What the word farming machinery

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Agricultural machinery relates to the mechanical structures and devices used in farming or other agriculture. There are many types of such equipment, from hand tools and power tools to tractors and the countless kinds of farm implements that they tow or operate. Diverse arrays of equipment are used in both organic and nonorganic farming. Especially since the advent of mechanised agriculture, agricultural machinery is an indispensable part of how the world is fed. Agricultural machinery can be regarded as part of wider agricultural automation technologies, which includes the more advanced digital equipment and robotics.[1] While agricultural robots have the potential to automate the three key steps involved in any agricultural operation (diagnosis, decision-making and performing), conventional motorized machinery is used principally to automate only the performing step where diagnosis and decision-making are conducted by humans based on observations and experience[1].

From left to right: John Deere 7800 tractor with Houle slurry trailer, Case IH combine harvester, New Holland FX 25 forage harvester with corn head.


The Industrial Revolution[edit]

With the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the development of more complicated machines, farming methods took a great leap forward.[2] Instead of harvesting grain by hand with a sharp blade, wheeled machines cut a continuous swath. Instead of threshing the grain by beating it with sticks, threshing machines separated the seeds from the heads and stalks. The first tractors appeared in the late 19th century.[3]

Steam power[edit]

Power for agricultural machinery was originally supplied by ox or other domesticated animals. With the invention of steam power came the portable engine, and later the traction engine, a multipurpose, mobile energy source that was the ground-crawling cousin to the steam locomotive. Agricultural steam engines took over the heavy pulling work of oxen, and were also equipped with a pulley that could power stationary machines via the use of a long belt. The steam-powered machines were low-powered by today’s standards but because of their size and their low gear ratios, they could provide a large drawbar pull. The slow speed of steam-powered machines led farmers to comment that tractors had two speeds: «slow, and damn slow».

Internal combustion engines[edit]

The internal combustion engine; first the petrol engine, and later diesel engines; became the main source of power for the next generation of tractors. These engines also contributed to the development of the self-propelled combine harvester and thresher, or the combine harvester (also shortened to ‘combine’). Instead of cutting the grain stalks and transporting them to a stationary threshing machine, these combines cut, threshed, and separated the grain while moving continuously throughout the field.

Agricultural machinery types[edit]


Tractors do the majority of work on a modern farm. They are used to push/pull implements—machines that till the ground, plant seed, and perform other tasks. Tillage implements prepare the soil for planting by loosening the soil and killing weeds or competing plants. The best-known is the plow, the ancient implement that was upgraded in 1838 by John Deere. Plows are now used less frequently in the U.S. than formerly, with offset disks used instead to turn over the soil, and chisels used to gain the depth needed to retain moisture.


A John Deere cotton harvester at work in a cotton field

Combine is a machine designed to efficiently harvest a variety of grain crops. The name derives from its combining four separate harvesting operations—reaping, threshing, gathering, and winnowing—into a single process. Among the crops harvested with a combine are wheat, rice, oats, rye, barley, corn (maize), sorghum, soybeans, flax (linseed), sunflowers and rapeseed.


The most common type of seeder is called a planter, and spaces seeds out equally in long rows, which are usually two to three feet apart. Some crops are planted by drills, which put out much more seed in rows less than a foot apart, blanketing the field with crops. Transplanters automate the task of transplanting seedlings to the field. With the widespread use of plastic mulch, plastic mulch layers, transplanters, and seeders lay down long rows of plastic, and plant through them automatically.


After planting, other agricultural machinery such as self-propelled sprayers can be used to apply fertilizer and pesticides. Agriculture sprayer application is a method to protect crops from weeds by using herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides. Spraying or planting a cover crop are ways to mix weed growth.[4]

Balers and other agriculture implements[edit]

Planting crop Hay balers can be used to tightly package grass or alfalfa into a storable form for the winter months. Modern irrigation relies on machinery. Engines, pumps and other specialized gear provide water quickly and in high volumes to large areas of land. Similar types of equipment such as agriculture sprayers can be used to deliver fertilizers and pesticides.

Besides the tractor, other vehicles have been adapted for use in farming, including trucks, airplanes, and helicopters, such as for transporting crops and making equipment mobile, to aerial spraying and livestock herd management.

New technology and the future[edit]

A New Holland TR85 combine harvester

The basic technology of agricultural machines has changed little in the last century. Though modern harvesters and planters may do a better job or be slightly tweaked from their predecessors, the US$250,000 combine of today still cuts, threshes, and separates grain in the same way it has always been done. However, technology is changing the way that humans operate the machines, as computer monitoring systems, GPS locators and self-steer programs allow the most advanced tractors and implements to be more precise and less wasteful in the use of fuel, seed, or fertilizer. In the foreseeable future, there may be mass production of driverless tractors, which use GPS maps and electronic sensors.

Agricultural automation[edit]

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) defines agricultural automation as the use of machinery and equipment in agricultural operations to improve their diagnosis, decision-making or performing, reducing the drudgery of agricultural work and/or improving the timeliness, and potentially the precision, of agricultural operations.[1][5]

The technological evolution in agriculture can be summarized by a progressive move from manual tools to animal traction, to motorized mechanization, to digital equipment and finally, to robotics with artificial intelligence (AI). Motorized mechanization using engine power automates the performing of agricultural operations such as ploughing, seeding, fertilizing, milking, feeding and irrigating.[6] With digital automation technologies, it also becomes possible to automate diagnosis and decision-making. For example, autonomous crop robots can harvest and seed crops, and drones can collect information to help automate input application.[1][5] Tractors, instead, can be transformed into automated vehicles that can sow fields independently.[1]

Open source agricultural equipment[edit]

A self-propelled Apache Sprayer by Equipment Technologies

Many farmers are upset by their inability to fix the new types of high-tech farm equipment.[7] This is due mostly to companies using intellectual property law to prevent farmers from having the legal right to fix their equipment (or gain access to the information to allow them to do it).[8] In October 2015 an exemption was added to the DMCA to allow inspection and modification of the software in cars and other vehicles including agricultural machinery.[9]

The Open Source Agriculture movement counts different initiatives and organizations such as Farm Labs which is a network in Europe,[10] l’Atelier Paysan which is a cooperative to teach farmers in France how to build and repair their tools,[11][12] and Ekylibre which is an open-source company to provide farmers in France with open source software (SaaS) to manage farming operations.[12][13] In the United States, the MIT Media Lab’s Open Agriculture Initiative seeks to foster «the creation of an open-source ecosystem of technologies that enable and promote transparency, networked experimentation, education, and hyper-local production».[14] It develops the Personal Food Computer, an educational project to create a «controlled environment agriculture technology platform that uses robotic systems to control and monitor climate, energy, and plant growth inside of a specialized growing chamber». It includes the development of Open Phenom,[15] an open source library with open data sets for climate recipes which link the phenotype response of plants (taste, nutrition) to environmental variables, biological, genetic and resource-related necessary for cultivation (input).[16] Plants with the same genetics can naturally vary in color, size, texture, growth rate, yield, flavor, and nutrient density according to the environmental conditions in which they are produced.



  • AGCO
  • Agrale
  • Al-Ghazi Tractors
  • Algerian Tractors Company
  • Arbos
  • ARGO SpA
  • Carraro Agritalia
  • Case IH
  • Challenger Tractors
  • Claas
  • CNH Industrial
  • Daedong
  • Deutz-Fahr
  • Escorts Limited
  • Fendt
  • Goldoni
  • Iseki
  • Jacto
  • JCB
  • John Deere
  • Kharkiv Tractor Plant
  • Kirov Plant
  • Kubota
  • Lamborghini Trattori
  • Landini
  • Lindner
  • LS Mtron
  • Mahindra Tractors
  • Massey Ferguson
  • McCormick Tractors
  • Millat Tractors
  • Minsk Tractor Works
  • Mitsubishi Agricultural Machinery
  • New Holland Agriculture
  • Pronar
  • Shibaura
  • Sonalika Tractors
  • SAME
  • SAS Motors
  • SDF Group
  • Stara
  • Steyr
  • TAFE
  • TYM
  • Ursus SA
  • Valpadana
  • Valtra
  • Versatile
  • Yanmar
  • YTO Group
  • Zetor
  • Zoomlion
  • Balwaan Agri


  • Allis-Chalmers
  • Case Corporation
  • Ferguson-Brown Company
  • Fiat Trattori
  • Ford
  • International Harvester
  • Leyland Tractors
  • Massey-Harris
  • Renault Agriculture

See also[edit]

  • List of agricultural machinery
  • Mechanised agriculture
  • Agricultural machinery industry
  • Agricultural robot


Definition of Free Cultural Works logo notext.svg This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 (license statement/permission). Text taken from In Brief to The State of Food and Agriculture 2022 – Leveraging automation in agriculture for transforming agrifood systems​, FAO, FAO. To learn how to add open license text to Wikipedia articles, please see this how-to page. For information on reusing text from Wikipedia, please see the terms of use.


