What the word faces touching

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I saw caressing/face touching with hand holding at crotch level, all while gazing into each other’s eyes.

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Я видела нежные прикосновения к лицу, сплетенные руки на уровне промежности, и все это глядя друг другу в глаза.

Even, you know, if you think He is there, like this(gesture close to her face) touching you….

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Via its juts a dodecahedron was pressed into a clay workpiece until its lower face touched the workpiece surface, thus the dodecahedron was solidly fixed in the workpiece.

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Додекаэдр, своими выступами, вдавливали в глиняную заготовку до соприкосновения нижней грани с ее поверхностью, что прочно фиксировало его на заготовке.

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When you close it, our faces touch. And kiss each other on the cheek.

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Когда его закрываешь- наши лица касаются и целуют друг- друга в щеку.

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Mrs. Shaeffer bent over me, her bust almost touching my face.

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Мадмуазель Шафе склонилась надо мной, ее бюст почти касался моего лица.

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He started touching my face, said how much he liked my eyes.

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Он начал с того, что тронул мое лицо, после он сказал, что ему понравились мои глаза.

I loved the way he smelled, and his little hands touching my face.

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Мне нравилось, как он улыбался, как прикасался своими ручками к моему лицу.

Softly touching your face, pulling you in for a long, slow kiss.

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Нежно касаюсь твоего лица и целую тебя медленным и долгим поцелуем.

How many times do I have to tell you stop touching your face?

In the childhood small Maurice was absolutely normal in appearance and

even received the nickname Angel for the lovely touching face.

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В детстве маленький Морис был совершенно обычным с виду и

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Touching my face, I was relieved to find that the wound had vanished.

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Even if it’s only one minute… with a man talking quiet and his hand touching her face.

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Даже если это лишь одна минута… с человеком, что-то шепчущим ей, касаясь рукой ее лица.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose or face and then


other surfaces.

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I don’t know if I mentioned, but for his nap,

Harrison likes the puppy blanket just touching his face.

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Не знаю, говорил ли я… Гаррисону нравится,

когда во время сна шерстяное одеяльце слегка касается его лица.

When the class president starts touching my face on darkened street corners… and talking about my eyes,

there’s a word for it.

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Когда школьный президент начинает трогать мое лицо в темном углу,… говоря, какие красивые у меня глаза, я могу

это назвать только одним словом.

But I was surprised

when I took the soaked sponge close to my face(without touching eyes) and tears started flow again,

probably because of the strong smell, which wasn’t pleasant to my eyes at all.

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Но не тут то было, только я поднесла спонж со средством к лицу( не затрагивая глаза) началось тоже самое,

потекли слезы видимо из-за резкого запаха, который моим глазам совсем не понравился.

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For each original point P, take the average F of all n(recently created)

face points for faces touching P, and take the average R of all n edge midpoints for(original)



P, where each edge midpoint is the average of its two endpoint vertices not to be confused with new»edge points» above.

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Для каждой исходной точки P берем среднее F для всех n( вновь созданных)

исходных) ребер,


P, где середина каждого ребра является средним двух конечных вершин не путать с новыми« точками ребер», определенными выше.

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Crystal Touch»Face Sanatorium» package €550,- includes.

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Пакет Face Sanatorium клиники Crystal Touch, стоимостью€ 550,-, включает.

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Similar words: face touching

  • are touching — трогательны
  • It keeps the skin from touching — Не дает коже соприкасаться
  • touching a mark — касание знака
  • this is so touching — это так трогательно
  • I said no touching — я сказал не трогать
  • And talk about unwanted touching? — И говорить о нежелательных прикосновениях?
  • in a touching way / manner — трогательно
  • keep touching — Удерживайте
  • how touching — как трогательно
  • before touching — Перед касанием
  • Stop touching me! — Перестань меня трогать!
  • non-touching loop set — совокупность несоприкасающихся контуров
  • adjustable touching contact — регулируемая трогательная контакт
  • in touching — в касании
  • Nobody was touching this train — Никто не трогал этот поезд
  • Synonyms & Antonyms: not found

    Examples: face touching

    Then she felt the soft, groping, helplessly desirous hand touching her body, feeling for her face.

    Затем она почувствовала, как мягкая, ощупывающая, беспомощно жаждущая рука коснулась ее тела, ощупывая лицо.

