What this word mean a does b do c is d are


1) Sven his first record when he was sixteen made.

2) I don’t understand this sentence. What does this word mean.

3) Do you know when he will have returned

4) Mark didn’t understand gave instructions, so he up trying to make the machine work.

5) The plane, leaves at four o’clock. We must be at the airport at 2 p.m.

6) – Where have you been born? – In London.

7) John usually will play tennis once or twice a week


1) Свен сделал свою первую запись, когда ему было шестнадцать лет.

2) Я не понимаю этого предложения. Что означает это слово?

3) Вы не знаете, когда он вернется?

4) Марк не понимал отдаваемых инструкций, поэтому он пытался заставить машину работать.

5) Самолет вылетает в четыре часа. Мы должны быть в аэропорту в два часа дня.

6) — Где ты родился? – в Лондоне.

7) Джон обычно играет в теннис один или два раза в неделю

Простите! тут возможны косяки!!!



Вопрос по английскому языку:


Выберите правильный вариант:

1. When ___ you born?
a) do b) did c) were

2. What does this word ___?
a) means b) mean c) meant

3. My head is full ___ fantastic ideas.
a) at b) of c) with

4. My sister likes green apples. I ___ like them.
a) also b) too c) either

5. He never ___ lies.
a) say b) tells c) tell

6. The TV programme wasn`t very good. There are ___ cartoons in it.
a) little b) a little c) few

7. Let`s meet ___ a quarter past 9.
a) at b) in c) on

8. He ___ never ___ on the stage.
a) have performed b) has not performed c) has performed

9. Jim has got ___ juice than Mary.
a) little b) less c) fewer

10. I don`t care ____ soap operas.
a) for b)with c) at

(Английский язык)

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Ответы и объяснения 1



Were, mean, of, also, tells, few, at, has performed, less, for.

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Как написать хороший ответ?

Как написать хороший ответ?

Чтобы добавить хороший ответ необходимо:

  • Отвечать достоверно на те вопросы, на которые знаете
    правильный ответ;
  • Писать подробно, чтобы ответ был исчерпывающий и не
    побуждал на дополнительные вопросы к нему;
  • Писать без грамматических, орфографических и
    пунктуационных ошибок.

Этого делать не стоит:

  • Копировать ответы со сторонних ресурсов. Хорошо ценятся
    уникальные и личные объяснения;
  • Отвечать не по сути: «Подумай сам(а)», «Легкотня», «Не
    знаю» и так далее;
  • Использовать мат — это неуважительно по отношению к

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👋 Привет Лёва


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2 года назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

10. Choose the correct sentence:
Q. He don’t smoke
B. He not smoke
C. He doesn’t smokes
D. He doesn’t smoke
11. Choose the correct sentence:
A. What means this word?
B. What does mean this word?
C. What does this word mean?
D) What is this word mean?
пж помогите​

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(1 оценка)



2 года назад

Светило науки — 12 ответов — 0 раз оказано помощи




10 после doesn’t никогда не прибавляется окончание глаголу

(1 оценка)


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The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric 2nd Edition by Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric

2nd EditionISBN: 9780312676506Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

661 solutions

Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C by David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith

Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C

ISBN: 9781285439594David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith

304 solutions

Technical Writing for Success 3rd Edition by Darlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

Technical Writing for Success

3rd EditionISBN: 9781133467199Darlene Smith-Worthington, Sue Jefferson

468 solutions

Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking 1st Edition by Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking

1st EditionISBN: 9780312388065Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses

1,697 solutions



Выберите правильный вариант:

1. When ___ you born?
a) do b) did c) were

2. What does this word ___?
a) means b) mean c) meant

3. My head is full ___ fantastic ideas.
a) at b) of c) with

4. My sister likes green apples. I ___ like them.
a) also b) too c) either

5. He never ___ lies.
a) say b) tells c) tell

6. The TV programme wasn`t very good. There are ___ cartoons in it.
a) little b) a little c) few

7. Let`s meet ___ a quarter past 9.
a) at b) in c) on

8. He ___ never ___ on the stage.
a) have performed b) has not performed c) has performed

9. Jim has got ___ juice than Mary.
a) little b) less c) fewer

10. I don`t care ____ soap operas.
a) for b)with c) at

(Английский язык)
Даю 20 баллов

1 ответ:



1. C
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. A

Читайте также

<span>Hello my dear friend. I am all right, alive and healthy. How are you? Now what do you do? I next week are going to London and I would like to see you. Give your phone number when I’m in London, will call. Yet.</span>

Вам перевод нужен? Если да то вот: 
1. rain 2. snow. 3. fall/autumn 4.heat 5.rain

<span>1. Прошлой ночью я пошел спать (рано, раньше, раньше), чем обычно<span>.
</span></span><span>2. Скорость этого самолета-это как (высок, выше, самый высокий), как скорость звука<span>.
3.</span></span>Фильм был очень плохой. Я думаю, это (плохо, хуже, худший) фильм, который я когда-либо видел<span>.
4.</span>Это (дорого, дороже, самый дорогой) ехать на машине или на поезде<span>?</span>

1) did
2) fixed
3) watered
4) cleaned, played
5) listened, watched
6) cried, smiled
7) shouted
8) worked
9) baked
10) cooked

Примерные ответы

1. Where do you live?

I live in a three-room flat on the second floor of a nine-storey block of flats in the central part of my city, which is Minsk, Belarus.

2. Where do your parents live?

They live at the same address as I do, or it’s better to say that I live with my parents.

3. Have you got any brothers or sisters? Where do they live?

I’ve got a younger sister. She lives with us, in our parent’s flat.

4. Do you sometimes go away for the weekend?

Yes, we do. We’ve got a house in the country where we spend most weekends.

5. Where can you go for the weekend?

I can go to my grandparents’ place or spend some time with my friends.

6. Do you like to stay at home with your family?

I did, when I was younger. Now I spend less time with them.

7. When do you usually go on holiday?

I usually go on holiday in summer and I like it.

8. When can your wife (husband) have a holiday?

I’m not married)))

9. Where do you usually go for your holiday?

I usually go to the seaside or travel abroad. I love visiting different countries.

10. Do you go somewhere this year?

My family and I are going to Croatia this month. I’m looking forward to this trip.