  1. ^ a b c d e The State of Food and Agriculture 2022 − Leveraging agricultural automation for transforming agrifood systems. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2022. ISBN 978-92-5-136043-9.
  2. ^ Agricultural engineering Britannica Online. Retrieved 2012-12-25.
  3. ^ Tractor (vehicle) Britannica Online. Retrieved 2012-12-25.
  4. ^ «How to Manage Prevent Plant Weeds». Successful Farming. 2019-12-06. Retrieved 2020-08-13.
  5. ^ a b In brief to The State of Food and Agriculture 2022 − Leveraging automation in agriculture for transforming agrifood systems. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). 2022. ISBN 978-92-5-137005-6.
  6. ^ Santos Valle, S. & Kienzle, J. (2020). Agriculture 4.0 – Agricultural robotics and automated equipment for sustainable crop production. Integrated Crop Management No. 24. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  7. ^ «New High-Tech Farm Equipment Is a Nightmare for Farmers». Wired. 2015-02-05.
  8. ^ «We Can’t Let John Deere Destroy the Very Idea of Ownership». Wired. 2015-04-21.
  9. ^ Exemption to Prohibition on Circumvention of Copyright Protection Systems for Access Control Technologies http://copyright.gov/1201/2015/fedreg-publicinspectionFR.pdf
  10. ^ farmlabs.org. «This is the Beginning of a network of open laboratories for agricultural research and experimentation». farmlabs.org. Retrieved 2019-07-20.
  11. ^ Gaillard, Chris. «L’Atelier Paysan». L’Atelier Paysan (in French). Retrieved 2019-07-20.
  12. ^ a b Chance, Quentin; Meyer, Morgan (2017-06-06). «L’agriculture libre. Les outils agricoles à l’épreuve de l’open source». Techniques & Culture. Revue semestrielle d’anthropologie des techniques (in French) (67): 236–239. doi:10.4000/tc.8534. ISSN 0248-6016.
  13. ^ «Ekylibre». ekylibre.com. Retrieved 2019-07-20.
  14. ^ «Group Overview ‹ Open Agriculture (OpenAg)». MIT Media Lab. Retrieved 2019-07-20.
  15. ^ «Project Overview ‹ Open Phenome Project». MIT Media Lab. Retrieved 2019-07-20.
  16. ^ «recipe:start [OpenAg]». wiki.openag.media.mit.edu. Retrieved 2019-07-20.

External links[edit]

  • Hay Harvesting in the 1940s instructional films, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Library
  • Worldwide Agricultural Machinery and Farm Equipment Directory
  • Economic Situation of the agricultural machinery sector—VDMA Report

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for high-quality pre-plant band tillage and precise fertilization with mineral fertilizers.

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системы для предпосевной обработки почвы и точного внесения питательных веществ минеральных удобрений.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

If yours farming machinery is broken and you searching for used parts,

we can help you.

context icon

мы можем Вам помочь.

Our masters will arrive to your named place at your named time and

context icon

Наши мастера прибудут на указанное Вами место в назначенное время и

However, the specialised farming machinery of the Soviet period has been largely

replaced by manual work for planting, weeding, and picking, leaving this a labour-intensive industry.

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Однако специализированная сельхозтехника советского периода была, в основном, заменена на ручной

труд в отношении посева, прополки и сбора урожая, что делает эту отрасль трудоемкой.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Burchenko PN use of

non-metallic materials for high-speed plows// Tractors and farm machinery.

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Плуг с комбинированными рабочими органами// Тракторы и сельхозмашины.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

We invite you to visit our store farm machinery on the street Munchesht 271.

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Увлекается автоспортом и коллекционированием раритетных сельхозмашин.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Iii Restoration of production and economic capacity(e.g., through provision of seeds,

fertilizer, farm machinery, fuel for agriculture and raw materials,

utilities, transport for industrial and commercial enterprise);

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Iii восстановлению производства и экономического потенциала( например, посредством обеспечения наличия семян,

а также сырья, коммунальных услуг и транспорта для промышленных и торговых предприятий);

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Väderstad farm machinery are built to create the optimum environment

allowing for perfect emergence in your field.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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среду для идеального прорастания на вашем поле.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

GPS equipment is being built into cars, boats, planes, construction equipment,

film-making gear, farm machinery and even laptop computers.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Оборудование GPS устанавливается на автомобилях, судах и самолетах, строительных машинах,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Other time series, which will be updated,

pertain to land use, farm machinery, fertilizer and pesticides statistics.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Agropiese TGR operate the most

extensive retail network in Moldova focused on farm machinery, spare parts and components.

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Agropiese TGR- cамая крупная в

Молдове сеть торговых центров, специализирующаяся на сельскохозяйственной технике, запасных частях и комплектующих.

According to Sheiman, Belarus’ main priority is to establish joint ventures in Ghana; furthermore,

Belarus is interested in supplying fertilizers and farm machinery to that African country.

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По словам Шеймана, главной целью Беларуси является создание совместных предприятий в Гане,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Top of the agenda were supplies of Belarusian potash fertilizers and farm machinery to Bangladesh.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

It can be seen that there is a higher participation of women compared to men in field crop and vegetable


and that the participation of women in farm machinery operation is minimal.

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Напрашивается вывод о том, что культивированием полевых культур и овощеводством занято больше женщин, чем мужчин,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

These are components fitted to farm machinery, municipal service vehicles,

construction site


and lifting equipment.

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The Branch administers the Farm Machinery Loans Act and the Livestock Incentives Act.

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Promotion of the technology transfer process from

research and development institutes to the agricultural and farm machinery extension systems in member countries for poverty reduction;

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Поддержка процесса передачи технологии из научно-исследовательских и

проектно-конструкторских институтов в системы по распространению сельскохозяйственных машин и агротехники в странах- членах в целях борьбы с бедностью;

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Home portal contains the latest information: The topic of the day, Analytics, News,

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Главная страница портала содержит самую свежую информацию: Тема дня, Аналитика, Новости,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Other time series which will

be updated pertain to land use, farm machinery, fertilizer and pesticides statistics.

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Другие временные ряды, которые будут

обновляться, относятся к статистике землеустройства, а также использования сельскохозяйственных машин, удобрений и пестицидов.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

These include economies of scale in such industries as automobiles, tractors,

steel and farm machinery, as well as product differentiation Clarke, 1989.

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Сюда относятся экономия, обеспечиваемая за счет увеличения масштабов производства в таких отраслях, как автомобильная промышленность, тракторостроение,

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Livestock facilities, dairy




fertilizer storehouses, fertilizers and agricultural and livestock products, tobacco barns,

cargo equipment and farm machinery, among others, have all been the targets of terrorist activities

and sabotage.

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Животноводческие хозяйства, молочные фермы, птицефабрики, хранилища удобрений и склады сельхозпродукции, помещения для сушки табака,

грузовой транспорт и сельскохозяйственная техника становились объектами вредительства, в результате чего


производство понесло значительные

экономические убытки.

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The Emergency


Reconstruction Project

funded by the World Bank provides livestock, farm machinery and training to vulnerable families,

training and equipment to private veterinarians and technical assistance to the Kosovo Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development.

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В рамках проекта срочного восстановления

сельскохозяйственных предприятий, финансируемого Всемирным банком, предоставляются домашний скот, сельхозтехника и возможности для обучения уязвимых семей,

обучение и оборудование для частных ветеринаров и техническая помощь министерству сельского и лесного хозяйства и развития сельских районов Косово.

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  • 1

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сельхозтехника

  • 2

    1. farm

    2. agricultural; farming

    3. farming

    Синонимический ряд:

    аграрный (прил.) аграрный; сельский

    Русско-английский большой базовый словарь > сельскохозяйственный

  • 3
    сельскохозяйственное оборудование

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > сельскохозяйственное оборудование

См. также в других словарях:

  • machinery — ma‧chin‧e‧ry [məˈʆiːnəri] noun [uncountable] 1. MANUFACTURING FARMING equipment that uses power such as electricity or petrol: • agricultural machinery • industrial machinery ˌheavy maˈchinery …   Financial and business terms

  • Corporate farming — Agriculture General …   Wikipedia

  • Collective farming — and communal farming are types of agricultural production in which the holdings of several farmers are run as a joint enterprise.[1] This type of collective is essentially an agricultural production cooperative in which member owners engage… …   Wikipedia

  • Controlled Traffic Farming — (CTF) is a management tool which is used to reduce the damage to soils caused by heavy or repeated agricultural machinery passes on the land. This damage and its negative consequences have been well documented and include increased fuel use, poor …   Wikipedia

  • Agricultural machinery — A German combine harvester Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation of an agricultural area or farm. Contents 1 History …   Wikipedia

  • Intensive farming — or intensive agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by the high inputs of capital, fertilizers, labour, or labour saving technologies such as pesticides relative to land area. [http://www.britannica.com/eb/article 9042533… …   Wikipedia

  • No-till farming — The article Conservation tillage redirects to this page. This article primarily discusses No till farming, which is one of several different conservation tillage techniques. Some others are Strip till and Minimum tillage …   Wikipedia

  • History of organic farming — The history of organic farming dates back to the first half of the 20th century at a time when there was a growing reliance on synthetic fertilizers.Pre World War IIThe first 40 years of the 20th century saw simultaneous advances in biochemistry… …   Wikipedia

  • farm machinery — Mechanical devices, including tractors and implements, used in farming to save labour. The great variety of farming devices covers a wide range of complexity, from simple hand held implements used since prehistoric times to the complex harvesters …   Universalium

  • Factory farming — A commercial chicken house raising broiler pullets for meat …   Wikipedia

  • Yorkshire Museum of Farming — The Yorkshire Museum of Farming is located in Murton Park near York in England. It is home to the last surviving stretch of the Derwent Valley Light Railway and a mock Roman fort called Brigantium, which is a disguised outdoor classroom designed… …   Wikipedia

Agricultural equipment

Agricultural machinery

Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation of an agricultural area or farm. With the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the development of more complicated machines, farming methods took a great leap forward. Instead of harvesting grain by hand with a sharp …

is any kind of machinery used on a farm to help with farming. The best-known example of this kind is the tractor. Tractor ” Belarus 3022″ from Minsk Tractor Works Unimog with a flail hedge and verge trimmer implement used in agroforestry


What are the different types of agricultural equipment?

