What types of schools are there in england use the word box to learn

1. Vocabulary. The education system in Great Britain is not easy to un перевод - 1. Vocabulary. The education system in Great Britain is not easy to un русский как сказать

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1. Vocabulary. The education system in Great Britain is not easy to understand because it is different in different parts of the UK.
1) What types of schools are there in England? Use the Word Box to learn the mean¬ing of the highlighted words.
In England about 93 per cent of children attend state schools, which provide free education. The other 7 per cent attend independent schools — private and public schools. Some of these schools are boarding schools where children live and study. If parents want to send their children to a private or a public school, they have to pay for their education. The most famous public schools are Eton,* Harrow- and Winchester.*
For small children, there are state kindergartens, private kindergartens and «nursery classes» in schools, which are optional.
Secondary education is compulsory. It means all children must attend school between the ages of 5 and 16. Most children start their education at the age of 5. Primary school may be divided into two parts: during the first two years read¬ing, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutes a day. There is usu¬ally no written timetable. Much time is spent in modelling from clay or drawing, reading and singing. In Year 3 the «real work» starts. The children have lessons in arithmetic, reading and composition. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music, PE., Swimming are also in the timetable. All schools follow the same National Curriculum.* The children attend the primary school for 6 years.

Comprehensive schools provide compulsory education for children between the ages of 11 and 16. Comprehensive schools offer 5-year courses to all pupils; there are no entrance examinations there. Some children enter grammar schools which also provide secondary education. If a pupil wants to study at a grammar school, he or she has to pass the 11+ exams. There are 10 subjects, which all children must study at secondary school, and there are some optional subjects that are different in different schools. 
The whole period of compulsory education is divided into four stages. At the end of each stage (Years 2, 6, 9 and 11) pupils have national examinations.

2) What have you learnt about the system of education in England? Complete the summary using information from the text.
Education is provided by… schools and… schools.
State schools are…
If pupils go to a public or private school, parents ….
Compulsory education means that all children …
Kindergartens and nursery classes are ….
Children start school at the age of ….
…. and…. provide secondary education.
There are no ….in comprehensive schools.
If pupils want to enter a grammar school, they …
Pupils take … at the end of each 4 stages of education.

3) Complete the table of the system of education in England and Wales. (AB ex. 1)
4) Find the example of the Passive Voice in the text, match them with the rule and translate them.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


1. словарный запас. Система образования в Великобритании не является легко понять, потому что он отличается в разных частях Великобритании. 1) какие существуют типы школ в Англии? Используйте окно слова, чтобы узнать mean¬ing выделенные слова. В Англии около 93% детей посещают государственные школы, которые предоставляют бесплатное образование. 7% посещают независимые школы — частных и государственных школ. Некоторые из этих школ, интернатов, где дети живут и учатся. Если родители хотят отправлять своих детей в частные или государственные школы, они должны платить за их образование. Самые известные государственные школы являются Этон, * Хэрроу — и Winchester.*Для маленьких детей есть состояние детских садов, частных детских садов и «детские классы» в школах, которые не являются обязательными.Среднее образование является обязательным. Это означает, что все дети должны посещать школу в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет. Большинство детей начинают свое образование в возрасте 5. Начальная школа может разделить на две части: в течение первых двух лет read¬ing, письма и арифметики преподаются около 20 минут в день. Существует usu¬ally нет письменного графика. Много времени тратится в моделировании из глины или рисование, чтение и пение. В 3-м году начинается «настоящая работа». Дети имеют уроки в арифметике, чтению и композиции. История, география, Природоведение, искусство и музыка, PE. плавательный находятся также в расписании. Все школы следуют же национальной Curriculum.* дети посещают начальную школу на 6 лет. Общеобразовательные школы обеспечивают обязательное образование для детей в возрасте от 11 до 16. Общеобразовательные школы предлагают курсы 5 лет для всех учащихся; Есть нет вступительных экзаменов там. Некоторые дети начинают грамматические школы, которые также обеспечивают среднее образование. Если ученик хочет учиться в школе грамматики, он или она должен пройти экзамены 11 +. 10 предметов, которые все дети должны учиться в средней школе, и некоторые факультативные предметы, которые отличаются в разных школах. Весь период обязательного образования делится на четыре этапа. В конце каждого этапа (2, 6, 9 и 11 лет) учащиеся имеют национальные экзамены. 2) то, что вы узнали о системе образования в Англии? Полное резюме, используя информацию из текста.Образование осуществляется в школах… и… школы.Государственные школы являются…Если учащиеся к государственной или частной школе, родители…Обязательное образование означает, что все дети…Детские сады и детские классы являются… Дети начинают школу в возрасте…… и обеспечивают среднее образование.Существует нет.. .in общеобразовательных школ.Если ученики хотят поступить в школу грамматики, они…Ученики принимают… в конце каждого 4 ступени образования. 3) заполните таблицу системы образования в Англии и Уэльсе. (Напр. AB 1)4) найти пример пассивного голоса в тексте, сопоставить их с правилом и перевести их.

