What the word superstition

A superstition is any belief or practice considered by non-practitioners to be irrational or supernatural, attributed to fate or magic, perceived supernatural influence, or fear of that which is unknown. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, amulets, astrology, fortune telling, spirits, and certain paranormal entities, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific (apparently) unrelated prior events.[1][2]

Also, the word superstition is often used to refer to a religion not practiced by the majority of a given society regardless of whether the prevailing religion contains alleged superstitions or to all religions by the antireligious.[1]

Contemporary use[edit]

Definitions of the term vary, but commonly describe superstitions as irrational beliefs at odds with scientific knowledge of the world. Stuart Vyse proposes that a superstition’s «presumed mechanism of action is inconsistent with our understanding of the physical world», with Jane Risen adding these beliefs are not merely scientifically wrong, but impossible.[3][4] Similarly, Lysann Damisch defines superstition as «irrational beliefs that an object, action, or circumstance that is not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome»,[5][6]
Dale Martin, says they «presuppose an erroneous understanding about cause and effect, that have been rejected by modern science.»[7] The Oxford English Dictionary[8] describes them as «irrational, unfounded», Merriam Webster, as «a false conception about causation or belief or practice»,[9] the Cambridge Dictionary «sans grounding in human reason or scientific knowledge».[10] This notion of superstitious practices are not causally related to the outcomes.[11]

Both Vyse and Martin argue what is considered superstitious varies across cultures and time. For Vyse, «if a culture has not yet adopted science as its standard, then what we consider magic or superstition is more accurately the local science or religion.»[3] Dale points out that superstitions are often considered as out of place in modern times influenced by modern science and its notions of what is rational or irrational, surviving as remnants of older popular beliefs and practices.[9]

Vyse proposes that in addition to being irrational and culturally-dependant, superstitions have to be instrumental: an actual effect is expected by the person holding a belief, such as increased odds of winning a prize. This distinction excludes practices where participants merely expect to be entertained.[3]

Alternative religious beliefs as superstition[edit]

Religious practices that differ from commonly accepted religions in a given culture are sometimes called superstitious; similarly, new practices brought into an established religious community can also be labeled as superstitious in an attempt to exclude them. Similarly, an excessive display of devoutness has often been labelled as superstitious behavior.[1][12][13]

In antiquity, the Latin term superstitio, like its equivalent Greek deisidaimonia, came to be associated with exaggerated ritual and a credulous attitude towards prophecies.[14][8][1] Greek and Roman polytheists, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms, scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. Such fear of the gods was what the Romans meant by «superstition» (Veyne 1987, p. 211). Diderot’s Encyclopédie defines superstition as «any excess of religion in general», and links it specifically with paganism.[15]

In his Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther (who called the papacy «that fountain and source of all superstitions») accuses the popes of superstition:

For there was scarce another of the celebrated bishoprics that had so few learned pontiffs; only in violence, intrigue, and superstition has it hitherto surpassed the rest. For the men who occupied the Roman See a thousand years ago differ so vastly from those who have since come into power, that one is compelled to refuse the name of Roman pontiff either to the former or to the latter.[16]

The current Catechism of the Catholic Church considers superstition sinful in the sense that it denotes «a perverse excess of religion», as a demonstrated lack of trust in divine providence (¶ 2110), and a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments.
The Catechism is a defense against the accusation that Catholic doctrine is superstitious:

Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand is to fall into superstition. Cf. Matthew 23:16–22 (¶ 2111)

Examples of superstitions and taboos from a November 1941 issue of Weird Tales.


Dieter Harmening’s book Superstitio categorizes superstitions in three categories of magic, divination and observances, he further divides observances category in ‘signs’ and ‘time’.[2] Time sub category constitutes temporal prognostics like observances of various days related like dog days, Egyptian days, year prognosis and lunaries, where as signs category constitutes signs like particular animal behaviors, like the call of birds or neighing of horses or sighting of comets, or dreams.[2] According to László Sándor Chardonnens the signs subcategory usually needs an observer who might help in interpreting the signs and such observer does not need necessarily to be an active participant of the observation.[2] According to Chardonnens, category of Divination participant need to go beyond mere observation and need to be active participant in given action.[2] Examples of Divination superstitions are judicial astrology, necromancy, haruspex, lot-casting, geomancy, aeromancy and prophecy.[2] Chardonnens says superstions belonging to magic category are exceedingly hermetical and ritualistic and its examples are witchcraft, potions, incantations, amulets etc.[2] Chardonnens says Observation category needs an observer, divination category needs participant to tell what is to be observed, where as magic requires a participant who must follow a protocol to influence the future, and that these three types of superstition need increasing stages of participation and knowledge.[2]

Chardonnens defines «prognostication» as that component of superstition which, expects knowledge of the future on systematic application of given ritual and order,[2] and moves to classify saying, Prognostication appear to occupy a place somewhere between observation and divination, of which due to the primacy of temporal prognostics, the observation of times is represented most frequently.[2]

Chardonnens classifies prophecy under topic of divination; examples being the prophets of the Old Testament, biblical typological allegory, the fifteen signs before Judgement Day, and the many prophecies expressed by saints.; Chardonnens further points out that since many aspects of religious experience are tied up with prophecy, church condones the same.[2] Chardonnens says, one could differentiate between those kinds of prophecy which are (1) inspired by God or Satan and their minions; (2) “gecyndelic”; and (3) “wiglung” examples —lacking divine or infernal inspiration and not “gecyndelic” either. But practically, however, most, if not all, words relating to prophecy ought to be interpreted as inspired.[2]

Criticism of definitions[edit]

Identifying something as superstition is generally pejorative. Items referred to as such in common parlance are commonly referred to as folk belief in folkloristics.[17]

According to László Sándor Chardonnens, OED definitions pass value judgement and attribution to «fear and ignorance», do not do enough justice to elaborate systems of superstitions.[2] Chardonnens says the religious element in OED denotations are not understood as system of observance and testifies to a belief in higher power on part of the compiler of the dictionary.[2]