Present And Past

1.At first I didn’t like my job, but ….. to enjoy it

a) I’m beginning            b) I begin

2. I don’t understand this sentence. What ……?

a) does mean this word      b) does this word mean    
c) means this word

3. Robert …. Away two or three times a year.

a) is going usually      b) is usually going      c)
usually goes    d) goes usually

4. How …. now?  Better than before?

a) are you feeling      b) do you feel    c) are you

5. It was a boring weekend. ……anything.

a) I didn’t       b) I don’t do      c) I didn’t do

6.Matt …. While we were having dinner.

a) phoned        b) was phoning        c) had phoned

Present Perfect And Past

1.Jim is on Holiday. He … to Italy.

a) is gone      b) has gone       c) has been

2. Everything is going well. We … any problems so far.

a)didn’t have     b) don’t have     c) haven’t had

3.Sarah has lost her passport again. It’s the second
time this …

a) has happened     b) happens      c) happened     d)
is happening

4.You’re out of breath. …..?

a) Are you running      b) Have you run      c) Have
you been running

5.Where’s the book I gave you? What ….. with it?

a) have you done       b) have you been doing     c)
are you doing

6. “……………each other for a long time?” – “Yes, since we
were at school.”

a)Do you know     b) Have you known       c) Have you
been knowing

7.Sally has been working here ….

a) for six months       b) since six months      c)
six months ago

8.It’s two years   …… Joe.

a) that I don’t see    b) that I haven’t seen    c)
since I didn’t see   d) since I last saw

9.It ….raining for a while, but now it’s raining

a) stopped   b) has stopped     c) was stopped

10. My mother … in Scotland.

a)grew up       b) has grown up   c) had grown up

11. ………a lot of sweets when you were a child?

a) have you eaten     b) had you eaten     c) did you

12.Ian …..in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in

a) lived     b) has lived      c) has been living

13. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very
nervous. He ….before.

a)hasn’t flown    b) didn’t fly    c) hadn’t
flown      d) wasn’t flying

14.Cathy was sitting in an armchair resting. She was
tired because ….. very hard.

a) she was working    b) she’s been working   c) she’d
been working

15……..a car when you were living in London?

a)Had you        b) Were you having   c) Have you
had   d) Did you have

16.I ….tennis a lot, but
I don’t play very often now.

a) was playing       b)
was used to play    c) used to play


1.I’m tired. ……. to bed

a) I go       b) I’m

2…………tomorrow, so we can
go out somewhere.

a)I’m not working     b)
I don’t work     c) I won’t work

3.That bag looks heavy.
……….. you with it.

a)I’m helping     b) I
help     c) I’ll  help

4.I think the weather
………..be nice this afternoon.

a)will     b)
shall           c) is going to

5. “Ann is in hospital.”-
“Yes, I know. ….     her this evening.”

a)I visit       b) I’m
going to visit     c) I’ll visit

6.We’re late. The film
………by the time we get to the cinema.

a) will already start   
b) will be already started   c) will already have started

7. Don’t worry …….late

a) if I’m        b) when
I’m    c) when I’ll be       d) if I’ll be


1.The fire spread through
the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody ………….

a)was able to escape     
b) managed to escape       c) could escape

2.I’m so tired I …….for a

a) can sleep          b)
could sleep         c) could have slept

3. The story ………..be
true, but I don’t think it is.

a) might      b)
can       c) could         d) may

4.Why did you stay at a
hotel when you were in Paris? You …..with Julia.

a) can stay      b) could
stay     c) could have stayed

5.  “I’ve lost one of my
gloves.”- “You …….it somewhere.”

a) must drop     b) must
have dropped   c) must be dropping

6. “I was surprised that
Kate wasn’t at the meeting yesterday.”- “She …..about it.”

a) might not know      b)
may not know    c) might  not have known   d) may not have known

7.What was the problem?
Why …..leave early?

a) had you to      b) did
you have to       c) must you      d) you had to

8.We’ve got plenty of
time. We … hurry.

a) don’t need to     b)
mustn’t     c) needn’t

9.You missed a great
party last night. You …….    Why didn’t you?

a) must have come     b)
should have come     c) ought to have come   d) had to come

10. Jane ………..a car with
the money I’d won in the lottery.

a) suggested that I
buy    b) suggested that I should buy    c) suggested me to buy

d) suggested that I

11. You’re always at
home. You ….. out more often.

a) should go       b) had
better go    c) had better to go

12.It’s late. It’s time

a) we go     b) we must
go     c) we should go     d) to go

13. …………a bit longer, but
I really have to go now.

a) I’d stay     b) I’ll
stay     c) I can stay      d) I’d have stayed


1.I’m not tired enough to
go to bed.If I ………to bed now, I wouldn’t sleep.

a) go       b)went     
c) had gone      d) would go

2.If I were rich, …………a

a) I’ll have      b) I
can have      c) I’d have       d) I had

3. I wish  I …….have to
work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do.

a) don’t       b)
didn’t       c) wouldn’t        d) won’t

4.The view was wonderful.
If ………. A camera with me, I would have taken some photographs.

a) I had      b) I would
have      c) I would have had       d) I’d had

5. The weather  is
horrible. I wish it … raining.

a) would stop     b)
stopped     c) stops      d) will stop


1.We ……………by a loud noise
during the night.

a) woke up     b) are
woken up       c) were woken up      d) were waking up

2.A new supermarket is
going to ……. next year.

a) build    b) be
built      c) be building      d) building

3.There is somebody
walking behind us. I think ………..

a) we are following    
b) we are being following   c) we are followed    d) we are being followed

4. “Where ………….?”- “In

a) were you born     b)
are you born     c) have you been born   d) did you born

5.There was a fight at
the party, but nobody ……………

a) was hurt    b) got
hurt    c) hurt

6. Jane …………. To phone me
last night, but she didn’t.

a) supposed    b) is
supposed    c) was supposed

7.Where …….? Which
hairdresser did you go to?

a) did you cut your
hair   b) have you cut your hair   c) did you have cut your hair

d) did you have your hair


1.Paul left the room
suddenly. He said he ……… to go.

a) had    b) has      c)

2.Hello, Joe. I didn’t
expect to see you today. Sonia said you …….in hospital.

a) are    b) were    c)
was       d) should be

3.Ann ………. and left.

a)said goodbye to me    
b) said me goodbye    c) told me goodbye


1.“What time ………….?”-“At

a) begins the film    b)
does begin the film        c) does the film begin

2. “Do you know where
………….?”- “No, he didn’t say.”

a)Tom has gone   b) has
Tom gone      c) has gone Tom

3.The police officer
stopped us and asked us where ………..

