You know that feeling that you get when you’ve discovered something new in an area that reeeally interests you. That feeling that starts off from your head, shimmies down your body, touches your toes and brings your entire body to attention? It could be the discovery of a new artist from one of your favourite genres or even a discounted clothes boutique that you accidentally stumbled across (I think most of us ladies know that feeling!). Whatever it is, it leaves you with a feeling of excitement knowing that there is something new on the horizon with lots to discover.
One of my soft spots is spoken word… but, not any kind of words bunched up together. The kind that takes words for a spin and plays an intimate, intellectual game with them. The kind that, through the use of similies, metaphors or whichever kind of imagery, brings out a message so clear and profound that the message actually sticks!
Today I discovered Clayton Jennings. Don’t ask me how, don’t ask me what I was doing when I discovered him, just simply thank me. As an actor/author/director, he has “written two novels, produced, directed, funded, and starred in a feature film entitled Strayland, served in numerous volunteer ministries, and produced a number of short videos, all with the goal of pointing people to the all-encompassing love of Jesus Christ”. His words. Oh and just as a side point, this was all whilst still attending college. So no excuses y’all! I haven’t managed to check out all of his work but if you only listen to one thing by this man called Clayton Jennings let it be this: “What Will You Say? || Spoken Word” This goes out to everyone out there because after all, we all need to find our purpose in life and we all need to start making each day count. For those that happen to luuurve this video (and if you’re anything like me, you’ll be pausing, rewinding and indulging in every second of it!), feel free to check out his website:
And on that note, I say au revoir and see y’all on my next post: An Unusual French Cinema Experience 🙂
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What Will You Say? || Spoken Word . I cried watching this video!(And to tell you the truth, it is hard for me to cry unless you hit my weak spot)
What Will You Say? || Spoken Word . I cried watching this video!(And to tell you the truth, it is hard for me to cry unless you hit my weak spot)
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LYRICS: VERSE MOTIONS Oh, what a special night! Arms overhead, in a circle making the letter “o” When baby Jesus was born. Arms together in a “rock-the-baby” motion The ________* who were there that day, Arms by side until chorus—get ready to be these animals! sang a song for His birthday. *Sheep—open hands on sides of mouth This is what they sang! *Cows—hands on knees *Donkeys—open palms above head (“ears”) CHORUS 1: SHEEP They sang bah bah bah, (Animal actions listed above.) bah bah, bah bah bah. (Animal actions listed above.) Thank you God for / Baby Jesus! Hands by mouth then stretch arms out overhead / rocking baby Bah bah bah, bah bah, bah bah bah. Repeat animal actions Baby Jesus is born! Arms together in a “rock-the-baby” motion —REPEAT— CHORUS 2: COWS CHORUS 3: DONKEY They sang moo moo moo, They sang hee haw haw, moo moo, moo moo moo. haw haw, hee haw haw haw haw. Thank you God for Baby Jesus! Thank you God for Baby Jesus! Moo moo moo, moo moo, moo moo
What would you say to (something)?
(redirected from What Would You Say?)
Also found in: Acronyms.
Idioms browser
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- What the heck!
- what the hell
- what the hell!
- What the hell?
- what the hey
- what the hey!
- what the shit
- what the traffic will bear
- What time have you got?
- What was (one) smoking?
- What was (one) thinking?
- What was that?
- What was the name again?
- What was your first clue?
- what will become of (someone or something)
- what will become/has become/became of somebody/something?
- What will that prove?
- what wins on Sunday sells on Monday
- what with
- what with something
- what would Jesus do
- What would you like to drink?
- What would you say if (something were to happen)?
- What would you say if…?
- What would you say to (something)?
- What Would You Say?
- what would/do you say?
- what you are made of
- What you don’t know won’t hurt you
- what you lose on the swings, you gain on the roundabouts
- what you see is what you get
- what you will
- what you’ve never had you never miss
- what(ever) will be, will be
- what, me worry
- what/whatever somebody says, goes
- what/where/who the blazes…?
- whataboutery
- whataboutism
- whatchamacallit
- what-d’you-call-him/-her/-it/-them
- whatever
- whatever (one) says goes
- whatever creams (one’s) twinkie
- whatever floats (one’s) boat
- whatever floats your boat
- Whatever happened to (someone or something)?
- whatever happens, happens
- whatever it takes
- Whatever next?
- whatever the case
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Full browser
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- What Would William Wallace Do?