Subjective perceptions[edit]

Webster’s The Encyclopedia of Superstitions points out that, many superstitions are related with religion, people have been carrying individual subjective perceptions vis a vis superstitions against one another, people of one belief are likely to call people of another belief superstitious; Constantine regarded paganism as a superstition; Tacitus on other hand regarded Christianity as pernicious superstition; Saul of Tarsus and Martin Luther perceived any thing that was not centered on Christ to be superstitious.[18] According to Dale, difference of opinion on what constitutes ‘superstition’ get apparent when one moves form one culture to another culture.[7]


While the formation of the Latin word is clear, from the verb super-stare, «to stand over, stand upon; survive», its original intended sense is less clear. It can be interpreted as «‘standing over a thing in amazement or awe»,[19] but other possibilities have been suggested, e.g. the sense of excess, i.e. over scrupulousness or over-ceremoniousness in the performing of religious rites, or else the survival of old, irrational religious habits.[20][21]

The earliest known use as a noun is found in Plautus, Ennius and later by Pliny, with the meaning of art of divination.[22] From its use in the Classical Latin of Livy and Ovid, it is used in the pejorative sense that it holds today, of an excessive fear of the gods or unreasonable religious belief; as opposed to religio, the proper, reasonable awe of the gods. Cicero derived the term from superstitiosi, lit. those who are «left over», i.e. «survivors», «descendants», connecting it with excessive anxiety of parents in hoping that their children would survive them to perform their necessary funerary rites.[23]

According to Michael David Bailey, it was with Pliny’s usage that Magic came close to superstition; and charges of being superstitious were first leveled by Roman authorities on its Christian subjects. In turn, early Christian writers pronounced all Roman and Pagan cults to be superstitious worshiping false Gods, fallen angels and demons and it is with Christian usage almost all forms of magic started being described as forms of superstition.[24]

Superstition and psychology[edit]


Behaviorism perspective[edit]

In 1948, behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner published an article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, in which he described his pigeons exhibiting what appeared to be superstitious behaviour. One pigeon was making turns in its cage, another would swing its head in a pendulum motion, while others also displayed a variety of other behaviours. Because these behaviors were all done ritualistically in an attempt to receive food from a dispenser, even though the dispenser had already been programmed to release food at set time intervals regardless of the pigeons’ actions, Skinner believed that the pigeons were trying to influence their feeding schedule by performing these actions. He then extended this as a proposition regarding the nature of superstitious behavior in humans.[25]

Skinner’s theory regarding superstition being the nature of the pigeons’ behaviour has been challenged by other psychologists such as Staddon and Simmelhag, who theorised an alternative explanation for the pigeons’ behaviour.[26]

Despite challenges to Skinner’s interpretation of the root of his pigeons’ superstitious behaviour, his conception of the reinforcement schedule has been used to explain superstitious behaviour in humans. Originally, in Skinner’s animal research, «some pigeons responded up to 10,000 times without reinforcement when they had originally been conditioned on an intermittent reinforcement basis.»[27] Compared to the other reinforcement schedules (e.g., fixed ratio, fixed interval), these behaviours were also the most resistant to extinction.[27] This is called the partial reinforcement effect, and this has been used to explain superstitious behaviour in humans. To be more precise, this effect means that, whenever an individual performs an action expecting a reinforcement, and none seems forthcoming, it actually creates a sense of persistence within the individual.[28]

Evolutionary/cognitive perspective[edit]

From a simpler perspective, natural selection will tend to reinforce a tendency to generate weak associations or heuristics that are overgeneralized. If there is a strong survival advantage to making correct associations, then this will outweigh the negatives of making many incorrect, «superstitious» associations.[29] It has also been argued that there may be connections between OCD and superstition.[30]

A recent theory by Jane Risen proposes that superstitions are intuitions that people acknowledge to be wrong, but acquiesce to rather than correct when they arise as the intuitive assessment of a situation. Her theory draws on dual-process models of reasoning. In this view, superstitions are the output of «System 1» reasoning that are not corrected even when caught by «System 2».[4]


People seem to believe that superstitions influence events by changing the likelihood of currently possible outcomes rather than by creating new possible outcomes. In sporting events, for example, a lucky ritual or object is thought to increase the chance that an athlete will perform at the peak of their ability, rather than increasing their overall ability at that sport.[31]

Psychologist Stuart Vyse has pointed out that until about 2010, «[m]ost researchers assumed superstitions were irrational and focused their attentions on discovering why people were superstitious.» Vyse went on to describe studies that looked at the relationship between performance and superstitious rituals. Preliminary work has indicated that such rituals can reduce stress and thereby improve performance, but, Vyse has said, «…not because they are superstitious but because they are rituals…. So there is no real magic, but there is a bit of calming magic in performing a ritualistic sequence before attempting a high-pressure activity…. Any old ritual will do.»[32][33]


People tend to attribute events to supernatural causes (in psychological jargon, «external causes») most often under two circumstances.

  1. People are more likely to attribute an event to a superstitious cause if it is unlikely than if it is likely. In other words, the more surprising the event, the more likely it is to evoke a supernatural explanation. This is believed to stem from an effectance motivation — a basic desire to exert control over one’s environment. When no natural cause can explain a situation, attributing an event to a superstitious cause may give people some sense of control and ability to predict what will happen in their environment.[34]
  2. People are more likely to attribute an event to a superstitious cause if it is negative than positive. This is called negative agency bias.[35] Boston Red Sox fans, for instance, attributed the failure of their team to win the world series for 86 years to the curse of the bambino: a curse placed on the team for trading Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees so that the team owner could fund a Broadway musical. When the Red Sox finally won the world series in 2004, however, the team’s success was attributed to the team’s skill and the rebuilding effort of the new owner and general manager. More commonly, people are more likely to perceive their computer to act according to its own intentions when it malfunctions than functions properly.[34]

