What the word houses building

  • #1

Which is the more general word in english ‘house’ or ‘building’
Like can I say ‘house’ when I’m talking about a high-rise apartment complex or an office block?

  • owlman5

    • #2

    Hello, Henrylee. No, you shouldn’t use «house» to refer to an apartment complex. «Building» is the general term.

    • #3

    A ‘building’ could be a house, an office, a tower block, a shop, a place of worship, a garage, an airport terminal, etc etc.

    If something is constructed by humans for occupation and/or storage, and has walls, roof, doors and windows, it’s generally a building of some sort.

    • #4

    A house is also a type of building, correct?
    What I wanted to know, basically, is whether the word ‘house’ has a narrower meaning than ‘building.’ Like whether you only use it when talking about a specific type of building, or whether it’s ok to use it whenever.

    Like, for example, could you say ‘Let’s meet at my house’ if you lived in an apartment?


    • #5


    for example, could you say ‘Let’s meet at my house’ if you lived in an apartment?



    • #6

    If you want a general term for «the place where I live», you could use «place»: Let’s meet at my place.


    • #7

    The basic image I have of a house (in the UK) is a two-storey building occupied by one or two families. If there is more than one family there, then the house is divided into two flats/apartments.
    If there are several flats in a building, you would not use house. Instead you would talk about a block of flats or an apartment block.

    Come round to my house suggests that you occupy the entire building.

    • #8

    In the US:
    A building is any structure, as Linkway said (post #3).
    An office building is a building that contains multiple business offices.
    An apartment* building is a building that contains multiple residential units.
    A house is a building that is itself one residential unit; it may have any number of stories (floors), usually one to three.
    A home is a residential unit, whether a house or an apartment.

    *»Flat» in the UK.

    • #9

    Thank you everyone for your input.
    So if I understand correctly if I were to say in English, ‘let’s meet at my house,’ people would assume I lived in an actual house (a building occupied by one or two families at the most) and that ‘my house’ doesn’t mean the same thing as ‘my place’ in that the latter is the more general term that can refer to any kind of residence, like a house, an apartment, a dorm room or a cardboard box?


    • #10

    That’s right, henrylee. «A place» could be any of those things.

    • #11

    Bear in mind that houses in the UK are typically «semi-detached». This is essentially a single building consisting of two houses side by side, and the legal ownership of each house is typically separate too.

    Such arrangements make better use of available land and reduce costs in other ways, but also provide each owner with their own front garden (usually) and back garden (usually) and independent access from the front to the back, rather than having to share a common entrance area.


    • #12

    Bear in mind that houses in the UK are typically «semi-detached». This is essentially a single building consisting of two houses side by side, and the legal ownership of each house is typically separate too.

    This arrangement is commonly known as a duplex in AmE.


    • #13

    The basic image I have of a house (in the UK) is a two-storey building occupied by one or two families. If there is more than one family there, then the house is divided into two flats/apartments.
    If there are several flats in a building, you would not use house. Instead you would talk about a block of flats or an apartment block.

    I find this a bit too limited. I think the point is more that the building was probably originally designed for a single family. Some of the larger Victorian houses, subsequently divided, might well contain four families, but I would still call them houses because of the style of building.

    The British in general say «flat» for an apartment on a single level, but «apartment» is a perfectly acceptable word in BrE as well as in AmE.

    • #14

    This arrangement is commonly known as a duplex in AmE.

    This is true in some parts of the US, obviously including the area where RM lives, but not all. In New York City, a duplex is an apartment on two levels. (There are also triplexes, apartments having three levels.)

    • #15

    Do houses exist at all in New York City?

    Sparky Malarky

    • #16

    You can also use «home» for any of those.

    Let’s meet at my home. Home = apartment/flat/house/duplex/trailer/condominium


    • #17

    Do houses exist at all in New York City?

    Yes! I’ve never been to New York but I’ve seen enough films to know it’s not all skyscrapers. See here.

    Brightly coloured houses of High Street, Barbados

    Brick and tile terraced houses in England

    A house is a building that is made for people to live in. It is a «permanent» building that is meant to stay standing. It is not easily packed up and carried away like a tent, or moved like a caravan. If people live in the same house for more than a short stay, then they call it their «home». Being without a home is called homelessness. Houses are usually numbered, but sometimes, can also be named.

