What this word mean inventory

Inventory (American English) or stock (British English) refers to the goods and materials that a business holds for the ultimate goal of resale, production or utilisation.[nb 1]

Inventory management is a discipline primarily about specifying the shape and placement of stocked goods. It is required at different locations within a facility or within many locations of a supply network to precede the regular and planned course of production and stock of materials.

The concept of inventory, stock or work in process (or work in progress) has been extended from manufacturing systems to service businesses [1][2][3] and projects,[4] by generalizing the definition to be «all work within the process of production—all work that is or has occurred prior to the completion of production». In the context of a manufacturing production system, inventory refers to all work that has occurred—raw materials, partially finished products, finished products prior to sale and departure from the manufacturing system. In the context of services, inventory refers to all work done prior to sale, including partially process information.

Business inventory[edit]

Reasons for keeping stock[edit]

There are five basic reasons for keeping an inventory:

  1. Time: The time lags present in the supply chain, from supplier to user at every stage, requires that you maintain certain amounts of inventory to use in this lead time. However, in practice, inventory is to be maintained for consumption during ‘variations in lead time’. Lead time itself can be addressed by ordering that many days in advance.
  2. Seasonal demand: Demands varies periodically, but producers capacity is fixed. This can lead to stock accumulation, consider for example how goods consumed only in holidays can lead to accumulation of large stocks on the anticipation of future consumption.
  3. Uncertainty: Inventories are maintained as buffers to meet uncertainties in demand, supply and movements of goods.
  4. Economies of scale: Ideal condition of «one unit at a time at a place where a user needs it, when he needs it» principle tends to incur lots of costs in terms of logistics. So bulk buying, movement and storing brings in economies of scale, thus inventory.
  5. Appreciation in value: In some situations, some stock gains the required value when it is kept for some time to allow it reach the desired standard for consumption, or for production. For example, beer in the brewing industry.

All these stock reasons can apply to any owner or product.

Special terms used in dealing with inventory management[edit]

  • Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) SKUs are clear, internal identification numbers assigned to each of the products and their variants. SKUs can be any combination of letters and numbers chosen, just as long as the system is consistent and used for all the products in the inventory.[5] An SKU code may also be referred to as product code, barcode, part number or MPN (Manufacturer’s Part Number).«Specialinvestor.com». www.specialinvestor.com. Archived from the original on 31 December 2006. Retrieved 8 May 2018.</ref>
  • «New old stock» (sometimes abbreviated NOS) is a term used in business to refer to merchandise being offered for sale that was manufactured long ago but that has never been used. Such merchandise may not be produced anymore, and the new old stock may represent the only market source of a particular item at the present time.


  1. Buffer/safety stock: Safety stock is the additional inventory that a company keeps on hand to mitigate the risk of stockouts or delays in supply chain. It is the extra stock that is kept in reserve above and beyond the regular inventory levels. The purpose of safety stock is to provide a buffer against fluctuations in demand or supply that could otherwise result in stockouts.
  2. Reorder level: Reorder level refers to the point when a company place an order to re-fill the stocks. Reorder point depends on the inventory policy of a company. Some companies place orders when the inventory level is lower than a certain quantity. Some companies place orders periodically.
  3. Cycle stock: Used in batch processes, cycle stock is the available inventory, excluding buffer stock.
  4. De-coupling: Buffer stock held between the machines in a single process which serves as a buffer for the next one allowing smooth flow of work instead of waiting the previous or next machine in the same process.
  5. Anticipation stock: Building up extra stock for periods of increased demand—e.g., ice cream for summer.
  6. Pipeline stock: Goods still in transit or in the process of distribution; e.g., they have left the factory but not arrived at the customer yet. Often calculated as: Average Daily / Weekly usage quantity X Lead time in days + Safety stock.

Inventory examples[edit]

While accountants often discuss inventory in terms of goods for sale, organizations—manufacturers, service-providers and not-for-profits—also have inventories (fixtures, equipment, furniture, supplies, parts, etc.) that they do not intend to sell. Manufacturers’, distributors’, and wholesalers’ inventory tends to cluster in warehouses. Retailers’ inventory may exist in a warehouse or in a shop or store accessible to customers. Inventories not intended for sale to customers or to clients may be held in any premises an organization uses. Stock ties up cash and, if uncontrolled, it will be impossible to know the actual level of stocks and therefore difficult to keep the costs associated with holding too much or too little inventory under control.

While the reasons for holding stock were covered earlier, most manufacturing organizations usually divide their «goods for sale» inventory into:

  • Raw materials: Materials and components scheduled for use in making a product.
  • Work in process (WIP): Materials and components that have begun their transformation to finished goods. These are used in process of manufacture and as such these are neither raw material nor finished goods.[6]
  • Finished goods: Goods ready for sale to customers.
  • Goods for resale: Returned goods that are salable.
  • Stocks in transit: The materials which are not at the seller’s location or buyers’ location but in between are «stocks in transit». Or we could say, the stocks which left the seller’s plant but have not reached the buyer, and are in transit.
  • Consignment stocks: The inventories where goods are with the buyer, but the actual ownership of goods remains with the seller until the goods are sold. Though the goods were transported to the buyer, payment of goods is done once the goods are sold. Hence such stocks are known as consignment stocks.
  • Maintenance supply.

For example:


A canned food manufacturer’s materials inventory includes the ingredients to form the foods to be canned, empty cans and their lids (or coils of steel or aluminum for constructing those components), labels, and anything else (solder, glue, etc.) that will form part of a finished can. The firm’s work in process includes those materials from the time of release to the work floor until they become complete and ready for sale to wholesale or retail customers. This may be vats of prepared food, filled cans not yet labeled or sub-assemblies of food components. It may also include finished cans that are not yet packaged into cartons or pallets. Its finished good inventory consists of all the filled and labeled cans of food in its warehouse that it has manufactured and wishes to sell to food distributors (wholesalers), to grocery stores (retailers), and even perhaps to consumers through arrangements like factory stores and outlet centers.

Capital projects[edit]

The partially completed work (or work in process) is a measure of inventory built during the work execution of a capital project,[7][8][9] such as encountered in civilian infrastructure construction or oil and gas. Inventory may not only reflect physical items (such as materials, parts, partially-finished sub-assemblies) but also knowledge work-in-process (such as partially completed engineering designs of components and assemblies to be fabricated).

Virtual inventory[edit]

A «virtual inventory» (also known as a «bank inventory») enables a group of users to share common parts, especially where their availability at short notice may be critical but they are unlikely to required by more than a few bank members at any one time.[10] Virtual inventory also allows distributors and fulfilment houses to ship goods to retailers direct from stock regardless of whether the stock is held in a retail store, stock room or warehouse.[11]

Costs associated with inventory[edit]

There are several costs associated with inventory:

  • Ordering cost
  • Setup cost
  • Holding Cost
  • Shortage Cost

Principle of inventory proportionality[edit]


Inventory proportionality is the goal of demand-driven inventory management. The primary optimal outcome is to have the same number of days’ (or hours’, etc.) worth of inventory on hand across all products so that the time of runout of all products would be simultaneous. In such a case, there is no «excess inventory», that is, inventory that would be left over of another product when the first product runs out. Holding excess inventory is sub-optimal because the money spent to obtain and the cost of holding it could have been utilized better elsewhere, i.e. to the product that just ran out.

