What type of pronoun is the word all

All is an indefinite pronoun. An indefinite pronoun refers to a non-specific being, object or place. The indefinite pronouns in English include all, any, both, each, every, few, many, neither, nobody and none. Some use the singular form of a verb.


  • 1 Is all a preposition word?
  • 2 What kind of word is all and every?
  • 3 Is all an adverb of degree?
  • 4 Is all around a preposition?
  • 5 What KIMD of word is all?
  • 6 Is all singular or plural?
  • 7 Is all or are all?
  • 8 What type of adverb is always?
  • 9 Is always an adverb?
  • 10 What kind of adverb is always?
  • 11 What are preposition words list?
  • 12 What is preposition place?
  • 13 Is among a prepositional?
  • 14 Is all a quantitative adjective?
  • 15 Is all an indefinite pronoun?
  • 16 Are determiners?
  • 17 Is all a noun?
  • 18 Is all a plural?
  • 19 Is all a singular subject?
  • 20 When all is or all are?

Is all a preposition word?

ALL (adverb, determiner, preposition, pronoun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What kind of word is all and every?

All and every are determiners. We use both all and every to refer to the total number of something.

Is all an adverb of degree?

They are called DEGREE ADVERBS because they specify the degree to which an adjective or another adverb applies. Degree adverbs include almost, barely, entirely, highly, quite, slightly, totally, and utterly. Degree adverbs are not gradable (*extremely very).

softly very softly
slowly extremely slowly

Is all around a preposition?

language note: Around is an adverb and a preposition. In British English, the word ’round’ is often used instead. Around is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘walk’ and ‘drive,’ and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘get around’ and ‘turn around. ‘

All can be an adverb, a determiner or a noun.

Is all singular or plural?

Since “all” refers to more than one thing, it’s a plural, so the correct noun clause is “all that remain.” Things like mass nouns (i.e. uncountable) are singular. You might say “all of the wheat is ground up,” for example. So be careful with all that you write.

Is all or are all?

Generally it is “all are”, but there are occasions where it is “all is”. If “all” refers to a group of distinct parts, the rule is it takes “are”. But if “all” refers to the parts of a whole, it takes “is”. For example, if “all” is replacing the word “everything”, then “all is well”.

What type of adverb is always?

Adverbs of indefinite frequency (e.g. always, often, usually, rarely, sometimes, never, normally, generally, occasionally) and adverbs of certainty (e.g. surely, definitely, certainly, probably, perhaps) usually go in mid-position: My father often travels to France.

Is always an adverb?

Always is an adverb.

What kind of adverb is always?

What type of word is always? As detailed above, ‘always’ is an adverb. Adverb usage: God is always the same. Adverb usage: He always rides a black galloway.

What are preposition words list?

List of Prepositions

  • A aboard, about, above, according to, across, after, against, ahead of, along, amid, amidst, among, around, as, as far as, as of, aside from, at, athwart, atop.
  • B barring, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but (when it means except), by, by means of.

What is preposition place?

A preposition of place is a preposition which is used to refer to a place where something or someone is located. There are only three prepositions of place, however they can be used to discuss an almost endless number of places. At – A preposition of place which is used to discuss a certain point.

Is among a prepositional?

Among and amongst are prepositions. Among means ‘in the middle or included in a larger group of people or things’.

Is all a quantitative adjective?

Well, there are many but to name a few: some, few, little, enough, any, whole, sufficient, most, none, all etc. We use quantitative adjectives to characterize people or objects.

Is all an indefinite pronoun?

What are Indefinite Pronouns? An indefinite pronoun refers to a non-specific person or thing. The most common ones are: all, any, anyone, anything, each, everybody, everyone, everything, few, many, nobody, none, one, several, some, somebody, and someone.

Are determiners?

A determiner is a word placed in front of a noun to specify quantity (e.g., “one dog,” “many dogs”) or to clarify what the noun refers to (e.g., “my dog,” “that dog,” “the dog”). All determiners can be classified as one of the following: An Article (a/an, the) A Demonstrative (this, that, these, those)

Is all a noun?

There are some cases wherein the word “all” is considered as a noun, which means the entirety of one’s energy or possessions. Take for example, the sentence below: I gave my all. In the given example, the word “all” is a noun that refers to the whole possession/energy of the pronoun “I.”

Is all a plural?