Types of Agricultural Implements

  • Irrigation Machinery. It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. …
  • Soil Cultivation Implements. These are used to plough the soil and prepare it for cultivation. …
  • Planting Machines. These are used to plant the seeds and saplings over a large land area after the cultivation of soil.
  • Harvesting Implements. …
  • Other Agricultural Equipment. …

Farm Machinery Types, Uses, and Importance

  • Tractor. …
  • Sprayer. …
  • Field cultivator. …
  • Shredders and cutters. …
  • Seeders and planters. …
  • Wheel tractor-scrapper. …
  • Plough. …
  • Baler. …
  • Machinery used for soil cultivation. …
  • Machinery used for planting: Seed drill: This is a device for placing the seeds in a continuous flow in furrows at a uniform rate and at controlled depth with or …

More items…

What are the machines used in agriculture?

The three major farm machinery training and testing institutes in India are:

  • Northern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Hissar(Haryana)
  • Central Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Budni(M.P.)
  • Southern Region Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institute, Ananatpur(A.P.)

What are the different types of farming equipment?

What are the different types of farm equipment? Farm equipment used for harvesting Image courtesy of USDA. The most common types of equipment and machinery used on farms include tractors, balers, combines, plows, mowers, planters, and sprayers. Agricultural Sciences.

What is a agricultural equipment?

Sample 3. Farm equipment means vehicles, tools, devices, or supplies used in plowing, planting, harvesting, raising, or processing of farm products at a farm; and. Sample 1.

Which equipment is the most used in the agricultural activities?

Tractors do the majority of work on a modern farm. They are used to push/pull implements—machines that till the ground, plant seed, and perform other tasks.

What is the name of farming equipment?

Tractor, backhoe, baler, plow, harrows, seed drill—learn the basic principles and pricing of 24 pieces of farm equipment to gauge where you should invest.

What is the difference between farm equipment and farm implement?

Farm equipment is farm machinery that is drawn behind and driven by a tractor. Farm implements are attachments that are drawn by working animals or installed on machines. Examples include plows, harrows, sprayers, rollers and brooms.

What is tractor farm equipment?

A tractor is basically a machine that provides machine power for performing agricultural tasks. Tractors can be used to pull a variety of farm implements for plowing, planting, cultivating, fertilizing, and harvesting crops, and can also be used for hauling materials and personal transportation.

What are the modern equipment that are used in cultivation?

The modern farm machinery has upgraded the agricultural industry for the best. Some of the essential and most used machinery are Combine or Combine Harvester, Rotavator or Rotary Tiller, Plough or Plow, Tractor Trailer, Power Harrow, Leveler, water bowser, ripper machine, and disc harrow.

Why do we need tools materials and equipment in working in our farm?

​ Farm tools, implements, and equipment play very important role in horticultural operations. Their availability makes the work much easier and faster. However, even if one may have the most sophisticated tools and implements, but does not know how to use them, they are useless.

What is an example of agricultural equipment?

1. Agricultural equipment used as power: An example is tractor

What is the difference between farm tools and farm equipment?

The difference between farm tools and farm equipment is that most farm tools are smaller and so handy, less weighty and less bulky. They don’t require much technical know-how to handle compared to farm equipment. Farm tools are cheaper and easier to maintain. Typical examples of farm tools are matchet (cutlass), hoe, shovel, spade, etc. On the other hand, farm machinery are mainly bigger, bulky and so they are more weighty than most farm tools. The operation of farm machinery requires much technical know-how unlike farm tools. Agricultural equipment are more expensive and difficult to maintain. Farm equipment are mostly attached to tractors. Thus apart from tractor being a typical farm equipment other farm equipment are plough (plow), harrow, etc

What is agricultural mechanization?

Agricultural mechanization or farm mechanization means the use of agricultural equipment or farm equipment before, during and after agricultural or farming processes. The types of agricultural equipment or farm equipment used in agriculture or farming varies. These equipment used in agriculture or farms involves various stages of agriculture. Some of them are used before, during and after the agriculture or farm process. The ones used before the agricultural or farming processes are used in the farming or agricultural preparation stage like soil cultivation. The ones used during the farming or agricultural processes are used in the main agricultural or farming stage proper like the planting of crops, rearing of animals, application of agrochemicals ( agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides, etc) or even the harvesting of agricultural products. Then the ones used after the farming or agricultural processes are known to be used after those used during the main agricultural or farming stage. In other words, they are farming equipment or agricultural equipment used after the second stage of agricultural processes.Simply put, they are the agricultural equipment used after harvesting and can be termed agricultural post-harvest equipment or machinery.

Why is agriculture important?

The importance of agriculture can not be overemphasized. Apart from agriculture being the major source of meeting the basic needs of man ( food, shelter and clothes), agriculture is a reliable source of raw materials for various industries. Going by the history of agriculture one can understand that agriculture has developed over time due to various factors among which are the increased knowledge acquired from agricultural education which has helped to increase agricultural techniques involving the use of agricultural machinery or farm machinery in what is either termed agricultural mechanization or farm mechanization as the case may be since there are some differences between agriculture and farming. Agricultural equipment are used in the production of agricultural products irrespective of whether the agro products is from plants or animals.

What is agricultural equipment?

Agriculture equipment is machinery used in agricultural works to save labor, cost, time and to get high crop yield. There are many types of machinery, from hand tools to power operated machinery.

What is the art of cultivating plants for producing food, feed, medicine and other desired products?

Agriculture is the art of cultivating plants for producing food, feed, medicine and other desired products. It also includes raising of domesticated animals. To improve the agricultural status, it is necessary to use agriculture equipment in cultivation processes.

What type of sprayer is used to spray pesticides?

Various types of sprayers like power sprayer, knapsack sprayer and portable power sprayer to apply insecticides and pesticides on crops.

What is the process of harvesting?

It is the process of gathering ripe crops from the field. For harvesting, we have many machinery like self-propelled reaper, paddy harvester, tea leaf harvester, maize/corn harvester, palm harvester and more.

What is a chainsaw?

Chainsaw is electric and petrol engine operated machine which cuts with a set of teeth attached to a rotating chain that runs along a guide bar/wood.

What tools were used in agriculture?

Tools used in Agriculture in old times. Hand Sickle. A sickle could be a hand-held agricultural device with a differently bent blade regularly utilized for harvesting grain crops or cutting juicy forage mainly for nourishing animals (either freshly cut or dried as roughage). Numerous variations of hand sickles are used over numerous cultures.

How has innovation changed farming?

Innovation has changed farming to extend the yield and quality of yields. In this era, ranchers who are breaking their backs by utilizing conventional agriculture apparatuses are wasting their good wellbeing and time. The tractor that was once the talk of the town as an innovative genius in the field of agribusiness division is presently old news. The strength of modern farm machinery has changed the agrarian industry for the great. The following are the most recent devices which are accessible to agriculturists and their uses.

What is a hoe?

Hoe. A hoe is an antiquated and flexible agrarian hand device utilized to shape the soil, control weeds, clear soil, and harvest root crops. Forming the soil can be done by heaping soil around the base of plants (hilling) or making narrow furrows (drills) and shallow trenches for planting seeds and bulbs.

What is a tillage planter?

A tillage planter is ordinarily vital for hard rural arrive that cannot be shifted using a furrow effectively. This piece of equipment sow seeds within the ground without any prior tillage.

What is the difference between a pickaxe and a shovel?

The pointed end breaks up hard surfaces, whereas the blunt end can be utilized to pry things up. A pickaxe can regularly break up soils that a shovel can’t. Dry, solidified clay or rough soils can be broken up utilizing the sharp end of the axe. Hoe.

Why is a furrow better than a tractor?

A furrow has an advantage over a tractor since it can move the soil utilizing its powerful edges with much ease. Typically, a machine is used for breaking metal, wood, and other strong particles that are on the farm and segregated by the plough. The solid particles ruin the growth of crops in the field.

How to control weeds with a hoe?

Weed control can be done with the assistance of a hoe by cutting foliage from the roots and clearing the soil of ancient roots and crop residues. Hoes can be utilized for burrowing and moving the soil utilized in the harvesting of root crops such as potatoes.

What is agricultural equipment?

Agricultural farming products and equipment concerns all tools and machinery used in horticulture and animal husbandry. A wide variety of equipment and products are required based on the industries and operations of a particular farm. The agricultural industry has seen a drastic reduction in labor needs in the past century due to mechanization …

What are the tools that farmers use?