Consumer behavior[edit]


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According to consumer behavior analytics of John C. Mowen et al., superstitions are employed as a heuristic tool hence those influence a variety of consumer behaviors.[36][11] John C. Mowen et al. says, after taking into account for a set of antecedents, trait superstitions are predictive of a wide variety of consumer beliefs, like beliefs in astrology or in common negative superstitions (e.g., fear of black cats). Additionally, a general proneness to be superstitious leads to enduring temperament to gamble, participation in promotional games, investments in stocks, forwarding of superstitious e‐mails, keeping good‐luck charms, and exhibit sport fanship etc.[36][11]

Superstition and politics[edit]

Ancient Greek historian Polybius in his Histories uses the word superstition explaining that in ancient Rome that belief maintained the cohesion of the empire, operating as an instrumentum regni.[37]

Opposition to superstition[edit]

In the classical era, the existence of gods was actively debated both among philosophers and theologians, and opposition to superstition arose consequently. The poem De rerum natura, written by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius further developed the opposition to superstition. Cicero’s work De natura deorum also had a great influence on the development of the modern concept of superstition as well as the word itself. Where Cicero distinguished superstitio and religio, Lucretius used only the word religio. Cicero, for whom superstitio meant “excessive fear of the gods” wrote that “superstitio, non religio, tollenda est ”, which means that only superstition, and not religion, should be abolished. The Roman Empire also made laws condemning those who excited excessive religious fear in others.[38]

During the Middle Ages, the idea of God’s influence on the world’s events went mostly undisputed. Trials by ordeal were quite frequent, even though Frederick II (1194 – 1250 AD) was the first king who explicitly outlawed trials by ordeal as they were considered “irrational”.[39]

The rediscovery of lost classical works (The Renaissance) and scientific advancement led to a steadily increasing disbelief in superstition. A new, more rationalistic lens was beginning to see use in exegesis. Opposition to superstition was central to the Age of Enlightenment. The first philosopher who dared to criticize superstition publicly and in a written form was Baruch Spinoza, who was a key figure in the Age of Enlightenment.[40]

Regional and national superstitions[edit]

Most superstitions arose over the course of centuries and are rooted in regional and historical circumstances, such as religious beliefs or the natural environment. For instance, geckos are believed to be of medicinal value in many Asian countries, including China.[41]

In China, Feng shui is a belief system that different places have negative effects, e.g. that a room in the northwest corner of a house is «very bad».[42] Similarly, the number 8 is a «lucky number» in China, so that it is more common than any other number in the Chinese housing market.[42]


There are many different animals around the world that have been tied to superstitions. People in the West are familiar with the omen of a black cat crossing one’s path. Locomotive engineers believe a hare crossing one’s path is bad luck.[43] According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) is targeted by motorists in regions of Brazil who don’t want the creature to cross in front of them and give them bad luck.[44]


Certain numbers hold significance for particular cultures and communities. It is common for buildings to omit certain floors on their elevator panels and there are specific terms for people with severe aversions to specific numbers.[45] Triskaidekaphobia, for example, is the fear of the number 13.[46]


There are many objects tied to superstitions. During the Great Depression, it was common for people to carry a rabbit’s foot around with them.[47] During the Coronavirus epidemic, people in parts of Indonesia made tetek melek, a traditional homemade mask made of coconut palm fronds, which was hung in doorways to keep occupants safe.[citation needed]

According to superstitions breaking a mirror is said to bring seven years of bad luck.[48] From ancient Roman to Northern India, mirrors have been handled with care, or sometimes avoided all together.[47]

Horseshoes have long been considered lucky. Opinion is divided as to which way up the horseshoe ought to be nailed. Some say the ends should point up, so that the horseshoe catches the luck, and that the ends pointing down allow the good luck to be lost; others say they should point down, so that the luck is poured upon those entering the home.
Superstitious sailors believe that nailing a horseshoe to the mast will help their vessel avoid storms.[49]

In China yarrow and tortoiseshell are considered lucky and brooms have a number of superstitions attached to them. It is considered bad luck to use a broom within three days of the new year as this will sweep away good luck.[50]


Common actions in the West include not walking under a ladder, touching wood, throwing salt over one’s shoulder, or not opening an umbrella inside. In China wearing certain colours is believed to bring luck.[50]

«Break a leg» is a typical English idiom used in the context of theatre or other performing arts to wish a performer «good luck». An ironic or non-literal saying of uncertain origin (a dead metaphor), «break a leg» is commonly said to actors and musicians before they go on stage to perform or before an audition. In English (though it may originate in German), the expression was likely first used in this context in the United States in the 1930s or possibly 1920s,[51] originally documented without specifically theatrical associations. Among professional dancers, the traditional saying is not «break a leg», but the French word «merde«.[52]

Some superstitious actions have practical origins. Opening an umbrella inside in eighteenth-century London was a physical hazard, as umbrellas then were metal-spoked, clumsy spring mechanisms and a “veritable hazard to open indoors.”[53]

Another superstition with practical origins is the action of blowing briefly left and right before crossing rail tracks for safe travels as the person engaging in the action looks both ways.[54]

See also[edit]

  • Superstition in Britain
  • Anthropology
  • Curse
  • Exorcism
  • Faith
  • Fatalism
  • Folklore
  • God of the gaps
  • Heritage science
  • Heritage studies
  • James Randi
  • Kuai Kuai culture
  • Occult
  • Paranormal
  • Precognition
  • Pseudoscience
  • Relationship between religion and science
  • Sacred mysteries
  • Synchronicity
  • Tradition
  • Urban legend


  • Ibodullayeva Maftuna Habibullayevna. “SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS ACROSS CULTURES: A VIEW FROM LINGUACULTUROLOGY”. Galaxy International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 61-65, https://www.giirj.com/index.php/giirj/article/view/959.