The secondary goal of inventory proportionality is inventory minimization. By integrating accurate demand forecasting with inventory management, rather than only looking at past averages, a much more accurate and optimal outcome is expected. Integrating demand forecasting into inventory management in this way also allows for the prediction of the «can fit» point when inventory storage is limited on a per-product basis.


The technique of inventory proportionality is most appropriate for inventories that remain unseen by the consumer, as opposed to «keep full» systems where a retail consumer would like to see full shelves of the product they are buying so as not to think they are buying something old, unwanted or stale; and differentiated from the «trigger point» systems where product is reordered when it hits a certain level; inventory proportionality is used effectively by just-in-time manufacturing processes and retail applications where the product is hidden from view.

One early example of inventory proportionality used in a retail application in the United States was for motor fuel. Motor fuel (e.g. gasoline) is generally stored in underground storage tanks. The motorists do not know whether they are buying gasoline off the top or bottom of the tank, nor need they care. Additionally, these storage tanks have a maximum capacity and cannot be overfilled. Finally, the product is expensive. Inventory proportionality is used to balance the inventories of the different grades of motor fuel, each stored in dedicated tanks, in proportion to the sales of each grade. Excess inventory is not seen or valued by the consumer, so it is simply cash sunk (literally) into the ground. Inventory proportionality minimizes the amount of excess inventory carried in underground storage tanks. This application for motor fuel was first developed and implemented by Petrolsoft Corporation in 1990 for Chevron Products Company. Most major oil companies use such systems today.[12]


The use of inventory proportionality in the United States is thought to have been inspired by Japanese just-in-time parts inventory management made famous by Toyota Motors in the 1980s.[13]

High-level inventory management[edit]

It seems that around 1880[14] there was a change in manufacturing practice from companies with relatively homogeneous lines of products to horizontally integrated companies with unprecedented diversity in processes and products. Those companies (especially in metalworking) attempted to achieve success through economies of scope—the gains of jointly producing two or more products in one facility. The managers now needed information on the effect of product-mix decisions on overall profits and therefore needed accurate product-cost information. A variety of attempts to achieve this were unsuccessful due to the huge overhead of the information processing of the time. However, the burgeoning need for financial reporting after 1900 created unavoidable pressure for financial accounting of stock and the management need to cost manage products became overshadowed. In particular, it was the need for audited accounts that sealed the fate of managerial cost accounting. The dominance of financial reporting accounting over management accounting remains to this day with few exceptions, and the financial reporting definitions of ‘cost’ have distorted effective management ‘cost’ accounting since that time. This is particularly true of inventory.

Hence, high-level financial inventory has these two basic formulas, which relate to the accounting period:

  1. Cost of Beginning Inventory at the start of the period + inventory purchases within the period + cost of production within the period = cost of goods available
  2. Cost of goods available − cost of ending inventory at the end of the period = cost of goods sold

The benefit of these formulas is that the first absorbs all overheads of production and raw material costs into a value of inventory for reporting. The second formula then creates the new start point for the next period and gives a figure to be subtracted from the sales price to determine some form of sales-margin figure.

Manufacturing management is more interested in inventory turnover ratio or average days to sell inventory since it tells them something about relative inventory levels.

Inventory turnover ratio (also known as inventory turns) = cost of goods sold / Average Inventory = Cost of Goods Sold / ((Beginning Inventory + Ending Inventory) / 2)

and its inverse

Average Days to Sell Inventory = Number of Days a Year / Inventory Turnover Ratio = 365 days a year / Inventory Turnover Ratio

This ratio estimates how many times the inventory turns over a year. This number tells how much cash/goods are tied up waiting for the process and is a critical measure of process reliability and effectiveness. So a factory with two inventory turns has six months stock on hand, which is generally not a good figure (depending upon the industry), whereas a factory that moves from six turns to twelve turns has probably improved effectiveness by 100%. This improvement will have some negative results in the financial reporting, since the ‘value’ now stored in the factory as inventory is reduced.

While these accounting measures of inventory are very useful because of their simplicity, they are also fraught with the danger of their own assumptions. There are, in fact, so many things that can vary hidden under this appearance of simplicity that a variety of ‘adjusting’ assumptions may be used. These include:

  • Specific Identification
  • Lower of cost or market
  • Weighted Average Cost
  • Moving-Average Cost
  • FIFO and LIFO.
  • Queueing theory.[15]

Inventory Turn is a financial accounting tool for evaluating inventory and it is not necessarily a management tool. Inventory management should be forward looking. The methodology applied is based on historical cost of goods sold. The ratio may not be able to reflect the usability of future production demand, as well as customer demand.

Business models, including Just in Time (JIT) Inventory, Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) and Customer Managed Inventory (CMI), attempt to minimize on-hand inventory and increase inventory turns. VMI and CMI have gained considerable attention due to the success of third-party vendors who offer added expertise and knowledge that organizations may not possess.

Inventory management also involves risk which varies depending upon a firm’s position in the distribution channel. Some typical measures of inventory exposure[definition needed] are width of commitment[definition needed], time of duration[definition needed] and depth[definition needed]. [16]

Inventory management in modern days is online oriented and more viable in digital. This type of dynamics order management will require end-to-end visibility, collaboration across fulfillment processes, real-time data automation among different companies, and integration among multiple systems.[17]

Accounting for inventory[edit]

Each country has its own rules about accounting for inventory that fit with their financial-reporting rules.

For example, organizations in the U.S. define inventory to suit their needs within US Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP), the rules defined by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) (and others) and enforced by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and other federal and state agencies. Other countries often have similar arrangements but with their own accounting standards and national agencies instead.

It is intentional that financial accounting uses standards that allow the public to compare firms’ performance, cost accounting functions internally to an organization and potentially with much greater flexibility. A discussion of inventory from standard and Theory of Constraints-based (throughput) cost accounting perspective follows some examples and a discussion of inventory from a financial accounting perspective.

The internal costing/valuation of inventory can be complex. Whereas in the past most enterprises ran simple, one-process factories, such enterprises are quite probably in the minority in the 21st century. Where ‘one process’ factories exist, there is a market for the goods created, which establishes an independent market value for the good. Today, with multistage-process companies, there is much inventory that would once have been finished goods which is now held as ‘work in process’ (WIP). This needs to be valued in the accounts, but the valuation is a management decision since there is no market for the partially finished product. This somewhat arbitrary ‘valuation’ of WIP combined with the allocation of overheads to it has led to some unintended and undesirable results.

Financial accounting[edit]

An organization’s inventory can appear a mixed blessing, since it counts as an asset on the balance sheet, but it also ties up money that could serve for other purposes and requires additional expense for its protection. Inventory may also cause significant tax expenses, depending on particular countries’ laws regarding depreciation of inventory, as in Thor Power Tool Company v. Commissioner.

Inventory appears as a current asset on an organization’s balance sheet because the organization can, in principle, turn it into cash by selling it. Some organizations hold larger inventories than their operations require in order to inflate their apparent asset value and their perceived profitability.