There is no means to describe the importance of hand tools such as shovels, rakes, scythes, picks, hoes, and the hundreds of other instruments for all the tasks requiring attention on a farm. The abilities of these instruments are often mechanized to reduce individual labor, but they remain vital to small and unique tasks. Also included are power tools such as drills, saws, sanders, and more.

How does irrigation work?

Basin irrigation floods a near-level field surrounded by dikes with water up to the crop stalks, before depleting as water runs downstream. Furrow irrigation fills long basins dug between crop rows. Border irrigation digs long and wide bays that are flooded like a basin. Slide gates can be used to tap on-site reservoirs or to open flow from pipes. Buried hydrants are also common. Furrows are often flooded with water pipelines run through fields or by canals placed at the highest point in the field with siphons carrying water to furrows. These technologies have seen recent automation innovations where possible.

Why do crops require unique harvesting machines?

Many crops require unique harvesting machines. This is mostly due to unique picking requirements, as with root and orchard crops, crop size (small nuts or fruits), or crop picking techniques.

What is the purpose of fencing?

Fencing plays an important role in creating and demarcating boundaries on farms. This can contain herds and individual animals within a specified area, and excludes wild predators. It also establishes property boundaries. Wire fencing (barbed, smooth, high-tensile, woven, deer), electrified fencing, chain-link fencing, and wooden post-and-rails are all common fencing styles. Gates are integrated to facilitate access to fenced areas.

Why is the agricultural industry reducing labor?

The agricultural industry has seen a drastic reduction in labor needs in the past century due to mechanization improvements ; further labor reductions are expected as automation and digitalization yield more efficiencies.

How has the digital revolution affected agriculture?

Thirty years later, the digital revolution has been well-received in the agricultural industries. Ag computer systems and software enable operators to monitor linked equipment, animal locations, supply quantities, and numerous other tasks . As in other arenas, computers have reduced paperwork and labor and increased productivity.

How many acres can a tractor work?

Tractors (one of which is pictured above) are available in sizes appropriate for farmers with 1 acre all the way up to those working 1,000 acres or more. As versatile as these pieces of farm equipment are, a tractor is a pretty common-sense purchase for small-scale farmers.

What is a cultivator used for?

In particular, cultivators are used for weed control before planting into a bed, as well as incorporating crop or weed residues and preparing a seed bed. Cultivator tines can be properly spaced to be used in a garden bed or crop field after plants are growing to remove the weeds from around the plants. It takes someone with a steady hand to drive the tractor in a straight line and not hit the vegetable plants with the cultivator.

How much does a backhoe cost?

Expected Price: Backhoes are one of the most expensive tractor attachments; they start in the low- to mid-thousands and can exceed $10,000, based on your tractor and needs. If you’re still looking for a tractor, though, you can find package deals that include a backhoe at many retailers.

Why do you pull a harrow behind a tractor?

Harrows. Harrows are pulled behind a tractor or ATV to level the soil surface, redistribute crop residue and disturb weed germination. You can attach a harrow to another implement that’s attached to your tractor to save time and expenses by making fewer passes through your field.

What is a cultipacker?

Cultipackers are pulled behind tractors to firm seedbeds before seeding to set up your planting for good seed-to-soil contact. Following up broadcast seeding with a cultipacker pass will press the seeds into the soil.

How much does a cultivator cost?

Expected Price: You will spend $300 or more , depending on the size and heft of cultivator you need.

What is a farm wagon?

Wagon. A farm “wagon” might be akin to the little red wagon you had as a kid. On the opposite end of the spectrum, it might also be a large, four-wheel wooden piece of farm equipment designed for moving hay. There are wagons at many levels in between, too, and numerous uses for wagons aside from hauling hay.

What is farm machinery?

Today, we discuss the topic of farm machinery types and their uses. What is agricultural machinery? Agricultural or Farm equipment is any type of machinery used on a farm to help with farming. Agricultural machinery is machinery used in agricultural farming or other agriculture. The best-known example of agricultural machinery is a tractor.

What is the machinery used for soil cultivation?

Machinery used for soil cultivation. Cultivator: Cultivator equipment is a farm implement for stirring and pulverizing the soil before planting or to eliminate weeds and to aerate and loosen the soil after the crop has begun to grow.

What is a manure spreader?

Manure spreader: A manure spreader is also known as muck spreader or a honey wagon is an agricultural machine used to distribute manure over a field as a fertilizer. Manure spreaders began as ground-driven units which can be pulled by a horse or team of horses.

What is a crop harvesting machine?

Crop harvesting machine: The mechanical device which harvests forage crops cultivated in upland or paddy field and forms roll bale simultaneously was developed, is termed as crop harvesting machinery. This machine comprises of traveling, reaping and a baler part.

Why do farmers use cultivators?

It can be used to get rid of weeds or to aerate or make the soil softer shortly after the crops have started to germinate. Cultivators are helpful in farming today. Hardened soils are prepared softer for easy penetration of nutrients and water. They help in the preparation of the soil for planting and in eliminating the weeds from the plant.

What is a sickle tool?

Sickle: A sickle tool is a curved shape, hand-held agricultural tool normally used for harvesting grain crop or cutting grass for hay.

What is a rotary tiller?

It is a motorized cultivator that works the soil by means of rotating blades. Rotary tillers are either self-propelled or drawn as an addition behind a tractor.

How does agriculture equipment help farmers?

Agriculture equipment enable easy farming; it makes the process simpler and more profitable by enhancing crop quality and reducing labor cost. The market is expected to witness high growth over the forecast period owing to amalgamation of several novel technologies in this arena.

What is the market size of agriculture equipment?

The global agriculture equipment market size was valued at USD 139.0 billion in 2018 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9% from 2019 to 2025. Adoption of modern technologies by farmers to increase farm yield and meet the soaring demand for food is expected to be a key factor driving the market.

What are the benefits of agricultural robotics?

Technologically-advanced agricultural robotics, such as ground-based sensors, autonomous tractors, and flying drones, aid farmers in producing food at low costs to fulfill growing demand for food. Farmers are gradually becoming tech-savvy and adoption of GPS software products and tractors equipped with telematics are anticipated to spur sales of agriculture machinery over the forecast years. Furthermore, growing usage of cost-cutting strategies for designing farm equipment is projected to offer key growth opportunities players. An escalating number of suppliers, coupled with growing number of government subsidies, is predicted to offer growth avenues for market expansion.

What countries are producing farm machinery?

Strong economic growth in developing countries such as China, India, and Middle Eastern countries is projected to drive the farm machinery industry. Asia Pacific is expected to emerge as the largest market and witness the fastest growth over the forecast period. China alone held over 30.0% of the regional revenue in 2018. Regional growth can be ascribed to low level of mechanization and large area of agricultural land. However, mechanization of various agricultural processes is evolving progressively in Asia Pacific, which is estimated to spur demand for agricultural machinery over the forecast period.

Why is the global farm machinery market growing?

The global market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period owing to rising incorporation of innovative technologies in farm machinery. For instance, various farm machinery manufacturers are concentrating on integrating technologies such as Google Earth, GPS, and robotic systems into present equipment to improve productivity. Another key reason for the predicted growth is government subsidies and low rates offered to farmers in emerging countries to adopt agricultural machinery.

What is GPS in agriculture?

Tractors equipped with technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS) for vehicle and row tracking help capitalize on increased agricultural yield. Agriculture machinery used for sowing and planting, weed cultivation, plant protection, harvesting and threshing, and post-harvest and agro processing aid in increasing agricultural yield.

Who owns Lely’s Hay and Forage?

For instance, in October 2017, AGCO Corporation announced the acquisition of Lely’s Hay and Forage division. The division includes a range of products, such as rakes, mowers, tedders, loader wagons, round balers, and tillage products. This acquisition was aimed at AGCO Corporation expanding its existing range of hay and forage products.Some of the prominent players in the agriculture equipment market include:

What is the oldest agricultural equipment company?

Deere & Company is the most popular, largest, and among the oldest agricultural equipment manufacturer. In 2017, the company was rated as the largest farm machinery producing company.

Why are farm equipment so big?

Most agricultural equipment are extra huge as they are designed to complete more work in the shortest time possible. They are also designed for economic reasons; use the least amount of resources to take care of the largest portion of work. That’s why you will find machineries like a combines carrying out three processes at the same time; reaping, threshing, and winnowing. To maintain that economic aspect, a piece of single machinery can be used across many states and countries pending on the season and demand. For this reason, farmers depend on reputable and dependable shipping and trucking companies to transport their farm equipment from one location to another as the need arises. Tractor Transport is a top-of-the-line shipping company with a fleet of modern trailers and heavy-duty towing trucks ready to haul any piece of agricultural machinery any day of the week. Our hauling services are always a call away!

What is ASI tractor?

ASI is popular for focusing on the application of robotics and autonomous alternatives to meet the challenges that farmers encounter on a daily basis. The company’s most recent and notable work is the development of an autonomous tractor with an automatic steering system that guides the tractor between rows.

What is Kuhn fertilizer?

Kuhn is an American agricultural equipment manufacturing company with a particular interest in producing mixers, spreaders, and tillage and hay parts. Kuhn prides in having a cutting0edge precision fertilizer spreader. 6. Oliver Farm Equipment Company.

Why is agricultural produce weighed in thousands of tones?

Nowadays, agricultural produce is weighed in thousands of tones, which demands efficient transportation to the market. Also, the farm machineries are not road rated and has to be moved from one field to the next requiring readily available transportation services.