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Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


1.словарь.система образования в великобритании не легко понять, потому что он отличается в разных частях великобритании.1) какие школы есть в англии?использовать слово «учиться в ¬ инг из вышеуказанных слов.в англии около 93% детей посещают государственные школы, которые обеспечивают бесплатное образование.еще 7% участия независимых школ — частных и государственных школ.некоторые из этих школ — интернатов, где дети живут и учатся.если родители хотят отдать своих детей в частную или государственную школу, они должны платить за свое образование.наиболее известные государственные школы итон, * харроу — винчестер. *для маленьких детей, есть государственные детские сады, частных детских садов и «подготовительных классов» в школах, которые являются факультативными.среднее образование является обязательным.это означает, что все дети должны посещать школу в возрасте от 5 до 16 лет.большинство детей начинают обучение в 5 лет.в начальной школе может быть разделена на две части: в течение первых двух лет содержания ¬ ING, пишем, обучаются около 20 минут в день.есть usu ¬ союзником никаких письменных график.много времени тратится на моделей из глины или рисование, чтение, пение.в год 3 «реальной работы» начинается.детям уроки в арифметике, чтение и сочинение.история, география, изучения природы, искусства и музыки, PE, плавание, также в графике.все школы следовать тем же национальной учебной программы. * детей посещают начальную школу, за 6 лет.общеобразовательных школ обеспечить обязательное образование для детей в возрасте от 11 до 16 лет.общеобразовательные школы предлагают пятилетние курсы для всех учащихся; никаких вступительных экзаменов.некоторые дети начинают гимназий, которые обеспечивают также среднего образования.если школьник хочет учиться в гимназии, он должен пройти 11 + экзамены.существует 10 предметов, которые все дети должны учиться в среднюю школу, и существует ряд факультативных предметов, которые являются различными в разных школах.  всего периода обязательного образования состоит из четырех этапов.в конце каждого этапа (лет 2, 6, 9 и 11) учащиеся имеют национальные экзамены.2) что ты узнал о системе образования в англии?полное резюме, используя информацию из текста.образование обеспечивается.школы и…в школах.государственные школы.если школьники пошли на государственные и частные школы, родителей.обязательное образование означает, что все дети.детские сады и классы дошкольного воспитания….детей в школу в возрасте……и…давать среднее образование.нет… в общеобразовательных школах.если школьники хотят войти в гимназии им.дети принимают.в конце каждого 4 этапа образования.3) дополнить таблицу системы образования в англии и уэльсе.b. 1)4) найти пример пассивной голос в текст, сопоставить их с правилом и переводить.

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Additional practice material to Unit 3 Lesson 3 Form 10 N. V. Yukhnel and others.
Learn the definitions by working with the uploaded interactive exercises. Get ready to speak about the types of schools in  the UK.

1. primary school

2. secondary school

3. independent school

4. private school

5.  public school

6. comprehensive school

7. grammar school

8. mixed sex school

9. selective school

10. fee-paying school

11. free school

a)  a school which does not receive financial support from the government

b) a school where you pay money to go to

c) a school for young children

d) a school that accepts students according to their test results

e) Brit : a private school that prepares students for college or for public service

f) a school where you don’t have to pay anything for education

g) a school where boys and girls study together

h) in Britain, a school which does not receive money from the government

i) a school in Britain for children over the age of 11 who have to pass a special examination to go there

j) a school in Britain for children above the age of eleven in which children of all abilities are taught

k) a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18


1. primary school

2. secondary school

3. independent school

4. private school

5. public school

6. comprehensive school

7. grammar school

8. mixed sex school

9. selective school

10. fee-paying school

11. free school

1. a school for young children2. a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18

3. in Britain, a school which does not receive money from the government

4. a school which does not receive financial support from the government

5. Brit : a private school that prepares students for college or for public service

6. a school in Britain for children above the age of 11 in which children of all abilities are taught

7. a school in Britain for children over the age of 11 who have to pass a special examination to go there

8. a school where boys and girls study together

9. a school that accepts students according to their test results

10. а school where you pay money to go to

11. a school where you don’t have to pay anything for education

About Author


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.


