What the word raw fish

raw fish

1) Общая лексика: сырая рыба

2) Макаров: рыба-сырец

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «raw fish» в других словарях:

  • List of raw fish dishes — This page is a list of raw fish dishes.* anchovies Europe, fresh or brine preserved. * carpaccio Italian very thin slices, most often made with swordfish and less commonly with tuna or other large fish, usually served with lemon juice (a variant… …   Wikipedia

  • fish tapeworm — n a large tapeworm of the genus Diphyllobothrium (D. latum) that as an adult infests the human intestine, is sometimes associated with a peculiar macrocytic anemia resembling pernicious anemia, and goes through its early stages in copepods of the …   Medical dictionary

  • Fish diseases and parasites — This gizzard shad has VHS, a deadly infectious disease which causes bleeding. It afflicts over 50 species of freshwater and marine fish in the northern hemisphere.[1] Like humans and other animals, fish suffer from diseases and parasites. Fish… …   Wikipedia

  • Raw foodism — Articleissues|cleanup=September 2008|refimprove=March 2008| self published = September 2008Raw foodism (or rawism) is a lifestyle promoting the consumption of un cooked, un processed, and often organic foods as a large percentage of the diet. If… …   Wikipedia

  • Fish as food — This page is about the use of fish as food; for other uses of the word, see Fish (disambiguation) Fish as food describes the edible parts of freshwater and saltwater dwelling, cold blooded vertebrates with gills. Shellfish, such as mollusks and… …   Wikipedia

  • raw — 01. He got sick at the barbecue after eating a hamburger that was still [raw] in the middle. 02. His throat was [raw] from coughing all day. 03. My Mexican friend Laura made a delicious dish that featured [raw] fish which had been marinated in… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Fish sauce — Thai fish sauce Fish sauce is a condiment that is derived from fish that have been allowed to ferment. It is an essential ingredient in many curries and sauces. Fish sauce is a staple ingredient in numerous cultures in Southeast Asia and the… …   Wikipedia

  • raw — [[t]rɔ͟ː[/t]] ♦♦♦ rawer, rawest 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n Raw materials or substances are in their natural state before being processed or used in manufacturing. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products. …two ships… …   English dictionary

  • fish quotations — an arbitrary selection follows and also includes proverbs, rhymes, fragments of show tunes, and ditties (as Q lacks piscine entries). Some other proverbs appear in the letter files: 1 Anaximander says that men were first produced in fishes, and… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Fish processing — In the fishing industry, fish processing or fish products industry refers to processing fish delivered by fisheries, which are the supplier of the fish products industry. In industrial terms, fish products industry may be used synonymously to… …   Wikipedia

  • raw —   Maka, makamaka; kole, kolekole (as meat); mūkole (inflamed).    ♦ Almost raw, mo a maka.    ♦ Raw fish, i a maka; kualakai (rare) …   English-Hawaiian dictionary




A Japanese dish consisting of very thin bite-size slices of fresh raw fish, traditionally served with soy sauce and wasabi.

[Japanese : sasu, to prick, stab + mi, body, meat.]

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




(Cookery) a Japanese dish of thin fillets of raw fish

[C19: from Japanese sashi pierce + mi flesh]

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(sɑˈʃi mi, ˈsɑ ʃi-)


a Japanese dish of raw fish cut into very thin slices. Compare sushi.

[1875–80; < Japanese sashi stabbing + mi(y) body]

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


— Thinly sliced raw fish with a sauce, it is a compound formed from sashi, «pierce,» and mi, «flesh.»

See also related terms for pierce.

Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Sliced raw fish without rice is called sashimi.

Суши, в который входит сырая рыба называется сашими.

This myth comes from the misconception that raw fish and mercury go hand-in-hand.

Этот миф исходит из заблуждения, что сырая рыба и ртуть идут рука об руку.

Never eat sushi or other raw fish.

Ни в коем случае не употребляйте суши и прочую сырую рыбу.

However, Japanese food includes not only sushi and raw fish.

Тем не менее, японская еда включает не только суши и сырую рыбу.

Eating raw fish such as in sushi is dangerous.

Употребление блюд из сырой рыбы, таких как суши, может быть небезопасно.

Sashimi means raw fish, served without rice.

Сашими — это ломтики сырой рыбы, нарезанные и поданные без риса.

He ate raw fish to stay alive.

Five out of the six people reported eating sushi containing raw fish.

Пять из шести человек сообщили, что ели суши, содержащую сырую рыбу.

Declaration of nutrient and food component content of raw fish shall follow the provisions in 101.45.

Декларация питательных веществ и пищевых продуктов компонент содержание сырой рыбы должны следовать положениям 101.45.

They also eat raw fish in sushi and sashimi, plus a lot of pickled, fermented and smoked foods.