What is New Holland tractor?

New Holland is among oldest farm equipment manufacturer best known for its durable and versatile tractors. Recently New Holland broke the record of manufacturing the largest combine in the world. In late 2017, the company once again revolutionized the agricultural industry by designing a methane-powered tractor that’s environmentally friendly and saves on fuel by 30 percent.

Why do farmers depend on shipping companies?

For this reason, farmers depend on reputable and dependable shipping and trucking companies to transport their farm equipment from one location to another as the need arises.

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Farm Machinery

Agricultural machinery devices are used to cultivate and harvest crops. since ancient times, people used the tools to help them to grow and harvest crops. They used Agricultural tools to keep soil loosened and sharp to harvest the ripened crops. This Modification of early implements led to the development of small hand tools that are used in

small-scale gardening like hoe, rake, trowel. And large implements led to the development of large hand tools, such as grass shears,  gardening toolsets, and pruners.

The most important of modern agriculture is the tractor. It provides many other implements and furnishes power for the operation of machines drawn behind the tractor. The tractors can also set up to drive to operate equipment such as feed grinders, pumps, and electric power generators.

Many types of implements have been developed for the activities in growing crops. These include planting, weeding, fertilizing, and combatting pests.

Check here for more on Tractor Equipment and AccessoriesCheck here for more on Tractor Equipment and AccessoriesCheck here for more on Tractor Equipment and AccessoriesCheck here for more on Tractor Equipment and Accessories

What is Agriculture Machinery?

Agricultural machineryAgricultural machineryAgricultural machineryAgricultural machinery is machinery used in farming for agriculture. There are many types of equipment used by farmers they are hand toolshand toolshand toolshand tools, power tools like tractors. This equipment is used in both organic and nonorganic farming. Now let’s get into details of farm machinery types, uses, and their importance.

Farm Machinery Importance, Uses, And Types


The tractor is a farm vehicle. Agriculture implements to be mounted on the tractor and it may also provide a source of power if the implement is mechanized. Farm tractor is used for pulling and pushing agriculture machinery. It is used for plowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, and planting.

There are two types;

  • Two-wheel tractor
  • Tracked tractor or Caterpillar tractor

Soil cultivationSoil cultivationSoil cultivation

A cultivator is a farm implement for stirring and pulverizing the soil before planting. It also removes weeds and to aerate and loosen the soil after the crop has begun to grow.


A Plough is used for the initial cultivation of soil in preparation for sowing seedsowing seedsowing seedsowing seed and planting. The purpose of Ploughing is to turn over the upper layer of the soil. It bringing fresh nutrients to the surface and remains of previous crops, allowing them to break down. In modern use, a Ploughing field is typically left to dry out and then harrowed before planting.


A Harrows is an implement for cultivating the surface of the soil. It is different in its effect on Plough and used for deeper cultivation. It is often used to carry out on fields for Ploughing operations. It provides a finer finish, for a good soil structure that is suitable for seeding and planting operations.

Check Here for Farm Disc HarrowsCheck Here for Farm Disc HarrowsCheck Here for Farm Disc HarrowsCheck Here for Farm Disc Harrows

Importance of Farm Machinery

1. The introduction of equipment with high-end technology has reduced the labor work.

2. It helps them to produce the required kind of goods in the quantity demanded, unlike the traditional days where humans and horses were excessively used.

3. Keep complete records of fieldwork done by various machines and the number of working days available for critical field operations. By knowing the average capacity of machines and the number of workdays available, a more effective job of selecting machinery is possible.

4. It has reduced the farming time with ample work done in the stipulated time.

5. In terms of cost, it helps farmers and corporate companies to economize capital and labor.

6. To expand operations, farmers can invest in machines & its maintenance instead of paying salaries to workers, thus hastening the production.

7. Farm machinery improves the quality of goods and boosts agricultural & food production in the market.

Types of farm machinery

The modern farmers used a vast range of equipment for agriculture purpose. The technical stuff and farm manning are higher in the yield.

  • Land Processing
  • Soil and Plant Fertilizing
  • Harvesting and Transportation

Farm machinery used for soil cultivation

Cultivator: Cultivator equipmentCultivator equipmentCultivator equipmentCultivator equipment is a farm device for stirring and pulverizing the soil before planting or removing weeds and aerating and loosening the soil after growing. It is operated by a tractor and stirs the soil to a higher depth than the harrow (which is not normally powered). Many are fitted with hydraulic wings that fold to make it easier and safer to ride on the road. Different devices are used for gardening, but very small.

Cultipacker: A CultipackerCultipackerCultipackerCultipacker is a piece of farming equipment that crushes dirt clods, eliminates air pockets, and presses down small stones to create a smooth, firm seedbed. The term Cultipacker applies exclusively to ridged rollers, whereas either a smooth or a ridged roller can be referred to in the terms field roller or land roller. Many farmers find the terms to be mutually exclusive, but others regard the ridged as a field roller category.

Plough: In preparation for sowing seed, a plow or plow is used for initial soil cultivation. The key plowing role is to turn over the upper layer of the soil, bringing to the surface fresh nutrients. This aerates the soil and increases the retention of moisture. Usually left to dry out a plowed field in modern use and then harrowed before planting.

Rotary tiller: It is also referred to as a rotavator, revolving hoe, power tiller, or rotary plow. It is a motorized grower that uses spinning blades to work the soil. Rotary tillersRotary tillersRotary tillersRotary tillers are either driven by themselves or pulled behind a tractor as an extension.

Strip-till: Strip-till is a minimal tillage management method. This combines the soil drying and heating advantages of traditional tillage with the no-till soil-protecting advantages by disrupting only the portion of the soil comprising the seed line. This tillage is done with special tools and produces multiple trips, depending on the tillage tool used and the conditions of the field. Each strip-tilled row is typically around 8-10 inches wide.

Harrows: Harrows machineryHarrows machineryHarrows machineryHarrows machinery is used for ground surface cultivation. It is different from the plow that is used for deeper cultivation in its effect. Harrowing is often achieved by plowing operations on fields to meet the rough end. This harrowing’s main purpose is to break up lumps of soil and provide a finer finish, a good soil structure ideal for seeding and planting. Harrowing can be used after sowing to kill weeds and cover crops. There are three main types of harrows: spike harrows, drag harrows, and disc harrows.

Also, See The Best 5 Potting Soil for Herbs

Farm machinery used for planting:

Seed drill: This is a device for placing the seeds at a uniform rate and at a controlled depth with or without the arrangement to cover them with soil in a continuous flow in furrows.

This ensures even distribution of seeds. At the exact seeding rate and depth, the seed drillseed drillseed drillseed drill sows the seeds, ensuring that the seeds are covered by soil. This saves them from being eaten or dried up by animals as a result of sun exposure.

Broadcast seeder: A broadcast seeder or spreader or fertilizer spreader is a commonly used crop, lime, or fertilizer spreading tractor tool.

Seed cum fertilizer drill: Seed drillsSeed drillsSeed drillsSeed drills are equipped with an attachment to drop fertilizer; spread the fertilizer on the field evenly. It’s called a fertilizer drill seed material. Such a drill has a wide seed box that is lengthwise divided into two compartments, one for seed and one for fertilizers. Seed drill may be graded as (i) Drawn Bullock (ii) Drawn Tractor.

Farm Machinery used for fertilizing and pest control

Manure spreader: Manure spreaderManure spreaderManure spreaderManure spreader is also known as a muck spreader or a honey wagon is an agricultural tool used as a fertilizer for the spreading of manure over a field. Manure spreaders began as ground-driven devices that a horse or group of horses would pull out.

Slurry tank: A slurry tank is a vehicle with a tank and pump that can be used to fertilize the fields with slurry (a combination of manure and water). If we fertilize fields, at the end of the season we get more plants.

Sprayer: A sprayer is a device used to apply herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to farm crops. SprayersSprayersSprayersSprayers range in size from man-portable units (typical spray-powered backpacks) to tractor-related self-propelled units.

Farm Machinery types used for irrigation

Irrigation equipment: Varieties of irrigation equipmentirrigation equipmentirrigation equipmentirrigation equipment are used for irrigation, depending on the farm operator’s financing ability and the appropriateness of the method according to water sources.

Fire sprinkler system: A fire sprinkler system is an effective form of fire protection, consisting of water supplying a network, providing adequate pressure and flow rate to a water delivery piping structure connected to by fire sprinklers.

Also, See 10 Best Lawn Sprinkler Heads – 2023 Buying Guide

Centre Irrigation: Irrigation is usually the artificial transfer of water to the soil to help grow crops. It is mostly used for crop production in dry areas and in rainfall shortages, but to protect crops from frost. Irrigation is the opposite drainage procedure, which is the natural or artificial removal from a given area of the surface and sub-surface water.

Also, See The 5 Best Soil pH Tester – 2023 Buying Guide

Farm Machinery for Harvesting and threshing equipment

Equipment for harvesting is a mechanical device used to harvest. There are several harvesting machine types that are typically categorized by the plant. Below are some of the harvesting equipment used;

Combine harvester: A combine harvester is a tool that combines planting, threshing, and cleaning of grain crops. The main goal is plant planting, corn, soybeans, flax (linseed), oats.