    Popeye watched him, his forefingers in his vest, the cigarette (he had smoked it down without once touching it with his hand) curling across his face.

    Лупоглазый наблюдал за ним, засунув указательные пальцы в жилет, сигарета (он выкурил ее, ни разу не прикоснувшись к ней рукой) скручивалась на его лице.

    Miss Jones made a face when she heard the news.

    Услышав эту новость, мисс Джонс скривилась.

    He was wearing sunglasses, but his face looks much younger than these men.

    Он был в темных очках, но его лицо выглядело намного моложе, чем у этих людей.

    White cloth covered his face.

    Белая ткань закрывала его лицо.

    Same face, same hair, same eyes.

    То же лицо, те же волосы, те же глаза.

    He covered his face with the handkerchief and cried as well!

    Он закрыл лицо платком и тоже заплакал!

    Would not the same love be prompting them to place certain restrictions on their children, who now face new challenges in life?

    Не будет ли та же самая любовь побуждать их накладывать определенные ограничения на своих детей, которые теперь сталкиваются с новыми проблемами в жизни?

    Although the overall picture is rosy, the report acknowledges that some sectors will face challenges.

    Хотя общая картина представляется радужной, в докладе признается, что некоторые секторы столкнутся с трудностями.

    You and I need to have some serious conversation, doll face.

    Нам с тобой нужно серьезно поговорить, куколка.

    When I see the soundly sleeping face of my daughter, I think, «I will give it my all tomorrow, too.»

    Когда я вижу крепко спящее лицо моей дочери, я думаю: «я тоже отдам ему все свои силы завтра.»

    Chris must come tonight to my place, tell me so to my face.

    Крис должен прийти сегодня вечером ко мне, сказать мне это в лицо.

    When those Dragon boys grow up, they will face much more severe competition in love and job markets.

    Когда эти мальчики-драконы вырастут, они столкнутся с гораздо более жесткой конкуренцией на рынках любви и работы.

    Stop walking around with that face on.

    Перестань ходить с таким лицом.

    Make sure your button camera lands a clean shot of his face.

    Убедитесь, что ваша кнопка камеры приземляется чистый снимок его лица.

    You can tell how a victim died by the expression on their face, whether they knew the killer, were caught off guard, suffered.

    Вы можете сказать, как жертва умерла по выражению их лица, знали ли они убийцу, были застигнуты врасплох, страдали.

    They were a tough lot, and their job was to haul stones from the quarry face to the pyramid itself.

    Они были крепкими парнями, и их работа состояла в том, чтобы таскать камни из каменоломни к самой пирамиде.

    Spain was never going to stand idly by in the face of an alliance between Sweden and France.

    Испания никогда не собиралась бездействовать перед лицом союза между Швецией и Францией.

    They now face the terrible prospect of the charity going bust.

    Теперь они сталкиваются с ужасной перспективой банкротства благотворительной организации.

    Virginia’s eyes grew dim with tears, and she hid her face in her hands.

    Глаза Вирджинии затуманились от слез, и она закрыла лицо руками.

    I advised the President — elect against it, but Donald is the face of education.

    Я советовал избранному президенту не делать этого, но Дональд-лицо образования.

    I don’t remember my grandmother’s face exactly.

    Я не помню точно лицо моей бабушки.

    One glance at his face told me that he was reluctant to work.

    Один взгляд на его лицо сказал мне, что он не хочет работать.

    The look on Tom’s face told me that he was afraid.

    По выражению лица Тома мне стало страшно.

    Fists cover the face!

    Кулаки закрывают лицо!

    Sami wanted to have a face to face conversation with Layla.

    Сами хотел поговорить с Лейлой лицом к лицу.

    For most surely it would raise their spirits even higher to look upon the face of their Commander — in — Chief.

    Ибо, несомненно, их дух поднимется еще выше, если они увидят лицо своего главнокомандующего.

    Your concern for my welfare is touching .

    Ваша забота о моем благополучии трогательна.

    Tom’s face was infested with Demodex mites, causing symptoms of itching, inflammation, and hair loss.

    Лицо Тома было заражено клещами демодекса, вызывающими симптомы зуда, воспаления и выпадения волос.

    You say the lesions on your face were clearly visible.

    Вы говорите, что раны на вашем лице были хорошо видны.