The word ‘all’ is used both as singular and plural. When ‘all’ is used with a singular noun, with or without of, it means entire and taking a singular verb. Example; All the country is anxious about Lok-Sabha elections.

Is all a singular subject?

According to Merriam-Webster, all can be an adjective, adverb, or pronoun, and it can be used in sentences that involve singular nouns or plural nouns. It can also be a noun itself. When it is, it’s considered to be singular. Whether it’s used in a sentence with a singular subject or a plural subject is contextual.

When all is or all are?

If “all” refers to a group of distinct parts, the rule is it takes “are”. But if “all” refers to the parts of a whole, it takes “is”. For example, if “all” is replacing the word “everything”, then “all is well”. But if it’s referring to a group of people, then “all are well”.

Table of Contents

  1. Which part of speech is at all?
  2. Is the word all a pronoun?
  3. What type of adjective is all?
  4. What are Adjectiveswith examples?
  5. What is the part of speech of tired?
  6. What part of speech is the word sitting?
  7. Is Empty a adjective or adverb?
  8. Is Empty a adjective?
  9. What type of verb is empty?
  10. What is an adjective for empty?
  11. Is yard a homonym?
  12. What are 20 Homographs examples?

Indefinite pronouns

Which part of speech is at all?

In spoken and written English, the word “all” has several functions. It can be used as a adjective, an adverb, a noun, or a pronoun. This word can be categorized as an adjective if it is used to introduce a noun in the sentence.

Is the word all a pronoun?

All is an indefinite pronoun. An indefinite pronoun refers to a non-specific being, object or place. The indefinite pronouns in English include all, any, both, each, every, few, many, neither, nobody and none. Some use the singular form of a verb.

What type of adjective is all?

Quantitative adjectives describe the exact or approximate amount of a noun. Some examples include all, no, few, many, and little.

What are Adjectiveswith examples?

8 Types of Adjectives in English Grammar With Examples

  • 8 Types of Adjectives. Proper Adjectives.
  • Proper Adjectives.
  • Descriptive Adjectives.
  • Quantitative Adjectives.
  • Numeral Adjectives.
  • Demonstrative Adjectives.
  • Distributive Adjectives.
  • Interrogative Adjectives.

What is the part of speech of tired?

‘Tired’ can be classified as two parts of speech, depending on how it is used. As an adjective, it attaches the feeling of exhaustion to a noun, such…

What part of speech is the word sitting?


Is Empty a adjective or adverb?

empty (adjective) empty (verb) empty (noun) empty–headed (adjective)

Is Empty a adjective?

Empty has several other senses as an adjective and a verb. If something is empty, there is nothing in it. Empty is the opposite of full and is used to describe anything that has a complete absence of contents.

What type of verb is empty?

[transitive] to remove everything that is in a container, etc. empty something She emptied the bins, washed the glasses and went to bed.

What is an adjective for empty?

void, bare, blank, clear, vacant, barren, free, devoid, emptied, stark, unfilled, containing nothing, without contents, not filled, clean, vacuous, unoccupied, unused, toom, untaken, available, plain, vacated, uninhabited, unmarked, new, spare, tenantless, untenanted, drained, fresh, untouched, idle, open, desolate.

Is yard a homonym?

The word “yard” is a homonym of “yard” in the sense of an enclosed area of land. This second meaning of “yard” has an etymology related to the word “garden” and is not related to the unit of measurement.

What are 20 Homographs examples?

20 example of homograph

  • Bear – To endure ; Bear – Animal.
  • Close – Connected ; Close – Lock.
  • Lean – Thin ; Lean – Rest against.
  • Bow – Bend forward ; Bow – Front of a ship.
  • Lead – Metal ; Lead – Start off in front.
  • Skip – Jump ; Skip – Miss out.
  • Fair – Appearance ; Fair – Reasonable.

Местоимение all выступает в качестве как местоимения-прилагательного, так и местоимения-существительного.

В качестве местоимения-прилагательного all употребляется со значением «все» с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и со значением «весь, вся, все» с неисчисляемыми существительными. Артикль the, притяжательные и указательные местоимения ставятся после all:

All the students have passed the examination.

Не spends all his free time playing computer games.

Все студенты сдали экзамен.

Он проводит всё свое свободное время играя в компьютерные игры.

N. B.

Перед исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе all обычно заменяется the whole:

The whole house was destroyed by fire.