Sickle: A sickle tool is a curved shaped, hand-held farming device that is usually used to harvest grain crops or cut grass for hay.

Mower: Mower is a plant or grass cutting tool. The mower can be powered by steam, operated by hand, or drawn by animals.

Reaper: Reaper is a tool used for ground-level cereal harvesting. Such reapers are powered either by the power tiller or by the tractor. The reaper worked on the tractor’s field strength varies from 0.2 to 0.4 ha per hour.

Conveyor belt: A conveyor belt is the carrying medium (often shortened to belt conveyor) of a conveyor belt structure. One of the major types of conveyor systems is a belt conveyor system. This system consists of two or more pulleys (sometimes called drums) with an endless loop of moving media and the conveyor belt revolving around them. One or both of the pulleys are powered, moving forward the belt and the material on the belt. The driven pulley is called the drive pulley, and the weak pulley is called the idler pulley.

Crop harvesting machine: The mechanical tool that is concurrently built to harvest forage crops grown in the upland or field and forms roll bale is called plant harvesting machinery. The system consists of moving, harvesting, and a part of the baler.

Vegetable harvesting machine: Most computers are now available for vegetable harvesting. But, among global vegetable farmers, these are quite popular.

That’s all about the styles of farm machinery, farm tools, farm equipment, and their uses.

See, Also Why is Agriculture Important and its Role in Everyday Life

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Types of Farm Equipment and Their Uses

Quick Navigation:

  • Farming Vehicles
  • 1. Tractors
  • 2. Combine or Harvester
  • 3. ATV or UTV
  • Tractor Attachments
  • 1. Plows
  • 2. Harrows
  • 3. Fertilizer Spreaders
  • 4. Seeders
  • 5. Balers
  • 6. Wagons or Trailers
  • 7. Other Tractor Attachments

Modern farmers have a huge range of equipment options for the various activities they do on an annual basis. From high-tech combine harvesters to simple tractors, the various kinds of farm equipment available can meet the needs of small-scale homesteaders and industrial-size farming operations alike. However, it can be difficult to keep track of all the options. New farmers especially may wonder what the different types of farming machinery are for. For small- and mid-size farms especially, determining the different types of farming machinery you may need to make your operations more efficient can be frustrating.

While all the equipment available may seem confusing, knowing about the basic farm equipment options can be an enormous help. If you’re looking into purchasing new or used farm equipment, take a look at this guide. We’ll go over the different types of agricultural machines and their uses, as well as some of the options for small, mid-size and large-scale farming operations.

Farming Vehicles

Of the different types of farm equipment and their uses, vehicles are the most important and represent the largest investment.

Of the different types of farm equipment and their uses, vehicles are the most important and represent the largest investment. While a truck is often a staple of farming life, there are several other farm-specific vehicles, too.

1. Tractors

To say that «tractor» is a broad category is an understatement. The tractor is ubiquitous in the farming world, and it comes in a range of sizes to fit any farming operation. The primary purpose of a tractor is to pull farm equipment, but modern tractors can be outfitted with a variety of attachments to suit just about any farming need. For this reason, tractors are common-sense purchases for small and large-scale farmers alike.

To say that "tractor" is a broad category is an understatement. The tractor is ubiquitous in the farming world, and it comes in a range of sizes to fit any farming operation.

There are several types of tractors, including the following:

  • Compact tractors: Compact tractors, as their name implies, are small, high-powered tractors that can assist with all the basic functions needed on a farm. Compact tractors are ideal for material handling and working in tight spaces where traditional tractors can’t fit.
  • Wheeled tractors: Wheeled tractors are general-purpose tractors that help you get the most out of your machinery. These utility tractors can meet a variety of demands and can be outfitted for tilling, material handling and equipment pulling. With a range of options in horsepower, lifting capacity, control and cab style, you can choose the wheeled tractor that works best for you and your application.
  • Track tractors: Track tractors are farming vehicles mounted with rubber tracks instead of tires, allowing them to plow fields with more power while providing a smoother ride for the operator.
  • Orchard tractors: Orchard tractors are a special type of tractor adapted with features to work optimally in orchards. These slender tractors can more easily fit between lines of trees while still providing the power needed to do landscaping and maintenance.

The specific attachments that are used with tractors are extremely varied. For more detail on the types of attachments available and what they do, see the section further down covering tractor attachments.

2. Combine or Harvester

Combine or Harvester Grain farmers require combines, also known as harvesters or combine harvesters, that help to harvest their crops efficiently. Even small-scale grain farmers can benefit greatly by using a combine.

Grain farmers require combines, also known as harvesters or combine harvesters, that help to harvest their crops efficiently. Even small-scale grain farmers can benefit greatly by using a combine. These massive pieces of machinery use a complex system of gears, blades, belts and wheels to turn cereal crops into grain. Combines accomplish this through three primary processes:

  1. Reaping: Reaping is the process of cutting the plant, which is accomplished by the header, reel and cutter bar on the combine. The header gathers the crops while the reel pushes them toward the cutter bar, which cuts the crops at their base.
  2. Threshing: Threshing is the process of separating the edible parts of the crop from the non-edible parts. This is accomplished by the threshing drum, which beats the cut crops to separate the grains from their stalks.
  3. Winnowing: Winnowing is the process of separating light chaff from the grain, and it is usually accomplished while the grain is in the threshing drum. Chaff is usually separated from the grain through the use of sieves.

There is a huge array of combines and combine attachments to meet the needs of any farm. Many newer combines are even able to track yield data, showing which areas of the field did well and which areas did poorly so that these issues can be addressed the following year.

3. ATV or UTV

All-terrain vehicles, also known as ATVs or four-wheelers, are becoming increasingly common on farms of all sizes, as are utility vehicles or UTVs.

All-terrain vehicles, also known as ATVs or four-wheelers, are becoming increasingly common on farms of all sizes, as are utility vehicles or UTVs. These smaller vehicles can move across rough terrain more effectively than most road vehicles and more quickly than a typical tractor. Additionally, several types of attachments will work for these vehicles, including small trailers, spreaders and mowers.

Tractor Attachments

Tractor attachments are attached to tractors or pulled behind them to add a new level of functionality. Their uses range widely from soil management to seeding. The different types of farm machinery attachments are detailed below.

Tractor attachments are attached to tractors or pulled behind them to add a new level of functionality. Their uses range widely from soil management to seeding.

1. Plows

A plow is a large tractor attachment that drags behind the tractor, using long blades to cut furrows in the soil. This process not only loosens and turns the soil, but it also helps kill off any surface vegetation that is not intended to be there. While the soil has to go through several subsequent steps to be ready for planting, plowing is an essential first step.

The concept of a plow may seem simple enough, but there are a variety of different plow types. Each plow type is suited to a specific soil type, soil condition and crop type. Here is a look at the three most common types of plows:

  • Moldboard plows: Moldboard plows consist of wing-shaped blades, which are specifically designed to cut into and turn the soil. This is an ideal type of plow for shallow but thorough soil turning, which is often necessary for land that hasn’t been used for crop production for several years.
  • Disc plows: Disc plows consist of rows of discs that work to turn the soil and cut up weeds. These are less common than moldboard plows as they are less effective at turning the soil, but disc plows may be more useful for soil that is particularly sticky or rocky.
  • Chisel plows: Chisel plows consist of exceptionally long shanks. These shanks turn the soil at a depth of a foot or more. This is often necessary for land that has been used for consistent crop production.

Plows can range widely in price from a few hundred to several thousand dollars depending on the type, size, brand and condition of the plow.

2. Harrows

Where plowing primes the soil, harrowing further agitates it in preparation for agricultural work. These attachments break down clumps of soil, make the soil surface level and redistribute crop and weed residue to make it easier for new plants to take root and grow. Harrows can also be used after distributing manure and fertilizer, as they can help break up clumps and distribute the fertilizer more evenly.

Common types of harrows: spring, roller, chain, and disc

Some common types of harrows include:

  • Spring harrows: Spring harrows are an older style that isn’t commonly found today. These attachments use flexible iron teeth mounted in rows to loosen and agitate the soil.
  • Roller harrows: Roller harrows look like large spiked tubes and, as the name suggests, are rolled across the soil to help crush the soil and prepare it for seed planting.
  • Chain harrows: Chain harrows look like chain nets with spiked attachments. These are run over the surface of the ground to help aerate and spread soil and fertilizer.
  • Disc harrows: Disc harrows are the more modern version of spring harrows, and consist of rows of large discs that break up soil and weeds more thoroughly after plowing.

Often, multiple types of harrows are used for different purposes and may be used multiple times during the soil preparation process. Harrows can be pulled behind tractors or ATVs, depending on their size and complexity. More advanced harrows require a tractor, but they often combine the benefits of multiple types of harrows all into one.

3. Fertilizer Spreaders

Fertilizer spreaders function as the name suggests — they spread fertilizer across a field. While there are fertilizer spreaders that can be run separately, most farming operations require a tractor-run fertilizer spreader for quick, evenly distributed fertilization.

There are multiple types of fertilizer spreaders, varying primarily based on the type of fertilizer used. These are some of the more common types of tractor-mounted fertilizer spreaders:

  • Broadcast spreader: Possibly the most common fertilizer spreader is the broadcast spreader, which works by taking fertilizer and dispersing it using gravity.
  • Manure spreader: Manure spreaders take solid manure from livestock and spread it across a field. This is an easy way of utilizing manure effectively, though the solid manure will often need to be run over with a harrow to break it up and mix it in with the soil.
  • Slurry spreader: Liquid manure spreaders are also known as slurry spreaders, which spray a slurry of liquid manure across a field.