In addition to the money tied up by acquiring inventory, inventory also brings associated costs for warehouse space, for utilities, and for insurance to cover staff to handle and protect it from fire and other disasters, obsolescence, shrinkage (theft and errors), and others. Such holding costs can mount up: between a third and a half of its acquisition value per year.

Businesses that stock too little inventory cannot take advantage of large orders from customers if they cannot deliver. The conflicting objectives of cost control and customer service often put an organization’s financial and operating managers against its sales and marketing departments. Salespeople, in particular, often receive sales-commission payments, so unavailable goods may reduce their potential personal income. This conflict can be minimised by reducing production time to being near or less than customers’ expected delivery time. This effort, known as «Lean production» will significantly reduce working capital tied up in inventory and reduce manufacturing costs (See the Toyota Production System).

Role of inventory accounting[edit]

By helping the organization to make better decisions, the accountants can help the public sector to change in a very positive way that delivers increased value for the taxpayer’s investment. It can also help to incentive’s progress and to ensure that reforms are sustainable and effective in the long term, by ensuring that success is appropriately recognized in both the formal and informal reward systems of the organization.

To say that they have a key role to play is an understatement. Finance is connected to most, if not all, of the key business processes within the organization. It should be steering the stewardship and accountability systems that ensure that the organization is conducting its business in an appropriate, ethical manner. It is critical that these foundations are firmly laid. So often they are the litmus test by which public confidence in the institution is either won or lost.

Finance should also be providing the information, analysis and advice to enable the organizations’ service managers to operate effectively. This goes beyond the traditional preoccupation with budgets—how much have we spent so far, how much do we have left to spend? It is about helping the organization to better understand its own performance. That means making the connections and understanding the relationships between given inputs—the resources brought to bear—and the outputs and outcomes that they achieve. It is also about understanding and actively managing risks within the organization and its activities.

FIFO vs. LIFO accounting[edit]

When a merchant buys goods from inventory, the value of the inventory account is reduced by the cost of goods sold (COGS). This is simple where the cost has not varied across those held in stock; but where it has, then an agreed method must be derived to evaluate it. For commodity items that one cannot track individually, accountants must choose a method that fits the nature of the sale. Two popular methods in use are: FIFO (first in, first out) and LIFO (last in, first out).

FIFO treats the first unit that arrived in inventory as the first one sold. LIFO considers the last unit arriving in inventory as the first one sold. Which method an accountant selects can have a significant effect on net income and book value and, in turn, on taxation. Using LIFO accounting for inventory, a company generally reports lower net income and lower book value, due to the effects of inflation. This generally results in lower taxation. Due to LIFO’s potential to skew inventory value, UK GAAP and IAS have effectively banned LIFO inventory accounting. LIFO accounting is permitted in the United States subject to section 472 of the Internal Revenue Code.[18]

Standard cost accounting[edit]

Standard cost accounting uses ratios called efficiencies that compare the labour and materials actually used to produce a good with those that the same goods would have required under «standard» conditions. As long as actual and standard conditions are similar, few problems arise. Unfortunately, standard cost accounting methods developed about 100 years ago, when labor comprised the most important cost in manufactured goods. Standard methods continue to emphasize labor efficiency even though that resource now constitutes a (very) small part of cost in most cases.

Standard cost accounting can hurt managers, workers, and firms in several ways. For example, a policy decision to increase inventory can harm a manufacturing manager’s performance evaluation. Increasing inventory requires increased production, which means that processes must operate at higher rates. When (not if) something goes wrong, the process takes longer and uses more than the standard labor time. The manager appears responsible for the excess, even though s/he has no control over the production requirement or the problem.

In adverse economic times, firms use the same efficiencies to downsize, rightsize, or otherwise reduce their labor force. Workers laid off under those circumstances have even less control over excess inventory and cost efficiencies than their managers.

Many financial and cost accountants have agreed for many years on the desirability of replacing standard cost accounting. They have not, however, found a successor.

Theory of constraints cost accounting[edit]

Eliyahu M. Goldratt developed the Theory of Constraints in part to address the cost-accounting problems in what he calls the «cost world.» He offers a substitute, called throughput accounting, that uses throughput (money for goods sold to customers) in place of output (goods produced that may sell or may boost inventory) and considers labor as a fixed rather than as a variable cost. He defines inventory simply as everything the organization owns that it plans to sell, including buildings, machinery, and many other things in addition to the categories listed here. Throughput accounting recognizes only one class of variable costs: the truly variable costs, like materials and components, which vary directly with the quantity produced

Finished goods inventories remain balance-sheet assets, but labor-efficiency ratios no longer evaluate managers and workers. Instead of an incentive to reduce labor cost, throughput accounting focuses attention on the relationships between throughput (revenue or income) on one hand and controllable operating expenses and changes in inventory on the other.

National accounts[edit]

Inventories also play an important role in national accounts and the analysis of the business cycle. Some short-term macroeconomic fluctuations are attributed to the inventory cycle.

Distressed inventory[edit]

Also known as distressed or expired stock, distressed inventory is inventory whose potential to be sold at a normal cost has passed or will soon pass. In certain industries it could also mean that the stock is or will soon be impossible to sell. Examples of distressed inventory include products which have reached their expiry date, or have reached a date in advance of expiry at which the planned market will no longer purchase them (e.g. 3 months left to expiry), clothing which is out of fashion, music which is no longer popular and old newspapers or magazines. It also includes computer or consumer-electronic equipment which is obsolete or discontinued and whose manufacturer is unable to support it, along with products which use that type of equipment e.g. VHS format equipment and videos.[19]

In 2001, Cisco wrote off inventory worth US$2.25 billion due to duplicate orders.[20] This is considered one of the biggest inventory write-offs in business history.[citation needed]

Stock rotation[edit]

Stock rotation is the practice of changing the way inventory is displayed on a regular basis. This is most commonly used in hospitality and retail — particularity where food products are sold. For example, in the case of supermarkets that a customer frequents on a regular basis, the customer may know exactly what they want and where it is. This results in many customers going straight to the product they seek and do not look at other items on sale. To discourage this practice, stores will rotate the location of stock to encourage customers to look through the entire store. This is in hopes the customer will pick up items they would not normally see.[21]

Inventory credit[edit]

Inventory credit refers to the use of stock, or inventory, as collateral to raise finance. Where banks may be reluctant to accept traditional collateral, for example in developing countries where land title may be lacking, inventory credit is a potentially important way of overcoming financing constraints.[22] This is not a new concept; archaeological evidence suggests that it was practiced in Ancient Rome. Obtaining finance against stocks of a wide range of products held in a bonded warehouse is common in much of the world. It is, for example, used with Parmesan cheese in Italy.[23] Inventory credit on the basis of stored agricultural produce is widely used in Latin American countries and in some Asian countries.[24] A precondition for such credit is that banks must be confident that the stored product will be available if they need to call on the collateral; this implies the existence of a reliable network of certified warehouses.[25] Banks also face problems in valuing the inventory. The possibility of sudden falls in commodity prices means that they are usually reluctant to lend more than about 60% of the value of the inventory at the time of the loan.


