What type of pronoun is the word there

The word “there” have multiple functions. In verbal and written English, the word can be used as an adverb, a pronoun, a noun, an interjection, or an adjective.

  1. Adverb

This word is classified as an adverb if it is used to modify a verb in the sentence. For example, in the sentence below:

They went there only to find out that it was postponed.

The word “there” is considered as an adverb because it describes the verb “went.”


a. in or at that place

  • Example:
  • We went on to London and stayed there two weeks.

b. at that point or stage

  • Example:
  • Stop right there before you say something you’ll regret.
  1. Pronoun

Sometimes, the word “there” is categorized under pronouns, if it is used to replace a noun in the sentence. For instance, in the sample sentence below:

Hello there!

The word “there” is considered as a pronoun because it substitutes the name of the person, in this case, You.


a. used as an indefinite substitute for a name

  • Example:
  • Hi there!
  1. Noun

There are also some cases wherein the word “there” is considered as a noun, which refers to a particular point or place. Take for example, the sentence below:

There is no there and no here in pure space.

The word “there” is used as a noun, which refers to a location.


a. that place; that point

  • Example:
  • You take it from there.
  1. Interjection

Other times, the word “there” is categorized as an interjection, when it is used to exclaim or emphasize something. In the sample sentence below:

There, it’s finished!

The word “there” is used for emphasis or to draw attention to a particular thing.


a. used to focus attention on something and express satisfaction or annoyance at it

  • Example:
  • There, I told you my parents wouldn’t mind!
  1. Adjective

In some cases, the word “there” is considered as an adjective when it is used to modify a noun or a pronoun, as seen in the sample sentence below:

She is there to answer any questions you might have.

The word “there” modifies the pronoun “she” and is therefore considered as an adjective.


a. capable of being relied on for support or help

  • Example:
    is always there for her.

b. used for emphasis, especially after a demonstrative pronoun or a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective

  • Example:
  • Those guys there can tell you.

The word “there” is used as a noun, which refers to a location.


  • 1 Is the word there an adverb?
  • 2 What type of word is here or there?
  • 3 Which pronoun is there?
  • 4 Which type of adverb is there?
  • 5 Is the word there an adjective?
  • 6 What kind of adjective is there?
  • 7 Are Here and there adverbs?
  • 8 Is there any or is there a?
  • 9 Is it on their way or on there way?
  • 10 Is there an adverb of place?
  • 11 How many kinds of pronouns are there?
  • 12 Is some a word?
  • 13 What are the 3 types of adverbs?
  • 14 What are the adjectives words?
  • 15 What are the 8 types of adverbs?
  • 16 Is all an adjective or adverb?
  • 17 Can there be a verb?
  • 18 What are types of noun?
  • 19 What is noun example of noun?
  • 20 What are the three types of adjectives?

Is the word there an adverb?

The word “there” is a commonly used word that can be difficult to classify because of the various roles it can play in a sentence. There can be used as an adverb, pronoun, noun, or adjective, and sometimes as an interjection.

What type of word is here or there?

Here and there are adverbs.

Which pronoun is there?

Other Types of Pronoun

Pronoun Type Members of the Subclass
Possessive mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
Reflexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Reciprocal each other, one another
Relative that, which, who, whose, whom, where, when

Which type of adverb is there?

Since verbs are such integral parts of our everyday language, their modifiers are also multi-faceted. To start, there are five types of adverbs you should familiarize yourself with: adverbs of degree, frequency, manner, place, and time.

Is the word there an adjective?

In some cases, the word “there” is considered as an adjective when it is used to modify a noun or a pronoun, as seen in the sample sentence below: She is there to answer any questions you might have. The word “there” modifies the pronoun “she” and is therefore considered as an adjective.

What kind of adjective is there?

There are three degrees of adjectives: Positive, comparative, superlative. These degrees are applicable only for the descriptive adjectives.

Are Here and there adverbs?

Here and there are common adverbs of place. They give a location relative to the speaker. With verbs of movement, here means “towards or with the speaker” and there means “away from, or not with the speaker”.

Is there any or is there a?

We must use ‘a’ with singular countable nouns and ‘any’ with uncountable nouns. We use ‘is’ with both singular countable nouns and uncountable nouns.’ There is only one, so we have to use the singular form.