a) were we going       
b) are we going       c) we are going    d) we were going

4. “Do you think it will
rain?”- “……………”

a) I hope not    b) I
don’t hope   c) I don’t hope so

5.  “You don’t know where
Karen is, ………..?”- “Sorry, I have no idea.”

a) don’t you     b) do
you     c) is she      d) are you


1.You can’t stop me
………..what I want.

a) doing      b) do      
c) to do        d) that I do

2.I must go now. I
promised ………….late.

a)not being       b)not
to be        c) to not be       c) I wouldn’t be

3. Do you want ……………with
you or do you want to go alone?

a)me coming      b) me to
come       c) that I come     d) that I will come

4. I know I locked the
door. I clearly remember …………..it.

a) locking        b) to
lock      c) to have locked

5.She tried to be
serious, but she couldn’t help……………

a) laughing        b) to
laugh       c) that she laughed       d) laugh

6.Paul lives in Berlin
now. He likes ……………..there.

a) living       b) to

7.It’s not my favourite
job, but I like …………the kitchen as often as possible.

a) cleaning      b)
clean     c) to clean     d) that I clean

8.I’m tired. I’d rather
………………. out this evening, if you don’t mind.

a)not going      b) not
to go       c) don’t go       d) not go

9. “Shall I stay here?” 
-“I’d rather …………………with us.”

a) you come      b) you
to come     c) you came        d) you would came

10.Are you looking
forward………………..on holiday?

a) going      b) to
go      c) to going       d) that you go

11. When Lisa came to
Britain, she had to get used …………on the left.

a) driving      b) to
driving      c) to drive

12.I’m thinking ……………a
house. Do you think that’s a good idea.?

a) to buy       b) of to
buy       c) of buying

13. I had  no ……………a
place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy.

a)difficulty to
find       b) difficultly finding   c)trouble to find

14. A friend of mine
phoned …………….me to a party.

a) for invite     b) to
invite          c) for inviting      d) for to invite

15. Jim doesn’t speak
very clearly. ……………

a) It is difficult to
understand him.     b) He is difficult to understand     c)He is difficult to
understand him.

16.The path was icy, so
we walked very carefully. We were afraid …………

a) of falling       b)
from falling     c) to fall   d) to falling

17.I didn’t hear you
………….in.    You must have been very quiet.

a) come          b) to
come       c) came

18. …………….a hotel, we
looked for somewhere to have dinner.

a) finding      b) after
finding       c) having found      d) we found


1.It wasn’t your fault.It
was ……………. .

b) an accident    c) some accident

are you going to put all your ………..?

furniture      b) furnitures

“Where are you going?”-“I’m going to buy ……………..”

a bread        b) some bread       c) a loaf of bread

is …………… .     She works at a large hospital.

nurse        b) a nurse      c) the nurse

works six days ……………week.

in       b) for         c) a          d) the

are millions of stars in ……………  .

space      b) a space        c) the space

day ……………… begins at 9 and finishes at 3.

school           b) a school      c) the school

…………….a problem in most big cities.

Crime is        b) The crime is        c) The crimes are


was telephone      b) were telephones       c) were the telephones    d) was
the telephone

you been to ………..?

Canada or United States    b) the Canada or the United States

c) Canada or the United States    d) the Canada or United States

our first day in Moscow, we visited ……………

Kremlin         b) a Kremlin       c) the Kremlin

time ……… on television?

is the news       b) are the news      c) is news       d) is the new

It took us quite a long time to get here.   It was …….journey.

three hour      b) a three-hours    c) a three-hour

isn’t my book. It’s …………….

my sister      b) my sister’s       c) from my sister    d) of my sister    e)
of my sister’s


time shall we …………tomorrow?

meet       b) meet us        c) meet ourselves

I’m going to a wedding on Sunday.  ……………is getting married.

A friend of me      b) A friend of mine     c) One of my friends

They live on a busy road.  ……….. a lot of noise from the traffic.

It must be     b) It must have     c) There must have    d) There must be

He’s lazy. He never does ………….work.

some       b) any     c) no

“What would you like to eat?”- “I don’t mind . ……………….whatever you have.”

Something       b) Anything       c) Nothing

couldn’t buy anything because ………….of the shops were open.

all      b) no-one      c) none      d) nothing

went shopping and spent …………money.

a lot of      b) much       c) lots of       d) many

……………..don’t visit this part of the town.

The most tourists    b) Most of tourists     c) Most tourists

asked two people the way to the station, but ……….. of them could help me.

none      b) either       c) both     d) neither

……………enjoyed the party. It was great.

Everybody     b) All       c)All of us       d) Everybody of us

The bus service is excellent. There is a bus ………..ten minutes.

each     b) every      c) all


don’t like stories ……………have unhappy endings.

that        b) they        c) which       d) who

I didn’t believe them at first, but in fact everything ……..was true.

they said     b) that they said      c) what they said

the name of the man ……….?

you borrowed his car      b) which car you borrowed    c) whose car you
borrowed     d) his car you borrowed

told me about his new job, ………very much.

that he’s enjoying     b) which he’s enjoying   c) he’s enjoying   d) he’s
enjoying it

couldn’t meet us, ………….was a pity.

that       b) it       c) what        d) which

George showed me some pictures ……… by his father.

painting       b) painted     c) that were painted    d) they were painted


doesn’t enjoy her job any more. She’s ……………because every day she does exactly
the same thing.

boring     b) bored

Lisa was carrying a ……….. bag.

black small plastic     b) small and black plastic    c) small black plastic   
d) plastic small black

English is excellent. She speaks ………….

perfectly English    b) English perfectly   c) perfect English   d) English

………….to find a job, but he had no luck.

tried hard     b) tried hardly    c) hardly tried

I haven’t seen  her for ……., I’ve forgotten what she looks like.

so long    b) so long time     c) a such long time    d) such a long time

We haven’t got ………….on holiday at the moment.

money enough to go   b) enough money to go    c) money enough for going  
d)enough money for going

is doing OK at the moment. She has ………..

a quite good job   b) quite a good job    c) a pretty good job

exam was fairly easy- …………..I expected.

more easy that   b) more easy than     c) easier than   d) easier as

more electricity you use, ………………… .

your bill will be higher     b) will be higher your bill

the higher your bill will bee      d) higher your bill will be

is a fast runner. I can’t run as fast as ………..

he    b) him     c) he can

The film was really boring. It was …………… I’ve ever seen.

most boring film       b) the most boring film      c) the film more
boring      d) the most boring film

likes walking, ……………..