    But what might feel just right for that middle — aged executive can be a problem for an adolescent who needs to develop face — to — face relationships.

    Но то, что может показаться правильным для этого руководителя среднего возраста, может стать проблемой для подростка, которому нужно развивать личные отношения.

    He had a wide, red, curving mouth and his smile spread all over his face.

    У него был широкий, красный, изогнутый рот, и улыбка расползалась по всему его лицу.

    There are many reasons why people touch their faces.  They simply could have an itch that needs or they could be hiding something they don’t want us to see or pick up on. 

    In many cases touching the face when learning body language isn’t a guaranteed absolute or many of anything without the context of the situation.  

    It is common for people to use their hands to touch their faces when they feel insecure. The gesture might be the result of an uncomfortable situation, which could be social or professional.

    Touching your face can also signify a need for reassurance or that the person has something on their mind.

    Touching the nose could mean that they are trying to smell something that is not there or that they are trying to get rid of a bad smell.

    Touching the eyes could mean they are trying to block out an idea or they dislike something they are saying or is being said to them.

    There are many reasons we touch our faces and they can mean many different things in the post we explore many of the meanings and body language cues.

    What Does Touching Your Face Mean In Body Language?

    What Does Touching Your Face Mean In Body Language

    This depends on the context on where you see the person touch their face and in what situation. You need to get a good baseline on the person before you can make any judgments or analyses, and even then you need to look at any shifts in body movement or language to form clusters.

    We also need to consider the fact that there are no absolutes when reading people’s body language.

    Touching the face is usually an adaptor that is something we do to make us feel more comfortable in a situation.

    Sometimes, we may see someone hold their hands over their face.

    This could be to describe something they’re saying or to illustrate something they’re saying. In body language, these are called illustrators or full-face blocking.

    What Does Touching Your Face While Talking Mean?

    Body Language Face Touching

    Touching your face while talking will depend on the conversation you’re having. You need to think about whether this is a heated conversation or not.

    If so, touching the face could be an indication of someone who is trying to cool off an adaptor.

    If you see someone touching their face on a first date, this is a good sign they are into you. Are they self-pruning (making themselves look good)?

    Are they subconsciously sending a signal to look at my eyes? You can’t take this for granted but it is a good sign.

    Another reason they could be touching their face is that they are thinking about something and may need time to think it over. At the end of the day, context is king.

    Touching the face whilst talking could mean many things, but it is certainly one we need to pay attention to if there is a sudden shift in body language.

    What Does It Mean When Someone Keeps Touching Their Face?

    What Does It Mean When Someone Keeps Touching Their Face

    If you start to notice someone touching their face often, this is called a cluster or an adaptor. You need to think about what is going on in the conversation or where they are.

    Are they comfortable or uncomfortable? Is there a baseline shift? This is a strong signal that something is up with them—it’s up to you whether or not you want to find out.

    What DoesTouching Face And Lips Body Language?

    Body Language Touching Face And Lips

    Touching the face and lips is often a sign of different moods. Nodding the head when doing so indicates that one may be self-assured while touching just below the mouth could mean that they are feeling confident.

    To show that someone is feeling confident, they may touch their face and lips. Or it can be a sign a person is thinking or processing some new information.

    This behavior can be seen as a sign of dominance or power in an argument, and can also be coupled with other behaviors such as looking away from the other person or positioning your body in an open or closed way.

    However, lip-touch signals can also indicate fear, uncertainty, boredom, and excitement. This all depends on the context of the situation or conversation.

    There could be many reasons we touch our face and lips at the same time.

    What Does Touching Face And Hair Mean In Body Language?

    Body Language Touching Face And Hair

    Touching the face and hair is known as self-grooming or wanting to look good.

    If you’re on a date and a woman keeps running her fingers through her hair, this is a good sign she’s into you.

    Self-grooming can sometimes mean that a person is getting ready for a special occasion or an important event.

    They might want to look their best in front of the camera or when they’re talking to an audience.

    When you see someone touching their face and hair, it’s usually a positive sign.

    What Does Touching Your Chin Mean In Body Language?

    What Does Touching Your Chin Mean In Body Language

    Touching the mouth with one’s hand often indicates that someone is thinking about something they want to say but are not sure if it is appropriate to say it.

