become ‘beginned’ which doesn’t make sense.

Show question


Suffixes can never signal what word class a word belongs to. True or false?

Show answer


False. Suffixes can signal what word class a word belongs to. For example, ‘-ify’ is a common suffix for verbs (‘identity’, ‘simplify’)

Show question


A verb phrase is built around a noun. True or false?

Show answer


False. A verb phrase is a group of words that has a main verb along with any other auxiliary verbs that ‘help’ the main verb. For example, ‘could eat’ is a verb phrase as it contains a main verb (‘could’) and an auxiliary verb (‘could’).

Show question


Which of the following are multi-word verbs? 

  • Shake

  • Rely on

  • Dancing

  • Look up to

Show answer


The verbs ‘rely on’ and ‘look up to’ are multi-word verbs as they consist of a verb that has one or more prepositions or particles linked to it.

Show question


What is the difference between a transition verb and an intransitive verb?

Show answer


Transitive verbs are verbs that require an object in order to make sense. For example, the word ‘bring’ requires an object that is brought (‘I bring news’). Intransitive verbs do not require an object to complete the meaning of the sentence e.g. ‘exist’ (‘I exist’).

Show question


An adverb is a word that gives more information about a verb, adjective, another adverb, or a full clause.

Show question


What are the 3 ways we can use adverbs?

Show answer


We can use adverbs to modify a word (modifying adverbs), to intensify a word (intensifying adverbs), or to connect two clauses (connecting adverbs).

Show question


What are modifying adverbs?

Show answer


Modifying adverbs are words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs. They add further information about the word.

Show question


‘Additionally’, ‘likewise’, and ‘consequently’ are examples of connecting adverbs. True or false?

Show answer


True! Connecting adverbs are words used to connect two independent clauses.

Show question


What are intensifying adverbs?

Show answer


Intensifying adverbs are words used to strengthen the meaning of an adjective, another adverb, or a verb. In other words, they ‘intensify’ another word.

Show question


Which of the following are intensifying adverbs?

  • Calmly

  • Incredibly

  • Enough

  • Greatly

Show answer


The intensifying adverbs are ‘incredibly’ and ‘greatly’. These strengthen the meaning of a word.

Show question


Name the main types of adverbs

Show answer


The main adverbs are; adverbs of place, adverbs of time, adverbs of manner, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of degree, adverbs of probability, and adverbs of purpose.

Show question


What are adverbs of time?

Show answer


Adverbs of time are the ‘when?’ adverbs. They answer the question ‘when is the action done?’ e.g. ‘I’ll do it tomorrow

Show question


Which of the following are adverbs of frequency?

  • Usually

  • Patiently

  • Occasionally

  • Nowhere

Show answer


The adverbs of frequency are ‘usually’ and ‘occasionally’. They are the ‘how often?’ adverbs. They answer the question ‘how often is the action done?’. 

Show question


What are adverbs of place?

Show answer


Adverbs of place are the ‘where?’ adverbs. They answer the question ‘where is the action done?’. For example, ‘outside’ or ‘elsewhere’.

Show question


Which of the following are adverbs of manner?

  • Never

  • Carelessly

  • Kindly

  • Inside

Show answer


The words ‘carelessly’ and ‘kindly’ are adverbs of manner. They are the ‘how?’ adverbs that answer the question ‘how is the action done?’. 

Show question

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Today ‘mum’ is certainly the correct spelling of the word in the UK.

Oxford dictionaries confirm that ‘mom’ is a spelling pertaining to North America:

mom (noun)

North American term for mum

While Cambridge concur that ‘mom’ is an American spelling of the equivalent ‘mum’: —

mom noun

/mɒm/ us ​ /mɑːm/ US informal UK mum

The difference in spelling may be cultural

…we know that America had officially become a «new nation» in 1776
so it seems that «mum» and «mom» are a cultural difference between the
two countries.

Or Simply Phonetic:

One possible reason for the difference between the ‘o’ and ‘u’ of the
more common ‘mom’ and ‘mum’ may be the Great Vowel Shift (GVS)…a
major change in pronunciation in England…Vowel sounds changed in the
GVS from 1350 and 1700 so it’s not out of the realm of possibility
that America, as a new nation, got the tail end of the shift in

But ‘mum’ is the correct spelling in the UK, and ‘mom’ is recognised as an American word.

This wasn’t always the case however. In Middle English Circa 1400s words were spoken as they were pronounced, the word ‘mome’ was used to mean mother, and was likely pronounced /moːm/.

The same source quoted above cites Etymonline when referring to both mom and mum as being derived from the word ‘mamma’

…diminutives of ‘mother’ in English—such as ‘mom’, which uses the
central nearly open vowel /ɒ/, and ‘mum’, which uses the back open-mid
vowel /ʌ/—, are offshoots from ‘mamma’ which date back to the 1570s.