Они едят сырую рыбу в суши и сашими, а также много маринованных, ферментированных продуктов.

Promotions, grants, and other business advancements are secured over drinks at singing rooms, late night raw fish restaurants, and restaurant-bars.

Акции, гранты и другие деловые достижения обеспечиваются за напитки в поющих комнатах, ночных ресторанов сырой рыбы и ресторан-баров.

Tom doesn’t usually eat raw fish.

I’ve never eaten raw fish.

The smell of raw fish nauseates me.

It can infect humans when eating raw fish.

Животные заражаются при поедании сырой рыбы.

After the land of raw fish, that tongue must be ready for something without gills.

После страны сырой рыбы твой язык должен быть готов к чему-то без жабр.

It was much better than the raw fish living on us.

Ну, это гораздо лучше, чем если бы сырая рыба питалась нами.

I see half bitten raw fish in the trash every day.

Я каждый день вижу в мусоре половину надкусанной сырой рыбы.

A two-day drive from the nearest ocean, and you’re eating raw fish.

Два дня пути до ближайшего океана и ты можешь навернуть сырой рыбы.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 404. Точных совпадений: 404. Затраченное время: 80 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

— Not me.

I don’t like raw fish.

No, I don’t wanna be him, I don’t think he’d like to be me.

— О нет, только не я

Я не удержу мяч на носу и терпеть не могу сырую рыбу

Нет, я не хотел бы быть им, а он не хотел бы быть мной.

We lived on wild berries and raw fish.

It was much better than the raw fish living on us.

You have nothing to worry about.

Питались дикими ягодами и сырой рыбой.

Ну, это гораздо лучше, чем если бы сырая рыба питалась нами.

Вам не о чем беспокоиться.

There we were… lost in a vast wilderness.

We lived on wild berries and raw fish.

It was much better than the raw fish living on us.

Вот так мы и потерялись в этом бесконечном лесу.

Питались дикими ягодами и сырой рыбой.

Ну, это гораздо лучше, чем если бы сырая рыба питалась нами.

Want to eat?

Raw fish

like in Japan.

-Ты хочешь есть?

Сырая рыба!

Как в Японии.

Get ready for some sudden cultural immersion.

I’ll warn you, I don’t eat raw fish.

But that’s just me.

Готовься к чему-то вроде внезапного погружения в культуру.

Предупреждаю, я не ем сырую рыбу.

Но это лично я.


Maybe this is a playground thing, but isn’t that raw fish?

The playground has the facts right but missed the point.

— Суши?

Может, это наивно, но разве там не сырая рыба?

Факты правильные, но суть не в этом.


I eat raw fish.

I eat it the way it is.


Я ем сырую рыбу!

Я ем её такой, какая она есть.

— Want to try my sashimi?

Raw fish?

Maybe when hell freezes over.

— Хочешь попробовать сашими?

— Эту сырую рыбу?

Может быть, когда ад замерзнет.

— Sushi?

Rice, raw fish and seaweed.

You won’t accept a guy’s tongue in your mouth but you’ll eat that?

— Суши?

Рис, сырая рыба и водоросли.

Ты не хочешь, чтобы язык парня был у тебя во рту,но ты ешь такое?

Sitting in the bath tub?

Japanese, A little bit of advertising, plenty of raw fish,

Beautiful country all right,

Отмокание в горячей ванне?

Японцы. Немного рекламы, много сырой рыбы.

Прекрасные здесь места, спору нет.

I was shocked.

I see half bitten raw fish in the trash every day.

You can judge people according to their trash.

Мне стало плохо.

Я каждый день вижу в мусоре половину надкусанной сырой рыбы.

Можно многое узнать о людях, копаясь в их мусоре.

Why aren’t you eating?

I don’t like raw fish


Почему ты не ешь?

Я не люблю сырую рыбу.


It’s good to have you back.

After the land of raw fish, that tongue must be ready for something without gills.

You go away and get back on western time for tomorrow.

Хорошо, что ты вернулась.

После страны сырой рыбы твой язык должен быть готов к чему-то без жабр.

Так, иди и переходи снова на западное время.

But that’s nothing;

the Japanese eat raw fish.

The Philippinos are the worst — They eat warm monkey’s brain.

Но это всё ничего:

японцы едят сырую рыбу.

Филиппинцы еще хуже — они едят еще теплые мозги обезьяны.

I’ve been eating French for 80 years.

Here, it’s kiwi salads, raw fish in lime and there’s worse.

In Auxerre, we eat meatballs.

Я знаю французскую кухню уже 80 лет.

А тут эти салаты из киви, сырая рыба в лимонном соке если не хуже.

А в Осере вообще одни котлеты.