    Houses are usually occupied by a single family or housemates, like in the cases of group homes and boarding houses.

    Houses come in many different shapes and sizes. They may be as small as just one room, or they may have hundreds of rooms. They also are made many different shapes, and may have just one level or several different levels. A house is sometimes joined to other houses at the sides to make a «terrace» or «row house» (a connected row of houses).

    A big building with many levels and apartments is called «a block of flats» (British) or an apartment building. One of the differences between a house and an apartment is that a house has a front door to the outside world, whereas the main door of an apartment usually opens onto a passage or landing that can be used by other people in the building.

    Houses have a roof to keep off the rain and sun, and walls to keep out the wind and cold. They have window openings to let in light, and a floor. Houses of different countries look different to each other, because of different materials, climate, and styles.

    If a house is important and historic enough, it can be a museum showcasing how the house’s residents lived.

    Types[change | change source]

    A newly built detached house in the US.

    A typical ranch style house.

    A house is a building for people to live in. It is usually built for a family (parents and their children).[1]

    Most modern houses have special areas or rooms for people to do the things that they need to live comfortably. A modern house has a place to cook food, a place to eat, places to sleep and a place to wash. These things are usually done in separate rooms, which are called the kitchen, the sitting room, the bedrooms, the bathroom, the toilet (or lavatory). Many houses have a separate dining room for eating meals and a separate laundry. In some houses the toilet is in the bathroom, and in other houses it is separate. Many houses may also have a «study» or computer room and a «family room» where the children can play games and watch television.

    Detached house[change | change source]

    In some countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand many families live in a «detached house» which is separate from other buildings and surrounded by its own yard, but is close enough to town to have shops, good transport and entertainment nearby. In many other countries, including most of Europe, owning a house like this is something that only the richer families can afford, and is just a dream for most people.

    Houses in very poor places[change | change source]

    In many very poor countries, a lot of people live crowded in houses with only one room. They often have to share a toilet with many other families, and have to do the cooking outside. The house might be made of materials that can be found nearby like mud bricks and grass or from second-hand materials like corrugated iron and cardboard boxes. In many cities there are thousands of small houses crowded together with narrow alleys between them.

    Cottages in the village of East Garston in England

    Cottage[change | change source]

    A small house is often called a cottage. Apart from it, its also called small space. In England, where this word comes from, it is used to mean a house that has one main storey, with a second, lower storey of bedrooms which fit under the roof upstairs. Cottages are usually found in villages or in the countryside. They are nearly always built from material that can be found nearby. In many places the word cottage is used to mean a small old-fashioned house. In the United States the word cottage is often used to mean a small holiday home.

    Tiny[change | change source]

    A tiny house is one that’s usually 500sqft48sqm in size and typically built on a trailer or barge and thus portable. Tiny houses can also be built on smaller versions of conventional foundations.

    Semi-detached or duplex[change | change source]

    Semi-detached houses in England

    A semi-detached house is a building that has two houses side by side and covered over by just one big roof. Each house has a pathway to one side, leading from the front to the backyard. Semi-detached houses are very common in some cities, and can be single storey or several storeys high.

    Terraced houses[change | change source]

    A row or terraced house (see the picture in the introduction) is a house that is part of a row of houses joined at the side walls. Many cities and towns have thousands of row houses because they are a good way to build lots of houses close together. Many row houses have two rooms downstairs and two rooms upstairs, with a kitchen or wash area at the back. Houses like this were built for poor factory workers and coal miners in many cities and towns. «Terrace houses» are a type of row house where each house has a similar front to its neighbours.

    Row houses are not always small. Some cities have large beautiful row houses, such as the Royal Crescent, which was built 200 years ago at Bath in England and is a famous example of Georgian architecture.

    Bungalow[change | change source]

    In some places, the word «bungalow» is used for any house that is all on one level. The word came from India and for a long time was used for a house that is built all on one level and has a verandah where people can sit or work outdoors, but under a shady roof. A bungalow often has a hall down the middle of the house to let the breeze blow through. Bungalows are often seen in countries with hot summers, in India, South East Asia, South Africa, parts of the United States, South America, Australia and New Zealand. In regions with flooding, a bungalow is often built up on wooden «stilts» or a high basement. In the 1800s, bungalows were nearly always built of wood, but from the 1920s it became fashionable to build them of brick as well.