  1. ^ a b c d Vyse, Stuart A. (2000). Believing in Magic: The Psychology of Superstition. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 19–22. ISBN 978-0-1951-3634-0.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Chardonnens, L. S. (2007-01-01). Chapter Four. Superstition and prognostication. Brill. ISBN 978-90-474-2042-2.
  3. ^ a b c Vyse, Stuart (2020). Superstition: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0198819257.
  4. ^ a b Risen, Jane L. (2016). «Believing what we do not believe: Acquiescence to superstitious beliefs and other powerful intuitions». Psychological Review. 123 (2): 182–207. doi:10.1037/rev0000017. PMID 26479707.
  5. ^ Damisch, Lysann; Stoberock, Barbara; Mussweiler, Thomas (2010-07-01). «Keep Your Fingers Crossed!: How Superstition Improves Performance». Psychological Science. 21 (7): 1014–1020. doi:10.1177/0956797610372631. ISSN 0956-7976. PMID 20511389. S2CID 8862493.
  6. ^ Tosyali, Furkan; Aktas, Busra (2021-12-01). «Does training analytical thinking decrease superstitious beliefs? Relationship between analytical thinking, intrinsic religiosity, and superstitious beliefs». Personality and Individual Differences. 183: 111122. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2021.111122. ISSN 0191-8869.
  7. ^ a b Martin, Dale B. (2009-06-30). Inventing Superstition. Harvard University Press. pp. 10 to 20. ISBN 978-0-674-04069-4.
  8. ^ a b «superstition, n.» OED Online. Oxford University Press. September 2021. Retrieved 28 November 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ a b «Definition of SUPERSTITION». www.merriam-webster.com. Retrieved 2020-12-30.
  10. ^ «Superstition meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary». dictionary.cambridge.org. Retrieved 2020-12-30.
  11. ^ a b c Carlson, Brad D.; Mowen, John C.; Fang, Xiang (2009). «Trait superstition and consumer behavior: Re-conceptualization, measurement, and initial investigations». Psychology & Marketing. 26 (8): 691 of 689–713. doi:10.1002/mar.20295. ISSN 1520-6793.
  12. ^ «Superstition». dictionary.cambridge.org. Retrieved 2020-12-30.
  13. ^ Selberg, Torunn (December 2003). «Taking Superstitions Seriously» (PDF). Folklore. 114 (3): 297–306. doi:10.1080/0015587032000145342. JSTOR 30035120. S2CID 145299302 – via JSTOR.
  14. ^ Scheid, John (7 March 2016). «superstitio». Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Classics. Oxford Classical Dictionary. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780199381135.013.6150. ISBN 978-0-19-938113-5. Retrieved 1 July 2022.
  15. ^ Louis, Chevalier de Jaucourt (Biography) (2010-10-10). «Superstition». Encyclopedia of Diderot & d’Alembert — Collaborative Translation Project. Retrieved 1 April 2015.
  16. ^ Luther, Martin (1915). «The Babylonian Captivity § The Sacrament of Extreme Unction». In Jacobs, Henry Eyster; Spaeth, Adolph (eds.). Works of Martin Luther: With Instructions and Notes. Vol. 2. Translated by Steinhaeuser, Albert T. W. Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Company. p. 291. LCCN 15007839. OCLC 300541097. For there was scarce another of the celebrated bishoprics that had so few learned pontiffs; only in violence, intrigue, and superstition has it hitherto surpassed the rest. For the men who occupied the Roman See a thousand years ago differ so vastly from those who have since come into power, that one is compelled to refuse the name of Roman pontiff either to the former or to the latter.
  17. ^ For discussion, see for example Georges, Robert A. & Jones, Michael Owen. 1995. Folkloristics: An Introduction, p. 122. Indiana University Press. ISBN 0253329345.
  18. ^ Webster, Richard (8 September 2012). The Encyclopedia of Superstitions. Llewellyn Worldwide. pp. xi. ISBN 978-0-7387-2561-1.
  19. ^ «orig. a standing still over or by a thing; hence, amazement, wonder, dread, esp. of the divine or supernatural.» Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary.
  20. ^ Oxford Latin Dictionary. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 1982.
  21. ^ Turcan, Robert (1996). The Cults of the Roman Empire. Nevill, Antonia (trans.). Oxford, England: Blackwell. pp. 10–12. ISBN 978-0-631-20047-5.. Oxford English Dictionary (Second ed.). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. 1989. The etymological meaning of L. superstitio is perhaps ‘standing over a thing in amazement or awe.’ Other interpretations of the literal meaning have been proposed, e.g., ‘excess in devotion, over-scrupulousness or over-ceremoniousness in religion’ and ‘the survival of old religious habits in the midst of a new order of things’; but such ideas are foreign to ancient Roman thought.
  22. ^ Manuela Simeoni (2011-09-04). «Uso della parola superstitio contro i pagani» (in Italian).
  23. ^ Cicero, De Natura Deorum II, 28 (32), quoted in Wagenvoort, Hendrik (1980). Pietas: selected studies in Roman religion. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. p. 236. ISBN 978-90-04-06195-8.
  24. ^ Bailey, Michael David, 1971- (2007). Magic and superstition in Europe : a concise history from antiquity to the present. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Pub. ISBN 978-0-7425-3386-8. OCLC 70267160.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  25. ^ Skinner, B. F. (1948). «‘Superstition’ in the Pigeon». Journal of Experimental Psychology. 38 (2): 168–172. doi:10.1037/h0055873. PMID 18913665. S2CID 22577459.
  26. ^ Staddon, J. E. & Simmelhag, V. L. (1971). «The ‘supersitition’ experiment: A reexamination of its implications for the principles of adaptive behaviour». Psychological Review. 78 (1): 3–43. doi:10.1037/h0030305.
  27. ^ a b Schultz & Schultz (2004, 238).[full citation needed]
  28. ^ Carver, Charles S. & Scheier, Michael (2004). Perspectives on personality. Allyn and Bacon. p. 332. ISBN 978-0-205-37576-9.
  29. ^ Foster, Kevin R.; Kokko, Hanna (2009). «The evolution of superstitious and superstition-like behaviour». Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 276 (1654): 31–7. doi:10.1098/rspb.2008.0981. PMC 2615824. PMID 18782752.
  30. ^ de Silva, Padmal and Rachman, Stanley (2004) Obsessive-compulsive Disorder, Oxford University Press, p. 34, ISBN 0198520824.
  31. ^ Hamerman, Eric J.; Morewedge, Carey K. (2015-03-01). «Reliance on Luck Identifying Which Achievement Goals Elicit Superstitious Behavior». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 41 (3): 323–335. doi:10.1177/0146167214565055. ISSN 0146-1672. PMID 25617118. S2CID 1160061.
  32. ^ Vyse, Stuart (2018). «Do Superstitious Rituals Work?». Skeptical Inquirer. 42 (2): 32–34. Archived from the original on 3 June 2018. Retrieved 3 June 2018.
  33. ^ Vyse, Stuart (April 2020). «Obsessions and compulsions: Do superstitious rituals help cope with anxiety?». Skeptical Inquirer. 44 (2): 52.
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  37. ^ Guy, Josephine M. (2007) The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde, Oxford University Press, Volume IV, p. 337, ISBN 0191568449.
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  50. ^ a b «Chinese customs, superstitions and traditions». us.mofcom.gov.cn. Retrieved 2022-07-28.
  51. ^ «Break a Leg». World Wide Words. Retrieved 2007-04-24.
  52. ^ McConnell, Joan; McConnell, Teena (1977). Ballet as body language. Harper & Row. ISBN 0-06-012964-6.
  53. ^ Panati, Charles (1989). Panati’s extraordinary origins of everyday things. New York. ISBN 0-06-096419-7. OCLC 20521056.
  54. ^ «TrackSAFE — A rail safety superstition». tracksafe.co.nz. Retrieved 2022-07-28.