1c Answer the questions.
1 What types of schools are there in Eng-
land and Wales?
2 What age do children go to school in
England and Wales?
3 What types of primary schools are there?
4 What is the difference between compre-
hensive schools and grammar schools?
5 What are private schools called in Eng-
land and Wales?​

The educational system in the UK is considered to be among the best in the world. The U.S. News Report placed it in second place after the USA in its rating[1]. Many decisions — especially concerning curriculum design and grading systems — are made by schools and universities at the local level. Thanks to this, studies are suitable for students with completely different needs.

In this article, we explain the structure of education in the UK at all levels — from kindergarten to doctorate studies. Read about higher education and admission to British universities in separate articles.

Features of education in the UK

  • Comprehensive education. Already in the first grade, children study 10 compulsory subjects. Many schools also introduce additional classes. The range of disciplines covers all spheres of human life: natural and human sciences, art, technology, and sports. This broadens the horizons of the students and allows them to discover a variety of talents.
  • Early specialization. By high school, the number of subjects, on the contrary, is reduced. A few years before entering a university, it is advisable for students to already decide on the direction in which they plan to study. During the last two years of study — in grades 12 and 13 — students choose 3-5 subjects and focus solely on them.
  • Encouragement of independence. The educational system in the UK is aimed at developing the skills of critical thinking, initiative, and independent search for information at all levels. Even in primary school, students write essays and create their own research projects.
  • Good conditions for teachers. English teachers earn a higher wage than teachers in other developed countries, such as France, Italy, and Sweden[2]. In addition, they are sponsored by state grants and scholarships. This makes the teaching profession truly prestigious, attracting the most talented teachers to schools and universities.
  • Long term education. In Britain, compulsory secondary education lasts from grades 1 to 11 or from 5 to 16 years of age. In fact, most children study even longer: from 3 to 18 years of age, then moving on to university.
  • Conditions for foreigners. While education at public English schools is free, it is available only to citizens of the country. Children of foreigners enter private institutions, where the cost of education is 15,000-30,000 USD per year. At universities, the situation is the same: foreigners have to pay several times more than local residents. For example, at Oxford, the tuition is at least 34,871 USD per year (instead of 11,586 USD).
  • Equality in access to education. The UK government is trying to ensure access to education for all people, regardless of their social status. To do this, free public schools attract the best teachers, and universities pay scholarships to students from families in need

Preschool education in the UK

Usually, preschool education (known as Early Years) begins at the age of 2-3 years and ends at 5 years old. This stage is optional, but most parents prefer to send their children to kindergartens, which in England are called preschools or playschools. The state finances preschool education in the form of vouchers, with which parents can fully pay for their child’s education in a public institution or cover part of the costs at a private kindergarten.

The main goal of preschools is to help kids learn to communicate and understand other people. There, they receive basic knowledge about society and the world around them, as well as develop literacy and mathematical abilities. Under the guidance of teachers, children play, draw, sculpt from clay, learn songs, and do exercises. Classes occur 15 hours per week, and the study load per year is 570 hours.

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Primary education

School education in the UK is divided into primary education and secondary education. These stages are further divided into key steps. For primary education, these are:

  • Key stage 1 — ages 5 to 7, grades 1-2
  • Key stage 2 — ages 7 to 11, grades 3-6

In primary school, children learn English, mathematics, science, art and design, geography, history, music, and physical education. Students begin learning a foreign language in third grade. The school day lasts from 8:30 to 15:30 with a lunch break and additional15 minute breaks.

The grading system in English primary schools is based on the expectation of how a child should develop at his age (expected standard). In total, four levels are distinguished:

  • The student works at the expected level.
  • The student strives for the expected level.
  • The student performs below the expected level.
  • The student performs above the expected level.

