10000+ результатов для ‘what time is it’
What time is it? Который час?
от Tutynina
What is the time Который час
What time is it? Который час?
Привести в порядок
от Tutynina
What is the time Который час
What time is it?
от Galinafrolova19
Spotlight 6
What time is it?
от Alena580
Spotlight 4
What time is it?
Откройте поле
от Mikhailina2
what time is it..
от Bondyel2008
Starlight 4 module 1
What time is it?
от Brownmary
What time is it?
Откройте поле
от Mvirgo1212
Spotlight 4 What time is it?
от Mminsitova
Spotlight 4
What time is it?
от Berdmary96
What time is it?
Найди пару
от Sophiecher
Spotlight 1
Spotlight 2
Spotlight 3
Spotlight 4
Spotlight 5
Spotlight 6
Spotlight 7
Spotlight 8
What time is it?
от Porksheevaaa
prepare 1
What time is it?
от Roxcet15
What time is it?
Случайное колесо
от Bestteachers
What time is it?
от Oren56
Spotlight 4 what time is it?
Викторина «Игровое шоу»
от Coolnewolina
Spotlight 4
What time is it?
Случайное колесо
от Brownmary
What time is it?
Случайные карты
от Marinasimakova
What time is it?
от Mmgukasova
от Panchgal
4-5 класс
Spotlight 4 What time is it?
от Eburbakh58
Spotlight 4
What time is it? 2
Найди пару
от Galinafrolova19
Spotlight 6
What time is it? o’clock
Откройте поле
от Englishcampus
What time is it?
Найди пару
от Bogatyreva3
Spotlight 4
What time is it?
от Berdmary96
What time is it?
Найди пару
от Adbaranova2405
What time is it?
Привести в порядок
от Anatoljevna1
Spotlight 4
What time is it now?
Диаграмма с метками
от Olesija19821711
Пропущенное слово
от Saratheteacher
What time is it
What time is it?
от Anya23
What time is it?
от Alenakomarova05
3 класс
4-й класс
5-й класс
6 класс
Начальная школа / начальная
What time is it?
от Annavin
Spotlight 4
what time is it?
Случайное колесо
от Shulganvera
What time is it?
Диаграмма с метками
от Teachingende
What time is it? Random cards
Случайные карты
от Lizabruin298
what time is it?
Случайные карты
от Olesija19821711
What time is it?
Викторина «Игровое шоу»
от Ybarbatunova
What time is it?
Викторина «Игровое шоу»
от Bestnv
what time is it?
от Lena840684
What time is it now?
Случайное колесо
от Lyaysan84
What time is it? (quarter to/past)
Случайные карты
от Yesstudio36
What time is it time? (digital clock)
от Caaramelgirl
American English File Starter
The time
Is it…?
от Akatekoroleva
Is it a…
Family and friends
Make sentences
Привести в порядок
от Elenafaibusovic
It is it is not is it
What time is it?
от Stacey1001
What time is it?
Откройте поле
от Maria2801
What time is it?
от Khaliulina
What time is it?
от Teachingende
What time is it?
Найди пару
от Heini92
What time is it?
Совпадающие пары
от Ksiusha95
What time is it?
от Manhattantimes
What time is it?
от Bsubbotina
What time is it?
Диаграмма с метками
от Izipanova22
What time is it?
от Elvira17
«What time is it?»
Случайные карты
от Dimah1001
What time is it?
от Nadybelov2008
4-й класс
What time is it?
от Pevtsova09
What time is it?
Совпадающие пары
от Olefir150295
What time is it?
от Vludadurinka
Upper Primary
Gogetter 1
What time is it ?
Откройте поле
от Bsubbotina
Для того, чтобы спросить «Который час?» или «Сколько времени?» по-английски, задайте один из вопросов «What time is it?», «Have you got the time, please?», «What`s the time, please?».
Начинаем наш ответ с It`s (it is). Далее используем слова, которые нам пригодятся для обозначения определенного времени:
- если мы говорим о времени без минут — ровно час, два и т.д., то мы будем использовать слово o`clock.