Is it on their way or on there way?

on the way
Also, on one’s way. In the process of coming, going, or traveling; also, about to come. For example, The mail plane is on the way, or She is on her way out the door, or Winter is on the way.

Is there an adverb of place?

The most common adverbs of place are ‘here’ and ‘there’. We use ‘here’ when the position is near the speaker, and ‘there’ when the position is further away.

How many kinds of pronouns are there?

There are four types of pronouns: subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, and demonstrative pronouns. Pronouns are one of the eight parts of speech. Pronouns take the place of a person, place, or thing in sentences once the context is understood.

Is some a word?

What type of word is ‘some’? Some can be a pronoun, an adverb or a determiner – Word Type.

What are the 3 types of adverbs?

Now, there are three kinds of adverbs, and they are as follows.

  • Simple adverbs.
  • Interrogative adverbs.
  • Relative adverbs.

What are the adjectives words?

Adjectives are words that describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous, doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They can also describe the quantity of nouns: many, few, millions, eleven.

What are the 8 types of adverbs?

There are at least eight different kinds of adverbs and these are adverbs of manner, adverbs of frequency, adverbs of time and place, adverbs of relative time, adverbs of degree, adverbs of quantity, adverbs that focus, adverbs that function as attitude markers.

Is all an adjective or adverb?

In spoken and written English, the word “all” has several functions. It can be used as a adjective, an adverb, a noun, or a pronoun. This word can be categorized as an adjective if it is used to introduce a noun in the sentence. Generally, the word “all” expresses the entire quantity or extent of something.

Can there be a verb?

The most common verb used to express existence in English is the verb “be,” and sentences beginning with “there is” or “there are,” for example, are extremely common in English.

What are types of noun?

Types Of Nouns

  • Common noun.
  • Proper noun.
  • Concrete noun.
  • Abstract noun.
  • Collective nouns.
  • Count and mass nouns.

What is noun example of noun?

A noun is a word that refers to a thing (book), a person (Betty Crocker), an animal (cat), a place (Omaha), a quality (softness), an idea (justice), or an action (yodeling). It’s usually a single word, but not always: cake, shoes, school bus, and time and a half are all nouns.

What are the three types of adjectives?

Adjectives, depending on their function, are of three types: adjectives of quality, quantity, and number. These three types differ in their roles of describing what kind, how much, or how many.

Местоимение there

В английском языке предложения, в которых говорится о существовании в определенном месте чего-то еще неизвестного собеседнику, начинаются с местоимения there. Такие предложения строятся по схеме:

There + to be + подлежащее + обстоятельство места.

There is a table in the room.– В комнате есть стол.

Местоимение there в составе данного оборота является формальным элементом и на русский язык не переводится. Оборот переводится начиная с обстоятельства места, которое обычно находится в конце предложения. Например:

There is not a cloud in the sky.– На небе ни облачка.

There is a caf? near the shop. – Рядом с магазином есть кафе.

Если обстоятельства места нет, при переводе предложение начинается со слов «есть», «находится», «существует» и т.п., например:

There are some books for you to read.– Есть несколько книг, которые тебе нужно прочесть.

There is no rule without an exception. – Не существует ни одного правила без исключения.

В русских предложениях, в которых обстоятельство места выражено словом «там», в конце предложения употребляется наречие there, например:

There is a cash machine there. – Там есть банкомат.(В первом случае there выступает как формальное подлежащее и не переводится, а во втором – является обстоятельством места «там».)

Обратите внимание!

•В связи с тем, что в обороте there + to be логическое (истинное) подлежащее ставится после глагола-связки to be, выбор формы глагола зависит от того, в каком числе стоит следующее за ним существительное. Так, глагол принимает форму единственного числа (is, was), если за ним следует существительное в единственном числе, например:

There is a bag on the table.– На столе сумка.

There was no money in the purse.–В кошельке не было денег.

Существительные во множественном числе согласуются с глаголом во множественном числе (are, were), например:

There are flowers in the vase. – В вазе цветы.

There were many famous people at the party. – На вечеринке было много известных людей.