- What Would Willie Do?
- What Would Willy Wonka Do?
- What Would Wonder Woman Do?
- What Would Woodrow Wilson Do?
- What Would Xena Do?
- What Would Xenu Do?
- What Would Yeshua Do?
- What Would Yoda Do?
- What Would You Do Different
- What Would You do If
- What Would You Do?
- What would you like for breakfast?
- What would you like to do today?
- What would you like to drink?
- What would you like to drink?
- What would you like to eat?
- What Would You Rather Do
- What Would You Say
- What Would You Say
- What Would You Say
- what would you say if
- What would you say if (something were to happen)?
- What would you say if…?
- What would you say if?
- what would you say to
- What would you say to (something)?
- what would you say to something
- what would you say to something?
- What would you say to?
- What Would You Say?
- What Would Your Character Do
- what would/do you say?
- What Wouldn’t Jesus Do
- What Y’all See Is What Y’all Get !
- what you are driving at
- what you are made of
- What You Been Up To
- What You Both Up To
- What You Cache Is What You Get
- What You Create Is What You Get
- What You Design Is What You Get
- what you do not know can not hurt you
- what you do not know cannot hurt you
- what you do not know will no hurt you
- What You Doing
- What You Doing?
- What you don’t know can’t hurt you
- What you don’t know won’t hurt you
- what you dont know can’t hurt you
- what you dont know won’t hurt you
- what you eat doesn’t make her fat
- what you eat doesn’t make her poop
- what you eat doesn’t make him fat
- what you eat doesn’t make him poop
- what you eat doesn’t make me fat
- what you eat doesn’t make me poop
- what you eat doesn’t make one fat
- what you eat doesn’t make one poop
- what you eat doesn’t make them fat
- what you eat doesn’t make them poop
- ▼
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
что вы скажете
что ты скажешь
что ты им скажешь
что же вы скажете
что ты ответишь
Что бы вы сказали
Что скажете
Что вы ответите
Что ты ей скажешь
что скажешь
Что вы можете сказать
If you someday find yourself in the privileged position of being able to influence millions of people, what will you say to them?
Если вы когда-нибудь оказаться в привилегированном положении, которое позволяет влиять на миллионы людей, что вы скажете им?
If you are asked to describe yourself as if from the outside, what will you say?
Если вас попросят описать себя, как будто со стороны, что вы скажете?
And when your time comes, what will you say?
And they will come… what will you say of me?
And what will you say in this conversation?
So, when you call your father, what will you say first?
If you have to tell other people about me, what will you say?
Если вы собираетесь рассказать кому-то о себе, что вы скажете?
QUESTION: And what will you say?
But, what will you say when Mr Gregson walks through the door, with a full explanation for his silence?
Но что ты скажешь, когда мистер Грегсон появится на пороге и полностью объяснит свое молчание?
You will be asked about me, so what will you say?
So audience, next time you’re tempted to tell someone your goal, what will you say?
Итак, в следующий раз, когда вы захотите рассказать кому-то о своих целях, что вы скажете?
So, what will you say to Master Miles?
You can think these benefits are enough to start playing online roulette with a live dealer but what will you say if we tell you that it can get even better?
Вы можете думать, что этих преимуществ достаточно, чтобы начать играть в онлайн-рулетку с живым дилером, но что вы скажете, если мы скажем вам, что это может стать еще лучше?
And what will you say if it turns out to be one of the strongest substances in the world?
А что ты скажешь, если окажется, что это одно из самых прочных веществ в мире?
«But what will you say if I tell you that I have lived all these years only thanks to his prayers?»
А что вы скажете, если я вам скажу, что все эти тяжелые годы я прожил только благодаря его молитвам?
But what will you say about those «critics» who fail to see this difference between the two and shout that both the Socialist Revolutionaries and the Social-Democrats are Marxists?
Но что вы скажете о тех «критиках», которые не видят этого различия и кричат, будто и эсеры и социал-демократы являются марксистами?
You invite me so kindly to the Cascade; but what will you say when you see your guest stealing away from the room every fifteen minutes to go and hide behind the doors and in the yards and basements to smoke a cigarette?
Вы очень добры ко мне, пригласив в Каскад, но что вы скажете, увидев, как ваша гостья каждые пятнадцать минут будет украдкой выходить из комнаты и прятаться за дверью или где-то во дворе, чтобы выкурить сигарету?
But what will you say to me?
And what will you say then?
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