    Farmhouse[change | change source]

    A farmhouse may look like a cottage, a bungalow or a mansion, but in many countries a farmhouse can look quite different to a house in a town, because, as well as having a place for people to live, it also has a place for animals. Three typical types of farmhouses are found. Many farm houses are long and have two doors. One door leads to the rooms used by the family. The other door opens into a stable for the cows, sheep and chickens. The stable part often has a loft where hay can be kept to feed the animals in the winter. Another type of farmhouse has two storeys with a big stable and storeroom underneath, with the rooms for the family on the upper floor. Another type of farmhouse has buildings such as the family house, the barn and the stable all joined around a central courtyard. Old farmhouses of these three types can be found in many parts of Europe and Great Britain.

    Mansion[change | change source]

    A mansion is a big grand house, usually with two stories and sometimes more. A mansion often has beautiful architecture, and shows that the person for whom it was designed and built was rich. Mansions often have beautiful gardens. Sometimes a mansion does not belong to a private family, but to a town council, to a big business company, to a church or college and is a place for a person with an important job to live and to entertain guests. A mansion often has rooms which are not found in ordinary houses, such as a drawing room, a ballroom, a library and a music room. Mansions often need servants to help keep them in order and there are often special rooms where the servants do particular jobs such as cleaning the silver tableware. Well-known mansions are the White House in Washington, D.C. where the President of the United States lives and Mansion House in London where the Lord Mayor of London lives.

    Harewood House is really a palace.

    Castle[change | change source]

    A castle is a fortified house constructed in the medieval period, or a house constructed to look like a medieval fortification. Castles protected feudal lords from their attacking enemies. In later periods, castles were built as part of romanticist revival movements of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

    Palace[change | change source]

    A palace is a house that is very grand for people like Kings and Queens,or other rich people. Many palaces are homes of royal or aristocratic people. Some old palaces been changed by people who lived there over many hundreds of years.

    One of the best-known palaces in the world is Buckingham Palace, a royal palace in London. The largest palace in the world is the Louvre which was built in Paris for the Kings of France. It now holds a famous art gallery.

    Further information: Palace

    What are houses built from?[change | change source]

    Houses are usually built from types of material that can easily be made or bought near the place where the house is built. Because of this, old houses in different towns and different villages look quite different to each other, even in the same country. In modern times building materials can be transported easily and this means that a builder has much more choice about the types of material to use for a house.

    Mud and clay[change | change source]

    A farmhouse in Venezuela made of wooden slats and clay daub.

    In many parts of the world, mud or clay are the main building materials. Clay is a type of soil that sticks together more strongly than most other types of soil. There are three main ways of building walls with mud and clay.

    • One way to make a house of clay is simply to pile up the mud or wet clay with the hands, and flatten it into a wall shape. Often animal hair, straw and dung is mixed with the mud so that the fibres (stringy bits) help hold it together. Some wooden beams and thin wooden slats are used to hold the roof, which is also made of mud or clay. The roof is flat and strong enough to walk on, but must slope a bit, in case of rain. The walls are often protected from rain with plaster and paint. In many countries the walls are usuallly white, but in other places all the houses are painted different bright clolours. These types of houses are only found in very dry countries. Houses built in this way give good protection against the very hot sun and hot dry winds of the dessert. In the cold nights they stay quite warm.
    • A second way to make the walls of a house out of mud of clay is «wattle and daub». «Wattle» is weaving from sticks. First, long sticks are stuck into the ground and then very thin sticks are woven through them, like making a basket. The thin wattle wall is then «daubed» or stuck all over on the inside and the outside with damp clay, mud or plaster, usually with some chopped straw or animal hair to help it stick together. «Wattle and daub» are often found in quite damp places where bendy willow trees or acacias (also called «wattle trees») grow. The walls need good protection from the rain, so houses like this often have roofs that have big «eaves»; the roof sticks out all around the house so that the water does not run down the walls. «Wattle and daub» houses often have big roofs made of straw, reeds, banana leaves, palm leaves, wooden shingles or big sheets of bark.
    • Another way to make a house of mud or clay is to shape the wet soil into bricks before building the walls. The bricks can be shaped by hand, but more often they are shaped in boxes or «moulds» so that all the bricks are just the same size and shape. They are left in the hot sun until they have dried hard. Then walls can be made which are the same thickness all the way up. Clay bricks that are dried in the sun were used in Egypt and Mesopotamia for thousands of years.