What can they teach us?

Didn’t you say they eat raw fish?

And rubber plants that they grind in bed.

Чему они могут нас научить?

Вы же сами сказали — они едят сырую рыбу!

И мнут фикусы в постели.

Are you finished already?

Yes, true connoisseurs of raw fish eat three pieces max.

Wish we could have a glass of wine.

Ты уже наелась?

настоящие любители этой рыбы едят не больше трёх кусочков!

Для полного счастья не хватает только бокала вина…

A glass of soju would be perfect!

Soju and raw fish, the best combo!


Ещё бы рюмочку соджу!

Это была бы превосходная комбинация!

Какая прелесть!

— So we have two witnesses.

Who are eating raw fish off the flour.

Come on, Zip, this is a joke.

Итак, у нас есть два свидетеля.

Верно, которые едят сырую рыбу с пола.

Да ладно тебе, Зик. Это же розыгрыш!

I was in a place in San Diego once where they had sushi in the vending machines.

The raw fish stuff?

That sounds disgusting even when it’s fresh.

Однажды я был в Сан-Диего, и там в автоматах были суши.

Та дрянь из сырой рыбы?

Они отвратительны даже когда свежие.

How would 8:00 be?

I know of a great sushi place; uh… serves raw fish, uh, with rice and cooked things, as well.

Everybody, get down!

Как насчет 8?

Я знаю хорошее место с суши, подается сырая рыба, с рисом и также с приготовленными вещами.

Всем на пол!

Woaahh~ Kazumi!

Here, some raw fish.

Looks! Eh~!

Уаааа~ Казуми!

я принес свежей рыбы.


— Sushi, for example.

— That’s like raw fish, right?


Суши, например.

Ну, не знаю. Это же сырая рыба?


It’s perfectly cooked rice, seasoned by a master chef, on top of which he places specially selected slices of the highest quality, line-caught ocean fish.

Raw fish.


Это хорошо проваренный рис, который шеф-повар сдабривает специями, а сверху выкладывает тщательно отобранные кусочки первосортной, выловленной на леску океанической рыбы.

Сырая рыба.


Is he speaking?

Well, he told my mom he felt worse that time he ate gay Jap raw fish shit.

Oh! Amy, that’s a great sign, because that’s a very complex sentence.

Он разговаривает?

Он сказал маме, что ему было хуже после того, как он съел дерьмовую сырую рыбу от гея-япошки.

Эми, это отличный знак, потому что это очень сложное предложение.

So far, we have c.S.U. In your v.I.P. Lounge and the health department and immigration going through your kitchen.

And your Sushi bar here… you better hope they don’t find any human contamination on that raw fish.

New York City department of taxation and finance, a.T.F.

У нас тут команда криминалистов для вашей VIP-комнаты, управление здравоохранения и иммиграционная служба, собираются изучить вашу кухню.

А ваш суши-бар — вам стоит надеяться, что они не найдут человеческой грязи в той сырой рыбе.

На пути сюда Федеральное Агенство по Охране Труда и Здоровья, Нью-Йорский департамент по налогам и финансам, Управление по борьбе с незаконным оборотом алкоголя и табака.

No. Not really.

Yeah, raw fish off a truck wasn’t really… my best decision.

Where’s, uh… where’s Charlie?

На самом деле нет.

Да, сырая рыба… не лучшее моё решение.

А где Чарли?

I’m, fucking, Su-Bo.

# Sushi grade tune is the only kind of raw fish

# Anyone should ever try to have in a raw dish

Я Сью Бо

В сыром мясе полно микробов

Его надо обрабатывать

For chef James’s wife, pink chicken.

Raw fish, people can survive.

Undercooked meat, you can cook it more.

Для жены шефа Джеймса — розовая курица.

Сырая рыба — выжить можно.

Недожаренное мясо — дожарить можно.

Well, I’m a little embarrassed to tell you, Jay.

You should have seen two people… in an absolute frenzy… ravenously… devouring… raw fish.

Whatever happened to my sushi?

There’s something cozy about it. Did you just say cozy?

You know what? Fine, move to Manhattan, see if I care. Well I can’t now.

I gotta… I gotta… wash my hair.

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Also see: raw

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

fish /fɪʃ/USA pronunciation  
n., pl. (esp. when thought of as a group) fish, (esp. for kinds or species) fish•es, v. 

  1. Fish[countable] a cold-blooded animal living in water, having gills, fins, and usually a long body covered with scales.
  2. Fish the flesh of a fish used as food:[uncountable]a recipe for fish with potatoes.


  1. to go fishing (for): [+ object]to fish trout.[no object]I was fishing all day.[+ for + object]fishing for salmon.
  2. to draw or pull out as if fishing:[+ object (+ out of + object)]He fished a coin out of his pocket.
  3. to seek to obtain something indirectly:[+ for + object]fishing for a compliment.