Если в предложении после оборота there + to be перечислено несколько существительных, сказуемое согласуется в числе с первым из них, например:

There is a woman and some men in the room. – В комнате находится одна женщина и несколько мужчин.

There are some men and a woman in the room. – В комнате находятся несколько мужчин и одна женщина.

•В обороте there + to be глагол to be может употребляться в любом времени, например:

There was an earthquake in Japan. – В Японии было землетрясение.

There will be light at the end of the tunnel.– Будет свет в конце тоннеля.

•В обороте there + to be глагол to be может сочетаться с модальными глаголами (can, may, must, should и др.), с герундием в отрицательной форме, а также с глаголами to appear – появляться, to happen – случаться, to seem – казаться, to tend– иметь тенденцию, used– бывало, раньше. Например:

There must be another way out.– Должен быть другой выход.

There was no stopping him.– Остановить его было невозможно.

There seems to be a problem. – Кажется, есть проблема.

There used to be a cinema here. – Раньше здесь был кинотеатр.

•В официальной письменной речи вместо глагола to be в конструкции с there могут употребляться и другие глаголы, например:

To arise – возникать

to arrive – приезжать

tocome – приходить

to emerge – возникать

to exist – существовать

to follow – следовать

to live – жить

to occur– случаться

to remain– оставаться

to stand – находиться

There follows a list of words and phrases.–Далее следует список слов и выражений.

There lived an old man in that house.– В том доме жил старик.

There exist many different ways of solving this problem. – Существует много различных способов решения этой проблемы.


1.Личное местоимение в именительном падеже не может дублировать уже имеющееся в предложении подлежащее. Например, нельзя сказать:

These letters  they are for you. –  Эти письма для вас.

The man who has just come in he is my uncle.–Мужчина, который только что вошел, мой дядя.

What I need at the moment it is a cup of strong coffee. – Что мне нужно сейчас, это чашка крепкого кофе.

2. Личное местоимение в объектном падеже не употребляется в конце определительного придаточного предложения*. Например:

Do you remember the girl that I told you about? – Ты помнишь девушку, о которой я тебе рассказывал?

Нельзя сказать: Do you remember the girl that I told you about her, так как в этом случае местоимение her дублирует существительное girl.

That is the result he has been striving for.– Вот результат, к которому он стремился.

Нельзя сказать: That is the result he has been striving for it, так как в этом случае местоимение it дублирует существительное result.

You are the only person we can rely on.– Ты единственный человек, на которого мы можем положиться.

Нельзя сказать: You are the only person we can rely on you, так как в этом случае местоимение youдублирует существительное person.

3. Местоимение в объектном падеже не употребляется после инфинитива в том случае, если подлежащее предложения на самом деле является логическим дополнением инфинитива. Например:

She is nice to look at. – На нее приятно посмотреть.

В этом предложении подлежащее she является логическим дополнением инфинитива to look at, поэтому нельзя сказать: She is nice to look at her, так как в этом случае местоимение her дублировало бы подлежащее she.

Еще примеры:

He is hard to please. – Ему сложно угодить.

My telephone number is easy to remember. – Мой номер телефона легко запомнить.


It is nice to look at her. – На нее приятно посмотреть.

It is hard to please him.– Ему сложно угодить.

It is easy to remember it. – Его легко запомнить.

*Определительные   придаточные   предложения  выполняют функцию определения и отвечают на вопросы «какой?», «который?», «чей?».

 © Митрошкина Т.В.


The word ‘there’ is a pronoun when it introduces a sentence or a clause, a word expressing the existence of a thing or circumstance.

The pronoun ‘there’ does not belong to a specific group of pronouns.

Example: There are so many choices.

The word ‘there’ is a noun as a word for a specific place, point, or position.

Example: You can put it there.

The word ‘there’ is an adjective, used to emphasize a noun that follows a demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those).

Example: That puppy there is the one I want.

The word ‘there’ is an adverb, used to modify a verb.

Example: Is there a difference?

The word ‘there’ is an interjection, used to express emotion.

Example: There, I think that covers it.

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  • #1


I was wondering if you could define the word «there» as a:

(1) personal pronoun, (2) relative pronoun, (3) indefinite pronoun, (4) demonstrative pronoun, (5) interrogative pronoun, and (6) reflexive pronoun ?