    Brick and tile houses in Beaulieu, England

    Fired bricks[change | change source]

    It was discovered that if clay was used, rather than mud, very strong bricks could be made by «firing» (or baking) them in a «kiln» (a special oven). «Fired» bricks were like pottery; they did not wash away easily in rain and would sometimes last for thousands of years. The bricks were joined to each other with a type of cement called «mortar». Some houses built by the Ancient Romans are still standing 2000 years later.

    Bricks became one of the most common building materials. In most cities, nearly all the houses are built of bricks because they are long lasting, they do not need repairing very often. Brick houses are generally made strong by having all the main walls two bricks thick. Two walls are built side by side which are «bonded» (or joined to each other) by having some bricks set so they make a bridge between the two layers. The pattern of the bonded bricks can be seen from the outside. The two main patterns are called «Flemish Bond» and «British Bond».

    Tall narrow city houses of Poznań are painted in different colours.

    Because brick walls are heavy, a brick house needs to have a very firm base or «foundation» to sit on. This often means digging deep into the ground to lay a foundation before a brick house can be built.
    Houses with brick walls often have tiled roofs, because the tiles can often be made at the brick factory.
    Modern bricks and tiles come in a big range of colours, because different materials can be transported from different areas. People who are employing a builder to build a home are nowadays often shown pictures of all the colours of bricks and tiles that are available. This means that although in old towns, every house is made of the same type of bricks, in a modern suburb every house may look quite different. The bricks range from white through shades of red, yellow and brown and are sometimes very patterned, while the roof tiles include blue, green and yellow as well as the traditional red, orange and brown.
    • In some countries, the clay for bricks does not set very hard, and washes away more easily. If the bricks are not very hard, then it is usual to cover them with plaster or cement, which can then be painted. In other places, brick walls are not very fashionable so the walls are plastered and made more elegant with decoration. Plastering or cementing over brickwork is called «render» or «stucco». In many countries such as Austria, Italy and Spain, the brick houses are usually covered with stucco and are often painted cream, yellow, orange, pink, red or «orchre» (which is a mustard colour).

    «Maplecroft» is an historic timber house in Texas

    Timber[change | change source]

    Houses made of timber are found wherever there are, or there has once been big forests. Timber houses are also often found in seaside towns where the sea air makes brick and stone houses feel cold and damp.

    • One of the oldest ways to make a timber house is to cut tree-trunks into logs. The logs are then split in half so that there is a flat side for the inside of the wall and a round side for the outside. The logs then have big «notches’ or holes cut into the ends, so that when they are piled up, the logs lock together at the corners of the building without any nails. These log cabins can be seen in Canada, in Switzerland, in Scandinavia, in Eastern Europe and in Japan.
    • Many houses are made with a wooden «frame» or skeleton. On the outside of the frame, to keep out the weather, rows of flat boards are nailed, which overlap each other so that the rain cannot come in. Walls like this are called «clapboard» or «weatherboard». Clapboard houses are generally painted to preserve the timber. In England and some parts of the United States, they are nearly always painted white. In Australia where «weatherboard» houses are very common, they are usually painted in bright colours. In England and Australia, clapboard houses are usually quite small, but in the United States there are very many grand mansions that are built in this way.
    • Some houses with a wooden frame have a brick wall on the outside and a wall of plastered board on the inside. This is called «brick veneer».

    A half-timbered farmhouse in Germany

    Half-timbered houses[change | change source]

    A well-known type of old-fashioned house is the «half-timbered» house. These are seen in the British Isles, France, and across northern Europe and the Alps. These houses date mainly from about 1200 to about 1800.

    • Half-timbered houses are houses that have a wooden frame built up of lots of thick timber pieces that are generally quite short. The timbers are arranged in a pattern with lots of diagonal pieces to act as braces. The strong wooden frame is then filled in with all sorts of other material. In some houses the «infil» is mainly of brick. In other houses, «wattle and daub» is used between the timber. Other houses have infill of «rubble» (rough stones) in clay or mud. The «infil is generally plastered over and painted white (or in some places a colour) while the timbers are often stained black. If they are not stained, they turn pale silvery grey. Hundreds of these houses exist, including some that are quite grand. In the 1800s and early 1900s, there was a fashion to copy «half-timbering» on modern brick houses.