Every morning he walks to work     b) He walks to work every morning

He walks every morning to work    d) He every morning walks to work

never phones me.  …………………

Always I have to phone him        b) I always have to phone him

I have always to phone him         d) I have to phone always him

…………….  .She left last month.

still doesn’t work here   b) doesn’t still work here

no more works here      d) doesn’t work here any more

……………she can’t drive, she has bought a car

Even    b) Even when     c) Even if      d) Even though


couldn’t sleep ………..very tired.

I was      b) despite I was     c) despite of being       d) in spite of being

should insure your bike ………..stolen.

in case it will be    b) if it will be    c) in case it is    d) if it is

The club is for members only. You ………..you’re a member.

can’t go in if    b) can go in only if    c) can’t go in unless    d) can go in

we watched television all evening ………….we didn’t have anything better to do.

when     b) as     c) while      d) since

“What’s that noise?”

sounds …………a baby crying.”

b) like      c) as if       d) as though

are very kind to me. They treat me …………their own son.

like I’m     b) as if I’m       c) as if I was     d) as if I were

be in London next week. I hope to see Tom  ………….there.

while I’ll be      b) while I’m      c) during my visit   d) during I’m

is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back, but I’m sure
he’ll be back ………Monday.

by        b) until


I’ll see you ………….  .

at Friday morning       b) on Friday morning     c) in Friday morning    d)
Friday morning

I’m going away ………..the end of January.

at     b) on      c) in

we were in Italy, we spent a few days …………Venice.

at       b) to       c) in

flat is ………… the second floor of the building.

at       b) on    c) in      d) to

saw Steve ………….a concert on Saturday.

at       b) on      c) in         d) to

did they …………..the hotel?

arrive to       b) arrive at         c) arrive in     d) get to     e) get in

going …………holiday next week. I’ll be away for two weeks.

at      b) on    c) in      d) for

travelled ……….6.45 train, which arrived at 8.30.

in the      b) on the     c) by the       d) by

“Have you read anything ……..Ernest Hemingway?”- “No, what sort of books did he

of      b) from     c) by

accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ………….the other car.

of       b) for      c) to      d) on       e) at

I like them very much. They have always been very nice  ………me.

of      b) for      c) to       d) with

not very good ……repairing things.

b) for     c) in    d) about

don’t understand this sentence. Can you ………..?

explain to me this word    b) explain me this word    c) explain this word to

you’re worried about the problem, you should do something.  ……….it.

b) about      c) against        d) with

“Who is Tom Hart?”- “I have no idea. I’ve never heard ……..him.”

about       b) from      c) after      d) of

“What time will you be home?”- “I don’t know. It depends ………..the traffic. ”

of      b) for      c) from      d) on

prefer tea ………….coffee.

to       b) than     c) against       d) over


shoes are uncomfortable. I’m going to ………….

take off    b) take them off   c) take off them

playing a game. Why don’t you ……………?

join in      b) come in        c) get in         d) break in

Nobody believed Paul at first, but he ……. to be right.

worked out      b) came out     c) found out       d) turned out

can’t …………..making a decision. We have to decide now.

put away     b) put over     c) put off        d) put out

“Have you finished painting the kitchen?”- “Nearly. I’ll……………….tomorrow.”

finish it up      b) finish it over     c) finish it off

can always rely on Pete. He’ll never ………… .

put you up      b) let you down     c) take you over     d) see you off

under 16 …………… half the population of the city.

make up     b) put up      c) take up        d) bring up

surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ………..  . They seemed very happy
together when I last saw them.

broken up      b) ended up     c) finished up     d) split up

parked in a no-parking zone, but I …………it.

came up with    b) got away with    c) made off with   d) got on with

Тест на знание английского языка

Предлагаем Вам заполнить тест для определения Вашего уровня владения английским языком в соответствии с международной системой уровней. Данный тест является универсальным и рассчитан на определение любого уровня от Elementary до Advanced.

Тест построен по принципу: от простого к сложному. Если Вы испытываете трудности при заполнении второй части теста, не заполняйте её. По окончании письменной части теста Вам предлагается пройти устное тестирование с преподавателем и, таким образом, окончательно подтвердить Ваш уровень владения языком.

На заполнение письменной части теста Вам дается 20 минут. Желаем Вам удачи!

Запись на тест в офисе

  • 1. ___________________your name?

    • a) Who’s

    • b) What’s

    • c) How’s

    • d) Why’s

  • 2. _________ old are you?

    • a) Who

    • b) What

    • c) How

    • d) When

  • 3. Выберите верное

    • a) I’m 17 years old.

    • b) I’ve 17 years old

    • c) I are 17 years old.

    • d) I have 17 years old

  • 4. ______a bicycle?

    • a) You have

    • b) Has you

    • c) Do you have

    • d) You’ve got

  • 5. John___________ a tennis racket.

    • a) hasn’t got

    • b) haven’t

    • c) not has

    • d) haven’t got

  • 6. Give it to______.

    • a) he

    • b) I

    • c) she

    • d) her

  • 7. Выберите верное

    • a) He no can speak Spanish.

    • b) He can’t speak Spanish.

    • c) He can’t to speak Spanish.

    • d) He no speak Spanish.

  • 8. ______________on the left in America.

    • a) You mustn’t to drive.

    • b) You not must drive.

    • c) You mustn’t driving.

    • d) You mustn’t drive.

  • 9. Whose desk is this?___________

    • a) It’s of Robert.

    • b) It’s Robert.

    • c) It’s Robert’s

    • d) It’s to Robert.

  • 10. Выберите верное

    • a) He don’t smoke.

    • b) He not smoke.

    • c) He doesn’t smokes.

    • d) He doesn’t smoke.

  • 11. Выберите верное

    • a) What means this word?

    • b) What does mean this word?

    • c) What does this word mean?

    • d) What is this word mean?

  • 12. Walk!

    • a) Run not.

    • b) Not run.

    • c) Don’t run.

    • d) No run.

  • 13. Listen! I________________to you.

    • a) am talking

    • b) talk

    • c) do talk

    • d) am talk

  • 14. Выберите верное

    • a) What you are doing?

    • b) What’s you doing?

    • c) What are you doing?

    • d) What are you do?

  • 15. ________________ people over there are German.

    • a) This

    • b) That

    • c) These

    • d) Those

  • 16. How many chairs are there?

    • a) There are five.

    • b) There is five.

    • c) It is five.