In this type of sentence:



are lots of wounded people in here.»

Last question: What is its :

grammatical nature : pronoun ???
function: Adverbial phrase of space ?

Thanks in advance! :)

    • #2

    I shall go out on a limb here (and await brickbats from my forero colleagues) and say it is not a pronoun at all. It is also not an adverbial phrase of space.

    But what is it? Could be adjectival (describing the wounded people). I’m not sure. Would you accept «it’s a thingy»? But I’m sure it’s not a pronoun.

    • #3

    Nevertheless, here’s what I found on the American Heritage Dictionary



    1. Used to introduce a clause or sentence: There are numerous items. There must be another exit.
    2. Used to indicate an unspecified person in direct address: Hello there.

    So now, I’m REALLY confused! :confused:

    Thanks for your help anyway! :)

    • #4

    Your link didn’t help me at all — I just got a lot of pop-ups and advertising and links to other things I didn’t want.
    But if the Am. Heritage Dictionary claims it to be a pronoun, then they are stretching the definition of pronoun beyond all reasonable limits. If I recall correctly, a pronoun stands in the place of a noun. Which noun??? What noun??? Perhaps they just didn’t want to call it a thingy.:)

    Where are all the rest of the humourless pedants who normally jump in and save me from exposing too much of my ignorance?

    • #5

    Nevertheless, here’s what I found on the American Heritage Dictionary



    1. Used to introduce a clause or sentence: There are numerous items. There must be another exit.
    2. Used to indicate an unspecified person in direct address: Hello there.

    So now, I’m REALLY confused! :confused:

    Thanks for your help anyway! :)

    Randolph Quirk’s

    University Grammar of English

    gives us the answer in paragraph 14.19:

    Existential sentences are principally those beginning with the unstressed word there, and are so called because when unstressed there is followed by a form of the verb be, the clause expresses the notion of existence:
    There is nothing healthier than a cold shower
    (‘Nothing healthier exists than a cold shower’)…
    Existential there is a device for leaving the subject position vacant of content; there may be regarded as an empty ‘slot-filler’ …

    I hope this provides a satisfactory answer. :)

    • #6

    Ah! Thank Quirk for that! So I’m not totally off-base.
    An «empty ‘slot-filler’ can hardly be a pronoun, can it.

    But is quirk describing its grammatical nature or its function?
    My interpretation is that its function is that it «…expresses the notion of existence.»
    Its grammatical nature seems to be «empty ‘slot-filler’.» Is that the same as a thingy, perhaps? (Sorry Mods, but it really is a problem. What do we call the thing?)

    • #7

    It seems dictionaries consider it a pronoun (at least dictionary.com does). I don’t think of «there» as a pronoun, but it’s true we could compare it with «it» in a sentence like It‘s raining. That «it» there is substituting nothing.

    I’ll check now to see if I find some nicer definition for it.

    • #8

    That would be a nice explanation! :p

    • #9

    I found something (not sure it sounds nice :)

    R. Carter y M. McCarthy. Cambridge Grammar of English (210):

    The so-called empty it and existential there do not refer to any object or entity. They are used as dummy subject forms…

    All this is in the section for Pronouns.

    Last question: What is its :
    — grammatical nature : pronoun ???—> existential pronoun ???
    — function: Adverbial phrase of space ? —> dummy subject ???

    • #10

    Ah! Thank Quirk for that! So I’m not totally off-base.
    An «empty ‘slot-filler’ can hardly be a pronoun, can it.

    But is quirk describing its grammatical nature or its function?
    My interpretation is that its function is that it «…expresses the notion of existence.»
    Its grammatical nature seems to be «empty ‘slot-filler’.» Is that the same as a thingy, perhaps? (Sorry Mods, but it really is a problem. What do we call the thing?)

    Of course I noticed that Quirk dodged the issue of actually categorizing there in grammatical terms. Perhaps this is a case of our trying to shove an eccentric but useful element of the English language through the inappropriate sieve of Latin grammar. Personally, I think for our purposes ‘thingy’ serves very well!

    • #11

    It is called unstressed there. its function is subject»place-holder» or «place-filler»

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