Fertilizer spreaders vary widely in size and price, so consider your application closely before making a decision on which type to buy. It’s also worthwhile to note that fertilizer spreader attachments are available for ATVs and UTVs as well as tractors.

4. Seeders

Seeders, as the name would suggest, are designed to spread seeds across large plots of land quickly and efficiently.

Seeders, as the name would suggest, are designed to spread seeds across large plots of land quickly and efficiently. While small farms may use small mechanical seeders or even hand-seeding methods, tractor-pulled seeders are most commonly used in large-scale farms today. There are different machines used in agriculture seeding, however, such as the following:

  • Broadcast seeders: Broadcast seeders are also known as seeders or rotary spreaders, and they come in all sizes. These seeders work by placing seeds inside a hopper. Inside the hopper, a plate turns, taking seeds in for dispersing across the field. While this method is very effective to plant cover crops and grasses, it is not ideal for garden crops that need more organization, such as to be laid out in rows.
  • Air seeders: Air seeders are very large seeders that use compressed air to shoot seeds into the ground. Though highly effective, air seeders can only be used on small, round seeds because of the way they operate, which limits their utility.
  • Box drill seeders: Box drills are the preferred seeder for most farming operations due to the fact that they are easy to use and work with a wide variety of seed types. These attachments drill into the soil and drop seeds at a specific depth.
  • Planters: Planters are the most accurate seeders, though they also tend to be the most expensive. Planters consist of several blades and wheels topped with seedboxes that contain the seeds to be planted. The planter works by cutting into the ground, dropping individual seeds, then closing the ground behind them, all in quick succession.

Like other attachments, seeders vary in price based on the size, type and condition of the seeder.

5. Balers

Balers are essential for hay, straw and corn stalk collection. These tractor attachments collect these materials and wrap them into more easily manageable bales. There are three general kinds of hay balers:

  • Round balers: Round balers work by rolling hay into round shapes and then wrapping it.
  • Square balers: Square balers collect hay, straw or stalks into compactors, which help pack and compress the material into a square shape. Once the baler has enough material, it ties it with two lengths of twine or wire and then deposits it in a particular area. Square balers come in multiple sizes to work for a variety of applications.
  • Large square balers: Large square balers function the same as regular square balers, but they handle significantly larger volumes for industrial-size farms.

Typically, square balers are less expensive than round balers, but the best type of baler for your farm, as well as the wrapping method you use, depends on your application.

6. Wagons or Trailers

Farm wagons and trailers are a necessity for any operation. Wagons and trailers are available in a wide range of sizes and materials, and they may be used for a range of purposes, including the following:

  • Harvesting: Wagons and trailers may be used to move hay bales and other harvested goods from one area of the farm to another.
  • Material handling: Wagons are often used to move large quantities of materials, including fertilizers and feed, across large areas.
  • Human resources: Wagons and trailers with seating may be used to move employees and visitors across large areas of land.
  • Equipment transportation: Trailers are often equipped to move farming equipment, smaller vehicles and attachments.

Tractor wagons and trailers vary widely in size, and many operations may need multiple types to handle all the various duties involved in daily farm operations.

Other Tractor Attachments: Sprayers, Mowers, Transplanters, Cultivators, Plastic Mulch Layers, and Rakes

7. Other Tractor Attachments

While the attachments listed above are the most common tractor attachments purchased, there are a wide variety of other tractor attachments commonly used in farming and related applications. Some of these different types of farming machinery attachments include:

  • Sprayers: Sprayer attachments can be used to spray pesticides, fertilizers and other substances across large areas. These are a must-have for any farming operation that handles large acreages.
  • Mowers: Mowers are a necessity for any large plot of land, but tractor owners can benefit from mower attachments. There are a variety of mower types to meet a range of farm needs from grass management to harvesting. The specific type of mower you require for your application will depend on your land, and you may need multiple attachments to attend to different areas of your property.
  • Transplanters: Tractor-pulled transplanters make transplanting easy by taking large quantities of growing plants, digging holes for them and depositing them, all using machinery.
  • Cultivators: Cultivators are used for soil cultivation, specifically in the area of weed control. These are used for shallow tilling and are often used in smaller farming operations.
  • Plastic mulch layers: For large-scale farms that use methods involving plasticulture, a plastic mulch layer tractor attachment is a necessity. This equipment takes a ream of plastic and lays it flat along the bed using a series of wheels.
  • Rakes: If your farm operation involves making hay, raking attachments are essential for your tractor. Several types of rakes are available as pull-behind attachments, including wheel rakes, parallel-bar rakes, rotary rakes and belt rakes.

You can also find backhoe tractor attachments if your application requires digging holes on a regular basis. These attachments can dig up to 10 feet. For larger-scale applications, however, renting or purchasing a standalone backhoe may be more effective.

Front-end loader attachments can be very versatile as well for small to mid-size farms. While they are not an option for all tractors, these attachments can dig, move and lift heavy or bulky items, and do some land-grading tasks.

There are even more kinds of farm equipment attachments for tractors beyond those listed above, but these summarize the primary ones. It is important to note that not all farms need all of these attachments — small-scale farms will need fewer types of agricultural equipment than large-scale farms, and a farm’s need for specialized equipment will vary based on the local environment and farming methods used.

Choose Holt Ag Solutions

Choose Holt Ag Solutions

There are even more types of agricultural equipment beyond those listed above, but these represent the most significant types. Whether you know what you want or you need some help making a decision, you can trust Holt Ag Solutions to provide the guidance and expertise you require.

Holt Ag Solutions is a top supplier of new and used farming equipment from a variety of manufacturers. Our diverse product line includes CLAAS LEXION Combines as well as AGCO’s full line of Challenger®, Fendt, Massey Ferguson and Ag-Chem™ products. Our Yuba City, Woodland and Willows locations also have Kubota tractors and utility vehicles for sale. No matter what you need, we offer an excellent selection for you to choose from.

On top of our huge range of products, Holt Ag Solutions offers the service you need to select and maintain your farming equipment. We commit to being the one-stop farm machinery shop from Merced County all the way up to the Oregon-Washington border, and we deliver on our commitment. Our farming machinery experts can guide you through the different types of agricultural machines we have and provide some insight into what may work best for your application. Our top-notch service and parts department is also ready to keep your equipment running with proper maintenance and thorough repair services. From sale to salvage, your needs are our top priority.

Because we are based out of California and Oregon, we know and understand the needs of both states’ farmers. Our experts stay on top of the latest emissions requirements and can help you discover how to attain and maintain compliance with state regulations. Holt Ag Solutions is here to help get you up-to-speed and up-to-date in a way that is as cost-effective as possible.

If you’re ready to partner with a farming equipment provider that focuses on your satisfaction, contact Holt Ag Solutions today!

Agricultural machinery is machinery used in the operation of an agricultural area or farm.


  • 1 History
    • 1.1 Hand tools
    • 1.2 The Industrial Revolution
    • 1.3 Steam power
    • 1.4 Internal combustion engines
  • 2 Types
  • 3 New technology and the future
  • 4 See also
  • 5 External links


Hand tools

The first person to turn from the hunting and gathering lifestyle to farming probably did so by using his bare hands, and perhaps some sticks or stones. Tools such as knives, scythes, and wooden plows were eventually developed, and dominated agriculture for thousands of years. During this time, almost everyone worked in agriculture, because each family could barely raise enough food for themselves with the limited technology of the day.

The Industrial Revolution

With the coming of the Industrial Revolution and the development of more complicated machines, farming methods took a great leap forward. Instead of harvesting grain by hand with a sharp blade, wheeled machines cut a continuous swath. Instead of threshing the grain by beating it with sticks, threshing machines separated the seeds from the heads and stalks.

Steam power

Power for agricultural machinery was originally supplied by horses or other domesticated animals. With the invention of steam power came the portable engine, and later the traction engine, a multipurpose, mobile energy source that was the ground-crawling cousin to the steam locomotive. Agricultural steam engines took over the heavy pulling work of horses, and were also equipped with a pulley that could power stationary machines via the use of a long belt. The steam-powered machines were low-powered by today’s standards but, because of their size and their low gear ratios, they could provide a large drawbar pull. Their slow speed led farmers to comment that tractors had two speeds: «slow, and darn slow.»

Internal combustion engines

The internal combustion engine; first the petrol engine, and later diesel engines; became the main source of power for the next generation of tractors. These engines also contributed to the development of the self-propelled, combined harvester and thresher, or combine harvester (also shortened to ‘combine’). Instead of cutting the grain stalks and transporting them to a stationary threshing machine, these combines cut, threshed, and separated the grain while moving continuously through the field.


A 1963 Ford 600 farm truck

Combines might have taken the harvesting job away from tractors, but tractors still do the majority of work on a modern farm. They are used to pull implements—machines that till the ground, plant seed, and perform other tasks.

Tillage implements prepare the soil for planting by loosening the soil and killing weeds or competing plants. The best-known is the plow, the ancient implement that was upgraded in 1838 by John Deere. Plows are now used less frequently in the U.S. than formerly, with offset disks used instead to turn over the soil, and chisels used to gain the depth needed to retain moisture.