  • International Journal of Inventory Research
  • Omega — The International Journal of Management Science

See also[edit]

  • Cash conversion cycle
  • Consignment stock
  • Cost of goods sold
  • Economic order quantity
  • FSN Inventory Analysis
  • Inventory investment
  • Inventory management software
  • Logistics
  • Operations research
  • Pinch point (economics)
  • Project production management
  • Service level
  • Spare part
  • Stock management


  1. ^ The word inventory is American English and also in business accounting. In the rest of the English-speaking world, stock is more commonly used, although inventory is recognised as a synonym.


  1. ^ «Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Services», R.B. Chase, N.J. Aquiline and F.R. Jacobs, Eighth Edition, 1998, pp 582-583
  2. ^ «Operations and Supply Chain Management: The Core», Third Edition, F. Robert Jacobs and Richard B. Chase, p 346
  3. ^ Maynard’s Industrial Engineering Handbook, Fifth Edition, Kjell B. Landin (ed.), McGraw-Hill 2001, p G.8
  4. ^ «Factory Physics for Managers», E.S. Pound, J.H. Bell, and M.L. Spearman, McGraw-Hill 2014, p 47
  5. ^ «SKUs and UPCs: do your products have a unique identity?». www.tradegecko.com. Archived from the original on 2015-11-23. Retrieved 2015-11-23.
  6. ^ Jaiswal, Vishal. «Types of Inventory and Quality Standards». www.mechanicalsite.com. Mechanical Site. Retrieved 2 December 2019.
  7. ^ “Construction: one type of Project Production System”, Proceedings of 13th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction. Sydney, Australia, 19–21 Jul 2005. pp 29–35
  8. ^ “Strategic Positioning of Inventory to match demand in a capital projects supply chain”, K. D. Walsh, J. C. Hershauer, I.D. Tommelein and T. A. Walsh, Journal of Construction Engineerign and Manabement, Nov–Dec 2014, p 818
  9. ^ Shenoy, R. G.; Zabelle, T. R. (Nov 2016). «New Era of Project Delivery – Project as Production System». Journal of Project Production Management. 1: 13–24. Archived from the original on 2017-02-18.
  10. ^ Inventory and Logistics Operations, CIPS Study Materials, Profex Publishing, 2012, page 54
  11. ^ PLS Logistics,More Inventory, Less Warehouse Space: How Virtual Inventory Works Archived 2018-02-08 at the Wayback Machine, published 22 March 2016 accessed 7 February 2018
  12. ^ aspenONE Supply & Distribution for Refining & Marketing, archived from the original on 2010-06-08
  13. ^ «JIT Manufacturing». Archived from the original on 2010-04-25. Retrieved 2010-03-24.
  14. ^ Relevance Lost, Johnson and Kaplan, Harvard Business School Press, 1987, p126
  15. ^ Fathi, M. (2010). «A queueing approach to production-inventory planning for supply chain with uncertain demands: Case study of PAKSHOO Chemicals Company». Journal of Manufacturing Systems. 29 (2–3): 55–62. doi:10.1016/j.jmsy.2010.08.003.
  16. ^ Bowesox, Donald; Closs, David; Cooper, Bixby (2010). «7». Supply Chain Logistics Management | Inventory Functionality and Definitions. Mc Graw Hill. pp. 156–160. ISBN 978-007-127617-7.
  17. ^ «Big trends for Inventory Management in 2017 [Infographic] (UPDATED) — Magentone Developers Website». Magentone Developers Website. Archived from the original on 2017-07-18. Retrieved 2017-07-19.
  18. ^ Internal Revenue Code, § 472: Last-in, first-out inventories Archived 2016-12-23 at the Wayback Machine, accessed 23 December 2016
  19. ^ R. S. SAXENA (1 December 2009). INVENTORY MANAGEMENT: Controlling in a Fluctuating Demand Environment. Global India Publications. pp. 24–. ISBN 978-93-8022-821-1. Retrieved 7 April 2012.
  20. ^ Armony, Mor (2005). «The Impact of Duplicate Orders on Demand Estimation and Capacity Investment». Management Science. 51 (10): 1505–1518. doi:10.1287/mnsc.1050.0371.
  21. ^ Lee, Perlitz (2012). Retail Services. Australia: McGraw HIll. p. 440. ISBN 9781743070741. Archived from the original on 2013-02-21.
  22. ^ «Inventory Financing». Targray. Retrieved 27 August 2020.
  23. ^ «Who moved my Parmigiano?». italiannotebook.com. Archived from the original on 2013-01-26.
  24. ^ Coulter, Jonathan; Shepherd, Andrew W. (1995). «Inventory Credit – An approach to developing agricultural markets». fao.org. Rome. Archived from the original on 2009-03-14.
  25. ^ CTA and EAGC. «Structured grain trading systems in Africa» (PDF). CTA. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 October 2014. Retrieved 27 February 2014.

Further reading[edit]

  • Kieso, DE; Warfield, TD; Weygandt, JJ (2007). Intermediate Accounting 8th Canadian Edition. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-15313-0.
  • Cannella S., Ciancimino E. (2010) Up-to-date Supply Chain Management: the Coordinated (S,R). In «Advanced Manufacturing and Sustainable Logistics». Dangelmaier W. et al. (Eds.) 175–185. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
1. сущ.



опись, список, реестр

to make an inventory of all property — провести опись всего имущества




часто мн.

товарно-материальные запасы, материально-производственные запасы

inventory account — счет запасов

to build up inventories — создавать товарно-материальные запасы



inventory accounting, inventory adjustment, inventory analysis, inventory balance, inventory book, inventory cost, inventory carrying cost, inventory control card, inventory control chart, inventory costing, inventory cutoff, inventory cycle, inventory department, inventory equation, inventory in stock, inventory ledger, inventory method, inventory observation, inventory ordering cost, inventory price index, inventory pricing, inventory valuation, inventory valuation adjustment, inventory value, inventory profit, inventory reserve, inventory shortage, inventory shrinkage, inventory status file, inventory taking, inventory turnover, goods-in-process inventory, final goods, factory order 3) raw materials inventory, wholesale inventory, inventory manager



инвентарь; запас, резерв

inventory of materials — запас материалов

inventory of goods for resale — запас товаров для перепродажи

in inventory — в запасе, в наличии

to reduce (an) inventory (by having a sale) — уменьшить число наименований (проведя распродажу)

Where item(s) ordered are not in inventory, we will e-mail you and communicate the estimated lead time. — Если заказанного товара/заказанных товаров нет в наличии, сообщим вам о предполагаемом сроке реализации заказа по электронной почте.




портфель [резерв] ценных бумаг


inventory of securities — резерв ценных бумаг

Orders for stocks that can’t be matched are sent to market makers for execution, or we will execute the orders using our own inventory of securities. — Приказы на акции, которые не могут быть выполнены, отправляются на исполнение маркет-мейкерам, либо мы сами выполняем эти приказы, используя наш собственный резерв ценных бумаг.


annual inventory — сплошная инвентаризация в конце отчетного года

days of inventories — период инвентаризации

to make [take] an inventory (of) — производить учет (чего-л.)

closed for inventory — закрыто на переучет

Take an inventory of everything you own. — Проведите инвентаризацию всего своего имущества.