    A cottage of «undressed» stone with brick chimneys in Australia

    A cottage of «dressed» stone in Scotland

    Stone houses[change | change source]

    In places where there is lots of stone, many houses are built of it. In many parts of the world, little cottages are built of stone. Many mansions and palaces are also built of stone, as are nearly all castles.

    • Some of the oldest houses in the world are made of stone. They are circular houses with walls of flat stone slabs laid carefully on each other. The walls sloped gently inwards to meet in a stone roof. Other prehistoric stone houses had roofs of thatch.
    • In parts of the world where there is stone that can be broken into flat slabs, then walls can be built up without any «mortar» to join the stones together. But the wind blows through the gaps, so the walls need timber or render on the inside, to keep out the weather. Stone houses of this type often have roofs made of flat stones as well. Stone roofs are very heavy and are laid on very thick beams.
    • Many stone cottages are built of flint or «rubble» or «cobble». These are broken stones that are brought from nearby hills, or stones picked up from the farmer’s fields, or gathered from a river bed. The walls are built up with stones and mortar. In some places where flint is used, the hard stones are split or «knapped» so that when they are placed on the outside of the wall, they show a shiny flat surface which is more attractive than the dull lumpy outside of a flintstone.
    • Some types of stone, particularly limestone and sandstone, can easily be cut into big blocks that can be built up like bricks. It can also be «dressed» or smoothed on its surfaces. In villages that are near a limestone or sandstone quarry where the stone is cut, many of the cottages are built of neatly cut stones. But in towns that are far away from the quarries, it is only the mansions and palaces that are built of stone, because it is very heavy and expensive to carry across the country.
    • The good thing about the types of stone that are used for grand houses is that they can easily be carved into decoration. Grand houses often have decorative carvings around the doors and windows. The building stones may also have special textures at the basement or the corners of the building.
    • Grand stone houses often have roofs of thin stone called slate. They also have roofs of expensive materials like copper and lead.

    Making modern houses[change | change source]

    Building a modern house from pre-made pieces.

    Modern houses are often made of «pre-fabricated» parts that are partly built in a factory, and are easy to put together at the site of the building.
    Many different types of materials for making houses have been developed in the 20th century.

    • Many houses are now made with steel frames put together with rivets and bolts.
    • Walls and roofs can be made of boards that combine fibre with cement. These boards are thin, light in weight to transport, easy to put on the frame, and much cheaper than bricks or timber. A similar material can be made into roof tiles.
    • Metal roofing can be rolled into thin sheets, and made in many different colours, with matching gutters and downpipes.

    Notes and references[change | change source]

    • Nicholas Pevsner, An Outline of European Architecture, Pelican, ISBN
    • Trewin Copplestone, Ed., World Architecture, Paul Hamlyn, ISBN
    • John Summerson, Architecture in Britain, Pelican, ISBN 0140560033
    • Trevor Yorke, Tracing the History of Villages, Countryside Books, ISBN 1-85306-712-1
    • Richard Reid, The Book of Buildings, the Architecture of Europe and North America, Peerage Books, ISBN 0-907408-89-3
    • R. Apperly, R. Irving and P.Reynolds, A Pictorial Guide to Identifying Australian Architecture, Angus and Robertson’s, ISBN 0-207-16201-8
    • W.R. Dalziel, All-Colour Guide to Architecture, Grosset and Dunlap, ISBN 0-448-00863-7
    1. Macmillan Dictionary for Students Macmillan, Pan Ltd. (1981), page 499. Retrieved 2010-7-23.

    Английский язык, 11 класс

    Урок № 30. Types of houses


    We’ll discuss the types of houses

    We’ll know the special features of different types.

    We’ll learn about the purposes of building some of the types.