The most common type of seeder is called a planter, and spaces seeds out equally in long rows, which are usually two to three feet apart. Some crops are planted by drills, which put out much more seed in rows less than a foot apart, blanketing the field with crops. Transplanters automate the task of transplanting seedlings to the field. With the widespread use of plastic mulch, plastic mulch layers, transplanters, and seeders lay down long rows of plastic, and plant through them automatically.

After planting, other implements can be used to cultivate weeds from between rows, or to spread fertilizer and pesticides. Hay balers can be used to tightly package grass or alfalfa into a storable form for the winter months.

Modern irrigation relies on machinery. Engines, pumps and other specialized gear provide water quickly and in high volumes to large areas of land. Similar types of equipment can be used to deliver fertilizers and pesticides.

Besides the tractor, other vehicles have been adapted for use in farming, including trucks, airplanes, and helicopters, such as for transporting crops and making equipment mobile, to aerial spraying and livestock herd management.

New technology and the future

The basic technology of agricultural machines has changed little in the last century. Though modern harvesters and planters may do a better job or be slightly tweaked from their predecessors, the US$250,000 combine of today still cuts, threshes, and separates grain in essentially the same way it has always been done. However, technology is changing the way that humans operate the machines, as computer monitoring systems, GPS locators, and self-steer programs allow the most advanced tractors and implements to be more precise and less wasteful in the use of fuel, seed, or fertilizer. In the foreseeable future, some agricultural machines will be capable of driving themselves, using GPS maps and electronic sensors. Even more esoteric are the new areas of nanotechnology and genetic engineering, where submicroscopic devices and biological processes, respectively, are being used as machines to perform agricultural tasks in unusual new ways.

Agriculture may be one of the oldest professions, but the development and use of machinery has made the job title of farmer a rarity. Instead of every person having to work to provide food for themselves, less than 2% of the U.S. population today works in agriculture, yet that 2% provides considerably more food than the other 98% can eat. It is estimated that at the turn of the 20th century, one farmer in the U.S. could feed 25 people, where today, that ratio is 1:130 (in a modern grain farm, a single farmer can produce cereal to feed over a thousand people). With continuing advances in agricultural machinery, the role of the farmer will become increasingly specialized and rare.

See also

Farmer plowing.jpg Agriculture and Agronomy portal
  • List of agricultural machinery
  • Mechanised agriculture

External links

Media related to Agricultural machines at Wikimedia Commons

  • Hay Harvesting in the 1940s instructional films, Center for Digital Initiatives, University of Vermont Library
  • Economic Situation of the agricultural machinery sector — VDMA Report[[ro:]]

Agricultural or farm machinery refers to complex machines and implements used to carry out agricultural operations.  Examples include: tractors, bulldozers, shells, dryers and incubators.  The most important tool or machine on the farm, which is used to work with many agricultural implements, is a tractor.

  Devices of farm machinery are used for growing and harvesting.  From time immemorial, people have used these tools to help them grow and harvest.  They used agricultural tools to keep the soil loose and sharp for harvesting mature crops.  This modification of early tools led to the development of small hand tools used in Russia.

  Small gardening, such as hoe, rake, trowel.  And large tools have led to the development of large hand tools, such as grass shears, sets of garden tools and secateurs.  The most important in modern agriculture is the tractor.  It provides many other implements and provides power for the operation of machines pulled by a tractor.  Tractors can also be set up to control equipment such as forage harvesters, pumps and generators.

  What is farm machinery?

 Farm machinery is machinery used in agriculture for agriculture.  There are many types of machinery used by farmers – hand tools, power tools such as tractors.  This equipment is used in both organic and inorganic agriculture.  Now let’s take a closer look at the types, uses and importance of agricultural machinery.

  If you are a new farmer who buys other agricultural equipment, sellers will feel the opportunity to sell as many products as possible.  They will insist that you buy every product.  However, most of these products are insignificant equipment that was important to your work.  But if you are not armed with information, how do you know the difference?  That is why it is important for you to get acquainted with modern agricultural machines and their use.

  • Tractors:  There are different types of tractors on the market that differ in size and capacity.  The required tractor depends on the size of your work.  Tractors are the king of various agricultural machinery.  They are the main horse of any modern farm.  They provide the power and traction needed to mechanize agricultural tasks.  Thanks to the right attachment or agricultural implements, they can be useful in any part of the agricultural process – from field preparation to product distribution.
  • Plow:  Beginning with primitive agricultural practice, the aplow is agricultural equipment used to turn the soil to bring a fresh layer of soil to the surface.  This is a timeless way to prepare the field for the planting process.  There are different types of plows: ridge plows, moldedplows, disc plows and rotary plows.  Disc plows and moldingplows are designed as excellent general purpose equipment, while rotary plows and ridge plows have more specialized functions.
  • Harrows:  After plowing, the soil is still too compacted and saturated with soft and hard debris.  Harrows are the most important agricultural tool used to break up and loosen the soil, making it even and consistent.  This is usually the final part of soil preparation before planting.  There are four types of harrows, but the disc harrow is the best type used in agriculture.  Here is a blog post about the different types of disc harrows on the market.
  • Broadcaster:  If you do not work in a small garden, it is better to buy something that will help in the process of sowing and fertilizing.  There are separate tools for each, but you may prefer something for general use.  Distributing distributors are agricultural implements that can help distribute seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other products in the field.
  • Cultivator: Cultivator equipment is an agricultural device for mixing and grinding the soil before planting or removing weeds, as well as aerating and loosening the soil after growing.  It is operated by a tractor and mixes the soil to a greater depth than the harrow (which is not usually driven).  Many of them are equipped with hydraulic wings that fold to make it easier and safer to drive on the road.  Various devices are used for gardening, but they are very small.
  • Multipacker: A multicooker is a piece of agricultural equipment that crushes lumps of dirt, removes air pockets, and presses small pebbles to create a smooth, hard seed bed.  The term Cultipacker applies only to conical rollers, while either a smooth or ribbed roller can be referred to as a field roller or roller.  Many farmers believe that these conditions are mutually exclusive, but others consider the crest to be a category of field rollers.
  • Rotary cutter: It is also called a rotary motor, rotary hoe, power tiller or rotary plow.  It is a motorized manufacturer that uses spinning blades for tillage.  Rotary cultivators are either self-propelled or follow the tractor as an extension cord.
  • Strip-till: Strip-till is the minimum method of soil management.  This combines the advantages of drying and heating the soil with traditional tillage with the advantages of protecting the soil without tillage, breaking only that part of the soil that contains the seed line.  This tillage is carried out with the help of special tools and gives multiple trips, depending on the tillage tool used and the field conditions.  Each row, trimmed with stripes, is usually about 8-10 inches wide.
  • Harrows: The harrow technique is used to cultivate the soil surface.  In its effect, it differs from the plow, which is used for deeper cultivation.  Harrowing is often achieved by plowing in the fields to meet the rough end.  The main purpose of this harrowing is to break up lumps of soil and provide a finer tillage, good soil structure, ideal for sowing and planting.  Harrowing can be used after sowing to kill weeds and cover crops.  There are three main types of harrows: wheel harrows, tractors and disc harrows.

ALSO CHECK: Steps towards protecting your farm from pests

  The importance of farm machinery

  • The introduction of high-tech equipment has reduced labor activity.
  • It helps them produce the right kind of goods in the right quantities, as opposed to traditional days when people and horses were overused.
  • Keep a complete record of the field work performed by the various machines and the number of working days available for critical field operations.  Knowing the average power of machines and the number of working days, you can do more efficient work on the choice of equipment.
  • This reduced the time of agriculture due to sufficient work done on time.
  • In terms of value, it helps farmers and corporate companies save capital and labor.
  • To expand operations, farmers can invest in machinery and its maintenance instead of paying wages to workers, speeding up production.
  • Agricultural machinery improves the quality of goods and stimulates the production of agricultural and food products on the market.

  Agricultural machinery used for fertilizer application and pest control

  • Manure spreader: A manure spreader also known as a mud spreader or a honey wagon is an agricultural tool used as a fertilizer to spread manure on a field.  Manure spreaders began as ground devices that a horse or group of horses pulled out.
  • Manure tank: this is a vehicle with a tank and a pump that can be used to fertilize fields with a suspension (combination of manure and water).  If we fertilize the fields, at the end of the season we get more plants.
  • Sprayer: A sprayer is a device used to apply herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers to crops.  The size of the sprayers varies from portable units (typical backpacks with a spray) to tractor self-propelled units.

  Types of agricultural machinery used for irrigation

  Irrigation equipment: Varieties of irrigation equipment are used for irrigation, depending on the financial capacity of the farm operator and the suitability of the method according to water sources.

  Fire-spray system: The system of fire-spray machines is an effective form of fire protection, which consists of water supply to the network, ensuring proper pressure and flow rate to the water supply pipeline connected to fire sprays.

  Central watering: Irrigation is usually the artificial transfer of water to the soil to help grow crops.  It is mainly used for growing crops in dry areas and in the absence of precipitation, but to protect crops from frost.  Irrigation is the opposite drainage procedure, which is a natural or artificial removal from a certain area of ​​surface and subsurface water.

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