External links[edit]

Wikisource has original text related to this article:

  • Where Superstitions Come From: slideshow by Life magazine
  • Superstitions in Russia

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

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The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines superstition as «unreasonable or irrational or groundless awe, fear, notion or belief about something unknown, mysterious, or imaginary, especially in regard of religion; religious belief or practice based upon fear or ignorance; in specific meaning: An irrational religious …

What is the true meaning of superstition?

1a : a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation. b : an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition.

What is another example of a superstition and what does it mean?

Superstition is a belief based on fear or ignorance and not on the laws of science. An example of superstition is thinking it’s bad luck to walk under a ladder. … Any action or practice based on such a belief.

What is the origin of the word superstition?

The roots of “superstition,” which appeared in English in the early 15th century, are the Latin “super” (meaning, as usual, “above”) and the participle form of “stare,” which means “to stand,” giving us a basic sense of “the act of standing over or above.” Etymologists have long debated whether the logic behind “ …

What is an example of a superstition?

One common superstition held that it could purify the soul and ward off evil spirits.So when you spill any amount of salt, you ought to take a pinch and toss it over your left shoulder.By doing this, the superstition says, you drive away any evil spirits attracted to the spill who may want to cause misfortune for the …

17 related questions found

What are signs of bad luck?

This is a list of signs believed to bring bad luck according to superstitions:

  • Breaking a mirror is said to bring seven years of bad luck.
  • Bird or flock going from left to right (Auspicia) (Paganism)
  • Certain numbers: …
  • Friday the 13th (In Spain, Greece and Georgia: Tuesday the 13th)
  • Failing to respond to a chain letter.

What are the signs of good luck?

Here are some of the most well-known signs of good luck:

  • 1) Elephants.
  • 2) Horseshoes.
  • 3) Four Leaf Clovers.
  • 4) Keys.
  • 5) Shooting Stars.

What does superstition mean in Latin?

Superstitious describes a belief in chance or magic. … The Latin word that superstitious comes from is superstitionem, excessive fear of the gods.

What is the difference between religion and superstition?

The difference between Religion and Superstition is that they differ in the belief of a community. Religion is confined to worshipping Gods and devoting them. Superstition is just a belief that relies on rituals performed over them. … Superstitions are based on practices and supernatural happenings across the world.

What is the difference between faith and superstition?

Faith — complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Superstition — excessively credulous belief in and reverence for the supernatural.

What are the causes of superstition?

What causes superstitions? Superstitions have two main causes: cultural tradition and individual experiences. If you grew up steeped in the superstitions of a particular culture or religion, you may carry these beliefs forward, even subconsciously.

What is the difference between tradition and superstition?

Superstition is a belief that some object or action is lucky and unlucky. … On the other hand traditions are beliefs and customs that are passed down from our ancestors. People follow tradition as a group and practice those beliefs and respect them.

How can I get good luck?

  1. 20 Ways to Attract Good Luck. Research has found a correlation between good luck and the right attitudes and choices in life. …
  2. Fail more. …
  3. Examine the choices you make. …
  4. Prioritize speed over greed. …
  5. Expect good things to happen. …
  6. Do more good and more good will come your way. …
  7. Make a plan. …
  8. Be generous.

How does superstition affect society?

Abstract Superstitions are common phenomena in human society, especially in Asian cultures. Superstitious beliefs can have a negative impact on the social well-being of people in society because they are highly associated with financial risk-taking and gambling behaviors.

How does education help eliminate superstition?

It increases literacy. 3. It helps them to find the cause of superstitions. … It tells them the right thing behind superstitions and help them to overcome them.

What is the sentence of superstition?

Superstition sentence example. He had fits of superstition which in healthier moments he despised. This superstition dominated Scotland. The young king regarded him with an affection which the superstition of the time attributed to witchcraft.

How can religion help you understand the meaning of your life?

Religion can be one among many channels to help someone gain a sense of life meaning. … For example, Frankl helped people find purpose and meaning in life through helping others to remember their joys, sorrows, sacrifices, and blessings, and thereby bring to mind the meaningfulness of their lives as already lived.