    People may touch their mouth while listening to someone talk because they have just been asked for input on a topic about which they do not know much about yet.

    The main reason for touching the chin is to show they are thinking about something.

    What Does Touching Side Of Face Body Language?

    Body Language Touching Side Of Face

    Touching your face is a gesture that says you are considering what someone has said to you or the feelings they have shown.

    There are various other gestures that may also be associated with this gesture, some people will touch their nose or their chin.

    What Does Rubbing Face Mean In Body Language?

    Rubbing the face could mean they are tired or bored. You should take note of this when having a conversation or observing someone.

    What is their overall body language communicating- are they low energy or high? Are they in a conversation or not?

    Think about the context in which you see someone rubbing their face. Sometimes this can signal they need a wash or want you to have a wash or there is something wrong with their face.

    Pay attention when you see this gesture.

    Body Language: Why Are Pop Stars Obsessed With Touching Their Faces?

    Body Language: Why Are Pop Stars Obsessed With Touching Their Faces?

    One of the reasons is that they want to feel more confident and relaxed in their own skin. This could also be a calming gesture in body language this is called an adaptor.

    Some pop stars use it as a way to be seen as more assertive or domineering, which is seen by some as more attractive or in control.

    The main point made is that this touch can have many different meanings depending on context and who is doing it, but there are no consistent rules for when you should or should not touch your face in public.

    What do you think is going on with them? Given what has been mentioned thus far, it seems possible that they might be touching their face for a few reasons.

    For example, they might feel there’s something in their eye, they may have had an itch that they wanted to scratch, or simply because their hair is in the way.

    What Does It Mean When A Man Touches His Face While Talking To You?

    Touching the face is usually a sign of insecurity and low self-esteem. It is often seen as a way of trying to distract someone from being too direct. This behavior is used by men who are not confident enough to maintain eye contact throughout the conversation.

    Men touching their faces while talking to you might be trying to distract or break eye contact with you, while also showing that they are feeling insecure.

    You should take this as a positive sign, as he might be attracted to you but doesn’t know how to express his feelings. Or on the other hand, it could mean he doesn’t like you.  You need to really think about how the conversation or evening is going. 

    Ask good open-ended questions or if you feel brave as a direct question like “how do you think it’s going”?

    Final Thoughts.

    Face touching is a very powerful thing in body language. It can convey meaning in many different ways and can also be a great way to make yourself more attractive. There are certain body movements that you should avoid doing when speaking to someone because they can have the opposite effect, like touching your face and lips.

    The first thing you should know about body language is that it has the power to convey meaning without words. You don’t always need to speak in order to get your point across, which is why it’s always important to pay attention to your body as well as what you’re saying. We hope you have enjoyed reading this post and learn about what you were searching for until next time, stay safe.

    Talk Nerdy To Me’s @StaffWriter:

    sweat1929292 Talk Nerdy To Me™

    We all know that human body language is a complex and nuanced form of communication, with many different gestures conveying various meanings. But what might be the meaning behind touching your face? This article will explore some of the most common reasons people touch their face, and how these gestures may reflect on them.

    What Does It Mean When Someone Touches Their Face?

    Could Be … Lying

    Touching one’s face can be a sign of lying for a few reasons. First, when people are lying, they may become nervous and start to touch their faces more as a way to try and control their emotions. 

    Second, people may touch their face when they’re trying to remember the details of the lie they’re telling, in order to make sure they don’t give themselves away. 

    Finally, people may touch their face as a way to subconsciously signal to others that they’re lying – it’s a way of trying to make themselves seem more trustworthy and credible.

    Hiding Something

    Touching your face can be a sign of hiding something or having a secret because it’s a way of hiding your emotions. When you’re feeling emotional, you might touch your face to try and control your emotions. For example, if you’re feeling shy or embarrassed, you might touch your face to try and hide your emotions.

    It can also be a way of trying to cover up something you don’t want others to see. For example, if you have a spot on your face, you might touch it to try and cover it up. Or, if you’re feeling sad or angry, you might touch your face to try and hide your emotions.

    Shield Their Face

    When people shield their faces, it can be a sign that they’re feeling uncomfortable or threatened. It can also mean that they don’t want to make eye contact, that they’re feeling self-conscious, or that they’re trying to hide their emotions. Often, when someone is feeling defensive or uncomfortable, they’ll shield their face with their hands or with another object. If you see someone shielding their face, it might be a good idea to back off and give them some space.