вопросник; анкета


2. гл.



составлять опись [перечень, реестр] ; инвентаризировать

Your first task is to inventory all assets that you and your spouse acquired during the marriage. — Ваша первоочередная задача — составить перечень всех активов, которые вы и ваш(а) супруг(а) приобрели за время брака.

* * *

1) стоимость запасов товаров, сырья, продукции в процессе работы и готовой продукции компании;

2) портфель ценных бумаг физического лица;
3) список всех активов физического лица с указанием стоимости каждого (обычно для получения страховки или кредита);
4) нетто-позиция биржевого брокера или дилера по ценным бумагам; также ценные бумаги, купленные дилером для последующей перепродажи.

* * *

Товарно-материальные запасы/нетто-позиция биржевого брокера/портфель ценных бумаг

* * *

Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность

1. оборотные фонды

Ценные бумаги/Биржевая деятельность

2. портфель ценных бумаг

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

опись, инвентаризация, инвентарный, составлять опись


- опись; инвентарная ведомость, список, перечень, реестр

to take /to make up, to draw up/ an inventory — составить опись инвентаря
estate inventory — опись имущества
inventory of finished goods — опись готовой продукции
parts inventory — перечень деталей

- список, каталог

an inventory of household furniture — список имеющейся в доме мебели
manpower inventory — список личного состава
publisher’s inventory — каталог литературы издательского фонда

- составление описи; инвентаризация

pool inventory — инвентаризация сводного имущества
hardware inventory — инвентаризация аппаратного обеспечения
annual year-end inventory — ежегодная инвентаризация в конце года

- товары, предметы, внесённые в инвентарь; инвентарь; наличные товары

sluggish inventories — залежавшиеся товары
partial inventory — частичный инвентарь

- запас, резерв

inventory in stock — наличный запас

- часто pl материально-производственные запасы, (товарно-)материальные запасы

to carry inventories — поддерживать товарно-материальные запасы
to build up inventories — создавать товарно-материальные запасы

- оборотные фонды
- вопросник, анкета

strong interest inventory — вопросник на определение интересов
self-report inventory — анкета самоотчёта

- управление запасами

bilevel inventory control — управление запасами по двум уровням

- лес. бонитировка, таксация (леса)

recurrent inventory — периодическая таксация леса

- воен. арсенал, состоящие на вооружении средства

to remove from the inventory — снять с вооружения
to include in the inventory — принять на вооружение
missiles inventory — арсенал ракетного оружия
active inventory — средства, состоящие на вооружении


- составлять опись; инвентаризировать

to inventory the goods once a month — производить переучёт товаров /инвентаря/ раз в месяц
to inventory a person’s qualities — подробно перечислить чьи-л. личные качества

- суммировать, подытоживать

Мои примеры

Примеры с переводом

Closed for inventory.

Закрыто на учёт.

Take an inventory of everything you own.

Проведите инвентаризацию всего своего имущества.

An inventory takes in all the contents of the room.

Опись включает всё, что находится в комнате.

They held an inventory every month.

Они проводили инвентаризацию каждый месяц.

Place inventory on hold for the customer.

Зарезервируй товар для этого клиента.

They held a sale to reduce their inventory.

Они провели распродажу, чтобы уменьшить свои инвентарные запасы.

All his possessions were being inventoried for sale.

Для продажи составлялся список всех его владений.

ещё 7 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Inventories at both stores were low.

We made an inventory of everything in the apartment.

The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): inventory
мн. ч.(plural): inventories

inventory — перевод на русский


Mr. Fallon, before I bought your studio, I made a personal inventory of all of your property.

Мистер Фаллон, прежде, чем я купил Вашу студию, я лично провел инвентаризацию всей вашей собственности.

Rom is doing the stock inventory.

Ром проводит еженедельную инвентаризацию запасов.

— Not everything. — Once you’ve cleaned up, I’m going to conduct a complete inventory and find out exactly what you’ve stolen from me.

— Как только ты уберёшься здесь, я собираюсь провести полную инвентаризацию и точно выявить всё, что ты украл у меня.

I was in the back of the warehouse… doing inventory.

— Я была в глубине склада проводила инвентаризацию.

I’ve just got to go do inventory.

Мне надо делать инвентаризацию.

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— Mr. Yardley this is no time to take inventory.

— Мистер Ярдли сейчас не время делать опись.

— You takin’ inventory or ain’t ya?

— Ты составляешь опись?

Hey, you still haven’t brought in that inventory list on the Mott Street takedown.

Эй, вы все еще не заполнили эту опись по разборке на Мотт-стрит.

We should have a full inventory by tomorrow.

Завтра утром у нас должна быть полная опись.

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What about your inventory?

Твой инвентарь в порядке?

You said yourself my inventory was in shape, all my merchandise put away.

Ты же сам сказал: Мой инвентарь в порядке.

We won’t know that until after the dispenser checks his inventory.

— Мы не узнаем, пока фармацевт не проверит инвентарь.

A member of a collective can not keep a live inventory.

Член коллектива не может содержать живой инвентарь.

But Habuba is not an inventory.

Но Хабуба не инвентарь.

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Like the restaurant business you don’t want your inventory to lose its freshness.

Как в ресторанном бизнесе ты же не хочешь, чтобы товар терял свежесть.

Come and see my inventory.

Приходите посмотреть на мой товар.

Is it the inventory?


I got the inventory divided between us.

Я разделил товар между нами.

But you couldn’t get your inventory out, because the security cameras were on all the time.

Но вы не могли вынести товар, потому что камеры слежения не выключаются.

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You haven’t even bothered to look at the inventory.

Ты даже не посмотрел список.

Say, does this building have a food inventory?

Скажите, в этом здании ? есть список продуктов питания?

Your inventory, Louis, is unlimited… like you long, clean, white breeches. But there is nothing of substance in either of them.

Ваш список бесконечен, Луи, как и ваши длинные, чистые, белоснежные бриджи, — но ни в том, ни в другом нет ничего существенного.

I’ll get the inventory specs.

Сейчас посмотрим список.

I could help, yes, if I had a precise inventory of what was in that storage facility when it detonated…

Я смог бы помочь. Если бы получил точный список всего, что было на складе.

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Stray bullets are bad for the inventory.

Шальные пули могут повредить мои запасы .

We can reduce inventory, cut back on dead assets taking up warehouse space and tying up capital, plus we get a more accurate point-of-sale analysis.

Мы можем сократить запасы, урезать мертвых активов, занимая складские помещения и связывание капитала, плюс мы получаем более точные точке анализа.

How’s your inventory?

Каковы ваши запасы?

Legend has it the remaining inventory was secretly bought up by someone.

Говорят, последние запасы были тайно кем-то выкуплены.

Well, I say the moment we land we all head over to Ziggy’s and clear out the champagne inventory.

Как только приземлимся — все поедем в «Ziggy’s» и опустошим их запасы шампанского.

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— Sort of a mooching inventory.

— Какой-то воровской учёт.

—Doing inventory.

— У нас был учёт.

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About my inventory — he brakes it, he bought it.