    • d) They are five.

  • 17. I haven’t got__________________money.

    • a) no

    • b) none

    • c) some

    • d) any

  • 18. There are_______________people here already.

    • a) a few

    • b) a little

    • c) a lot

    • d) much

  • 19. Were there many people at the party?

    • a) Yes, they were.

    • b) Yes, there were.

    • c) Yes, there was.

    • d) Yes, they was.

  • 20. Sarah__________out last night.

    • a) didn’t went

    • b) didn’t goes

    • c) didn’t go

    • d) no went

  • 21. I went to America _____________English.

    • a) for learning

    • b) for to learn

    • c) to learn

    • d) to learning

  • 22. She’s___________than I am.

    • a) older

    • b) more old

    • c) more older

    • d) most older

  • 23. He’s ____________ at tennis than football.

    • a) more good

    • b) more better

    • c) better

    • d) best

  • 24. You’re not___________I am.

    • a) as tall than

    • b) as tall as

    • c) as taller as

    • d) tall as

  • 25. I_________________TV this evening.

    • a) am going to watch

    • b) go to watch

    • c) watch

    • d) watching

  • 26. Выберите верное

    • a) What time does the train leave?

    • b) What time is the train leave?

    • c) What time the train leave?

    • d) What time leave the train?

  • 27. I enjoy________________early.

    • a) get up

    • b) getting up

    • c) to get up

    • d) to getting up

  • 28. Выберите верное

    • a) You will come with me tomorrow?

    • b) Do you come with me tomorrow?

    • c) Come you with me tomorrow?

    • d) Will you come with me tomorrow?

  • 29. Oh no!______________ my key.

    • a) I lose

    • b) I’m lost

    • c) I’ve lose

    • d) I’ve lost

  • 30. _____________English since I was 12.

    • a) I’m studied

    • b) I’ve been studying

    • c) I learn

    • d) I’ve studying

  • 31. I spoke to a girl________ was from Barcelona.

    • a) what

    • b) which

    • c) who

    • d) whose

  • 32. I was in America____________two weeks.

    • a) during

    • b) for

    • c) in

    • d) on

  • 33. When I looked out of the window,___________________.

    • a) it was snowing

    • b) it were snowing

    • c) it snowed

    • d) it’s snowing

  • 34. He left without__________________goodbye.

    • a) to say

    • b) saying

    • c) say

    • d) said

  • 35. I don’t mind_______________________.

    • a) waiting

    • b) I wait

    • c) to wait

    • d) that I wait

  • 36. He speaks English______________________.

    • a) good but slow

    • b) well but slow

    • c) good but slowly

    • d) well but slowly

  • 37. If you _____________the box, you’ll find a present.

    • a) opened

    • b) would open

    • c) open

    • d) will open

  • 38. I like this record.

    • a) So do I

    • b) So am I

    • c) So I like

    • d) So I do

  • 39. You ________________speak perfect English to get this job.

    • a) don’t have to

    • b) mustn’t

    • c) don’t have

    • d) not have to

  • 40. English___________________all over the world.

    • a) are spoken

    • b) is speaking

    • c) is spoke

    • d) is spoken

  • 41. My bike_________________.

    • a) have been stolen

    • b) has stolen

    • c) has been stole

    • d) has been stolen

  • 42. If you______it, it would break.

    • a) would drop

    • b) will drop

    • c) had dropped

    • d) dropped

  • 43. _________________this letter for me.

    • a) I want that you mail

    • b) I want you to mail

    • c) I want you mail

    • d) I want you mailing

  • 44. I didn’t speak to_____________.

    • a) anybody

    • b) something

    • c) nobody

    • d) somebody

  • 45. These machines__________________.

    • a) need overhauling

    • b) need overhauled

    • c) need to overhaul

    • d) need to overhauling

  • 46. Have you got any idea what___________________?

    • a) am I required to do

    • b) require me to do

    • c) I require do

    • d) I am required to do

  • 47. I suppose, given better weather, I__________ out.

    • a) would gone

    • b) can go

    • c) should

    • d) would have gone

  • 48. Whenever the bell rang, our stupid dog______rush to the door barking.

    • a) will

    • b) would

    • c) made as if to

    • d) should

  • 49. If only_____ time to do a bit more sightseeing.

    • a) I have

    • b) I had

    • c) I should have

    • d) I would have

  • 50. It really is high time______________.

    • a) we are going

    • b) we were going

    • c) had gone

    • d) we should go

Test Variant 3 Task 1.

Which question word is used to put the question to the bold

type word or expression?

A) Who B) How C) What

D) Where E) When F) Why

1. He doesn’t speak English as he thinks it’s too difficult.

2. The teacher often repeats each sentence twice.

3. Jack is phoning Ann at the moment.

4. My family likes spaghetti very much.

5. We can start work on Monday.

6. The last exercise was the most difficult.

7. Jane met her friends at a party yesterday.

8. She doesn’t want to dance with you.

Task 2.

Which question word is suitable? Fill in the blanks below.

A) Why В) What С) How D) Where

1. …does your neighbour go on Mondays?

2. …didn’t you come to the institute yesterday?

3. …is she wearing?

4. …do you think of Mike?

5. …often does he go jogging?

6. …are you thinking about?

7…. is the nearest telephone?

8. …are you doing now?

9. …don’t you wear this sweater?

10. … does your brother get to school?

Task 3.

Fill in the blanks to make the correct questions.

A) do B) does C) is D) are E) have F) has

1. What_ this word mean?

2. _ your brother got a camera?

3. _ your mother like cooking?

4. What floor _ your bedroom on?

5._ the earth go round the sun?

6. Where _ the nearest book-store?

7. _ your friend have any money?

8._there any flights to Paris this evening?

9. What sports _ they fond of?

10. What bike _ you got?

Task 4.

Present Simple. Choose the correct variant of the sentence.

1. A) You often play chess?

B) Do you often play chess?

C) Is you often play chess?

D) Are you often play chess?

2. A) How you often travel abroad?

B) How do you often travel abroad?

C) How often do you travel abroad?

D) How often you travel abroad?

3. A) His girlfriend come home early.

B) His girlfriend not comes home early.

C) His girlfriend don’t come home early.

D) His girlfriend doesn’t come home early.

4. A) Why doesn’t you come to the youth club?

B) Why you not come to the youth club?

C) Why not you come to the youth club?

D) Why don’t you come to the youth club?

6. A) We not usually have lunch at home.

B) We usually have not lunch at home.