- если речь идет о времени до 30 минут включительно (половина — (a) half), то будем использовать предлог past (после).
- если речь идет о 15 минутах, то 15 минут — это четверть часа — (a) quarter.
- если речь идет о 15 минутах, то 15 минут — это четверть часа — (a) quarter.
- начиная от 30 минут будем использовать предлог to (до).
А теперь проверим, сможете ли Вы сказать время:
- 1 Exercise 1. Запишите время буквами.
- 2 Exercise 2. Запишите время буквами.
- 3 Exercise 3. Запишите время цифрами.
- 4 Exercise 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
- 5 Exercise 5. Расставьте время в хронологическом порядке.
Exercise 1. Запишите время буквами.
- 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, 5.00, 6.00, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00.
Answers: It`s one o`
clock, It`s two o`
clock, It`s three o`
clock, It`s four o`
clock, It`s five o`
clock, It`s six o`
clock, It`s seven o`
clock, It`s eight o`
clock, It`s nine o`
clock, It`s ten o`
clock, It`s eleven o`
clock, It`s twelve o`
clock (Its midday./ It`
s midnight.)
Exercise 2. Запишите время буквами.
- 1.05, 2.05, 3.10, 4.10, 5.15, 6.15, 7.20, 8.20, 9.25, 10.25, 11.30, 12.30, 13.35, 14.35, 15.40, 16.40, 17.45, 18.45, 19.50, 20.50, 21.55, 22.55, 23.00, 24.00.
Answers: it`s five past one, it`s five past two, it`s ten past three, it`s ten past four, it`s quarter past five, it`s quarter past six, it`s twenty past seven, it`s twenty past eight, it`s twenty five past nine, it`s twenty five past ten, it`s half past eleven, it`s half past twelve, it`s twenty five to two, it`s twenty five to three, it`s twenty to four, it`s twenty to five, it`s quarter to six, it`s quarter to seven, it`s ten to eight, it`s ten to nine, it`s five to ten, its five to eleven, it`
s eleven o`clock, it
`s twelve o
`clock (it`s midday/midnight).
Exercise 3. Запишите время цифрами.
- it`s twenty to five;
- it`s five to ten;
- it`s twenty five past ten;
- it`s quarter past six;
- it`s ten to nine;
- it`s twenty past eight;
- it`s ten past three;
`s twelve o
`clock (it`s midday/midnight);- it`s twenty five to three;
- it`s half past eleven.
it`s quarter to six, it`s quarter past five.
Answers: 1. 4.40 (16.40) 2. 9.55 (21.55) 3. 10.25 (22.25) 4. 6.15 (18.15) 5. 8.50 (20.50) 6. 8.20 (20.20) 7. 3.10 (15.10) 8. 12.00 9. 2.35 (14. 35) 10. 11.30 (23.30)
Exercise 4. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
- it`s twenty five past ten (10.25 — 11.05 — 12.40);
`s twelve o
`clock (12.00 — midday — midnight);- it`s half past eleven (12.35 — 11.30 — 12.30);
- it`s quarter to six (6.15 — 5.45 — 18.15);
- it`s twenty to four (4.20 — 3.20 — 20.05);
- it`s ten to eight (8.10 — 10.08 — 7.50);
- it`s half past twelve (12.30 — 13.30 — 14.30);
- it`s ten past four (4.10 — 10.10 — 5.10);
- it`s five past one (5.05 — 13.05 — 13.00);
- it`s quarter to seven (15.15 — 7.45 — 6.45).
Answers: 1) 1 2) все ответы правильные 3) 2 4) 2 5) все ответы НЕ правильные 6) 3 7) 1 1 9) 2 10) 3.
Exercise 5. Расставьте время в хронологическом порядке.
- it`s quarter to six;
- it`s five past two;
- it`s ten to eight;
- it`s half past eleven;
`s twelve o
Answers: 1. it`s five past two; 2. it`s quarter to six; 3. it`s ten to eight; 4. it`s half past eleven; 5. it
`s twelve o
1. Напишите указанное время цифрами.
Н-р: It’s twenty past five. – 5:20
- It’s half past three.