    We’ll use the new words in your own speech.


    a cottage – коттедж, загородный дом, an estate поместье, имение, a greenhouse — парник, a lodge – сторожка, будка, охотничий домик, a manor — имение, a mansion — особняк, a stable — конюшня, an apartment block/a block of flats – многоквартирный дом, a community centre – общественный центр, a detached house – отдельно стоящий дом, semi-detached houses –дома с одной общей стеной , terraced houses – ряд домов, у которых обе стены общие (за исключением крайних домов в ряду), a flat — квартира, a bungalow – бунгало, одноэтажный летний дом с верандой, a caravan – передвижной дом на колёсах, дом-автоприцеп a houseboat – плавучий дом, a shed — сарай


    1. О.В. Афанасьева, Д. Дули, И.В. Михеева «Spotlight» («Английский в фокусе») 11 класс. Учебник для общеобразовательных организаций М.: Просвещение, 2018., p.91


    There are different types of houses in the United Kingdom.

    A cottage- a small house in the countryside

    A mansion -a large and especially beautiful house

    A manor — a large house with a lot of land and small other buildings for different purposes around.

    An apartment block/a block of flats- a high building with a lot of flats inside.

    A detached house — a house which isn’t joined to another house

    Semi-detached houses — houses which share one wall between them

    A row of similar houses joined together on both sides is called terraced houses.

    A flat — a set of rooms in a building

    A bungalow -a house on one level with a veranda.

    A caravan — a vehicle which is used to live and travel.

    A houseboat- a furnished boat used to live and travel.

    A lodge — a small house which is used when you’re fishing or hunting.

    A shed -a special building, where different things are kept

    A stable -a special building where horses are kept

    A greenhouse — a special building where plants are grown

    A council house belongs to a local town/city council, so a rent can be lower.

    A community centre — a special building for meetings, special events and other activities.


    ЗАДАНИЕ 6: Восстановление последовательности элементов горизонтальное / вертикальное

    Make up the sentences from the parts:

    1. to, went, fix, take, to, hammer, the, and, nails, to, the, a, Dad, shelf, shed, some.

    2. decorates, terraced, row, houses, the, our, of, street.

    3. are, to, our, lecture, going, in, we, centre, visit, a, community

    4. to, rented, arrived, they, caravan, a, they, Australia, when.

    Правильный вариант:

    1. Dad went to the shed to take a hammer and some nails to fix the shelf.

    2. The row of terraced houses decorates our street.

    3. We are going to visit a lecture in our community centre.

    4. When they arrived to Australia they rented a caravan

    1.Задание проверяет знание порядка слов как в простом, так и в сложном предложении.

    2.Внимательно читаете все слова в цепочке

    3. Находите грамматическую основу как главного, так и придаточного предложения

    4.Устанавливаете зависимость прочих членов предложения от каждой грамматической основы.

    5. Если вы поняли, что имеете дело с придаточным предложением, то находите связку – наречие или союзное слово – и устанавливаете, какой тип придаточного предложения перед вами: относительное, причины, следствия или результата.

    6. Соединяете все члены сложного предложения

    7. Внимательно читаете полученное предложения ещё раз, помня о порядке слов и обращая особое внимание на употребление артиклей, местоимений разных групп, предлогов и союзов.

    ЗАДАНИЕ 3 : Выбор элемента из выпадающего списка

    Текст задания: Choose the right answer:

    1. They gather all the tomatoes in their lodge/greenhouse.

    2. After we came to the village we decided to rent a cottage/manor.

    3. We like travelling so it was a great idea to buy a caravan/lodge.

    4. There are lots of canals in the area so they are going to rent a houseboat/stable.

    5. Go to the lodge/stable and feed the horses.

    6. Each one of the terraced/semi-detached houses was joined on both sides.

    1.Задание проверяет знание ЛЕ, изученных на уроке.

    2.Внимательно читаете каждое предложение, обращая внимание на то, какая часть речи требуется после слова, где вам следует сделать выбор (в случае, если на выбор даются разные части речи).

    3. Вспоминаете слова и выражения, изученные на уроке

    4. Выбираете слово, подходящее по смыслу и значению

    5.После выполнения задания внимательно читаете полученные предложения ещё раз.



    Автоматический перевод

    строить дома

    Перевод по словам

    build  — строить, создавать, основываться, телосложение, образование, стать
    house  — дом, здание, палата, жилище, театр, хозяйство, жить, вмещать, вмещаться, приютить


    The organization helps build houses for poor families.

    Организация помогает строить дома для бедных семей.

    He built the house on spec.