What is religion in social science?

“A religion is a unified system of beliefs and practices about life and the world relative to the supernatural that unite the believers or followers into a social organization or moral community.” “This definition includes four essential elements of a religion: (1) a belief in the supernatural; (2) a set of beliefs …

What do you mean religion?

Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief, such as praying or worshipping in a building such as a church or temple. … A religion is a particular system of belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this system.

What is superstition in sociology?

It defines superstition as : Irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious, credulity regarding the. supernatural ; habit or belief based upon such tendencies ; irrational religious system, false or pagan religion.

Which language is the word superstition derived from what does it mean?

The Middle English word superstition derives from the Latin ‘superstitio’.

Which number is luckiest?

Why ‘7‘ is the luckiest number.

What tattoos are lucky?

  • While not all tattoos have to have meaning, many get inked with meanings behind them, and most of those meanings are represented through symbols of good luck. Shooting stars. …
  • 777. …
  • Four-leaf clover. …
  • Acorn. …
  • Ankh. …
  • Axe. …
  • Lucky bamboo. …
  • Crossed fingers.

What bird is a symbol of good luck?

Crane. Cranes are the symbol of good luck. In some cultures, they’re thought to bring a prosperous future and signify good fortune.

What are bad omens?

More specifically, it’s something you can’t let go of even though it’s not good for you—whether it’s a relationship, a drug problem, or terrible situation.

Superstition is any belief or practice that is considered irrational or Supernatural: for example, if it arises from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality, a positive belief in fate or magic, or fear of that which is unknown. It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy, and certain spiritual beings, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific (apparently) unrelated prior events. The word superstition is often used to refer to a religion not practiced by the majority of a given society regardless of whether the prevailing religion contains alleged superstitions.

Identifying something as superstition is generally pejorative. Items referred to as such in common parlance are commonly referred to as folk belief in folkloristics. See also: Factoids About Spiritual Well-beings:,

 Cat Eyes Cat Black View Looking Gaze Staring

Some cultures consider black cats to signify good or bad luck


The word superstition was first used in English in the 15th century, modelled after an earlier French superstition. The earliest known use as an English noun occurs in Friar Daw’s Reply (ca. 1420), where the foure general synnes are enumerated as Cediciouns, supersticions, þe glotouns, & þe proude. The French word, together with its Romance cognates (Italian superstizione, Spanish supersticón, Portuguese superstição, Catalan superstició) continues Latin superstitio.

Clay hamsa on a wall

Clay hamsa on a wall, etched with the Hebrew word for “good luck”, believed to protect the inhabitants of the house from harm

While the formation of the Latin word is clear, from the verb super-stare, “to stand over, stand upon; survive”, its original intended sense is less clear. It can be interpreted as “‘standing over a thing in amazement or awe”, but other possibilities have been suggested, e.g. the sense of excess, i.e. over scrupulousness or over-ceremoniousness in the performing of religious rites, or else the survival of old, irrational religious habits.

The earliest known use as a Latin noun occurs in Plautus, Ennius and later by Pliny, with the meaning of art of divination. From its use in the Classical Latin of Livy and Ovid (1st century BC), the term is used in the pejorative sense it still holds today, of an excessive fear of the gods or unreasonable religious belief, as opposed to religio, the proper, reasonable awe of the gods. Cicero derived the term from superstitiosi, lit. those who are “left over”, i.e. “survivors”, “descendants”, connecting it with excessive anxiety of parents in hoping that their children would survive them to perform their necessary funerary rites. While Cicero distinguishes between religio and superstitio, Lucretius uses only the term religio (only with pejorative meaning). Throughout all of his work, he distinguished only between ratio and religio.

The Latin verb superstare itself is comparatively young, being “perhaps not ante-Augustan”, first found in Livy, and the meaning “to survive” is even younger, found in late or ecclesiastical Latin, for the first time in Ennodius. The use of the noun by Cicero and Horace thus predates the first attestation of the verb. It doesn’t exclude that the verb might have been created and used after the name.

The term superstitio, or superstitio vana “vain superstition”, was applied in the 1st century to those religious cults in the Roman Empire which were officially outlawed. This concerned the religion of the druids in particular, which was described as a superstitio vana by Tacitus, and Early Christianity, outlawed as a superstitio Iudaica in AD 80 by Domitian.

Superstition and religion

See also: Evolutionary psychology of religion and Evolutionary origin of religions

Greek and Roman polytheists, who modeled their relations with the gods on political and social terms, scorned the man who constantly trembled with fear at the thought of the gods, as a slave feared a cruel and capricious master. Such fear of the gods was what the Romans meant by “superstition” (Veyne 1987, p. 211).

Diderot’s Encyclopédie defines superstition as “any excess of religion in general”, and links it specifically with paganism.

In his Prelude on the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, Martin Luther (who called the papacy “that fountain and source of all superstitions”) accuses the popes of superstition:

The superstitious practice of placing a rusty nail in a lemon

The superstitious practice of placing a rusty nail in a lemon is believed to ward off the evil eye and evil in general, as detailed in the folklore text Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from Utah.

For there was scarce another of the celebrated bishoprics that had so few learned pontiffs; only in violence, intrigue, and superstition has it hitherto surpassed the rest. For the men who occupied the Roman See a thousand years ago differ so vastly from those who have since come into power, that one is compelled to refuse the name of Roman pontiff either to the former or to the latter.

The current Catechism of the Catholic Church considers superstition sinful in the sense that it denotes “a perverse excess of religion”, as a demonstrated lack of trust in divine providence (¶ 2110), and a violation of the first of the Ten Commandments. The Catechism is a defense against the accusation that Catholic doctrine is superstitious:

Superstition is a deviation of religious feeling and of the practices this feeling imposes. It can even affect the worship we offer the true God, e.g., when one attributes an importance in some way magical to certain practices otherwise lawful or necessary. To attribute the efficacy of prayers or of sacramental signs to their mere external performance, apart from the interior dispositions that they demand is to fall into superstition. Cf. Matthew 23:16–22 (¶ 2111)

Superstition and psychology

Main articles:  Magical thinking


Behaviorism perspective

Examples of superstitions and taboos from a November 1941 issue of Weird Tales.