Что касается моего оборудования: стоимость нового — на вашей совести.

Well, I went through Rostok’s inventory. And there were a couple of items of interest.

Я проверил список технического оборудования в Ростоке.

She might be interested in acquiring your entire inventory.

Она может быть заинтересована в покупке всего вашего оборудования.

Are you still interested in acquiring my inventory?

Вы ещё заинтересованы в покупке моего оборудования?


Каталогов нет, оборудования нет, ни пластиковых пакетов, ни образцов в витрине.

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Somebody just put a sticky inventory tag on his…

Кто-то прикрепил инвентарный ярлычок на этот…

Inventory number 721799 Eaglet úttörõtábor, 1967.

Инвентарный номер 721799 пионерлагерь «Орлёнок» 1967-й год.

Inventory logs for the Asset Forfeiture Locker when missing years ago.

Инвентарный журнал регистрации для хранилища конфискованного имущества пропал годы назад.

Inventory number 760209.

Инвентарный номер 760209.

Reddington compiled a partial inventory from his sources.

Реддингтон набросал инвентарный списочек по его данным.

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I have to make sure I don’t end up with extra inventory.

Я должен удостовериться, что товар не залежится у меня на складе.

I just did inventory in the back, it was all put out here.

Вообще-то, я только что был на складе Всю начинку принесли сюда

Can you do inventory so that we can do the sidewalk sale?

Поройся на складе, возможно, пора распродажу устраивать.

There were two missing from the inventory.

На складе не хватало двух.

A car… which currently is among our inventory.

Машину… которая сейчас находится у нас на складе.

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1 : a supply of goods Inventory is low. 2 : a list of items (as goods on hand) 3 : the act or process of making a list of items.

What take inventory means?

To count and record an itemized list of items in one’s inventory. The boss is making the entire warehouse staff come in on Saturday to take inventory. We’ll need to take inventory to see what was stolen during the break-in. See also: take.

What does inventorization mean?

make an inventory of
Filters. (nonstandard) To make an inventory of.

What is inventories in balance sheet?

Key Takeaways. Inventory is the raw materials used to produce goods as well as the goods that are available for sale. It is classified as a current asset on a company’s balance sheet. The three types of inventory include raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods.

What is inventory type?

There are four main types of inventory: raw materials/components, WIP, finished goods and MRO. However, some people recognize only three types of inventory, leaving out MRO. Understanding the different types of inventory is essential for making sound financial and production planning choices.

What is inventory short note?

Inventory is an accounting term that refers to goods that are in various stages of being made ready for sale, including: Finished goods (that are available to be sold) Work-in-progress (meaning in the process of being made) Raw materials (to be used to produce more finished goods)

What are inventories in economics?

Inventory refers to all the items, goods, merchandise, and materials held by a business for selling in the market to earn a profit.

What is inventory in tally?

Inventory is an idle stock of physical goods that contain economic value and are held in various forms by an organization. Inventories are held in various forms, it can be a stock awaiting packing, processing, transformation, use or sale in a future point of time.

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

[ in-vuhn-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee ]

/ ˈɪn vənˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i /

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

noun, plural in·ven·to·ries.

a complete listing of merchandise or stock on hand, work in progress, raw materials, finished goods on hand, etc., made each year by a business concern.

the objects or items represented on such a list, as a merchant’s stock of goods.

the aggregate value of a stock of goods.

raw material from the time of its receipt at an industrial plant for manufacturing purposes to the time it is sold.

a detailed, often descriptive, list of articles, giving the code number, quantity, and value of each; catalog.

a formal list of movables, as of a merchant’s stock of goods.

a formal list of the property of a person or estate.

a tally of one’s personality traits, aptitudes, skills, etc., for use in counseling and guidance.

a catalog of natural resources, especially a count or estimate of wildlife and game in a particular area.

the act of making a catalog or detailed listing.

verb (used with object), in·ven·to·ried, in·ven·to·ry·ing.

to make an inventory of; enter in an inventory; catalog.

to take stock of; evaluate: to inventory one’s life and accomplishments.

to summarize: to inventory the progress in chemistry.

to keep an available supply of (merchandise); stock.

verb (used without object), in·ven·to·ried, in·ven·to·ry·ing.

to have value as shown by an inventory: stock that inventories at two million dollars.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of inventory

First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English inventorie, from Medieval Latin inventōrium; see invent, -tory2

synonym study for inventory


in·ven·to·ri·a·ble, adjectivein·ven·to·ri·al, adjectivein·ven·to·ri·al·ly, adverbo·ver·in·ven·to·ried, adjective

pre·in·ven·to·ry, noun, plural pre·in·ven·to·ries.

Words nearby inventory

invenit, invent, invention, inventive, inventor, inventory, invent the wheel, inveracity, Inveraray, Invercargill, Inverclyde

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does inventory mean?

An inventory is a complete list of all merchandise or stock of items owned by or available from a business.

At a store, an inventory is the complete list of all items for sale at the store. At a manufacturer, an inventory is a complete list of all the raw materials they have, as well as finished items and items being created.

An inventory is also the specific set of products to sell, as in The store’s inventory of superhero capes is running low and will probably sell out soon.

An inventory can also refer to figurative belongings, such as a person’s personality traits and skills.

To inventory means to add things to an inventory list, whether a literal or figurative list, as in I inventoried my options for colleges and chose the school I’ll attend next year.

Example: Can you take inventory tonight so we can be ready for the rush tomorrow?

Where does inventory come from?

The first records of the term inventory come from around the 1300s. It ultimately comes from the Medieval Latin inventōrium.

You’ve probably seen inventory used in computer gaming, where your inventory is the place where you can keep track of the materials you’ve collected while playing the game. Often, the inventory holds items that you use to enhance your performance, build or craft something, or customize your character. The first video game to have an inventory system was “The Oregon Trail” in 1971, which tasked players with traveling from Missouri to Oregon in an 1800s wagon caravan, picking up food, tools, rope, and the like to add to their inventory along the way.

Did you know … ?

What are some other forms related to inventory?

  • inventoriable (adjective)
  • inventorial (adjective)
  • inventorially (adverb)
  • overinventoried (adjective)
  • preinventory (noun)

What are some synonyms for inventory?

  • backlog
  • fund
  • index
  • reserve
  • stockpile

What are some words that share a root or word element with inventory

  • invent
  • invention
  • inventor

What are some words that often get used in discussing inventory?

  • ad
  • management
  • stock
  • visibility

How is inventory used in real life?

Inventory is mostly used in a business context.

Just tried to buy the remaining Holiday Spice inventory from the @starbucks next to my house but there was barely any left… 😭😭😭

— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) December 30, 2015

Some girl just asked me if I worked at the dollar store because my cart was filled with Christmas stuff like I was doing inventory. 💁

— Nicole Polizzi (@snooki) November 16, 2014

Finally got to see @boburnham’s @eighthgrademov. A shame more movies are not like this. Authentic, full of heart, gut-wrenching, hopeful, relatable and very importantly an inventory check on life and life around you. Was both brought back to a time and reminded of these times.

— Sal Vulcano (@SalVulcano) August 23, 2018

Try using inventory!