Each school sets its own specific criteria for evaluation. This makes the system more flexible.

At the end of their second and sixth years, students take standardized SATs. After second grade, children take tests in reading and mathematics, and after sixth — in reading, mathematics, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Secondary education

After graduating from primary school, students move on to secondary education. They are automatically transferred to state institutions, and for admission to private institutions, they have to pass specialized Common Entrance exams.

Education in secondary school is divided into two stages:

  • Key stage 3 — ages 11 to 14, grades 7-9
  • Key stage 4 — ages 14 to 16, grades 10-11

At Key stage 3, several new subjects are added to the basic subjects: the basics of social responsibility (citizenship), sex education, and career guidance. The whole program is divided into three main blocks:

  • Compulsory subjects (core curriculum) — mathematics, English, biology, chemistry, and physics.
  • Optional subjects (optional curriculum) — geography, humanities, art and design, dance, music, theater, and technology-related subjects.
  • Extended program (extension curriculum) — these are additional subjects that are unique to each school. They often involve the creation of an individual or group interdisciplinary project.

High school education is divided into trimesters. At the end of each trimester, credit weeks are held, where students are assessed for how well they have learned the material. Knowledge is evaluated on a nine-point scale.

At the age of 14, students begin to prepare for the final exam — General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). It tests all of the subjects studied by the student and officially confirms graduation from high school. This concludes compulsory secondary education. Those who wish to pursue university studies continue their high school education through the Sixth Form program.

High School — Sixth Form/A-Levels

At Sixth form or Key stage 5, students study from ages 16-18. Schools offer various training programs, but the most common is called A-Levels. This is an advanced program that lasts two years. In this program, students receive university-level knowledge, reducing the length of their undergraduate studies to three years.

There are no compulsory subjects in A-levels — the students themselves draw up a schedule depending on the specialty they are going to enroll in. At the beginning of the first year of study, students choose 3-5 disciplines. The next year, 1-2 can be abandoned in order to fully focus on the subjects of interest. This approach makes education more flexible and individualized.

Most often, classes are held from 8:30 to 17:00 with a lunch break. Additionally, 8-14 lessons per week are allocated for independent work. There are no mixed classes — pupils are united in groups according to their chosen subjects, similar to a university setting. Usually, there are 10-15 students per group.

The knowledge of each student is assessed according to the specific course. While some subjects conduct intermediate exams, others do not. Practical work, essays, individual and group projects play an important role in the assessment process. In the creative disciplines, portfolios may also be assessed.

A-levels end with final exams in selected subjects, which are taken in January or May-June. These exams determine the final grade for the discipline[3]. They are ranked on a letter scale from E to A*, where E is the worst result. The same grades are assessed for admission to universities. A student usually needs to pass three exams in specialized subjects, thus the passing scores for universities look like a combination of three letters. At Cambridge, for example, the passing score is A*AA or A*A*A, and at the lesser-known University of Sussex, the score is AAB or ABB.

The advantage of A-Levels is that after passing the exams, you can apply to not only English universities: the results are also recognized in the USA, Canada, Australia, and at many European and Asian universities.

Higher education in the UK

Higher education in the UK is of the highest quality and prestige: among the top 100 best universities in the world according to QS Ranking, 17 are British universities[4]. British universities have high graduate employment rates and good funding. Due to the high salaries and living standards, the best teachers from all over the world are employed at universities. Thanks to this, the country has the second highest number of international students after the USA[5].

Vocational Education

Vocational education in the UK is separate from secondary, but at the same time does not belong to higher education. Such education is available at technical schools — FE Colleges. Students go to FE Colleges immediately after graduating from high school and passing the GCSE exams. FE Colleges train specialists in IT, business, engineering, and support staff of medical institutions. As a result, graduates receive BTECBusiness and Technology Education Council qualifications, after which you can get a job or continue your education as part of an apprenticeship.

Apprenticeships are on-the-job training programs, With classes in college or university constituting 20% of the training. Such qualifications are equivalent to bachelor’s degrees, but you cannot continue an academic career after completing them. It will be especially difficult for foreigners to enroll in such programs, because they will need a work visa, rather than a student visa. You can receive such a visa only in agreement with an employer.