C) We doesn’t usually have lunch at home.

D) We I usually have lunch at home.

7. A) My boss don’t goes to the cinema a lot.

B) My boss not goes to the cinema a lot.

C) My boss goes to the cinema a lot.

D) My boss doesn’t goes to the cinema a lot.

8. A) Do his father drive a car very fast?

B) Is his father drive a car very fast?

C) Does his father drives a car very fast?

D) Does his father drive a car very fast?

9. A) Do the shops close at 7 o’clock in the evening?

B) Does the shops close at 7 o’clock in the evening?

C) Do the shops closes at 7 o’clock in the evening?

D) Are the shops close at 7 o’clock in the evening?

Task 5.

Present Continuous. Choose the correct variant.

1. A) Where you are going to have a meal?

B) Where do you going to have a meal?

C) Where are you going to have a meal?

D) Where going you to have a meal?

2. A) Who’re shouting at the dog?

B) Who’s shouting at the dog?

C) Who shouting at the dog?

D) Who does at the dog shouting?

3. A) Do the children are listening to the teacher?

B) Are the children listening to the teacher?

C) Is the children listening to the teacher?

D) Are the children listening to the teacher?

4. A) What is the boy reading now?

B) What the boy is reading now?

C) What reading the boy now?

D) What does the boy reading now?

5. A) What those people are laughing at?

B) What are those people laughing at?

C) What is those people laughing at?

D) What do those people laughing at?

6. A) How do many students sitting on the stairs?

B) How many students are sitting on the stairs?

C) How many are sitting on the stairs students?

D) How many is sitting students on the stairs?

7. A) Why do they looking at me like that?

B) Why is they looking at me like that?

C) Why are they looking at me like that?

D) Why they are looking at me like that?

Task 6.

Choose the correct variant.

1. It’s 5 o’clock. She _­­­­ tea.

A) has B) have

C) is having D) having

2. My friend never _ to rock music.

A am listening B) listens

C) listen D)listening

3. Sorry, I can’t. I _ lunch.

A) have B) am having

C) has D) having

4. They _ hamburgers and chips.

A) are liking B) likes

C) like D) doesn’t like

5. When_ your homework?

A) is you doing B) you do

C) you doing D) do you do

6. Put … sugar into your tea.

a) some b) any e) none d) not any

7. There’s nothing left for him but escape, … ?

a) is it b) isn’t c) is there d) isn’t there

8. The news … very shocking.

a) are b) aren’t c) don’t be d) is

8. Is there … strange in what she is saying?

a) some b) anything c) any d) no

10. … raining now.

a) It was, b) There is, c) There were d) It is

11. They have worked______.

a) for a long time peacefully in the same office

b) peacefully in the same office for a long time

c) for a long time in the same office peacefully

Task 7.

Fill in the missing verbs. Choose the correct variant.

Lots of children have got a part-time job. As for me I (1) as a paper boy. I (2) a paper round twice a week, so I (3) at 6.30 on Wednesdays and on Sundays. It (4) me about an hour. Sometimes it (5) me longer on Sundays because the Sunday papers are very heavy. My parents (often) (6) me any pocket money, but I need it. The newsagent (7) me two pounds a weekday and three pounds on Sundays, so in a week I (8) five pounds. It (9) certainly nice to have some money in your pocket. I (10) problems with my job, but I (11) getting up early or going out in the rain.

1. A) works

B) work

C) not work

D) not works

2. A) does

B) do

C) doesn’t

D) do not

3. A) get up

B) got up

C) gets up

D) gots up

4. A)take


C) is take

D) is takes

5. A) take

B) is takes

C) is take

D) takes

6. A) do give

B) don’t give

C) does give

D) doesn’t give

7. A)pay

B) pays

C) doesn’t pays

D) don’t pay

8. A) get

B) gets

C) doesn’t get

D) don’t get

9. A) does


C) are


10. A) do have

B) doesn’t have

C) have no

D) has no

11. A) like

B) doesn’t like

C) like not

D) don’t like

Task 8.

Present tenses for the future. Choose either the situation in each sentence refers to the future actions or present ones. A) Future B) Present

1. — What are they doing on Sunday? — They’re leaving for Manchester.

2. — Can you mend the table? — Sorry, but I’m washing my car.

3. — Is Tony coming to the concert tomorrow? — No, he isn’t.

4. — Your sister is walking the dog, isn’t she? — Yes, she is.

5. — When does the plane arrive? — It arrives at 8.00 p.m.

6. — What are the students translating? — They’re translating the article.

Task 9.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate personal pronouns.

A) he В) she С) it D) they F) him G) her H) them

Children like to invent things and test (1). Once my cousins made a simple telephone. (2) made (3) from cups and wire. Francis found two good paper cups. (4) tied (5) to a long wire. Caroline, his sister, talked softly into one cup. (6) heard (7) through the other cup. Then Francis answered Caroline. (8) heard (9) very clearly.

Task 10.

Make up 4 types of questions (General, Special, Alternative and Tag)

to the following sentence.

1) They are looking for a place to have lunch.

2) It’s not safe to stand on that chair.

– Present, Past, Future Tenses
– Questions with Who, Why, How much
– Phrases with more than one meaning

1. _____ three languages: French, Spanish, and English.
A) I’m speak
B) I’m speaking
C) I speaking
D) I speak

2. Where _____ from?
A) Hans come
B) does Hans come
C) does Hans coming
D) Hans came

3. What _____ tonight?
A) do you do
B) you do
C) are you doing
D) did you do

4. “Where is George”
“He _____ a shower.”
A) has
B) will have
C) is having
D) have

5. “What _____ ?”
“I don’t know. Look it up.”
A) does this word mean
B) means this word
C) does mean this word
D) is meaning this word

6. “Do you want a cigarette?”
“No, thanks. I _____ .”
A) no smoke
B) smoke not
C) am not smoking
D) don’t smoke
7. Last year I _____ to America.
A) was go
B) go
C) was going
D) went

8. How long _____ in America?
A) you stay
B) did you stay
C) stayed you
D) you staying

9. The weekend was boring. I _____ anything.
A) don’t do
B) no do
C) didn’t do
D) wasn’t doing

10. “I’m going to university next year”
“What _____ study?”
A) you going to
B) do you
C) did you
D) are you going to
Enrique __(11)__ in Puebla, a town in Mexico. He __(12)__ medicine because he __(13)__ to be a doctor. He’s married, but he __(14)__ any children. His wife, Silvia, __(15)__ in a primary school. Enrique
__(16)__ cooking. He can make an excellent enchilada!