Examples of superstitions and taboos from a November 1941 issue of Weird Tales.

In 1948, behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner published an article in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, in which he described his pigeons exhibiting what appeared to be superstitious behaviour. One pigeon was making turns in its cage, another would swing its head in a pendulum motion, while others also displayed a variety of other behaviours. Because these behaviors were all done ritualistically in an attempt to receive food from a dispenser, even though the dispenser had already been programmed to release food at set time intervals regardless of the pigeons’ actions, Skinner believed that the pigeons were trying to influence their feeding schedule by performing these actions. He then extended this as a proposition regarding the nature of superstitious behavior in humans.

Skinner’s theory regarding superstition being the nature of the pigeons’ behaviour has been challenged by other psychologists such as Staddon and Simmelhag, who theorised an alternative explanation for the pigeons’ behaviour.

Despite challenges to Skinner’s interpretation of the root of his pigeons’ superstitious behaviour, his conception of the reinforcement schedule has been used to explain superstitious behaviour in humans. Originally, in Skinner’s animal research, “some pigeons responded up to 10,000 times without reinforcement when they had originally been conditioned on an intermittent reinforcement basis.” Compared to the other reinforcement schedules (e.g., fixed ratio, fixed interval), these behaviours were also the most resistant to extinction. This is called the partial reinforcement effect, and this has been used to explain superstitious behaviour in humans. To be more precise, this effect means that, whenever an individual performs an action expecting a reinforcement, and none seems forthcoming, it actually creates a sense of persistence within the individual. This strongly parallels superstitious behaviour in humans because the individual feels that, by continuing this action, reinforcement will happen; or that reinforcement has come at certain times in the past as a result of this action, although not all the time, but this may be one of those times.

Evolutionary/cognitive perspective

From a simpler perspective, natural selection will tend to reinforce a tendency to generate weak associations or heuristics that are overgeneralized. If there is a strong survival advantage to making correct associations, then this will outweigh the negatives of making many incorrect, “superstitious” associations. It has also been argued that there may be connections between OCD and superstition. This may be connected to hygiene.

A recent theory by Jane Risen proposes that superstitions are intuitions that people acknowledge to be wrong, but acquiesce to rather than correct when they arise as the intuitive assessment of a situation. Her theory draws on dual-process models of reasoning. In this view, superstitions are the output of “System 1” reasoning that are not corrected even when caught by “System 2”.


Main article: SupernaturalBlack Magic

People seem to believe that superstitions influence events by changing the likelihood of currently possible outcomes rather than by creating new possible outcomes. In sporting events, for example, a lucky ritual or object is thought to increase the chance that an athlete will perform at the peak of their ability, rather than increasing their overall ability at that sport. Consequently, people whose goal is to perform well are more likely to rely on “supernatural assistance” – lucky items and rituals – than are people whose goal is to improve their skills and abilities and learn in the same context.

Psychologist Stuart Vyse has pointed out that until about 2010, “[m]ost researchers assumed superstitions were irrational and focused their attentions on discovering why people were superstitious.” Vyse went on to describe studies that looked at the relationship between performance and superstitious rituals. Preliminary work has indicated that such rituals can reduce stress and thereby improve performance, but, Vyse has said, “…not because they are superstitious but because they are rituals…. So there is no real magic, but there is a bit of calming magic in performing a ritualistic sequence before attempting a high-pressure activity…. Any old ritual will do.”


People tend to attribute events to supernatural causes (in psychological jargon, “external causes”) most often under two circumstances.

  1. People are more likely to attribute an event to a superstitious cause if it is unlikely than if it is likely. In other words, the more surprising the event, the more likely it is to evoke a supernatural explanation. This is believed to stem from an effectance motivation – a basic desire to exert control over one’s environment. When no natural cause can explain a situation, attributing an event to a superstitious cause may give people some sense of control and ability to predict what will happen in their environment.
  2. People are more likely to attribute an event to a superstitious cause if it is negative than positive. This is called negative agency bias. Boston Red Sox fans, for instance, attributed the failure of their team to win the world series for 86 years to the curse of the bambino: a curse placed on the team for trading Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees so that the team owner could fund a Broadway musical. When the Red Sox finally won the world series in 2004, however, the team’s success was attributed to skill of the team and the rebuilding effort of the new owner and general manager. More commonly, people are more likely to perceive their computer to act according to its own intentions when it malfunctions than functions properly.

Superstition and politics

Ancient Greek historian Polybius in his Histories uses the term superstition explaining that in ancient Rome that belief maintained the cohesion of the empire, operating as an instrumentum regni.

Opposition to superstition

Opposition to superstition was first recorded in ancient Greece, where philosophers such as Protagoras and the Epicureans exhibited agnosticism or aversion to religion and myths, and Plato – especially his Allegory of the Cave – and Aristotle both present their work as parts of a search for truth.

In the classical era, the existence of gods was actively debated both among philosophers and theologians, and opposition to superstition arose consequently. The poem De rerum natura, written by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius further developed the opposition to superstition. Cicero’s work De natura deorum also had a great influence on the development of the modern concept of superstition as well as the word itself. Where Cicero distinguished superstitio and religio, Lucretius used only the term religio. Cicero, for whom superstitio meant “excessive fear of the gods” wrote that “superstitio, non religio, tollenda est ”, which means that only superstition, and not religion, should be abolished. The Roman Empire also made laws condemning those who excited excessive religious fear in others.

During the Middle Ages, the idea of God’s influence on the world’s events went mostly undisputed. Trials by ordeal were quite frequent, even though Frederick II (1194 – 1250AD) was the first king who explicitly outlawed trials by ordeal as they were considered “irrational”.