    When Talking She Was Touching Her Face Meaning:

    Could Be … Discomfort

    Touching your face can be a sign of discomfort for a few reasons. For one, it can be an attempt to comfort yourself when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. It can also be a way to block out or distract yourself from something that’s making you uncomfortable. In some cases, it may also be a signal that you’re not happy with what’s happening, and you want to end the conversation or interaction.

    The discomfort can come from within the person, from what’s going on around them, or from the conversation itself. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not happy with this and I want it to stop.”

    They Don’t Want to Say Something

    There are a few reasons why touching your face can be a sign that the person doesn’t want to say something. For one, it can be a way to avoid making eye contact. By looking away and touching your face, you’re not giving the other person any indication that you’re ready or willing to have a conversation. It can also be a way to stall for time, so you can come up with an answer or get your thoughts together.

    In some cases, it may also be a sign that someone may not want to agree with the other person or may not know how to respond. Whatever the reason, it’s a way of saying, “I want to be careful with what I say right now.”

    Stressed Out

    Anxiety or stress are common reasons for people to touch their faces. Interestingly, the manner in which someone touches their face can give away a lot of information about what they’re feeling.

    For example, if someone rubs their eyes or temples, it could be a sign that they’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Touching your face is usually an indicator that you’re experiencing some kind of strong emotion.

    Considering an Idea or Choice

    Touching your face can also be a sign that you’re considering something carefully. If you’re thinking about a decision, you might find yourself touching your chin or lips as you contemplate your options.

    This body language gesture is often seen in business settings, as people try to make tough decisions. You might see someone stroking their beard or tapping their fingers on their lips while they think things over.


    When someone is bored, they might start to touch their face out of sheer boredom. This often manifests as people playing with their hair or touching their cheeks. People might also start to fidget with objects around them when they’re bored, and this can include touching their faces.

    If someone is really bored, they might rest their face or chin on one of their hands. This can be a sign that they’re ready to move on to something else and they’ve lost interest in what’s going on around them.

    Interest or Engagement

    On the other hand, people might also touch their faces when they’re interested in or engaged in a conversation. This usually happens when someone is asking a lot of questions or really paying attention to what the other person is saying.

    You might see someone nodding along and touching their chin as they listen. If someone is really interested in something, they might also start to play with their hair or stroke their cheek.

    What Does It Mean If Someone Keeps Touching Their Face:

    Could Be … Attraction

    Touching your face can also be a sign of attraction. This is usually seen in the form of flirting, and it can happen both consciously and subconsciously. For example, someone might start to play with their hair or twirl a strand around their finger when they’re attracted to someone.

    Someone might also start to touch or stroke their cheek as they talk to the person they’re attracted to. This is often done as a way to make eye contact and show interest. In some cases, it might also be done to flirt or tease the other person.


    Finally, touching your face can be a sign of relief. This is often seen in people who are taking off their glasses or rubbing their eyes. When someone is relieved, they might start to breathe a little easier and let out a deep sigh.

    In some cases, people might also start to touch their faces when they’re trying to calm down. If you see someone rubbing their temples or stroking their beard, it could be a sign that they’re trying to relax.

    Final Thoughts

    People touch their faces for many different reasons. They might be dealing with an internal psychological or emotional conflict. They might be tired, nervous, or uncertain. They might also need to scratch an itch. By understanding why someone is touching their face, you can better understand what they’re thinking or feeling.

    NerdsUnite Talk Nerdy To Me™

    Why we touch our faces and why it’s so hard to stop

    Written by:

    Published: 19/03/2020
    | Updated: 27/03/2020

    Edited by: Cameron Gibson-Watt

    At a time when it is more important than ever not to touch your face, unconsciously, you are probably touching your face more than ever. Health experts around the world have offered everyone three pieces of important advice in a bid to reduce the spread of COVID-19 infections: avoid large gatherings, wash your hands frequently and stop touching your face.

    But as anyone who has consciously tried to adhere to the latter knows, it’s quite difficult.

    A 2015 study by the American Journal of Infection Control suggests that we touch our faces an average of 20 times every hour, and 44% of the time this involves direct contact with our eyes, mouth and nose: exactly where viruses enter the body.