A) lived
B) lives
C) was living
D) live

A) studied
B) was studying
C) is studying
D) doesn’t study
A) is wanting
B) was wanting
C) will want
D) wants

A) has
B) have
C) doesn’t have
D) is going to have

A) was teaching
B) teaches
C) teach
D) thought

A) loved
B) used to love
C) loves
D) love

17. At the weekend, I usually _____ go swimming.
A) am
B) *
C) was
D) want
18. Are you _____ the party?
A) enjoy
B) enjoyed
C) enjoying
D) enjoys

19. How many sisters _____ ?
A) do you have
B) you have
C) are you have
D) do you has

20. I _____ understand what you are saying.
A) no
B) don’t
C) am not
D) didn’t

21. What time _____ home last night?
A) did you get
B) you get
C) do you get
D) did you got

22. Last weekend I _____ some friends and we _____ a meal.
A) see / having
B) saw / have
C) seeing / had
D) saw / had

23. I _____ English food. It’s wonderful!
A) am loving
B) loved
C) love
D) loves

24. Pierre is French. He _____ from Toulouse.
A) is coming
B) came
C) come
D) comes

25. _____ the computer at the moment?
A) Does Mr. Taylor use
B) Is Mr. Taylor using
C) Did Mr. Taylor use
D) Will Mr. Taylor use

26. Dave _____ a student with her work now.
A) helped
B) help
C) is helping
D) helping
27. “ It’s very noisy”
“Suzy _____ to rock music.”
A) listen
B) listens
C) listened
D) is listening

28. Carol _____ hard for her exam last week.
A) didn’t study
B) isn’t studying
C) don’t study
D) aren’t study

29. Most of the students _____ these days.
A) didn’t smoke
B) aren’t smoking
C) isn’t smoking
D) don’t smoke

30. You look nice, Anne. _____ a new dress?
A) Do you wear
B) Does she wear
C) Are you wearing
D) Did you wear

31. Many birds _____ south every winter.
A) fly
B) flew
C) are flying
D) will fly

32. Usually Jim _____ to work on Saturdays.
A) is going
B) went
C) go
D) goes

33. Japan _____ many high mountains.
A) have
B) is having
C) has
D) are having

34. Cats _____ very well in darkness.
A) are seeing
B) see
C) will
D) sees

35. “What _____ ?”
“I’m studying computer science.”
A) are you studying
B) were you studying
C) was you studying
D) is she studying

36. “ _____ born?”
“I was born in London.”
A) When did you
B) Where were you
C) Where are you
D) Where do you

37. “Are _____?”
“No, I’m single.”
A) he marries
B) you married
C) you marry
D) she married

38. “ _____ a job ?”
“No, I don’t. I’m a student.”
A) Did you have
B) Do you have
C) Have you had
D) Are you having
39. “_____ Liverpool?”
“It’s in the north west of England.”
A) Where were
B) Where are
C) Where is
D) When was

40. “What _____?”
“My name’s Ben.”
A) was your name
B) were your name
C) is your name
D) is his name
41. “Are _____ your course?”
“Yes, I’m enjoying it very much.”
A) you enjoying
B) they enjoying
C) they enjoyed
D) enjoying

42. “Do _____ clubs?”
“I go sometimes.”
A) you do
B) you go to
C) you usually go
D) you do go to

43. “What_____ doing in you free time?”
“I like watching sport on TV.”
A) are you
B) sport are you
C) do you like
D) would you like to

44. “ _____”
“Yes, can I help you?”
A) Thank you!
B) Cheers!
C) Excuse me!
D) Nothing much.

45. “What are you doing this weekend?”
A) Nothing much
B) Not at all. Don’t mention it
C) Cheers
D) Bye for now

46. “Make your self at home.”
“ _____ .”
A) Sleep well
B) Thank you
C) Thanks. Same to you
D) Excuse me
47. “Thank you so much for helping.”
“ _____ .”
A) Nothing much
B) Cheers
C) Not at all. Don’t mention it
D) Sleep well

48. “Good morning!”
“ _____”
A) Good morning!
B) Thank you!
C) Cheers!
D) Sleep well!

49. “See you next week.”
“ ___________. “
A) Cheers
B) Thank you
C) Good morning
D) Bye for now

50. “Have a nice day!”
“ _____.”
A) Thanks. Same to you
B) Not at all. Don’t mention it.
C) Nothing much
D) Sleep well

51. A- Where _____ from?
B- _____ am from Milano.
A) are you / I
B) are / you
C) are they / they
D) you / I

52. A- _____ Leo eat Chinese food?
B- Yes, he _____ it _____ he was 10.
A) Did / eaten / when
B) Does / ate / what
C) Did / ate / when
D) Do / eat / what

53. What _____ they going _____ do?
A) are / too
B) are / to
C) is / to
D) is / too
54. A- How _____ languages can your son speak?
B- Three _____.
A) much / languages
B) many / language
C) many / languages
D) much / language

55. A- When _____ it _____ raining?
B- Yesterday.
A) Did / started
B) Does / start
C) Does / starts
D) Did / start

56. _____ kind _____ music do you like?
A) What / *
B) How / of
C) What / of
D) What / *

57. A- Good night!
B – _____!
A) Sleep well
B) Cheers
C) Fine, thanks
D) Bye

58. Oh! Welcome, Jack! __________.
A) Pleased to meet you
B) That’s very kind
C) Make yourself at home
D) Same to you

59. Customer: _______________!
Shop assistant: _______________?
A) Good morning / Good morning
B) Excuse me / Yes, can I help you
C) Bless you / Thank you
D) How do you do / How do you do

60. A- Thank you very much!
B- ___________.
A) Same to you
B) Thanks
C) Bye
D) Not at all

61. Mobile phones, televisions, and radios are a means of _____.
A) communication
B) transport
C) media
D) civilization

62. Romans _____ a unique system of the Roman alphabet.
A) improved
B) developed
C) persuaded
D) exchanged

63. Nowadays media has a huge influence on the _____.
A) neighbors
B) society
C) printing pressing
D) Greeks

64. We send _____ through the internet.
A) a letter
B) a fax
C) mail
D) an e-mail

65. Romans, Greek and Egyptians are all _____ nations.
A) ancient
B) old
C) dated
D) modern


1-D 2-B 3-C 4-C 5-A 6-D 7-D 8-B

9-C 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-D 14-C 15-B 16-C

17-B 18-C 19-A 20-B 21-A 22-D 23-C 24-D

25-B 26-C 27-D 28-A 29-B 30-C 31-A 32-D

33-C 34-B 35-A 36-B 37-B 38-B 39-C 40-C

41-A 42-B 43-C 44-C 45-A 46-B 47-C 48-A

49-D 50-A 51-A 52-C 53-B 54-C 55-D 56-C

57-A 58-C 59-B 60-D 61-A 62-B 63-B 64-D


Grammar test 11th form

Choose the right variant.