Весь дом был уничтожен пожаром.

Со словами morning, day, night и другими обозначениями времени употребляется как all, так и the whole. all (the) morning, the whole morning; all (the) day, the whole day и т. д.

All может определять существительное как с артиклем the,так и без артикля. Этот вопрос решается на основании общих правил употребления артикля, независимо от наличия all:

I have read all the books уоu gave me.

I have got all the information I want.

All plants require water.

All financial documents must be signed by the Chief Accountant.

Я прочел все книги, которые вы мне дали.

Я получил все сведения, которые мне нужны.

Все растения нуждаются в воде.

Все финансовые документы должны быть подписаны главным бухгалтером.

В качестве местоимения-существительного all употребляется со значением «все, всё«:

All said the same thing.

I know all.

Все сказали одно и то же.

Я знаю всё.

All (все) часто используется в сочетании с местоимениями we, you, they: We allмы все, you all вы все, they all они все:

We all know it.

They all went there.

Мы все знаем это.

Они все пошли туда.

Когда сказуемое выражено сложной глагольной формой или сочетанием модального глагола с инфинитивом, all ставится после вспомогательного или модального глагола, а не после местоимений we, you, they:

We have all read this article.

You must all go there.

Мы все читали эту статью.

Вы все должны пойти туда.

Если имеется два вспомогательных глагола, all стоит после первого из них:

We have all been informed about it.

Нас всех известили об этом.

All следует за глаголом to be, когда он стоит в простой форме:

They are all here.

We are all glad to see you.

Они все здесь.

Мы все рады видеть вас.

Сочетания we all, уоu all, they all равны по значению сочетаниям all of us, all of you, all of them: We all know it. = All of us know it. They all went there. = All of them went there.

Вместо all в значении «все» чаще употребляется everybody или everyone, а вместо all (всё) everything.

Когда all в значении «все» выступает в роли подлежащего, глагол ставится во множественном числе, в то время как после everybody (все) глагол стоит в единственном числе:

All were of the same opinion on this question.

Everybody was of the same opinion on this question.

Все были одного мнения по этому вопросу.

После all и everything в значении «всё» глагол стоит в единственном числе:

All is ready.

Everything is ready.

Всё готово.

N. B.

Русскому всё, что соответствует в английском языке all that или everything that, а не all (everything) what (распространенная ошибка):

That’s all that I want.

I told him everything that I knew.

Это все, что мне нужно.

Я рассказал ему всё, что я знал.

Причём, that обычно опускается:

That’s all I want. I told him everything I knew.

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In spoken and written English, the word “all” has several functions. It can be used as a adjective, an adverb, a noun, or a pronoun.

  1.  Adjective

This word can be categorized as an adjective if it is used to introduce a noun in the sentence. Generally, the word “all” expresses the entire quantity or extent of something. For example, in the sentence below:

All students were present.

The word “all” is considered as a adjective because it introduces the noun “students.”


a. used to refer to the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing

  • Example:
  • All men are equal.

     2   . Adverb

The word “all” can also be considered as an adverb if it is used to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. For instance, in the sample sentence below:

She is dressed all in white.

This word is classified as an adverb because it modifies the verb “dressed.”


a. completely; consisting entirely of

  • Example:
  • I have all leather couches in my home.

     3.    Noun

There are some cases wherein the word “all” is considered as a noun, which means the entirety of one’s energy or possessions. Take for example, the sentence below:

I gave my all.

In the given example, the word “all” is a noun that refers to the whole possession/energy of the pronoun “I.”


a. the whole of one’s possessions, energy, or interest

  • Example:
  • We are giving our all for what we believe in.

     4.    Pronoun

Other times, the word “all” serves as a pronoun that represents the whole number or quantity of something. It is classified as a pronoun when it is used to take the place of a noun or a pronoun for the totality of something. For example, in the sentence below:

All of the gadgets were stolen.

The word “all” suggests the whole quantity and replaces the noun “gadgets.”


a. the whole number, quantity, or amount

  • Example:
  • All of us are hungry.

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The pronoun ‘all’ is a indefinite pronoun, a word standing in for the whole quantity of something. The indefinite pronoun ‘all’ is used as a singular or a plural. Examples:

All of it is yours.

All have arrived.

The word ‘all’ is an adjective when placed just before a noun to describe the noun:

All parents will be notified of the changes.

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