Having checked the source myself, this is what they have to say on the matter, regarding the noun mamma, and early English usage of ‘mom’ and ‘mum’:

Its late appearance in English is curious, but Middle English had mome
(mid-13c.) «an aunt; an old woman,» also an affectionate term of
address for an older woman. In educated usage, the stress is always on
the last syllable. In terms of recorded usage of related words in
English, mama is from 1707, mum is from 1823, mummy in this sense from
1839, mommy 1844, momma 1852, and mom 1867.

So in fact both ‘mom’ and ‘mum’ are words derived from the word ‘mamma’ with early recorded usage back in the 1570s in England.

It’s interesting to note also that there are regional differences across the UK, in the Midlands the word ‘mom’ is sometimes used still (owing to dialectical inflection) while in Northern Ireland ‘mam’ is in popular usage, and recognized as an informal word for ‘mother’, with origins dating back to the 16th century.

In English grammar, a word class is a set of words that display the same formal properties, especially their inflections and distribution. The term «word class» is similar to the more traditional term, part of speech. It is also variously called grammatical category, lexical category, and syntactic category (although these terms are not wholly or universally synonymous).

The two major families of word classes are lexical (or open or form) classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and function (or closed or structure) classes (determiners, particles, prepositions, and others).

Examples and Observations

  • «When linguists began to look closely at English grammatical structure in the 1940s and 1950s, they encountered so many problems of identification and definition that the term part of speech soon fell out of favor, word class being introduced instead. Word classes are equivalent to parts of speech, but defined according to strict linguistic criteria.» (David Crystal, The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2003)
  • «There is no single correct way of analyzing words into word classes…Grammarians disagree about the boundaries between the word classes (see gradience), and it is not always clear whether to lump subcategories together or to split them. For example, in some grammars…pronouns are classed as nouns, whereas in other frameworks…they are treated as a separate word class.» (Bas Aarts, Sylvia Chalker, Edmund Weiner, The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 2nd ed. Oxford University Press, 2014)

Form Classes and Structure Classes

«[The] distinction between lexical and grammatical meaning determines the first division in our classification: form-class words and structure-class words. In general, the form classes provide the primary lexical content; the structure classes explain the grammatical or structural relationship. Think of the form-class words as the bricks of the language and the structure words as the mortar that holds them together.»

The form classes also known as content words or open classes include:

  • Nouns
  • Verbs
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs

The structure classes, also known as function words or closed classes, include:

  • Determiners
  • Pronouns
  • Auxiliaries
  • Conjunctions
  • Qualifiers
  • Interrogatives
  • Prepositions
  • Expletives
  • Particles

«Probably the most striking difference between the form classes and the structure classes is characterized by their numbers. Of the half million or more words in our language, the structure words—with some notable exceptions—can be counted in the hundreds. The form classes, however, are large, open classes; new nouns and verbs and adjectives and adverbs regularly enter the language as new technology and new ideas require them.» (Martha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar. Allyn and Bacon, 1998)

One Word, Multiple Classes

«Items may belong to more than one class. In most instances, we can only assign a word to a word class when we encounter it in context. Looks is a verb in ‘It looks good,’ but a noun in ‘She has good looks‘; that is a conjunction in ‘I know that they are abroad,’ but a pronoun in ‘I know that‘ and a determiner in ‘I know that man’; one is a generic pronoun in ‘One must be careful not to offend them,’ but a numeral in ‘Give me one good reason.'» (Sidney Greenbaum, Oxford English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1996)

Suffixes as Signals

«We recognize the class of a word by its use in context. Some words have suffixes (endings added to words to form new words) that help to signal the class they belong to. These suffixes are not necessarily sufficient in themselves to identify the class of a word. For example, -ly is a typical suffix for adverbs (slowly, proudly), but we also find this suffix in adjectives: cowardly, homely, manly. And we can sometimes convert words from one class to another even though they have suffixes that are typical of their original class: an engineer, to engineer; a negative response, a negative(Sidney Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson, An Introduction to English Grammar, 3rd ed. Pearson, 2009)

A Matter of Degree

«[N]ot all the members of a class will necessarily have all the identifying properties. Membership in a particular class is really a matter of degree. In this regard, grammar is not so different from the real world. There are prototypical sports like ‘football’ and not so sporty sports like ‘darts.’ There are exemplary mammals like ‘dogs’ and freakish ones like the ‘platypus.’ Similarly, there are good examples of verbs like watch and lousy examples like beware; exemplary nouns like chair that display all the features of a typical noun and some not so good ones like Kenny (Kersti Börjars and Kate Burridge, Introducing English Grammar, 2nd ed. Hodder, 2010)

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