The rediscovery of lost classical works (The Renaissance) and scientific advancement led to a steadily increasing disbelief in superstition. A new, more rationalistic lens was beginning to see use in exegesis. Opposition to superstition was central to the Age of Enlightenment. The first philosopher who dared to criticize superstition publicly and in a written form was Baruch Spinoza, who was a key figure in the Age of Enlightenment.

Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The KJV uses the word superstition for religion, which is translated from the Greek text as deisidaimonia. ❋ Carlton Pearson (2010)

Those who use the term superstition generically, still call the custom superstitious, from a latent and, perhaps, in some cases, unconscious impression that there is no supernatural. ❋ Mary Frances Cusack (1864)

Beyond this superstition is an accurate comprehension that every human being on the planet is more closely related that most people know or would feel comfortable knowing. ❋ Unknown (2009)

One would imagine, that their husbands and fuhcrs thought them only child-ren of this world, and not heirs of a better hope, by the little care taken in improving their understanding: and were it not for the religion of the country, which we call superstition, half the Italian world of women would be looked upon merely as temporary idols for men to worship for temporary gratifications only. ❋ Unknown (2006)

He would do anything, anything, to break what he calls the superstition of the Cross. ❋ Unknown (2003)

«But in giving up what you call superstition,» said the Rabbi, «are you not giving up a portion of your religion as well?» ❋ Milton Goldsmith (N/A)

«You laugh,» he said, «but the active force of a superstition — what we call a superstition — is sometimes a terrible thing.» ❋ Sax Rohmer (1921)

Upon the uninformed, upon the majority, we may therefore conclude, in every nation thus situated, the effect of such a superstition is a complete mistake as to the grounds of safety; … ❋ Unknown (1874)

He hates what he calls superstition, and I fancy has curiosity enough not to object to a search. ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

Mr. Arnold’s usual hatred of what he called superstition, was rendered yet more spiteful by the fact, that the occurrences of the week had had such an effect on his own mind, that he was mortally afraid lest he should himself sink into the same limbo of vanity. ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

Thomas Galbraith, of Glashruach, Esquire, whom no more than any other could negation save, was not enfranchised from folly, or lifted above belief in a lie, by his hatred to what he called superstition: he had long fallen into what will ultimately prove the most degrading superstition of all — the worship of Mammon, and was rapidly sinking from deep to lower deep. ❋ George MacDonald (1864)

The crowds at a pilgrimage, a shrine, or a «pardon» were much more like the multitudes who followed our Lord about the hills of Galilee — like them probably in that imperfect faith which we call superstition — than anything that could be seen in the English Church, even if the ❋ Unknown (1852)

«yo , don’t touch [that cat] [its bad] luck for a year ;superstition for me is a really serious thing »
«[da fuck] yo saying fam» ❋ Thebestbitchofalltime (2019)

Religion is the best example of superstition.
Guy 1: Oh no, I’m gonna [get ran] over by a car!
Guy 2: Why? Do you plan to run into the street?
Guy 1: Uh, no! I saw a black cat running past me a few yards away on my way here. That’s a sign something bad is gonna happen, and I’m scared of cars too…
Guy 2: Ok, you’re just being superstitious. Next thing you’ll tell me is that [psychics] are actually psychic.
Guy 1: But… they are.
Guy 2: [-__-] ❋ Grigori FTW (2013)

Oh no! I believe in [superstition] and a [black cat] [crossed] my path! I guess I cannot go through that way! What should I do!!!! ❋ Space Wrangler (2021)

While [seeing] [Will Smith’s] naked ass is a positive, seeing it while listening to Superstition is [pure bliss]. ❋ Lawlessness (2005)

«[thou shalt not] do this, that and the other or grumpy santa will throw lightning at you» ❋ Seikavx (2021)

[Bobby]: That’s a [Samsquanch]!
Tim: You’re just superstious
Bobby: [Pulls out] CD
Tim: Bobby n…
*Superstition Starts Playing* ❋ Bourkale000 (2019)



: a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a false conception of causation


: an irrational abject attitude of mind toward the supernatural, nature, or God resulting from superstition


: a notion maintained despite evidence to the contrary

Example Sentences

It is a common superstition that a black cat crossing your path is bad luck.

tales of superstition, witchcraft, and magic

Recent Examples on the Web

Shamanism is neither lost wisdom nor superstition.

Manvir Singh, Wired, 14 July 2022

They’re made up of millions of individual decisions, many (though not all) of which are taken by human beings with the usual array of attributes: good and bad judgement, superstition, happenstance, tiredness, and anything else in the mix that day.

Quartz, 22 Oct. 2022

This definitely has to be a superstition and a good-luck charm, for sure.

Alexis Jones, Peoplemag, 16 Feb. 2023

As a scientist, Lam views the concept as superstition, but one that makes good common sense.

Bruce Rogers, Forbes, 26 Jan. 2023

This is almost certainly a horseracing superstition, but many bettors swear that the horse that, ahem, relieves himself right before the race will be the winner.

Maggie Menderski, The Courier-Journal, 24 Jan. 2023

The superstition says that means six more weeks of winter for Milwaukee.

Amy Schwabe, Journal Sentinel, 2 Feb. 2023

For him, Christianity, Judaism, nihilism, and superstition were all common spiritual drags on human life, much like the physical drags of illness, alcoholism, gambling, and despair.

Scott Bradfield, The New Republic, 24 Jan. 2023

In the movie, he’s being held hostage by peasants who mindlessly favor tradition and superstition over humanity, a version of what his government is doing in real life, but in an even more treacherous way.

Mark Olsenstaff Writer, Los Angeles Times, 13 Jan. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘superstition.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English supersticion, from Anglo-French, from Latin superstition-, superstitio, from superstit-, superstes standing over (as witness or survivor), from super- + stare to stand — more at stand

First Known Use

13th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of superstition was
in the 13th century

Dictionary Entries Near superstition

Cite this Entry

“Superstition.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/superstition. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
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