    Touching our faces is an act that we do without thinking and is part of our DNA. In other words, it is essentially a habit, but underneath this, there are two main reasons we touch our faces: to express emotion and to respond to a sensation on our faces.

    According to psychologists at the BBC, when we touch certain areas of our face, what we are really doing is calming ourselves. There are certain pressure points on the face that activate the parasympathetic nervous system: the body’s internal coping mechanism.

    This can explain why we touch our faces when we are shocked, surprised, stressed, concentrating, worried or upset. Subconsciously, our body is touching areas of the face — commonly the forehead, chin and mouth — to soothe anxiety and therefore, protect us.

    As a child, we model the same behaviour as our parents. So if our parents, when they are surprised or stressed go to touch their faces, we are very likely to copy them. These actions performed routinely, over our entire lives, simply become a habit. So when we experience a small itch or pain on our faces, the body moves the hand to your face — the same motion is has performed for years — to respond to the sensation. Most of these times, we don’t even realise our bodies are doing it.

    Then, how do we stop touching our faces?

    Although it is hard, and almost impossible to completely stop, there are certain ways to break this cycle in order to reduce the number of times we touch our eyes, mouth, and nose.

    Health experts argue that one of the most effective ways to accomplish this is by making your face more difficult to touch. That could be by wearing gloves more often, using glasses instead of contact lenses, wearing less make-up to not need to top it up throughout the day or, if you have allergies that cause your eyes and nose to itch, ensure you are controlling them properly by using anti-histamines and staying away from anything that provokes an itchy reaction.

    Some people are even trying to learn a new way to respond to an itch or pain on the face, by developing a new routine. This can be done by setting rules, like only using a new tissue when you need to touch your face or carrying objects, such as a pen in their pockets to scratch their face with.

    To begin breaking a habit though, we need to be very conscious of how we are using our hands, especially when talking or working at a computer. When we talk to someone, we use our hands to express ourselves and help us explain concepts. Picking up our hands makes it easy for them to fall on our faces if you are moving them around in front of you — which is much more likely if you are sat down with your elbows on the table. Similarly, when we are reading at a computer, the level of focus and concentration needed usually provoke us to touch our faces. So instead, make an effort to cross your hands and keep them on your lap when carrying out these activities. That way, when you suddenly get the urge to pick your hands up and touch your face, you will be much more aware of it and able to stop yourself.

    Reducing anxiety and stress

    As mentioned, we touch our faces to soothe emotions and feelings such as stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, many people will probably be feeling more anxious at the moment with the uncertainty and changes around us due to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, that being said, this is a good time to practice ways to help you stay calm which will ultimately reduce the number of times you touch your face and help you mentally cope better with this coronavirus outbreak. You can find some really good advice on how to reduce your anxiety and stress in our article: How to avoid succumbing to coronavirus (Covid-19) related anxiety.

    Similarly, if you do need to venture outside or you still need to go to work, and you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have access to soapy water or hand gel, try to remain calm until you do. The calmer you are, the less likely it is you will touch your face without realising.

    The bottom line

    By telling yourself to not touch your face, you are essentially asking yourself to do something very unnatural. The point is that if you focus on stopping yourself, you may be increasing stress and your chances of touching your face and eventually you will do it anyway when you stop trying not to.

    But by combining all these tips — such as making it hard to touch your face, positioning your hands differently when you talk and reducing your overall anxiety and stress — you can reduce the number of times you touch your face. This will ultimately reduce your chance of infecting yourself the next time you need to pop to the supermarket, or make a brief escape from isolation!

    If you are currently in self-isolation or practising social distancing and need to speak to a medical specialist, you can speak to a doctor using our remote e-Consultation service. Find out more here.

    If a guy recently touched his face while talking to you and you are wondering why he did it then this post will help you figure that out.

    So, what does it mean if a guy touches his face while talking to you? A guy touching his face while talking to you might mean that he is attracted to you but anxious especially if he only does it around you and he shows other signs of attraction with you. It might also mean he is feeling nervous or submissive, that he is lying about something or that he has an itch.

    Since there are a number of very different reasons why a guy might touch his face while talking to you it is important to consider the body language signals that he showed and the context of how he did it.

    Reasons why a guy will touch his face while talking to you

    Each of the different reasons why a guy will touch his face while talking to you will likely come with a number of different clues in his body language.

    Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy will touch his face while talking to you and the body language signs to expect to see with them.

    He’s attracted to you

    The reason that he touched his face could be that he is attracted to you.

    The reason that touching his face could be a sign of attraction is that it would signal that he might be nervous due to being attracted to you and people will often touch their face when nervous.

    If he is attracted to you then it would be likely that he would show other signs of attraction in his body language when he is around you which can include:

    • Holding prolonged eye contact with you
    • Adjusting his hair or clothing when he sees you
    • Sitting or standing more upright when he sees you
    • Standing close to you when talking to you
    • Mirroring your body language
    • Finding excuses to touch you
    • Always aiming his feet at you when you’re around
    • Asking you more questions than he does to other people in the group
    • Looking to see if you’re also laughing when he is
    • Getting anxious when you’re with other men
    • Positioning himself to be near you

    He’s being submissive

    The reason that he touched his face could be that he felt threatened in some way and he was being submissive.

    It could have been that you came across as being threatening, you are in a higher position than him in his eyes or that there were other people in the area that he felt threatened by.

    If he was being submissive then it would be likely that he would show other submissive behaviors such as:

    • Speaking at a higher pitch
    • Speaking with an upwards inflection at the ends of sentences
    • Avoiding large movements
    • Making the body appear small
    • Distancing himself from you or the people he felt threatened by
    • Self-hugging
    • Avoiding touching you

    He’s nervous

    The reason that a guy might touch his face is that he is nervous about something.

    The reason that he was nervous could be that he is attracted to you in which case he would likely show other signs of attraction in his behavior and body language.

    Alternatively, it could be the case that he has some social anxiety that causes him to get nervous around certain people. If that is the case then it would be likely that it’s not just you that he would touch his face around.

    If he was nervous then it would be likely that he would show other signs of being nervous which can include:

    • Speaking at a higher pitch
    • Self-hugging
    • Fidgeting
    • Tapping the fingers and feet
    • Laughing a lot
    • Making less eye contact
    • Coughing
    • Having a dry throat

    He had an itch

    The reason that he touched his face might simply be that he has an itch of some kind.

    If that was the case then it would be likely that he would have been showing otherwise normal looking body language.

    He might also have touched the same area repeatedly and more vigorously.

    He was lying about something

    The reason that he might have touched his face was that he was pacifying nerves since he was lying about something or there was some additional information that he wasn’t mentioning.

    If that was the case then it would be likely that he would have done it shortly after being asked a certain question.

    It would also be likely that he would do it again when being asked a question that was similar to the one that he was asked about the first time that he did it.

    He was mirroring you

    When a guy is trying to fit in with certain people he will often mirror their body language and behaviors subconsciously.

    If you were touching your face when you were with him and you hang out with the same people then it could be the case that he was actually mirroring you.

    If he touched his face because he was mirroring you then it could also be a sign that he is attracted to you. If that is why he did it then it would be likely that he would show other signs of attraction in his body language.

    If he was mirroring you then it would be likely that he would mirror you in other ways as well which can include:

    • Smiling like you do
    • Making similar facial gestures as you
    • Speaking at a similar pitch and noise level as you
    • Standing or sitting in the same way that you do
    • Making similar gestures with the hands as you

    Consider how many times he did it

    When trying to figure out why he touched his face it would be helpful to consider how much he was doing it and the way that he did it.

    If he did it over a short time period and he did it more vigorously or he just did it once then it would make it more likely that he had an itch.

    Whereas, if he did it repeatedly over the course of the whole interaction it would be more likely that he was nervous, attracted to you, being submitting or possibly that he was mirroring you. It would be likely that the other body language signals that he was showing would have given more clues as to the exact reason that he was doing it.

    Consider when he did it

    The timing of when he touched his face would also likely give you some clues as to why he did it.

    If he did it right after being asked a question or making a statement then it could be that he wasn’t being entirely truthful about it. To figure out if he wasn’t being truthful it would be necessary for you to consider if his body language changes whenever that particular topic comes up. If he just did it once then it could have been random chance. He might also do it because he feels bad about that particular topic but not due to lying.

    If he did it when he first saw you then it would be more likely that he did it due to being attracted to you. If that was the case then it would also be likely that he would have sat or stood more upright, that he would have adjusted his hair or clothing and that he would have pointed his feet in your direction.