University studies

In the UK, as in most other countries, higher education is divided into three levels. However, the length of study is different:

  1. Bachelor’s degree — 3 years (instead of 4 years).
  2. Master’s degree — 1 year (instead of 2 years).
  3. Doctorate degree — 4 years.

Due to the fact that secondary education in Britain lasts 13 years, and during the last two years students are engaged in a university program, the time of study at a university is reduced. At the same time, there will be no problems with the recognition of an English diploma abroad. It is equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in any other country.

There are several special types of programs at British universities:

  • The Sandwich Course is a bachelor’s degree combined with work experience. Between the second and third years of studies, students go on a one-year internship in their specialty, in the end receiving both a diploma and experience.
  • Undergraduate Master’s degrees are programs that combine bachelor’s and master’s programs. The program lasts four years, and in the end graduates are awarded a master’s degree. Such programs are particularly common in STEM fieldsScience, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The training is focused more on practice rather than the continuation of an academic career.
  • PhD 1 + 3 programs combine two stages of education: master’s and doctorate studies, the duration of which is four years. Moreover, graduates receive two degrees at once: a master’s and PhD.

At universities, students make their own timetable. Usually, there are several compulsory disciplines in bachelor’s programs, without which it will not be possible to complete the degree. That being said, students are free to choose their own additional subjects. The main thing is to obtain the required number of study hours, which are measured in credits.

Knowledge, especially in the humanities, is assessed mainly through essays, research papers, and projects. There are also exams, but they are less common than at universities in other countries. British education in any specialty is aimed at developing practical skills, one of them being critical thinking. Professors encourage students to ask questions, express their opinions, and lead the discussion. Disagreeing with a teacher is completely normal.

Admission to bachelor’s programs occurs through a special platform called UCAS, while the admission process for master’s and doctorate programs takes place directly through the university’s website. The admissions committee evaluates the candidate based on his GPA, motivation letter, references, and resume. You will also need an English proficiency certificate (for example, IELTS). Some programs require you to pass an interview.

Education in the UK is quite expensive: from 18,788 USD to 50,102 USD per year. An additional 15,031 USD can be expected for accommodation. In America or Australia, prices are comparable, but prices in Europe are several times lower. In order for talented, but not very rich students to come to the country, British universities and the government offer large scholarships. Some of them fully cover the cost of education, but they are often available only to undergraduate students. For bachelor’s programs, the usual size of a scholarship is 10-30% of the tuition cost.

Higher education in the UK

Текст для 9 класса — Education in England and Wales

There are four types of schools in the English and Welsh education system — nursery. primary, secondary and private schools. Scotland has its own education system, which is different.

Children start school at the age of five, but there is some free nursery-school education before that age. The state nursery schools are not for all. They are for some families, for example for families with only one parent. In most areas there are private nursery schools. Parents who want their children to go to nursery school pay for their children under 5 years old to go to these private nursery schools.

Primary school is divided into infant school (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior school (from 8 to 11 years old). In some areas there are middle schools instead of junior schools, which take pupils from 9 to 12 years old. Primary schools have from 50-200 pupils.

Secondary schools are usually much larger than primary schools and most children — over 80 percent — go to a comprehensive school at the age of 11. These schools are for all. Pupils do not need (to pass an exam to go to these schools. These schools are large. They have from 1.200 — 2.500 pupils. School lasts all day in the UK, so there is only one shift. In some areas there are grammar schools. Pupils must pass special exams to go to these schools.

Some parents prefer private education. In England and Wales, private schools are called public schools. They are very expensive. Only 5 per cent of the school population goes to public schools. Public schools are for pupils from 5 or 7 to 18 years old. Some public schools are day schools, but many public schools are boarding schools. Pupils live in the school and go home in the holidays.

2) What have you learnt about the system of education in England?

Complete the summary using information from the text.

Education is provided by ( ) schools and (______) schools.

State schools are (____ )

If pupils go to a public or private school, parents (________ )

Compulsory education means that all children (________) Kindergartens and nursery classes are ( )

Children start school at the age of ( )

Г and (____________) provide secondary education.

There are no (______ )in comprehensive schools.

If pupils want to enter a grammar school, they (_______)

Pupils take ( ) at the end of each 4 stages of education.

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