  1. Idioms fish out of water, a person who feels out of place:felt like a fish out of water in the big city.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(fish),USA pronunciation n., pl. (esp. collectively) fish,  (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) fish•es, v. 

  1. Fishany of various cold-blooded, aquatic vertebrates, having gills, commonly fins, and typically an elongated body covered with scales.
  2. Fish(loosely) any of various other aquatic animals.
  3. Fishthe flesh of fishes used as food.
  4. Astronomy, Astrology Fishes, the constellation or sign of Pisces.
  5. Informal Termsa person:an odd fish; a poor fish.
  6. a long strip of wood, iron, etc., used to strengthen a mast, joint, etc.
  7. Games[Cards Slang.]an incompetent player whose incompetence can be exploited.
  8. Slang Termsa dollar:He sold the car for 500 fish.
  9. Slang Termsa new prison inmate.
  10. Idioms drink like a fish, to drink alcoholic beverages to excess:Nobody invites him out because he drinks like a fish.
  11. Idioms fish out of water, a person out of his or her proper or accustomed environment:He felt like a fish out of water in an academic atmosphere.
  12. Idioms neither fish nor fowl, having no specific character or conviction;
    neither one nor the other.
  13. Idioms other fish to fry, other matters requiring attention:When it was time to act, they had other fish to fry.


  1. to catch or attempt to catch (any species of fish or the like).
  2. to try to catch fish in (a stream, lake, etc.):Let’s fish the creek.
  3. to draw, as by fishing (often fol. by up or out):He fished a coin out of his pocket for the boy.
  4. to search through, as by fishing.
  5. [Naut.]
    • Naval Termsto secure (an anchor) by raising the flukes.
    • Naval Termsto reinforce (a mast or other spar) by fastening a spar, batten, metal bar, or the like, lengthwise over a weak place.


  1. to catch or attempt to catch fish, as by angling or drawing a net.
  2. to search carefully:He fished through all his pockets but his wallet was gone.
  3. to seek to obtain something indirectly or by artifice:to fish for compliments; to fish for information.
  4. to search for or attempt to catch onto something under water, in mud, etc., by the use of a dredge, rake, hook, or the like.
  5. Miningto attempt to recover detached tools or other loose objects from an oil or gas well.
  6. Idioms fish in troubled waters, to take advantage of troubled or uncertain conditions for personal profit.
  7. Idioms fish or cut bait, to choose a definite course of action, esp. to decide whether to participate in or retreat from an activity.
  8. fish out, to deplete (a lake, stream, etc.) of fish by fishing.
  • bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle English fis(c)h, fyssh, Old English fisc; cognate with Dutch vis, German Fisch, Old Norse fiskr, Gothic fisks; akin to Latin piscis, Irish iasc; (verb, verbal) Middle English fishen, Old English fiscian, cognate with Dutch visschen, German fischen, Old Norse fiska, Gothic fiskôn

fishless, adj. 

(fish),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. Biographical Hamilton, 1808–93, U.S. statesman: secretary of state 1869–77.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

fish /fɪʃ/ n ( pl fish, fishes)

  1. any of a large group of cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates having jaws, gills, and usually fins and a skin covered in scales: includes the sharks and rays (class Chondrichthyes: cartilaginous fishes) and the teleosts, lungfish, etc (class Osteichthyes: bony fishes)
  2. (in combination): fishpond

    Related adjective(s): piscine

  3. any of various similar but jawless vertebrates, such as the hagfish and lamprey
  4. (not in technical use) any of various aquatic invertebrates, such as the cuttlefish, jellyfish, and crayfish
  5. the flesh of fish used as food
  6. informal a person of little emotion or intelligence: a poor fish
  7. short for fishplate
  8. Also called: tin fish
    an informal word for torpedo
  9. a fine kettle of fishan awkward situation; mess
  10. drink like a fishto drink (esp alcohol) to excess
  11. have other fish to fryto have other activities to do, esp more important ones
  12. like a fish out of waterout of one’s usual place
  13. make fish of one and flesh of anotherIrish to discriminate unfairly between people
  14. neither fish, flesh, nor fowlneither this nor that


  1. (intransitive) to attempt to catch fish, as with a line and hook or with nets, traps, etc
  2. (transitive) to fish in (a particular area of water)
  3. to search (a body of water) for something or to search for something, esp in a body of water
  4. (intransitive) followed by for: to seek something indirectly: to fish for compliments

See also fish outEtymology: Old English fisc; related to Old Norse fiskr, Gothic fiscs, Russian piskar, Latin piscis

ˈfishˌlike adj

raw fish‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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