    Consider how he interacts with others

    When trying to figure out why he touched his face when talking to you it would be helpful to consider the way that he interacts with other people.

    If you notice that he tends to touch his face a lot when talking to other people and his body language and behavior isn’t different around you then it would be more likely that it’s either a habit that he has or he has some social anxiety.

    Whereas, if he only seems to do it when talking to you then it would be more likely that he does it due to being attracted to you, being nervous around you or feeling threatened by you. It would be necessary to consider how his body language and behavior is different around you to figure out the exact reason.

    Think about your relationship with him

    It would also be helpful to consider the type of relationship that you have with him.

    If he has been your friend for a while and he hasn’t been touching his face when talking to you before then it could be that he was feeling stressed about something when talking to you in which case he would likely have shown other pacifying type behaviors like rubbing the arms or legs.

    If it was a guy that you were talking to for the first time then it would be more likely that he either had some social anxiety or that he was attracted to you. It would be necessary to consider what his body language looked like when talking to you to figure out the exact reason.


    What does it mean if a guy touches his face while looking at you?

    It could be that he is attracted to you. If he did it due to being attracted to you then it would be likely that he would show signs of attraction around you and especially that he would sit or stand upright, adjust his hair or clothing and that he would point his feet at you when he first notices you.

    It could also have been that he feels threatened by you, he might not have wanted to see you for some reason or he might have randomly touched his face when he saw you due to an itch.

    If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). It shows you how to interpret body language and understand people’s true intentions.



    Why do our hands wander toward our faces: stroking chins, scratching eyebrows, rubbing noses? German researchers have discovered the neurology and psychology at play.


    BERLIN — People constantly touch their faces. They stroke their chins or eyebrows, rub their noses or ears, cover their mouths or throats. We find it normal because everybody does it, but what does it mean?

    Animals only touch themselves if there is an apparent reason to do so — for example, if a pesky insect is bothering them. Apes are the only exception. They too touch their faces, and anybody watching them would be unable to discern why.

    This fact has puzzled scientists for over 200 years, mainly because the amount of touching increases when people or apes appear to be under stress.

    Brain researchers working with Martin Grunwald at the University of Leipzig have succeeded in solving the puzzle. In the journal Brain Research, they report on many years of experimentation during which they analyzed the brain’s electrical activity shortly before and after spontaneous face touching.

    They discovered that touching changed electrical potentials in the brain, namely those having to do with storing information in working memory and emotional condition.

    Shortly before touching the face, these parameters decreased. That means that working memory was overloaded, which is paired with a feeling of emotional overload. But after research subjects touched their faces, the parameters increased again.

    Their conclusion is that spontaneous face-touching helps to regulate cognitive overload and stress. This «self-stimulation,» as the Leipzig researchers call it, balances out disturbances in processing information and emotional swings.

    What is still unclear is just why touching our faces has these particular effects.


    Why do our hands wander toward our faces: stroking chins, scratching eyebrows, rubbing noses? German researchers have discovered the neurology and psychology at play.


    Fanny Jimenez

    BERLIN — People constantly touch their faces. They stroke their chins or eyebrows, rub their noses or ears, cover their mouths or throats. We find it normal because everybody does it, but what does it mean?

    Animals only touch themselves if there is an apparent reason to do so — for example, if a pesky insect is bothering them. Apes are the only exception. They too touch their faces, and anybody watching them would be unable to discern why.

    This fact has puzzled scientists for over 200 years, mainly because the amount of touching increases when people or apes appear to be under stress.

    Brain researchers working with Martin Grunwald at the University of Leipzig have succeeded in solving the puzzle. In the journal Brain Research, they report on many years of experimentation during which they analyzed the brain’s electrical activity shortly before and after spontaneous face touching.

    They discovered that touching changed electrical potentials in the brain, namely those having to do with storing information in working memory and emotional condition.

    Shortly before touching the face, these parameters decreased. That means that working memory was overloaded, which is paired with a feeling of emotional overload. But after research subjects touched their faces, the parameters increased again.

    Their conclusion is that spontaneous face-touching helps to regulate cognitive overload and stress. This «self-stimulation,» as the Leipzig researchers call it, balances out disturbances in processing information and emotional swings.

    What is still unclear is just why touching our faces has these particular effects.

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