- It’s ten to six.
- It’s a quarter past two.
- It’s a quarter to twelve.
- It’s twenty to one.
- It’s half past eight.
- It’s five past eleven.
- It’s twenty-five to four.
- It’s nine o’clock.
- It’s ten past ten.
2. Напишите указанное время словами.
- 4:45
- 12:40
- 6:30
- 3:00
- 5:10
- 2:35
- 9:55
- 12:05
- 8:25
- 7:15
3. Выберите в скобках правильное время.
- It’s twenty past eight. (7:40 – 8:20 – 8:40)
- It’s half past seven. (6:30 – 7:30 – 8:30)
- It’s a quarter past five. (4:45 — 5:15 – 6:15)
- It’s a quarter to ten. (10:15 – 10:45 – 9:45)
- It’s ten to twelve. (12:10 – 12:50 – 11:50)
4. Расставьте следующие варианты в хронологическом порядке.
- It’s twenty to one.
- It’s twenty past twelve.
- It’s five to one.
- It’s a quarter to one.
- It’s half past twelve.
- It’s a quarter to twelve.
- It’s a quarter past twelve.
- It’s noon.
- It’s five past twelve.
- It’s five to twelve.
- 3:30
- 5:50
- 2:15
- 11:45
- 12:40
- 8:30
- 11:05
- 3:35
- 9:00
- 10:10
- It’s a quarter to five.
- It’s twenty to one.
- It’s half past six.
- It’s three o’clock.
- It’s ten past five.
- It’s twenty-five to three.
- It’s five to ten.
- It’s five past twelve.
- It’s twenty-five past eight.
- It’s a quarter past seven.
- 8:20
- 7:30
- 5:15
- 9:45
- 11:50
6 – 11:45
10 – 11:55
8 – 12:00
9 – 12:05
7 – 12:15
2 – 12:20
5 – 12:30
1 – 12:40
4 – 12:45
3 – 12:55
Упражнения «Который час?» (What time is it?) — 4.6 out of
based on
362 votes
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A quarter/ a half
We use a quarter because 15 minutes is a quarter of an hour(¼). The same is true for a half(½).
So when we want to say it is 15 minutes after 4(04:15), we can also say that it is a quarter past four. American English speakers also use a quarter after four.
When to use O’clock?
We use O’clock every time it is exactly on the hour. There are no extra minutes. That means 4 o’clock, 5 o’clock.
One o’clock
Twelve o’clock has different names in English
During the day it is called midday or noon.
At night it is called midnight.
Am is from midnight to midday. Usually, people sleep for the first part of Am and then wake up around 8 am.
Pm is from midday to midnight. Usually, people work or study in the afternoon and have dinner around 6 pm (depends on the country!)
Other times of the day in English
The morning is the time from 1 am until midday.
The afternoon is from midnight until around 5 pm.
The evening is from around 5 pm until 10 pm. The evening time is usually the time that it is dark but you are still doing things like going out for dinner. It depends on the season too.
The night is the time when it is dark and you are sleeping or going to bed. That is why “good night” is a common expression when people are going to bed.
Sunrise and Dawn are the start of the day when the sun appears.
We use Sunset, dusk, and twilight for the time when the sun is disappearing and this depends on the country and season.
How to ask the time in English
The most common ways to ask the time in English is:
What time is it?
What is the time?
Other more polite ways to ask the time are:
Do you know the time?
Could you tell me what time it is?
If you want to know the time of an event starts you can use:
What time?
When? (doesn’t need to be a specific time)
What time does the movie start?
When is your sister coming?
More questions from students
How do you say tell the time in English?
You can use the examples above to tell the time in English.
We start the sentence with “It is…..”
It is ten past five(05:10)
How do you say 45 minutes in English?
A quarter to
4:45 a quarter to five
How do you use past and to in time?
We use past until 30 minutes after the hour and to from half-past until the next hour.
What time is 15 minutes after 8?
A quarter past eight
Why do we say o clock?
When people started using clocks they started saying. It is 9 of the clock to tell the time. Before clocks people used the sun to tell the time.
Say the time exercise
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