1. I don’t remember … that I’m sure you’re mistaken.

a) to say;  b) say;  c) saying;  d) to have said.

2. There were two answers, and … was right.

a) neither; b) no one; c) no; d) not any.

3. This dress is … as the one I had before.

a) plenty the same; b) very similar; c) very same; d) much the same.

4. He … here from 1955 to 1960.

a) worked; b) works; c) has been working; d) has worked.

5. He’s… his sister.

a) much taller that; b) much more taller than; c) much taller than; d) more taller than.

6. Be careful you don’t… your keys!

a) lost; b) loosen; c) lose; d) loose.

7. What they say may be true; you never can…

a) say; b) tell; c) remember; d) recognise.

8. He didn’t move, but just… where he fell.

a) lain; b) lay; c) laid; d) lied.

9. I haven’t had a reply to the invitation I sent you last week. … to my patty?

a) Shall you come; b) Are you coming; c) Do you come; d) Should you come,

10. That man reminds me … my history teacher.

a) from; b) of; c) about; d) on.  

11. The children hadn’t met … their grandparents or their uncle before.

a) or, b) neither; c) nor, d) either.

12. Before she started university, Jane … in the States for six months working as a nanny.

a) lives; b) has been living; c) has lived; d) had lived.

13. He was … tired to go on.

a) to; b) enough; c) so; d) too.

14. I … saw Michael two years ago.

a) lastly; b) last time; c) last; d) the last time.

15. I like the red dress and the pink shoes. The trouble is that they don’t …very well.

a) match not each other; b) match themselves; c) go with each other; d) go on with the other.

16. He’s as polite as his brother is …polite. (подобрать префикс)

a) im; b) non; c) dis; d) un.

17. It’s been quite a long time … I had a holiday abroad,

a) ago; b) since; c) for; d) when.

18. You … pay for this information. It’s free.

a) oughtn’t to; b) don’t have to; c) shouldn’t to; d) mustn’t.

19. … quite a lot of rain forecast for today.

a) It has; b) Is; c) It’s; d) There’s.

20. I’m free this evening. … we go out to dinner?

a) Will; b) Would; c) Shall; d) Won’t.

21. I need a holiday, … I?

a) need nоt; b) aren’t; c) don’t; d) need.

22. Most of the cattle … under the trees.

a) is laying; b) is lying; c) are lying; d) are laying.

23. Children seem to find computers easy, but many adults aren’t used to … with microtechnology.

a) work; b) working; c) a work; d) the work.

24. Parents were made … the school reconstruction,

a) finance; b) to financing; c) to finance; d) financing.

25. The children have made lots of new friends since we … to this town.

a) have moved; b) moving; c) moved; d) have been moved.

26. I don’t understand this sentence. Could you tell me what …?

a) this word means; b) means this word; c) does mean this word; d) does this word mean.

27. … of the three boys got a prize,

a) A few; b) Both; c) Each; d) Every.

28. The agency intended to let each applicant… in the interview.

a) participate; b) to participate; c) so as to participate; d) participating.

29. All the children in this family are gifted, but this one is … gifted of all.

a) little; b) the less; c) the least; d) un- .

30. He enjoyed … computer games at first, but after a while he got bored with them.

a) to play; b) playing; c) make play; d) having played.

31. We haven’t managed to meet… three years.

a) since; b) for; c) after; d) last.

32. Nothing is wrong,…?

a) can it; b) is it; c) isn’t it; d) can’t be.

33. A meeting of the society will be … on Tuesday evening at 6 o’clock.

a) made; b) taken; c) held; d) placed.

34. May I apologize … being so late?

a) myself for; b) for; c) -; d) myself.

35. All the furniture in this room … antique.

a) are; b) are made of; c) have; d) is.

36. … traffic in the city center.

a) There’s always many; b) It is always heavy; c) There’s always heavy; d) It is always much.

37. You’ll find the travel agency … the end of the street.

a) by; b) in; c) on; d) at.

38. She … the piano since she was ten.

a) has been playing; b) is playing; c) has played; d) had played.

39. Doing these exercises may be good … me, but I hate every minute of it.

a) to; b) for; c) on; d) at.

40. She heard Miss Drake … that Ann was really happy.

a) tell; b) to tell; c) say; d) to say.

41. You have bought a FIAT. You … a BMW.

a) should have bought; b) would have bought; c) had better buy; d) would rather have bought.

42. Poor Jack — he lost his homework, and he … do it again,

a) needs; b) ought; c) shall; d) has to.

43. The food at the party was horrible, I’ve never eaten … awful food!

a) such a; b) such; c) such an d) so.

44. “I’m not very hungry”. — “…”

a) Neither do I; b) I am; c) So am I; d) Nor I am.

45. The… from London to Bristol takes two hours by car.

a) travel; b) journey; c) voyage; d) driving.

46. Open the window, … you?

a) must; b) need; c) will; d) do.

47. You must try not to … so many mistakes.

a) do; b) tell; c) make; d) perform.

48. Helen asked me if… the film called “Star wars”.

a) have I seen; b) have you seen; c) had I seen; d) I had seen.

49. I promise that I… to work on time every morning in future,

a) get; b) am getting; c) will get; d) would get.

50. I’m not going to tell you the reason … my decision,

a) to; b) with; c) on; d) for.

Ответы на грамматический тест по английскому языку.


1-c; 2-a; 3-d; 4-a; 5-c; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-b; 10-b; 11-d; 12-d; 13-d; 14-с; 15-с; 16-a; 17-b; 18-b; 19-d; 20-c; 21-c; 22-c; 23-b; 24-c; 25-c; 26 — a; 27-c; 28-a; 29-c; 30-b; 31-b; 32-b; 33-c; 34-b; 35-d; 36-c; 37-d; 38-a; 39-b; 40-c; 41-a; 42-d; 43-b; 44-b; 45-b; 46-c; 47-c; 48-d; 49-c; 50-d.

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