Which of the following is NOT a synonym for inventory?

A. debt
B. supply
C. reserve
D. backlog

Words related to inventory

backlog, fund, index, reserve, stockpile, supply, account, catalogue, file, hoard, itemization, record, register, reservoir, roll, roster, schedule, store, summary, table

How to use inventory in a sentence

  • Along with monitoring current inventory, Canix includes forecasting features.

  • Accurate inventory visibility will matter for those looking to make the trip to stores.

  • Google’s stepped-up effort to make local inventory more prominent in search means that merchant feeds are more important than ever.

  • Rich said flexibility has been key — not just in moving advertising campaigns to later in the year once sporting events resumed, or providing other ad inventory offsets — but also in building new commercial products.

  • Even though Caraa’s sales dipped in April and May, because the company owns his own factories, Luo said that he doesn’t feel the need to have a sale to clear inventory.

  • We employ inventory management to help solidify their property and make sure they have a better record of their possessions.

  • It has been rumored that Ebola is in inventory at high-level labs in many countries, some of which are not our friends.

  • The group holds territory, and manages an inventory of heavy military and civilian equipment.

  • Edmond began the inventory of looted objects after the liberation and before Paul returned to France.

  • A scientifically-based inventory of strands tells you which cannabinoid will reduce your blood sugar levels.

  • He took mental inventory of his possessions and what he could lay claim to, and he happened to think about his wife’s homestead.

  • Never sit gazing curiously around the room when paying a call, as if taking a mental inventory of the furniture.

  • Does a birth-certificate, a marriage-contract or an inventory of wealth represent a person?

  • The brief inventory was soon made by the personage introduced into their midst under such terrible auspices.

  • The long list of articles in the inventory is available to those interested in all the minutiæ.

British Dictionary definitions for inventory


a detailed list of articles, goods, property, etc

(often plural) accounting, mainly US

  1. the amount or value of a firm’s current assets that consist of raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods; stock
  2. such assets individually

verb -tories, -torying or -toried

(tr) to enter (items) in an inventory; make a list of

Derived forms of inventory

inventoriable, adjectiveinventorial, adjectiveinventorially, adverb

Word Origin for inventory

C16: from Medieval Latin inventōrium; see invent

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Cultural definitions for inventory

An itemized list of a firm’s goods that have not yet been sold.

The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


We made an inventory of the library’s collection.

The dealer keeps a large inventory of used cars and trucks.

Inventories at both stores were low.

How can a small business afford to keep so much inventory?

We’ll be doing inventory on the collection soon.


We’ll be inventorying the collection soon.

would you inventory the supplies in the back room?

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Recent Examples on the Web

The inventory of homes in Highland Park remains low, but in recent days some architecturally significant residences have become available.

Allie Beth Allman & Associates, Dallas News, 4 Apr. 2023

The improved inventory overall provides momentum going into the second quarter.

Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press, 3 Apr. 2023

While the lag time between Department of Building Inspection authorization and the start of actual construction can be well over a year, there is some indication that activity is starting to rebound, according to the inventory.

J.k. Dineen, San Francisco Chronicle, 3 Apr. 2023

Another factor increasing the used private jet inventory is corporations pruning back on their fleets.

Doug Gollan, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023

But fewer homes are coming to market for sale because ultra-low interest rates over the past few years are causing many home owners to stay put, keeping the inventory of homes stubbornly low.

Anna Bahney, CNN, 28 Mar. 2023

The team then put the unsold inventory back on sale.

Meghan Montemurro, Chicago Tribune, 27 Mar. 2023

Russia’s long-range missile attacks on Ukrainian cities amount to a war of attrition on the inventory of Ukraine’s air defense systems.

Sébastien Roblin, Popular Mechanics, 22 Mar. 2023

The inventory of homes for sale remains below normal levels, which could prevent steep price declines.

Peter Weber, The Week, 22 Mar. 2023

Reed enough time to inventory the ammunition.

Anousha Sakouistaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 10 May 2022

Matt Walsh, interim Homer Glen village manager, said village staff and the public works employees plan to inventory the equipment and ensure that the village has enough equipment to take care of 135 miles of village roads that used to be cared for by the township.

Michelle Mullins, chicagotribune.com, 11 Aug. 2021

Now Murphy will be given access to the firm’s offices to inventory its files and take control of its bank accounts.

Jean Marbella, Baltimore Sun, 2 Feb. 2023

This isn’t the time to inventory and assess their misdeeds.

Kwame Anthony Appiah, New York Times, 30 Jan. 2023

This period of higher rates can also prompt you to inventory all of your outstanding debt, verify the interest rates on the debt, and prioritize what should get paid off first.

San Diego Union-Tribune, 19 Dec. 2022

Researchers add molecular tags that will later work like barcodes, selectively binding to DNA to inventory and find particular sequences.

Bridget Alex, Discover Magazine, 19 June 2017

Or, potentially, inventory to use to address the other remaining need: A left fielder, perhaps via trade.

Dallas News, 27 Dec. 2022

The vote resulted from a new state law requiring police and sheriff’s departments to inventory military-grade equipment and seek approval for their use.

Christine Fernando, USA TODAY, 7 Dec. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘inventory.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The Skpswi.dat file only prevents software inventory for computer clients and does not affect mobile device client inventory.

Файл Skpswi.dat предотвращает инвентаризацию программного обеспечения только для клиентских компьютеров и не влияет на инвентаризацию клиентов мобильных устройств.

You have to categorize your inventory into dead inventory, slow-moving inventory, and product inventory and deal with it appropriately.

Вы должны классифицировать свой инвентарь в мертвый инвентарь, медленно движущийся инвентарь и продуктивный инвентарь и иметь дело с ним соответствующим образом.

A perpetual inventory system updates the inventory balance continually, which usually requires real-time tracking of inventory items from purchase to sale.

Постоянная система инвентаризации постоянно обновляет баланс запасов, что обычно требует отслеживания запасов в режиме реального времени от покупки до продажи.

Manipulating inventory figures and levels when the client questions his inventory levels or when management inquires about inventory statuses.

Применение показателей инвентаризации и уровней, когда клиент обращается к своим уровням инвентаря или когда руководство запрашивает о статусах инвентаря.

The inventory turnover ratio, calculated as revenues divided by inventory cost, reveals how rapidly a company’s inventory is being sold and replenished.

Коэффициент оборачиваемости запасов, рассчитанный как доходы, разделенные на стоимость запасов, показывает, насколько быстро продается и пополняется инвентарь компании.

From a productivity standpoint, your inventory can be divided up into categories: dead inventory, slow inventory, and product inventory.

С точки зрения производительности ваш инвентарь можно разделить на категории: мертвые запасы, медленный инвентарь и продуктивный инвентарь.

Hardware inventory must be enabled, and completed an inventory schedule.

Investors would be pleased if the number of inventory days were falling because of greater efficiencies gained through tighter inventory controls.

Инвесторы будут только рады, если количество дней запаса снижались из-за большей эффективности благодаря ужесточению контроля запасов.

Use the inventory turnover ratio to calculate how your product inventory is doing.

Используйте коэффициент оборачиваемости запасов, чтобы рассчитать, как работает ваш продуктивный инвентарь.