    Он построил этот дом в надежде, что сможет выгодно сдать его в аренду или продать.

    We built the house ourselves.

    Мы построили дом сами.

    I built this house single-handedly.

    Я построил этот дом сам, в одиночку.

    They built their house on a hilltop.

    Они построили свой дом на вершине холма.

    They built a house on the oceanfront.

    Они построили дом на берегу океана.

    They built their house on bare ground.

    Они построили свой дом на голой земле.

    ещё 12 примеров свернуть

    Раздел 4 Строительство дома.
    Для того , чтобы понять , как дом построен , мы должны начать с самого начала, Первое , что нужно сделать , это выровнять почву и сделать фундамент. Они, как правило , сделаны из бетона , который заливается в окопы , вырытые в земле. Они должны быть достаточно сильны , чтобы смелой до здания, и поэтому важно , чтобы предотвратить их от образования трещин или сдвига. В то время как фонды строятся, основные дренажи должны быть проложены для подключения до общественной канализации.
    Фахверковом здание имеет бетонные стены фундамента , на вершине основе бетона, а затем деревянные подоконники , которые привязаны к конкретному в то время как еще не высохла. В кирпичных домах курсы кирпича начинают поверх бетонных фундаментов. Первые курсы кирпича должны быть построены тщательно, на весь дом будет отдыхать на них.
    После того, как фундамент и пол выполнены, основная часть дома может быть построена. В фахверковых домах основные опорные балки иногда делаются из стали или железобетона. Тяжелые древесные породы должны быть использованы для поддержки крыши и лестницы , а также для дверных и оконных рам; для остальной части конструкции используется древесина легче. В кирпичных домах стены построены в двойных слоев и деревянные рамки для дверей и окон, а также деревянные балки для полов включены в работа продолжается. По мере роста дома необходимо обеспечить строительные леса и платформы для рабочих , чтобы стоять на. Это сделано из стальных труб с досками , установленными поперек, лестницы , чтобы идти вверх и вниз, а также тали для подъема строительных материалов.
    Крыша дома может быть плоской или наклонными. Стропила из дерева укладывают поперек, которые затем покрыты сланцы или плитки. В некоторых местах их называют черепицу. Они могут быть изготовлены из любого материала , который является водонепроницаемым, в том числе глины, бетона, металла и асбеста. Они проложены таким образом , что они перекрывают друг друга и дайте воде сбегать.
    Фахверковом дом должен быть покрыт либо древесины, кирпича, или некоторые другие покрытия , чтобы закончить стены. Там будет также , вероятно , будет изолирующий слой, например, стекловолокна, чтобы держать дом теплым и сухим. Это будет поместить его между жилой площади и крыши для предотвращения потерь тепла вверх. Кирпич дома поставили в полости между стенками и под крышей изоляции.
    Когда внешняя оболочка в комплекте, работа может начаться внутри дома. Стены, как правило , покрыты штукатуркой. Это мое наносить прямо на кирпичных стен или он может прийти в виде гипсокартон, который крепится к стенам на полоски древесины называется обрешеткой. Позже будет больно или оклеены украшение враг; влажная штукатурка должна быть предоставлена ​​несколько недель , чтобы высохнуть , прежде чем это может быть сделано. Штукатурка должна быть тщательно просчитано , чтобы вписываться в работе сантехников и электриков.
    Сантехников лежали трубы для водоснабжения, системы отопления и дренажа. Они также должны fixthe дренажные трубы на внешней стороне дома, который присоединится к стокам и канализации, и поставить в ванной комнате и кухонной фурнитуры , к которой трубы соединены. Большинство из этих труб должны быть скрыты от глаз в готовом доме , и поэтому некоторые из них будут установлены таким образом , что они находятся за гипсом после того, как она была применена, и некоторые из них будут под половицами. Кроме того , электрические провода и арматура в основном будут встроены в гипсе или проложены под полы. Иногда провода помещены в пластмассовые трубы, укладываемые вокруг края полов и оконных рам. В слесари и электрик также работают вместе в установке такие вещи , как котлов центрального отопления.
    В то же время, плотники будет работать внутри дома отделка деревянных полов, лестниц, оконных рам и дверей, а также натягивание шкафы. Последний из всех, художники и декораторы приходят покрасить дом изнутри и снаружи.

    переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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