Frequent inventory write-offs can indicate a company’s issues with selling its finished goods or inventory obsolescence.

Частые инвентаризации, списания могут указывать на проблемы компании с продажей готовой продукции или устаревание запасов.

Temporary manager shall conduct inventory of the property mass of a bankrupt and represent a report on inventory to the first creditors’ meeting.

Временный управляющий проводит инвентаризацию имущественной массы банкрота и представляет отчет об инвентаризации первому собранию кредиторов.

Slow-moving inventory is not dead inventory because it is moving, but it may be moving toward obsolescence.

Медленный инвентарь не является мертвым инвентарем, потому что он движется, но он может двигаться к устареванию.

Finally, look for any inventory charges, as they can pinpoint inventory obsolescence problems.

Наконец, обратите внимание на любые расходы на инвентаризацию, поскольку они могут выявить проблемы устаревания запасов.

To analyze inventory, financial professionals typically use various financial ratios to judge whether a company has any issues with producing and promptly selling its inventory.

Для анализа запасов, финансовых специалистов, как правило, используют различные финансовые показатели, чтобы судить, является ли компания какие-либо проблемы с производством и оперативно продавать свои запасы.

Specifically, the social inventory and steel mill inventory fell slightly, which played a strong role in the market mentality.

В частности, социальные запасы и инвентарь сталелитейного завода немного снизились, что сыграло важную роль в рыночном менталитете.

This calculation measures your inventory‘s effectiveness by comparing how much is returned in gross margin dollars for each dollar spent in inventory.

Этот расчет измеряет эффективность вашего инвентаря, сравнивая, сколько возвращается в долларах валовой маржи за каждый доллар, потраченный в инвентаре.

The Board also considers that policies on inventory need to be forward-looking as the entity may in future hold inventory.

Комиссия также считает, что политика организации в отношении запасов должна учитывать будущие тенденции, поскольку в будущем организация, возможно, будет располагать запасами.

Asset Intelligence enhances the inventory capabilities of Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 by extending hardware inventory and adding license management functionality.

Функция Аналитики активов улучшает возможности инвентаризации Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, расширяя инвентаризацию оборудования и добавляя функциональность управления лицензиями.

At that time, the first scientific inventory inventory was carried out.

During individual inventory reviews, international teams of inventory experts examine the data, methodologies and procedures used in preparing the national inventory.

В ходе индивидуального рассмотрения кадастров международные группы экспертов по кадастрам изучают данные, методологии и процедуры, используемые при составлении национального кадастра.

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What Is Inventory?

The term inventory refers to the raw materials used in production as well as the goods produced that are available for sale. A company’s inventory represents one of the most important assets it has because the turnover of inventory represents one of the primary sources of revenue generation and subsequent earnings for the company’s shareholders. There are three types of inventory, including raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. It is categorized as a current asset on a company’s balance sheet.

Key Takeaways

  • Inventory is the raw materials used to produce goods as well as the goods that are available for sale.
  • It is classified as a current asset on a company’s balance sheet.
  • The three types of inventory include raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. 
  • Inventory is valued in one of three ways, including the first-in, first-out method; the last-in, first-out method; and the weighted average method.
  • Inventory management allows businesses to minimize inventory costs as they create or receive goods on an as-needed basis.

Understanding Inventory 

Inventory is a very important asset for any company. It is defined as the array of goods used in production or finished goods held by a company during its normal course of business. There are three general categories of inventory, including raw materials (any supplies that are used to produce finished goods), work-in-progress (WIP), and finished goods or those that are ready for sale.

As noted above, inventory is classified as a current asset on a company’s balance sheet, and it serves as a buffer between manufacturing and order fulfillment. When an inventory item is sold, its carrying cost transfers to the cost of goods sold (COGS) category on the income statement.

Inventory can be valued in three ways. These methods are the:

  • First-in, first-out (FIFO) method, which says that the cost of goods sold is based on the cost of the earliest purchased materials. The carrying cost of remaining inventory, on the other hand, is based on the cost of the latest purchased materials
  • Last-in, first-out (LIFO) method, which states that the cost of goods sold is valued using the cost of the latest purchased materials, while the value of the remaining inventory is based on the earliest purchased materials.
  • Weighted average method, which requires valuing both inventory and the COGS based on the average cost of all materials bought during the period.

Company management, analysts, and investors can use a company’s inventory turnover to determine how many times it sells its products over a certain period of time. Inventory turnover can indicate whether a company has too much or too little inventory on hand.

Special Considerations 

Many producers partner with retailers to consign their inventory. Consignment inventory is the inventory owned by the supplier/producer (generally a wholesaler) but held by a customer (generally a retailer). The customer then purchases the inventory once it has been sold to the end customer or once they consume it (e.g., to produce their own products).

The benefit to the supplier is that their product is promoted by the customer and readily accessible to end users. The benefit to the customer is that they do not expend capital until it becomes profitable to them. This means they only purchase it when the end user purchases it from them or until they consume the inventory for their operations.

Inventory Management

Possessing a high amount of inventory for a long time is usually not a good idea for a business. That’s because of the challenges it presents, including storage costs, spoilage costs, and the threat of obsolescence.

Possessing too little inventory also has its disadvantages. For instance, a company runs the risk of market share erosion and losing profit from potential sales.

Inventory management forecasts and strategies, such as a just-in-time (JIT) inventory system (with backflush costing), can help companies minimize inventory costs because goods are created or received only when needed.

Types of Inventory

Remember that inventory is generally categorized as raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods. The IRS also classifies merchandise and supplies as additional categories of inventory.

Raw materials are unprocessed materials used to produce a good. Examples of raw materials include:

  • Aluminum and steel for the manufacture of cars
  • Flour for bakeries that produce bread
  • Crude oil held by refineries

Work-in-progress inventory is the partially finished goods waiting for completion and resale. WIP inventory is also known as inventory on the production floor. A half-assembled airliner or a partially completed yacht is often considered to be work-in-process inventory.

Finished goods are products that go through the production process, and are completed and ready for sale. Retailers typically refer to this inventory as merchandise. Common examples of merchandise include electronics, clothes, and cars held by retailers.

How Do You Define Inventory?

Inventory refers to a company’s goods and products that are ready to sell, along with the raw materials that are used to produce them. Inventory can be categorized in three different ways, including raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods.

In accounting, inventory is considered a current asset because a company typically plans to sell the finished products within a year.

Methods to value the inventory include last-in, first-out (LIFO); first-in, first-out (FIFO); and the weighted average method.

What Is an Example of Inventory?

Consider a fashion retailer such as Zara, which operates on a seasonal schedule. Because of the fast fashion nature of turnover, Zara, like other fashion retailers is under pressure to sell inventory rapidly. Zara’s merchandise is an example of inventory in the finished product stage. On the other hand, the fabric and other production materials are considered a raw material form of inventory.

What Can Inventory Tell You About a Business?

One way to track the performance of a business is the speed of its inventory turnover. When a business sells inventory at a faster rate than its competitors, it incurs lower holding costs and decreased opportunity costs. As a result, they often outperform, since this helps with the efficiency of its sale of goods.

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